. PUSASK NOTICJR. . We will be glad to receive communlcattoV froa our friends on any and all subjects general interest but : EfTae name of the writer most always te fa idahed to the Editor. Communications must be written oa onl one aide of the paper. Ferson&UHcs must be avoided,: And It la especially . and r particularly and stood that the Editor does not always endot the views of correspondents unless so state in the editorial columns, i F 1 eeyted by JOSH T. JAMES, .1 Jtfl Six xnonina, imjh One month, 85 cents. 11 tn be delivered by carriers free To any Prt of thc cHy; 8t the bOV i THISTATEB 1 I '' ' ....... VOL. VIL W LMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1883. NO. 307 TwHteBUper week. SSu-W rates low and liberal. - iHr naixrr resrularly. Jit ,r a DVERTI8EMENT8. r jjpERA HOUSE, Monday & Tuesday Eve'gs, : Dec. 31st & Jan 1st. t j a Extra Announcement I j Engagement Extraordinary! ALICE DATES! AUCEOATES! ALICE OATH! . AllCE OATES ! ALICE BATES! v ! AUCEOATES! ALICE OATES ! ALICE OATES ! AUCEOATES! TH12 OF OPERA BOUFFE SUPPORTED BX A POWERFUL COMPANY.! Thirty-Five Artists I MONDAY EVE G Dec. 81 v THE HISTORICAL OPERATIC BURLESQUE, Yield of toe Cloth of Gold. Field of the Cloth of Gold. Field of the Cloth of Gold. Field of the Cloth of Gold. Field of the Cloth of Gold. Field of the Cloth of Gold. Tuesday Even's, Jan. 1. firand Holiday Bill ! THE rOKTICAL OPERA BOUFFE CONRAD THE CORSAIR- CONRAD THE CORSAIR. CONRAD TBE CORSAIR, o CONRAD THE CORSAIR. CONRAD THE CORSAIR. Tfas Opera Will be put upoa the st with KBGIS0U9 AND MAGNIFICENT WARD ROBES. Th Properties and bceaery will be COM mTE IS sTYKBY DETAIL. ' Nothiag wm b pre ntcd u&t will offad moat faaudloua. BOX SHHx TOR EACH NIGHT NOW OPEN AT DYER'S. j " IBICES OF ADMISSION ' rredseat...........v.........;...n00 rrtlAdaleeioi.. ....... ......... ...iao,. ; SICTJRE TOCB BEATS AT DYKES wit. J waframa are fllllna- nD raw. Uiy. deamt Air." A ye. tne funny editor of Laramie, has a $20.000 libel suit to joke j about? Sir Frederick GoWsmid, the African explorer, has arrivctl in Lisbon from j- Mra Caroline C. Moore has given as Christmas present to Buffalo charities Siu.ownn money. Henry Wrtrd Beechcr having abol ished hell in theology to his own satis (action, now proposes to abolish pro tection in politics. r Illinois politicians trill gu.for Xogan for President fe order that tbey, may more efHcicutly so for bis seat in the Senate, which will be vacant in 1885. They all want to be Senators. Mr. Longfellow is corrected for say iug "In the world a man must be either auril or hammer" by the Christian' Advocate on the ground that lots of men are nothing but bellows. tt "Mr.-Keene played 'Julius Cajaar" in Macon, Ga . the other night and during the performance the "supea" struck for more pay. Then Cassius, after waiting a good while for the soldiers, went on and killed himself. The Prince of Wales sent his eldest son off to Cambridge because hV fell in love with beautiful Miss Chamberlain. The Prince believes in protection lor home industries, and will not tolerate anything like competition in his field of labor. -3 Dr. Peabody, in his article in the Atlantic Monthly on the ''Study of Greek' gives Charles Francis Adams, Jr., a queer jab in the ribs. Mrv Pea body iiolds that the only "failure" that can bo-cocceived of jn the history of the Adams family "is thk failure to be- Clement A . Evans, one of the most versatile ot . Georgian is to Jjecome President of the new Cotton Compress Company at Augusta. No general ever fought harder than Mr. Evans, and he was a successful clergyman also, but Appomattox ended, his fighting and he has quit the pulpit because of ill health The Philadelphia Record holds that 'ihel)usmess men of the country do not care to rap which party passes laws lor the reduction of taxation. But they want the taxes reduced by snch process as shall afford the greatest relief to .the pockets of the people, and this thing they will take measures to bring about." s, " . " , The