i! -1 i i'. I!: i I: I : if - M 1 1 f ! a. J' '4 :il t: Tiro Daily RgView, JOSH. T. JAMES, tor & Prop. VILMIT- N. C. TUESDr JANUARY 8. .1681. . Eatered ' 4,10 at Wilmington. N. C. as socond-class master. THe board of . cslunates and appor ji'onment of New York has decided that the expenditures of the city lor 1831 shall be limited to $33.01G.1G5( which is 3.200.000 less than was asked for by the heads of departments, bat 3.500. 000 more than was expended in 1883. In 1873, ten years ago. the total expen ditures were only $19.407 037 a little more than one-half the amount to bo spent this year. This is not a verv pleasant New Year's present for the unhappy taxpayers ot New York City. The Washington Slar thinks Senator Sabin's position as chairman of the Re publican National Committee gives his lews on party policy new authority. Yesterday he authorized the statement that he favored a cessation rf payments bn the national debt in excess of the amount set apart under the sinking Jund act for that purpose, and the re funding of the debt into fifty year two percent, bond, with I he abolition ot the ono per cent, tax on bank circula tion, so as to make the two per cents. an available basis for continuing the national bank note system. These views at cord with those ofllw; admin titration, and will probably be adopted by the party at large, but tlwy will he antagonized by lhn Democrats, anil form a "living issue in politics. .The cable rumor tnat the Kolhs child, acting for a combination ol great railway companies, have" oflered the French government $81 000,000 for the State railways enzagc3 the attention of all students of the railway problem Aiinougu mere was a scheme six months ago to construct 1 ,C0O miles of needless railway in France, simply to 'redacc the social tendencies of the idle and unemployed.' it is believed that such folly will henceforth be abandoned, aud there arc many who think a salo of lhc State railways will be eflected. The railway system of Franco grew from 353 miles of lines in 1341 to 14,137 miles in 1879. and the transfer to private hands of the vast responsibility of the operation of the State railways would certainly be re garded in this country as a desirable change for the republic to make. In Germany, Austria, Hungary. IL'lgium. Denmark, Norway and Sweden the percentage of gross income swallowed up in operating expenses is much greater on government than on private railways, aud there are peculiar reasons why a republic should not undertake the construction and operation of rail ways. The government owns about one sixth of the railways in France. During the past year crime has uocn on the increase. On an average there have been four murders and two sui. cides each day. On the other hand, executions have averaged only two in a week, and lynchiugs about the same t number. Iaat year there were on au average two murders and one suicide a day, and two hangings and one lynch iog a week. Since January 1 last 'one hundred and five persons have expiated their crimes by death at the hands ot the law. Judge Lyuch ha.- been very busy during the past year in the South and West. Through tho in strumentality of vigilance committees and mobs, summary justice was meted out to ninety-two culprits, against fifty, seven in 1882. Eleven ot them wcr j shot. eighty were hanged aud one (a negro) was burned at the stake at Edgcrly, La. la various parts ot tho Union nine hundred and ten persons put an end to their earthly existence by drowning, lire, gas, the pistol, razor, rope. &c. In 1832 there were three hundred and eighty-three cases of suicide. This year New York leads with two hundred and four cases, against one hundred and eighty.four in 1883. Pennsylvania fol lows tho Empire State with ninety-two cases of self destruction, i Belgium, the freest and best governed country oj the continent of Europe, is for the