.- THIS PAPER -.err evening Sunday! cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, rnlTOB AKDFBOPKHTOK. POSTAGE PAID: e TCI tl 00 One month, 35 cents. -oD; will be delivered by carrier, free Tbe pP &ny p&rt of the dty, at the above otcbargC.' t. iwr week: - nr l'J ecu i - Adres -hit inort anv and ij-Su' lUbscno" " r .... thitr naner regularly. to -r,: n;jtt Ppi'teio Tias the largest Me. circulation, of any newspaper 2 injhectytf Wilmington. rjl-known ocean steamsmp eapiaiu cJonTbursJsy v The Indon Tcleyraph editorially ru that "at present no substantial bin2ofanyoithenvinuropean tongues takes place either at Cambridge or Oxford.' r.uitcaVs skeleton which is hidden Af the Armv Medical jn a pnu"- ..- ,. - - . Museum, has been polished and bleached until" it looks like an ivory Two hnndred German emigrants who recently went to America, according to ,i. Jam' Gazette, returned to IU V V w. r . w Uerlin the other day utterly disappoint: ,l,-ntlwir -rnPftftt!OnS of thlDSS OH yX ju iuva ; thiisideof the Atlantic. A London scientific paper says that a ihbilder of mutton cdntain:ronc-third wore bone than a legi and considerably more tat and connective ti33ue, and that, consequently, a" shoulder at 20 cents a pound is dearer than a les at 25 cents. -- The Chicago Tunes says: "The fol lowing interestins advertisement ap pears in a Indon paper: 'Mrs. and Miss May have left oft' clothing of every inscription.' This even rocs ahead of American women at the seaside water ing places and at New York balls." M. Borniche, a wealthy Parisian, passed the last years of bia life in buying pictures. lie dial recently and now his collection is beinz sold. It consists of S.OOO pieces. Two hundred works sold on December 3 and 4 brought an average of 11 each. The sales are to be continued twice a month. They have begun to enforce the "four-mile" law inTennessee. It is vir tural prohibition. As a result the river steamers are freighted with jugs of whiskey for private consumers. . The W, Ai Johnson recently steamed away from Paducah with 800 jugs for distri bution along the river bank. r ' ' The New York Times states that the Standard Fire Insurance Company of Ivondon has judiciously reinsured all of its outstanding risks in the United States and discontinued business on this side ot the Atlantic - Unprofitable business in London causes a de ruand for the large sums deposited with various Stale insurance departments on this side of the water. Cardinal Manning has issued an order that a branch, ot the Catholic Total Abstinence league of the Cross be founded in every Catholic school, and that the manager of each school must be President and an abstainer. Itc ha3 worked an extraordinary change among the Irish ot Westminster. who, from being generally poor and thriftless, are now prosperous. The observatory on the top of Ben Nevis,1 Sootland. is now in good work ing order, and M. Omand and staff are domiciled there. The'last ascent was made with difficulty, as the snow was fourteen feet deep and a passage had to be cut through. The party sank often to the shoulder. The journey occupied nine hours. The observators . will be cut off for months from the world. - . Andrew Carnegie is trying to get the men employed by his Edgar Thompson Steel Works nnar Piltshn I work Jat reduced pay. He furnishes them coal at two or three cents a bush ' el under the market price, promises to open a family supply store where they can get the goods at very near the wholesale rates, and will give such of them as have bought houses of the'ean cern a reduction of twenty per cent, on payments falling due in January. The family of Edwards, one of the wealthiest and most prominent in Mason County, West Virginia, are making strong offorts to establish their claim to Trinity Church property, in cluding eight or nine acres in the heart of New York city and also several