The Daily Review, An OJi SoldiQifo EXPERIENCE. . Calvert, TexU, nlnUa c?!ttai of -. Ayefs CherryPectoral 4U a cocgii raaedy. Wtila with Oxorrhnri amy, jttrt beior tfce WtU of Tkkatmxz, I contracted a -art coLL which, terminated In a dacgcrooj cocti. Z fooad no relief UH oa car znaxta wt earae to a cocsiry atora, vbere, oa uUsi for tocaa rtraedy, I wu txrjed to try Am CZZXXT PXCTORXI. . X !ii so, and tu rapLHy cured. Sine ilea I Lava kept the Pxctosal ooostastly by i&a, tor fatally cae, a&dltLarafotmd it to bi aa lavalsatla recddy for droit and lon T1 leases. J. TV. TTjrmxT. Thoeuadj cf testimonial certify to the protnpt etrt of all bronchial and long rartlona, by the cm of Am'i Csrsar Tzcto&au Bale vrjplataUe, tie rocs j eat caUlrta take U readJy. raxr aexd bt Dr.JJO.Ayer&Co.'jLowelMasf. by all Drcfslttf. jaa 1 Ijr tcJpitAir WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 0. 1SS4 The ixuv Hcvicw has the larccti ova fide circulation of any ticuipapcr IN CONGBESSYCHTKKDAY. SENATE. Washington, January 8. In the Scnatd th t niorninz, petition were orccnteil by Senator Miller, of New orfc. asking tori reduction of city v-ojtage to one ceotj and fortba pass go of a national bankruptcy law The resolution of Mr Halo wai agreed to. calling on ibe Secretary of the Nary The air pump was diruion are also laying down a -con- tinuons line. West of tho Pigeon river. in thn direction of Warncsville and Charleston, which will be. continued until the road is completed to the mouth there with the llabnn Gap railroad This road under the contract is to be completed by the lt or .Inly, 1585. ine work will be puibed ; vigorous- lv forward until CTCrF ! foot of rail on this road is of steel. - As the local train on the Charlotte. Colombia & Auzustaroad, Capt.; John Allison, conductor, was coining tow ards Charlotte Saturday nighr. th speed ot the train gradually slackened until all at once it came to a dead stand still. CidL A Ui?oa went- forward to see what the troub'o was, nnd fund that the engine was actually frozen. frozen nam ana to furniftb information of the original I upon parts of the ore box, lorjar lcic'.ea cot of all vessels whoso names are I were hanging. AH effort to got up in tiio Komi Tlp-yi-iier tor 1683. steam wero unavailing and ns a last Koreans of the Gov- resort a nuantity ot w.wd was taken mi thn iritn lor all I froin tho tender ana Diiea unaer tue fQjjll,)l?g . f a i i engine, wtien it was iireu . nnn in mo course of a few minute it had the desired cflect and the train once wore got under headway. - MISCELLANEOUS, NEW FALL AND WINTER NOW Ol'KN AT ;i 10 Market Street. in the March 4h. 1831. with the comes of special anl assistant attorneys and detectives, employed. Alio, one from the St-oretarv ol War. transmitting a list ot otticers or the army on detailed rvicft and includine those on sick leare. HOUSE OF KEI'IIKSENTATIVES. Mr. ijnnt. cf La,, introduced a joint resolution for the immediate appropri ation of &1.WK.G00 in accordance with the urgent request of the Mississippi Kiver Commission. Keferrcd. " Mr. Money, of Miss., from the same committee, reported back a resolution calling on the I'ostmastcr General lor information as to whether a British spy named O'Brien has been allowed to tamper with American mails in New York. Adopted. It ...i a ti-(Wli!A11 I- Cf..l( I under the call oi, Mates a numoeroi UnUSUal Attraction in OtyieS bills and resolutions were introduced and referred, araoni incm tnc iohow- ..... My Mr. Jlobmeon, ot a. 1 ., a reselus tion calling on the Secretary of Stale for information as tOj whether onr Ministers obey the lawofMardh 27th, 1867. This law forlids Ignited States Ministers to foreis countries from np PcariD2 in public in court dress ami rc- Toeiumraie