present without a Constitution, the charter of 1330, together with all the papers relating to Bolgian indepen dence, having been destroyed in the fire which has burned to the ground the Cbaja bcr of Representatives. The case is unprecedented, and it will be inter esting to see in what manner the nation will rcadopt the act. Fortunately, one may say without undue emphasis, that the Belgian Constitution is written in tbe hearts of tho people; and the Bel gians, after all. are in no worse position than tho English, who also have r.o Constitution in documentary form. The iuly other country which vas ever de prived of its Contitutioa at one blow was Poland. The Polish Constitution of the year IS 15 was seized bodily, by .the troops of tho Emperor Nicholas aftor tho suppression ofthe insurrection oi 1830, and carried away, rolled up and enclosed la a japanned tin case, to be exhibited at Moscow in a museum of curiosities," where it is still to be seen. Steel rails, says tho Boston Bulletin, have shrunk in average selling price from $170 in 1867 to $35 in the eleventh month of 1883. The average price for the eighteen years in which wo began to make steel rails, is $63!00 -per ton. The fact should bo borne in mind, that ODly 2,550 tons of sjcel rails were pro duccd in the fiscal year of their appear ance in the market, in 1867. i Fourteen, years later the production, in order to meet the unusual demand, reached I. 335,519 tons, selling in 1681 at an av erage price of $61.12. The production in 1883 was 1,460.920 tons, and the price $43 50. The decline from $48 50 to $35 in less than a year ($13.50) is tho sharpest decline in steel rails that has been experienced in the business The output ot steel rails for 1883 has been approximated at 1,000,000, A few mills have 'a creed to deliver 1 steel rails at $35, a but this is I only Dossible under extreme conditions of "industrial economy However, steel rails have been sold at $30 per ton within the past two weeks, but manufacturers lose money at that price, it being within $5 of the price at which English) steel rails made by cheap labor can be sold in this country. Were American labor as cheap as that of the foreign article, we could under sell tbe English manufacturers. 1 I It is u Positive Luxury to brush the teeth wiihSOZODONT. so fragrant and refreshing is it, and so pleasant is the taste it leaves iu the mouth after the operation. Then how gratifying is the effect and how com placent feels the beholder who views in the glass a row ot ivories rendered sjKJtles, by this benign and dclightlul loiict articlo. j Only a few drops on the brush, a rag or sponge is needed for an ahlutiou and ; yct: it is wondrously elective. i SHCJItTS There are forty female students in the Lnivcrsity fcf fc.vs. It is said Madame Nillson's salary is 3.000 for each performance. Colored Masons have six loujrc3 in Conuecticut. with 250 members. Senator Aluncu is a partner in a wholesale grocery inl Providence, li. I. During the year 1683 not a single American vessel eleared lrom the port of New York laden with grain. Tho smallest pony in the world is the pet of the liaroness lJuroett Uoutts Hartlett. lie is 5 years of age and stands 13 inches high. The Jinilwav Age publishes a sum mary of railway forclosurcs in 1883. The foreclosures covered 18 lines, with a total of 1,354 miles of track, $18,821,- 000 capital stock, and $28,505,000 bonds and debt. i The largest individual tax pa'cr in Dos'on is Joshua M. Sears, who pays $50,5SS. One railroad corporation pays $101,135; live poisons ' or corporations pay more than SjO.000, and so pay morethau $10,000. f ! Despite the unfavorable weather, the business of the New! York theatres Christmas day was gsod, the aggregate receipts beingfcsttmated at about $10,- 000. In Philadelphia the receipts were estimated at over $20,000. Letter from Cyrus W. Field , J r. 