V- The Daily Review; JOSH. T. JAMES. FAilnr A Prop. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATIT.DAY. JANUARY 12. 1SS4. Kstervl ittl Potoe at Wilmington. N. C, a second lui milter. asido.'andladviscO me cot to advance at all, oa Ucus. Jacksoa and Hill bad both bctn.woundedandit.was thought by my command." j Lieut. Kmnck, with four men from the Tih regiment, was then sent to re connoitre on car right, and thej soon rctnmcd with J tent. Col. Smith's 1'enn sylrania regiment, which bad thrown don their arms and surrendered, on representations made to them by Lieut. Kmack. While Lieut. Col. Smith was tellies me that he did not think we could Health is imDosslblo when the blood is impure, thick, and slagzish; or when t . . 1 ' t. ...1 ITnHs disease after another is derelopcd. Take Ajer'a Sarsaparilla. and it will make the blood pure, rich, warm, and vitalizing. . MISCELLANEOUS. Teeth. STONEWA JACKSON. Considerable of a licu,on cvn, uAJ'S1 as he truce. : fcorc havearUsa in regard tt ihc time at tie cuemj' artillery opened upon usI.V. wliirh f!n. Str.nrurnll .!irL-iti r-fiviil I arin. ft ml the lVtinSVlr&nia rOZltueOl 1 broke lor our rear, tumbled over their! A lonucomics; cu-m-ym. own abauduneil works-.-and lay hid and c ctls three others- sheltered in the abattis until the tiring i it is thin and impoverished. Undec. . ndvlfatlRd of her 1 such coadiLioos, boils, pimples, head. " Laay, K0C;?8a orAnBr A aches, neuralgia, rheumatism, and one . J ,i;..r..ri .nni Koi i Mprplnnrn I aire ! i. .itT iii.t rone was, a ocauuim young- taay-u about twenty, and lived In Philadel phia. It was years ago, when phy sicians used to 'administer a liquid preparation1 of iron by means pi quills, or glass tubes, so that it could 'e swallowed without cominsr'in con t with the teetlC This youngiady The latest sweet The new bady. tilings in cradles. Homrli on Ooujrbs." - r . t. .-.. tt ? ask ior nuiisuun vuuuj, Throat, Hoarseness. Liquid. 30c. - ! Colds Troches. kis death wound. Mr. T. .1. C.ipp. ! Onslow coun'y, who drvc t'ie auHtu- lance which convened (en. .J.-ukvui t. j ceased. Lieut. Col. the rear, says that it w.n in th; nttr- turned over to (.apt noon. Jo controvert t!U K -v. L. tb.U suc- Sxuith was then Adams, of (Jen. Hills staff, and his mrirnent ordered to 1 ! ri.fi r n i i.i-f'n.t Vnini" four bov t f m. t I " tJ " - - r t ass imuii-ueu a commutm-tin-n in utv cr,p.ain) and his company Ncwbern Jj'im tl .iui that 11 wa-s i after dark, and Capt. A. H. H. 'Iolnrtj oftLe lrih llfiiuicrt. n was at Chan j cellor.sviile. wrote t!i- Ki n w inuii ; Colarad City, Tc.. vl..i- h- i:m j resides, also lat in z ll.i. i wv !.iri when tho fatal mi-taVi a.i madc. j Still further tci!iiuom m dc luwl Iroin ; (2m .!. II. Ll!. WHO i ! j the bri ade al wh'i?e Irati-K. thr !.:.' ! wound wai dcal!.i- i:itiriiiiri; iiji ":'. To!ar an Mr. Va havf .-a.. I. .11;- l "arm .vnv. f Dclkvax. Wis . Sept. SM, 1878. ' (j,:NT;SI bavc taken notouiteonc bottle of the Hop Bitters I was a feeble old man ot 78 when I got it. To day I am as active and feci as I did at mat nccu sucn . t j t. i .i4i. i ti:t: ;i i: i t-.ii. iiiuii . lo.iU.e r .aUK r "V ; medicine. D. IJOVCE. t..av. a .v-n i r i in miiii . i Lane writ' MjJ. H. T Xewbern. in rply to n i eotleuian. II- say? Ai.. A;i. ami Mr hi. Co! i.i.ok. Ai r.t'KX, .fai.iiary r:h. l-si Mr Ul.Ai: M.UOH:-In irij ciiM! (then Major) fa oi'thelSth regiment, that he knew nothinofCJcncra! Jackson and Hill liaviu xun to Ihe front, that he cou'd not e!l Ir.eud from ji-e tniU-: btrl , and in Mich a wood i (low Mrubby oaks), lh.i: whon the skirmish line lirtd. lie heard the clattcriu.t of approach... hr.cineii anl tin) cry ol cavalry., and lliat lc ortlcrnl his.uiea to lire. It was nerally uudcrlool that niht by my citiimand that the ISth regiment had no" only wounded (ienerali .fackson :ml Hiil. but kiutd some . o! their com ier. anil jfrii:t5 some of t.l olVurrs. a to:u' of ticiu nii':n;. t'!. r.iliner. liinlinqthat Vhe l-ih : jimcn: kept j ii ihc and i-c.ini d dctri mined i kiii tln-ni all. The net to catch a man matrimoially the brunette. -- Malaria positively cured witn Emn oi:v'5 SrAND.vun Cuke Pills, a never tailing remedy; purely veffctabie. con tain no quiuiue, sugar-coated 35 cents, r c o d&w. ; . 