P " -v II 11 II . t-a.i t V'J rs WIII5X-' I tt ISIIOr.D THY Z GREAT BPS. ST" tft chmalism,Hcura!gia,Sciatica, 4ll ill oT unr rwa " - . 7m- VMnJK CO. Half ;"- u Ta claim t " ranch for Sax-m- TAN EBVDtr, itri a skeptic r ifncan one ciHc for Epilp- y. Uysprpiuai a f rohollnm. Oplim Eating, -- TthamB.tiani ,," ft -. snnply. becauac 1 he virus of all diseases from the blood. Its Nervine, Resolvent, xivntireaml laxative properties meet all the ' .."..iitioaa herein referred to. Its known tror.'d . t-' 5 . gylEIC 0 II QlUlElntOlR I: ..r.;. t- ami composes the patient not by the i: rKlr.-tion of opiates and drastic cathartics, j t hy i he restoration of activity to the stomach n rvons syeteia. whereby the brain fa rc i.tvtv. of morbid fancies, which are created by trs c&iwa above referred to. Ta l li-rjjmen. Lawjcrt, Literary men, iler chiLt, Bers, Ladies and all those whose seci t uixry employment cause nervous prostration, tr- jmlartties o! the blood, stomach, bou cis oi i: V.iTsrnhoreiire a nerve tonic. aprctize . i -:.u. :iaT.T,S.oiARiTA?iXEnvrsEisinvalnnble. Ti.oui.tU pr-KlaiiTk It the moft wonUorfuTin- i-raiit that rvc rf u'-talncd the lnkusyter. M'-. So'A It all Pnrtfsta. "The S. A; l.-f c'lf-f oP3LED. C., Propr'f,SLJoei.li, Mo. tff fmmifa! and circoTaw wnd stamp. , Crirrua, Ar--Tcr- City. iMi ifc 10 -Iw-nrm Sufferers irotn xouthtul. imprauenco caualajr Ncrvons Debility. mouiai an-1 pnTtlcal weraness. valuable la formation for ftoma ctira FREE. lTsel 23 Tears succea-fally. Dr. A. ii. OUn, Box Hi, Chica go. may ai-uatvriy SBATE'S SPECIFICS. Prepaml from forraal-s nsed by an eminent physician daring 30 years successful practice. Soeciflc So. 1 Guaranteed to effect a radi cal cure of all affection of Uio Blood, whether srroluloas or acqnlreu. sum diseases, rim moth patches, etc., are permanently cured by Bate' Spcclflc o. I. frico f l. SiKH-iae No. 2 cures SEMrxA- Weakxess, nervous Debiutt", from Youthful iBdlscre tutnt or Kxcessen. prodacln? Exhausted Vital ltv and Iiosa of ManhooL This remedy U nn. e-i a'.lel In the cure of these complaints. It Is a powerful stimulus to the weakened Nervous ystem. assists Nature to renew the strength and tur of the debilitated organs, and effects a radical cure. Price 1 1. Specific No. 4 (ilves instant relief and per manently cures Rheumatism. Price i. Specific No. G A positive cure for all weak nesses common to females. Price $1. Sold by Dmr?t4t or sent on receipt of price by J. Vi. Bat. A3 N. CUrk St., Chicago. SKND KOR CICCULAB. nnvXl lr-dJtw nrm Homo Itonis. --"All your own lault If you rcaiaia sick when you can (Jet hop bitters that Beyer Fail The weakest woman, smallest child, and sickest invalid can uso hop bitters with safety and great good. Old men tottcriup: around Croui llheuoiatism. kidney iroublo or any weakness will bo almost new by usinz hop bitters. My wife and daughter were made healthy by the uso of hop bitters and I recommend them to my people. Mcth odist Clergymen, Ask any good doctor if hop Bitters arc not the bcstfatuily medicine On earth. Malarial fever. Ague aud Bilious ness, will leave every neighborhood as soon as hop bitters arrive. "My mother drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out of her system with hop bitters." Ed. Oswego Sun. ; Keep the kidneys healthy with bop bitters and you need not Tear sickness. Ice water is rendered harmless and more refreshing and reviving with hop bitters in each draught. Tho vigor of youth for the aged and infirm in hop bitters. Imd&w. Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. AGENCY rOB N. T. ENAMEL PAINT; CCS READY PREPARED PAINT. QA1X AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND ret our price, before purchasing. The. fact that our Paints are from the celebrated Tac tones of Wetherlll & Co., and Harrison Bros A Co., lsaflclent guarantee for their quality aad purity, ' : A fiae Use of Cooking Stoves at Tactory Prices, la addition ta oar large and full HAKDWARE STOCK, to which your attcnUon Is reepectf ally Invited. v ! C l NATII'L JCOBI, aeptl ;i0 Soath Front St When I behold thv fac 1 iny beauty strikes mc mute; 1 cannot sing Ihy praise, ? : Nor urge my pressing suit : I hold my peace, and stand anrt Lips silent, tho not so myhcart. I lear. vca Stronirlv fear . : Thy suitor clonucnt: His words within thir.e ear Arc all with music blent i Yet Ihcu hast eyes and J wit to sec He means not half he swears to thee. Ah! were his gift but mine. 1 ti so applauu ttec. I-ove. The stars should cease to shine. 