'iV:-- - -. r. - , -P-it -F " A -' :7 . .; ... I I -. .. ft. i i - I ,n8bed evljry eventa. Sunday, ex pica Dy jOSltT. JAMES, jEDITOB rBOPJtirroR. POSTAGE PAID: months, f2J. Three UBSCBIPTIO ear ne month, 35 cents. i jm 4m .ii 1.0 lipnvercu uy iu fi1 St Urtr .9tiS!D?rate9lo ..LorlitCrB Will and liberal. will leport any and all fall- their paW regularly, The Daily 'RMewhasl largest i4? 0c circulaiionW any newspaper shed,inlhe city V Waminyion.JB r mfdZh1 - finished 'writing t. i. nf ver." in ana, re jsoinS u .2C.M ! fotofticc Depart ,f .unkres the twV cent postage "a lb) uv - - : I it success. ctorn ' exDR-ss companies report '. t- r.Xmas business I'rim 25 to 50 per larger than last ) .ftr. Iialtioiore Sun says McDonald, as a sidential possibility.l.as potercd out hot .Tiidee Thurnifti has gone to front. Leading citizens oi rscw ,nehPl a card accnsiU the V ' w " - T tic nominee for Goveiior of rxuis- a of being too fond of benzine, espe- Jlly on Sunday.-- enator Pendleton is sail to be very :i;nant because Mr A 4t, of Missou .as Ukcn i for granteilthat he will hn reflected and has oken for his In the Senate.. . : .. 'he Boston and Cape Bit ton stcani p company, limited, will a capital 250,000, has bebu fonlcd to run amers between Sydney, V- 15.. and ton. throujrh Bras IVOi lake and Peters canal. i -mm- Vnnic Dickey, a mcmbcr.'a the fsal ion army at ritssburg, i t ., . gener- y known as "Hallelujah fanic." has iconic hopelessly, insane froii mental itemeut and physical exnlsuro and 'ed in an insane asvlum V Southern Congres tgressman isreported Enquirer a saying the Cincinnati it "Mr. Pendleton's Snivel Service form bill is a good means It o keep publican wire workers in place to inipulate election districts." Chos. Nast. as the Boston Transcript rns, still "sends his sketch c to the iirpers every week and they aropigeon led by Mr. Curtis, while the Harpers 7 him under contract $10,000 k year life." This is a Nasty trick. ,1 flie Richmond Dispatch reminis the l enue reformers that "a tari that lords tte maximum of protection will iu tne minimum of revenue, and, versely, a tariff that yields the pax am of revenue will afford the inni .im of protection." y bkl ive snouiu nice io see a i&ir oaiot in lit ginia. North and South Cardina. m rr orgia anu xennessee on tne repai oi ernal Revenue laws. . Autcsta 'onicle. i ... i ou would see a large majority for eajj among the Democrats in Torth rolina. V The leading dry goods importr of ticago. Mr. Marshall Field,- dedares at on all ordinary varieties of wcolen ; cotton goods, wnether for mens or men's wear indeed, on all but the y finest goods for fashionable year Vmericais as cheap a market as re is in the world. The glory of Chicago as a bunco . seems to have cone forever lei is the Chicago Times. "Onjy a short years ago that alluring game is as flourishing and prosperous tere any of the industries of the city. . But ies have changed and bunko is .rcely known here at all now. Ntw fork appears to be the 'city to whHi bunco industry has been tras! i-red." i bngressman Thompson, of Ken- .ky, is to meet with vigorous opp6- bnin liscanvass tor a renominatioa. Jis opponents are already in tho field paring for the race. One of theu J udge Durham, who has been . in egress, but is said to have been de. cd for reelection because it was toil lim that ho washed his feet in na hand bowl in a d&ak room of the use of Representative. He wants to "vindicated." i vn effect existing without a i . I Impossibility -tick.ing in the throat 1 -kiness ol the voice, violent couhl t "y.iao effects of a severe cola Bull's Cough Syrup cures the cok mce and removes iu serious effects. .Tesidln- Elders Appoint- ments. .Vilmington, Front Street, Jan. 5tb 1 6th. . , W. H. Bobbitt, P. E .. ' .