ii ii I. f I V i :' MISCELLANEOUS. Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. Clrert, Texts, MayJ,l3&. , I wisa t9 express ray arrreelaUos of the TS.aaUsqaalit.e4ef Ayer s Cherry Pectoral as a cot2a remedy. TThli with CTurtiia arm j, Jail be for the ..at tie of Vickilrorj, J contracted a s ere cold, which terminAted La a dangerous cool. 1 focad no relief id oa oar caarch srs cuae ta a country store, where, oa asking foe tcsae remedy, I vn tirjed to try Ayx Cazxcr rxcTocxL. I dll to. and T-oj rapidly core J. Sfuce then I lure krvt Uie PccTOCALcont-Untly by me, for fondly use, and I bsvo found it to be an invarcab.o remedy for throat and Ions disease. J. vr. Wnirtcv." Tbonsa&dj cf tcdlmoaiaLi certify to t!ie preset cure tafJectlona, rxrro&At. est children MttTAittr nr Dr. J.C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Pn:.a i 1 ly uir !.- NEW TJA f T K WrYrni?T J ALL Aft II V JIN I I1jll NOW tll'K.N AT UK Market Street. I I. SPECIAL A(.AIXS ! IN RVFJtY HKPAUTMKXT tl , Oi. i ' Unusual Attraction in otylesj ; Manllicciit Uneol (SootN. iUa.HuiM.ui - PRICES ASSUREO ! j All WITH THE LOWEST r ! To enunert trfii a mhj'.I -rlti of on eadWM Tartetr. w.u! I 0.-.MM-T t iMiirh pace, and we thrirf'r imm o-.lr a few tvArtmentM. Rlack and Colored Sliks. Htnman , Rrocadl S: Rhalamc Si',k. I t Plain and Rrocaded elyeteen?. . Lt.i i r.v Mr. l.dinuuCi. lor ' uron(4iii, uu uu i . - , , , , tytU, use t-f Avnc's CnutET JeTanhe aIchiidren CeirjTtry palatal, tliejouB- o 1CSI. f , ' the rctrcRt uo It readUy. ? fnuu the wreck ot that x&A in the DRF.SS G(K)DS in all the Now Shades, n.iilee on the orphan asylum, suomu u 1 , tdl a report, the. principal icatnrc ol Cashmere. Shadda. Serge. which was the appointment f tic Cimel's Hair. Foule. Ottoman. ; dir;ciors. to be elected by the grand , ; lodge. Ut govern that institution. Alter Nun'l Cloth. IidieV Cloth. Flannel, I dicu?iou the lepoit was adopted. r.v.r, !-:. M,Qrwiw tlUUMI'l ...... w - . - Pin Chcckt. Rrocades. Reigcs. A-c. Trlmmlntn. Prinze. Gimps. Imtton to match ail above. Cloaks. Dolmans. Saoiuc. and Jerseys, Shawlt. t , .t r:,.. rnn mn, 11,,t Xf.rino Idiei Mines. Men and iiy Merino Underwear. Rlankcts and Flannel lower than thoy hato bocn lor ycar. Lcea and Embroidor.es at prices that will make you buy any way. Hosiery. Gloves, CorseU, Skiits. Table Damasks. Towels, Sheetings, Whlta Goods. Men and BpyV Wear. Staple and Fancy Dry Good?, &c, &c. All bought at tho roocnt ueclloo tn prices. aad aa lajjefeUon of aarae win Induce mj rat roaa, aa well aa the public to general, t profit by ruTeatlajt la me ot the MANY BAR GAINS. lYl. r.l. KATZ', nil 6 r.larkot St. Lirory and Sale Staples. Hollingswprth & Walker, IJuraercf Matlnry and Fourth StrrcU. !AUTtF-S IS NKr.l nr HUllar. A.i whviyfor bn:n r pvAao utitiae i foniljltfi oa very tvoabV ltrm. Hon lnarJ! al r.trefulty Unlfl I Usm. r wrvhle ecK 1 ran- , f at leiT- ,. , ,, i mr xim HnltMait llej. In IU- city. . -.11 1. M..,M-l'Ullf SOlt.-ltCt. J. t iluU.IXtiW4ItTlI WALKKU. 2 in 1. I'll Uke yaur UkctM, And U- IM-m tin. I'U H your watrUc T kcepg-! UfBi I .to All work rl!. 'nirud ta I r TOM W4t b" l U Trre and . Photographer and Jewekr. Sm Market 1'olid.e CsptUlr off The Daily Review -SATUUDAY. ' JANUAUV I icl. 7.C uanv litcitvr his the In rye si K,tii (U circulation, of any Tieicsixipcr iiM'(iM((t.i mc City Of n uminsicn. - t A. . . m , A-fl IN CONG1CE8S YKSTKKDA Y. SENATE. I Washington. Jariu.irv lI--Iu Hie Senate this moroiujr Mr. Van Wjck. from tbe committee on the Improve uicnt cft.ic Alii.tspid. suooiiticu a juint resolution appropriating $1,000.