THIS PA PETS pabHshel every evening. Sundays . ex JOSH T. JAMES, j BOITOB A" JTWfJBETOB. j BVroCFJPTIONS POSTAGE ' PAID: j ;flr 4.C0. Blx months, fS.WL Three j Anth. One mdnth, 35 cent.. The vTr 1x5 dcHTCrP1 b carriers free ; charge. In any rt of trie city, at the above ; or V) ccnv it "-f 1 anil mukral .Subscribers will report any an rtM-civc their paper reguiar;y. - Beck declares hts ticket to be j Senator jlcDonaiJ and Slocum Tnc Philadelphia Times says: v arnle is still the reddest pippin : I t? ..,w?Mn trPi. ; m the Republican tree. Richard O'Heart, 70 years old. was j jfozea to death in his house at .Man-j a synopsis of which we published yes fjj, Mass.. on Christmas day. . j terday and possibly, also. Col. Gretm U If Secretary ChaodW would fail off with our navy to stay, the counlry could ,'arton ft uaw one with some courage. Eisho Trii'ff. of Pittaburs. who is at .thpMtoTaTejJi4etcciu Altoana. had another s'-roke of paTaljfis on Toes L- tba Biiton ZfcroWfiods siirqs of tho t.earneia of thc lnilieniam iu the-lact that amoral play has bn successful in Faris. 5lr. Milu, traidiaa and cx-prcacher, i drawing so poorly in the West that his slim boaaw are - a matter for re mark. , la the shell race between Hanlaa and Lee, at Oakland, Cal., Tuesday, the former won easily in J8 minutes 43 seconds The Boston Globe, wicked Democrat authority, thinks General lagan's chances for the Presidency are not so sood as those of Flannigan, oCTexas. The bark Mohawk, bound from New York for Calcatta, anchored oft New Haven, Conn., Tuesday, with all hands ofl board frostbitten and one man dead. Chairman Sabin, of the Republican National Committee, ha one weak ens. It fs boots. lie has twenty :;gbt pairs In his room in Washing ton. . The liabilities of lowborn & Gray, tte bankers of Alliance, Ohio, who recently made an assignment, are variously estimated at from $100,000 to $300,000. The assets are unknown. i . . Wallace Ross, the New Bruns wick oarsman, is anxious to tow in a race with Courtney. Mr. Ros3, now in New fork, is to meet George Bubear, for the championship of Enjrlaadi on March 10. lieu, lioger A. Pryor says it would be unprofessional in a lawyer to divulge what his counsel lees were, but he states that his fees in the CDonnell eases were considerably less than $15, uOii. A dispatch from McKeesport, Pa,., ays it is currently reported that 3,000 employees of the National Tube Works .company will accept the reduction of trom 12 to 25 per cent., announced to take effect January 1st. The deputy for tho Canadian manu facturers association has called the attention of tho Domiuion government t the injuries the manufacturer are offering from tho large importations f rom tho United States of articles which are manufactured by prison labor. ; 1, 1 1 Tho Galveston News isjof opiniorr that Governor Butler may take heart of hope. Every mail reveals further evi- decct that tho cranks are numerous mough to constitute a large third party. Xo man is better fitted than Mr. But W to unite them under his bunting. The sleighing carnival was inaugu rated at New York Sunday, and there h as a mixture of queer equipages with tjlUh turnouts. Tho turnout which axcited most comment during the day was that driven by U. S. Grants Jr. lie drove tb.TO handsome Arabia us. harnessed abreast, and attaohed to a 'eighof Russian pattern- It was a novelty, and every ouc turned to watch the gracefully moving grays as they moved handsomely and swiftly along. '!. ; The astronomer of the Rochester btniocrat and Chronicle has