1 ! Steel jray cashmeres are becomingly worn as a polonaise or tunic over a gray or black velveteen skirl. to threw himself from his horse srrroti-dy Injured his shoulder. In conversation nllcrwarus .viv I. .tin. o.'.-in l.ir irilnrtiiMl'iili ;iN "till I III ?h urnon,i:,,-.ri:f:i. T. J. JaclvHj. I Hill always told me that he thought he olli- j a- w'unihd by ihe enemy, and (Jen. j ia k-oii by the l?U.; regiment; aim to;, j l'alnuT i.- f the same opinion. j .i i niv int-r-our.-e with (Icii. Hill, would rcfpectfutly rctcryou t luy oili cial reiort ol the battle ol ('lnweIior- ;!!.. iKinl.Miv Mth. I'''::. a:.l t-i a - J m Ivt.piliiml .liiniirv N'.. I i;;ic:if l byiueforthe Uichmoml a; Intyrr liarl ..I .:miiI iM c.liW)r. ilolh ! iHMid any ono uflhew arc to bo lound in Vol. n o. the I m ;iin nl lor Iiriu- under the elrcum tr..'..r,-.,t S-fit hi ' liiHr. -. lhiitcs: and Ihv-is wh knew our t:ii From them you wi'J Icarn thai Me- entcd yoiin Inernl Larry. Coffin' brigade ami our wire not m . - r were! For scvun years Allen's IJrain Food lias itool tne stroniresi icsis as io merits iucurin; Nervousness. Nervous Dcb'lity and restoring lost powers to the weakened Generative System, and. in no instance has it ever failed; test it. ' I ; 0 for &r At druggist?, or by n.aiffrom J. H. Allen, 315 First Aye New York City. eod&w TLfK MAILS. TlicnmJN r..o n't arrlTO al the City i os and (Jen. .ad been prostrated by a 'sewre at tack of illness, and iron was given tc her to restore her to something like he r former condition of health. By some mismanagement, or .possibly by her own carelessness, she took tho doses of irori in such a way that ihrv touched her teeth. She thought hi r teeth were hard enough, and did v not realize the power of the chemi . ils contained in that preparation a ' . !! to eat through the enamel and the teeth. The conse- nce wasjthat her teeth, w hich had h'M". ati exceptionally faultless set. were utterly ruined.. First the enamel A nt. Then thej" substance of the vnh became like, chalk, and soon o'imig was left but a lot of unsightly Wnmington rWeldoD Railroad Company. 1 Otticjs or GBMMjtLSim:RnrriaaKirT, i WHmlnarton. X. C.; Kov 17. 18S3. 1 sxaall order Jilfher prices bara to be chtji f innnrn ' V v . v i r WHOLALE rPICEsT tsar The whotosala Cfiange of ScHeduler hi.inrvcpnil) (I!.- hint, eUe. uor hae I censure .the ever i 16th t oVrc a fol!w line in Jackson a i:.iuk attach, on me afternoon ot tho -a l of .May. but marched by the flank. ak;i2 the plank road, io rear ol tho artillery our be- inz in Iron: and that a oon aj K was ascertained tnai lac cuemy were rsp.u It falling back before Uhotlcs. we puih td forward with the artillery beyond nnrtArand and third hnCS to WllUiU a short distance of the Cnt. Here. tJcn. A. I. HilL in oenoa. ordered inc. nl tbtrL- to de!oY one regiment as skir mfihera across the road. in front of Rhodes, and to torm line or batila in rear ol my command, for tho purpose ofmakms a night attack and capturing tho enemy's batteries, if possible While I wis jrivinz my orders to this eCcct, both sides opened a most terrific artillery fire alons the plankroad. in which our brigade lad been halted. To save ray men from this murderous enfilade fire. I at once ordered them to lia down, and my staff and I dismount ed on tho left of lite road. During thU artillery fight. Col. V. H. Pahaer. ofticn. HilFastaQ. gallant ly crossed tho road and jn the dark enquired for mo. 1 called him and on his coming up, wo remarked upon the severity oi tne fire, the low fli?ht of the enemy shell, etc.. and when he informed me that Gen. Hill wisr.cd to know why J did not lorru my line as i had been ordered , I requested him to tell Gen. Hill that I had not attempted it on