r s m t n I " ' I. 4 . -' t .tTe irtU t gUvl to rcsl- outic. ro ntr Mends oa iy aa i ill iubjecu1 V scaerallatem t but 1 - - ; '. s C um of Uve icrtter nu ' L )w7' t ru -moss AO An M dcstwi by mm free re .oaHt:ci mcst lc atoMikI. ' ' . ( ' j . i 1 ' f j-iv . .in will nn i"!1 ran! Jit J UU- tfW J. rrnLrlT. " - "v J , - v -f - t; .1.. - . " " "-'. -"" . I''- - , .,JL" - ... t - , ' jb::c " . i9jv . ra-i MrT.Dtni r3mcmn will frttraintbepro'iclioo of Mrs. Unr trt Tec rcniitcicl the laic Ktoj Victor L-Istxl have been removed M tho 1? ta tho Tacfhsoo, at Rome. Rathbooe thjslnans report tit U will probably recover from his woaad. bat will not recorer hi lost TU widow of the late Dr. "George, H". Uaiby, of Richmond. Va.. has been tvm a c'.erkshin in the offici of the tr auditor at Vahiniton. . ... - la th desperate 6tnijc.le between WiUiami and Blackburn , ot Kentucky, for the United States Senate, it is pre. dxttd that Mr. Carlisle will tep In and 1 ;' 'V. Sf caior Mtiler of Kew York, U slaud a opposed to President Arthur's Preal-det-jial aipirations. He is credited with catnloi the State in his breeches pocket. Mr. Springtt hivini decided to take tLe committee on the invetUxatioa of tU Attorney General's office . we may ipct some "mlf hty intereallog read- lo. in the tear future. Admiral Radford has been quite ill at the Ebbitt House, Washington, lrbm an attack of gout, but is now much improred, and hopes soon tu be able to uoderiake trip to Arkansas. - The Speaker of the Kentucky Uoum cf ReDrescntail res U but 56 jcars of X sod was a law pupil of Speaker Carlisle. Young men out West are growing up faster than the country. The cold snap, it ts icared, will tcm lorarily Interfere with navigation of ome of the lower tributaries of the tlfeupetke bay, which rarely happens Male in etceptiooally cold weather. Mrs. Dolly Barden has been a mem ber ol the Baptist Church at Benton CenUr. Ne York, eighty-thrcc conse cutiro jears, anther, interest in evcry thing of a religion charactei 'is una bated. The American belle par excellence for next season in London, vice -Miss Chamberlain, retired, will be Miss Jo!!a Jaekson. daoghther of "Stone wain Jacksoo. the famous Confederate fkoeriL The dainty card baskets attached to doorknobs on Kew Year Day in Cbl ga did more for the cause ot -tempt r -ce, it is affirmed, than all the lojinc lions of the total abstinence orators axalnat the wice and cold lea on the isdle' tables. i The Liverpool Zlcrcurv says that in rite of the overt hostility of avowed op-oce-ts and the halihcarted support of i'Js-doai friends, the womana snflfrage movement is undoubtedly making pro gress ia England. It does not rest on iu own merits, alone but Intelligent women'havo espoused the csuse with a cal, a pertinacity aud' a strength "of argument withal which in the long run bid fair to ensure success. Secretary Bwank. ot.the American iron and steel associaliou, is preparing his annual report pf the iron and steel trade t the United States for 1883. The year's production or pig iron bo puts down aa 4.523.323 tous. The con sumption of pig Iron has been about 4.611.323 tons. The production of steel rails la IS33 has fallen oQ below that of 1592. There were also made, probably, 100.000 tons less Iron rails than in I&82! Eleven ex-Governors are now mem bers of tho United States Senate-Henry B.Anthony, of Rhode Island: Joseph E. Brown and Alfred II. Colquitt, of Georgia; Richard Coke, of Texas; William Cuiiom, or Illinois; A. II. Garland, of Arkansas ; Jas. B. Groome, of Mar j land; Wade I lam ptoa. of South Carolina; Ishani G, Harris, of Ten nes Joseph B. Hawley. ol CooDeciicut and Zebalon B. Vance, of North Caro lina. The German