finally made up his mind about tho cause Of Jbe red sunsets, or rather after sunset He abandons the meteoric (cosmio dost"; theory as unsatisfactory, and throws the responsibility for . the curt 0Q3 and beautiful nhenomnnnn I endnrlng tan. The . n remarkable for nn.m i,A i "d lhe86 uvo actually decomposed! I toe VSDOrs in t,a . .. tm : - . I i- t. "ouHperair, u not toe I Mt . lhereby -prodadng n ;Vt T W0,Ca reflccts sunlight to a high degree." "Ijngbeeir troubled with hStaTSfif 1?r about H yeaTs ana to almost every couh mi. bad ConffK tnr tK- J none that h9 ZlJ?r LtJV3 -r'l fcyer mad. I have found t iL " . B?2? wcommend it to ill afflteSd. F , Dcooah, 14 Park P1.7NY. r .... ...hVOI, VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER Id Col Wharton J. Green correctly I , represcniea wijen it is saw lie favors , aboliflhiDthc tax on whiskey and to - "Thelbncco? We do not believe be will TOto . . ... ... - for any such bill as Scaled. We will j sec. Morning Star. . ; Possibly Col. Green will support the admirable bill introduced by Gen. Cox old enough to exercite a little mature judgment fvr himself in this matter. The people of North Carolina want the odious revenue system abridged or abolished" and Col. Green will but do his duty to biaconetituenej if be sup ports Gen. Cox'g bill . LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW aOVIRTISCMENTS. W H Ganw-rClgars Grand JNcw Years Ball Orzxa.' Hocstr-Alice Gates Miss H Kakkeh- Just Becelred Baltimore & Wilmington S 8 Lloc C W Yates Chriatmaa Novelties v Jcucs SansoK Special Bargain i Mcmh Beos. & DKRObfiET We Offer A K Waxkeb, Casb'r Annual Meeting Huiksbekokb To the Patrons of the Utc Book Store . ,, Days length 9 honrs and 44 minutes. , . ,, . New moon this morning at 45 min utes pa3t 7 o'clock . There were no interments inBellevue Cemetery this week. Sunset io -morrow afternoon minutes past 4 o'clock. 55 There were seven interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, all adults. To-day is the anniversary of Mr. Gladstone's birth. He is 74 yeara old to-day. Steamboatmen report a rise of five feet in the Capo Fear river at Fayettevillo. There were three interments in Oak dale Cemetery this week, two adults and one child. This is good solid winter weather, neither too cold for oomfort nor too warm for health. There were no New Riyer oysters in market to-day, anlunusnal occurrence at this time of year. The markets were bountifully sup plied with all kinds of meats of a good quality this morning. We are glad to know that Mr. James E. Willson has so far recovered as to be able to be on the streefe to-day. There was a dearth of news at the City Hall this morning. No Court, no tramps and no confusion of any sort. Tho Register or Deeds issued eight marriage licences this week, three of which were for white and five for col ored couples. The Produce Exchange will be closed for business on Monday aud Tuesday next, the members having so voted at their meeting to-day. Nor. barque Maury, Olsen, cleared to day for Liverpool with 1.887 bales of cotton, valued at $86,203, shipped by Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co. The annual meeting of thc Stock holders of the First National Bank of Wilmington will be held at their bank ing house, in this city, on next Tuesday week, January 8th. It bids fair to be pleasant weather to morrow and there will be no "good exs ensfi for staying away from church. Sickness and laziness will bo. the only reasonable excuse that could bo offered. The Suuday School Supper which