- , 'iiealth is impossiblewhea the blood U P"Fe thick, nd sluggish, or when i thin and impoverished. TTndiir conditions, boils. DimnVo. h ) Aes. i, neuralgia, rheumatism, and Ann sase after another is developed. tv r's Sarsaparilla. and it will make J blood pure, rich, warm, and Uzing. -" -' r - - " ' 1 i i -i ... 1 ., . ' i ,i .. , ,i i i t VOL. VIII. ! v WILMINGTON ir n msn at taatttaW i LOCAL, NEWS. 1 JUDEX 10 N E W j A n V E RT S E M E H To. iroi't Forget It ' ! W II Gkeex Cigars I ' '! 1 W .T Mott-Sausage Factory '. : C W Y"ATE3 Cliristmaa Novelties j " Xcw Ycrk and Wllmlhgtoa S S Line s j IIeinsbkrgkr A Happy ew Year Ci:onlv& MoaRlsrrait at Auction tr i as B UUGGINS & Coi Copartnership ' T Opeka Hoi'se New Ilumptjr Specialty Co . Dr.TC Aver & Co Anjoitll Sioldlet's Expe rience , j Croxli" A Morrii, A'actfr's Cigars at Auction. Y , ' 1 1 Muxbs Bros, DeRosse't Extract of Witch Hazel v , - , IIOixUfGSWORTii & Walker Livery and Sale Stables f j' Jacksok &.BEtr. A Iiappyf and Prosper ou New Year " j . I i For other loatls see fourth page. . H r"T : - ' We wish everybody a Happy I New Year! . - i : . 1 i We gain this month 39 minutes of daylight. ! . ,H ! " Dr. Chas. Iesesnc, of Onsbw, is in the city to-day. No more holidays now 'until the Fourth, just six months off. This has been too warm a day for health and the, time of j-ear. ' i .. . j .. t The Custom House and some of the other public offices have been closed for j,bo day. ' , ! ! j . ' " ' ! Ash-Wednesday f alii this year on the 2?th of February and Easter Sunday on April 13tb. j Turner's Almanac said Uiat it would be stormy to-day, and, it wasn't so far. out of the way.; j , 1 There is unmailable matter in the Postoffice addressed to Robert Rome, care of S. F.R,R.Co. ,1 p Capt. McGowan has cn hand Ja fine lot of those delicious. Home (harden Oysters stacked on ice. See ad. 1 We wonder what our New England friends w6uld say j) if such weather as this should usher in jtheir! 'Neiv Year's Day."". . M ' - ! . 'there werethe usual number of good resolutions formed this morning, some of which undoubtedly will be kept 24 hours. , ' !- - The condition of . Mr. Luke B. Huggins, this morning, was very low, and there were but slight! hopes of his recovery : ' ' ,. - ;1 ' - . , Eighteen hundred and eighty four has boldly entered time's front door, while eighteen hundred and eighty three drifts sadly off on memory's seaJ We regret to learn tbat Mr. Elkanah Allen, of the police forc. i is qiite sick and confined to the house with a severe attack of typhoid pneumonia. Railroad men ,! printers and loafers were about the only men who could not indulge in a holiday; . to-day. They, ail had the usual amount of hard work to perform- j j mm.-m. ,i ... ' ! ' - ( It is many days since we have; seen the streets cf Wilmington so, deserted as they were at noon to-day. It seemed more like Sunday than it did like the third day of the week. There was) a heavy shower of rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, at about 3 o'clock this morning. The shower did not last long, but the rain fellin torrents while it did last. . Wilmington favbrite, Joe Jefferson, will appear here on Monday, the 14th inst., in a new play, lie was here last in Rip Van Winkle, two years ago After him comes troupe. J I the , Rentz-Santly John Melton and JoscDh Lucas, both colored and both barbers, got into an affray last night, for which j they were hauled up before the Mayor this morn ing who fined thepi $5 each for their barbarous conduct. ! i Water street was dU and dreary to day. All the principai;places of business were closed for the, day and the street had a deserted appearance. Many of the places of business , on other j thor oughfares were also closed. It ' will be on Friday and Saturday nights, with a matinee on