claims of some Virginia "loyal ists" for crops and timber destroyed during the war, which were referred to the Attorney General by the . Treasury Department, have been returned to that department with the endorsement that they cannot be paid until certain ques tions have been decided by the Supreme Court. The observatory on the summit ot Ben Nevis is now in lull workiug order, and the manager and his assistants are comfortably housed for the winter The last of the stores were conveyed to the top of the mountain with the utmost difficulty, through snow which in some places was four teen feet deep. The Tope has created Archbishop Gibbons delegate apostolic to preside at the Catholic Council to be held in Balti more in November, 1884. The report that Mgr. Seppiaci is to go out to Amer ica to preside at the National Council is, therefore, incorrect. Archbishop Gibbons will virtually, though not nominally, hold the rank of Papal le gate. . V1- Sevcral hundred gentleraeu attended Mr; Wm. H.Vanderbiit's art reception. Mr. Vanderbilt and Dr. Webb, bis son in-law; received the guests. The more recent additions to the collection of paintings consist of some fifteen oil paintings and five water colors, the former, in the main, works of great importance. i An impression prevail in Catholic circles that Dr. Francis Silas Chatard, bishop of Vincennes, Indiana, wUl be made archbishop of Philadelphia within tbe next six months. He was for many years rector of the American college at Rome and is said to be the most schoK arty clergyman of his church iu the United States. Omanizer of Victory General Burns ; IngaUs, uartsr master General, considers St. Jacobs Oil tbe best pain -cure tor sprains and bruises ever uied. Mr- W. R. Morrison, of Illinois, has Presidential aspirations. His State is sale for irom 10,000 to 50.000 Rcpubli- llll UJitjWllkJ Gen. Loogstrcet has no more success j m wrestling with cotton futures than ! : u t ; - t .. of &4.500 azainst him. in "a fictitious purchase and sale of cotton through W broker" was one of his Christmas gifts. LOCAL NEWS. 1NDEI TO NEW ABYERTlllMlHT. ; Sunday School Supper ' American Xcsloa o( Hcmor Otlka. Horsu AJtco Oates U W,V4jii ChrliiUps Hoveltlc CKoyLv HoaaiJr Txuit stAuttlyu Mc?o5 Bkds. & TfcRotT-We Offer Joax ETcEHE ity Special to tbc Ladles H.Ei8rB0i;B To the Patrons of Use Lire Cook Store ' , Good time now to swear off agaiu. The old year has but three days more of life left. -The pop ot . .the iire-cracker is no longer beard in the land. There was no case before tlje City Court this morning. We hear of several business changes in contemplation for the new year. Clarendon Council, No. 67, A. L.of Honor, will meet to-night, at 7A "o'clock. Bridemaids must now dress all in one color, pale rose being :be favorite hue. Gloves in shades of brown and tan are worn now with all sorts of dresses. The marriage bell is now displaced for the floral umbrella at fashionable marriages. There was quite a gale of wind last night, and the thermometer fell rapidly after nightfall. j. ;.- Christmas Is a good thing in Its way but there are a great many sins com mitted in its name. : The storm signal r was continued up during the night and the way the wind blew was a cantkm to many. Steamboatmen report a rise of about four feet in the Cape Fear when they lett Fayetteviile yesterday morning and the water still slowly on the increase. Under the bracing atmosphere of to day the mud of yesterday, which made the streets almost impassable, has been rapidly dried up and good ' walking is now possible. There are less strange faces to be seen on the streets than there were a lew days- ago,- many who came to passl Christmas with relatives having return ed to their homes. The sale of selected bananas will be contined tomorrow at Mr. John R Turrentine's office. This fruit is beau tiful, fully ripe and sold to day at what we consider low prices. . "As the days begin to lengthen the cold begins to strengthen." It is an old adage, but