thousand acres along the Hudson IUyer. The family held a reunion at Clifton, Thursday, when .an attorney was employed and sent to New York to take preliminary legal sicps in the uteresl of the heirs. The Property is valued at many millions of Collars. TaVvfM BofIo Bill), of St Jacobs Oil. It cures jpain. . To Builders and others- Go to Jaco s for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, fee. Yoa can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. ; - : ,; TRIP, MIT.Y- . i.EIEW "l Three 11 M M fl Jl jf. i H H J H II I I H J V I v J V V n VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. G. WEDNESDAY JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. IK DEI TO NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. WWT w,Jn a i i y ii useks uigars i S W No blk Hunting Jon.X H."TiEXKExl-Lost C W Yates Chrisimaa Novelties Heinsberger A Happy New Year II C rnEMPEKt Fashionable Barber Humphrey, Jexkixs & Co It Don't Matter Muxds Bros. & J DeRosset Extract of Witch Hazel The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 152 bales. j This month has five Tuesdays, five Wednesdays and five Thursday.: There was a band of music parading the streets last night until a very late hour. .. ! i Capt. Walter Coney, formerly of this city, but now ofj Savannah r arrived here last night on a visit of a few days to relatives and friends. How our opinious do ckange as we grow older. In our youth we thought that the stuffing wa3 the best part ot a turkey, but now we.think that the turkey is the best part of the stuffing. This idea suggested itself to yc lopal as he was svufling himself with turkey. Marrlagre Licenses. The Register of Deeds issued 193 marriage licenses during the year ended December 31st. 1883, ot which 73 were for white and 120 for colored couples ;as against 217 in 1882, of which 81 were for white and 136 for colored couples. Blooded Stock. Fiyc blooded horses; one of which it is said has a record of 2.11, passed through here his morning for i Thomasville. Ga., where they are sent "for the benefit of their health." The car in which they travel is yery comfortably furnish ed and is padded so j that the animals will not be injured in transit.! The groom" who accompanied them says that the five horses are worth &250.000, but this must be receivedicMm qrano salis Exports Forelem. Nor. barque Kerdelia, Pettereen, cleared to day for London with 3.785 barrels of rosin, valued at $7 525, shipped by Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co. Nor. barque Candace, Johannessen, cleared for Fiame, Austria, with 3.610 barrels of rosin, valued v at $4,696, shipped by Messrs. Paterson. Downing & Co. Schr. Miry Lord, Lord, cleared for Ponce, P. R., with 283.320 feet rf mm ber, valued at $3,966.48, shipped by Messrs. Northrop &Cumming; making an aggregate of $16,187.48. Interments! in 1883. i The following have been the inter ments in the different cemeteries during the ?car ended Dec. 3 1st. 1883 : Oakdale 67 adults and 30 children. total, 97; Bellevue 21 adults and 22 children, total, 43; Pine Forest118 adults .and 110 children, total, 228, making a" grand total ot 206 adult and -162 ' children ; grand aggregate 368. - This does not include the ins terments in St. ; Thomas - Cemetery nor those in the Pauper Cemetery, but the entire total will not much, if at all, exeeed 400 during the year. This, reckoning the population at 20,000, is 20 to the thousand or one death during the year- to every fifty inhabitants. This is a gross estimate, of course, as many of the above recorded deaths were still-born infants. ! A Grave Charge. A young colored man was arrested this morning and taken' before U. S. Commissioner McQuigg, on ttie charge of robbing the U. S.f Mails. He was bound over iin the sum of $1,000 for his appearance at the next term of the District Court. He gave the bond and was discharged