Saturday allernoon. that the Miaco H'umpty Dumpty Troiipo will appear here, thus giving three performances, instead of two, as we had it yesterday. The troupe will be accompanied by a band of music, and will make a street parade on both days. - ' ' I - An Ex-Ob vernois lixra. Ex-IJL-Gov.' Norman J. Coleman, of St. Louis, says : i My wife has found fireat benefit in the use oi St, Jacobs Oil as a pain-cure. n The Queen of the Christmas. The beautiful dressed doll which ? has attracted so much attention io Heinsbereier's store window daring the past two weeks was yesterday afternoon awardetHo Mr. Henry , F, Otter, Secretary of the Younaj People's Asso ciation of St. Paul's E. L. church, . that entleman holding the lucky number. lue Uoll, it wiil be remenbered. was competed for by those who held j ticKcts as purchasers of articles at Mr. Heiusberger's during the , Christmas season. Mrs. J.' J. Hedrick, Mrs. N. B. Vincent. Col. J. W. Atkinson and Mr W. C. VonGlahn formed the com mittee . under whose direction the award was made. Mr. Otterv held No. 169. The drawing was made yester day afternoon and was Witnessed j by quite, a crowd of ladies and gentlemen who were afterwards enteri ained with some delightful music in Mr. Heins berger's music room. Watch Nisrht Meetings. The old custom prevalent here and elsewhere of watching the did year out and the new year in jwas observed with suitable religious services at the Front Street Methodist Church, last; evening, it being a union of the Front and Fifth Street charges. -The attendance was good, and, had not the weather been iuclemcntii we doubt not the church Would have been packed.. , The meeting was enjqyed by all who attended and the remarks made by Rev, Doctors Yates- and Bobbitt, Rev. W. I. Hull and MrT. B. Kingsbury were not only very impressive,. but suitable to the oc casion. When the bell struck the hour of 12 the congregation Were engaged in singing "Nearer, My God, to Thee.'' and the services closed a- few minutes after with prayer and the singing of the Long Metre Doxology. Wc learn that several of the colored churches also held I similar meetings. Did You Oet Iielt? Ihere was a large gathering at Messrs. John Dyer & Son's this morn ing to attend the drawing of the prizes to be awarded to the customers of the house in accordance with a . previous announcement in the columns of the Review. There were 17 prizes in all and tho following were the lucky nam oersin tne oraer in wnicn tney were drawn: No. 600, 1st prize, a suit of clothes ; 902, 2nd prize, set of china ; 51.228, 3d prize, suit of underwear ; 20.507, 4th prize, scarf pin ; 20.192, 5th prize , a pair of sleeve buttons ; ,2.838, 6th prize, Melville hat; 2.818,7th prize, half dozen collars ; 20.063 , 8th prize, 13 pairs cuffs ." 780, 9th prize, linen shirt ; 20.672, 10th prize, plush scarf; 385, 11th prize, walking cane; 10 097, 12th prize, silk handkerchief ; 20 160, 13th prize, satin necktie; 10.113, 14th prize, pair of suspenders; 1.154, 15th prize, collar button; 40. 012, 16th prize,! pair of Boston garters; 20 457, 17th prize, pair s?eeve supporters. The Alice Oates Company in Opera Bouffe. -There was a good attendance at the Opera House last night to seel the per formance of the " Field of the Cloth of Gold," by the Alice Oates Comic Opera Company, although many were un doubtedly deterred from going by the pitchy darkness of the night and . the threatening aspect of the weather. The play was a historic burlesque in the life and times of Henry .VIII,- of England whose many wives (six) and ihe un ceremonious 'ease with which he divorced them will be remembered by the students of English liistory. The play was well presented, Ihe company was good, and the performance was a success in all that . i: intended, which