! f ". j " 1,1 "It - 1 i- - . , y . . . ;"?)',.,.. ,i I - . . . , w wm H f lad to; rocdTo codnuaicattoa fraa our Zrleada on aay unT all J enhjeeta tcnenl!nteroat bat ' ? The name of the writer mnat alwmTijJra f V II IT 111 i II TV 1 TfTT TTT- 1 n -TT-I U V I F m a Vi t . t lwxfxtodaen any tad' tOl anbjecta , j JOSH T.JAMES, -joiTOB x rxorairrox. SLi tJ0O. mi months, fi.00. Tbrc 1.; Onemonth.35 cnt. "'"'I ' he delivered by carrten Iroo i5 .- rt of the cUr. t the borf at-cr!xps trtll report any and all faU- er'Thc JMi?y ficvicw has the largest j hryl "- ' - -i :rJackscn. Mi5..on New I Vcsr'i day. tT , lieccral (irant is reported to be lo but surely reverin? Trom hi late injuria ,,T- At Uiiliboro. Hi., all Ihc defendants in the Kojos P"d otjtrasc cas were a Bhhop Kavanausb, wbo preiiuea at tbo MiisieMPpi conference, i Jhty tiro y can old. Epbraim Kcjser. the Baltimore iculptor, has sailed for Home. Ho has . many coramis&iona. Mr. Wallack says that he has nr.nyh tif American plays. He had has prodaeed three in thirty-five years. Cardinal Bishop Antonio De Lucas, prefect of the congregation, is dead. He was born October 28. 1805. and was err&led cardinal in 1863. A letter from Ohio says there are many free trade Republicans in that State who will vote with the Democrats it the tariff issue U raised. The PhiladelDhia Times throws out ihl hint: "Begin the new year by pay ing all your small bills. Pay the larger ne it possible, but pay the small bills .flrst. . . . Representative Blackburn and "Crero (jordo" Williams, present Senator, are the only entries so far in the Kentucky Senatorial contest an episode of the present month. The Thorndike company's new cot ton mill at Thorndike, Mass., burned luesday. C. Wilson, rne company's agent leil dead from heart disease while fitting the flames. 1 The Prince of Pless arrived n Boston Tuesday, with his valet. He is mak ing a tonroi the world. The town of Piess. over which his family reigns. Is situated in Prussian Silesia. Amos J. Cumminga, of the New York Sun, has been recommended to liovcrror Cleveland by a number of State Senators and Assemblymen for the position of aqueduct commissioner, made vacant by the death of George A. Lane. The new Maryland Lgislaturo as tumbled On Wednesday, and Governor Hamilton's message was received and read in both Houses. He recommends a more economical administration of State affairs and the abolition of several offices. Prof. Swift, in an interview, asserts that the red sansetc are duo to extra neons matter which has come into our atmosphere, and which retracts the red rays of tho san. What that matter may be it is impossible to bay , but it is not i he remit of volcanoes or earthquakes. Tho Bartholdi pedestal laud art loan rxhibition, which has been open during the past month at the Academy of De sign, Sew York.closcd Tuesday evening The receipts fir the month were $26, 000, and after deducting all expends & balance of $12,000 remains. The Republicans are not much alarmed, says tho Savannah Ketcs, on account of the i destinations likely to be made by the Democratic House of Representatives. They have such an Aegean mass of corruption that ought to be exposed that they think the Dem ocrats will not have the courage to un dertake tho Herculean task. A noticeable feature of the sleighing carnival in the New York Central Park on Wednesday last was the winter cos tume of the gentlemen, wboee coats of beaver, asirachan and sealskin threw the, lighter garments of the ladies quite into tho shade. The women, indeed, jooked poorly and thinly dad beside husbands, brothers and lovers, whose caps and coats have cost as much as half a dozen of Worth's most expensive creations. - i -Advice to Consumptives. On the appearance of the first symp tomsas general debility, loss of appe tite, pallor, chilly sensations, followed by night-sweats and . cough prompt measures for relief should be taken. Consumption is scrofulous disease of the lungs: Theretore use the great an ti-scrotnla, or blood-purifier and strenflh-restorer. Dr. Pierce's "Gold en Medical Discovery.. Superior to Cod liver oil as a nutritive, and unxar oxued as a pectoral. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, and kindred affections, it has no equal. Sold by druggists the world over. For Dr. Pierce? pam phlet on Consumption, send two stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. I - I . , ..... . - . I , if". . - . " v - I i VOL. VIII, WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY. JANUARY 5. LOCAL NEWS. IROEX TO HEW AOYERTISItStllTl. W II Gkekx harden Pc:d ! j ME3 Kate Wies StlUug Out UEUfSBEEOEK IHrle for lsl C W TATE-Cirlstraaft Kovoitl F C MlLLLK. EccfyU R F ETo N. 1 Hem Bkjs. & rEBoj5i;T Kxtract Wit-haaI ill DayV length. 0 hours and 00 minutes. There were do inUrmeota in Oakdale Cemetery this week. I 6anct tov morrow v a ftepoon , at. I miauto past 5 o'clock. ; I Steamboatmeri report good boating water in the Cape! Fear.t The receipts of cotonj at -this o day tool up 374 bales. I port There was one interment an adii t in Belleyuo Cemetery this week. There was one interment in Pine For est Cemetery this week, that of a cuild. Turner's Almanac promised lair weather for today, ilttmanaged to miss it this time. Senator Conger and j family went down the river this morning on the Revenue Cutter Colfax. To-morrow is known in the Church Calendar as ihe Feast of the Epiphany ; or. the Manifestation of Chri9t to tho Gentiles. The aunual election of officers of Howard Relief Fire Engine Co., No. 1, will be held on Monday next fat 19:30 o'clock. y The Register ol Deeds issued five marriage licenses this week, three' of which were for white apd two for col ored couples. The off-shore signal was Hying this morning, indicating that there is a gale of wind approaching Irom n North westerly direction. Nor. barque SivaJi. Henricksen, cleared to-day for Liverpool with 1.101 bales of cotton, valued at $49,520. shipped by Mr. A. Hi Greene. From tho vast relief afforded by St. Jacob3 OilJohn J. Dawson, late of the British Army.' now in New Orleans, La., feels grateful toward the wonderful painvcuro." Mr. W. J. Penny, of this city, killed a hawk In Brunswick county iust across the river this morning which measured 4 feet from tip to tip ot wings, 2 inches between tho eyes, and the nails on its talons were one inch in length. City Court. Amos Devane. colored, was brought beforo the Mayor this morning charged with an assault and battery npon his wife. The charge was sustained and in fact it appeared the present was not the first time he had been guilty of a similar offence. A fine of $10 was im posed, in default of which ho was sent below for 30 days. j The Year's CForeicm Exports The following is tho amount of ex ports foreign forj the year ended Deo. 31st, 1893: j i Cotton 75.355 bales,! valued at 3, 353.840 spirits j turpentine, 2, 263,, 304 gallons, valued I at $995,204; rosin. crude turpentine, tar and pitch, 417.665 barrels, valued at $696,397; lumber. 9.395,000 feet, valued at $153,079; shin gles, 2,661,000, vajucd at $16,038; mis cellaneous, valued at $11,613; -making a total value of $5.226, 191. TBe Beautiful Snow. At about 2 o'clock this afternoon it began to enow heavily. It had been raining ior some hours previously and the snow began to fall with the rain It was soon all snow, however, and it fell furiously some of the flakes being as large as a silver quarter. The ground was wet and at first it melted as fast as it Tell but at this writing. 4 Pj M.. it is still snowing heavijy and everything is whito with it. It is the heaviest snow storm we have had here in many years. Ilumpty Uumpty. Miaco's troupo appeared last night to a good audience. Tho piece was not rendered as well as we have been ac customed to see it. There were some drags and stage watts which were rather calculated to throw a chill over the ad miration ot the audience. There was nothing very new or yery brilliant pre sentedunless, indeed. We may except the manner in which the shears were used in the second act, nearly all of which was cot out, the curtain falling upon a poor apology lor a tableau. The "side shows," or interludes, were pleasant in' variety but not specially meritorious in the quality of the entertainments pre- seated - - ; I I ' ' " - ' ' I ' ' . - . I . i .. . , Eclipses to 1884. j There wil.