1 he Uecting earth to move. , Aud heaven and hell should listen long To catch the burden of my song. it But. si nee I cannot sing. I'll strongly strive to tlo : Bravo deeds best proof shall bring To show devotion true. love nerves ray arm. and drives me hence. - Fearless to Oght in tby defence, i litzuruv:. II o Was a Man of Details. The complaint lhat Mr. Villard was too big a man to nndc:stand the details ofrailrad management, and that he really never knew anything of O. & T., outside of making mortgages, brings to mind tho case of an Ohio road. It bad president er president, and each one cocked his feet on tbo office 'desk and let her' rip. She : had !'ripped" j un til tho directors finally got together and decided that the right man must go' to tho wall. They were consulting in a room looking out into the passenger depot. A train came in 18 minutes behind time, and the tram dispatcher booted the conductor out of one door. fired the engineer out ot another, and run the fireman under a freight train. He then backed the train out, and; was coming back from the yards, when the directors met htm and one ot them ask : ". . . ? .- , j MMr. Thomas, can you at ;ept the presidency of this road"?',' "Wait a minute," was the reply: and the man shunted -three cars, celled a switchman, nd drove two loafers out of the yard, and returned and said: Why, yes, I suppose so; and the first thing I shall do is to fire you all out o here! Don't let me see you here again in six months.? ; I - In a vear the rot.d was paying a divi dend. WallSlrett News: kings, and : then "gunned through the pack and got out the other two kings before the old preacher looked around to the table asin. - One cf 'cm bet a dollar. .Then the old preacher r went down in his pocket an got out all tbe money he had. S 17, : and put it - up. Yon fellers.' says he. 'has been winnin1 my money, and youse can just as well have it all. Tso a raisin ; ye Jbrtyssix j dollars. . - - : . 'The feller that had the fonr kings borrowed all the money bis partner had and called the preacher's raise. The old man raked in the pot - and got up, and says he I kno edgdat was - you knock in' at dat do. Mariah. Isc a com in. -Then U he went out." Watfiinqlon I2cpublica. . :' . - Cures the Piles Tool j Edouard Heintard, of New York writes: . ! : It gives mc great pleasure to say that a sin-ie box of HENRY'S.CARBOMC SALVE effected a complete cure br Piles with which I had been troubled forpver a year, and which nothing else that I used would cure. MISCELLANEOUS. THE BRIGHTEST and BEST! l)AnT, SF -WEEKLl WEEKLY A T Sljt'DAY EDITIOXF. ,' Velvet lsall'the rage. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is recom mended by physicians of the greatest eminence on both sides of the Atlantic, as the mo&t reliable remedy for colds and coughs, and all pulmonary disor ders. It affords prompt relief in every case. No family should ever be without it. i Jet is as much worn as ever. 99 "Itoucrli'on Corns'. Ask for Wells "Rough on Corns.' 15c. Quick, complete, permanent cure. Corns, warts, bunions. ! . .. Steel blue is among new colors. Fort Dyspepsia, Indigestion, De pression of Spirits and General Debili ty. in their various forms : also as i preventive against Fever and Agne and other Intermittent Fevers , the 'Ferro-Piiosphorated Elixir of Calisaya," made by Caswell, Haz ard & Co., New York, and sold by al Drngsists, is the best tonic; and for patients recovering from k ev6r or other sickness, it has no equal. tu 2w Facts About Time. As the recent change in time has awakened some inquiry on this subject, the fol 'owing facts may be of interest: Julius C;rsar rectified the calendar 46 years li. C, and by means of the cal culations of bis