account of the terrific and murder ous artillery fire, and that if he wished me to do so successfully, would have to order hts artillery to ceaso firms, as I believed the enemy were keeping up theirs only iu response to ours All old soldiers know how difficult it is to man oe aire the bravest troops in the ilark, under a murderous fire, throuhb scrubby oaks and pine thickets, and orcr the abattts of theencmy's aband oned works. Col. Talnier.. who had a most varied and iryinr experi ence that niht, ha frequently told mo that ha deltven-d uiy meisar to (Jen. Hill and Hill, through him. oi- dercd Mai. Ilraxton. of his ariiucrv, to will always ivincmbcr him as one oi those Icarlc.ss, dn;hin officers, who :wns especially cool uudcr lire. Alter this unfortunate mistake, the wlio!(! ot my command was mveJ to tho riht of tho plank road, aud about midnight we repulsed two attacks made by Sickles, iu which wc captured the colors of theThird Maiuo regiment and a good many prisoners, iucluding a number of field and compauy officers, and two staff officers, ono of which was an Aid to General Williams. Next, laornmjr. about sunrise, our brigade, under orders troiu Gen. Heth, made a direct front attack upon the enemy's breastworks and carried them ; but as our supporting brigade broke in our rear, we were driven back before Ramseur's brigade ol North Carolinians could como to our1 assistance. Ram seur went forward and was also repul sed, after reaching the works, with a similar terible loss. There were twenty- eight pieces of artillery bearing upon us from the ChanceUorsville hill. Ihe a ft enemy were tin any anu t successiuuy driven by Gen. Stuart in n flank move ment of infantry and artillery on our nzut. juy entire loss at unancenors villa vt as 72 officers and 837 men, mak- inz an aggregate of 909, a little more than ono thlrd of the force' carried in. Wo went in with eleven fiuld officers and came out with only one (Barry) for duty. Col. Purdie and Lieut. Col. Hill were killed, audi the others were wounded.' I have not seen the article o' Mr. lapps to which you refer l can say, however, that the statement that he. as ambulance driver at ChanceUorsville, on the 2nd ot May, 1S63. took General "Stone wali" Jackson, wounded, to the rear, about three quarters of an hour before i unset, is remarkable ' me. as the statement of a Virginia officer. published in 1S72. that no night attack was ordered by Gen. Jackson on the C:u! May. 1B03, and that the immortal Stonewall' was wouuded while riding a!ot the skirmish line looking after tin- romtort of his men. As a cadet aud an Assistant I'rofes Northern through m.itla. fast 7JK) P. M. Northern throturh and wiy malla... 0;) A. M. ILilrlch T. M. and SAW A. M. Mm'.U for the -N. Itallroad and routes enpplted therctrom lncled-f Ins A. A N. C. lUtlroad t 7.00 P M. and 8.00 A. M .Smthcrn Mult for all points South, r ,taH3- A. &i. anu e.w r. . Western ror.tl (C. C. lUilway) dUy, (rxcl snndAy) .6.15 V. M. All point between Hamlet and Ital- ctah 0.15 P. M. MHllforCherawandIarlln5tonIUll- . road 6.15 A. M, and 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 0.15 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. rsycttCYlite aiidonices on Cape Fear Hirer, Tuesdays and I rloays i.uu i. au FayettevUle, rl& Lumbcrton. daily, except Sundays ....6.13 P. M. Onslow C. JI. and Intermediate offi ces. Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. th vlllc malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays).... 8.30 A. M. Malls for Easy iruJ, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little lUvcr, Tues days and Fridays , 6.00 A.M. WrlghUTllle. dalfr 8.30 A. M. OPEN FOR DEUVKBY. Northern through and way mails. .. .7.30 A. M Southern Malls 7.50 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 9.60A. M. Malls collected from street boxes business KrUon of city at 5 A. M.. 