-bo fire eclipses in the year 1 1681, three of the sun ao4 two of the j moon. March SSth, a pailial eclipse of 'the suiii visible ia the Uulfed Statei; j April 10th. a total eclipse of 1 the mooa visible in Boston ; April 25th f ftTart eclipse of the satf. visible in the United States; April 4th.'a total eclipse of tbd j moon, partly visible in Boston ; October j I9tb. a partial eclipse of ihc sun,riiiibc in the United State. " ' - - .Por tlie Tramps. The new Code contain some 7very j strict and important laws in regard to jtramps and vagrants. Chanter sixty-1 three, volume two, ot the Code, says that luy person going about from place to place begging and subsisting on charity shall be considered a tramp. and punished by imprisoment in. the county Jail ior six months. Tramps, when found in any person's yard or houEea may be arrested by anybody withont a warrant and carried before a magistrate, the party making the arrest to be entitled to the same fee as a sheriff. An exchange says : "Man's average life is 33 years." Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will always live. The Musical Herald. The January number of this superb musical monthly has been received, and appears with new typo and in an en tirely new dress. It retains all of its former important features; while the prlco of subscription has been reduced to 10 cents per number or $1 per an num. Jts answers to correspondents, In which many intricate problems in the science are explained, are worth to the musical student ten times the amount of subscription. Each number contains 8. or 10 pages of excellent music. In fact it has no place Jo r the musical tra3h which so often appears in the so-called musical magazines. Published by the Musical Herald Pub. Co.. Franklin Square, Boston, Mass. A Pleasant Occasion. Tho Young Men's Hebrew Associas tion of this city held a meeting at Ger" mania Hall last night which was made an unusually interestng and agreeable affair. Hon. Simon Wolff, of Wash iugton, D. C, was present and made an appropriate speech,' abounding in hu mor, sentiment and instruction, which was listened to with delighted attention Following the speech was a cornet duo by Messrs. Willson and Otterbourg; piano j. solo, by miss liiumentnai; a vocal duo by Mrs. D. Kahnweiler and Mr."N. Mayer ; a cornet duo by Messrs. Willson and Otterbourg, with a piano accompaniment , by Miss Ella Fish- biate. The festivities concluded with a hop in which the' entire company . par ticipated. . John Bull and his Island - Such is tho singular title of a book received from the. publishing house of Charles Scnbuer's Sons," New York It is a translation from tho French, the author being Max OKcl.. a "name suggestive of Irish lineage. The work sees Lnglana auu ingusn people through Parisian eyes and treats all the subjects it discusses by. comparison with France, or more properly Paris, which to the author isJFrance. It is'a very readable and instructive work. Tho author tries to be magnanimous in his treatment of English' habits, laws and customs,, but his efforts hardly ever amount to more than a. libera) condescension. In his efforts... at fakness.he tells much of truth, some of whichis to tho glory and . some to the shame of England Price 50 cents. . For Pocket Knives or Tdoio CutlerJ go toJACOBi Hard ware weroi. t Tlioronsrhbrefl Stock. A herd of 110 cattle arrived in this city last night, enrontefor Florida. They were shipped at Cold Rirer. N. II , on patent "Burton.Stock Cars," and are in charge of Mf . Levi Blake, who has conducted several shipments of cattle to the South. The stock embraces Jerseys, Grade Jerseys, Ayrshires, Holsteins and Durtiams, some ot which arc as fine as we have ever seen. They were selected from some of the best stock raising farms in New Hampshire and shipped by Messrs, Aldrich& John son, of Kecce, in that State. They will remain here for a few days and may be seen at the stable of Mr. J. H. Jones, on Princess street and those desiring to purchase will have . an opportunity to do so. To Builders and others- J Go to J AOO si's for Sash, Blinds and Doors Glass, &c. You can tt all sizes ! and at tha loirest price. DRY COO D S LACE . CURTAINS OIL CLOTHS, Ladies' and Children's Wraps, In all -i ns in See if you can do as well North or South jan 4, 1881 SELLING OUT! HATS & FEATHERS AT REDUCED PRICES. . v MRS. KATE C. WINES, S. llfl N Second Street, nxt Poet Office jan 5 i Howard Relief Fire Engine . Co. No. 1 JJONORARY AND ACTIVE MEMBERS : You are hereby notified to meet at your En glne House on Monday, January 7, at 19 30 o'clock, sharp, as the election of officers for the ensuing year will take place. By order of the President. I V. C. MILLER. jas 5-1 Rec. Beefy Garden ! Garden Seed I NEWCROPl 1884. jyjY STOCK COMPRISES ALL THE VA RIETIES SOLD In this section, the most critical care being exercised In selecting the best and purest varieties In every department, and I will sell them as low as any JReliable Mouse in the country. Partlea.who may favor me with their orders, whether tor large or small quantities, may be assured of best terms and prompt attention. J WIl.LIAU 1L GREEN, i Wholesale and Retail Druggist, jan 5- - - f - - Wilmington, N. C. Notice. FIR9T NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON DIVIDEND OF THREE AND A HALF B;r cent, been declared by the Board of Irectors of this Bank, payable on and after the8thinst. A. K. WALKER, jan 4-tSth nac . Cashier Apples. CRATES APPLES ON HAND, j Bbla. Assorted Apple. Eggs, Chickens, Butter, ! ! . Beets, Turnips, etc., etc. r At R Mc DOUG ALL' 8, j (No. 14 Cheatiiut St, bet. Front and Water Jain Wilmington, N. c. Clinton & Point Caswell R. fy SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOTTFED THAT SIXTY PER CENT, of eubscriptlon la due and if not promptly paid suit will be brought to collect It. Mr. M.-M. KlUett ls authorlzed to collect la Pender and ampson counties. Contractors must bo paid. " J. H. BO AT WRIGHT, ! jani-St j Sec'y and Troas GR E AT SA LE OF THIS WEEK, AT. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR) 118 Market St. ! , ! i ......j- , . AND . i jan wrxsnsaToy, n. c. 1884. NO. & CARPETS. AND CORNICE I -o- all widths. of the newest styles, at very close prices i T Black Silk; Suits made to order on short notice. nj. rjjcirjTiRE. Extract of Witch Hazel, i W E OFFER THE ABOVE PRE PARA. i Double Distilled Ex- tlon In Pint Bottles, as tract f -"Witch Hazol or i cents per bottle. - i Hnmmamolio, at 50 A safe at)d speedy remedy for Brulacs, Strains, Burns, 8calds, Neuralgia, Pain, Piles, Stings of insects and many other uses, the ex treme low price placing It within the reach of eery family. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Druggists, Market Street, Pinefit English Tooth Brushes 25 cents. jan 1 , i Mott's Sausage Factory. jyjOTT'S STEAM SAUSAGE FACTpRT la now completed and Is ready to nil orders - s ": ; i for Fresh Pork Sausage, Smoked SausagejLlT er Pudding.Hog'a Head Cheese. Also, Bolog na Sausage will be maife tbe year ronnd. Orders by Express C. O. D. will be prompt- .i i ly attended to . 1 i 1 This la the largest and most complete Sana age Factory South. ; ReBpectfulIyf; janl tf j W- J. MOTT. Don't Forget It. rjiHE OLD NORTH , STATE SALOON has on hand a fine lot of thoso HORNE GARDEN ousters sta-ked onj lee. They are the best brought to this market. Call and try them. Also, Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. JAS. M. MCGOWAN A SON, . jan 1 j No 6, South Front St Diaries for 1884. JjROM THE SMALLEST POCKET SIZES TO TnE LARGEST OFFICE SIZES. TURNER'S N. C. ALMANACS. BLUM'S FARMER'S AND PLANTER'S ALMANACS. MILLER'S ALMANACS. , THE LIVING CHTJRCn ANNtAL Wholeealo and retail, at HEINSBERGER'Sj jan 3' --Llyo Book and Muaic Stores 5 and 10 cents Cigars, r . TTAVANA FILLERS. XX Beat in the city, are oa aalo. Drugs and Modicinnl preparations of the highest grade at JNO. T. SCHONWALD'fl, Drug and Precrlptlon Store dec 3 The Annual Meeting TV F THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FIBST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, N.C., or the oloclion of Diroclorb, will be beld at their Banklog House on Tuesday, the eighth of January, 14, at 11 o'clock, A.M." i A. K. WALKER, dec 23 td nac Casbir .' W. O. Cabbage- j LARGE LOT, JUST RECEIVED; ! ! 