was given at the City Hall last night, by tho children of the First Presbyte rian Church was, we are slad to learn, a success in- every particular. There was a large atedanco , and the children enjoyed themselves to their hearts' con. tent- Through the courtesy of Rev. F. W E. Poschau, we have received a copy of a sermon upon The Personal Relations of Life.'l preached by him before the graduating class of 1883 of the Marion (Va.) Female College. It was an ap propriate discourse. for the occasion, replete with good teaching, practical advice and religious sentiment. It is for sale at Heinsberger s. The Alice Gates Comio Opera Com pany will appear in this city on Monday and Tuesday n ights next. The Compa ny is eom posed of a large number of specialty artists of a high order of m sr it. and the performance promise to bo immensibly laughable. Of cours there will be a crowded house ' to see Mrs. Oates. who is no stranger to a Wil mington andtence, . and ; her splendid company. , . - The steam vacfat Louise Iras been mill jupou thc lioe betweou this city and! ic ... ... , . , , , ; jSunthvIllc as a freight and passenger -. . uoai ana wm maKe round tnpa uaiiy, leaving Smithville at 8 a. m. and Wil rniugtou at 2 p.m. There is a foolish rumor current on 1 the streets that Miss E- Karrer has made, or is about to make, an assign- j tnent. This has annoy edlhat lady very j much and she desires us to 6ay here ; that there is not the slightest foundation : for it and that there is mo danger, : whatever, of any saeh thing taking I place. " ! yewTpar Bal) . Germania-Lodge, No- 4. lv. of P.. will giyo a grand New Tear's Ball at Germanfo Hail on next Monday night, and it promises to prove an exception ally pleasant affair. Mcesrs C. Von Kampen, Marcus Bear, Jcbn Gieschen, Jno;Oldenbutteland Jno. W. Gerdts form the committee of arrangements. ouuiuor Dieamer. The steamship Yidettc has been put on tho lino between this city and Balti- j more, in connection with the Raleigh, and the two will alternate so a to have a weekly him between the two cities. It is gratifying to know that this now enterprise has proved so successful as to call lor "additional freighting capac ity, and we have no doubt that, as the advantages of the line become more fully demonstrated, there will be still further additions demanded.? The Wrong Sort. Last night a valuable horle, belong ing to one of the young business men of this city, by some means or other got loose on Front street and went np very quietly to the bulletin board in front of Messrs. Dyers, upon which there was a picture of Alice Oates, and broke down the post upon which it was sus pended. It is presumed that the animal was tempted by the name of Oates as suggestive of a good supper, but be came disgusted with the kind displayed, and showed his resentment by tearing the picture down so that other horses might not be cheated in like manner. Personal. Prof. M. C. S. Nobles has returned to the city, having passed it he holidays with his friends and relatives at Selma. We acknowledge the pleasure of a call this morning from Capt. Guilford L . Dudley. Private Secretary to . Gov. Jaryis, who has been spending the hol idays here. We were glad to see him looking so well. Mr. S. II. Morton, who has been confined to tbe house for a week past with a rheumatice attack, has, we are glad to see, so far recovered as to be able to ride out to day and- attend to some business. Messrs. W. Crawford, of the house of Simpson, Crawford & Simpson, of New York, Alexander Mclsaac and