was to create unbounded peals of laugh ter, j Our space will not permit us to present every attractive feature of the evening and where all did so well it becomes hardly neeessary, but we think that Mrs., Oates has decidedly improv ed in appearance since she was last here and her voice has lost none of the freshness of former years. Her rend .. tionofthe song, familiar to many our readers, "Good-bye, Swcetheart.vj we KEBg-EnoLfi. . oniv dby ... rr- .. , - j.Joyto. PAKliKy TAfLOB. was an exquisite effort ot vocali-ati e wihte oiiT ' iec3i which was acknowledged by rapturousj ! , "tut 77- app.lause from the audience. or: would it be just to omit to mention th; excellent sinelns of tbc Misses Leonard and Mabel Mortinw The song by the latter was supe whlIe th ... x . t tfTA- C)a.te and "UODDie liuet, 03 yT ' . , . lr' Miss Ionard was red, as it shouldi ,:u Mkrtv demonstratio I . .,- -v.nirht. "Conrad100 Ol UClIgUU -t . -nrfSlf- Corsair."1 bo presentea.ItAi' i fmndd UDOtt ByrOn'S C" , Pf w - . -es 01 wnicn of The Corsair, the V: ' 01 - , ., islands of the were ti u Grecian ArchipeU- i i New Grocery Firm. , Capts. Jas. B . Huggins and F, G. Robinson have entered into copartner ship fot the purpose of carrying on here a general family grocery business. They will occupy the store heretotore hold by Capt, Hurgins and will make such alterations and." improvements there a4 may be necessary for the pro- posed enlargement --'of their business T h se r.ntletnen are' both well-known to our citizens and! need no introduction! at our, hands. NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. M. CRONLY, Auct'r. BY CBOSL.Y & MORRIS. o N TO MORROW, Wednc5day) at Ifro'clk, A. M.. we will continue the ' sale of Fnitt ob board Br. Schr Pioneer, at Custom House wtxarr ,wnen tne enure lot will le disposed of. JUU 1-11. ' I Don't Forget It. T HIE OLD NORTH STATE SALOON has on hand a fine lot of those HORNE GARDEN OYSTERS stacked on ice. They are the best Drought to tins market. Call and try them. -a iso, ieer, v mes, j-aquors ana .ujgars. JAS. M. McGOWAN & SON, jan 1 - No 0, South Front St , M. CRONLY, Auctr. 1 BY CRONLY & MOIIRIS. Assignee's Sale. 25,000 Cigars at Auction iT?OR- AND ON ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT UC majr concern, we will sell to the highest uiaaer, commencing xnursaay, Jan. 6. 1884. at 10.30 o'clock, A. M., and 3 P., M., 25,030 im ported, domestic and Key West Clears. SolO in lots to suit purchasers. Terms cash, land Bale positive. Dealers will do well to call and examine this stock, the finest line ever offered at public sale, Sale at CRONLY & MORRIS' Auction Room, corner of Water ami Princess streets. Remember Thursday morning. , jan 1 tf , j Star copy, Copartnership Notice. rnilE bNDEKSIGNED II AVE THIS DAY X formed a Copartnership, under tbc firm name ana style or j as. b. iiuggijss a uo. for the purpose of conducting a GENERA! viliOUEKx BUSINESS. i I J AS. B. HUGGINS, I K. G. ROBINSON. Wilmington, Jan 1, 1 i. Jas. E. Iluggius & Co. TN DIRECTING ATTENTION TO ABOVE X notice, desire to say that they hopcTby "fair ana square" dealing to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage, i Jan 3, 1884, r jan 1 4t . . , A HAPPY PEOSPEEOTJS 2STEW YEAE . TO ALL OF OUR . . I FRIENDS AND PATRONS! JACKSON & BELL, . ' ! Printers and Binders, j jan 1 - ' 1 Extract of Witch Hazel. "T-E OFFER THE ABOVE PREP ABA? tion In Pint Bottles, as Double Distilled Ex- . : - u tract i Witch Hazel or Hnmmamelio, I at 50 ,1 . cents per bottle. A safe and speedy remedy for' Bruises, Strains, Burns, Scalds, Neuralgia, Pai, Piles, Stlnga of Insects and many other uses, the ex treme low price placing it within the reach' of every family. , Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Druggists, Market