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 M. aud frem other pointr of the city at 5 P. M. Sump Offioe open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., Money order and Register Department open jrom 8 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. and on Sunriaxs from 8.30 to 9.80 A. M. Carriers deUvery open on Sunday from P-3fl o 8.30 A. M. I i I To Builders and others- Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c Yon can iret all sizes and at the 'owciit priei in-: ceaaa llrinz. As as thii was l.n. aor. I wan at the Virginia, Military In hid cxpccled. nlsu ! stitutc tur live eari with I then !epnel the the enemv. as J ceased their tirinz 33rd resDnt under l.'ol. Avery a J. .Incksoti, where he always adil ! ni" as "Mr. Lane.' though in the ieneral T. addressed army. 'skirmishers, and loriuel line ot battlo f in always mot p.easautiy ca.Ieu me in Its rear. The 7th and 3Tth reiment j 'Lane," ami knob that it was the were on the rijht of the, plank-road. ; ."i.inje Hd .T.iek" ol the V. M. I. now, and the ISth and J?th. on, the kit the j the immortal Stonewall Jaokson' o! left of theCTlh and ticht ot the Ih'.ii uouiedcrate taiue. who, on the yufjh rested on the road. When orders to ray rejimenta I inrormfti them that -Capital Prize $75,0003 Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion, Had Brc--'7i'sIron B titers then l obtainable, thfs young lady : tit have saved- her teeth. As it "j she hnd fo' submit to the pain 1 mohiiication of having; them ex I'.tcd ' and' artificials' inserted in r nhice. ' j r f he bcanly of the iron container Krown's Iron letters is that it : . ; o reiirati6n' free from every ii. j !o's feriturc or jnqredient It can !t : li;rm, nor caul it fail to dc 'A. This preparation of iron if , only oncthat can be taken with t daiv.aife to the teeth. I To bttikl up weaK systems, to de roy dyspepsia, toctrive out the efTcci of malaria, to regulate trbublesom .ivers, to alleviate kidney distresses and to confer strength and health Brown's, iron Bitcers is what tjit people want. The dniqrist has it. VA. M., lasnceT iTains on me numuir ton A WeiOon BalfiroadwiU run as follows ; DAY HAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS VxihJ Sos. 47 North akd 4 3 South. - 1 Ieavc WUmlncrton. Front St. Dens t. S.53 11 Arrive at Weldo. w 2.31 P. M Leave Weldon. 3.00 M Arrive at Wilm'gton, FrontSt. D'pt, 8.40 P. M Fast Thkougii Mat l & Passkngeb TKArs - , DArLT No. 40 SOUTH. I; i. r Leave WeWon 5.50 P. M Arrive at Wllm'gton,FrontSt. D'p't 10.'-5P.A; MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS Dailt, ' '-; No. 43 North. X.' Iieav.e Wilmlceton.. S.00.P. bL' Arrive at Welaon......i.. ........ 2..0 A. M. Mail ako Pas&exges TSaixsNos 4o and 42 Ix;ave WllmiBtfton, (Snnilays ex- ccptcd) j.. .. J..... 12.30 A-M Arrive at Weldon.. ....... f.4- 30 A M Leave WcMon, (Mondays excepted)!. 03 A M Arrive at Wilmington ... G 55 a Jl Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Lea ve Rockr Mount for Tarboro at 1,20 AJ M. and 4.30 P. M. Daily, (Sundays excepted). RctHrnlnff. leave TartMro at 10.00 A;M anAi P. JI. Dally, .Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Koad Jeive JIaUrax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. 31. Be- lurmaj? icave ocou&mi cct at 8.30 A. M daily except Sunday .( , Train No. 47 make close connection at We don for all o1nts North DjiHir aii t.ji TraiiilNo. 43 mns dailv and makes Htr nnn ncctioh tor all Points North via Richmond aud Washington. j i ' All trains run Bolid between Wi'mlngtbn an vrasmngwMi, ana nave 1'uiiman I'aiace Sleep ers attached. j . ,. I ,For accommodation of local travel a passen frer coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at 7.00 A,. M. Daily except Sunday. i 'i . i JOHN F. DIVINE, . ! General Suierhitcndcnt. T. AI. EMEliSON, Genera Passenjrcr Acent. DOT 14 AGGING- 2 fiv............;.:....;...... BAON North CaroUn aT r . riams ft. .............. . ;tv Shoulder, lb... . ... . . .. j ; . Sides fiv WESTERN, SMOKED , , , H&ms ..... . V: ..... .. Shoulders DRY SALTED . - 11 O !VO 10 o n . ntta 00 is U ltd 00 A llARREISplrtts!TtrrpenUae,r rj seconaaiano.eacu,.... ! 