Catholic papers join In a chorus of congratulation npou the aa nouacement of the QaztUe. whkh places the crgy of tha Biihop: rki f Kultu, Krmelxud and Hi1Jis. j bciru on the State pay tiat. froo which tb'cy were cut ofl by the opcratloa ot tbo mm ' mam May ;aw. i ais actino is la tea at aa evidence thit rriocn Bismarck is deter m ined focouiplelo his abandonment ofj the Cullurkaaipncr fco alliance or the State and Church osamt common Ie-. tociiilism hD'l revolution j , yn were rente! latt TucJay eight and here was a fccrcae irref tho prt-vlous ' . a a r year, mc total amount roaiizca tor premiums as S011. which, with tbo filed rentals. 12,833, makes. 8 total of $31,Sii. The total last year was $37.- 471. a difkrcnco or $2,621 less than last year. .1 I If I had to DS7 100 tor a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil.says Geal G. C.Knifan. rd havo it. - i LOCAL NEWS. I0U TO HIW ADYEBTISEMEBTI. LkctckkEct Vf U Milbura C W Tatx ClirlsUna Noreltle . QxxicaBX&OEX If axle Colombter Jackson it UELL-Job Prtaten Miss K Karbku-Special Influcementa MciTDi Bkd. Jt Df.BometKx tract ot Witch Ilaxel , The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 75 bales. f 1 - - There is no reasonable grounds for complaint at such fine weather as we bare had to-day. i The attention of the ladies is invited to the new advertisement of Miss E. Karrer as it appears elsewhere. in this Issue. Mr. James A. Hewlett, who keeps the Seaside Park notel.atWrightsville Sound, shot 137 birds on Monday last between the hours of 8 al m. and 4 p m. Mr. Harry D. Graham, I Business Manafer of "Rice's Pleasure Party." Is in the city to-day making preparations for the appearance of that company In Our Goblins." on the I7th Inst. i" Nor barque Xbrd Amoika, TerjeCD, cleared to-day for Altona, Germany, with 494 tons logwood , valued at $5,- 000, shipped by Mr. ?C. P. Mebane. (This Is the , cargo of the It. barque Claudius C which arrlvel here in dls. ress some time ago. i On Wednesday. Mr. J. W- Carr, of Duplin Roads, and iMiss F.IIie J. De vane, of this city, were united ia mar nage, in the First Baptist Church, in this city. Rev. Dr. Pritchard officiating. It was a very inclement day and there wero few persons present besides the bride, the groom and the parson. r -r i ; f Officers Elected. . ! The Board of Directors ot the. First Katioual Bank, of ibis city, held a meeting last evcuing for tho election of officers to senro for the ensuing year, with the following result: President E. E. Burrusa. Cashier A. K. Walker Ass't Cashier Wm. Lirkiui. I Teller-H. M. Bowden. Bookkeeper Ashley Gilbert. Discount Clerk J. H. Boatwright. Clerk W. A. Walker. Jr. AH of these aro redactions. Tbo Pet- ; A rrwtty little propeller steamer has just been launched from Capt. S. W 6klnners yard, and was flying arennd the harbor to day making a very pretty appearance-. She was built by Mr.. "Walter Taft. who is her owofr abd will command her. Sbo has! been named the A, aud a preUy pet she is, being 31 feet long. tO feet beam. 4 fect In depth of bold, aud supplied with a 25 horse power engine. Shu Is intended for towing purposes in the harbor, for which she seems to be well adapted. Store Breaking. Last night thieves broko into the store of Messrs W. J. & B. F. Penny and stole therefrom goods amounting in value to several hundred dollars. Ap pearances indicate that an entrance was effected by removing a pane of glass from the skylight and lowering a boy to the main floor by means of a rope, the latter opening the rear door when landed so tha: tho others could enter easily. It has not yet been ascer tained how much was stolen, but sever al trunks were taken and it Is presumed that