ctea a mnall irUon n( our I quires them to wear the ordinary ah erntntrnr. repairs on the same vessels under Bu reaus or otherwise. i Pttltions were presented by Messrs. Vest and Bayard, from merchants and manufacturers, sskioe confirmation of tho trratv with Mexico. Mr Vaii Wick presented a 'preamble and resolution, scttinz forth that It is asrUd by the New Urleacs & Pacific Bailroad Company that as the Attorney General has decided in lavor cf said i.inipany. as to tho lands claimed by them, and that the Secretary of the In i trior ha let constrained to act upou aidoninion. it be resolved, until Con- jre:. at this session! determine the : . . . . . , uestiotii iuroiyeu in me c.aims oi aid company for the lands, the Secre tary of the Interior suspend action as to jasains certificates or patents for said lands. A communication was received lrora the Secretary ot the! Treasury trans nitTiificr onn!p4 nf vouchers audited by the first auditor on account of expenses Mfltt's Sfl.11 Rfl.fTfi Ffl P.tnrV, DeDartment of Justice ssnce Ow Vor the Ct:rc ol Coughs, Coias.! HIorr.c?.;Brcnchiti3,Croop, Influ Ion'", Arthnm, v hoopmsf Cough, In !ci; icnt Consumption and for the re lict u f cor.siun pi: ve persons in adan j r . l.., i: T--c-t- by all pniggists. Price, 25 Cents. MISCELLANEOUS. . MISCELLANEOUS. A 8 I j IN THE. FOLLOWING GOODS Ladies 64 Cloths reduced to $l:and $I.25r-former price $1.75 and Jersey Cloths in best shadea reduced to.$ Informer price $1150 per yarJJ Fine Silk Velvet in all shades at $2 per yard; J "ftl jink Til rov 13-!y tefp dAtr CO MME ItCI A L NEWS. Furniture. ' . ! . - CI1AMDEB AJiDfl'AKJiOUblUlS from to $I,V). Sew ntylcR Ri nrvcas8 gooU at GREAT BARGAINS ! FIXB DOOK CASES, SIDEBOARDS, S1&CKKTABIK3, WAUDIiOBfiS, ! LIBKAHY TABLES, Ac blp. Ac. JLc . at b!x bareaias Call and see me before ywJ'v- U. A. 8MITII, MOTI U now complelcl anl Is SPECIAL BARGAINS IS KVr.RT DKPAKTMKXTt hTKAM SAU3AG E i'ACTO RT really to U'l oruera for Fresh Tok Saogase, Smoked Saaeae, Liv er Pu.tdinj.Hog'a Head Chptac. Also, Bolog na Saua;re will be made the year round. Order by Express C. O. D. will be prompt ly attended to. Thi In tUi largest and mott complete Saug. Respectfully, I W J. 1IOTT. fe Factory South jrtnltf Magnificent Line of Goods. MP ALL WITH TK LOWEST PRICES ASSURED I Vmtica artety, wonM ocrupy too nntrh tyace, aad we therefore nTue only a fetr Ihr lartment. Black and Colored Silks. . Ottoman , Urocaded & Uhadames Silks. Plain and Brocaded Velveteens. DRESS GOODS in all the New Shades. Cashmeres. Shuddas, Series, Camel's Hair. Foulc. Ottoman. Nun's Cloth, Ladies Cloth. Flannel. Mohairs. Plaids with Combinations. Trtn Checks. Brocades. Beige. &c. Trimmings, Fringes. Giiup.; Buttons, to match all aborc. Cloaks. Dolmans, Sacques and Jerseys, Shawls. I-adicV Blisses, Men and Boys' Merino Underwear. Blankets and Flannels lower than they hayo been lor years. Ioea and Embroideries at prices that will make you buy any way. Hosiery. Gloves, Corsets. Skirts, Tabl Damasks Towels, Sheetings, While Goods. lUn and Boys Wear, Supjpand Fancy Dry Goodf , &c.t fcc, &c. AUboahlM tb rooent kcfla In price a. a4 aa lajrecUoa of wae will tndaco my rt- toaa. aa wIVaa th publio la axueral. t proCt hr LaTMtl&x in oiae pf the MANY Bi R QAIK9, r.i. m. katz'. uy Mr. lieacn.ioi is. 1., profosiug the following amendiiicnts to the Con. slitution.: 1st. Uniform laws on the subject of marriage and divorce. 2nd. Giving the rroident power to veto one or more items in an appropriation bill. 3rd. Creating a ktatale of limitation to ail claims against Ihc United Stales. 4th. Credit, money or property of the United States not to bo loaued or siren to private corporations. 