75 o Shoulders, Jb. . . . -. . . .. 11 tt 1 M a is a u a . 1 14 a 10 o !.! 18 ',p 1 bo 49 1 li li It Kt li 11 75 " dec.8-nrm tcTd&w ed Louisiana State Lottery Company. ' Wc do hereby certify that tee tupervisi the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual JJrawingt 0 The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, aud in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and toe author ize ihe Company to use this certificate, with fac similes ofemr signatures attached, in its adver tisemenis." r Viii-j " 1 V I jrave my lot the !?nil ot May , 1803. while Ibt itnl ciniunaiHicif, inoi'.rntiii iry 01 mi' wruppoorwiii wael wfMou'il occupy 1 rinsiiii in my ears fr.ini every ilirection onlenil nw to "push riht ahead." Kespeotlmlj. .1 . It. Lank. MLnsMAN's! Fi :pton 1zr.1t lJtn Tox the front line lor the puriww 01 ni!iw iaz a nisht attack, ami as there wotiM bo nothius before us lt t!i ct.omy. thei mus; keep a sharp lookout t the front. Alter 1 hal lormcil my Hue from left to nzut I rode back t tnc . i,- tilc iTciniratiou of beet contain- plankroad to report to l,n. Ilul ami i ui j.s t,,Y nutritious properties. It there, i a Vie dirk, I nu-t- with (ten. j contains blood-making, force seneratln Jackson, who rccoftiucil rue nrl !'d ,aml iifo sustaiuius projcrtics; invaiua asked. "Ine. whom are yovt Hkiis bU, for imk;estiox. i Vrpziix, for?n 1 replied. lict. I li.t. wiio or- ncnous prostration, and all forms of derod wc to form uiy line lor a m-ht j general debility; also., in all enfeebled attack, which I have done, ami I now ; condition, whether the result of c.x wish to know whether I ""t advance . hantion. nervous prostration, over or await rarthcr orders. . I then addeil.; WOrk, or acute disease, particularly if "but Gen.. I don't know where dcii. resullins from pulmonary complaints. Hill is. andrvs hats acting under jour c.vswn H...i:i & Co;. Proprietors, orders, it wonld save time, were un to ycw york. Sold bv Im?gits. sat 1 w tell me what to do." lOiaiJiVf" ' r ,V I Thi is toao ana witn a puuin scjihu- u4 iuc Hhl hand in tnc tiree;tou 01 inc cue r.t renlied. ,,I,Uh risht and rode forward. ihi wasthc last-, of sui'crior "stile.' tho languid city tituo I ever saw toy iM V. M. I. Pro beauty surveys the iuiajiuary physical festor aud Comniandiiiij Lieut-General, j short comings ol her rustic female cous I thca rode to the richt to put my line in. Yet if tho latter possess a finer set in motion, and found thnt a Lieut Col. fol teeth, as she probably does if she Smith, ol a Pennsylvania regiment, had t ucs SOZODUXT, and the metropolis come in with white handkcrchiel lictl ; tan belie does not, that striking contrast tn a stick, to learn whether wo were! suiuueh in her lavor enables her to turn Oinlcderate or l ntou iropr. . tine tables with a vengance. rcany take ;oovl weather for puenmonia. the cue- 1. Line."; Troiu tlie iProtid Stiuidpoiut .n nfirr this, our skirunsttcrs on tho rizht tired, as I alitrward learned from Col. Avery, at a mountoi 1.11 Mkn rode uo to his ime and ealietl lor Williams, and this drew thJi eie- - y Wile's Ncrvoiui lAflecttoti. my'i artillery and infantry lire and then wa unnr u aton ,,u,r 1 nrnum jffcctiuacoaMbtcuml." .skirmish line, u ncii oru.-roi me o. wrilcs Kcr J A tyief Hearer p. Jy 7 V ' "Many physicians failed to do her ood. teeth arc better than "style.' I oat forget, cirls its leap year. .. v AVlln'H Vnrvniu IA(lPtl : "Wc hatl evasctl to hope that my Commissioners"1 Incorporated La 1C8 for SsVcarg by the Leg l8.ature for Educational and Charitable pur poc with a captui ot $1,000.000 to winch a rtterrt funtt of f.vw.ooO has tnc been a-llcd. j Ity an orcrwhclmtnx Kimlai rote Its fran rnic w made apart of th present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D.,1879. The only lottery ever voted on and endorsed ty te people of any Slate. 