- (XXUu continue the improvements al ready bosun by the Mississippi Kircr f - . . n AftAIilA r.. ft i luprnvcjjjeni LuujiuiMiuu. Ami juuic dejjate it wan auiendel so to nivo it the lortu of a bill, which was read three limes nnd passed. The following bills wcru introduced Uy Mr. Call, to v&tbiish tbo Uniycr sil) of Medicine. AJath lo provide lor the estab.bbu.eut cf a. iysteni ol postal banks iu the Untied States. i no renci oi ...,-..,,, i a.-ri-cd to. ii:iiruais the Sevndary of the l!iti:r ! Iitnii-.li to the .Vnalu ,Ntii;( - ,.; r.il letters. statements ami i ; ....... r ;n i j.j,iiin til tilt ... HIT papir.-int.it i.s?c.in ol tile I lierartment. i i.din- to grants 1 i.ul ' t.-fi.t I.-.- tin. I'liilMl Sta!i; to ll.e i v. - . - t ! : 1 r r; r s 1 nr lehltiu-' to tin r.'ff..v.;o:i ofauv ! uiu iauiU lur tin - I o. ..c,: of tin- ai,-ne? of .-aid road. 1 -i1"- A!aii.iiy'il eolation o! .Janunn w.ithi-nuki up. inatn.c:inff the ... . . . Frein Peiatio:i.- ti in- lr..ui the ,n,led nu s. .:r. .mniN nun en ui amn.u. .inu . V .:iisiir.M-t mi .juiie iiuu thf i xuedieuc.v of such Usis- ) Cajlt ciiiiw ijvnen. ' ' ' tation a- hf.'Uid enable Ihe Kxeciltivc t j s( T,loul ,H Vro .Cathedral. Firet -M:ss at 1 : ;.r!."t Amnriran interests asamstthtiSe a in. Mr...nt .Ma at ID a.ira. Vespers and , -40Vi iiiiui-hS w.hidi h.'le prllihitel or IVurdi tion nt aoVl.irk p nj I. Daily Mas- at r-.;.. .l :!..' i tn T.rt-nioii ot healthful r' :,I!1- a i.nte-tUiigtti explain the purpose -..! !,:. amend nent. when the niornii.- h,.Mt ;.!tpiir.l anil the matter went ov. r. J 'iu Senatt? wen'. inU executive ses - tMef.vards adjourned until! i ! Mwr.dav. T.:e Udiim: wa.nol in ;ei.'n. and Oi-ervcr, Condensed. 31 A SONS IN COCNCIL. lll!i:i HAY. W K Anderson, grand treaiurer, lium Iho eommitteu to examine the ac ietj'.mts tf the superintendent ot the orphan asvlum. .submitted a report which was read and adopted. neponsweieMihmiued and adopted a loiiows: i: J .Stcpheiison, irom tt:e commuiee . . ...... ,' -an proKwitions ami grievances; Gidnev. Irom committee No. Ion J W sus- pvusi"iis and expulsion? ; 1 C Phillips, trom canimiltee No. - on the same hub- . . u motion of I F Rogers, it was or ' dercil that the grand lecturer proceed to the exemplilication of the work. H W Hatcher ami C 1 iTtce, gram iecttuers. exemplilicd the third degree. I F Rogers, from lhc comnjittoc to : r 1 r.D,;e tor the installation of grand ofh ecrs. reported that M W John NichoJ.s r r M. would )Hr:onn mat service at S oVVk p m . The grand !o called to refreshment until J o johll Xk-hob. P Ci M. from t rrand louo was clock. - the com- .J n toaeu. iroui mo eounuuue on the irrand secretary's books anil ac counts, reported thoui as well kept and !corrictin every particular. Mr .1 H ; lilis aunounceti mat no oecuneu tne position ot supcrinteudeni ol tuc ornudU asylum, to which he was elected on Wednesday evening. fiic. zrauu master elect made the lui lowing appoiiuujc.ua oi ouictii.'