5th. Prohibit ing tho granting ol exclusive privileges and forbidding legislation on appropria tion bills. Also, a bill to repeal Section 2.771 ol the Bcviprd Statute?. This bill will allow foreign vessels to ascend our riv era and unload- At present they must unload at the ports oi entry. The exist ing law is a serious restirctlon on com merce. By Mr. Bingham and Mr. Randall. ot Penn.. each one bill tendering the thanks of Congress and conferring ad ditional rank; upon Chief Engineer Geo W . Melville, ol the Jsanncttc Do- IjongV vcssol. 1 ! By Mr. Mackey. of S- C. lor the errction-of a public building at Beau fort. S. C. By Mr Itouce. of Tenn.. to cnall tobacco planter I o sell tobacco raised by themselves fej from internal reve nue tax. Also, to admit sugar and salt free of duty. j ( By Mr. Warner, ot Tenn.. abolish log the duty on bibles. By Mr. Youo, of Tenn.. authoriz ing the construction of a bridso across the Mississippi river at Mem phis. Tenn Bv Mr. Ballentine. of Tenn . to re peal the iron-clad oath. j The total number of bills introduced to-day is C71. f Cancers ami Other Tumors are treated with thvual sccxisslby World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion. Buffalo, N. V. Send for pam pilet. j ' 1 STATE NEWS. Our Trade JJURIXa THE HOLIDAYS WAS EKTIRE- ly satlsfartory, and rc feel grateful for so liberal patronage. Anditioas to onr stock have been extensive vrithln the last tea days, and we show a new and complete line of CHAMBER and PAR IX) R FURNITURE, RATTAN and REED CHAIRS, FOLDING CHAIRS, In VTclton, Velvet and Tapestry; Parlor Dcaka, Library Cases and Wardrobes. We have a large stock of common Furniture which wc offer at close prices. Wc invite an inpeeUon of our stock. Respectfully, THOMAS C. CRAFT, Aflrent. Furniture Dealer. . jan 7 tf So. Front St Assignee's Sale. rjUE CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK of Superior ! - WINES, LIQUOR, PORTER, CIGARS, CANNED GOODS, Ac. la the Store of S. P. COLLIER, Xo. 2S North Front 6trect, will be sold at cokt to close the assluiucnt. The best opportunity ever ofl'er ed to get a superior article cheap. Call an 1 see. Iid 4 lw WILMINGTON MARKET. January 94 P. hi. ' SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted dull at 33 cents per gallon. Sales of 125 casks at these figures. 1 j ROSIN Quoted firm at . SI. 15 for. Strainel and $ 1 .20 for ,Good Strained. TAR-j-Quoted firm at $1.40 per bbl of 2S0 pounda.l . j CRUDE TURPENTINE-Quoted steady at $3 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1.15 for Hard. COTTON Quoted firm. Sales of aw Dajes on a oasi3 ot 104 cents per pound for Middling. The following are the oAicial quotations Ordinary. . . . -j VENETIAN CRAPES,, a new Mourning Go Ms In all Wool and Silk and Wool at $1.25 and $1.50. , Good well wo Ui ei and S2. - t ' - - " " : "n. , - :-1 . j WI ST Some few Holiday Goods left which we are closing out at a Bargain dec 29 1 1 1 r ! 1884. 1 Harper's Weekly. I! LUSTRATEI). JULIUS SAMSON, , 111 MAItiXETi STltEETr Baltimore AlVUnih Steamship Line; illarpsr's Weekly stands at he head of Amer ican Illustrated weekly journals. By Its uu iai tliiu position l politics, its admirable ii lustrations, Its carcfullv chosen scriaU, short ttoyiea. bkctchee, aud poems, contributed by toe foremoet artists and authors of the day,1 ft carries instruction and entertainment to thou sands of .American houies. I . t will nlwavs be the aim of the publishers to make JTarper's Weekly the most popular and attractive family newspaper In the world, and, in thd pursuance of this design, to pre sent a constant Improvement to all these fea tures which have gained for it the confidence. Good Ordinary .... . Low Middling Middling Good Middling 75 n n 10J 103 centSj DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton. Spirits Turpentine ttosin- Tar Crude Turpentine. 