.this rArrK LEASX NOTICE. We t sa ao ttcxSxt coamun!caUoa from out friends oif any and all rebiects L ... ! JOSH T. JAMES, jprro AJCirBorixTom. .-irTIONS FOSTAQE rAII: nirxi interest bat - V Tbe nuiittof the writer imut always be ro Biased to the lMltor. . 'X. ComnmnlcaUona mualbe written Jon oal one Mo of the pnycr. ; : ;v r . ., ' 'K '; j. . ; ' ! Ana It la erjeclally an-l partlciuUrly urn! , too,! that the Editor dooa not alwaya eadox the Vkva of correspondents nalca ao aUt v"" .. i fi' uncrown"'. 25 ccnU. ... n.n of the city. t tbe abore I VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY .0. 1884. NO. S mm thMr pai-rr rriUrr. ice caiiorui colasina. f 1 II ll .ll .1 J T A TT1T VCT . . ) TH! -TTi rr-m wr 1 I II - II II : 1 1 II II.:. A .. - II II I I II-. 1 I i IV Rrxiiatntbat X M M'. V W 1 . H f H A I 1 J - V rX II ; J - Y II WloU.mor; v i I ll ,iT.:iilUn,i, of nnjf .newspaper i'llovlly i almoJt well (Senior Shcrmin,of Iowa. fecU e.aJlilt the Usi.Uture.uf bis Sia'.c will rroprohtbitory measures Um Wictcr. TBeoscctnishty Danis Kearney hai loii r,Kn hi Icvcl He U rcddiins tea and coffee from a booth at a icaiide near Sin Toaj Ochiltree has done as jet Doth- ' in Coasress to disirace the country. rcdpc?:cbcial0 ask u hc know 1st hc was sent there lor. Sarah Turner, of New Haven. Conn.. ifints a rensiou. She served for six dressed in man attire. General Hancock wishes it distinctly ur.ler?'.ocd that be went to California ii. bnild ud his health and not to put lite into his Presidential boom. Ex-dovernyr Butler is reported to bo . ";n r tr attend the Democratic Isa- liunal Convention as one of the dele atcs at large from Massachusetts, and to Uve a slate already made up for the I urpv.e. TLe Oldham. England, cotton mills have declared very satisfactory divi dends far the year much better than would Lara been supposed, considering lie bad state of trade that bai been con irsntly reported. Massachusetts is announced lor Ats tLurbya travelling correspondent of tie New York limes. The Philadel phia Press declares that lour years afco. at this date, the same Stale was widely credited to General (t rant, but it sent onlv two or threo Grant delegates to Chicago. The State banks of New York made an exceedingly favorable exhibit for the past year. There was au increase of eight banks in operation under the State laws, with an aggregate increaso in assets for the year of $38,152,933. Teat is a much better comparative a lowing than was made by the nationa1 banks. - . - The case of Gen. Fitz John Porter will come by right before Congress asin at this session, j nd a bill for hi? relief, or, rather, lor his vindication, wiil be reported by the Military c(m mittec and wo trust will pass its various stages successfully, if cot unchallenged. The Boston Foil happily says that Gen Porter has been tbe victim of as devilish malice as ever pursued a man. It is statixl that Millais. the painter, s to be uiado a baronet. Ho has sufil cient property qualification, bcini worth a million of dollars, and is earn ins a large yearly Income. Hp will be the first painter baronet, as Tcnujsoa has been tho first pect peer. Mr. MiN lais's own sister is the wile'of Mr. Les ler Wallack. There have been various painterkvights like Revnold-sLawrcnco and Sir F. Leighton. TUo Trottlnjr Wonders of Call forula. San Francisco. Cal. The Breeder nnd fyortsTTUin ol this city, the turf and sporting authority of the Pacific coast, contains a staloment lrotn J. W. Mar ph v . Km .. proprietor of tbe elegant St. Gcorce b tables on Bush, near Kearney street, as also from Chlct. Engineer Mathew Uradv. of the City - jn De partment, to the effect that for tbe cure of pain in man or beast, particularly for rheumatism. St. Jacobs Oil has worked wnden. They regard it far superior to anything they know of. LOCAL NEWS. HSU TO IEW AOVEITIlimiTS. LEcnniK iuy W n MUburn R U Mclanm Eaal Barfcalna C VT TATSa-ChrUtmaa NoTeltlea