IHISPAPKB ned crcrr eTenlnc. Sunday. eepted Dy JOSU T.JAKES, tPlTOK ASD l-KOrKIXTOX. i?!PTlON'S TOSTAGE PAID: Oo yeiX ioo- One month, S3 cent. Ir wMl W 'lellTCr! bj carrier, free any I" ' thc ! l lbC abOVC .Hinr rate low anI K1erl SSur. will report JMKI H fall. rftre their pyr rtguUrly, 77" 7a:7 Itecicw has Oie largest i n fJ cirathdion, of any newspaper 4;.. o- Wilmington. J 7,TTsAMt (;ovcrnor Murray, of , . h whose tcroi expires next mouth, .... l.j rr-nmllUHI. iv;.i t; ,,i5loomiDSupas (loneral Hancock n,ates his process through ;Cahlornia. MUs Julia Jackson, dau-hter cl S'onewall Jackson, is in Richmond, Va. acd assislol a Iricnd in rcccivins on Serf Year's Day. In New York City it is proposed, a id practically decided, to put tbc elcc trie lisht wires in subways. whicKwill be larccnoush to allow repairs to bo made with case. The lato Kins Victor Kuianucl is not lorjuttcn by his subjects. Up to the 1st o! December over 70.000 names had bn registered on tbc book in the ccn-t-iciy in which he sleeps. No better evidence of national pros perity could be desired than the simple lact tbatthe mortgage indebtedness on the farms of tho United States has de creased 75 per cent. This little truth speaks volumes. rtH A Boston physician says that eating cloves will in the end "prove fatal. .Let the young men who take such frequent bu brief leaves of absence from our Opera House take the hint and try lemon juice instead of cloves. I Pr.Qannr Thnrmn with hia WlfY left Columbus, Ohio, on Friday for a I protracted tour of the South. So far I a he h personally concerned. Air. fThurman says he will not be a candi date for United States Senator under f any circumstances. VionnAQA KaIIao Uaita Ir r r tn lanAin rt v 4UCOJ UllCa MiaVU IjW AVUIMg as a recreation, the pm press Elizabeth setting the tashlon. A crand "aristo cratic a&sanlt of-arrasM was given short lime since in Vienna, where the performers were twelve young lady amateurs, dressed in elaoorate pink and blue costumes. C. 1. Huntington, whose name is now posted upon the journalistic bulle tm board, is put down as worth $50, uXJ.ouo. There is guess work about the fstimale.of course; but his control or bout 12,000 miles of railway and sleaiuboat lines is a lact. Robust at Vixty-Gve, this native of New York is without wife or children, an adopted daughter being the only member of his household. The sentiment in, favor of woman suffrage is growing rapidly in Iowa, it is claimed. Its advocates are vigorous ly at work, and some of the most influ ential papers in the State have given in their adhession to the movement. The next legislature wjll be asked to take tho Coal step toward submitting a constitutional amendment on the sub ject to ths people, and if this is done an earnest campaign in favor of its adop tion will be made in 188 1. That was a horrible holocaust which occurred at Belleville, Ills, on Sunday morning, in the destination of the Roman Catholic convent there. The Charleston Xcics'atid Courier ot yester day's date contains a full report of the disaster. The convent was Vnotf n as the Institute of the ImmacuMc Con ception and was conducted by the Sistera of Notre Dame. The fire oc curred early iu the morning aud Iherc were sixty pupil in the dormitories, which were locked on the outside . and could not be opened by the firemen. The disasters were lrightiul. Twenty two of the pupila and fire of thb Sisters were cither killed in jumping from the windows or else were burned to death i ' 'What is heaven's bect gift to uiau?'1 i?ilVk'edaweetIJ smilingon him. "Dr. Bull CooSh Syrup." be replied, with prudence u0 had just been cured by it of a bad cold. OneTbousaaaamlOiieUUldlcs. We have just received a handsome little book with the above title, which contains tho material (or much fun and home amusement in the way ol Riddles. Conundrums, Enigmas, and Hints for Acting Charades. If parents desire to hare their children amused, and also amuse themselves, they can not do better than to send lor this book. It contains 123 pares, with enameled paper cover, and will be sent by mad. postpaid, to any address, upon receipt of 15 cents, by J.S. Ogilvie Vfc Co,, Publisher. 