1 1 never scales or postpones. It Grand fclnplc Number Drawing roinXNK. rirsi Gran Drawing, CUaa A, Yui Sr Jcwlij . an nary isj Capital Prize, 875,000. lOO.OOO Tickets at Flv nni lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. list or rmzEs. I Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of.-. , . . . 1 Capital PrUe of rixe of afi.ooo 1884.' I Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazarl at once the most brilliant ana useful Household Journal m existence. It is tbo acknowledged arbiter of fashion In this country. Its fashion plates aro the new est and most stylish; and its pattern sheet supplements and econamic snggestioTS alone are worth many times thecoet of subscription. Its Illustrations of art needlework are from the best sources. Its literary i and artistic merits are of the highest order. Its stories, loenis, and essays are by the lirst American and European authors.! Its choice art pictures would fill portfolio?, and its humorous cuts are the most amualng to be found in any jour nal in America. A host of brilliant novelties are promised for 1331: Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR......... 4 00 IIARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY L... ...... 4 00 HABPER'3 YOLNG PEOPLE 1 50 Harpek's Fkanklik Square Library, Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta It. 11. Co. OmcS OF GKWEaAL'SUPERIirrEJUJENT. i : - Wilmintim, ?.'C. Nov 17,1888.' 'I- ' .:.-' One Year (52 Numbers). "T ..10 00 Poataprc Free to all subscribers in the United UUs or Canada. i Change of Schedule, It AND AFTER NOV'R ISthr 18S3. at 33 A. M.. the following Pasaencer Scaed ue wui oe run on this road ? . . , No. 42 Leave WlImingtbn,(Mondays - j. excepted)... .......... . 7.1$. A M " Arrive at 1'lorence 11.40, A M No. 45-Leavc Fl rence, (Sundays' ' excepted) ..i 7.40 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nos. 4 I Wetrtand 47 East. ? Iieave Wilmington... 9.10 P. M. Leave Florence, i ; 2.40 A. M Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction 6.35 A. M. Arrive at Columbia ; fi.40A. M. Leave Columbia. 9J 55P AJ. Leave C, C. & A. Junction 10.20 P. M. Leave Florence... 4.33 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington... 9.23 A. hi. Night Mail akd Passekqek Train, Dailt . j KO. 40 WEST. Leave Wilmington .........10.40 P. M Arrive at Florence 1 45 A. M, MAIL AND; PA,SSENGER TRAIN DAILT ' No. 43 East. ' ! Leave Florence at...... 3.35 P. M Arrive at Wilmington .7.42 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. I v No. 40 stops only at Fleming ton, and Marlon Passengers for Columbia and all polntaon u & C. R. R., C, & R. R. Stations. Aiken June tion, and all points Night Express, j Separate Pullman and Augusta on Train ii t . All trains run solid between Wilmington. ! Local freight leaves Wilmington daily ex cept Sunday at 6.10 A. M. JOHN JT. DIVINE, General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON. General Passenger Agent 'nov 17 . i i-, . beyond, should take the Sleepers for Charleatot Charleston and The Volumes ot the Bazar begin with the tlrst Number for January of each year. "When no time la mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Bozar, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid. ! or by express, free of ex. Dense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), lor $7 CO per volume. ciJou cases xor each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail. postnid. on re ceipt of $1 00 each - I Remittances should be made by PoBt-Omce Money Order or Draft; to avoid ebab.ee of loss. .Newspapers are not to copy, this advertise ment without the express order of Harper & brothers. Aaaresa i TTARPKR A TtROTAERS, nrtvW J - . - " New York First National Bank of iWil- Carolina Central R. K. jCompany. OFiiofl of General SuPERiNTKBrDEjrT, Wilmington, N. C. June 13th. 18S8 - - j v 0 Change of Schedule. ; N AND AFTER JUNE 13th. 1883. THR will be operated on tkb - .VI following beneaaie RaUroad : .;-.; New New lork, each.... .... l so New City, each. ...... .i........; l tto BEESWAX, lb.. ..I W BRICKS, V M i BUTTER, tflfiv-; - North Carolina.............. . tt Northern 20 CANDLES, Y fiV--Sperm.......