HraiBuou-A Word to the Wlae Vax AuarxoE. C S C-Snerlor Court Mo- A DkBosi?v Extract ot Witch tUiel Thanks to Senator Ransom and Con gressman Green for favor. There was no busine&s before the City Court this morning, our people having been on their good behavior yes terday and lastnight. The fatality which attended the poul try just betore Christmas has been transferred during this cold "snap" to the hogs, and their number has been npidly and materially reduced within the past two daya. .IPi first rate weather for pork," Is tho most frequent exclamation to be heard in the country now-adays. Air. Gordou'if Sad Death. Ioformatioti ol tbe death ot, Mr. XV. i J. Gordon, which was, received I late I jcaterday altcruoon. ca$t a feelias ol ; jloora aod sorrow over the entire j ! community. ir. itordon rcstacl with his you wile, tbe eccond daughter of Col. Wj L. Smith, and bis child and pulcr on a small plantation which had recently beco purchased by him. just cant of the city, on the old cwberu road. Yester day forenoon hc went out io try a new un, a aouoic-oarrcica t-reccn-ioaaer. which be bad just purchased. Hc w.as i sccu to tire at a bird as hc Via i field towards a fenoa. Soon 'afterwards another shot was beard but Mr. Gordon was not seen again in life. As the evening woro on and hc did not re turn some uneasiness- was felt and oa a look through the premises he was discovered near ! the bars which led from one enclosure to an other. It was. quite evident, from tho position in which tho body akd the gun were found, that the ' unfortunate gentleman had been killed by .the accidental-discharge of the 'gun while at tempting to creep through tho bars. The entire load took effect under the chin, and passed through tho.brain and death must have been instantaneous. The terriblo event has cast, a feeling of gloom over the entire city. Mr. Gordon was a young man ot many ex ceilcnt traits ot character and was warmly esteemed by all with hoin he came in contact. Wo doubt if he had aa enemy in the world, lie was about 33 years of age and had resided fn Wilmington for tho past fificea year?, he having cast in his. lot with us when a mere lad. lie was an excellent man of business and was associated: with his brother In the insurance business in this city under the firm name of John W. Gordon & Pro. Two years ago he was married, and he had only recently purchased the property upon which ho resided and which he had taken much pains in improving. He was a man of a consistent Christian character - and was for several years and until a few months ago a vestryman of St. John's Church. His brother, Col. John W Gordon, of Richmond, arrived here this morning in response to the telegram sent him last night. 1 I he funeral services look place this afternoon from St. John's Church 1 Rev. Drs. Carmicliael and Watson ofHciating.and the interment was made in Oakdale. Tho remains were accom panicd to the grave by a large conccurse of sorrowing friends and by tbe mem bers of the Knights of Pythias of which he was a member; Messrs. C. M. bteciman, u. is. Aiaiictt, A. li. tirceuo, R. W. Hicks. Thos. 1). Mcorcs. F.II. Darby, Edgar G. Parmaleo and M. S. Wiflard were the pall bearers. t-r ' New I'ostoflico'UiiimiiiKr. Hon. Wharton J. Green,1 member of Congress from this district, has intro duccd a bill for the 'erection of a new building in this city to be used as a postomco. custom-house, &c! It was read twice, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and was ordered to bo printed. It is as fol lows: 1 1 . ' A bill .to provide for the erection of a building for tho accommodation of tho poatofficc. custom house, court-room, and other Government offices in tbe city ol Wilmlngtoc. in the State of North Carolina. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bcprescntatiixs of thc United Mate of America in Vvitgras assembled. That tbe Secrotary ot tho Treasury be. and he is hereby, aulhorited and direct ed to purchase a s.te for. and cauao to be erected thereon, a suitable building, with a fire-proof vault extending to each story, tor the accommodation of the postofiico. custom-house, United States court-rooms, and other Govern ment offices, at the city of Wilmington. In the State of North Carolina, j Tho site, and building thereon, when com pleted upon plans and specifications to bo previously made and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall not exceed the cost of one hundred thous and dollars : Provided. That no money to be appropriated for this purpose shall be available until a valid title to the site for aaid building shall be vested In the United States, nor until the State of North Carolina shall cede to the United States exclusive jurisdiction oyer the same during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof. j Alilterary Treat. A rich treat Is in store for those who attend the lecture at the Library Rooms to-nighL Rev. Dr. W.jH. Milburo, one of tho finest orator and best elocu tionists in the country,' will be; the speaker and the subject; will be John Randolph of Roanoke". With such a subject and such a Bpeaker the hall ought to bo crowded to its utmost capacity, and we trust that1 it wilt be. 1 3Iemornbilia. On tbe Wifmioston. Columbia & Aunukla railroad, about 10 miles from this city, thcra is a slatioir which bears! tbe not v "suuon a" raS: From thi connecting with the main line, has becu built which extends about eight miles into the swamps and forests with which thai region abound, j This private road is one of the best ot its kind in the South, has a ood subitaulial road-bed with all tbe necessary culverts, is laid with ocd iron rails and i3 iurntsbed with a first class locomotive, alt of wnicu are maao usciui ana ltnpouaai. j for transporting the lumber manufac turcd in the swamp3 to the mam line. About four miles from Bogue, or about half way from there to the other terminu? of the road, is a high, he alt by ridge, uoon which there has sprang up quite a settlement, and it is our purpose to give a history ot tho place so that in after years, when the present village becomes a populous city there shall be no doubt regarding the trials and struggles of its infantile1 days. When this point bad beeu reached by the surveyors of the road it was at once determined that, on account of its many advantages, it should -be made a station and the grounds adjacent should be reserved as the most suitable spot upon which to erect dwellings tor those who might be employed in the forests and desired to build themselves homes near their work. There were no build ings at the time in the vicinity save an old dilapidated shanty occupied by a colored woman and seventeen young ones. These latter were very much Interested in the proceeding's and on the warm Summer morning when the loco. motive made its first appearance their curiosity was unbounded. It was. hot r weather and they were all clad as prim itively as deceney would allow, with only a single garment to each child. They clustered around the engine until at last they became an annoy ance to the' engineer, and to ret rid of them, he pulled the cord and gave a most unearthly blast from tbe steam whistle. They looked , but only for a moment. It was a look of fright. astonishment and awe. while their eyes dilated to unheard of dimensions. Their next look was towards the shanty they called home and with a screech that made the woods ring they started tow ard its friendly protection with all the speed possible, while the engineer, con vulsed witix . laughter, as he saw them flying towards home with the rear portionof their garments flapping and fluttering in the breeze and snapping as if they would fly into shreds.' and prob' ably inspired by tho suggestive display, sung out at the top of his voice, "Go it, Shirt-tail." and -Shirt-tail" is the name by which tho place has since been known