astronomer made the year of its present length. This, how ever, is said to be really eleven minutes too much and by the time Pope Grego ry XIII came into power the surplus had reached eleven days. The Pope had sufficient influence i to set aside Crcsar's method, and the new calendar was accepted at once i in Italy! Spain and Portugal. It gradually came into favor in r ranee and Germany, and both Denmark and Sweden adopted it in 190, In England, popular preju dices ooposed the Gregorian method until, in 1851, an act of Parliament legalized the change? and this gave use o the terms "old style'" and new style. Ridiculous as it may pceui, whenever riots occurred at that time, for what ever cause, this change was made a basis of complaint by those who did not understand a word upon the subject. Hogarth, in his picture of the elhction not, represents a man drunk in the gutter, while near by lies his banner inscribed. "Give us back our eleven days.' This shows how readily politi cians, even then, turned everything to an account.- The recent change is only a more perfect attainment . of a uniform standard. Lltca Herald. What it Did For an Old Lady. Coshocton Station. N. Y.. Dec. 28. 1878. Gents A uumbcrof people had been iising your Bitters here, and with mark ed encct. In one case, a lady of over seventy years had been sick for years, and for the past tea years has not been ablo to be around halt the time. About six months ago she got so feeble that she was Iiclplcss. Her old 1 remedies, or physicians, being of no avail I sent to Deposit, torty.nve.mucs away, and got a bottle of Hop Bitters. It improved her so she was able to dress herself and walk about the house. When she had taken the second bottle sho was able to take care of her own j room and walk out to a neighbor's, and has improved all the time since. My wife and child ren have also derived great benefit from their use. ! W. B. HATHAWAY. Agt. U. 8. Ex. Co. Must be Sold ! 2nnn pounds choice )VUU yieginia sides. Irnn POUNDS DRIED apples. jvJUU Call and examine. A. W. JUVKNOARK, . . 114 North Water M. l!c of all klails of Oautry ProJnc aa4 Urocerki alwsyi on -iful. dec I Who's lat Knockin?" 'The came was in a little log cabin and there vore three niggers l playing poker. O c of 'em was an old nigger preacher and the other two was a ku Uuxin him. and winning all his money as fast as they could. I watched the game awhile, and was standing wnere I could see the old nigger preacher's hand. After fonr or five deals, tho old preacher got far aces dealt him before the draw. ! i 1 "He turned his head clear around, and says he: 'Who's dat knockin'on dat do?" i . "There wasn't anybody knocking at the door, but you see the old preacher wanted to give the other two a chance to fix op a land. They wasn't playin straight flushes, so he turns clear around with his back to the table, and says he: VWho's dat knock in at dat do' ? Is dat you.-Mariah? All right.! Ise com in' inaminit!' 1 I f - t 'One of the other fellers had two , ... . , Ministers Sound its Praise. i Rev. Mr. Greenfields, Knoxville, Tenn., writes as follows : "Samaritan Nervine permanently cured my son of epileptic fits." Here's food for thought. Sold by druggists, Sl-S0- - Fur trimmings are very fashionable. - - Advice to Consumptives. On the appearance of the first symp toms as general debility, loss or appe tite, pallor, chilly sensations, followed by night-sweats and cough prompt measures for relief should be taken. Consumption is scrofulous disease of the lungs : Therefore use the great an ti-scrotnla. or blood-purifier and strength-iestorer. Dr. Pierce's "Gold en Medical Discovery." Superior to Cod liver oil as a nutritive,' and unsur passed as a pectoral. I For weak lungs, spitting of blood, and kindred affections. it has no equal. Sold by druggists the L world over. For Dr. Pierce s pam phlet on Consumption, send two stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. , THE NEW YORK f i FOR 1884. PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. The celebrated 'Fish "'. Brand Gills, Twine is sold only at J a corn's Hard ware Depot. : . . . Dr.