. r it n . ,4 t.t.tr.r. lit: Phil. ... . . r . V II litis, irrand chaplain: J V Gidney. bCLior craud deacon; .1 W Cotton. juuior grand deacon; Wm N Benton, jrand marshal; H Clay Williams, graud sword bearer; J A Nichols, zrand bursutvant; Miles Goodwin. grand tiler. These were installed by lohn Nichols. P G.M. assisted by A W Wood, acting as grand marshal. The grand lodge proceed to the elec tion H live directors of the orphan asylum, under the aupcrintouco of J V Perdew, J M Lane and AW Wood acting as tellers. The followins were elected: 11 F Grainier, Wayno county; Tbos S Kenan, (Duplin county; Juliau S Carr. Durham county; A 11 A Wil liams. Granville county; II H M tin son. New Hanover county. Tho lollowin staudiu committees were appointed by tbc (irand Master for tbe ensuing year: On jurisprudence: Rdwin G Reade. V G M: H F (irainper. P G M; Thos S Kenan. Pil) G M; J W Gidney and R T Gray. I : Oa suspensions and expulsions : No. 1-GeorgeW Blount. P G M; J A Ieach and II FRrandon. No 2 John Nichols, J ) L Cantwcli and Dudley Peed. On propositions and grievances; S II Rountree, R T Stephenson and James W Riackwell. ! On foreign corre.pondcnc : James W Reid.TDG M. On printing: W K Anderson, I) W Rain and JohnCichoU. On credentials: J H Neathery, Wm ; Simpson ami K I Jop.es. , - j The celebrale-l Fisk Brand Gills, ! 1 wino is sold on iv ai .iacobi s narti ! war TV pot ' 1,000 Hhds l OUIMK flirro KICO MOI.VS-KS JUST I I Li dlrr.n trm ttc Island, whirl, we ' offtr to lh irad at price, to salt tne times. j We euaranw U.U llilt--e pure. i ir KUW AUII KtltPXU A SOX. Fancy Goods. nULI. LINK AT 1IX3 X WUUCHISOVS. &ezi . . MurchUon Block. i t Cliurch; Services To-3Jorrow. Pt. rrjl's Erin. Lntbersn Ch'ircb. wrnr of 8l1h and )Urkrl ttrcets, Ker. F. T. E. Fe rhsu, iatar. EnjrUli acrvlcca at 11 o'clock. German acrricea at 7.J9 p. m. Suadar School at J v. m. Y. II. Straus. Sunerintendcnt- trccU. JCct. . A. A.Watson. IX D. ltector. rirt Sunday artcr Kplpbany, Jar. 1J. 11. 11 o'clock. SnndiT School at 3 o'clock, n. hi. KTeciuff rraycratt o'elijek. ' St. John' Cliurch. comer Third ao-I Iil Crc.M iitnvLi. Kct. JameaCarmicbarl. l. D.. ; rtr-tor. Firtenaday after Epiphanr, Jati'ia rr 3ib, 11. Holy Comrnatyiotj at 7 o o'clk. -a.m. rjorotojr 1'raTerat 11 o'cloek uoflar 6:)ilat .TSOo'clork. p. ui Ewnlag PrAy r at 7.1) p. m. ' rirt r.aptlt Chnn h, orn?rf Slarket aa-1 Fifth treet. KeT. T. 11. rrilrhinJ. 1. U.. iator. Srrtlce at II a m.; subject for nermon ''Cfciircb Work"; 7t-.tr. m., subject raol'a love IorCbjit" addrewoJ to youo men. huD'tay'ScJiool at 3 i. s. Prayer incct- Inx Thursday Dlsht at iljociock. ' St. Mark'rf Churrh, corner Sixth au;l Mnl berry trcet. Festlral of the Epiphanr. -ran. 6th, I; I. Monilnsr Prayer at 11 oVloffc. Evc clpg Prayer at I 3J o'clock. Her. I) aiorreUe wllloQi'tatc In tliexuoran2an1 !?er.A. lci; Jleares Ic the ctcoln. Scrond Prbyterian Chuirh, corner of i Fourth and Campbell streets, llcv. C." M. j Payne, Patur. Serrlccs at 11 a. in., aad 7!y J D. m. f?aiDUi acnwi o p. m. . ryer r meetlaz vVcJoeylay at T'v p. m. j llelirloufrerrlrei In Tilcstoa Tpper Konm ! every rtntvtay at 3 P "u. Pu'ulic cont..il!y l- Tltel. I I Fifth btreet 51. II: Church, ln-twe.n Nunal ; Chorrh treot3, Her. W. 1. Hull, raster, j J .'crrlcc- at n a. m. an i ilt p. m. ; lwm men- ; rri,Ilt Mrrrt M K Churt.ht suih. .;.Jrn.-r"of Fiiuit and Waluut tiect. Rev. . fr. K. xV. Yntr, I',itr. rvkriatll a. m.aifK'.j p. a1bath m-1iI at 3 p. m., W. I. Parker, rt,1l).l.ilUcn(,.,nt JTayer ineetlns and lecture i . ,im-,.i:iv cvenins at S o'ekk. nirfetian A.xH'biiim Tuslav t-vMiiii!; afLr iirt a:ul ! i - . . .. . . . . c. - ; tnml Jsiviiatii, at b o vhcn. ?eai iree ai ! , , 'rAi2 iliifl 1 it ? f,1IM HIT 1.1V 1 i, -, Vv- , . h f FZii utf 5Sr ,yl, u.iameu. .S rru ever Sunday at ICUO n. n. an.l4. ij. m. seamen au.fal j -ir' -oruianv iuwwu. ccaia iic. '"M u-n Mxil. and nUu liel li: Uel minute r. Prearhluz rerv Ires at 11 o'clock, a jni.land oVl.M-k, p. m. Pastor's Hible (.lass J -y nl, JSSoa: i J'St 1 rt.i Nnn FiMl I'MplM rimreh. (col.) eoraer of till and Campbell MiX'Cts, A. M. Convray, pasto il'lh r. Preaehin al 10.30 a. m.. 3 p. in., and o p. m. . .