these were pretty well filled. A number of overcoats were taken and a considerable quantity of cloth and other goods which would amount In value to between $200 and $300.' There Is no clue as yet to the thieves. " Fits, Fits, FiU, successfully treated by World's Dispen sary Medical Association. ' Address, with stamp for pamphlet; Bafialo, N.Y. 4 number of the abor-oamc work. which, aithoush appcnu j rather Plate in the moo. i fully up to y of is prcdcc3Sors in poiot of- - oscfettcoce, iotcrcst and usffamcea. The feabjoctoj treated are ot th tjtmosv imrrtaacc toj. : the medical proleasioni aa wtU as to th : he proleif ton. mix hi and carciui reader bf tbo work and wo hop I to .learn, ttetexe; long that .thef Carolina hi upon itasubseri'pUoit books': ; It would be money well aiid economic . . . . . .... j -.- 4 caiiy bctowea ana no ono woukj 9e a cent the poorer for tho outlay.' City Court. The first case forihq Mayor's consld eration this morning was J. P. Smith, who was chargod with disorderly con duct. The charge was eodtained and the defendant was fined $3 for the of fense. Herman Hecringen was the next, charged with the same offense, and he was let off upon the payment of $3. Fred Schertt, disorderly conduct, was fined $3. j" William Kennedy, disorderly con cudt, settled for the same by the pay ment of a tine cr $5. David Car ran, disorderly, conduct, got off with a fine. of $3. The last four were engaged In a sort of jamboree,!1 last night in the "HoK low," and were acting so badly that they were taken in by the police, and the City Treasury was $14 better off this morning in consequence. Joseph Jefferson. , The appearance of Mr. Jefferson 'on Monday night In Sheridan's famous comedy. "The Rivals," supported as he Is by a superb company, will open a new era to the younger portion of our theatre-going people, inasmuch as It wilt introduce to them a feature of the drama with which they nave been un acquainted. For some time post there has been a strong effort made in the large cities of the North to revive the old standard legitimate drama as St existed in anlt bellumd&Bt and in the Instance of "The Rivals," with Mr. Jefferson as Bob Aert9. It has been entirely successful. His support, with the accomplished Mrs. John Drew, Mr. Frederic Robinson, Mr. R. L. Downing, Mr." Charles Plunkett and Miss Rosa Rand, is all that could be desired. "Tho Rivals" is not a play in which ail the merit rests with a si nglo character as is the case with nearly all the modern plays, but it is a comedy 'which calls for excellence lu all the characters, and in this respect the compauy which will snpport Mr. Jefferson is first rate. 1 I. 1 -.. . i , ,. . Last Xfxht's Lecture. There was rather a small audience at the Library Rooms last night to bear the distinguished divine and orator, Rey. Dr. Milburn, in his lecture upon "John Randolph of Roauoko."' The speaker was suffering from the effects of a se vere cold and consequently, labored uuder many difficulties, yet be, spoke lor an hour and' a halt to an enlighten cd. cultured audience, who listened with rapt delight and attention to his por trayal of the life of the erratic though brilliant character of the subject of his lecture. There is hardly a more, diffi. cnlt character, conspicuous "in Ameri can history, to describe thse that of John Randolph to replete with incon sistencies, eccentricities and contrarieties yet of wonderful mental activity and power but the speaker was entirely successful, and made tbe aubject fruit ful of interest and instruction.. .The hall ought to have been crowded to it utmost capacity , and we deeply regret j that it was not. The cubject was . in- tcbscly interesting, the