Tins r ater : PLEASE KOTICE. We win be glad to recelTa cosimiuiicaUon ercry evening, sunaays ex- K r from our friends oa any and all subjects general Interest but r-Theuameof the writer must always be fa clshed to the Editor. JOSH T. JAMES, ttoB and rBOrWETOB. w-rRirTlONS TOSTAGE PAID: 5 4 00. Six months, $2.00. Three t I1 ?j o. one month, 35 cents. Comxaanlcatlons must ba. written on on) one side of the paper; FeraoaallUea mast be avoided And It Is especially and particularly und en paFr ,t of the cUy. at the above ' -tn- rates low and liberal. idfCSGoi rt our and all fafl- VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1883. NO. 304 stood that tho Editor does not always endoi the views of correspondents unless so state I?"- .,- .cr resrularly. In the editorial columns. - " - , r;ut nmi'cj has the lamest 9 -mhdion. of any newspaper - tFK I.LI ' cryTMortoD, ot Nebraska, wants new party x Q. .I 1 L fc" Oscar Wilde will wear at his wedding lTercoat made Irom a crazy quw. Henry Ward Beccher says four-fifths afthe inhabitants of heaven are women. Gen. Sherman has been made post wlv-onranized ,T)Ujui" rana auuj J .-mV TflKL III kJit . J uto. tf ;q authoritatively reported that w AnW;nn 13 lO ou iuurriuu iu mc uaijf duc of Portland. The prospective bridegroom possesses marvelous wealth 4. i. If Attn rlaniAO if io(l great estates; u""-j The Houston Post, speaking of the "fifteen Mormon missionaries" soon to be sent to lexaa w uja.c wutww, quietly advises to "send no men that rannot be permanently sparea. - John E.Owens. "Solon Shingle" ot other days, Las just finished a disastrous engagement. Reappeared in a new play called "Cooke's Corners," whieh ;a unthnnt merit. lie will close his U IV VMWw ravell'msr. tour temporarily, and he will io to 2sew loric. -- "The ideal drink i$ a light bitter beer containing just enough alcohol to pre serve the liquid." This is all the 'Medi cal Times knows about the subject. But the Savannah. News says The ideal drink in America is double proof alcohol with just enough bitters in it to justify the giving of it a first class high sounding name. The last collective audience of Ameri can bishoos with the Pope was held on Tuesday. The result of the conference will be kept secret until after the archbishops have held a council with their colleagues ot the American epis copate. Two councils are to be. held iu Baltimore. The first will take place early in the coming pear, and the other. which will be a great plenary council, in October or November, when a general episcopal deliverance will be 'asued to American Catholics. Washington Slar: "A prophet is not without honor save in hi3 own coun try," the latest illustration being tho Ilev. John Jasper, whose fame in Europe is said, in a Richmond letter.' to be greater than any Southern man since the war. His memorable sermon was published iu Trench and discussed in the London clubs; and when Mr. Mat thew Arnold was in Richmond he ex pressed his particular desire to hear the celebrated divine. All of which fails to prove, however, that "desundo move." The Bartholdi statue is now entirely fiuished and will soon bo ready for shipment to New York but as long at there is no pedestal upon which to , place it nor money enough in band to pay, for the pedestal, there need bo no hurry about its transmission. Thus far only means enough have been raised to lay the foundation for the pedestal, and the iund is sttll nearly ' $200,000 short. The delay in providing for the reception of BartholdPs noble gift amounts to almost .a personal dis courtesy, but fortunately for the credit of the rich men of Gotham, -the good natured sculptor does not look at it in that light. Let tbesoThinjrs be Considered Thousands of men die every day who could be saved. Prejudice is mainly to blame for this loss of life. If it .were believed that the sum of disease may certainly be reduced by physic, much would be gained. And yet the proposi tion is very simple; it you take out daily more impurities than is daily generated, you will soon be rid of im purities. The effect of this wise prac tice is soon seen in Billious, Liver and Kidney troubles. But it is equally of yjhie in head and brain affections; in lleurisy, Pneumonia, Apoplexy and Paralysis. . In chronic and acute Rheumatism, and in all affections of the bowels," this principle soon relieves and cures, when t he medicine used is Brandretii's Pills. Yes, when all other means and medi cine have failed to relieve from pain. vuicu, oy taking lm purities from the bowej and blood, and nousands of men and women