-ehooi al l p. m . Seeoiid Ii.utlit Ohureli, n Sixlli, betweeu Cluiieh hnd Costie ativet-i. Itev. J P. Ivin, ! Pastor. .Services at 1 1 a. in. and p. in. Suu day school a t ! a. in. Pnlyer meet in? every TnVsday nilit. Female' Complaints,' : J)r. R. V. PiKucr.. Bullalo. N. Y.: Dtar Xir I was sick for six years, and could scarcely walk abjut the house. My breath was short and I suffered from rain iu my breast aud stomach all the time, also from palpitation and an internal lever, or burniug sonsation aud experienced frequont smothering or choking sensations. I also suffered from pain low down across my bowels and in my back, and was much l educed in flesh. I have used your 'Golden Medical Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription, " and feel that I am well. Very respectfully, DELTLAIl B. McMILLAN. . Arlington, Ga. THE SXJJST. Ni;V YORK, 188tl. Al-out bixty million copies of TnK Su.v have Rone out of ur estaldlhmcnt during the ?&nt twelve ruonlbft. - I . 1 It vou were lo paste cud to end all the col utnus of all THE &ixs printed and aold rast vear you would pet a continuous etrlp f In leiCrtUnff loforniation, common tense wisdom, sound doctrirc, aud uanc wit, Iour cuough to reaeh from Printing House square to tbo top f Mount Copernicus la the moon, them back to Piloting liouao square, aud then tbree-ipiar tcr of tbc way hack to tho moon again. But The Bvs la written for the inhabitants of the earth; this 6ame strip of Intelligence would girdle tbo globe twenty scrcn or twenty-eight tlmce. I If every buyer ol a copy of The Scn during tbc past year baa epcut only one hour over it, and If his wlloor his grandfather has epent another hour, this newepaicr lu ltl haa ut forded tho human race thirteen thousand years of steady reading, night and day. It Is only by little calculations like these that you cin form any Idea of the circulation of the most popular of American sowepaper, or ol Its influouce on the opinion and actions of Amerlcau men aud women. The buy la, and will continue to be, a news raper which tella the truth without fear of consequences, which gets at the facts no mat er how much the procc co3ls, which p re sent the news f ill tbc world without waste of words :md tn the ruofct rcadablo shape, which It wotLIu with all IU heart lor the cause of honctt government, and which there fore believes that tbe Itepubtican party mubt to, aud luuot go in tbti coming year of our Lord.lit l f you know The Si:y. you like it alroady, aud you will read It with accustomed diligence and profit during what Is sure to be the most lntcrcotlog year in Its history. If you do not yet know The Sux, It U high time to get into nc. the eunhinc TE2J1 to Mail Slbsciubkus. Tbo several cdiUons of The 8u arc ecnt 1 y mall, iK9trald, as follows: DAILY JH) cents a month, a ycir; wltb Sunday edition, $7. SUNDAY Eight page. Thliedition furnish ci tho current news of tho world. siccial articles of exceptional Interest 10 every-i hide, ami literary reviews of new books of tho highest merit, tl a year. WEEKLY 1 a year. Eight pages of the best matter of the dally Issues ; an Agricultural Department of uneiuilled value, special market reports, and literary, scientific, and domestic Intelligence make The Weekly tcs the newspaper lor the farm er household. To clubs of $ it), aa extra copy free. Addrcs I