Wm. Lumb. of Boston, are in the city and are the guests of Mr. Wilkin Rod' dick, of the firm of Brown &- Roddick. Literary. The Magazine of American History for January, 1884, is replete with in- struction and is without a rival iu its! special domain. The number opens! with an article from the pen of Mrs. Martha J. Lamb, the editor, entitled "The Van Rensselaer Manor," superbly illustrated with sketches of the manor house in its palmy days, together with portraits of members of the Van Rensv selaer family. Among other cootribu tions aro: ''The Beginnings of tho New England Society of New York with portraits of its first president and first secretary., by Woolsey Rogers Hopkms; "The Poll Tax in Mary land," by L. W. Wilbeim; -History of the Location ot Our National Capi tal." by. Davis Brodhead; The Sourth Chapter of the "Private Intelligence: Papers." which are creating so much intercut throughout the country, under the editorship ot Edward F. DeLancey ; and four letters from the family corresv pondenco ot Washington, showing how carefully our first President looked aftr the wardrobe as well as the matrimo. mal affairs of bis niece. Publication office, 30 Lafayette Place, New York City. I , V i BMW A Laicky Oil Speculation. , Chicago. Iix. 'Mr. Peter Van Schaack, one of the leading citizens of Chicago, and a member ot the famous "Old Salamander" wholesale. Drug House ol Van Schaack. Stevenson & Co.. informed a Tribune reporter that a large number of his personal friends, as well as scores of representative men throughout the Northwest, with whom he had conversed epos the subject, had found St. Jacobs Oil a pain-curing and healing remedy of wonderful eflcagyi He referred the reporter . to prominent members of the City Gorernmcnlr tf ho xrndxsd it nxcrt Wifely. '.;. " A DVEUTISEMEIS'TS 1 n n n r. m n 11 11 II Fl Tl t II II l II II ii - sss la U : V5 ; , . N12W IN THE FOLLOWING GOODS : Ladies fi-1 CJotbs reduced to Si and $ 1. 23 former 'prce 1.75 and $2. Jersey Cloths in best shades reduced to $1 former price SI. 50 per yard. Fine Silk Velvets in all shades at 2 per yard . VENETIAN GRAPES, a new Mourning Goods, In all Wool and Silk and Wool at $1.2.5 and 31.50. Goods well worth $1.75 and $2. - T Some few Holiday Goods left which we are closing out at a Bargain. JULIUS SAMSON. ! dec 29 111 MARKET STREET. St. Jacobs Oil. J Through the courtey of the "Charles A. Vogeler Co.." of Baltimore, Md., we have received the "St. Jacobs Oil Family Calendar" for 1SS4 5. It is mainly devoted to tho merits ot St, Jacobs Oil, although it contains quite a large amount 'of humorous reading matter contributed by such well known writers as Josh Billings. R J. Burdette of the Burlington 'Hawkeya- Sweet and Knox, of the Texas Sif tings ; Bill Nye and others. , A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Annual Meeting QFTHE STOCKIIOUDEES OF THE FIEST NATIONAL BANE OF WILMINGTON, N.C, for the election of Directors, will be held at their Banking House on Tuesday, the eighth of January, 184. A. K. WALKER, -dee 29 td nac Cashier OPERA HOUSE. Dec. 31 and January 1. OPERA EOUFEE. ALICE OATES ! Supported by A. Strong and Carefully Selected Company. Field of the Cloth of Gold. - - AND CONRAD THE CORSAIR ! Reserved Seats $1 at Dyer's. Admission 75c, 50c. Gallery 25c dec 29-1 1 Grand New Year's Ball. AT GERM ANI A HALL. Monday, Dec. 31, 1883. Under the auspices of GEBMANIA LODGE NO, i, K. ol 1. Ss No Gentleman Vdinfttetf without a Lady. C. VonKAMPEN, MARCUS BEAR, JOHN GtESCHEN. JNO. OLDENBUTTEL, JNO. W. GERDTS, Committee. dec 