Street, ' - Finest English Tooth Brushes 25 cents. jan 1 I I - I TO MY FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS. A. Happy New Year ! . ! rjpuANKING TnEM, ONE AND ALL, FOR their past favors, I ask a coatinuance of the same and promise to do all iu my power to give satisfaction In all my dealings. The LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE en ters upon the new year with a de.sirc to keep' all its old friends, and by fair dealing and courtesy to muse many new one. i Very respectf nil v, -jan 1 P. lIELNSli Colden Mfves;p. I -GOLDEN HAR. L TOLL. Ft--' J Beauty and jje yrpaai ilitJrJUUg "VFTHE S1's' 'V"'-' yj iuoi NATIO--BANK OF WILMjENGTON, k.C. i ticlec tion of Directors, will ixs icl'i at 'I r s T T . ip (rtrii wr r cm -Bankipg House on Tuesday, the eighth January , lr84. A. K. WALKER. lec29td nac Cashier Cigars I! Cigars ! i Iew brands ;of uneiceixed stock, A tn-rn r vlthln roch nt'U I ' ! A luxury within reach of all. Toilet Soap, a new and elegant line. Tooth Brushes, cheapest and best, at WILI H. GREEN'S. nov 10 117 Market btrecL - 1 1 1 ioo NEW AD VEltTISEMEXTS. OPERA HOUSE. ahu oa i tinUAT raAimttt 4 45 ALFRED T. MIACO'S New Humpty Specialty Co., BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA. - fcrfUrely New! and Orislnai Vcx lon ! New scenery Xvcw Tricks and Grand ' ! Transfonaation Fccne ! A-oauiar x'riees. Kcscrvca beats mc. at Dyrrs. Admission 55c: Galicrr irc. Sale of ovn.L ut-ius r cunrsuay, .January -n. jan;i-4t ( Mott's Sausage Factory. OTT'S STEAM SAUS AG K FACTORY ji is now completed and Is ready, to if 11 orders for .Fresh l'ok Sausage, Smoked Sansuge, LIt- ' er Pudding.Hog's Head Cheese. A!so,Eolog- na Sausage will be made the year tound. I '!!''. 1 Orders by Express C. O. D. will lie prompt- This is the largest and most complete Saii age Factory South. Respectfully, janl-tf i. W. .1. MOTT. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. 1 " Calvert, Texas, 1 May 3 1882. I wish to express my appreciation of the valuable qualities of " T : i Ayers Cherry Pectoral . i. M -.r - . , -as a cough remedy. "V hue with Churchiirs army, just before thei battle ofVicksburg, I ccntijactpd a se- vcro cold, which terminated in a dangerous couSii. 1 rouna no reuet tui on our march XV& wUlO IO 'A CUULirbLUIt't UUUe. Uil WiA.lllU for some remedy. I was urced to try Ayzr'3 CHEKRY PECTORAL! I " I aid so, and was rapidly cured. Since then I have kent the Pectoeal constantly bv mc.for family use, and I have found it to be T . , - Li. -71 an lnvcuuuoit; rciucuy ivr iiuuat nuu mug diseases. I J. W. Whitley." Thousands of testimonials certify to the ironipt cure of all bronchial and lung affections) by tho uso of Ayek's Cherry Pectoral.' Being very palatable, the young est children take it readily, ! , rREPARED BY ! Dr. J.C. Aver &Co., Lowell, Mass. , Sold by all Druggists. 1 jan 1 ly tc4p : V Livery and Sale StaMcJ Hollingswortli & Walker, J Corcer of Mulberry and Fourth Streets, t ARTIES IN NEED OF nORSES AND Vehicles for .bnsiness or pleasure will be ac commodatcd on very reasonable terns. ' Horses boarded and carefully tended. , - I ! ' .Good teams, comfortable vehicles and care ful drivers. . - The handsomest Hearse in the city. A call is respectfully solicited, j an 1 HOLLINGS WORTH WALKER. Sew York & Wilmingtori Steamship Line. J?.--- STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock. P: M. BENEFACTOR. . . ft p W--, f REGULATOR Satu' BENEFACTOR. J... REGULATOR. ....... Tain p k ' J , va. aJIn2 and Lowcot 3 Throviirrnteeil to aa1 iroa Foists Through Rviiiuron . , , ba Nort" or P-"gcapply to i G.SM ALLCONE.S, Superintendent, , Wilmington, N. C Tll-O. G. EGER, Freight Afreni. 