04 bates 80 casks 200 bbls 46 bbls 06 bbis MARINE NEWS. JOHN R. TURRENTINE, Assignee nil 6 r.larlcet St. Rutherfordlon Banner: A corres. dent in a "home am on the Hlli" writes: "Mr. John Kelly, a citizen o! McDowell county, died at his residence nn rWo 9-rtd nt lh adr&nrwl v. ni LlVCrVand Sale StaWeS. 107 yearn. Mr. Kelly hoed corn last to two weeks prerious to his death:' -Lafayette Wilson, aed about 17, son of W G Wilson, of Colfax Town ship, accidentally shot himself last Sat I pruay morning while out hunting, and fie wasstand- i r it rti a tr I lug jdo icocc. uu gua icu aua ne hide for baineM or pleasure vin be ae- jUQ3ped loetoutof danger hut receir ! ed ' tao whole loan in his stomach. Hollingsworth ds Walker, Cortet of Mulberry aa4 Fourth StreeU. TiAlTTiES ix'skeu or noRszs ksi I mcd Sunday morning. eoamodaXe! oa Tt ry reAoaaV term. Hone bMe l at rarefnlly U?n-t. (ioot teua., cofofortabl Tehlclc an t carr- gf- j b b , m ...... . - ...... a. aU U rep'tTour loiifiini. , U rMP',tfoUr aollrtte!. HOLUSGSWOUTU WALKKR. 2 in 1. rt T R talo your likrn Aad lake then fle. TU tit yoar watcliea T keeiroo"1 tle; I do U work veil. Kotrnttid t m. I r you itoat believe tt - Try me and 7 J. L.-WINNEK. PbotncrapW aad JeweWr, Market tlalldtn rfUlr) horribly manlinx him. Charlotte Observer: Meirs. Liddell & Co.. the well known machinists of this city, yesterday closed the trade lor six acr ot land, on east Trade strrer. opposite. ScbifTs tannery, upon which chey will shortly build lare and roomy a . .a iron works ana macntne saops. tnc in creasing demand ot their trade calling for new and more extensive shops. From Capt. V. K. McIIee, we learn that the entire Western North Carolina track is to be laid with alee I rails, and i that besides the large amount already laiu, a iorce oi uanas are now cngageu !n laying down a section of 50 miles. The construction force of theDscktown Apples. CRATK3 APPLES ON HAND, Q Bbla. Assorted Apples, Tfgi, Chlckcna, Better, Beets, Turnips, ctc.'etc At R. MCDOUG ALL'S. No. li Cheatnat St. bet Front and Water iani Tllmlnton. N. V.i GREAT S A L E OF IKSITS AND THI8 WEEK, AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. WtlAirNOTOX. Sf. c. Old Newspapers pott 81 UC VERY CUEAP. - ' AmCrtt ARRIVED. Steam yacht Iouise. Weeks. Smith yille blaster i U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha. Biii- bey, Smithville, AIasterT " . Steamer John Dawson, Colvin, Point CaswelL R P Paddison Steamer D. Murchison. Smith. Fav- etteviUe; G W Williams & Co. Schr Jessie W Starr. Burton. Wil mington, Del, Geo Ilarriss & Co, guano o Champion Compress Co Schr William' C Green. Ha wes. New- York, 1 Geo Harriss & Co. sulphur to Navassa Guano Co Schr William K Messervey. Massers voy, Uoston, t5 G Barker fe!Co, guano to C C K R Co CLEARED. S Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith yille. Master i r U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha,! Bis- bey, hmithvule. Master. I Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fav . etteviUe, G. W. Williams & Co. 1' Nor, bngantine Amaranth, Thorb ornsenl Hamburg, jPaterson. Downing & Co - ! Exports. 1 " FORF.ION. Hamburg Nor brigantino Amaranth 2.397 bbls rosiii. 10 do tar. 10 do crude turpt, 2 d gumtbeus support of it'4 large array of sympathy ..and readers. - I Harpers Periodicals. j Per Year: HARPER'S WEEKLY. ft 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR J... 