31 Rose Street. New York. 5 and 10 cents Cigars, H AVANA riLLKItS, Beat in the city, arc on Jc. k.T1. aleJklaal preparUIOM of the htjbeat fTxtt at , , ! Jko. t. scnoNWAijys, aec 3 ( Dm aat rrecrJptKm Store I" -f - - - - ' - - ' " -. ' .j-. . . . I .. .v ' ''.-' 4 ' - -:f " . ...... I VOL. VIII. W ILMINGTON. N. C; TUES DAY. JANUARY 8. LOCAL NEWS. IXDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E I If M.u, Mayor Charity U W V atks Christmas Novelties II EiKSBKnoKR A Word to the Wlee J w Thompson, Trca. DivldenU Notice Mcnw IIk:j. A IIkRosskt Extract of Wltrhll.zcl The receipts' of colton at lhi3 port to day' foot np 127 bales. IIou. Simon Wolff wa to have lec lured in Golds boro last uifht. Tho board of directors of the Wil niiojlon & cldou Railroad have de clarcd a' dividend of lour per cent., payable on and after the 15th inst. We may look out, wo think, for a bis freshet in the river which will proba bly extend into all of I the tributaries and - brin: down a largo amount of pro duce to market- j There is a saying that the Weather ot tbc first twelve days in January indh catc lbc kind of weather that is to be in each month during the year of a corres ponding number, j If this be true we may prepare for rough weather this year. There is Lto be a new postoQice iu Forsyth couuty to be calleji Oldham, inJ honor of our former townsman, Mr. E. A. Oldham, now! editor of the Winston Sentinel, as it was through his efforts that thefoflicc was establish cd. . !i : It will be seen by a card published elsewhere, that the fi rm jot Colvillc and Campbell has been disolved. Mr. John Colville retires and Mr.A. R. Campbell who 'assumes the affairs sof the firm, will continue business as tne successor of the late firm, at the same office. 401 Nutt street. . j Some of the street crossings are in fearful condition. ' In such a public thoroughfare as the streets near the Postofflcc two out ol the four crossings are almost. in) passable. A city that is rich enough to lay Belgian blocks in the streets ought to make an effort to pro vide board crossings in a few localities. t As we somewhat expected, tho wind shifted to Southeast during last night, the weather became decidedly warmer, and towards morning it began to rain". It may be considered lortunate that the cold snap was of such short duration, for bad it been long continued there would necessarily have j been serious suffering. It may return, however, for the weather has an erratic way this : I I year. i ; The Washington City correspondent of the Golds bo ro Messenger says : "The venerable and beloved widowof Bishop Atkinson, who resides with one of her ... sons in Baltimore, is in very poor health, I was sorry to learn yesterday from ber grandson. He said that noth ing serious was apprehended. This lad Is Johnnie, son of Col. John Wilder Atkinson, of Wilmington. He is' a pupil of his uncle, Mr. Robert Atkins son. of Baltimore. Unmailablc. There is unbailable postal matter in the Postoffice in this city addresed as follows: Robt Rome, care S FRR Co; Rev Jas Willing, T K Howard. For Charity V Sake. The appeal for charity for the poor and destitute of the city, issued at the thoughtfulucss of Mayor Hall, calls for a most hearty and immediate response. It is a call which oujht not to be rcr pealed in this 'Christian community, for it is an imperative duty to assist the unfortunate poor in their distress. We aroglad that Mayor Hall has taken hold of the matter and trust that our people will promptly heed his request. Joseph Jefferson. This great comedian, with' his com. pany, travels in his own private carT the "City ot Worcester," so that in making their present, tour through tho South they will be subjected to no de lay of trains nor difficulty in securing tickets. They will arrive 'here ou Sunday evening, the l3th inst., and will not lcaye until 7 . o'clock on the morning of