- BATE 35 S. Clark St., Opp, Court Hons;, CHICAGO. A remlir rrada&ta. 9Ths Oldest SncelAlI-1 h the United StaUs, whose UTK loxq fcxPEBiEXCE, wrfect method and pars medicine insure kpeedi ind PEEMasent cubes of aU Privste. Chronio and Vet-Tons Diseases. Affections ef the Blood, Skin. Kldny-, Illadder, Eruptions, tJleers, Oltf fores, Swrlllngr of the & lands, Sore Mouth, rtaroat, JJone Pains, permanent! cored anl (radicated from tho system lor Jifs. - ; II C Dl Jfl 1 1 0 Bcbitlty, ImpoteneytSemina (I Ell V U U O Xosse, bexual Decay, Menta tnd Physical Weakness, Failing Memory Weali Eyes, Stunted Development, Imperii nen ts'to Marriage, etc., front excesses or an tause, speedily, safely and privately Cured KrYounz. Middle-Aired and Old men. and al ho need medical tklll and experience, consul isr. aie itoacf. ins opinion cocts aovnin, inamij lave f utnre misery and ehatne. Tien inconvenietr xvititthe city for treatment, medicines can be sen' irerrwhere by mail or express Tree from obser rat Ion. fir-It ia self-evident that a physician wh ives his whole attention to a class of diseases stt aln crest skill. and nhrsicians throughout thi country, knowine this, frequent It reoommenddiffical rases to tho Oldest Hoeelallst. bv whom erer known srod remedy is used. ar-Dr. Bate1! Aire and Experience make his onmion of an prctne Importance. Atav- rhooo who call see n oo Imtthe Doctor. Consult ations free andancredl confidential. C'sses which hsve failed in obtainini relief clsowhere. especially solicited. Female Dis eases treated. (Tall or write. Hours, from ft to 4 BtnOt Snn!sr.vlO to 12. GUIDE TO liiALTJ SENT Free. Addrrs as above. th POV 7. ly COd Aw t ULPI tm. Ad.MANAKI ij ataKers.gqxtiBjawacEx. rsHef. and Is tnfaiHbl curs tor Pileji. Price $1, at drnggista, or prepaid DTmafl. 6ampl9 n 1 Makers.Boxl43 UFFERER front Yonthful Lmprndenca. causiss It mm TV.Kiltfv WarjtjJ a.aA Ph Ti abla inful uiatiofli tehowioc-m tVee. Used 23 yean sne- t th i nor-T2lToodAw New lrofrietor! New Kditors! New Life aud Blood ! Six months ao THE WOULD comuicuccl lis nc tv- career, its grrlh has been unpre cedented. , Ita wonderful advance in circula Uou, In advertising, In influence. In populai ity warranU tho claim 6t a leading position in New York journalism. ' No expense or effort will be spared until TUB WORLD Is recognized as the GREATEST as well as the BRIGHTEST and CHEA PEST PAPER ia AMERICA. . j The wokld, as the leading Democratic newspaper In tho country, knowa no faction and recognizes no indiTldual ambitions or as pbratlons aside from the general good of the party and tbo Republic : It seeks the triumph of principles not man. It upholds great Dcm ocratic jacas ana lacais not a taction or fraction of the party. 1 At tho entrance oi the new year the new World desires to express Its gratitude for the hearty welcome it lias received and the magnificent success it has already achieved. Its welcome comes from the people. Its sue cesa Is the! work. They have, indorsed its merits by more than trebling its circulation in six months, and by doubling its advertising. For this they are entitled to our warm thanks, No Democrat ought to, be happy, without THE WORLD. We call upon our Democratic friends in every town and hamlet in the Union to. START CLUBS FOR" THE WEEKLY. They will get the ablest, brightest and cheap est newspaper in the country, as yyell as an earnest and steadfast missionary and true Democracy. ' . -. The Weekly World, 8 PAGES. CO COLUMNS. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, CONTAINS ALT. THE NEWS, complete and IntereBtlne: WEI2L CONSIDERED EDITORIALS on eve - ry subject, political or social. A , FARMER'S DEPARTMENT Full Agr! cultural ana Farm News. A LITERARY DEPARTMENT. A HOUSEKEEPERS' DEPARTMENT. A YOUNG FOLKS CORNER. A CHECKER DEPARTMENT. A CHESS DEPARTMENT. " ' COMPLETE COMMERCIAL AND MARKET REPORTS - j k - ii ANSWERS TO INQUIRIES. v .; Jf Rack department is ably edited, and ' all combined make THE BEST DOLfxAR WEEK LY IN AMERICA. , J ,::T THE WORLD SUBSCRIPTION GfATES. POSTAGE PAID. - MISGELIAliEOUS. 