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE!.! 1 60 Harper's" Franklin Square Libharv. One Tear (6aNumcers...4 1.. JO 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United states or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the uvsi umuer ror .January or each year. When no time U mentioned, it j will be understood that the subscriber wishes to eommence with tne mnmber next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's TIT 1.1 - M - - .1 . - T ... . . mieai ciom uinuinar. win De sent nv mail, postage paid, or bv exurcsa: free of ex pease (provided the freisrht does not exceed one aonar per volume), for $7 w) per volume. cioth cases for each volume.' suitable for binding, wm bo sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt ui $i uu cacn. Remittances sbould be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avo'd chance of loss. Newspapers are. not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper' & Brothers, i Address - I I HARPER & BROTHERS, nov 23 New York ' STEAMERS Raleigh and Vidette. Oa and after Saturday Janoary 5th, altraa erof this line will LaU from MONTIILYJ STATOH5NT. , STOCKS OX HAND JAN. 1. 1884. Cotton ashore, 7.452; afloat, 7,608; total, 15.150. Spirits-'-ashorc, 4,477; afloat, 550; total, 5,027. j , Rosinashore, 70.215, afloat, 16081 total. 89.2M5. Tar ashore, fi,070. Crude ashoro, 2,081. j ' RrjEirrs from dec. 1 to jan. l. Cotton. 14.923; spirits, 4,742; rosin. 41, 503: tar, 11,691; crude. 3.04 1. KXP0RTSFROM DEC- 1 TO JAN..1. "domestic. I Cotton. 5 024; spirits, 1.245; rosin, 1,131: I tar, 4,381; crude, 3,306. j. Cotton, 10,207; spirits, 3,430; rosin, 03, 531 ; tar, 5.137; crude. 5. 1SS4 . . .1 , Harper's Yoiing People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY-16 Paes. I 8U1TEI TO BU1?F AXD GIRLS OF FROM SIX TO BIXTESJJ YEARS OF AOeI Vol V. commences November 6,'18SS. i' . HARrER's YouiTO People Is the best week ly for children in America Southwestern Christian Advocate. I All that the artists skill can accomplish in the way of Illustration ha3 been done, and the best talent of the country has contributed to tta tCxt-Nesv Knglmd Journal of KdncaUon, Boston. ! " .. v ' In its Buecial field there. Is : notbinir that can be compared with it Hartford Evening To6ti i . I TERMS; HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, Per Year. Postage Prepaid. HraoLE Numbers, Four Cents 6ach. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cu. Tlio Volumes of Harper's Younjr People for 'SI 82 and 1S33, handsomely bound In Illumina ted Cloth, will be sent by mall, postage pre paid, on receipt of 3 00 each. Cloth Cacs for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt or 20 cents each. - ! 'T Remittances should be made by Post Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order ot Harper A Brother. Address i HARPER ft BROTHERS, Every SATURDAY, a From' 3 P. Mi SATURDAY, unlesi sooner Joa&i. '1 I Through Bills of Lading and lowett rates cnat an tPPd tn ". .WW'B- Rail Itoadj Tand CaeTfr Rlverl '. i-! ---- - Alio. - ,.( '' i ... . 'v - ........ 1 1 TP and-: ram Boston, Providence; PhJU,w '' " csiciu CIVIC1. For Freight Engagements, !app L 1 A . I) HAKiTTY f,' ' TTIIminrton,1 N. C. ANDREWS, & CO., Affts.j S. rt". Corner Lfght and German Sta Ieo-'.9 J- Baltimore. New Yorlt & Wilmington Steamship Lino!! f 1 so. nov 24 New York. Fine Portraits in Crayon or Pastel. QRDER5 PROMPTLY EXECUTED IN the finest atyle. I In order to more fully latro duce the work my prices are to the lowest cent for first class work. Friends are invited to call and examine for themselves. " -ORIN T. THOMAS, Artie t, dec 6 119 Marks at., Wilminirton. N. C. t-.w . . . i. ''Y " . ! Will STEAMERS SAIL FROM NEW YORK KyEkl .' i.i i SATURDAY, at S o'clock. P. M. I BEN EFACTOR. . . . . .'