the 15th. The play which will be presented will be Sheridan's celebrated comedy of VTho Rivals." in which Mr Jefferson lakes tho part -of Bob Acres. The play is too well known to need comment from us, but it will be a rich treat to : see this sterling, standard comedy presented by Mr. Jefferson and a supp.rt embracing such well known names in the pro fession as Mrs. John Drew. Miss Rosa Rand, Mr. Frederick Robinson. Mr. R. S. Downing and others, j The sale o? tickets will commence at 8 o'clock to morrow morning, at Dyer's. I County Commissioners. ! The Board met in regular session yer tcrday afternoon. The Treasurer submitted his report for the month of December, as follows: General -Fund balance on harrd 20.596.71 Educational.Fund. - 15,330.20 The general fuud includes the sura of $(,500 in a certificate of deposit on the First National Bank. The Treasurer exhibited two coupons of the denomination of $2 each, which were burned in the presence of the Board.. The Register of Deeds submitted his report of the number ot j marriage licenses issued duriuz the month oi December, and the amount collected for the same. . The foregoing reports were received and ordered registered and filed. The following partiss were granted licenses to retail spirituous liquors for three months from January 1st. 1881 : C II Richtcrs. II Schulkcn. J G L Greschen, H A Glameyer, W Otorseu, R J Scarborough, Ida Mulligan, Adrian & Vollers. George Herbert, , J M T Bremer, A K Heyer. J H ,Borueman, John D Doscher, E W Doscher, M G Chad wick, D Otten. N F Nixon, Sellers & McKeithan, August Deumelandt, F W Ortman. II Hiutz. J G Oldcnbuts tie, J F Rulis, J H Boesch, J W Gerdts. G R Ward, Mcrtena & Hakcman, Klein & Mayland, W H & J A I Montgomery, Carl .Mugge, M Ratbjen, C Schulkcn, G W Linder. George E;Berdcn, C Wesself, L Von Karapen, A C Wcssell, J 11 Grot sen. J H Strauss. A D Wessell. J F Stolter, J MMcGowan &Son, William Ulrich. C W Gasson, John Haar.Jr., L H Vollers. C H Stemmerman, L G Cherry. J J Curtis, S J Meyer, M O'Brien, PMohr. E G Barnitz, Nick Hullen, J W Duls. H W Bryant, D N Chad wick, Henry Haar, B H JAhrens, Betts & Owens, A B Cook, C F Von K am pen, Mary E Williams, George R Bates & Co, B Bellois, W H M Koch, D Steljes, Harry Loeb, J Fernberger, L Vollers, W n Howe,' C Fitzgerald, r L Bridgers & Co. Commissioners B G Worth, J A Montgomery and and Roger Moore were appointed a committee to settle with the sheriff, when ready for the same. Tho Board proceeded to draw the regular venire to serve as jurors on the second Monday in February: I3A B Sikes. Jos B Aaron. Jooj Casteen, Jackson, J Farrow, David Loflin, C F W Bisslnger. II C Evans, Wm P Price, E L Ennett. N B Vincent. E R Hicks, E II Keathley. P Pearsall. A C John son, W F Furpless, W W Humphrey, W I Ennett. T A Brown. J G Darden, J H White man, F A Muse, Bristow Harriss. W B Willis, C C Ennett, J A Curtis, R B Freeman, Sr., Alfred Howe, Newton Morgan, LBlumenthal, R J Scarborough. J C Hill, Justice of the Peace, sub mitted his annual report of fines and forfeitures, amounting to $10.12. and the same was ordered entered on the records of official reports. The Board resolved itseif into a Board of Education when the following busi ness was transacted : Donald MacRae. chairman of the committee for District No. 1, submitted his annual statement of receipts and disbursements for both races, which was received and ordered registered 3 I and filed. j J II Chad bourn, chairman of Dis trict No, 2, submitted his statement. which was disposed ot as above. Jacob Home, W R Greene and T A Davis, School committee for District No. 3, submitted their census returns for the past year for both races, which was ordered registered and filed. The saine'action was taken in refer ence to reports from other Districts. The resignation of :uapt S W Noble. as School Committeeman ot District Nol 5, was received, and j Capt E W Manning was appointed in bis stead. Iredell Johnson, bupenntendent ot Public Instruction for New Hanover county, submitted