0 3Q'.; r3 n tm, When I ur ecro 1 () tint tnMii itx to at no them for a time and then haTethem rflam asm. I mean a radKvlraro. Ihiw made tbdaseof r ITS.tl'1 I.KPa V Oft FA LLI SO t IC KK K.SS a hf mAnotc study. 1 warrant ray remedy to enre the worstcssea. lieeaose others baT failed is no reon f or not now rereiTtnc a eora. Snd at one for at Tre-Xi-Vj and a tVr liottie of my infallible remedy. Onre Kxpre-o and Postoffioe. It cost yon onthinsj for a trial, and 1 will enre yon. - Address Da. XL G. BOOT, 153 Pearl St., New York. u u i rPTheREMlNGTOiT 3 1 HORSE-POWER t C F1RP FMRIMP! - nssawiSBsa S Nearly as efTec jlw'n a Ftraiu r; alioiit one 'bird firvtcort, and le than one -tenth m- mm REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO; VLION, New York iHial expenso for rersairn. For descrip. tivecirrulars with bwtiino. niaisddress roll a Weekly, One Year...... Semi -Weekly, Oxe Iear.v.v.. Daily, One Year :. . :". ...... . Daily and Sunday, One Year Daily and Sunday, Six Months... Sunday Edition, One Year L. ..$1 00 . 2 00 . G 00 no 4 20 ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED at once in every unrepresented district, to whom a LIBERAL COMMISSION will be al lowed. This Is just the season for r gents to exert themselves in getting up subscription lists. Remittances should be by draft on New York. money order or registered letter. , Send for any information desired. Spec! men copies sent free. Address -THE WORLD,. 81 and 32 Park Row. . dec 14 NEW YORK. 1T T for the working class. Send 1 jrlflj II cents for postage, and we will mall you tree, a royal, valuable box of sample good lhat will put you In the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We will start you. You can work all the timo or In spare time only. The work is uql verbally adapted to both scxcsk young ana oia....aotf can easily earn Tram &o cents to $5 everr evening, 'i hat all who want work may test the buslnef t, we make this tin paralleled offer; tr all whe arts not well Hatls ficd we will cnd l to pay for the, trouble of writing us. Full particular, direction, etc., sent free. Fortunes will be :ttiM by thopc who aivc their wbolo time ta the work; ! threat success absolutely sure. Don't delay, Start now. Addrcs stinsox Co., Portland, Maine. not 20teni-vly ( i , - Farmers, Take Notice. "ORRIS, HOG CHOLERA COMPOUND 1VI i la just tho thlnjr to cure or prcvont Hog Choi era and all diseases to which Swine are eu jeet; It will prevent that dreadful Useaat uwwn as incoox, sou wiu put your dokvis a trinity, healthy condition, clearing the kid nevs. liver. Ac. of worms and rtarasltca - i Each packasrc contains one and one-halt pounds and will, if given strictly according to directions, cure 10 hogs of the Cholera and put SO hosrs In a condition to f attea In one half the usual time, thereby saving ono half of tho feed. The farmers of Duplin .county arc giving It the praise. All farmers should buy a pack age. For sale .wholesale and retail, by W. G REEN. Lruarlat. Market Street, Wilmington. A v "PTJT,7P, six ten13 lostagc, -. X XvXiU 11 and receive ffrcc a, costly box of goods which will help you to more Mconcr right away than anything else- in this irona. au; 01 euner sex, succcca xrom urst botifTTuO broad road to fortane opens lcforc the workers, absolutely sure At once ad dress, TRUE A Co., Augusta, Maine noygQ-6md lyw i . - " Photograph o . 1 LL MADS BY "INSTANTANEOUS" process. Ilavcjust received a fine lot of Fancy 'and Plain Frames, which are selling cheap. Call and let MR. CRONENBERG make you a Christmas picture. jbW VanOrsdeirs old sUnd. . deelS-tf IIORTON FREEMAN. 1 n Tl ATrFC? wanted for Tho Lirc3 of all bCbt book ever sold for less than twice tour Iticc. Tho fastest selling book in America, mmcn&e profits to agents. All intelligent people want 1U Any one can' become a suc cessful agent. Terms free. IIallkit Book Co., Portland, Maine. noy 20-6md-ly w 4- I hara a positive remedy 1 or th above disease ; by it s use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of lone taadioe have: been cared. Indeed, so stTwarifc my fahh in its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUABLE TRKATI8R on this dueau. tn .n- unffer-r. Grre emress and P. O. address. Da. T. A SLOOUM, 181 Pearl St-Stew York. mm BOOKS--Mi I lions of Volumes a year. The f choicest literature of the world. Lowest prices ever known. Not sold by dealers, bent for examination before payment on evidence of good faith. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher P. O. BOX 1327 - s , lS.Vcsey St.. N Y dcc31-w The following onouUous rerrwent wholcsaVq prices ircncraUy. In making np amail criWr Uhcr rriccs cave to be changed AGGING- ; . ' Stacdaril...... ........ 2 lb. ......... -...... DACO?-Nsrt1 t JnMiHa: i s Shoulders, f lh.....i . f lo WhSTERN SMOKED- 1 A .1 f Mates . 17HG j SdC3, & fh....t... 12V.O ' - Sboniiler..V......; 00 a? II DRY SALTED , , piutflj f 111.. ....... ........... I l - Shoulders, V h I 00 o 11 - Becond Hand, cfteh......fi.',l ft - New New .York, cach,,.ii W.' 11 BEESWAX, V tt... .... BRICKS. V . wrrTEU, v tb '? " : - Norltf CaroUna. .... r Northern. ........ ...".' CANDLES,' V a-: ' -: Sperm Tathiw, .......... ... ... "Adaroanllae. ....... ...... CHEESE, V lb Northern Factory. ' Dairy, Cream ,. ..f .... SUUj. COlfFEE, y lb- T ' Java CORN MEAL, bus.. In sacks iArrio? ties,-v uundio.,.. 4 11 13 NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No More .Weak Kycs. MITCHELL'S - EYE-SALVE, , A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED - EYES, ' Producing Long-SigQtedness. and Re-. storing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners Red. JKves, Aiattcu iiiyeHjasnes, ana rro aucing Quick Relief and Perm a- !!" nent Cure.1- . -. Also, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Rheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever inflammation exists. MITCHELL'S SALVE may be used to advantage. I 1 Sold by all Druggists at 35c. decj 314w For Many Reasons ! Benson's Cancine Porous Plasters excel all other external remedies. Prompt, highly medicinal. 25 cents. dec 314W Hs Ml mS ytl m " Orq g ta r j Hrtrt oj. R- ' W -si5 5&5,&SisB,2.:sB'(fl i8S-UiREi8!SLsi o ?S-0B e ?.! g?3" 1 a - u c3S,3co'i. a I 1 g w-?s - CnE 3 otS B r If t? p e.55 a- S 2 ' li H inly 11-dAw T-eiE STJIST. a week at home. $5.00 outfit rc. JOO Pay absolutely sure No risk. Capital not required. Reader, If you want business at which persons of either aex.young or oil. can make great pay an ue umemej work, with .bolnto certainty, write lor par ticulars to H. Haixett A Co.. rortlsnd.Malnc nov 2ama lyw v . - - - ' Greatest Slaughter OF ..." CLOTHING EVER MADE LN WILMINGTON FOB THE NEXT &3snrt2?sr!l FREEforTRIAL Vn ypf-iiiwg and rpecdy cure for JftrvouM Ot&ailj aud UVaXm. Lots ef rtlaU and ri-r, cr any erU irsultcf indiscrtUcsi. excess. overwork, rte.. (over forty tioa aaad pcAlrlr enrea.) aorSend l&a. fer pcata? on trial box OX Dr.M.V7. IIXCOS. ror.CUrk a and C-JbooA I jca4o,Luu 0T ytOdJtw - Ua rjlHE WARM BACKWARD SEASON HAS overloaded us with Winter Clothimr, which must be sacrtfeed at UNEARTHLY LOW PRICES.-The loss will be fearfttL 4 but better lose some than alL We bare a very large stock to select from, of fine, medium quality sad cheap Clothing, In Suits and Overcoats at prices that will astonish, you and p iraly re the clothiers. Take advantage of 1L See the bar gains and get bargains they are for everyone snd wt Invite every one to come early to the well known Reliable Clothiers. , - A. & I. - r SHRIER, . . dee 17 CsU ClotLlenw 111 UarkstSL NEW YOKK, 1884. About sixty million copies 'of The Sea have gone out of our cstaDiisoment miring uic past twelve monms. If you were to paste end to end all the col umns of all The Suns printed and sold last year you would get a continuous strip of in teresting information., common sense wisdom. sound doctrine, and sane wit,. lonr cnoughto reach from Printing House square to the top cf Mount Copernicus in the moon, then back to Printing House square, and then threc-fiuar tcra of the way back to the moon again. I Cut THE sun is written ior the innawtant3 of the earth; this same strip of intelligence wouhLgirdlc the globe twenty seven or twen- ty-cignt times.