1 A NO. 1 ARTICLE. SAUSAGES Made byj Weetbrook Bro., at 'I ! I " Rocky Point Bct la the market. i ! Orange, Apple, Poultry and a rpsueral ae- ftortmcut of - Fresh Family Groceries. uUy aoUdted. ' A call la l ecpect I L. G. CHERRY. N. . Corner Market and Second lata. jan 4 As8lgneefs Sale. HPHE, CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK of Cupexlor WINES. LIQUOR, PORTER, T CIGARS, CANNED GOODS, Ac. In the Store of 8. P. COLLIER, No. SS North i - i Front Street, will be aold at coat to cloee tbe ' " I- ' , - , assignment. The beat opportunity erer offer ed to get a superior article cheap. Call ani see. Jan 4 lw JOHN R. TV RRENTIN E, Aaalgnee 300 gALLONS FINE FAT OYSTERS In hand to dkv for oar Chrlstmaa trsde. ahd xmrnra . Imenu made tot m fall anpply for the balaaca of the week. w. k- DjlVIa a Sum. M2F Proprietors of tbe only regnJar eatab Cihf4 ZxZtrr la tUi ttcUon, dec4 vrtttea f oa. oaealdoof the paperv PwaonaHUca must be avt!ddc j And It U poclaDy aad partlUrty vd iood that tho Editor doca sot aUrara eadot the vfcwa of ccrmpondesta oalaaa!a state la the editorial oofcuoaa.- . , . MISCELLANEOUS It Don't Mottor JT THE OLD TE AR IS GONE AND TUTS New "Tear tss come, HUMPHREY irv KINS A ca. are stmrccclyh at thwts ter f Iou-e, No. 112 South Front Street, a fretn auppJr ererv dtyof XeWUer OrBtert. o always on haxd. Ac. , )int Astonishingly Low Prices; JQ .Standard Granulated Sugar SlJ "I O Bs. Pure White "A- Sugar, SI,; 3 fr Brewa Buj&r, $1, Minced Meat ICo px la,. jpps oi ex ao peT o. llkl'd Prnnf!B 1 Vi wkv A bel of Ex Faally cuarastccd tS.:5. Ralslna. CitrdnCurranta, Lemon Peel.' f ! v!Ci4n,nt4' Orirres fire Crackeri, 1 Extracts.- Splcea and au Imaa Good. HaTBB. Sujrar Cuiedand Old N. ! Beef Tongue. Driod Bef , ' m. Kiiw ana Bmomaa eaimon. Dried Apples and" Peaches. via uovt Java and Laguarra and Rla Cof- i fees, Roasted and Ground, Daily. James (? Stevenson. 1 i i nee i Christmas Novelties.' We do not claim to haW '.- ' ' . - tVI.'. : i i A GREATER VARIETY OR FiNER GOODS i than any one else. 1 j " ' WE ONLY POLITELY ASK YOU TO CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF.! dec 10 119 Markat et Sportsman's" Goods. WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT s of English and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to thla market. Also a first class stock of Shells, Wadding, Primen, Cart ridge Bags. Gun Caps, Game Bags, , Ao. In fact we can show a stoat of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. , W. JC Sir KlNGKu at CO.. Saooessora to John Dawson A Co., m i dec SI 19, 31 and 23 Market cneet Fancy Goodo. F ULL LINE AT GILES & M MURCHISON'S, dec 31 Murchlfon Block. - - i;- Apples ! Apples ! Apples" I ON CONSIGNMENT AND MUSTEK SOLD. L I I-' i N. Y. Baldwin Apples, Ohio Red Apples, N. Y. Creamery Butt ;r, N. C. Roll Butter, Ohio Butter, Va. Meal, car load or email order so licited. ; .. I ! . I E. G. BLAIR, Commission Merchant, 19 N. Second St. dec3i i i I - Bankrupt Sale of Boots and Shoes, j j I have bought the ontlre Bankrupt Stock o Dryfoos & Sternberger and will close It out at ! t . . .. ' V L: ! - I II.. lees than j! : ! ' I Manufacturer's Prices I j i . h-1 This stock la known far and! wide a tho HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED of any In the city, and aa tho goods are golnglo be Bold Very low for cash only it will par purchasers to-examine same before buying cisewnere. , r j ' 1 . dec!2 : ' A. DAVn. Just T HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOT lot of Velvet Lined CANTON STRAWS for i .... j, - ' i 1 i School Hata, also a large lot of FELT HATS i i which will be aold at reasonable prices, j I. Hare in a complete Stock of I-- Millinery and Fan oy Goods, CROCHET, SHAWLS and FASCINATORS. CAPS and SACQUES. AU- lUes, colon aad prices la -JERSKY8J" ! T r j , , STAMPING and HAIR WORK do at ra senablo prlcca. .11 it . ' -' T ,-l MISS E. KARRER, dec 31 i . , . - ! . . . ! "i - I Exchango Corner, 1 H G. Prempert j TiERSOKALLY IN ATTENDANCE at hli xr - -t . . - ii i . u i Fashionable Shavlsgand Hair Dreeslng Saloon at No. 1 South Froot etrcetl Nous bni.tho best work done and th beat workmen ea ployed. GlTetisacalL 1 .. t ; Jint-tf A HAPPYi i - Y. AND .,.! PROSPEROUS NtE YEAR . y TO ALL OF OUR 1 j FRIENDS AND PATRONS! j JACKSON i BELL, Printers and Binders. Jan l . i - ... t i i Boys' Saddles; 1 y T ADDLS AND GENTS SADDLES. Urn HUnketa, Lap Robes, Carriages and all j klads of Vehicle. Sadliery, Trunka and Carrlige - ' ! . ! - i I -. ' I ' : t I rvpaJrod by skilled workman. I jn i j Vauauxucauona bum ba ; vrtttea oa eal doe 17 . , No. 114 Ncni rrrct o

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