speaker, not withstanding bis ill-health, was elo quent, and tho cause for which he spoke the benefit of the Library Asso ciationwas such as to merit a crowd ed halL On Friday night he will lecture again, at the same place, when his subject will be 'Gen. Thomaa J. ("Stonewall") Jackson," and we bespeak for him as large an audience as ths hall 1 will con tain. : Nearly every body is afflicted with a oold, of more or less severity, occasion ed by the sudden and remarkable atmospheric changes of the past few days. ... The retention of any waste matter in the system produces injury. The col i lection ot "phlegm" er diseased xnuens In time or cold or throat anection snonia be .promptly removed. Dr Bull. Cough Sjrnp does It more quickly and eectually than any other cough syrup caads." - - i ; : N. C Medical Journal. KKTV AOVBBTXSEni5NT8. j ' is aix icixis:ot tthiaps. isuuBACi.va. ! ; n ,,lrtMf, Tfcl, ' '. TUi" tt4.J ' mi ji !!. -'a'5aj iuima.u LUiiUtt.ou, u latere, uiiiiureil Cloaks,. &cl - Calico Comforters aud s.ji ;, . : " M general clojitig out of ell CARPETS AND i We are prepared with j a good assortment at veasonabTe prices. LINEN AND WOOL CRUMB CLOTHS, Lace Curtains. Cornice. Lace Lamb- requms, uurtem jan 9, 1831 Timely Aid. l Mayor Hall informs us , that up to lastigbt 34 destitute families have been supplied with provisions and fnel and that there was a fair prospect that as many more would be provided for durinz to-day. Iu these acts of benevo-. lence there has been no discriminatio A . mAnnr ' fmhifa ' Anlnriul families, the mere fact of destitution and want being the only demand for relief. 1 . i !. MARRIED. CARR DEVANE On tbe 8th lnat. la the lnrt Baptlut Church, in thla city, by He v. T. H. PrlUhard. D. D., Mr. J. W. UAteB, of Du plln Boada. to Mls KLLIE J. pEYAKE, of ihlacity. Nocarda NEW Aa3VEBTISEMEN!TS "Stonewall Jackson. 1 KV. DE. AflLBDBS WILL LECTUBE ON FRIDAY SIGHT, at LIBRARY HALL. Subject, GBS. "STOXBWALL" JACKSON. Lectura will beln at 3 o'clock! Admittance 50c jaaio 2t Special Inducements, J AM OFFBRIKO A! SPECIAL INDUCE meat In ZEPHYRS, havinf a very large lot of it. ana winifl4 to. raauce-stoct oeiore spring, I wiU sell aU colors at lie and black aad white at 10 centa per ounca, FOB CASH. A nice lot of Handkerchiefs, Linen and Silk, I will sell at reasonable . prices and stamp initials free of cnarge. i chrochet Goods, such as Shawls, Fascina tors. Caps, basques. Ac., at low n ices. Hata trimmed and untrimmed as low as can be bought anywhere; and a large stock to select from. ' fiespfctfully, MISS E. KARRER, jan 20 Exchange Corner. IU3 a r i e C o I o m b i e r , gARAn BAB MUM. Standard Xdltlon, Price 3 cnts, 1 ; Just Tceelred at HBINSBBRGEB'S, ( : Live Book and Music Slrres. Blank Books, Paver. En kr, Steel Pens, Letter Books, ed and Blue reactls, . , And a-H kinds of Inks. , Jaa 10 Piintinit-t Printing, JACKSON AND KuIId;, Ruling. BELL. IMndlug-i "WILL DO . Binding. .YOUR cod Work,., Promptness, TRIXTING WELL. IxwlTic;'.' 'Satisfaction. Jau 13 1,000 Hhds TBIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES JUST XT landed direct from the Island, which we offer to the trade at prices to suit the timet. We gaarutea tbis Mol asset pure. ; jaaStf EDWARD KIDDER & SON. Greatest Slaughter OF CLOTHING EVER MADE , IN WILMINGTON FOR THE NEXT rpHE WARM BACKWARD SEASON HAS overloaded us with Winter Clot hlnsr, which most be sacrificed at UNEARTHLY LOW PRICES. Tbo loa will bo fearfuL but better kM tons than aU. We have a very large stock to aeloct from, of fine, medium quality rd cheap Clothing, tn Suits and Overcoats at prices) that will astonish you -and p ralyze the clothiers. Take advantage of IC &co the bar galas aad get bargains they are for every one ad wt Invite every one to come early to the well known Bailable Clothiers. A. & I. SHRIEBV i. Aa II Call ClohUra,,ll4 Market Kt. r NEW AbvkUTI812aiIVTS. . Blaiifeets at bottom priccB ! - . . - I 1 Winter Goods at Reduced Pr:- ces. r--O- OIL CLOTHS- Lace. Kugs, Mate, arc. f iR. na; Fjicintire. OPERA HOUSE. Monday Evening Jan. 14.