' i : . . :.:. " ' ..'- r i ' 1 - , mjsas notice, f W will I gUl ' to - vecelra ooafti&alcaUcn trvnx our friend oa any a4 all tubjeet reneral Interest tral .Tb nam of the writer mnst ahray't ra &lfao4 to tbe K!ivor. i Co mm u nicatlor. a mnat b written en "no rWc of th paper. TcreottAUttcs must Ye avoMei AnA It Is especially and !aruuUr)jt iiud .... pr rcrat i- UM tltut the K-IItor loft not L.toi JL.W.'X t!I .nr 4 aJI fy Mil V Hi. W ILMI.NGTON. N. C, SATUR DAY, JANUARY 12. 1884. NO. 11 J OS II T. JA.MES, ' r jl V A, F ' TlTITTnr II ll w T" v r,:ro ad morETo. -1 U V V v V l , k: B'MSlhJ f- "rr. i l . ; ii U LL-J i -X J u 1X1LJ JJL Jl VI; li J , II 11 4 Y Y 1 0 tce month. watt, j ' - - : - - ' ' , i J "I ' I' ' Ir ..r rM tM city. t tb .qt j . ' j j j. . ' , j .. . , ' r -wrck. - ! ! 1 K , h .. -.,- t-zzzz: i rif . t.:.i!inn.r newspaper i , " . .i mm I ,vn. Uutler. in a'JS 0ic Uo , , r tfc habit of cbcrin?. tobatT". i;rfl. Se2oa A. M'cj w mmiaatcl 3t y csadKUU i-r TrcsMcnt r the I Vol Staici Ly Uriibui at a .i nner a! Fori Kw;h the oibcr daj. Iorj Ijoxj: i lilins'a work cotiUcd CzhWmflzdru publUbcd ja 3Isrca. The ii!nlratious will be by itiaitJ ljuhc from fckdehef during her rct ticntc to Canada. Uc'anjest telephone line in cr-r-anj U from the Slock Kxchancc in lraa to Magdcburs. a distance of c: .ly ruilcj. Telephone communica wi:h Lelpsic and Hanover will vu U: opened. Jacob Mullikcn. a "grand old man' a:.;..n; his ndshbow, at Dunstan'i cor urt. uearSaco. Me., was one hundred .cw old a few days ao. UU first rote wis can for ilr. Jefferson for Presi dent. Mr. Milliken is as lively as a June cricket. I A Philadelphia hotel keeper seeks to are tie ruraHiiitors into turning off tUrai with notices thus: "The rela ttiri&Ldlrlendsot guests who blow liu! il.c i will have to my for the auiojctof gas wasted before the body will-be delivered.' (U. Fred. Grant has settled down in Moiriitown. N. J.! with the intention, r. i asserted, of runnfnc for Congrcsa in that district next fall. The district U now represented by the Hon. Wm. Walter Phelps, who U said to be an aspirant for the Republican nomination for Vice President. Charles Santly, the bairtone singer, was married In London on Sunday to Miss Elizabeth Innes. a wtalthy Amer ican. Mr. Santley was born in I.irer jwol. and made his first appearance on thelrrie stage- as tlhvuluty in Lnr line; at the Convent Harden Theatre, Ijnrn!oii, I SCO. Mr. Danche:i. an engineer, is exhib iting in !ondon a new pattern of elec tric railway to transport light weights at a speed of 150 to 200 miles an hour. The train runs on only one rail, but is balanced by a rail overhead which acts asacouductorof the electric current t'tom the generating stattou. 1 am told," wiites the "man about town." in the Brooklyn Eajlc. "that it is probable that Thomas Nast, the car tooaiat, will institute a suit against the Harpers: At the case now stands. Mr. N'astu receiving .$10,000 a year from tl Ilarpen on condition that bo will iraw a cartoon for them every week and work for no other periodical. Ho holds that the non-publication Jof his work is a great injury to him. This is the opinion of the Philadelphia i'reu. Hep: A coalition betwecu tbc Bourbons and the Straighlout Republi cans In Virginia Is fercshadowed. The farmer are willing and have paved the way for a union, by appointing souse of the Republican opponents ot the Read iusters to positious about the Legist ture. The certainty that, Senator Maboue will act with the Republicans io the PresidenUal campaign will no doubt bring about a rearrangement of parties in Virginia. The New York Time originated, we believe, the chargu that Mr. Payne was elected ia Ohio to tho U. S: Senate to succeed Mr. Pendleton by tho Stand aid Oil Company. Tho Times is alto publican paper and by birth, education, instinct and breeding is bound to lie about a Democrat whenever It get an opportunity. It is cot ccceasarr, bowx ever, for Democratic papers to 'take up this lie &t second band and endorse it. The truth U that Mr. Payne has no connection, whatever, with the Standard Oil Company. Mr. Payne has been a life-long Democrat and was la harness when Mr. Pendle ton was a mere colt in tho political Ce!d. lie is trustworthy and sincere, io proof ot which we point not only to his election by a Democratic Legisla ture but to the detractions or him with which the Republican press is now temicg. The mos significant point in his election, however, is this. The ItmocratsofOhio say to the Demo, crtu tf the entire country: Let the tarift alone until after the next Presi dential election. There will be enough f&lZ l.Ja attention ol wujuMMiau session, "rum toe rascals our first tod remodel the tariff allfrwarJf. LOCAL NEWS. mOH TO IIW AOVIXTIKMENTS. tleJMnesubsPUtke for XfH R -J Joytv Sccfy Aaul llccttn; NT U Jt J A IfOXniOMMr-Voti'C Mr rs Bb,s. A ItRo3iET Kxirct t I Jaj length i) hours and M minutes. There were no interments in Deilevue Cemetery this week: Sunset to morrow afternoon at 8 minutes pal 5 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at this port (o day foot up 191 bales. . There was one interment, an adult, in Oakkalc Cemetery this week; The day it now 20 minutes longer in the alternoon than it was three weeks ago. , Tho Uegistcr of Deeds issued two marriasre license this week, both for colored couples. , j There were seven interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, two of which were adults and five were child ren. The annual rnceiifrg of the lot owners of Oakdale Cemetery will be held at Mr. R. J. Jones offico on Monday evening. j The ladies will find something par ticularly interesting to them in the &d? vertisement of Taylor's Bazaar as pub lished in this issue. ' '" , A special term of New Hanover Su perior Court will convene at the Court House at 10 o'clock a. m. on Monday next. Judge Gilmer presiding. Nor. barque Prudentia. Hansen, cleared to-day for Hamburg with 3.282 barrels rosin, valued at $1,876. shipped by Messrs. Paterson. Downing Sc Co. Steam boat in en report that there was a rise of about 20 feet during the recent freshet, but that it had fallen off about 5 feet when they fpft Fayetteville yester dav morning. In the First Baptist Church to-mor row morning Dr. Pritchard will preach on "Church Work'1 and his sermon at night, to the young men, will be; on "Paul's Love for Christ.'' I 1 ir'i, .i ii j The Hate Chronicle comes to us this week as a trada issue. It is 8 pages in size 48 columns and is replete with very interesting matter. The publishers claim to have circulated 20.000 copies of this issue. A The DaUy llcportcr, published at Durham, N. C, by Messrs. D. V. Whitaker & Sons.Jis ajocw journalistic venture, which we hope may prove successful. Durham is a lively, thriv ing town and should support a daily paper. i j AKelle. j 31 r. B. S.Mootiord lelt atl our office to day an Indiau arrow head which was found a fedays since ou'his place at Masonboro Sound. It is ot stone, about 6 inches in length, nearly an inch wide; in the broadest part, and is quite a curiosity. We learn thai several other relics of aborigiual life have been fooud near the same place. . ' i. j - ii n Tbts Mo nil us I'ire. At about 8:30 , o'clock this moruiog tho olof two-lory frame dwelling on the S. corucr of Castle and Surry street was discovered to be on fire io tbc Kastcro portion ot f the second story, and although the alarm was im mediately given and tbc fire department was promptly on hand, the ffamcs had made such headway that they could not be gotten under control until tbc house had become a mere shell. Sirs. Fryar, a widow lady, with a family ot several children, occupied the first floor of the house, while Mr. Henry Arthur and wife occupied lie second floor The two latter bad left their rooms and had locked the door, and aa the fire was discovered in that portion of the house, it is not known how it originated. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lost everything save the clothing they had on at the time. Mrs. Fryar aaved a portion of berfcoods, but the loss was unfortunate and severe tor both families. The building was owned by, Mr. Richard A. Price, and was insured to the amount of $500 in the N. C. Home Insurance Co., repre sented in this city by Messrs. Atkinson & Manning. I How the hearts of a crowd swell and throb with pitiless hatred against the man who coughs daring the perfor mance at a theatre, when they know he is too stingy io invest twenty-five centi ia a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. j liulliati Cuulit. On Thursday nighi. as the Itain on tic Carolina C.-ntr:iI UaUroatl was i i V. .... I . II.. -U Pnf churl ijjuiuM, umra j distance beyond I.urabcrton. om mis- i crcantf threw several issdfca. one of wnicb. a lighlwrnK knot. wnt through , windtur of one of tb ars. but 3. wmtiow o one oi mj ars. out lonu- s natcly without billing any of the pas teugers. Mr. N. (lillicsn. who lives in the vicinity of where the outi.igc wan ' committed, took the matter in hand! and succeeded yesterday in fixing theji&ji nihi tho following oflicsrs of t oaciico vpnu guiiiy panics. ui nu morning ciroolo Iumbertou for the proper authority to arrest them, and thy were probably in custody before ibis wa written. The party was com posed of four colored boys, two of whom "squealed" on the others. Stonewall Jackson. The audience at the Library1 Rooms last night to hear Rev. Dr. Milburn was much larger than that at his first lecture. His subject (was "General Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson. " a name sacred in every Southern hear1 and one of the most conspicuous in American history. In fact, so far as his military career daring the late war is concerned, he stands as one ot the most prominent military commanders of any age and of any country. Of this, however, the speaker had comparative ly little to say, but gave a history ot his ancestry, his humble beginning ia life, his unostentatious.reservetl manner, his early struggles, his eminent and devot ed piety and his rigid ob3verance duty under any and all circumstances. The Uecture abounded ia graphic descriptions and beautiful illustrations of the life or the remarkable man and glowed with a fervid, eloquent tribute to hi9 char acter. , J. C. Connor, Manager, Royal Opera House, Toronto, says. "I was cured by the use of St. Jacobs Oil of acute rheraatism Personal. 1 " Mr T.C Craft, who has been quite sick for the past two weeks, has, we are pleased to note, so far recovered as to be at his office yesterday. j Mr. R. E. Lloyd, formerly of this sec tion, but now of New Branfort, Fla. was here a few days since on a visit to relatives and friends in this section and at Pittsboro. He returned South two nights ago. Mr. W. T. Johnson, formerly of this city, but who removed to Winston about two years ago. is ia the city to day and announces bis intention of re turning here to live and to reopen busi ness in Wilmingtou. Rev. W. M. Kennedy was in the city this morning en route for Mason bo ro. where ho will preach touiorrow morn ing and