8 East 57th Street Nkw Yokk. May 8th, 1883, Several times this wiute'r I have suf fered from severe Colds on my Luugs. Each time I have applied Am.cock s l'oKUS Plasteks, aud in every Instance I have been quickly relieved by -apply ingonc acrovs oay chest and one on my back. My lricnds, through my advice. have tried the experiment and also found it most successful. I feel that I can recommend them most highly to any one who mav sec lit to try them. CYKUS V. FIELD. Ju. Weak liuck, Rbuuinaiiiui aud all Ijcal Talus arc rclioved and cured by ALLCOClv'S . l'OROUS lLASTKIvS. Ouc trial will couvincc you, but sec that you get .hc genuine, , as all other so called Porous Planters, without a single exception, are worthless imitations. aiOONSUINC. Yes," said Mr.j Byrncsmoukey, at the theatre. "I like short waits, bat when I'm buying coal it's a different matter." j "I do not Ioto him in tbe old fond way," writes Ella Wheeler. What's the matter, Ella? Has be got to wear ing cloth gaiters, or drinking tea for bre&ktast, or something like that? Every night before retiring the head of a St. Louis honsehold taps at his oldest daughter's door and says: "Are yoa there my dear?" "Yes," is the reply which generally comes back. 'All right," cheerily sounds the old man as he starts for his room. "I thought you might be missing." Mrs. Syrakins cle Harris (to ladv caller) "Do wa know the Hoggs? I don't think wo do. Do we, Maud?" Young Symkins de Harris (ago 11 years) "Qh, ma, what a story! Didn't pa say be owed Mr. Hogg $5,000, and he didn't know where in the world it was to come from ? J (Tableau.) 'What are yoa doing there, Jane?'' "Why. pa, 1 am goiiig to dye my doll's pinafore red." But what have you got to dye it?" "Beer." ; "Who on earth told you that beer! would dye red?" "Wbyj ma said it was beer made your nose mj. and T thought-t" "Here. Susan.; tafcthis child." "Are you coiner to the funeral t bis ; afternoon. Mrs. Flin?" asked one lady if my husband don't bring home iiiaiiuuu iicKcis, rvpiiei ino iaiicr. The Judge i No. indeed; there's no place like home." sighed the married man who tripped over the coal scuttle and lell into a washtnb while tumbling around for a match to light the kitchen fire. Airvr Journal. i Silrcr I'l&tcd Spoons and Forks, low rrioes. at Jacobi's. Health is impossible when the blood is impure, thick;, and sluggish, or when it is thin and impoTerished.j Under such conditions, boils,: pimples, head.. aches, neuralgia. Theumatism. ana one disease after another is developed. Take AyerSarsaparilla.and it will roafc the blood pure, rich, warm, i and vitalizing Scalsacqucs arc long and half-fitting Cured Six Years Ajro. "It has been 6 years since I was cured of fits," says Mr. W. Ford, of Wirt, tTsrK -A -I- orW UIU lb. null ii oinojd $1.50, at druggists. nuncio- dresses abroad are all made short. ' . i tismtuor. Aran'V-ivorrik Svrun Infallible,' tasteles, harmless, cathar tic: tor leverisnness. resiiessness, worms, constipation. 25c The favorite balmoral skirt is black. TkiTVAw. Wis . SeDt. 24. 1878. Gents I have taken not quite one hntHo nt thP. Hon Bitters. I was feeble old man ot 78 when I got it. To day I am as active and leel as I did at 30. I sec a great many that need such a medicine. D. BOYCE. Kitten's heads adorn many felt and Tha most delicate nersons eniov tak ing Esionv's Little Cathartic Pills give a wholesome appetite, put new incut a uiuivcii-uunu uvui. v - Clinging draperies remain in favor witn iNew loric society gins. ui me many remeuies uuiuic iuu ijuu- ic ibr.Ncrvous Debility and weaknec-s f Nerve i Generative System, there is Of the many remedies before the pnb- 1 of none uiuai ij rxi.vii o mam vvv which promptly ana permanently C'l tct r fnr .Qr At dnip-trists. or bv mail from J. II. AJlenl 315 Firt Ave. New York City. ! eod&w . . . ," : , . . . tsiactv stocKings remain me nrsc favorites of