- 'I. " r ' MR. JE FFEESON,. j. . .aa. . . ."BOB ACHES' In.Sherid&n's Famous Comedy of tho With the lollowlns Great Oast: I Mrs. Jolin Drew iis...... J.M HftUnmn i M T" 1rVilA'r!. Tfnlilnaan a a Bin Anfnn a Mr. JL L. Downing. . . .fis.. .Captain Absolute r. vnas. r lun sew. ..;as .......... sir .Lucius Miss Kosa Uana. as. ...Lydia Langulsb i Tbe advance Bale of seats commences Wed nesday, Jan. 9, at Dyer's, oiceas Parquet e oim nrsc iwo rows in uaicony, lioserved, tl.50. Dress Circle and Balcony, Keservcrt. i. general mission u uaicony, mc ual lory, 25c. jan7 7t Extract of Witch HazeL -nrrE offer the above pbepaba tlon in Pint Bottles, as Double Distilled Ex- tract Witch nazei or Hnmmamelio, at CO ceta per bottle, j ' A safe and speedy remedy for Bruises, Strains, Burns, Soalds, Neuralgia, Palo, PUes, Stings of Insects and many otter uses? the ex treme low price placing it within fie reach of eery family. Muhds Bros. & DeRosset, I Druggists, Market Street. iaest English Tooth Brushes S3 cents. jan I K- . j I Dissolution, WILMINGTON, Jil C, Jan. 4, USi. TUE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between tbe undersigned, under the firm name of COLVJLLE & CAMPBELL, has been dissolved by mutuil consent. Mr. A. R. Campbell assumes the liablllUes of the late firm, ami is alone authorized tf shrn in Uquidatton. j JOHN COLVILLE, ! I A. R. CAMPBELL, A. Ill CAMPBELL, - 'I'-.' ; .1 - SUCCESSOR TO COLVILLE & CAMPBELL, Lumber Commission Merchant i . 401 Niitt St. -f ' Ian i lw i WILMINGTON, K C. Wilmington & Wei, R. R. Co. 5 2Q TREASURER'S OFFICE, Wxlmioto-, N. C., January DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT, cn the Capital Stock ot tbe Wilmington & Wei douR. K. Co.; will lc paid to the Stockhoid- era at this office on and after tho J3lh last. J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary & Treas jJanS3t Don't Forget lt. rjVB. OtD NORTH. STATE SALOON, has on bandja fine lot of tboelBOBNE GARDEN OYTEBS sta-kod on Ic. JThoy are ths btrrt i ( brought to this tnirket. WMPa'1 McGOwAN A bO, - No 6, South Front St j i - !. Also, tcr. wmes, . U , JAS- M. Jan I Diaries for 1884. i BJf THE SMALLEST POCKET SIZES I THE LARGEST OFFICE SIZES. ! TURNER'S N. U ALANACi. BLUMS FABMEBU AND PLANTER'S t - - .-I i I. ALMANACS. : , . , 311 LL EE'S ALMANACS- I TBI LIVING CHURCH ANNUAL. Wholesale aol retail, at HEINSBERGEE,'8j Jan 3 1 Lire Book and Music Stores soo QALLONS FINE FAT OYSTERS In hand I to day for our Christmas trade, and arrange meats made for a full supply for tbe balance of the week. . W. E. DA VI 8 4k SON. T Proprietors of tbe only regular estb Rahed fishery h this section. dee xt W. & E.' S. LATIMER, Attorneys-at-Law. r Oflee S. H. Cor. Princess and Water Its. Jaa T-la , I MISCELLANEOUS Sportsman's Goods. "i f- j 4 - i , .... TirC lI VVi; THE yiNE&T ASaOBTlIKSr : cris svck of bhvUi VansriYLS5r?SS h is ani guarantee prices. T-'iY 1 lt Wi ll ftPHTX:P" A. - V - to Jolin Txvrtnn & uccoi . , ; 13, si nd 23 Market Pt5Mi Apples ! Apples I App es I a . .v- os!y order r fl Commissi Merchant, lif Bankrupt Sale of Boots ' and Shoe8, 'U i 1 T hare bought the entire Bankrupt Stock :o Dryfoo& 8tmberger aad will close "u out at less than I Manufacturer's Prices 1 wToti,itno,rn and wide as the HANDSOMEST and BE8T SELECTED of anyj in tho city, and as the