it has been well verified this year for, although the days are not perceptibly longer, they are perceptibly colder. The Union Meeting .of the Eastern Baptist Association was held at War saw, Duplin county, tosday. Rev. Dr. Pritchard. of the First Baptist Church in this city, left on this morning's train to be in attendance. , Three white and one colored tramps applied at police headquarters last night for lodgings. They were accom modated and sent on their wanderings this morning, with a caution to obtain work or leave the city within hours. Col-T.C. .Tryon, representing tbe Alice Gates Opera Company, paid us a pleasant call this morning. He is a clever gentleman as might be presumed, for. although a native of Mississippi, be is a lineal descendant of the old family of Tryoos, of North Carolina. Every one has a will and a mind to think for himself, vet many will go about hacking and coughing until a friend recommends- pr.-tJnlPs , Cough Syrup for (bat cough. v ,-" A Runaway. - Oa Wednesday morning the horse of Mr. A. C. Weescll. which was attached to a buggy in which was a young girl and a little child, got frightened . at something and started to run. but be fore Wi fairly got under, headway j a colored barber by the name., of Nash jumped from the sidewalk and stopped the animal. It wan fortunate that be was present at the time, as ucdoobiedly his proiapCtciioa trrcd tbs I team and its occupants from a serious accident. A fine assortment of G uns and Pistols at Jacobj! Hardware Depot - j' r There was but little doing anions the j brokers on the wharf to-dav. Who has seen the new comet? havo tried but could'nt come it. Wo The receipts of spirits turpentine have .,v.i...u..b.fcu.iW but resm has armed m good Quantity. I Unn r.ru ,1,..;.,. tU 1 r ice sale of Jamaica biuana?,' by If 1 i o m r I oiessra. lyrouiy oz aiorns, wm oe con tinued to-morrow morning : at 'the Custom 'House Wharf: The red sky in the afternoon ttiil continues as an attractive feature of the I closing xlay. It is peculiarly appropri-j I ate to toe Christmas ttd- Ger briis Hermann iricdrich. Xie- i lahr. cleared to-day lor Amsterdam with 1,125 bales cotton, valued, at 51; 000, shipped by Messrs Alex Sprunt or - Son. The regular Christmas. Free Festival at the St. James Missiou House ia this city takes' place this afternoon and many young hearts will be made happy thereby. - - . - . - Electro. The January number of Elccira, the magazine issued at Iouisville, Ky., and designed especially for young people, is at band. The number opens the new year in excellent style and with. a very attractive table of contents. It is edited by ladies and is one ot tbe best publi cations of the day to be placed before the young of both sexes. Published at Louisville, Ky., at $2 a year. The Wadesboro Times. AIr George N. Harriss. of this city has accepted a position on .the staff of the Wadesboro Times, of which Mr, R. H. Cowan is the editor and . pro- prietor, and will hereafter be knownXas the Associate Editor of the paper. He I will take hold on Tuesday next. Janu ary 1st, and will shortly remove his family to Wadesboro. Some marked improvements are to be made in the Zhncs, which Is already the best news paper published in the Pee Dee section. 1 ' Lake AVaccamaw. Col. H. B. Short, of Lake Wacca- maw (nee Flemington) was in tbe city to-day and gave us the pleasure of a call. He informs us that the name of the town of Flemington ha3 been changed to Lake Waccamaw, and the name of .the postof&ce and : railroad station has also been changed to cor respond to the name of the town. This we think is right and proper, and we have often wondered that a town lying right alongside such a beautiful sheet'of water should not have received the same name. Improyed Order of Red Men. At a regular meeting held by Chero kee Tribe, No. 9, the following chiefs were elected for the ensuing year; V. P.H. H. Woebse. S.George W- Mitchell. S. S. Charles Craig. j. S. O. H. Kennedy, C. of R. George Zeigler. K. of