fashionable women. s. run vnci The Volt aic Belt Co., ot 'Marshall Mich , ofler to o sena jjt. ine s ieieuat- on trl.iL for thin v ilavs. to men. old . w . wH. u - - w-- - i i and youns alilicted with nervous neumty, josc vuaitty, ana many ocner a 1. w 1 See advertisement ia this paper, t th s eow&w MISCELLANEOUS. WeahNeryousillen 3 Whoae debility, crslukmfed and faUora V parfortn llfe' duties properly are caused bf excesses, errors of youth, xrtc, , will lind a, perfect and lasting restoration to robntt healtk and Tlfforonn manhood in THE MARfiTON RnUlfi. Neither stomach drrurcinir nor mrraments. i nis treatment or Xervons llotolllty and lhvfclciilDecay istinitarmly sncceasftil becanso based on perfect diagnosis, new nnd direct method and abeolnte thor onthncM. Tall information and Treatise free. Address Consnltinjr rhrfneian of MARST0N REMEDY CO., 46 W.UlhSL, New York. novA27-lyeod&w - tb . Twists and Twinges. "My brethren shouted Dr. Talmage one bricht autumnal Sunday, "hero is a lesson from the cornficl I. God has arranged that the ear and the husk shall be parted. Every rheu matic pain u but a thrust of the husking peg, and every neuralgic twinge is only a twist of tbe huskcr." ( Possibly; but nobody wants to 'be husked,' for all that, and nature teaches us to resist the process.' Therefore, we accept with gratitude whatever helps us to suppress those very twists and twinges. . 1 2 , . '1 ; From his pleasant home, Grccumount, near SiQgtSlug, N. Y., M. Alfred Bacr, a French gentleman, writes: j . "I have suffered almost intolerable torments from rheumatism for many years. Of the nu mcrous remedies which I tried, none benefited mo, Uut Paukkr's Toxic gave me great sat isfactiou. I certify with pleasure that it re stored my health. You are welcome to pub lish this and use my name." Messrs. Uiscox A Co. call cdpcclsl atten tion to the fact that this preparation, which has been known as Pakker's Ginger Tonic, will hereafter be advertised and sold simply under the name of Pakker's Tonic. As un principled dealers arc constantly deceiving their customers by substituting inferior, pre paratlons under tbe namo of ginger, and as ginger is really an unimportant flavoring iagro dlcnt, we drop the misleading word. There is no chqstge, however, in the prepara tion itself, nd all bottles remaining in the hands of dealers, wranned under tho name of Paskes's Ginger Tonic, contain the gen uine medicine If the fae simile signature of IIiscox A Co. Is at the bottom of the outside wrapper. deo 13-d Aw BEFORE Electric Appliances art sent en 30 Days' Trial. TO MEfl ONLY, YOUNQ OR OLD. W7"HO r msJUtinm from Kmtoci Dxbiutt, V Lot Vitautt. Lack ot Kbits Forcx ab V ioor. W asttso W unwa, nd all Uiom iHk-iiti of a Psoal Kattxs resoltlac from Abcses and uthbx Cavsks. Bptyedj relief and complete resto- rmtion Of HBALTH.YfOOaiHl ttAKHOOO OCABASTKZSi. Tbe grandest discovery of the 'inete&tn Cenrarr. Urud at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Addrees VCtTAie BUT CO., UABSHAU. HUH. now 2T.lyeodX.r ith FREE!-:" RELIABLE SELF-CIR1E'' farorit preMrtptioa of on cfCl BOted ad aooOMBfal rmdaUata la tba t lntoeu-at fc f ZXmn h mm, irem kmm and lm umm. Lk ja Si si 1 it an vtoyy . rTrcry i in 1 1 1 '- ?itm$ DR. WARD 6 CO.. lm!iiua tjoy ZT lyeotUtw t th : Akin AttttbA TSOSX iVhat is a Blood Corpusclo? - r A blood corpuscle .is' one of the Snallestf thicp on earth, fit is a flat .... ot exctly round; fP-L. buf iearly So, and not quite tne tnineeu mddredth part of an inch long Blood corptisles arc closely laid iloncrside J of each other in your blood j i They are ot a ongnt rea color, They owe this (color to the iron that is in them. But for this , . - . y) - ' , " j -cd color ofthe corpuscles, the blood would he a colorless fluid. As the blood rapidly goes rts ' rounds through arteries and veins driven by the , heart, the corpuscles go with