now P ace Bkaxdreto's Pilis anions the blessings of mankind. . d&w c?l0vpleasure is comparable to the truth mS upouthe vantage ground of Colorless and 'cold. A young 2n deeply regretted that she was so co oriessa d coid. Her face was too ft . anr her hands and feet felt as though the blood did not circulate. wr.01?e b0tle of Hop Bitters had httux t ken she was tbe rosiest and teSi 61 in the town, with a vivac t?triSSlQf.'of mind s1 LOCAL NEWS. - i IffDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SU11 on Deck W H Geekx Cigars UriiRA House Alice Gates R M McIntike Dry Goods, Ac . . C W Yates Christmas Novelties Hkinsbbger New Year Presents HU3IPHKEY, Jekkixs & Co Oysters Ckoslt A Morris Fruit at Auction MundsBros. & DeRosset We Offer Taylor's BazaAr A. Sweeping Reduction The storm signal was flying to-day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot. up 292 bales. After the noise, con fasion and -- bustle ot Christmas, the streets were dull and deserted to-day. , V This is horrible weather in which to climb out of ttie tangles of a little "too much Christmas. More money has been spent here f or Hire works this Christmas than has been tho case in many years. Sheriff Manning treated the prison ers in the County jail to a fine Christ mas dinner, which was duly enjoyed. mm i i II .1 . .1, Ml From this until after New Year's is a time when freight handlers on the different railroads have comparatively little to do. Messrs. Cronly & Morris will sell a lot of fine bananas at the Custom House wharf to-morrow morning. Capt. Savage gave the inmates of the County Poor House a good substantial Christmas dinner of poultry, pudding, pies &c which was heartily enjoyed. David Price, colored, was before the Mayor this morning charged with dis orderly conduct, but upon the payment ofafineof $3 he was released from custody. Railroad men report that Christmas was a remarkably quiet day all along their respective routes, and steamboat men make a similar report regarding the Cape Fear section. Christmas passed off with much less disturbance, occasioned by dmnken ness, than usual, although there was much more noise in fireworks than we have ever heard here b afore. Persons whose lands have been sold for taxes and bid off to the State have only four days more in which to redeem the same, as the law authorizing the redemption expires January I, 1884. In the hurry of winding up-work on Christmas Eve some few errors crept into our columns which were mostly unimportant, it is true, but yet unpleas ant to us, and one article was entirely overlooked. A good many of our citizens closed their Christmas pleasures yesterday by going put gunning, and as far as we can learn they all returned in due sea sou, without accident themselves, and with but little damage to the game. Somehow or other, game is always scarce during the holiday season. There was considerable thunder and lightning at an early hour this morning but it was a good distance to the North of us, and there was only a slight sprinkle of rain here, although it be gan to rain quite freely in about two hours afterwards, when wc were visited by more thunder and lightning. . Benevolence. The President of the Ladies' Benevo lent Association takes this method to acknowledge the receipt of the following donations on ChristmasEve : Mr. A. B. L., $32.70; Mr. D. L. G., $2; Mr. E. E. B., $5; Mr. F. W. K., 2 boxes tea; Mr. A. D. W.,'2 baskets of pack ages with groceries lor the use of .the needy. Thanks to them a'.l! I 1 -The components of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup are daily prescribed by the ablest physicians, whose success is due to the specific- influence of these components. Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup, skillfully pre pared for immediate use, is for sale by all druggists. The New Asent, Mr. H. G. Smallbones has been ap pointed Agent at this port for the N.Y. & Wilmington Steamship Line, to .fill tho vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. T. E. Bond. The selection of Mr. Smallbones is . an eminently wis one. He is an excellent business man and possesses, in a high degree, thev es. teem and confidence of the entire com? ni unity, which he has won for himself by his close application to business and the courtesy' and consideration which has been always manifest in his intercourse with others. He has been for thirteen years in the employ of the company., at the office here, and is thoroughly at home in all of the details ot the business, Alice Oates - In speaking of the Alice Oate's Troupe the Harrisburg, Pa., Patriot sayst The opera house was packed last night to see Alice Oates and her corns pany in the historical burlesque. 