until quite recently. Since that time quite a thriving vil lage has sorung up and a good many white eetllers have built comfortable dwellings there, into which they have duly installed their wives and families. For a ltme4cace and quietude reigned in the sylvan hamlet, but altera while tho female portion of its citizens re monstratcd against tbe name of the place, and their murmurs became loud and deep, when to restore harmony. good feeling and good will the name was cuaugeo to noney iiiu, ana now to call it by its original name nip-ans death and dire disaster.1, i The Onraasre. TLc damage caused by tbe receoJt ex cessively cold weather has j becu much greater than many people would imag inc. The valer, pipes in a good many dwellings burst, in some instances causing quite a sovcrc loss. The ex pense of making the necessary repairs will amount in tbe aggregate to soveral hundred dollars. It will cause business for the plumber, however, showing that there can be no great loss without srme small gain. The Fatal Frost. We have expected to bear of ee vera1 instances of freezing to death in conse quence of the intense cold, but the only case that, so far, has reached us is that ot Isaac Pittman, colored, who left Laurinburg last Saturday night for his home, a few miles distant. He bad proceeded but a short distance when he was overcome by the cold and the large amount ot whiskey he had been drink log, and his body was found frozen stiffln the snow the next morning. He leaves a wife and several children. Disappointment in matters of I pleas are it bard to be borne, in matters affecting health it becomes crueL Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup never disappoints those who use it for obstinate coughs, colds, irritation of throat end lungs, etc. NEW A D VE KT IS K 3IK NTS ' - I IX ALL KINDS OF I Circulars, Dolmans Jackets, Ulsters, : Children's :-'-; Cloaks, &c6 ; SHAWLS OF ALL GRADES CHEAP ! Calico Comforters and Blankets at bottom prices ! . A general closing but of , CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS- We are prepared with a good assortment at reasonable pricc3.i LINEN AND-WOOL CRUMB CLOTHS, Lace Curtains. Cornice. ,Lace Lamb- rcquins, Curtain Laco, Rugs, Mats, &c. Jan 9, 1881 Tho receipts of cotton at this port day foot jap 65 bales. . to Messrs. Edward Kidder & Son adver tise iu this issue 1,000 barrels of pure Porto Rico molasses, just landed, to be soldnn lots to suit. , 1 We' regret to learn that Col. E. W. Fonville, of Onslow county, is very sick and grave fears are entertained he will not recover. The Special Term of the Superior Court for New Hanover, ordered by the Governor, will convene in this city on Monday iiMxt, the 14th inst. The storm which visited us yesterday travelled Northward, and at , noon to day the storm centre was in New York, working towards the Northeast. I Nor. brigantine Amaranth, Thorb jornsen, cleared to day for Hamburg with 3.397 barrels rosin. 10 barrels tar. 10 barrels crude turpentine and 2 bar relsgum theus, valued at $3,203, ship ped by Messrs Paterson. Downing & Co. ! Steamboatmen report that the river was rising rapidly when they Fayetteville yesterday, and there fair prospecte that there would heavy Ireshet. i lei were be a it nas oeen blowing cola ana warm with a vengence ever since Saturday, wi h a large proportion of cold. For a short time last night the sky was perfectly clear and the stars shone bright, but it soon became cloudy again, and rapidly grew colder during the remainder of the night. This morning was cold, raw and blustering. Postponement. Owing to tho inclemency of the weather there was a small congregation at the First Baptist Church last Sun day morning. In consequence of this tact Rev. Dr. Prilchard did not preach the sermon which he had prepared as appropriate to the New Year, but Jan nounce'J that he would reserve it until next Sunday. At night i be preached the first of his