goods aro going to be sold very low-for cash onlv-it will pa? purchasers to examlna um rAM k.Ji.i Lelsewbcre. i . " "J " CIQPP A.DaVID.r A Word to the Wise is Suffl- t cent. -I.! PIANO OR ORGAN 13 NOT A LCXTJj ry; mey nave become a nececbUy.l If you . vant a bargain go to JIEI KSBERQER', . i - - i- . - i, i 3 LIVE . I BOOR AND MUSIC STORE. No mattar . ' ' ' ' " 1 ! what anybody says, If yqu "want to buy a " Piauo, ?qnare orCprlghti or an Organ,' go 1 first to JJlN3BEKGEli'8 land find out what ' you cn do. It will costi J0U nothing, and you may save some money. All of our goods ara warranted for flvet, years, and aro war rrcted first class in every respect. See for yoBTE6f and save mono, a word to tbe wise Is sufficient 1 i Jan t, Piano, Fqnare or rjorlch'ti or an Orran.!'i"f Golden H a r vest . j ; FULL FLEDGED "GOLDEN UAH- VKST". Thafa tho kind of COOK STOVE ' WE KEEP. They are a thing of Beauty and 1 Joy to EVERY HOUSEHOLDS Only sold bv J I PARKER A TAlfLOtt.ii . PURR uitjs oiu I jan 7 - Boys' Saddles, if LADIES AND GENTS' SADDLES. Ilorse Blankota, Lap-Robes, Carriages aud all; kinds 'J of Vehicles. Saddlery. Trunks and Gin-lares ; repaired by skilled workmoa. I I" . dec 1 MOUOUWALtli BOWDEN, t No. 114 North Front 8 r ; Commissioner's Saiej TN PURSUANCE OF A DECREE OF THE JL superior uourt ot ew lianovtrr Count v in of David S. Sanders, dec eaACrl. nnd Ann ! if k ua Hcuoa nciween oonn k. hi j liearvi. Aiimr; xreiieway, ei ai., oeing a proceeding for the, alc of real estate to make assets, the under signed. Commissioner annotated hv iUidtfw croo, will sell at public aucUon for rash, to 1 tho highest bidder at the Court Horha tinnr tn W ilmlngtop, N..C, on Monday, the 4th day bf February .1 1884,- tho following several tracts of land belonrfntr to the estate of saiil Tinviri h Sanders. lret tractContatnlDir ahnnt l&i i acres of Juniper Swamp Land adjoining the ' Rocky Euu Plantation near tiastlo Ifavne In . New Hanover county. Second tract Lyinr, luu uotng m rcnuw connvy, near -xopssti Sound, between said Sound an I tbo Atlantic Ocean, and constituting tho strip of land that separates the Sound from tho Ocean. Third tract uontaining 5io acres of woodland and btlagapartof tha land comprising the said Rocky Run Plantation near Castle Ifayne and lying on the east sldo of the Holly Shelter or Duplin Road and between said Toad and the Imlngton tc Wcldon R. R. iJ' . Jan 3-law4w tu : . Commissioner. LARGE LOT. JC3T RECEIVED;. -- . i i I il r , I A NO. 1 ARTICLE. SAU3AiE3 Made by Westbrook Bro., at Hocky Tolat Bettla tho market, ., ... .... . Oranrrri. Arnh1. 1cmltrr anrt ttn4r.4i a -J : " i i - Til . strtment of -I esh Family .(Groceries, o , : . ' A cs!,' Is lf-rpcetfelr tottdted.! i' "7 ' ' tr- I-- 1 Ll 4 L. G. CHERRY. N. E. C irar Market and eeeovd ai. W. G. Premnort I YtB30KALLY IN ATTENDANCE at' i r i " ( i - t " . 3 1 r ....... . . . n. i . ' . . j asnwaDieoaavioggnauairireaiiof oa:ojo SaJ - ,:' - .r .!,..... .... .. . i " aio. 7 wmta rront street. None hut tie beet work done aad the Jti!t workauo em- i ployed. GlTBUsaoalL - JaaS-tf South Front 5trcet. 0hri8tmas Novelties. We do not claim to have , f A GREATER V AH IETF OR FiNER GOODS 1-1 thaa any ome else. I WE : ONLY POLITELY ASK YOU TO CA1I , AXD JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. dec 10 US Market at Superior Court., fJIBZ SPECIAL TERM OF THE SUPERI OR COURT of New Hanover Coanly, wilibe held ia the Court House. !a Wtlmioston, on I aloaday, the 14th day of January. Li AU parties concerned will fake ooiice and gorsrn thcmhClves accordingly. J t . . VAirjUXCXTOS, Jsa91t . ' ' .. Clsxt.tZTtrUr Ccurt . Z'?2-?JK r. jr. C.J. KeU .Bmtcr XTZ; car ioa or email !ri