it, forming a very! important part of it. If there is not enough iron in the Wood, the corouscles sutler. You fi n orrmci nnr ran vou : 1 : see one, except vvitn tne microscope. fiut '- tell that they suffer, by ""t" , j finding out that1 you are weak and poorly and palc The cheerful red that is on a healthy cheek is owing !ne iron m inc uiuuu wipuDua. When the cheek is blanched and i . t pecause incre is nui cuuuyii nuu m vour blood. "How can I eet iron into my Tli'rrJX:.T . . iL,L-'-,-ni-.V .t, cniaintancq with that metal is in the way of nails, pokers, horseshoesl or I railway TclUS. llic iiuii ni uic uiuuu ft- eoircnrn mtal ne in thp:hpaw naraware But bh! in such adif- ferent shape ! ; There is a wonderfm preparation of iron that is made so that it bour- ishes the blood by entering into it and becoming a part of it, thus trav- j eling through arteries veins, and L. m a ! ' VT C r . -v.-.-v-fc f 4- i t oil n i . nean. pprtant part of Browns Iron fitters j :i j: i -t, i r i -i j - Xi l - 3UCn iame as a Duuoer-uu ui uruKji down systems, and an invigorator ol I. m -vk -IT -( . . the, blood. . Lirovvn s iron fitters . J il!: " . . : -1. 1 wnicn you can ooiam irom no oinei source. 13 niec 8- nrm tc d&wJ5Icd FRESH ARRIVALS ATMOKE'S CELEBKATED MINCE ME AT3 . in Barrels. Half Barrels and Pails ; and A PLUM PUDDING 5 1 ! j j in all sizes. . , r . These are the very best fgoods ot theirklDd, and nc family should be without them. ORANGE MARMALADE. i a most delightful Sweetmeat for the tea table To arrive on'Tuesday next, a, fresh supply ol wngei: lany, , Ben's Boston CrackeTs, j j & Genecovc Waters, :. rV CoflecJCakessoraethlngJnewZandinlce. Orange Bar, , AlmondMaccaroons, Cocoanutg Uaccarooijs, and The Genuine Alb'ert!Biscuit, : , i . ;i i In one andjtwo pound Tins. For sale low. .. John L. Boatwright. nov 12-tf i i Commercial Hotel Wilmington,, N.C. M. SCHLOSS, Prop. THIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. First-class Bar and BILLIARD ha LOON ATTACHED. r W First National Bank of.Wil mington. C APIT ALSTOC K. . . . . . . . . 1250,000 BURPLUS FUND........... . 66,0l Deposits received aad collection made on ' - - l i - f . i all accesalble polstan ih Unite-l states. DIRECTORS, E. JE. BUKRUSS, I- D. O. WORTH 1 A. MARTIN, : JA8. SFRUNT, GEORGE CHAD BOURN. : OFFICERS!: E. E. BURRUSS........ L PrcBSdexvl Caahier A. K.iwALKER...;i;Mi..-: Art Caaaler fa HABIT E Iiaiany -irl Vil. air - aiBBa aiati iy. .. frr iimi iaU. i " tVAJUM.a, is . iu sctl nov 27 lyCMAw tifr IBATLKOAUS, &G. Wilmington !; & eldon BaUroad '.Company. I WlJmlnKtoff, N. C, Nov 17,-1883. - Change of Schedule. ii.illitJriin ON 5 AND AiTEIt HOY'S, 18, ISS3.ULT 1.05 A. M.. PaaBcncrer Trains on the W liming ton a eiuon xuiuruau niHiiuioo w PAY MAIJAND EXPRESS TRAINS DAILT K08. 47 NOSTB AN 48 SOUTH: j Leave Wlimlngton, Front St. Dept, S.53 A. Arrive atWeldon 2.31 P. Leave WeMon..j. ............ ....... a.w-. m Arrive at Wilm'gton, Front St. D'pt, 8.40 P. M Fast Through Maii. A Passknokb Traiw Daily No. 40 South. ' Leave Welflon L. 5.50 P. M Arrive at Wllm'gton.Front St. Dp't 10.25 P.;&S MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS DAILY No. 43 North. Leave Wilmington. Arrive at We Man.. 8.00 P. M. 2Li0 A. Bi. I" Mail, and Passekgee Trains Nos 45 and 42 Leave Wilmington, (Sundays ex- 1 cepted) .12.S0 A M Arrive at Weltion...... 6 30 A M Leave Wellon, (Mondays excepted)!. 05 A M Arrive at WilmiDgton. . . , p. G55 a. M Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsxro nnd Magnolia. ? - t; . Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rock Y Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. DaUy. (Sundays excepted). Returning. leave Tariwrp at I0.0C A.M and 3 P. M. Dailr. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. M. Re turning leave Scotland Neck at 8.30 A. M daily except Sunday. ' V !