- i If every buvcr oi a copy ot j. he u tiring the past year has spent only one -hour over It, and if his wire or his grandfather has epent another hour, this newspaper in 1SS has af forded the human race thirteen thousand years of steady reading, night andViay. it is only by little calculations like tiicsc that you cn form any idea of the circulation of the most populariof American newspapers, or ot Its Influence on the opinions and ction of American men and women. i The Sun is. and will continue to -be, a news paicr which tciia the trutn without lear or consequences, which gets at the facts no mat er' how much the iroccM costs, ; whicl pre sents the nows of all the world without waste of word.- and Id the mot readable shape, which la working with alt -Its heart for the cause of honest erovcrnmeutand which there , fore believes that the Republican parly niust go. and must go in thi?. coming year of ourH f IC.'I . I . aviu, , . ..... . . If yon know THE 5UN. you JitQ it aircaiy. and you will read it with accustomed diligence and profitduring what is sure to be the moet Interesting year in its history,- If you do not yet know The Sun, it ia high time to get Into the sunshiuc. j Terms to Mail'Subscsibkcs. The several editions of The Scn arc sent ! y mail, postpaid, as follows: i DAILY W) cents a month, $6 a year; with Sunday edition, ft. i SUNDAY Eight page This edition furnish ca the current news of the world, special articles of exceptional interest to every body, and literary reviews of new books of the highest merit, tl a rear. WEEKLY fl a year. Eight p4gcs of the best matter of the daily issues: an Agricultural Department of unequalled value, special , market reports, and literary, sciccttnc, -I and domestic lntelllrcncc make THE r Weekly Srs the newsuaner for the farm ier's household. To clubs of $10, an extra copyircc Address , I. W. ENGLAND. Publisher, nor S " ! TUB nw. V. V. lty domestics Sheeting, 4. V yd.;...!. Yam, M liii.Ak I JZ X. . , V U ..(. . mm. aozen.. t IM1 - : . 5, f - T -"J" is a u Wo is a 5.' CI-' 11,14 ,11. it UKs 10 o' IS Jx .'.. j 18: it -H 13U ' IS Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl...!.,,16' Mackerel, No 1, V half bbl.! o Vs . - k. wt -' oo itju oo 80 CflOOS Mackerel, No. 2, bbl.... . 9 80 10 00 Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.. ft 00 fs 5 60 . Mackerel. No. $, V UbL...... .7 75 ft 8 Q0 i Mulltd,;w-bbU..: xz.,m.n ca , r ' . Mullets, Pork bbls.... r. 7 00 u 8 SO , vr ri - - mm i . . . f. . DryCofl.VIb S FERTILIZERS, V 2,000 fta ! -jPeruvlan Guano, No. 1.......S7 Stt . tiQ.rx,....3 00 Lobos. ..00 00 Bausrh's Phosphate 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer.... 45 00 Ground Bone- ........00 06 Bono Meal. ............... ,...00 CO r?4 00 Oi ;9 43 50 tm oo oai oo SD60 00 tttO 00 O40 00 .............. ,IM Vl I Ba UU ; Bono Flonr.;... .00 00 t37 00 Navassa Guauo... ........... .40 00 vW5 0C Complete Manure. 00 00 aWIOC Whann's Phosphate 00 00 4T70 00 Wando Phosphate..; 00 00 070 00 Bcrgcr & Bniz'a Phorhate.;00 0Q 'tTGQ oo Excellcnza cotton, FeTtillxer.S5 00 nm oo French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 00 f 7 50 French's Agricultural Lline.... 8 50 0 9 0 Fine...... 0 00 Northern Super. 5 50 Extra..... ..6 00 . " Family...;;... i.. 7 00 City Mills Extra.;.; C GO Family .1..-.. 5 75 " Extra FamllV.... C 50 ULiUiS it m. GRAIJT, bnsher-. (Jorn, xrom store Corn, cararo. In bulk, white.". Corn, cargo. In bags, white.. Com, cargo, mixed, In bags.. Oats, fi-om store.........;.... Cow Pea. ..;..., 1 CO a b oo a c so OA75, tt 6 50 O6C0 AUw A aVUlilJsS V W 4 istsS , . beW 'Iff;'- )t ore,bags,whtto. 3 It a is ' a a l 50 12 t 75 CJ fi 00 - , 07 ta 10 ' brccn.. ..;..;-,.... 4.2. Jl. ytfA'.-'CU : 1 mm' " a , II Dry. HAY. 100 lbs Eastern..... 1 20 a I i; ' a t 15 a i 75 a '3Q 12 25 . 25.' 85 3 14V IS Western North River HOOP f I RON, VIb.. LARD.V lb Northern.. 1. ! 10 U North Carolina..'. ....!.. 00 a LIME, 4 barrel.. l...X, 40. a j i LtUiuiir.it,. city sawea, v u. rr.r - t Ship Stuff, resawed... ..13 00 T20 0 ! Rough Edire Plank ! 