series ofscrmousto young men to a good audience. These will, be continued from week to week until they arc completed. To Leave Us. , Mr. S. A. Haney.lof thg sigual office in this city, has been relieved from duty here and ordered to Washington, where be will be assigned to duty at the office of the chief signal officer. Mr. Haney is a courteous gentleman and has! made a host of l'riendi while on d.ity here, who" will deeply regret his departure. Wc are sure we but echo tl)e sentiments of our. citizens generally jn wishing him health, usefulness and prosperity in his new fisld of labor. His position here will be Billed by Sergeant Albrecht. who arrived in the city a day or two since and will at once assume the duties of the position. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1yOOO Hhds i i . PRIME PORTO BICO MOLASSES JUST landed direct from the Island, which we offer to the trade at price a to anlt the tlmca. we goarutc this aioiaeses pore. jan 9 tf EDWARD KIDDER & SON. I Lecture. JKJ. W. U. MILBURN WILL LfcCTURE TO-KIGHT.at 8 o'clock, in LIBRARY li ALL. Sobjct-"JOHN ; RANDOLPH OF ROAN- On." AdmltUncc SOc i 1 jaa It j Superior Court. fTlBS SPECIAL TERM Or THE SUPKRI- A. - OR COURT of New nanorer County, will he hkl La tha Court House, in Wilmington, on ttonday, the Uth day of January, All paxUca ooncerncd will take notice and gorarn thenaelTta accordingly.' i i ft. VasrAXIRINGE. jax9Jt , Clerk Snpcxtor Court I J NEW AD VEimSE3IET8. WRAPS, EMBRACING , ; all-Winter Goods a l Red v iced lrices. R. rVJ.'fVJcirJTIRE. OPERA HOUSE. T- Monday Evening, Jan. 1-4 !' . . 1 MR. JKFFEBSQN,....as....,4BOB ACRES ! In Sheridan armous Comedy of the With the following Great Cast: I ; Mrs. John Drew aa. Mrs Malanron mr. ireueno xiouinson as oir Ant ny a Dsoiuie Mi-. R. Iu Downing. . , .as. . .Captain Absolute Mr. Chas. Plunkett. . . .as i . . .Sir Lucius ir in a x m . .. Mls3 Rosa Rand... a s....Lydla Languish The advance sale of seats commences Wed ne8day, Jan. 9, at Dyer's. Pricesa Parquet e ami urst iwo rows in itaicony, lteserved $1.50. Dress Circle and Balcony, Reserved 91. General Admission to Balcony, 50c Gal lery, 25c. - ! jan 7 7t i Extract of Witch Hazel. K OFFER THE ABOVE PREPARA tlon in pint Bottles, aa Double' Distilled Ex tract f Witch Hazel or Hnmmnmftllo. at M f ccta per bottle. I A sale aDd speedy remedy for Bruises . . '....!. .! I Strains. Burns, Scalds, cnralgla, Pain, Plies Stings of Insects and many other uses, the ex treme low price placing It within the reach of eery family, i i i Munds Bros. & DeRosset, druggists, aiarcet street, finest English Tooth Brushes 25 cents. jan i i Dissolution. ; WILMINGTON, N. C, Jan 4, 184. t rpilE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE A existing between thoi undersigned, under tne lirm name of COLVILUS & CAMPBELL, has been dissolved by niutual consent. Mi. A. R. Campbell assumes the liabilities of the jate urm, ani is alone authorized to sieii In liquidation. JOHN COLVILLEj A. R. CAMPBELI.. A. E. CAMPBELL, SUCCESSOR TO COLVILLE & CAMPBELL, liiirubcr Commission Merchant 401 Nutt St. 1 I an lw WILMINGTON,! N. C. WilmipgtonWel.R.R.CQ. ! TREASURER'S OFFICE, ) .Wii.MiyciTOX, N. C, January , IjiS-l. S DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER : CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington & VTel i ' 'ii don R. It. Co. , will be paid to the StoekhoM- -i ' .1 era at this office on and after the luth int. T. W. THOMPSON, tsccrotary & Trcas J3U S -It Dorm Forget It. npHE OLD KORTH. STATE SALOON h3 on hajitl a fine lot of those IIORNE GARDEN OYSTERS sta-ked on Thty arc the bcrt brousrbt to thL market. CaJl aoi 'try them. Al, i;ccT. Wines, Liquors and Clarar. JAS., M. MCGOWAN 4 SON, janl j No 6, South Front tit Diaries for 1884. IB03I TAB SMALLEST POCKET SIZES TO THE LABGEST OFFICE SIZES. TURNER'S N. C".i A L f ANACS. I BLUM'4 FARMER'S AND PLANTER'S ALMANACS. I MILLER'S ALMANACS. THE LIVING