'The Field of the Cloth of Gold.' To say that the audience was pleased would not do the company just credit; in fact they were delighted. From the rise to the fall of the curtain there was que universal manifestation of approval. As a whole the performance was a de cided success. Played Oat. The appearance of tho "kooncrs" on our streets used to be a noted feature of the Christmas of long ago, and was hailed with delight by young and old. It has now degenerated, however, until on Tuesday it was composed of two colored men dressed in women's cloth ing, followed by a dozen boys and girls as they wandered through the streets. If this last display cannot be improved upon, we think the "kooners" had bet ter be reckoned as things ot the past, and should cease altogether in the fu ture. The German. The german at Germania Hall last Right was pronounced one of the very best ever given in Wilmington. There was a large party of ladies and gentlemen present to enjoy the occa sion, the dancing was elegant and there was nothing to mar the pleasures of the hour. Tho music, four pieces was obtained in Richmond; Va., and was superb. After the dancing had ceased the band serenaded a number of our citizens who willingly deprived them selves of sleep to listen to the delightful strains. For Charitable Purposes. The Sunday School of the Yirst Pres byterian Church will hold a Festival at the City Hall to-morrow night, at which a supper will be given to the children of the school and to their in vited .guests,' Nearly all the pupils will be dressed in the "Kate Green away" style, which will be a unique feature of the occasion . The ladies of the school will have for sale oystersi ice cream and coffee,, the proceeds ot which will be for the benefit of the poor of the Society. v The Last. The funeral of Mrs. Julia, wife of Mr.W.M.Havs.who diedjso suddenly on Monday, took place from his residonce on Seventh, between Mulbury and Walnut streets; at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Hull; of the Fifth Street M. E. Church, assisted by Rev. Dr. Pritchard, of the BTrst Baptist Church, officiated. There was a large assemblage of relatives and friends to pay the last sad tribute to the departed, and tho funeral ceremonies were very pathetic and impressive. The age of tho deceased was 50 years, - 6 months and 1 days. Christmas Christmas was observed this year in about the usual mauncr by our citizens. Business was generally suspended. Appropriate religious services were held in tho Roman Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran churches, all of which were beautifully and profusely decorat ed. The weather was unfavorable for outdoor exercise, yet a good many ventured out to call upon rela tives and friends and pass the compli ments of the season.. The children were all remembered by good old "Santa Claus," and many of the older folk were the recipients of tokens 5f affec tionate remembrance. There was an unusual amount ' of noise from fire works, but aside from that there was very little disturbance to mar the festiyites of the day. Personal. Mr. Jesse Wilder, formerly of this city, but now one of the most prominent cititizens of Brunswick, Ga. is here on a brief Christmas visit. Mr. Theo. G. Eger, of New York, Freight Agent of the New York and Wilmington S. S. Line, is in the city to day on business connected with the change in the Agency of the Company by the resignation of Mr. Bond and the appointment of Mr Smallbones. , Mr. E. A. Keith, of Norfolk. Mr. J no. C. James, of Richmond. Freight Agent of the Ricbjnond & Petersburg R. R Mr. R. II. Cowan, of the Wades-. boroTtms, and also First Assistant Disbursing Clerk of the House of Representatives, Mr. Chas. E. French, formerly of this city but now of Minne apolis, , Mr. i Henry M. Cowan, Teller in the State Treasury at.Raleigh. Mr. A. H. Kelly, of West Point, - and Me. U. C. Cant well, of : Conwayboro. S.