15 00 L West India Cargoes, according ' io quality.. .......:...i.,. his w Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 . Scantling and Board. com'n..l2 00 MOLASSES. V gallon i r-J New Crop Cuba, In hhdsi.... . 0C to, 36 " in bbls.i.... Porto Rico',- In b ads I . . . . In tkt.la . Sugar House, in hhds... ...... 4i t - I- Kl.la ........ oc 40 00 oo oo 26 40 016 Ot ttfn oo 4715 00 10 75 90 Svrurj.'lh bbls L. NAILSi V Keg, Cut.l0d basis.. 0 00 UiL, -v gallon Kerosene.....;. Lard.. J.. ....... Linseed Rosin Tar.. Deck and Spar POULTRY 1 i Chickens, live, grown... . " spring. xuriceys PEANUTS V bushel.'....;.... POTATOES, V bnshel M , . Sweet. Irish, 4f bbl 4 fork, barrel ' . ii City Mess.. 423 5C Prime .....i .....18 00 Rump.... : ...........17 00 RICE Carolina. V lb... Rough, 4 bushel RAGS, y.lbCounrry ;....l..;. city ROPE. 4T lb SALT, 4 sack. Alum...... Liivcrpoo Lisbon..... American.. SUGAR, 4f lbCuba porto uico A Coffee i 11 10 90 90 00 00 !.f 25 to a & to a to o : to o .a ; to o 4S 00 28 80 5C 45 00 00 20 to o 1 a l 12V. 25 ! 10 2 00 to a 60 0 00 4UM 95 to mo 1WO Uito a to to to a n n a 4924 00 017 00 . 018 00 '8' 15 It Ex C CrushcI. SOAl'r' 16 Northern . . . ... . .. i 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7to o a lOfcO ft I to 22 I 75 I 75 I 00 i 75 00 00 tl A4 m 9t W T -S mm m . m, mr - . mm. iiiiUL., in.yM" ....'.... .10 wit 011 w-- 'rtrnmAn y ru. mm -r lat i 1 uypresa Kai.. 4 no now Cyircca Hearts.... 0 00 " to 7 60 . STAVES, 4 51 W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 018 00 R. O. Hojrsbead I. ...00 00 010 00 TALLOW, 4T tb .L.... .-4 0 5i ' TIMBER, W M fect Shlpphig.12 00 0H 00! Fine Mill- ........... .M......ll 25 013 00 Mill Prime 7 90 Ol 60i ftliii Fair...........;.; 000 50: Common MIL' 00 o 0 00 Inferior to Onlhiary.. ........ 0 00 0 4 00 WHISKEY, V gal Northei a. 1 00- to 4 00 ' North Carolina...... 100 ad 2 50 . WOOL.4F lb Washed vii wasiivu.... ................ liurrv.... . 25 23 11 to to 00 w IS North Cardlina Rcsources , - . . y, 1 "One of the most-useful series of dtacrlp live baoks ever published about any fitate,' Boston Post. ' i . i 1 J ji MISSES BURR JAMES, Principals. MRS. 1L S. CUSHLNG, Musical Instructress. THE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of thla School will commence on Thursday, the 4th of October, 18S3, an1 close daring the third week In Jane, 18844 : ! - The course of Instruction Is tboroagh and systematic. Terms reasonable Lessons In painting In Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, with Sepia and India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates, i j Where a class of tea or twelve la formed for the school of painting, the price will be re duced. ' -- 1 PuTdls outside of the school who desire mu sical Instruction, will do well to apply early. For further particulars inquire or rnncipaw. or can for circular. Hale's Industrial Series. j-r'r Two9YoIumcsowtcadjr. ' ' j i. This Woona jccx Tmt: i or North Cxeolina. CurtiVs, Emmons', iaedt Kerr's Botanical Reports : supplemented by accural Coapty Jjorts of Stand lug. FreU. and Illus trated bran cxcep(SA Mafr pf tho ttatc 1 Volume Umo. Cloth, 273 pp., $lJ25. II. In the Coal and Irox Cocat ies or Koirrit Cakouna Emmotu .Renf, Laid Icy 's. Wilkes, snd Ua Censas Reports ; snp plemented by lull and accurate eketches of the. Fifty six Counties and Map of the btate. j 1 tl Volume 12mo. Cloth, 423 pp, tlUKk j J ; Sokl by all BobkseUert . off faallel postpaid, on receipt of the price, by- r - - t , - . - . K J. HALE SON, I . Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers. - r- f - New. York1; Or. P. M. HALE, Publisher; Caielzi. NGi t sept 29 - v...w,, . MS Wanted. B1 COMPANY WHO PROPOSE TO subUsh a manufactory thereon, well tlciber ed cypress laod. ParUea Who may bare such lands to dispose of are reauestel to communl- cate, with me at Wadetboroor by 1 letter with Mr. JoMi T. James, at Wilmington in rerson. Full nrrtcuiars as C9' exact location of kinds, - somber of acres, probable yield ot timber to the acre and lowest price, must be mvle known.' - - JOHN T. PATRICK. ' -i sate Immigration Agent, azntf Wavlesboro K. 1

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