CHURCH ANNUAL' Wbolcaale and retail, al HEINSBERGER'S, jan 3 j Uto Book and Muate Stores 30Q f-i ALLONS FINE FAT OYSTERS In hand to day for our Christmas trade, and arrange meats made for a full supply for the balance of the week. I W. E. DAVIS A SON. ST Proprietor of the only regular estab lished Canary In thla aodlon. dec 21 W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attorneys-at-Law. OUice 3. Jan 7lm E. Cor. Prlnceaa. and Water SU. i - Christmas Novelties Wc do not claim to h.lftf A GltEATKU VARIKTY OH V.NEU GOOIV ; " Mhan any one cleej V' I '-; ;J : WE ONLT -POLITELT ASK YOUTOCALU AND JUDGE YOn Y.OUBSElJ. i' i. - dec 10 119 Market at Sportsman's Goods; ! i WL A'ETHB FINEST ASSORTMENT f a f KokUbu and Belgium Broceh Loader, ever brought to tBfcraarkci. AlaVa tr cla htock of fchelU,Xaddlnc. vTlmtrZZZl. riagc iaKd. Gun CaneVlanwi Bas, 4c; In ioCLt1n how lXrdwaroT Good gocKis and guarantee prlocTSv .1 W. IS. BPRINGER CO., II Succoeeora to John Dawaon A Co.. 31 13.21 and 23 Market sScct Fancy Goods'. F ULL LINE AT 1 GILES & JttJRCmSON'sJ j ! Morcblon Blark. . Uecol Apples ! Apples Apples I' f ;ovrTiMaii!(r ANDMUSTBSjS ,N CONSIGNMENT ANDMUSTBKaoLl). rr N. Tl Baldwin Apples. Ohio Red Apples N. ;a veryBu,u r- N- Koll Bntte?. dhlo Va' Mca, car loa41 or. small order bo.' MISCELLANEOUS uviVCU, j , . j JDomnilsaton Merchant, JU N." Second Stf , . Bankrupt Sale of Boots" fl Tirl Hfinoo 1 I i f 1; iw uvu5ih uic cuure uanHlipi StOCK O Dryfoo3 & Sternberger and will close It out at lcs9 tluin . - i ' . - ' - j Manufacturer's Pricep . I any in the city, and as the good are olni tol be sold very lowfor cash onlvitwlll pay purchasers to examine earne before , bavins elsewhere. . ; T i i ecYl j A. DAVID. A Word to the Wiseis Suf - ' I. .. , cient. l' r ! A PIANO OR ORGAN IS t?OT A IAJXV- . . . I: -tr i- ' ry; they have beco roe a (nccee&ity. If yiu want a bargain go to HEINSBERGE'S 1,1 VJ&' BOOS AND MUSIC STCItJ. No matter what anybody iwiys. If you want to buy ft Piano, Square or Upright, or an Organ, go first to IIEINSBSRGER'3 and find out what you can do. It will cost you nothing, land you may save some money , i All of our goods are warranted for. Ave years, and are war- , rrnted first class In everr rcsnoct. 8m ttri I yourself and save monoy. a word to tho wise i Bumcicnt. ! jan I Golden Harvest. A r vIjLi FLEDGED 'GpLDEN HAR- J.X. ' I. - I VlwiT'. That's the kind nf nnnif 'stovh WE KEEP. They arc a thine of Beantr and i Joy to EVERY HOUSEHOLD. Only Bold br PARKER & TAVLOR. t PURR WHITE OIL. , , jin 7 Boys' Saddles, If J-ADIES' AND GENTS' SADDLES. Horae- BUnketd, Lap Robes, Carrlagda and all Ihnda I I i i i ... of Vehicles. Saddlery. Trunkk and CirriM repaired by skilled workmen- I I l7 MCDOUGALL A BO WD EN. ' dec 17 No. 114 North Front S Just Received, j j I HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER1 1 i '' - I ii i T .i. loj of! Velvet Lined CANTON STRAWS for , i I-:'."" S:bool Hata, also a largo lot of FELT II ATS 1 I in i which will bo told at reasonable prices. , ' " Have in a complete Stock of (Vlillinery and Fancy Goods, ; CROCHET SHAWLS and FA SCI NATO tin i CAPh and HACQUES. .All It"., color ant " pnrca in I I i . STAMPING an t JIAfR WORK doae at rea I nab!o prlrrn. , . ) 111 1 I MISS E. KARRER,1 cc 31 Exchange Corner, f ' K. C. Prempert jpSBKON'ALLY. IN ATTENDANCE at I.U ashiouablc Shaving and Hair Drecsiag Saloon j' ! r j ' at No. 7 South Front Street.! None tut tha teat work done and the bct workmen n ployed. Give oa a call. A HAPPY AND ' :J PROSPEROUS i. NEW YEAiB -:;- - TO AXL OV OCR X i'v FRIENDS AND PATRONS ! JACKSON & BELLr . -l - .: I i if I Printers and Binders. Janl j Jolm C, Daris, 1 ATTORNEY AND ! I I I COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ,wruiuroro3r n. , Ofilce orer the Bank of Wew Uanorer. . Praetlcea In all the Court of tne state. r Special attenUdn paid fo the eollectlo. d ciatcoa. : ! novsttf :y :i l-:'r - I.