. :.. JsalurdayJ Jtt1 J REG ULATO R . . ,v , BENEFACTOR..... REGULATOR. . ....Saturday, t.i.8atuxday,j JaiE Jul .Saturday, Jul Through R11U fjifMn. ! i (mm Through Rates gsamnteod to and from FoM Is Nona and South Carolina. , , For Freight or Paasage apply to 1 H. is. 6MALLBONESibaperlatenUeBV r - ' WUmhurtonl It C THEO. G. EGER, FrclghtAgent; i r.. - J. Si Broadway, Kcw Tt WM. P. CLVTR CO.. i4mr) Aim jan -.' ( j. , - i Ox Tail Goup. - "I,, - .-...4.. , I' . I k . ' JJEADY FOR USE OK (TABLE, COSH KIENT TO -HOUSEKEEPERS ASP ICOS- OUICALi . ,. : . Vessels lor this Port from "For- j I efffn Portsw ! BARKS. Nor Agder, 456 tons, Flagsttdt, , sailed from iiamounr, uct. ii. i iior.AU, 461 tons, Aslakeen, sailed from StetUn. Nov 18 I Nor Albatroa, ATS tons, OIa n, at Marseilles a or .Apouo, 39 tons, aieisoDi, sailed lrom Liocaon, nor x Nor Arizona, M2 tons, Johneen, at Liver Dooi. isov ry . i Buss Atlanta, 311 tons, Nyberg, sailed from Mary port, Nov It Dan Eleue, 438 tone, Dahl, sailed from Baltic Gar Erna. 583 tons, Burmclster, tallee from Hull. Dec 3 1 ! 8kntasar. Aug S via Palma. at Plvmonth Sent it I I Kronljren Augusta. 400 tons. WIMe. cleared irom Bietun, iwc.i , Ger IxDlae WlchardJ. . 333 toss. Ehmcke. sailed from Tenneriffe, Nov 17 Uer lucv A Panl. 577 tons. . sailed from Ajnatercuun,: uee o Ger Marie, tl tons, Permien, sailed from Hamburg, Dec 14 Ger Orion, 223 toss. Clausen, sailed, from uamourg. xov or rruuenua. . . sailed from liar. ae4Ue.Decl3 - ; Nor Rauma, 224 tons, Lcndegaard, sailed uvv iituutmr. ingr 9 . Nor Sara. 415 tons. Lanen. sailed from Piv- mouth, Nov 13 Nor Teiemach. 23 tons. AnderarH. mak1 from Valencia, Nov 10 Ger Texas, sal tons, Loot, sailed frosu Ham burg, "ov 16 i Br vick & atebane. 06 tons. Ilen&k. .11 from Hamburg, Oct 21 . Swd Vulcan. 27 ton. IJnandr mtti Loudon, Dec 4 ("T Nor Zippora. . . rmm CnTir. i . BRIG3. ' " . L. Daa Lonlae. 379 tons. I fatten ji!1m1 tmm Antwerp, Dec 17. r i racatw7j(.Oct3y To Boflders and othcrr Go to Jaoo bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &cl Yon can get aU sizes and at the Uwc5t prices --- SELLING OUT! HATS & FEATHERS I . AT REDUCED PRICES. ! v MRS. KATE C. WINES. No. Hfli N Second B'reef, nxt Post Offl jan o - .;! G. A LL MADE BY "INSTANTANEOUS" process. Have just received a fine lot of Fancy and Plain Frames,- which are selling cheap. , Call and let Mtf, CEONKNBERG make ycu a Chrlstxnaa picture.' i VanOrsdeli'a old stand, dec 13-tf HORTON FBEEifAK. Steam Yacht Louise! p ASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER for Smithville dally. Kates low and accom modations fine. The LOUISE la mm ikn. and la guaranteed safe. Will leave Smithville 8 A. M Leave Wllminstan 2 o'clock i i Wharf foot of Dock Street. T , ot , I I . WM. WEEKS, dec?41y. j ... Agent and Owner. " HOLIDAY PRESENT JN EVERY VAUIETYAND TOO NUMER reasonable pricai, at . V JT.'P- MILLER'S, Drag Storr. dec 10 324 South Fourth, bona Nun at Don't Forgot rjlHAT IIUMPfHREr, JENKINS ft CO., will receive at theirOyater House. No. 11J, Souta Front Street, tonorrow. rrVfi. M-rTli. of those fine GARDEN OYSTERS T raUerf TtllL .tl yfPJ Oyttera la the ahelfl Oysters asat C.,0. D. Lea n : ' ' WE IIAVE ALSO CANNED OK . ;.v:-: and Canned Tomatoes & Okra. Makes elegant Soap. Receipt for ff Soup thrown In. stjgae oueed hams AND! SUGAR-CURED STRIPd A SHOULD- 1:' Call early "before the rush. P. L. BRIDffEBS & GO. Jan 7 HO KortU Front Ot. It Don't TJattor TF THE OLD YEAR 18 GONE AS D Tfl JL i i I New t Year hu rinu irtnrrt0VVi KINS A CO., are aUil receivlnr at their W ter JIone. No. n p A,,tT t,.zTi-i. I tret anpply avcrr day of New rjver Oyatera. aiwaya ou hand, Ac. r ? i; !" ! CI B "fr a j AT MONACII'a. I6i, BrCOXD STBEET'bf twees Market and Princess. Ladlca an! Uemcn'a good of every dcacrtpUon. any co'r. Also, clean! nr. acourin and t lachin. ff me P?" f TOUT Old UU Gloves.. ! IJV Jvr - ' T ' ');

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