agaiu at night. He reports that tho Spring session of Warsaw High School opens with a good attendance of pupils, with a flattering prospect that the number will be materially in creased. Mr. Jobu D. Spruut, who has been here on a visit during the Christmas holidays, will leave on Monday on his return to Loudon, England, where he is In charge of tbc English branch of the Wilmington house. His relatives and mauy friends here will part with him with much regret but with the hope that bo may return to Wilmington again next Christmas. City Court. Belli c HargroVc, a poor, white, erring 'sister, of the. "Hollow." Was drank and down, for which offence tho Mayor this morning imposed a fine of $5. in default of which the was cent below for 30 days. j Gaston Datb, colored, was sccu this j Uiornlns by Officer Walkor action in a t-;.. . - kr...i. it.i . . j :.. u it i i: .i . , He bad a bas coDtaioio about three busLcIs of peanuts, aud wLcu tbeofliccr approached him, he eaid that be wanted toscllthcuj. Davis tried to "shake' the officer but tbc latter kejt c!ose to him , when Anally the former -made a uaoveujout at if to draw a pistol, wben the officer dreir his club and arrested Davis and took a loaded pistol from his breast pocket, and took hitu lo police headquarters. Although there was no absolute proof that tbe peanuta were atolen. the suspicion was so strong that the Mayor felt justified ia binding the defendant oyer to the next term ot tbe Criminal Court on tbe charge of larce ny and also on the charge of carrying concealed weapons, fixing tbe bond in the sum of $50 in each case, in default of which Davis was committed. Messrs W. II. & J. A. Montgomery ha Ye dissolved the copartnership here tofore existing between them and the business will hereafter be conducted by Mr. J. A. Montgomery. See card in this Issue. , - Cottotf. T!h rcciMits of cotton at this jorl from , tbc Ut i,, . to date, foot u j. 2, 135 bales. i ? . l - aainn -i.t9i bales to same uu!e lait i yc3r. a Jccrcase of ii;i- bates. The j receipts of tbc c:rop year to date foot up 7n.i)S7 bnlci, n gainst - ff-.2?3 ble lo au,0 alo ye:iV a dctrensc this yCKr i f; ifijr.fi bales. , '' I nMallntioti ol' Oflicer.s. At a meeting held for the purpote i'nn uouncu, o. 7 American Lio!f Honor, wer duly installed by Deputy Grand Commander R. B Heide: 1 Com mauder Stacy Van Am tinge. Vice Commander Isaac L. Green- wald. 1 Orator W. H. Sterling Past Commander Roger Moore. Secretary B. A. Hallett. 1 Collector Jacob Weil. Treasurer J. I. Macks.. Chaplain Robert Morrison. Guide Wm. L. DcRossct, Jr. Warden J. I. Metts. j Sentry Wm. M. Hankiris. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at .TAOORi'a Hardware Depot i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Annual Meeting QF THE LOT OWNERS OF OAKDALE CKHETBRY will be Ibeia at the Company' Oflico, Monday Evehlng, January 14 lb, at O'ClOcr. K1UUAKU .). JUNKS, S Jan 12-2t Sect'y and Treaa diaries for 18841 "pROM THK SMALLEST POCKET SIZES to the largest OfliceSlzea. TURNER'S N. C. ALMANACS. BLUM'S FARMER'S AND PLANTER'S ALMANACS. 1 ' MILLER'S ALMANACS. THE LIVING CHURCH ANNUAL Wnoles&l and Retail, at HEINSBERGER'S, jan 12 5 Live Book and Music Stores Notice. rpHE COPARTNERSHIP I HERETOFORE exUting between W. H. & J A. MONTGOM- gki is tnia day uissoiveu, uy mutual consent. J. A. MontKomery assumes all liabilities and Is alone authorized to collect and receipt for any ana an aeots uue me saia ixrm. i V. H. MONTGOMERY, ! J.AMUMUUM1SKV. .Tanuary 12, ISSi r : i rjpHK UNDERSIGNED WILL CONTINUE the business of tbe late firm of W. II. & -T A. Montgomery and solicits the general support of his Mends. J. A. MONTGOMERY. ian!2tf 1 Steam Yachtjjouise, paaSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER for SmltovUlc daily. Rates low and accom-i modatlons lino. The LOUISE is a new boat and Is guarantocl safe. Will leave Smlthvillo 8A.M. Leave Wllmlujrtsn 2 o'clock P. M. i ! Wharf foot of Dock Street. WM. WEEKS, jaull Agent and Owner. 