-C.. are amonz those who have been I in' the city daring the week. - NE W ADVERTISEMENTS Evening. Dresses of Elain Silk Ottomans, a decided bargain. DRY GOODS & CARPETS. A nice, clean, well selected stock and at Ladies' and Children's Wraps, Almost inythiDg you wishjatjfower prices than ever and all of fresh new goods. . LACE CURTAINS ! Would you like to see something both box to look at. . - " R. PJl. MclIUTIRE. dec 27, 1883 Criminal Carelessness. Atlitte after dark last night, the wife of Col. D. Klein, on Tenth, be tween Mulberry and Walnut streets, came out of the kitchen and started to enter the house, when a pistol was discharged, the ball of which struck her in the throat near the carotid ar tery. She ran into the house screaming that she was shot, when Mr. Hodges, who rents a room in the house, went out to see of he could ascertain who fired the pistol. A colored man Dy the name of Philpot, who lives riext door stated that he came out of his house with a pistol in his hand and acknowl edged that it was his pistol which did the shooting, but that it was discharged accidentally. Medical attendance was summoned to Mrs, Klein's relief, who pronounced the wound not dangerous, it being merely a slight .flesh wound. The ball has not yet been removed, al though it can be felt at any time as it lies just under the skin of her neck. Worthily Bestowed, , Mr. TJ M. Emerson, of this city, General Freight and Passenger Agent ot the Atlantic Coast Line, has also, we are pleased to learn, been appointed to the same position on the Georgetown & Lanes R. R., a new road, about 40 miles in length, which runs from Georgetown to Lanes, where it con nects with the North Eastern R. R. Mr, A. J. Twiggs is the President of the new road. Mr. Emerson will, we understand, accept this position as it will not inter fere with the duties of his present office The compliment is a Every hand, some one and one which is certainly most worthily bestowed. Mr. Emer son will manage the freight and passen ger business on nine roads, located in Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. At the Western Asylum, it is Dr. J. M. Hartsfield of whom we spoke in our last issue, instead of Mr. Hartsfield, which the type made forus by the substitution of. one letter. Dr. Hartsfield is the son of our esteem ed fellow-citizen, Mr. A. A. Hartsfield, and fills the responsible position of Assistant Surgeon at the Western In sane Asylum at Morgantou, " of which" Dr. P. L. Murphy, also formerly of this city, is the Superintendent.' Both of these gentlemen, we are happy to say, are friends and subscribers to the Dailt Review. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M. CRONIiY, Auct'r. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. O N TO-MORROW, (Friday) at 11 o'clock, A. M., we will sell on board Br. 8chr Pioneer, at Custom nouse wharf : 230 Bunches Genuine Jamaica Bananas. dec27-lt Don't Forget rjTHAT HUMPHREY, 'JENKINS A CO., will receive at their Oyster House, No. 112, South Front Street, -to-morrow, (Friday) 50 gallons of those fine GARDEN OYSTERS raised by Mr. W. A. Canady, also Oysters In the shell. Oysters sent C. O. D. dec7 . Still on Deck ! ..... ' . fJIHE "OLD NORTn STATE SALOON," No. 6 South iFront 'St'',' has a little of the same sort left. The best Liquors. Wines, Beer, Clean. Ac, always on hand. MS- The Celebrated Home Garden Oysters served in any style desired. dec 27. J. M. McGOWAN & SON Bankrupt Sale of Boots and Shoes. J have bought the entire Bankrupt Stock ' of Drjfoos A Sternbcrzer and will close it out at less than - lianufactnrer's Prices I This stock Is known far and wide as the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED of any in the city, and as thegopds are roinz to be sold very low for cash only it will pay purchasers to examine same before buying elsewhere, decli ; . A.DAYJD, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. and Brocade fc the closest prices in every department. nice and cheap, will send you a sample OPERA HOUSE, X1 WO OTGHTS I Dec. 31 and January 1. OPERA BOUFFE. The Event of the Season ! ENGAGEMENT OP ALICE OATES ! Supported by " A Strong and Carefully Selected Company, Historical Burlesque, Field of the Cloth of Gold. AND CONRAD THE CORSAIR ! ; -- Box Sheet now open. Reserved Seats SI. Aumission oc; uaiiery aoc. aec i NEW YEAR PRESENTS. A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF NEW YEAR PRESENTS ! IN EVERY VARIETY, At HEINSBERGER'S, dec 27 Live Book and Music Stores weepoinig IN- EVERY DEPARTMENT! BEFORE Stock Taki n g , AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St, Wilmington, N. C. dec 27 300 ALLONS FINE FAT OYSTERS In hand to day for our Christmas trade, and arrange mcnts made for a full supply for the balance of the week. W. E. DAVIS & SON. Proprietors of the only regular estab lisbed fishery in this section. dec 24 - WE OFFER TO CLOSE OUR STOCK ! gISQDE FIGURES, $1 per pair-cost. Leather Perfume Cases, 2 bottles, fUled.il. Ladies Hand Satchels from 5Dc up, at cost. A few Cut Glass Cologne Bitters. Comb and Brush Sets at