49-lt Just Received. J HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER lot of Velvet Lined CANTON STRAW8 for School Hats, also a large lot of FELT nATS which will be sold at reasonable prices. Have la a complete Stoek of Millinery and Fancy Goods, CROCHET SHAWLS and FASCINATORS. CAPS and 8ACQUE3. All ize, colors and prices In JERSEYS." STAMPING and HAIR WORK done at rea sonable prices,1 dec 29 Star copy f Photographs, g ALL MADE BY "INSTANTANEOUS' process. Hare Just received a fine lot of - Fancy and Plain Frames. whicb are sellln? cheap. CallandletMtt. CRONENBERG make you j a Christmas picture. . t " I" sr Vanorsdeli's old stand. declS-tf HOBTON FREEMAN. Oigars I Cigars ! JEW BRANDS Of UNEXCELLED 6ock, A luxury within reach, at all. Toilet Soap. sew and elegant Una. Tooth Brashes, cheapest and best, at WULIAAM U. GREEN'S. 117 UmrkM AtrwC Furniture. gQQ CHAJTBER ANDJP ARLOR Salts from 25 to $130. New. styles and firrt-clase goods at ; GREAT BARGAINS ! ITKS BOOK CASES, SIDEBOARDS, ' SECRETARIES. WARDROBES. , . .1 LIBRARY TABLES, Ac. Bedsteads, , If atrressea. Chairs Ta . Ac. at bU barjalna. Call t-d caa Cottars 3 tla.e.. cm bcTore jotbnT. - - D. A. r.f.HJ, rw " 29. 1883. NO.. 308 NEW ADVEKTI SEMENT8 Baltimore & Wilmington Steamship Line. STEAMERS Kaleigli and VWette. On and after Saturday, January 5th, a Steam er of this line wlU saH from Every SATURDAY, at 8 P. M. From SATURDAY, unless sooner loaded. Through Bills of Lading and lowest through rates guaranteed to and from pointa n tne Rail Roads and Cape J? ear River. ALSO, To and irom Boston, Providence, Philadel phia and all western cltle?. For Freight Engagements, apply to A, D. CAZAUX, Agt., WUmlnjton, N. V. ANDREWS, & CO., Agrts., , s3. rf. Corner Light and German Sts., dec-29 BalUmore. K(dyc,l3:Doini -IN- DEPARTMEWT ! -BEFORE- Stock Taking, ; AT j TAYLOR'S BAZAAB, 118 Markot bl. tVllmlairton. N. C. dec 27 300 Q.ALLOSS FINE FAT OYSTERS fcf hand to day for our Christmas trade, and arrange menta made for a full supply for the balance oftha week. W. fe. Da Vis A SuN. Proprietors of the only regular estab- Uibed flohery in this section, r , deo 24 : WE OFFER TO CLOSE OUR STOCK I jglJSQUE flGCRXS, $1 per pair-cost. Leather Perfume Cases, 3 bottles, filled,! L. Ladles Hand Satchels from He up, at cost. few Cut Glass Cologne Bitters. Comb and Brush Sets at r'.dlnfous figures. Odor Cases at any reasonable price. In fact, we will not ref cse any Just figures for the remainder of our stocx. Gfre na call. ;Munds Bros. & DeRossety P. Cur New Years and Chriataaa Cards tjarMorrialllajr. The lort&st carderer , o - . ,1 Brerii-S ! ! 4 1 IV -1- I riJEAfiZ sotics. j.-TTe win be glad to : receive cotnaiunJcatio j from oar friends en wy and all subject " ; ?! renrailateTtetbTi ' ' : i 2 ilhe name of tho writer mast always t ru ulshed to the Editor. Communications mast be .written on onl onesided the paper. Personalities must bo avoided.! Anti u Li especially and particularly end stood that the Editor does sot always endoi the views of correspondents-unless so state , la the editorial columns. , t MISCELLANEOUS Oranges! Oranges! O A-D TO AKtttVE. ONE CAK- load Choira Plitriila nnnw. in i. i , ;U to suit psreliasere. dec 11 is 23 21 29. is Market street j Don't Forget rjaT HUMrilBKY. JEKIJCS CO., will receire at their Oyetcr Ilouse. Ko. 112, 8oatb Front Street, to-morrow, (rtldr) 53 gallons of those fine GAEDKV nVsTRuV. -t Z j n5 21: : Fiip-7' Ovstcraln the shelf, j oyeters sent C. O. D. dec 27 Still on Deck ! , rjlITE "OLD yORTH STATE SALOON," ho, 6 South trrcnt fet , . ha little o the same tort lift. The beet Liquors,, Wines, Beer! Clrars. &c , always onjiand. e The Celebrated. Home Garden Oysters served in any style desired. dec 27. J. aL filcGOWAK & SOK Boys" Saddles, TADrXS AND GENTS' S ADDLES. Horse Blankets, Lap Robes, Carrlases and all kinds of Vehicles. Saddlory, Trunks and CarrUf es reralred by sklKed workmen. McDOUGALL A BO WD EN. No. IU Nnrtb Front St. dec 17 John C, Davis, ATTORNEY 'AND ' ' . 