-..'..,..... ift'iun . Adamantlae.'...'.. .CUEESJvV -, f- Northern Factory. X . Dairy, Cream.... ...r:...;.V.. State.. COFFEE, tt-u -v. 4 Java. . . . . . ... .....i. Laguyra.v...i........v...... Kio. ........... ....... CORN MEAL. Mm.. In aackr Sheeting, 4 A, jd... k eu -Yams. 4?" bun an.....'. 1 $ 4 EGGS, V, dozen.. U.... ... 2.V 1 Mackerel. No.1, V bbl...... J6 00 ttm oc lackerol, No. 1, tf'fcalf bbl.'. 8 60 10 1 Mrxkerel, No. C, V-bbLI..'. 8 CO . 10 Ou Mackerel, No. 2, haU bbl.. a 00 O 5 to Mackerel. No. 3 bbliU.... 7 7i a 8O0 Mullets, V bbU 4 00 a r Mullets, Pork bbls 7 00 8 so N. C. Roe Herring, keg..., 3 00, (MM ' 1 irv a nii m m. t t i f r.n i. iL.iuuiiS, v s.000 fi8 J u Peruvian Guano, No. 1..L....57 00 , -v.! DNo. 2.....360 " i " Loboa.... ..00 00 Baugb's J'hosphate . . . ..... .00 CO 'I . wmviiuat utuwUMitifMiiHliI W Ground Bone .J:.......00 00 Bonei Meal.. ...".V..;..... ....00 00 ltonei Flour..... 00 DO - Navassa Guano... ........... .40 00 Complete Manure. .......... .gno 00 Whann'a Phosphate.. ...... a,00 00 , Wando Phosphate 1...00 00 j Derger & Baus Phorphate..0Q Wh . Excellenza Cotton Fertlller.55 oo' French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 o French's Agricultural Lime., 4. 60 FLOUR, y bbl , ...r i ; 1 , i , Fine o oq Northern Super.'. i.l .;.v.i..,li, J - 5 bo , ; ; vs" , ; Extra.. ........ J fl 00 i ;,-f''FamUr..........Uj7O0 . City Mills Extra 6 00! i " , Family..;. ....U. 5 75t. Extra.FamUv.... 6 SO . GLUE V lb.. .... ............ L n a GRAIN, bushel 1 ; 1 Corn, from store, bags.whlte, . , .t Corn, cargo, in bulk, white.. O ' , Corn, cargo, in bags, white.. '66 o' Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags.. , . , o 1 Oats, from store....... . 65 o;l Cow Peaf...,.........b.... 1 CO . "a l HIDJ&3, Y in ureen.... Drv...... HAY. V 100 fts- Kastern.. 1 so a 1 Western k 1 IS. je 1 25 North River...:......,....:... I 75 O '85 HOOP URON,. V .A Lf SfcO i LARD.v By . . ' Northern. 10340 n North Carolina..: HOO A , 10 LIME, f barrel Ii40 'tf LUMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. 1 I: ShlpBtnff, resawed...........l3 CO Sdqo W Rough Edge Plank.. 15 00 016 01 West India Cargoea.according i " 4- , ta quality 13 00 HIS Dressed Flooring, seasoned:. 18 00 tF22 00 Scantling and Board. eono..l2 00, 015 00 MOLASSES. V gallon , . J y 1 I New Crop Cuba, In hhda. . .'.!. v 0C , &6 1 ,l M " f. In bbla..;..L Porto Rico, In bads.......... " -i i in bbls Sugar House, In hhds. . 7 In bbls..... Syrup, In bbls NAILS, Keg, Cut. 104 basis OILS. V gallon . KeroBcne. ............ .i.... t.i ...... ......... .......... Linseed T !. uv'biu. ......... Tar Deck and 8par, POULTRY - vti , Chickens, live, grown... L... ""-!"- Spring.... r Turkeys ....X..,.L1.... PEANUTS y bushel.......... POTATOES, V bnshel- r Sweet . ... . Irish,Vbbl PORK, V barrel 1 City Mess.. ........ 28 8C Prime.......: ........16 00 Rnmp...... it 00 kjujk carouna, v !.....;... i Rough, V bushel RAGS, & tb-Country;...?...- Lty.v..: nor js, v ib SALT, V aack, Alum..MJ..... LIverpoo .......: 4..... inwuiymn ..........a..... American 4 SUGAR, V ttV-Cttb;1. 4 . .. . . J Porto Kico.. ............. ..j.. a oouec. . Tl - 4 ex c : Crashed:.;;. b --f0 WO HCi 50 037 00 051 00 000 00 050 1)0 040 00 045 (X) 057 04, 045 OC 007 01 070 00 070 00 000 00 0GO 00 0 7 50 O 9 0 5 00 Cf tf uu 0 6 50 0 8 75 0 8 50 out 00 1 rji ,t 63 ii 00 t IS OC 40 00 00 00 26 40 00 11 10 90 00 00 25. 10 75 0 0 0 0 0 33 43 00 H 80 0 t tC 0i.l' 0 1 45 0 1 00 0100 0 I 20. 0 J22 ' , ' "' ' ' a co 0 it a 1 , do id 1 10 10 00 I; 0 0 60 0 00 024 00 1 017 00 013 00 1 w 95 0 iv0 1 m mo , w ' 00 0 1176 , 00 0 7J . ,00 0 7i 00 0 00 00 0 oc 00 0 1 1 00 0 tl I 22 L 1 w mm v-m mui " 11 SOAP, hv-Northern b' 5. 0 6 9uuuja,7 in. VM... W 60 011 00 wnuaon.........w;..... 2 50 Oypresar8ap...,....i....... 4 50 Crprees Hearts....::.. -11 oo' STAVES, y M-Wi Barrel..H 00, -iw j. uogsncaa.. ............ .00 00 TALLOWrV lb;. mington.: fi Prize 10 Prizes to Prize 100 Prizes :soo Prizes 5fl0 Prizes low Prizes of of of of of of of l.ono.... 500.. 300. 100 50 55 ; arrKoxixATiuy ruzu. Afproxtautlo Prize of $73o. 9 " - - joO. 9 M . 250; 73,000 25,000 10,000 r-',cot 10,000 10,000 1Q.000 2u,ooo 50,000 25.0CO 25.000 6,750 400 2,250 rih farwranl. oaj ot" tt Irthts brave !! noble l.iut. Col. Hill, inlorujetl mo that tbej were S4ttij&cU thit tberc were troops ot some kind ou our rUUU ami advised me to reconnoitre In thai fltrectton ueiorc an tien.iender theo rode up, called me lut Snunrit'iH At druggists. Xcrcinc has cured her. dArtr Tim oelebnaed Fish Brand Gills, Tn'tno b sold only at Jacobi's Hard J ware IV pot ' f Prtxe. amonnUajr lo..... $363,500 A ppUcaUoa for rate to club should be made 1 only to th dice ot the Compaay la New Or lean a. For further bxlormatlon. write clearlr.'rlT- m full m.t.im ff . I. . n . . J 9 '7. . v. curacy urv 1 jst1o and addrea Registered Lcuerst V ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK? POSTAL NOTES and oiSxtSraVv Mail or Express (all sams of i and upward by Exprc at oar expense) to M. A. DAUPUDf. , - "ew Orieamj- La. or XL A. DAUP1US, . TT. , !ec 19-we4-at4w!Jkw lax lent 'EV CAPITAISTOCK SURPLUa FUND... $350,000 .M 66.0t DepoelU received aad collection; made on all accessible poisfsln the Ultel State. ! j OI&ECTOKBt E. E. SURRUSS. j' j d:g. WORTB1 A. MARTIN. f JAS.SPRUNT, GEORGE.cn AD BOURN. omcMsc E. C BURRUfrS. A. &.1TALK2R. 3 W.LuARKIKS p1 . -t - Preaident. Caahlex At Caaier PASSENGER MAIL AKD EXPRESS TRAIN Vf Dally except Sundays. . ' . 1 fave Wilmington at 7.00 P. 51 No. L Leave Raleigh at. .......... .7.35 P . -M ! ) Arrive at Charlotte at 7.00 A. U - ) Leave Charlotte at 8.45 P. Jl No. J. J Arrive Raleigh at....L 8.30 A. M 1 ) Arrive at Wilmington; at.... 8.25 A. M Passenger Train top at 'regular station only, and point designated In the Companvr Time Table. - I ..... . . t J SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, UAIL ' EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. ' - Dally except 8uBday8.' j -1 ' Leave Charlotte..; sjso P m Arrive at 8helby.. 900 p m Leave Shelby... ... J..".;..". 7 io a! M Arrive at Charlotte .L 10I30 a. Si wJS512':i?iIlSlSrk? close connection Hamlet with R. & A. Train to and from Ral- . inl?.teepl5Car8 becen- WIlmihgtoB BMzh and Charlotte. fifiSSJWV-.l J Station. r . , , "cviii ana point west ! Also, for Spartanburg, GrcenvUle, Athen Atlanta and all point Southwest. - ! L. C. JONES, v w ir wir ! . Superintendent. tW.LUARK, General Paaeenger Agent mm MiUPrtmfi:.i...v;. mxiu x air. ..;ii 25 0 3 00 0 5 00 0 7W 0(3 00 010 0 0 014 0i 013 00 0IW mM AAA ........ ........ ..... JO IRMV V wouuvir iuill. .. .i ....V... S W Inferior to Orafnarv l. a nrt wfi!2W,lT-Northern:.! CO Nortli Carolina... .i..........i 00 WOOL, f fiwWashed.... 25 : Unwaahed.i... 0 . Burrv i t .T ?. v. 1 1 0.0 00 0400 0 i CO at, a so 0 w - ing, Ties, Twine. 2 flflf! ?lf Rolls l4 and b HANGING jUUU 3,000 Bdl COTTON TIES. T 5 Bale BALING TWINE, - : - For sale by - - ' nov 26 XERCUNER & C ALDER BE03 -Bacon, Lard, Molasses. lOCl Dry Salt Sides, 50 tfeses Lard, XUU 100 Hhd Molasscfl. For sale by 1 nor 2C KERCHNER A CA LDER BB03 hi SilTer FUtcdfipoorta and Forks, low rricej.aiJAooBi'j taie & Monrce 5ts..Ch;c2ia. UAliU CATALOttUE, .Sa4. Drum Mv-Vf4e; n,4 MM t. r i Flour.1 Sugar, Coffee. T nnn ?A'q8Tade., -I www B3T26 50 Bbls Refined RITO ARK. joo sack COFFEE. For Mia by J UERCI1NER A CALDEB BH'J i .: John C, Davis, A TTORSEY AND : : 1 a COUNSKT.Tl ap t W KT 1 U the Court of WcStaU. , -' ofIi1 atteilUoa PalJ to the collection - ' "j OT 24 tf I'l "yyE HAVE FULL LINES OF TOBACU, which we are selling EIGHT CK NTS! iniJr price prlor!to liar 1st. , ' I ' Alo a very large stock of GROCERIES aJ, PROVISIONS at botlom flnre: t .. WOETH & WORTH For Pocket Knives or Table, Cutlery go to Jacobi1 nardwftrcDrot.; if

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