6 and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FILLERS. ; ! Best in; tbc city, are on sale. Druss and Mcdlcloal -preparations of tbe highest aradsat - JNO. T. SCHONWALD'S, Jan 11 Drupe and Frecrlptlon Store : Extract of iWitoh Hazel. E OrrCR THE ABOVE FEEPAE V lion in Pint Bottles, as Double Distilled Ex- tract f. Witch Hazel or Hnmniamclio. at .v i cets per bottle. A sao ard speedy remedy fr BruiJcs, s train sBurus, Scalds, Neuralgia, Pain, PUc-, Sitngs of Imjccts and many other use, the ex-1 treiue low rrke rlaeinc it within tbe reach of f -' Munds Bros. & DoRosset, IruggtU Market Street. 1 bet English .Tooth Brushes 2S cents. jao.l . Apples ! Apples 1 Apples ! i Apples I Apples ! Oft) CRATES GOOD KEXPING APPLES" on band. Selling cheap. I At K. MC DOUG ALL'S, No. II Chestnut St, bet- Front and Water tan Jl Wilmington, N.C. For Saturday. yBSSED POTJLTBY, DUPLIN COUNTY 8 A US AGE AND L1VEH PUDDING, X. C. Sides and a fuU stock of Choice Family Gro oeries. Prices reasonable. Respectfully. I A. W. RIVENBARK, The Lire Grocer and Produce Com. Mer chant 114 North Water" St., Wilmington. N.C. jan 11 j ,i It Don't TJatter JF TIXE OLD TEAS IS GONE AND THE New Tear has come, HUMPHREY, JEN KINS A CO.. axe still reeetTtn at their Oys ter Hone, So. Ill South front Street, a froth apply erery day of New River Oysters. Oys ters shipped C O. D. Fresh Shell Oysters alwtya baadg Ac ' ' jaa 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ft W mffi 1 GR E AT S A L E Ol CORSET COVERS, AND 'a AT TAYLOR'S i BAZAAR, i 118 Market St. jan 1 WILMINGTON. N. C. Bankrupt Sale of Boots and Shoes. , J" have bought the entire Bankrupt Sto;k o Dryfoo9 & Sternberger anl will close it out at less than ! Manufacturer's Prices ! - i - -. i This stock is known 'far and wide as the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED of any in the city, and as the goods are going to be sold very low for -cash only it will pay purchasers to examine same before ; buying elsewhere. dec 12 I A.DAVID. Special Inducements. T AM OFFERING A SPECIAL 1NDUCE- ment In ZEPHYRS, having a terv large lot of it, ana wishing to reduce stocc oeiorc spring, I mil sell all color at 11c and black and white at Id ccnta per ounce, FOR CASH. A nice lot of Handkerchiefs, Linen and Silk, I will sell at reasonable prices and stimp Initials free of charge. ! I Chrochet Goods, such , as Shawls,. Fascina te r, Caps, Sasques. &c,, at low piiccs. , Hats trimmed and untrlnimcd as low as can be bought anywhere, and a large stock I to Rtilecl from. i Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER. ian 10 Exchange Corner. Printing." Printing, JACKSON AND Ruling. Hul BELL Binding. WILL DO Binding vorr: Good Work, Pr"imptness rniNTlNG WELL. Lou- Prices;. atLsl'action. jan 10 Dissolution. WILMINGTON, N. C, Jan. 4, l4. i T. HE CO PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE xlstios betweoj: the lindersirned. tutdr the firm name or cuhjlle &, campdli.i,. has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr-1 A. R. Campbell assumes tbe liabilities of tbe late firm, and Is alone authorized to laa in liquidation. JOHN COLVTLLE, A. K. CAMPBELL. A. B. CAMPBELL, I, SUCCESSOR TO COLVILIE t CAMPBl , , i . . ! . Lumber ConimisforiMerc!iaiit -401 NuttlSt. ian 7 Iw WILitlNGTON X. C. Don't Forget It. rjHE OLD NORTH' STATE SALOON ha on hand a line lot of those nORNE GARDEN: OYSTERS stacked