35 Broadway, New York. WM. P. CT.VDK A Cil.. iri-ft) ActinU. jan l-tt t cy Goods. F ULL LINE AT I GILES & MjUECHISON'S, Murcnlton Block. decSl Apples ! Apples ! Apples I fS CONSIGNMENT AND MUST RESOLD. IN. Yi Baldw'iu AppHs, Ohio Red Apple, Y. Creamery isuttir, .. ou uiier, unio Butter, Va. 31eal. car load or sruall onier fro lic tHl -.1" 1 . E G. BLAIR, Commission Merchant, 13 N. Second St. dee.31- ' '' , Dyedi;;: JT MONACH'S, 15 SECOND STXlEET.be- iwcon Market! and PrtDcc, Ltvllc and Gen tle men's goods of every description, any color. Ala o, clen! , ecourln and bleaching. . Send me a pair of your Old Kid GIotcs. - - nov So-tf ro,? . PIJL5E KOT1CE. - 4 We will bo glad to recdTO communication from our friends o any ad 'a; fti!Joc ! The luuae of mo writer ra st. always t0 ftt nUbed to the Editor. v, l ' " - v j" Co imnnTcatlona mctt be wrUtrs ea. onl one sMe of the paper, i PersonAllUca mat be ayoldeL! , I Audit Is especially and parUcnlxrfy ttnd stood that the Editor docs not always endot the views of correspondents unlearn aof state In tho editorial columns. . I MISCELLANEOUS -I MEW .1 FALL AND WINTER "I NOW OPEN AT JVC- .31 LA. T Z ' i - r, ' h : lift Market Street. 'b'argIlins i I'M I f SPECIAL JN EVERY DEPARTMENT t Unusual Attraction in Styles . arict!no 01 Good?r ALL WITH THE LOWEST PRICES ASSURED ! i- To enumerate even a small portion oi bur . i ,- ,' .1 I endless variety, would occupy i i too i tnudh it 1 11 . space, and we therefore name only a few De partments. Rlapi- nd Coloretl Silks. I . i j T Ottoman , Brocade & Rhadamcs Silks, plain and Brocaded Velveteens. I I ' 1 I L M I untuii UOUUb in ail mo reW;uaucs, Pashmom RTi'mlaa Rnrn-oa t - j 1 amei S Xiair, OU1C, Ultoman, wIln ninth. Tjulins1 (lotli. Klannels. I J' .1 : Mohairs,' Plaids with jCombihatjons, -Pin Checks, Brocades, Beigcsl. tC ' Trimmings, ' Fringes, Girips1, Buttons, I ' to match aij abc ve. ' , ' : Cloaks, Dolmans, Sacqucs and Jersey s, . . Shawls. ! j' ' Ladies1 Misses, Men and Boys'j Merino ! ' J' i ' Underwear, j I1 f ;-' v; Blankets and Flannels lower than they 1 have been for years. ' Laces and! Embroideries at prices that will make you buy any way.1 1 Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets Jkirts, Table Damasks i Towels, Sheetings, White Goods, , , i Men and Boys1 Wear, ' Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, '.' . !, &C, &C., ,&C. 1 ! All bought at tho recent decline In Drlcca, and an Inspection of same will Induce my pat- rons, as well as the public in general, a proCt I . I i j by investing in some o the UAJlr BAl- GAINS, i I- ! I I ' - -if ' ij 1 -.1 i r ' -.1 I. I ' 4 r nn-ii c QUO IwictriVUl Ol. OCtgS Bankrupt Sale of aillXIVe jjtj-pt stock f" - have nr and will Vlope It out at Dryfoof ill Manutacturers r rices i 1 - 1. , I : - Ii. .: : Till-Uockin known far and wH a..', ! the IIAND-OMEST! and BEST SELECTED (of any In .1 c city, ijvnd ad thcgoo'U are prolog to besoM verv lowi-for cali onlvlt wtlllray. Vlire haser to examine tame lIorc buying lo 12 A. IIAVIH. ! ., Just Received. 1 I 4 11 I HAVE JUST RECEIVED' ANOTHER lot of Vetret Incl CANTON STRAWS for - I I ' . ' - 111' " Sch6ol Hats, also a large lot of FELT HATS T I? H .,h: which will li told at reasonable pi ice. , I I ' Have In a complete StocK of j" ;!k " ' ' j ' ; I Millinery and Fancy Goods, CROCHET SHAWLS anV FASCINATORS. CAPS and SACQUKS. All aize,! colors ani " price In "JERSEYS-" i . STAMPING and HAIR WORK Otoe at rca souablc prlce. :' , J j'j; ' misskkarrer; dec 31 ExchanSfl Corner, Boys' Saddles, , ! V T 1 ADIES AND GENTS' SADDLES. HoTV3 I J ...-....!- : I I . . liUnkeu, Lap Robe; Carriages and all kln of Vehicle.' Saddlery, Trunks and Carriage , repaired by akllled workmen. i I . MCDOUGALL EOWDEN. dec 17 1 No. 114 Norm Front -t. 4: I" t i V i i M S ' J ...( . ,1 1 I- A ' IS J...

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