ridiculous figures. Odor Cases at any reasonable prices. In fact, we will not refuse any lust -figures tor tue rciuzuuuer oi our biock. Ulve us a cau. Munds Bros. &DeRosset. P. 8. Our New Years and Christmas Cards boxed I for mailing. The loveliest .card erer on erea our w limmgton public. dec 24 Must be Sold I 2,000 POUNDS CHOICE VIRGINIA SIDES 1,500 POUNDS DRIED APPLES. Call and examine. A. W. RIVEN BARE. -114 North Water St. A full line of alllrtids of Country Produce ana urocenes always on nana. oec 7 Kedycaooirii Old Newspapers pORXSALE VERY CHEAP. : api .if - thli orric B MISCELLANEOUS Boys' Saddles, T ABIES' AXD GENTS SADDLES. Horse Blankets, Lap Babes, Carriages and all kinds of Vehicles. Saddlery, Trunks and Carriages repaired by skilled workmen. : " . McDOCQALL A BOWDEN, dec 17 No. 114 North lTront St. New Eestaurant. taurant on lYont street, oyer the store of iuumvra vjucs ana iuurcnison: entrance. Banc, of New Hanover Building, has been opened, and wul be kept open daily. Sundays from 8.&0 a. ra unUl 4 p. m. Meals served ia the Wm.mS Y . A. S A - m - . Lnb avjrio ah su iiuura oi me uay ana evening. IiORtnn Brawn TlrAr1 .nd TtaVaA K.o.a - cialty. Oysters served in every style. dec 14-2w V M. BERNARD. John C. Davis, ' ATTORNEY AND . - WiuinraTOH, N, c. Office over the Bank of New llano ver. Practices in all the Courts of the State. " ar Special attention paid to tho collection of ciAtmo. .... nov 24 tf . ' Housekeepers Attention l IF YOU WANT THE BEST LAUNDRY Soap ever sold In Wilmington, go to No. 19 North Second street, and ask for "Klrkman's Borax Soap". It removos aU grease spots anil makes clothes whiter than any other Soap, dec 20 ' E. G. BLAIR, Agt Boarding. FEW MONTHLY BOARDERS CAN BE accommodated at MRS. PICKETT'S, No. 110 Market St., South side, between Front and Second streets. Also board furnished by the day or week. Only $1.25 per day and $5 and upwards per week. Good board and clean, carefully tended rooms. dec 20-lw ' The Very Idea, NICE NEW STOVE, FOR CHRISTMAS, And from -TTT m PARKER & TAYIX)R. -PURE WHITE OIL. . dec 24 Steam Yacht Louise, PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER for Smithvllle dally. Kates low and accom modations fine. The LOUISE is a- new boat and is guaranteed safe. - Will leave Smlthvlllo 8 A. M. Leave Wilmingtsn 2 o'clock P. M. . . WM7 WEEKS, dec 24 ly. Agent and Owner1. Apples, JJECEIVED TO-DAY ANOTHER LOT OF Apples. Also, some Dried Black Berries, Apples, Chestnuts, Chickens, Potatoes and w At R. McDOUGALL, No. 14 Chestnut St, bet. Front and Water . dec 24 Wilmington. N. C. Christmas Goodo. MISS E. KARRER WILL OPEN THIS WEEK A NICE ASSORTMENT OF V Fancy Articles for Ch ristmas Have in a complete Stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, CROCHET. SHAWLS and FASCINATORS. CAPS and 8ACQUES. All sizes, colorsS prices in JERSEYS-" 1 8TAMPLNG and HAIR WORK done at rri . sonablo prices. deo 17 ORAWCEG. - JXJST RECEIVED 109000 Sweet Florida Oranges I JJUST BE SOLD AT ONCE, AND WILL bo sold vory low for cash. 'J . L. (i. CHERRY, N. E. Corner Mkct and Second sts. dec 22 ). - , , v- Look Out for Your Number OUR ANNUAL GIFTS TO OUR CUSTOM era will be presented at our Store on New lears Day. Customers who have not received tickets for each dollar's worth of goods bought of us and paid f or -during the year of 1833, will please can at once and get them. We give one ticket for every dollar spent with us. Tho following comprise the valuable presents that wllibu given to our customers : Ist-One Fine Suit of Clothes made to order la best style. d-Ff?CWaa TeaSett.new design 3rd One Suit of Fancy ImportedUnderwear 4th-rOne Diamond Scarf Pio. Cth One Pair SoUd Gold Initial Sleeve But tons . v (, . Cth One celebrated "Melville' Hat. Tth-nalf Doz. "Crown" Collars, latest de sign. .. ... . . 8th Three Pairs Cuffs, the popular -Crown f'th-One Monarch Yoke Bosom Linen Shift. loth-One Beautiful Plmh 8arf . 11th One Silver Headed Walking Cane. J2thpne Fancy Silk Handkerchief. 13th One Beautiful Satin Necktie. 14th One PIrof Ro tolas" SuFpendera. 15th-One Gokl Collar Button, P5l sfene. setting. .. f . , .... J!'!1 One Pair Famous Boston Garters. 1 4th One Pair Linsey's Patent Sleeve 8up. porters. - - ,r Total Talue of articles given away f203. - . JOILS DYER Jb SON, . ,, Tailors and Haberdashers. decl- . Wilmington. ;N. C. rs I Cigars ! jq-EW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED Stock.- luxury within reach of all. ToUet Soap, a new and elegant fine. -.Tooth Brushes, cheapest and best, at WILLLUI U. GREEN'S, norn milarietfitrtct.