on 1c. ey are the best broog-bt to this market. Call' and; ' y them. AImj, Beer, Wises, Liquors and Clears, t " , JA3. M. McGOWAN A bON, jan 1 1 1 No C, South Front St 300 QALLOX3 FINE FAT OYSTERS In band to day for our Christmas trade, and arrange A- i menu made for a full supply for the balanea of the week:. W. sL DA V W A hUN. M3r Proprietors of the only rjrntar estab lished fishery la this tee lion. . ! dec 24 ! MISCELLANEOUS OPERA -l I .Moiifiny Evening, .Ian. If. 1 s-LrSan Famous Comedy ( tf - "umelHnvfdgGreaCs ! ..Jr. I rednje hot, nsn a Mr Afy Atwoluw t Vn ;i rpluf;-- -4idau Absolute M5 Mm ind.J a....l.ydia Lacgjua The adrane snip, of fat: eoromen.-cs Writ- -o,d r. Jan..9. at Pjrf Trlcerarqul e .d I tire t lwi rovi In B,l?onr. Itostrred ..v DrrM Circle an J " lUlcoay. lery. .,v3. J4n7ii ' Fip Portraits in Craypnor " : : : .. Pastel. : i'i - QBDERS FKOMPTLY EXECUTED IN h9 finest style, in order to moU fully Intro (luce the work my prices are to the lowest cent for first class woriT Friends Invited to calland examine for themselves. SELLING OUT! HATS & FEATHERS AT REDUCEDi PRICES, i x. lia e URh KATE C. WINKS. Nn. 110 N Second Street, mxt Post OflbV jan5 . .- j Photographo:; A madk bv ":STANrASloI.s process. Have Jast received a lloe lot Fancy-and Plain Fram j which are selllnic cheap. Call and let MK. CROXKtfBEKO. niake you a Chrl-ttraas picture i VanOr9tell's old stand. dec lS-tt HORfON FREEMAN. HOLIDAY PRESENTS JN EVERY ! VAttlETYj AND TOO KUalKK- ous to be mentioned, caul be found at the most reasonable nricos, at 1 " t F. C. MILLER'S, Drugstore, dec 10 3-2-1 South Fourlhi Comer I Nno st Sportsman's j Goods, WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f English and Belgium Breech Loader ever brought to this market. Also a first ciass stock of Shells, Wadding, Prlmers.Cart ridge Bags, Gnu Caps, Game Bags,! &c. luf facE we can show a stock of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. I I ' W. K. SPRINGER A CO.. ll Successors to .Tohn Dawson ft CoJ. dec 31 19,21 and 23 Market 8 ueet Apples ! Apples ! Apples I QN CONSIGNMENT ANDMUSTJJESOD. N. Y. Baldwin Apple?, Ohio Red Apples,' N. Y. Creamery Butt :r, N. G. Roll Butter, Ohio Butter, Va. -Meal, car load or small onler So. Helled. , ., V il Ii E. G. BLAIR. Commission .Merchant, 1'. N. Second St. 1 ICC..1 I Golden Harvest. A FULL FLEDGED G()LDE5N UAU ! That's the kind of COOK STOVE WE KEEP. They are a thing of Beauty and Joy to EVERY HOUSEHOLD. Only sold by PARKER A TAx LOR. PURE WHITE OIL. i j Jan 7 Boys' Saddles, LADIES' AND GENTS' SADDLES. Hor i . . Ill Blankets, Lap Robes, Carriages and all kinds f. - . A II" of Vehicles, . Saddlery, Trunks and Carriages, repaired by skilled workmen. i t i aiciouuaL-L. bowden, dec 17 No. 114 North Front 8 f4 W. O. Cabbage. LARGE LOT JUST RECEIVED; t . ! I ! A NOL 1 ARTICLE. SAUiAGEb Mado by Westbt ook Br t i Rocky Point Beet In the market. Oranges. Arrlfs. PouHrr and a asneral ar- j sortment ot ' Fresh Family'. Groceries. : i i i ' 1 I- - I I I il ; cjali Is 1 c i rjcclf ulljy ollcited. L. . CtfKRItr. K. ; Corner Market and Sojcood sts. pEBSONALLY IN ATTENDANCE at jbis t sehinablc Sbavlsgsnd Hafr Iressing ba?o?ri at No. 7 South Front Street. Nene but the . ; : . .. . -II'. I .! oeeiworK uone aui the irst workmen era ployed. Give us a can. ..'! janf-tr wuiiovuiao xiuvuibiuoi 1 : . i . - I i " .: ;. ' I I " We do cot claim to hare .' ' jjl i A GREATER VARIETY OS FNEJt GOOp5 ' ' ."i. , 'thaa any oaeeLeJ " j" : ' ;' j' WE ONjLT POLITELY ASK YOli TO CAI I AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. 1 th e la 119 Market si W. & E. S. LATI3IERi Attornoys-attLaw; OAee-3. E. Oir. Priaess and WUr ica. jaa Idea -j