-" ; Train no. 4. make? close connection at we don for all points North Dailv. 1 AU rail vb; Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Ba i.me. - - . - i TrainNo. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all Points North via Richmond aud wasniagEon. i .i-J-:-; AU trains run solid between Wl'mlntrton an Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleev. era aiucnecu . , For accommodation of local travel a nassen- ger coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at 7.00 -A. M. Dailv excent Sunday. i : ' -1 v JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sunerintendent. T. M. EMERSON, Genera,' Passenger Agent nov n ' t - - Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R. Co. nom n., , Vilminxton, N. C. Nov 17, 18S3. rv--.---? e bf Scheciuie AND AFTER NOV4t ISth. ISS3. at 4.33 A. M.. the following Passenger Scbed ule will be run on this road : " i LNo.40 Leave Wilmington, (Mondays j excepteaj ........... 7.1 a m Inlra ot Wnvanna 1 1 Aft A M No; 45-LeaVe Ft rence. (Sundays r . . . W . k .Ul VVy . ........ L..Lr -- x ?lTkh" Si"';"'' " ' " 'i -Vim v m excepted) -r-Arriveat Wilmington. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nos. 48 - ' ' Weiand7 East.-- -Leave Wilmington.:............,, 9.10 P. &L Leave Florence..................... 2.40 A.f M. Arrive at O. C- & A. Junction.;.... 6.35 A. M. Arrive at Columbia........... K.40 A. M. Leave Columbia.... .....J.......i... 9. S5P. M. Leave C. C. & A. Junction.. 10.20 P. M. Ijeave Florence v.. A. rf. Arrives at Wilmlxigton 8.23 A. M. Nioht Mail and passenger Train, Dailt . NO. 40 VVESTf . ; . Leave WUmlngton.. ...... 10,40 P. M. Arrive at Florence.. 1 45 A. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN t DAirJt - -. . No. 43 East. r i Leave Flrence at .......3.35 P. M Arrive at Wilmington ........ J 7.42 P . M Train 43 stops at all Stations. f No. 40 stops only at Flemington. and Marion. Passengers for Columbia and all points on G Hr. C. W R . f! Sr Ti ft fitiiMniis itVa. Ttm Hon, and all points beyond, should take the Night Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers forCharlestoc and Augusta on Train 4. I au trams run sona between Charleston and Wilmington.il , ?r -ti , Local freieht leaes Wilmlnorton - dailv ex cept Sunday at 6.10 A. M. '; ; I JOHN F. DIVINE, I General Superintendent T. MJ EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. nov 17 ' , . ' - i i Carolina Central R. It. Company j OFFICH OF GENERAL SUraitrNTEDEWT, if WUmlngton, N. C, June 13tb. 18S, Change of Schedule. QN AND AFTER JUNE 13th; 1883, THE. ipiipwinsc ocncaaie i win be operated on thi Railroad: PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN ' Dally except Sundays. . ) Wilmington at....;... 7. 00 P. M No. L Leave Raleigh at..... 7.35 P. M ) Arrive at Charlotte at .7-00 A. M . ) Leave Charlotte at ...8.45 P. M Arrive liaieign ... .8.30 A. M ) Arrive Wilmington at..;. 8.25 A. M Passenger Tnlna utnn at TSbie?tatodta Company. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER. MAIL , EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dailv exfifint finrufn-cm ieave unarwKe 530 p Leave Shelby.... ..M....L Yoa 11 m! Arrive at Charlotte ............lo!30 a! l amvrti oneiDV. ...... .... o nnr l xraina xso. l ana 2 make close connection Armlet wim a. s a a rains to and from RaJ- Throngh Sleeping Ctn between wlfmfn and Charlotte and Kalplvh nH h.i.. 1 for States, SUtiona "Y" ",vuu, Asueviuo ana points West Also, for 8risj-t&nbririr..nnii. AtZZll Atlanu and all points Sonthvi L. C. JONES, Y w f'f awit SQPntcndent. imie 13 - Passenger Agent LYON&H State & Uonrce Sis.. Chicago .HANDCATALOUUG. i lor IiS3. .W re..