'v;. -.V'.: CUUN3ET.LOR AT LAW. WlLMixoros, N.C. Office o-er the Bank of New Hanover. . Practices it n the courts of t e tate.' , .sl,6clAl attention paU to the collection nfflMm. . nof S4tr Housekeepero Attention IF YOU WANT THE BEST LAUNDRY Soap ever sold in WUmlngton, go to No. 1 0 .Norm second street, and ask for aKtrkman'a Borax Soap" Jtremovos all grease spou and makes clothes whiter than any other boao. dec 20 E. Q. BLAIR, Sgt The Vry Idea, NICE NEW STOVE, " FOR CHRISTM AS, ' And from nrTDB PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. deci Steam Yacht Louise, pASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER for 8mithvilie dally, icates low and accom. modaUons line. The LOUISE Is a new boat and la guaranteed safe. Will leave Smith villa 8 vM . -evo vvilmingtsn 2 o'clock P. M. u-aik iuos oi uocaatreec Wlf. WEEKS. dec 24 ly. Agent and Owner. Apples. todAy a;noth T3ECEIVED TO DAY ANOTHER LOT OF Apples. Also, some Dried Black Berries, M. V Apples, Chestnuts, Chickens, Potatoes and .. At K. McDOUGALL, NO.-14 Chestnut St, bet. Front and Water de2 Wilmington, N. C. Bankrupt Sale of Boots and Shoes. J have bought the entire Bankrupt Stock of Dryfoosft Sternbergerand wm close It out at less than Manufacturers Prices I This stock Is known far and wide as the HAN DSOil EST and BEST - SELECTED? any in the city, and as thegooda am rolna to be sold very low for cash only it will pay purchasers to examine same before burini elsewhere, . . dec12 - , A. DAVID. To the Patrons of the Live . Book store. ; J WOULD RETURN MY SINCERE thank 1 for their liberal patronage during the Holidays, and I do earnestly hope that their selections - hare proved satisfactory in every Instance ' I would also beg to remind them of the fine , assortment of Hand-painted New Year Cards, , JJS11 v&riely of Beautiful and Useful NKWySsAU PREaENTSviiowonSblhittOtt. - -Call at once and make your selection, at - HEINSBERGER'S, deo'"2S Live Book and lluslo Store Look Out for YourMmber O1711 A2?FAL GIFTS TO orB crjsxoM. ers will be presented at our Store oa New Y e8 j iTL . Customer, who bare not : received tickets for each doBar worth of goods bought of u aadoaw I for dorlasr the year of 18. wfllJeasVTcall lu ooceaadref them. We give onTtickTt r IJtfJKZ111 Th following lJSbla Prnu that wiab given to our customers : tolJe 8 Clothce xsade to order 3rd One Suit of rajMrlmnortedUaderwear 4th One Diaaond 8arf Ha. tth One Pair Solid Gold Initial Steers But .tons : ' v , t , ......- 6th One rebrated "ilelrUIa' Hat Tth-UalfDos. "Crown" CoUara, latest da jThree Pairs'cufii, the popular Crown vtb-fno Morarch Take Bosom Unea fihtrt. rth-One Beautiful Plu h arfr lltb Oa 6,1 rer HAaded alsiogCaae. ltth one ?ancy8Uk Handkerchief . 13ih one Be-utlful -atio Keektie. Uth Ore Ptir of Rotol M susn- nler. lh One Gold coIUr Button, rerl stone St3ng """ ' " 16. ij On Par Famous Boston Garters. : 17th-one PalrLiay Patent bleerotfo?; portsTs. - Total value of artlclea rfrcn awa? t0. ' -

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