his annual report4 which was received and oruereu registered and filed. City Cou,rt. Ella Martin, colored, was very drunk. very disorderly aud very noisy yester day afternoon and when arrested was very obstinate and abusive to. the police. .This morning a hue ot 25 was imposed by the Mayor, for her bad conduct, in default of which she was sent below for 30 days. William Daniel also colored, was also drunk . and disorderly, for which he was fined 610. which must be paid within SO days or be goes below tat 20 days. ' Charles McKoy, colored, for disorder ly conduc was discharged. ; ' i - ! Howard Itelief. The following were elected oflieers of I Howard Relief Fire E. engine Com pany No. I. at the meeting last evening. Foreman A. Adrian. First Assistant M. Ratbjen. Secnd Assistant F. C. Miller. President J. G. Oldcnbuttel. Vice President F. W. Heyer. Recording Seecretary J. G. L, Giescheu. Corresponding Secretary W. Ollcr scn. Treasurer J. Haar, Jr. Chief Engineer T. II. Smjtb. Assistant Engineer F. Martens. Steward J. G. L. Gieschcnj f : . First National Bank. The 18th annual meeting of tbc stock holders of the first National Bank of Wilmiugtbn was held inj their banking house, in this city, at 11 o'clock this forenoon. Mr. R. J. Jones was called to llio chair and Messrs W. A. French and Wm. Larkins were appointed Secre taries. l After the reading and adoption of the President's report, theimectiug proceed ed to the election of a Board of Direc tors for the ensuiug year, which result ed in the election of the old board, con sisting of the following gentlemen, viz: EJ E. Burruss. D. G. Worth, A. Mar tin, Jas, Sprunt and George Chad bourn . The meeting then adjourned. For painful ailments, St. Jacobs Oil ought to be kept in every house. The Battle of New Orleans. To-day (January 8th) is the 69th anniversary of the famous battle of New Orleans, which was fought J anu ary 8th, 1815, the Americans command, ed by Gen. Andrew Jackson , after wards President ot these United States and the British by Sir Edward Packen ham, who was .killed in the figh'2 Tho Americans were victorious and the British were' routed with fearful slaugh ter. Peace had been declared on the 24th of December preceding, but the news had not reached this country , at the time of the battle. It is a singular matter ot history that two very impors tant naval battles were fought even later than the above. t On January 15th, seven days after the battle of New Or leans, the American frigate President was captured by a British squadron, and on March 23d, three months after the declaration of peace, the British brigj Penguin was captured by the American sioop-of. war Hornet, j ' NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. Wilmington & Wei. R. R.Co. I TREASURER'S OFFICE, ) Wixmikgtox, N. C, January 8, 1884. S DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington & Wei don R. R. Co., will be paid to the Stockhold ers at this office on and after the 10th inst. J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary & Treas jan8 3t CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, MAYOR'S OFFICE, ; January 7th, 1$$4 Charity. IJ1HE MANY PITECTUS APPEALS THAT hinbMn made at the City Hall for heh. satisfy me that there la much suffering among the poor in our city during the cold weather. I hare stopped a portion of tbc city teams, and am now distributing such supplies as have been sent for the relief of the needy; but the supply Is Inadequate to the demand. Through tne agency ox our cuy pnysiciansauu ine po yt 1 nope co reacn tne most necay. Any con LbnUons of rroecrlea or money for fuel can be sent to me, and the same will be promptly distributed. K. D. HaLL. jan 8 ' Mayor W. &. E. S. LATIMER, Attoraeys-at-Law. Office S. E. Cor. Princess and Water Sts. jan 71 m : Our Trade TOURING THE HOLIDAYS WAS ENTIRE- fysatlsfactory, and wc feel grateful for o liberal patronage. Additions to our stork hare been extensive within tbc last ten days, and wc show a new and complete line, of CHAMBER and