W. J. D. H.klander. The above chiefs, together with the appointed chiefs, will be installed on the Sleep of the Second." Sun, Cold Moon, G. S. D. , 393, by V. G. Incohos nee George Zeigler, with the assistance of P. S. jS.James J. Dray. . Alice Oates Regarding this noted actress and her company; cho are to appear, at the Opera House in this city on Monday and Tuesday nights next in then histori cal burlesque entitled "Tho Field of the Cloth of Gold," and "Conrad, the Cor- aTr," jthc Richmond State, ot a ?cccnt I datei says:A Tbe Alice Oates Opera Bouffe Company filled the Richmond Theatre lastrnigbt to its utmost capacity. Mrs. Oates is supported by a well selected company, all of whom are artists, in their particular-line. The Earl Damly ot Mrs. Oates was rendered with that dash and vivacity which have made her so famous. Miss Adele Leonard, late of the Hiss Opera Company, as Lady Constancy de Grey, was repeatedly en cored, as was also, the dancing of Miss Mabel Mortmer. The Swiss war'o lings. by Madame Alvina Heynold. of the Germania Theatre. New York, was received with great delight. The Kins Htnry'ot Mr., Henry Lindley was a splendid piece of comedy acting, as was also the xVoracis 1st, of Spain, by Mr. Robert Van Osten. The Queen Katha rine, of Mr. Frank Draw, was irresl&t ably iangfaable.rhe -other characters were well represented. Presidios: Elders Appoint . ; . ment. ' Wihiiingtoa , District First Round, in part' ; . . - ' AVUmington, Fifth Street. Dee. 25th and 30th. Wilmington, Front StreeWJaa. 5th and Cth. . - ' - . " '" W. H. Bo?aTrrfF. Rr : Quarterly Meetings, llev. W. II. Bobbitt, D. D Presiding Elder ot the Wilmington District ar rived here to-day and will preach .to " morrow and Sunday at the Quarterly Meeting to ba held iu Fifth Street M. E Church, which is the first ot the new r T ... brother-in-law of Mr. Geo. H. Kelly, of this city, and will, we presume, bo hia guest while In the city. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M. CRONLY, Auct'r. 'BX CKONLY & MORRIS. Q" TO MORBOW, (SatunlaT) at 11 o'clock. A. M., vre will sell on board Br. Sehr Pioneer. at Custoai Uouso whart : T - . I w T1 iuutue ucooinc Jamaica iiaQasas dec 23-lt Suinlay School Supper, rpHE ' CHILDREN OF THE SUNDAY t&HOOL of the TIR3T PRESBYTEBIAN CHURCH will give a SUPPER, for a charita ble object, THIS CFBIDAY) EVENING, at pas City Hall. dec 28 it Special to the Ladies. HAVE SELECTED SOME OF THE beet bunches of BANANAS And hung them up at our office, foot of Dock street, where the sale of them will bo continued to morrow morning; at Id o'clock. Tho Ladica are espe cially inyltod to attend this sale, and wn have reserved a special room for their accommoda tion, with private entrance, and yon can take your choice of bunches. " We shall have sam-. plea within reach, and you can "eat and be merry- wiinouc cost ana witnout price, dec 28 It JOHN R'. TUBEENTINE. To the Patrons of the Live Bookstore. J WOULD RETURN MY SINCERE thanks for their liberal patronage during the HoMays, and I do earnestly hope that their selections have proved satisfactory in every Instance. I would also beg to remind them of the fine and the great variety of Beautiful and Useful S JfiW YKA& PRESENTS SOW on exhibition. can at once and make your selection, at HEINSBERGER'Sj dec 23 Live Book and Muslo Storea Wp.DBug. -IN- PEPARTrJlEWT ! -REFORE- St oc k T a king, AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, H Market St., Wilmington. N. C. dec 27 soo gALLONS FINE FAT OYSTERS In hand to day for our Christmaa trade, and arrange- meats ma4e for a full supply for the balance of the Week. W. E. DAVIS A SON. S3" Proprietors of tbe only regular eatab Babed fishery in this section. deo 24 WE OFFER TO CLOSE OUR STOCK I jglSQUE Z1GURES, SI per paUcosL. Leather Perfume Cases, Z botttes, fUled.tl. Ladlsa' Hand Satccli from 50o up, at cost A few Cat Glass Cologne Bitters. Comb and Brush Seta at ridlculou figures. Odor Cases at any reasonable prieca. Ia fact, wa will