from custody. Some two months ago a check for $25 Was sent by a gentleman in this city to B Altman & Co., in New York. It failed to reach its destination but a few days ago the draft was pre" sented to Altman & Co , by another house in New York, who had just re ceiyed it froni "John Spindell," of Wilmington. Altman & Co. refused to endorse the draft and the matter was at once placed in the hands of the Postk office authorities. The letter which ac companied the check was returned to Wilmington and the case was worked up by Special Agent W. F. Crawford. The handwriting is alleged to be that of the defendant , and hence his arrest. The young man who is charged with this very grave offence was seme few months ago a clerk .in the Postoffice here. His family arc respectable col ored people and stand well in the com munity, and it is out of regard for them that we yield to the requests which have been made of us and do not, at thisl time, publish the name.) Point Caswell 111. - The ball at Point Caswell, which came off, as per announcement,! on the 17th ult., was a; complete success In every particular. Thare wis a large attendance of ' old and young: and of both sexes. Ladies were .present from' Bladen, Duplin, Sampson and .Pender counties and tne gallant young gentle. men vied with each other in showing them the courtesies due their charms and the occasion. The managers were Messrs O. O. Vollers, Walter Gaylor, James H. Colvin, Colon Moore and W. E.' Blacked whose untiring exertions the success of the ball was in a great measure attributed. ! -T. : - xisstonary jueeuus: We understand that the several con gregations of the Episcopal Church in this city will unite in a meeting'in behalf of Missions iu the new Diocese of East Carolina, to be held in St. John's Church next Sunday night, January 6th , being the Feast of the Epiphany. ! The Rectors of St. James', St. Paul's and.St. John's will address the meeting, and we tru3t that the attendance will be full from each Parish and that a zeal may be quickened, which is so .necessary to the success of the new Diocese. Wilmington is the stroug point of Episcopal influence and wealth in East Carolina, and the Bishop elect should be made to feel that he is to have hearty fand substantial support from the Church here, ine public are in vitcd. Conrad the Corsair. There was a small audience at the Opera House last night, but those who were present had lots of fun. The bur lesque was rather stale and insipid, but its dullness was relieved by the ' intro duction of songs, dances and funny sayings which made the entertainment pas3 off agreeably. The singing of Mrs. Oates and Miss Leonard was ex cellent and their duetts were renderod charmingly. The comic singing of Mr. Henry Lindley was irresistibly laugh able, and his appearance was always greteed with rounds of applause. The cojapany was accompanied by their own pianist, who could execute rapid ly and make more noise than we ever heard produced from "a piano, but who played without a thought of expression, shading or phrasing. Harbor Master's Report. During the month of i December the arrivals of vessels at this port were as follows: j " j S American steamers, 7 aggregating 5,159 tons; barque, 1312 tons; schoo ners, 153,767 tons ; total, 23 vessels, aggregating 9,238 tons. J Foreignsteamer, l 1,771 tons; barques, 18 7,328 tons; brigs, 2551 tons; schooners, 2 138 tons; total, 23 vessels, aggregating 9,788 tons ; grand total, 46 vessels, aggregating 19,026 tons. i ARRIVALS FOB THE TEAK. During the year ended December 31st, 1883, the number of vessels arrijrijjg at this port was as follows : American steamers, 69, aggregating 55,575 tons ; barques, j 62,167 tons ; brigs, 7 2.249 ;tons; schooners, 162 42,522 tons ; total 244 vessels, aggregat ing 102,513 tons. Foreign steamers, 4, aggregating 6,356 tons ; barques, 14455,938 . tons ; brigs, 40 10,976 tons; schooners, 9 969 tons ; total, 197 vessels, aggregating 74,239 tons, a grand total of 441 vessels, with a grand aggregate of 176,752 tons v Police Report. The police made 60 arrests during the month of December just closed1, for the following offenses: , Affray, 3 white males ; 6 colored m ales, 2, colored females Committing a nuisance; 1 white male. Disorderly conduct, 5 white males ; 20 colored males ; 5 color ed females. Drunk and down, 6 white males. Failing to list poll tax, 1 white male. Failure to pay license tax, 3 whites male., 6 colored males. Fast driving, 1 colored male. Firing a pistol on the street, 1 colored male." Nationality of prisoners American, white. 16; colored, 41 , Norwegian 1 ; German, 2. , Applied for lodging, 27 white males ; 14 colored males. Places of business found open at night, 14. Court fines collected for the month, $56,751 i Pound, fees, $19.85. ' arrests fob the tear. During the year just closed there were 518 arrests by the police of the city, for various offences, of which 215 were white and 303 colored ; as against 494 for 1882, of which 196 were white and 298 were colored. 1 For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery go to Jacobi1 HardwareDepot. ' t f : Cotton. . ' The receipts of cotton at this port for the month of December; just closed, foot np 14,923 bale3, "as against 25.140 bales in December 1882, a decrease' this December of 10,526 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 76,953 bales, as against 90,589 bales to same uate last year, a decrease this year of 13.637 bales. A Contemptible Wretch; At about' 7 o'clock last Saiurday night, Mr. Joh'n Smith," a blind .man, who lives on Ann, between Sixth and Seventh streets, with I his wife - and - daughter, went to supper in the rear of wio uouse, leaving me ironL. aooryun fastened. After eating her supper, the daughter came out of the. dining room and found the door open. She closed and locked it and went into the yard in rear of the house, but returned in a few moments to find trie door again open This, as a matter of course, aroused suspicion, and a search up stairs show; ed that several trunks and boxes had been broken open, from one of which had been taken $90, that Mr. Smith had bean saving for a sacked purpose and- from another- $30, j which the daughter had earned by industry with her needle. The scoundrel took nothing but the money, but the loss of that was a cruel j misfortune to the unfortunate and afflicted oM man. We hope that the thief may be detected, convicted and punished to the extent of the pen alty prescribed by law. ! "Lives of ere'at men always remind us that we are all subject to die." pays an exchange, but never cough yourself away as long las you can raise 25 cents lor a: bottle of Dr. Bull'3 Cough Sprup. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H. C. Prempert PERSONALLY IN ATTENDANCE at his Fashionable Shavlngandllair Dressing Saloon 1 " ' - at No. 7 South Front Street. None bit the best work done and the best workmen em- I " -" ! -v. - M. ' - 1 v. ployed. Glveis a call. , jan2-tf J OFFER FOR THEJTEAR 1884, the exclu sive privilege of hunting on my grounds near the Eastern limits of the city. Trice $25. ; - jan 2 It j S. W. NOBLE. Lost. SMALL GOLD PADLOCK fromjWatch chaln. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving the same at Portner's Lager Bee) Depot, In this city, jan 2-2 1 i ' JOHN H. TIENKEN. It Don't Matter - . . i JF THE OLD YEAR IS GONE AND THE New Year has come,. HUMPHREY, JEN KINS & CO., are still receiving at their Oys ter Houne, No. 112 South Front Street, a fresh supply every day of New River Oysters, Oys ters shipped CO. D. Fresh Shell Oysters always on hand, &c. jan 2 A HAPPY AND . PROSPEROUS 3STEW YEAE TO , ALL OF OUR ' FRIENDS AND PATRONS ! JACKSON & BELL, Printers and Binders. jan 1 . - ! ' ; TO M Y : ' ENDS & CUSTOMERS. A Happy New Year ! FR rjlHANKING THEM, their past favors, I ask ONE AND ALL, FOR a continuance of the same and promise to do all in my power to give satisfaction in aU my dealings. . , The LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE en ters upon the new year with a desire to keep all its old- friends, and by fair dealing and courtesy to make many new ones. yeryrespeclly. janl QER. s Greatest Slaughter or CLOTHING EVER MADE IN WILMINGTON FOR THE NEXT THE WARM BACKWARD SEASON HAS i- ; , - f ' ' overloaded us with Winter Clothing, which must be eacrificcd at UNEARTHLY LOW PRICES. The loss will be fearful, but better lose some than aU. We have a very large stock to select from, of floe, medium quality and cheap Clothing, In 8ults and Overcoats at prices that will astonish you and piralyze the clothiers.- Take advantage of it. . See the bar gains and ice bargains they are for everyone and we Invite every one to come early to the well known Sellable Clothiers. , A. & I. SHRIER, dee 17 Xte Clothiers. 1X1 UukctSU 2,1884. NO. 2 NEW! ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. :,r.' m m m m f HI DAY AND SATURDAY MIGHTS I January 45 AND SATURDAY MATIN tt. i ALFRED T. MIACO'S Nevy Humpty Specialty Co,, BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA. " ' Endrely New and Original .Version ! Scenery! New Tricks and Grant i Transformation Scene ! . Kew ropuiar Prices. Reserved Seats 50c, at Dyers'. Admission 35c; Gallery 25c. Sale of teata Degins w eanesaay, January 2d. jan;i-4t, , Extract of Witch Hazel. "yK OFFER THE ABOVE PREPARAJ tion in Pint Bottlesi as Double Distilled Ex tract f : witch Hazel or Hnmmamello, at 50 ccts per bottle. A sa'c; and speedy remedy for Bruises, 1 ... i i- Strains, Burns, Scalds, Neuralgia, Pain, Piles, Stings of Insects and many other uses, the ex treme low-price Placing ft within the reach of oery family. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Druggists, Market Street, Finest English Tooth Brushes 25 cents. jan 1 ; , Golden H a r ves t - A FULL FLEDGED GOLDEN HAR- VJiST. That's the kind of COOK STOVE WE KEEP. They are thin of Beauty and Joy to EVERY HOUSEHOL only sora by PARKER & TA XJLUU. PURE WHITE OIL. dec 31 Copartnership Notice. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY 1 formed a Copartnership, under the firm namo and style of JAS. B.1IUGGINS & CO., for the purpose of conducting a GENERAL GROCERY BUSINESS. , ! , . JAS. B. IIUGGINS, F. G. ROBINSON, i Wilmmgton, Jan 1, 18S1. ; Jas. B. Iluggins & Co., TN DIRECTING ATTENTION TO ABOVE A notice, desire to i notice, desire to say that they hopeby "fair ana square acaung. to merit ana receive a liberal share of, public patronage. jan 1 Mott's Sausage Factory. IV TOTT'S STEAM SAUSAGE FACTORY is now completed and Is ready to fill orders for Fresh Pork Sausage, Smoked Sausage, Liv er Pudding, Hog's Head Cheese Also. Bolog' na Sausage will be made the year round. Orders by Express C. O. Dj will be prompt- ly attended to. ' This Is the largest and most complete Saus age Factory South. Respectfully, janl tf ?. W. J. M Livery and Sale Hollingsworth & Stablesi Walkeri : Corcer of Mulberry and Fourth Streets. J ARTIES IN NEEl) OF HORSES AND Vehicles for bnslness or pleasure will be ac commodated on very reasonable terms. Horses boarded & id carefully tended. Good teams, comfortable vehicles and care ful drivers- The handsomest Hearse In the city. A call is respectfully solicited. jan 1 HOLLINGSWORTH & WALKER. Don't Forget It. i riHIE OLD NORTH STATE SALOON lias J. on hand a fine lot of those HORNE GARDEN OYSTERS stacked on ice. They are the best brenght to this market. Call and try them, Also, Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, i ! JAS. M. MCGOWAN & SON, .janl No 6, South Front St Goods. ULL LINE AT . ' J " - - GILES & MURCHISON'S, dec 31 Murchiion Block. Apples ! Apples ! Apples I QN CONSIGNMENT AND MUST JH SOLD. N. Y. BaMiiln Apples, Ohio Red Apples, N. Y. Creamery Buttir, N. C. RoU Butter, Ohio Butter. Va. Meal, car load or small order so llCited. - 1 - : i - i . E. G. BLAIR. ! Commission Merchant, 19 N. Second St. dec 31 5 and 10 cents Cigars, XT A VAN A FILLERS, 1 XX , ; Beat in the city, are on sale. Drugs and Medicinal preparations of the highest grade at,: - v" '-. : - : . dec3 V Drug and Precriptlon Store The Annual Meeting rytTlTE STOCKUOLDERS OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, N.C., for the election of Directors; will be held at their Banking House on Tuesday, the eighth ot January, leC4, at 11 o'clock, A. M. A. A.. M Jk.ll.tX, dec 23 tl nac Cashier C igars I C iga ro l JJEW BRANDS Of UNEXCELLED Stock, A luxury within reacii o an. Toilet Soap, a new and elegant line. Tooth Brushes, cheapest and best, at hot W llJILukci gtrtcfc PLTLASS KOTIC2L to wiii Degiaa to receive coassicicca froa our fxtesds on any and aU gnbjecls gcatrallatoejtbut - . j . ;- - l.Iasj name of the writer must aiwayi te ra fi2aaed to the Editor. ' ' . : , i --'A- Communications must be wrlttca on ctA onesldeot the paperJ r':-i Personalities must be iivoldeL: ; ' Aad It I especially 1 and pjtrtlcaiarly tad lood that the Editor does not always endox the views of correspondents unless so state In the editorial columns. i i MISCELLANEOUS MEW FALL AND WINTER JOW OPEN AT? - HUE. IsLi EC A. TZ 116.Market Street. SPECIAL BARGAINS! IN -EVERY DEPARTMENT ! Unusual Attraction in Styles Magnificent Line ol Goods. : ALL WITH THE LOWEST PBICES ASSUREO I To enumerate even a small portion of our endless variety, would occupy too much space, and we therefore name onlj a few Dey partments. : i . . "IT Black and Colored Silks,4 Uttoman , Brocaded & Bbad&mes Silks, Plain and Brocaded Velveteens.1 , 1 DRESS GOODS in aU the Kew Shades, Cashmeres, Shnddas, Series, ' il Gamers Hair, Foule, Ottoman, . i Nun's Cloth, Ladies' Cloth, Flannels, ?' Mohairs, Plaids with Comhinations, Pin Checks, Brocades, Beiges, &c. i : Trimmings, Fringes, Gimps, Battons, j to match all above. L s Cloaks, Dolmalis, Sacqaes and Jerseys, 1 ' ! .Qlionrla ' '.'i'"'-' "A. ' 4 ' ' ' ' ' 4 . . ''"'!'! ! r- I -r"V ' Underwear. '; fT" Blankets and Flannels lower than they have been for years. I f ! Laces and Embroideries at prices that xxrill malro vnn hnviBhii wow 1 i Hosiery, Gloves Corsets, skirts, Table Damasks i Towels. Sheetlnirs. White Goods, j Men and Boys' Weary ! Staple and Fancy Dry Goods J i i . . &C., &c., &c. All boufht af the recent decline in prices. and an inspection of same will induce my pat rons, as well as the public in general, te profit by Investing in some of the' MANY BAR GAINS. D116 TJarket Ct. OCtl3 ! ' ; I BankruptSale of Boots ' and ShoesJ T hayc bought the entire Bankrupt IStock o JL ' - ! I " Dryfobs & Sternbergr and will close it out at less than i'-' '! -:" "I .-V. t Manufacturer's Prices I Tliis stock is .known-far and wide as th HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED of any In the city, and as the goods are srolng to ije sold very low for cash only It will pay . purchasers to examine same before tmrinr- clsewhtfre. ' ' iecif A.DAVID. Just Received. HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER, lot of Velvet Lined CANTON STRAWS f ttr School Hats, also a large lot of FELT II ATS which will be sold at reasonable prices. Have in a complete Stock of ... and Fancy Goods, CROCHET SHAWLS and FASCINATORS- CAPS and SACQUES. AU sixes, colors and prices in "JERSKY8-" . ' f - STAMPING and HAIR WORK dose at rea senable prices. . t ... r MISS E. KARRER, decSl , ! Exchange Corner, Bdys' Saddies, LADIES' AND GENTS SADDLES. Morse ; - - ! , - - -i Blankets, Lap Eobea, Carriages and all kir ' i of Vehicles. Saddldry. Trunks and C repalred by skilled Workmen. ' McDOUGAT.T. dec 17 ,219. "