--. .19 tjncrsiiTp ltnit!. Sxifr, ivsw, PompMa. fan.tv C r.tw. !5 Ai"f PUfiOELL HOITSE. TINDER NEW MANAGEMENT : Lau, Proprietor Atlantic HbteL rUClaa. utsuA iiM aprjoinnncnu. Term ft. n , ti.coi I I LlTIB ISM i . ---w. . : KTCapital Prize O705orf tickets only OS. Sharii0 portion. Louisiana; Stato Lottm - - . Company, j ' arrangement foraU, AtmWw fl?1 Annual ltratcxnn tt r.jT ? i terv Company, and in person ianZ trot the Drawing themselves, akd fci0 same ore conducted tcitf honetfv. ySJC? in trood faith toward all oartirm j r. k vie company to use Ults eerUJtcaU Zx simile of our signatures attacked. ,J?? metnent." . . T r T i - . ... n M M Commissioner f n..n I. IOCS Ill . lalaturofor EducaUonal an icaupnai ana CharfUMiS .Pital of tl,000,000-.to rlV? t $530,000 ha -i' roses with a ca reserve runa o By an oycrwhclmlng ponulai tote imL rhise was made apart of the prcCBt Constitution adopted December 2d. a. h The only Lottery ever voted. en and by the people of amy State. , ' i . never scale or postpone.- Its Grand Single Number? DhiwinJ ... place monthly. ,. r : j ; : I ,r ASTLKNDID OPPORTUNITt TO Wll , F4WTIJNE.. First Grand Drtwing. cS ( " . .ubvmiji viu&r7 n lfiei Capital Prize S75.000 100,000 Tickets at : Fiv n A i'iars Each. Fractions In Fiflfc iu proporuou,,, , ; j x ; LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize jOf.... ...... I.. . am.. M iuu via ...... ..... .....J 1 Capital Prize of.. ........... 2 Prizea of t6.000...,...i.j J Ha .. iu j T 5 Prizea -of 2,000i ......i... ...... 10 Prizea of V l,000...,...i.i.-.... I'nzcs ot !('8W...,., 100 Prizes of f 200...... $V r300 Prizes of 100 S,' 500 Prizes of 50 J..l. ....... si1 1000 Prizes l of AriFSOXMATIOS PHIZES, 9 Approximatiob Prizes of 1750. 9 " i " ! nnn y - tw.' i; . ;. I r 25C. t 1,967 Prizes," amounting to.... 4. i:... k; Application for rates to clubs should be a only to the office of the CompaAy in Nef leans. " I ' ' I I i For further informatlonj- write clcirlt, t ing ? full address. - Make P. O. Moneji ders payable and address Kefflatered LeUa NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL I BANK, t New Orlkas'i POSTAL NOTES and orcfinarr leton Mail or Express (all suns of $9 and unwt i rr . . I - ' M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, U Or M. A. LJAUP111W, f I ir ' . 607 Seventh St., Wa$hlngtoh,D.C . . r a a. . I, I, .a - i , ' i iec j'j-weu-Bsi iw-uaw 3 T, HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE for, the TANNER! & ' DELANEY EfO CO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from lt horse power ; also Tramway orNarr j rx)comotlvesl . Engines adapted to Farm use a speclato sXsT" On hand and - for sale very, low, H from 5 to 15 horse power.! - t I aug 15-6m . . . . i 8. W. SKIXNX Bagging, , Ties, Twina iUUU 3,000 Bdl i COTTON TIES. ' .5 Bales BALING TWISt . ; .For alebvU: 1 . Li. t I nov 2G KERCIINER & C ALDER Bt- Bacoril -Lard,' Molassei h nW Boxes hry Salt Sidcsf ri Vatti 1UU 100 Ilhds Molassca.. FofeakM nov 26 T KERCUNER CALDBBfi . Flour,; Sirgar, Coffee Jinn J,l18 'LOUR, an gr&aeg, x I V V V 50 li bis Refined 8UO 100 Rack k flOIP RKK. Fnr uk V nov 26 'KERCIINER t CALDEB BS- t Tobacco. . ... , '-J t ,, , . J T ... j ,.- i , I ' . .. XETE HAVE FULL BINES .OF TOW v . vr . which vre are selling EIGUT CZNTI prices 1 prior; to May 1 st. . ; - Also a very large stock of G BCfCt K5 - 1 ; . i H PROVISIONS at bottom flghrcs. i ' WORTH & Chrictmao Cig TT 'TOU CONSULT- YOUR est i you will order vour snppllef oi i Goods, Ogara! Tobacco. &c. of 'A CSj WALD, at VThc Little 1 Store txof Corner." The Best Goods for the.P I Guaranteed' 'best Cigar! In tt cUJ money. ; ' ... . v . '. i a cents cigars to be had la W Thru wa :Pk I QEAS jN JS OVER AND TUF f CAL AND BALL Season has P ! and JOUN WERNER, the practfV Barber and Perfumer, Is personally? ance at his Hair Dressing Saloon. S Steeet, between Water and Front. , TTNDKRTAJCEB, CABINET MA r CARPENTEHl ftSM tnd Wor ond street. oDnAait antherlxnd KeepeetfulHr anMrlta onlen fSr-i Kuuuwora, prompt denvery n",' a . tlaTnV ' i I v. i:l ik i ij -- ' 1 l M Mr B MM I I 1. " a wr if ii t - t