sotrefose any Just4f gam for the remainder ot our stock. Gfre u a caiL Munds Bros. & DeRosset, P. 8, Our New Years aad Chriataaa Cards boxM If c mailinxv Tho- loveliest ard ever offsroaoux Witaistoa public, - dee a MISCELLANEOUS Don't Forget rjUI AT HUM PURE V, JENKINS & CO., will receive at thelrOyster Uoue, No. 112. South front btreet, to-morrow, (WIit) Kl calloos Mr. . a. Caua-lf, alto OTstera In the ahelL Oysters sent C. O. D. icc ?7 Still on Deck ! rjUE "OLIJ jXOBTll STATE SALOON," o. ft Soxjth- Front St , has a little of the aanio sort left. Tbe beet Liquor. Wines, Beer. Cljrars. &c, always on hand. S- The Celebrated llorno aricn Oyter served in any Btrl desired. - - - - dec 27. J.-SL McUOWAN & SON Boys' Saddles, TT ADrES AND GENTS' SADDLES. Home Blsnkeu, Lap Robes, Carriages and all kinds of Vehicles. , Saddlery, Trunks and Carriages repaired by skilled workmen. . MCDOUGALL A BOWDEN, dec 17 No. 114 North Front St. John C, Dayis, ATTORNEY AND 4 COUNSELLOR AT LAW. WTuosroToy, N, c. Office oor tho Bank of New Hanover. Practices la all the Courta of tbe State. 49- Special attention te th KAiutiAn of claim A. nn 54 t f Housekeepers Attention IF YOU WANT THE BEST LAUNDRY Soap orwr sold la Wilmington,' go to No. 1 S North second street, and aak for "Klrksuui's Borax Soap" It re mo yob all grease spots and makes clothes whiter than any other Soap, dec 20 E. O. BLAIB, Aft ' The Very Idea, NICE NEW STOVE, And from PARKER A TAYLOR.' PURE WHITE OIL. 7 iA teiu Steam Yacht Louisb, pASSENGER AND' FREIGHT STEAMER for Smithville daily. Rates low and. accom. modatlons fine. TheLoUlSEls a new boat and is guaranteed safe. . Will leave Smlthvlllo 8 A. M, Leave Wilmlngtsn 2 o'clock 1 M. iir w 'rr mm mm w dec 24 ly. Agent and owner; Apples. JECEIVED TO-DAY ANOTHER LOT Or Applea. Also, some Dried1 Black Berries, Apples, Chestnuts, Chickens, Potatoes and Eg82 At R.MCDOUUALL, No. 14 Chestnut St, bet. Front and Water dee Wumlngton. N. C. Christmas Goods. MISS E. KARRER WILL OPEN THIS WEEK A NICE ASSORTMENT OF ' Fancy ArticlesforChristmas - . Have In a complete Stock ot - r- muiiuciy miu ranoy uooas, CROCHET SHAWLS 'and FASCINATORS. CAPS and8ACQUES. All aizes, colors and prices in JERSEYS-" STAMPING and HAIR WORK done at re sonable prices. . deo 17 Bankrupt Sale of Boots and Shoes. j have bought the entire Bankrupt Stock of Dryfoos & Stcrnberger ani will close Itout at lees than Manufacturers Prices ! Tji8tckU known far and trklo as the HANDSOMEST and BEST 8 ELK CTE Oof any la the city, antfas the goods are going to be sola very low for cash only it wlllpay purchasers to examine sanm before tamnsr elsewhere. 1- A.JDAYID. Look Out for Tour Number OUR ANNUAL GIFTS TO OUR CUSTOM crs will be presented at our btore on New Years Oay. Customers who hare aot received tlcketo for each dollar's worth of goods bought of ua and paid for din-in tbe year of 183. will please can at once and get them. We giro one ticket for every dollar spent with us. The followlar comprise the valuable presents that will be given to our customers : a lstr-One Fine Suit of Clothes made to order ts best style. 2ud-One Elegant China Tea Sett,new design I?"0611 of "cylmportedUnderwear 4th One Diamond 8earf Plot 6th One Pair Solid Cold Initial faleeTe But tons . eth One celebrated Melvllle Hat. 7tn-Ualf Doz. "Crownf , Collars, latest do alga. " m- Sth Three Pairs Cud, the popular4 Crown ' tth One Monarch Yoke Bosom Linen Shirt. loth-One Beautlfttl Plush 8earL 11th One bMrer Headed Walklnr Case. l2ta-Oae rancy&uk HaadkerchleL 13th One Beantifal Satin Necktie. lUb-Q&e Plr of "Eotolas- Baspeaders. gJgOne Gold CoUar Button. Pwl etone lSth-Ona Pair Tuanfit Ttnatm. a iTta-ona Pair Lin key's Patent filetve ftriK porters. Total value of artlelos gtveo awayt m . JOHN DYER A SON, . v Tailors and Haberdaahers, . deo 13 , WUmlaitoo, N. C. , Cigars! Cigaro i JEW BRANDS Or UNZZCZLIXD ttoci, A luxury within reach of all. ToUet Soep, a new aad elega?t Uae. Tooth Brnahes, cheapest and best, at ; wilUam il OBrya,