PARLOR FURNITURE, RATTAN and REED CHAIRS, FOLDING CHAIRS. In Wclton, Velvet and Tapcatry; Parlor Desks. Library Cases and Wardrobes. Wc hare a large stock of common Furniture which we offer at close prices. We invite an inspection of onr stock. Respectfully. THOMAS U. CRAFT. Arent. Furniture Dealer, jan 7 . - SO Bo. Front St Jolin C, Dayis, ATTOBNET AND i, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, - ! : WiuuarGTOsr, N. Office over the' Bank ol Heir Hanover. , Practices la all the Courts of the State. C3" Special attention paid to tho collection ol rWn- nor Si tf 1884. NO. 7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Mouday Evening Jan. 14. MR..1 EFFEUSOS.. . . .a?. ... ROD AC liES" In Sheridan's; Famous Coruedy of the With the following Cireat Cafet: Mrs. John! Drew ..a ...Mrs Malaprup Mr., Frederic Kobicson as Sir Ant'ny Absolute Mr. It. I. Jowoinfr as. . .Captain Absolute Mr. CliaF. Plunkeu as.... Sir Lucius Miss Rosa Band as Lydla Languish The advance sale of seats comincofea Wed nesday, Jan. 0, at Dyci'a ! Frlccsa I'aniuct c aud linst two rows in Balcony, Reserved, 1.50. Dress Circle and Balcony, Reserve. 1. General Admission to Balcony, &0c (ial lery. 25c. J jan 7 7t Extract of Witch Hazel. XXTE OFFER THE ABOVE PREl'ARA lion iu Pint Bottles, as Double Distilled E.v iraci ! v ltcu liazci or Hnmmaiuelio, at 50 CO" la icr bottle. A safe and speedy j remedy for Bruises, Strains, Burns, Scalds, Neuralgia, Tain, Pilep, Stings of Insects and many other uses, the ex treme, low price placing it within thp reach of every family. I Munds Bros. &DeRosset, Druggists, Market Street, Finest English Tooth Brushes 25 cents. Dissolution. WILMINGTON, N. C, Jan 4, li84. rililE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE X existing between the undersigned, under the linn name of COLVILLE & CAMPBELL, has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. A. R. Campbell assumes tho liabilities of the late firm, and Is alono authorized to sitrn In liquidation. JOHN COLVILLE, A." R. CAMPBELL. A: E. CAMPBELL, SUCCESSOR TO COLVILLE & CAMPBELL, Lumber Commission Merchant ! I , 401 Nutt St. ian 7 lw WILMINGTON, N. C. Mott's Sausage Factory. jyjOTT'S STEAM SAUSAGE FACTORY Is now completed and is ready 1 to lill orders for Fresh Pork Sausage, Smoked Sausage, Liv er Pudding.Hog's Head Cheese. Also, Bolog' na Sausage will be made the year ronnd. Orders by Express C. Q. D. will, be prompt ly attended to. I l , f This Is the largest and moat complete Saus age Factory South, janl tf Respectfully, W J. MOTT. Don't Forget It. fJTIIE OLD NORTH STATE i SALOON has on hand a fine lot of those HORNE GARDEN o3TiR3 stacked on ice. They are the best brought to this market. Call and try them. Also, Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. JAS. M. MCGOWAN & SON. janl No 6, South Front St Diaries for 1884. "U ROM THE SMALLEST POCKET SIZES TO THE LARGEST OFFICE SIZES. TURNER'S N. C. A L VI AN ACS. I BLUM'S FARMER'S AND PLANTER'S ALMANACS. i i MILLER'S ALMANACS. , THE LIVING CHURCH ANNUAL, Wholesale and retail, at HEINSBERGERS, jan 3 Live Book and Music Stores i ALLON5 FINE FAT p VSTERS in hand to day for our Christmas trade, and arrange mcnts made for a full supply fori tbc balance of the week. W. E. DAVIS &SoN. J" Proprietors of the only regular cstab-1 llshwl tlBhery in this section. nee 24 SELLING OUT I HATS & FEATHERS AT REDUCED PRICES. I MRS. KATE C. WINES, Vo. 119 N Second Strep., nxt Post Offi jah Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. 1. ' JJONORARY AND ACTIVE MEMBERS : You are hereby notified to meet at your En gine House on Monday, January: 7. at IS) 30 o clock, sharp, as the election oi oniccrs for tne ensuing year win take puce. 1 By onler of the President, i ' , F. C. MILLER, jan 3- j Rec. Secfy Assignee's Sale. j .i I j - flUIE CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK X 1 ! . ' .1 of Superior ,1 i ! - 9 WINES, LIQUOR, PORTER, 1 CIGACS, CANNED GOODS, Ac in the Store of S. P. COLLIER, No. ts North Front Street, will be sold at cost to close the i assignment. The best opportunity erer offer i - : I ed to get a snperSor article cheap. Call and see. -' ' - r" ' ... JOHN R, TURJXNTINE. jaailw Aaslgnte .rUEASE NOTICE. 1 . ... fa will btd to redely. cosmcJciiJca from otnr fxlenda on any and all chjsa. eral Interest tmt : " A " Tb aiaa ot the writer must alwav be fa auhodtothoRntorl Communication must he w w ya(i.. - . Personaatlca muet be .ToWed." And It. la especially and partlcularrj end .-' toorl that the Editor doe. not aiway end," the Yietra of correspondent! untesa ao stata In the editorial oohixinaJ ! ; MISCELLANEOUS Christmas ISrovelties. i j We tin not rhun to havi A (JREATKRIVARIKTVoiT v.vi-u ; .. . .... ! . " ..... MWU5 ' - . : ' - i , t than any onC eUc; ; .j WE ONLY POLITELT ASK TOU TO CAU. AND JUfKiE FOR YOURSELF.; dec 10 U3 llarket at Spdrtsman's Goods, x WEltV PlEL FINEST ASSOnTMEST of English and Belgium Brocch toad ever brought to this niarkct. iui first claas stock of Shell. Wd,!tn iCzH-r J?"F rhlgo Bags. ,Gun capa, Gamo'Bag Duvn a oi iiarawarc itomt goods and guarantee prices. i Y. E. SpRINGER & cd:, Successors to John Dawson ft Co.! dec 31 19,31 and 23 jlUrUtaukt Fancy Goods. JjULL LINK AT V ., " .j .. ' GILES & MURCUfSON'S, ' dec .Jt - ' - 3lurrhlon Block. Apples ! Apples I Apples,! QN COSlJHMENT ANDJJUSTBKSOJUD. Y, vnuJ' H'cak car load or sma order so. IT.. 4 A aSF y a Mcal car l0rt1 r small order so. L ... . 1 I- G. BLAIR, i.iiiniistiiou Aicrehanti 19 N. dec 31 j Second tit. Bankrupt Sale of Boots and Shoes, I have bought the entire Bankrupt" Stock 6 I ' ' i ill Dryfoos & Stcrnbcrgcr and will closo It out at less than i Manufacturer's This stock Is known far and wldd aa tho HANDSOMEST and BEST 8ELECTEO of any In the city, and as the goods aro going to be sold very low for cash only it will pay purchasers to examine samo leforo i buying elsewhere. . I ! ' t d?c 12 A. DAVID. f VVOTd tO the WlSG ISSuffl- cient. A 1'IANO OR ORGAN IS NOT A LDXU- ry; iney nave lecome ,a eccEsIty. If yqu want a bargain go to HEINSBfikER'S LlVK BOOK i AND MUSIC STORK. Nd mattPr what anybody says, if yoiii want to buy, a i I . ! i , i 1 Piano, Sqnare or Upright, or an Organ. I ro first to IlKlNSRERfjEU'S and find out What youcsndo. It will cost yon nothing, and you may save some money; All of ;onr goods are wan-anted for live years, ami are war rrnted first class In every respect. See for yonree'.t and save money. A word to the wise I is sufficient. i . , jan? Golden Harvest. A FULL FLEDGED GOLDEN " HAR- VKST". That's the kind of COOK. STOVE WE KEEP. They are a thine of Beautr ami Joy to EVERY HOUSEHOLD. Only sold by PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. g Jan7 Boys' Saadle, j ADIES' AND GENTS SADDLES. IIprC Blankets, Lap Robes, Carriages and all kind of Vehicles. Saddlery, Trunks and Carriage! repaired by skilled workmen. I i UCDOUGALL ft BO WD EN J ,' dec 17 No. 1H North Front ft 1 PJotice. 1 ! FIRST NATIONAL BANK J OF WILMINGTON. DIVIDEND OF TnREE AND A HA1, i per cent, nas ueen ueciared by I Directors of this Bank, payable the Board irectors of this Bank, payable on i and af to I the 8th Jnst. Dill msi. II A. H. WALKER, n 4-t8th nac I Cashier iap Just Received. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER los of Velvet Lined CANTON STRAWS fir Sslibol.Ifati. alo a large lot of ' FELT it ATS wh? h will !i told at reasonable prices. Iiarelo a complete Stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods,' CROCHET SHAWLS and : FASCINATORS. , CAPS and SAC2UES. All size, colors and prices in "JERSEYS-" II" STAMPING and JIAIR WORK doae at rea sonablc prlfcs. , ji MISS E. KARRER, 1 dec 31 Excliange Corne - i JL H. C. Prempert P2RJ-ONALLY IN ATTENDANCE at ,hU , ' j ' I iM, ; I- , ' if afbionable Shaviegsnd Hair Dressing Saloon at No. 7 South Front Street. None i out tbe best work dona and the best workmen era- ploy cu :re us a calL ' jan, Mf HAPPY ! AND PEOSPEROUS i -1 YEAE TO ALL OF OUIt FRIENDS AND PATRONS! JACKSON & BE Printers and Binders. Jan 1