W. KNGLAJID, Publisher, TifK S-ir. V V i'itx Anakesiswr.nrii Price SI, at drnrsrista, or prepaid by m 117 (Simple UUcers.Box XiiSHevYoxk. RE R lability. MaatAl and rbrsi- ..... .V IHb T ,IW - T1 IT7TI trn uwdawjitaa. . PtJk.U.oin.tvzmChicaft SOT-ntTCOtlAw t th FemaleJSchool. MISSES RURR A JAMES, Principals. MRS. M. S. CUSIIING. Musical Initruclre, rjlIIK TWESTIETII ANNUAL SESSION of ttds ciool ill commence on Thursday, the ' " k-nJonr iV W?bV" JBD"f'( J JJ7tVp Tc Ith ot October, 15, an t rloe during the third S4. I lntracUon U tborouch and rsu-maitc. TCTU14 reasonable. loi in rainf.BS In Oil, air Colon and P&atel. with i .Septa ar.d India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil skctei.ln , at moderate rates. , Whrc a elan of ten r twelre Is formed for the trhooi of laiioinfr, the price will be re duced. Pupil oui'ldc of the school who detlre mu .Ical lnstruetloa, will do well lo apply early. For further portJrutar Inquira of. Prtnerpa6. or ea!J foy CJfcnhur. j . aejjt It - . - n r KM. I J 1 1 M 13 V r hi fib U F F E E : J BTT". " J a K-t k. iTV. 3if lor tiie Cure of Coi:hs, Colds, I fo.ir?oncs5, EroncIntii.Croup. InRu cma, .Vsdim.i, Whooping Cough,In- cipicnt Consumption and for the re vtnfof ihcDi?eie. For Snip 0 by lirutgUti.: Fricc, 25 Cents. fiiffvvncnaBCinn cov l".ly lelp dAvr tJOMMISKCSAJL NEWS. V I LM I NGTO N M A PvK EX. January 121 'p. M.j SPIRITS TIJR PENT 1 NE (gabled linn at cents per gftlion No reported. - ROSIN Quoted firm at $1.15 tor Straine-i and $1.20 for Gtxid Strained. TAR Qutded .lirm at $1.40 per bbl , . , . ; oi xot pouctis. t . - I CRUDE, TURPKNTINK Quoted steady at $3 for Virgin and Yellow DijV LnH c , fn.. ,r' ..i" - &1.15 foi Haid. . wriu.x-viuoreu arm- iaies oi 50 bales on a basis of 10 3-1G cents per pound fur ?.liddlirg. Later we hear of sales of 30 bales at;. 10 cents. The fol lowing are the ofllcial quotations: Ordinary........ 7 15-U5 cents Good Ordinary. : 9 3-IG Low Middlin0, 9 I3-1G " Middiiug... .f. :l 10 3-10 ' Muldlrns- L : 10 7-lfT - ji j i - DAILY. RECEIPTS. Cotton.... Spirits Turpentine. Rosin.,. i Tar....... ..... Crude Turjoeutine. P)4 bales 104 casks 1075 bbls 55 bbls 22 bbls BIAiirLNJS NEWS. (ARRIVED. Steamship 13enefactor, Tribon, New York,.!! G Small bones j Steam yachr Louise, Weeks, Smith villc Master , II. S. mail steamer' Minnehaha, Bis bcy, Smithville, Master. Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fav etteville, G. W. Williams & Co. (i cr brig Picolet, Srassen, Hamburg, E leschau & Westermann, with kainit CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise, Weeks,. Smith ville, Master U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithviile, Master. Steamer John Dawson, Colvin, Point Caswell. R P Paddison - I ' Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville. G W Williams & Co. Nor barque Prudentia. Hansen, Hamburg-, Paterson, Downing & Co Exports. FOREIGN. Hamburg Nor borque Prudentia bbl3 rosin - j MONTHLY ST ATJKM!JK NT, STOCKS ON HAND JAN. P2,' 1884. Cotton ashore,, fi.808; .alloat, I 1,084; total, 7.b!)i. Spirits ashore, 3,015 : afloat, 1542; total 5,457. Ilosin ashore, 75,951, afloat- 6.694; total, 62,045. ....... Tar ashore, (5,305; ashore. 551 ; total, 6,850. , ' Crude ashore, 1.733. RECEIPTS PROM JAN. I TO JAN. 12. Cotton, 2 135; spirits, 1,537; rosin, 13, 627; tar, 1.610; crude. 1,306. EXPORTS FROM JAN 1 TO JAN. 12. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 951; spirits, 30(i; rosin, 18; tar, 821; erude, 1.727. - . FOREIGN. - Cotton, 8.439; spirits, 801 ; rosin, 17, 260; tar, 12 crude, 12. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 1884. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. i Ilarver'i Weekly stands at the head of Amer ican Illustrated weekly journals. "By itsun partisan position In pollUcs, its admirable 11 lustrations, its carefnUy chosen serials, short stories, sketches, and poems, contributed by the foremost arUats and authors of the day, It carries Instruction and entertainment to thou sands of American homes. i it will always be the aim of the publishers to make Harper's Weekly the most popular and attractive family newspaper In tbe world, and. In the pursuance of this design, to pre sent a constant improvement In all these fea tures which have gained for it the confidence, sympathy, and support ot iti large armvof readers. i Harpers Periodica Per Year: HARPER'S WEEKLY i HARPER'S MAGAZINE...... HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. S. ..ft 0) .. 4 00 .. 4 CO ... 1 0 HARPEE'S FlUSKUS Sqcaek Libuakv, One Tear (52 Numcers 10 00 r Postage Free to all eubccribcrs1n th United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly bejla with the first Number for January of each year. When no Umc is meilloned. n wlU be understood that tbe subscriber wUkee to commence with ue numocr nexi arier toe receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volume of lIarotr it criij, iu ic! ciom Luntung, wm be sent by mail, iostapc paid, or by express, free of 'ex peaae (proyiddl the f reljr&t does not exceel one doilar per vol a me), for tl to per volume. Cloth Coc for each Toluaae, buhable for biwllng. will be sent by mail, postpaid. on eelptof $1 to each: st u - RemittAncea soail be made Pot-Oflice Af oney Order or Draft, to trod chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy thi advertise ment without the express order of IIikpks a rmoTiTEii?. Address - - - . " UARrER 4 BEOTnER . Newrork MISCELLANEOUS. - ; '. : if Ait KINDS OF Circulars, . Dolmans, ; J : 1 Cloaks, &c . SHAWLS OF ALL GRADES CHEAP ! Calico Comforters ami Blankets at bottom prices A -general closing out oi all Winter Goods at 'Reduced Prices.! . . " . .. -1 " ' " o - C K v' "i 4): .i-' '. : ' . t . CARPETS AND OIL CLOT Jtf S- i We . arc. prepared .-with a gocd, assortment ii reasonable prices. LINEN AND WOOL CRUMB CLOTHS, Laco Curtains. Cornice. Lk I requms, Curtain jan-0. l&il -p o cia;l I !Si"i23Ls' ! IN TIIK FOLLOWINGJOOPS ; ? Lidics 01 Cloths reduced to $1 and L. Jersey Cloths in best shades reduced Fine bilk Velvets1 in all shades at $2 VENETIAN CRAPES, aneurning Gobds, In all Wool and Silk and Wool at $1.25 and SI.50J dswell worth SI 7V Some few Holiday Goods left which we are closing outsat a Bargain. dec 2f Ox Tail Soup. EEADY VOll USE ON TABLE. CONVE I i . '.- ! NIENT TO IIOUSfiKEEPKRS AND KCON- j OMICAL. WE HAVE ALSO CANNED OKRA AND Canned Tomatoes & Okra. H JIake cfcgant Soup, ltecaipt for making j Soup thrown in. s SUGAR CURED HAMS AM D il'tJAK CURED STBIPa ft SHOULDERS. Cail M4ly before . the vush. . P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. HO North Front St. i jan7 j . Mott's Sausage Factory. jyjOTT'S STEAM SAUSAGE j FACTORY is now completed aud la ready toj till orders for Fresh Pork Sausage, Smoked Saaeage, Liv er Pudding, Hog'? Head Cheese. Also, Bolog na Sausage will be made the year round i Orders by Express C. O. D. will be prompt ly attended to. This Is tbe largest and most complete Saus ago Factory South, jan 1 tf Respectfully, ! . W. J. MOTT,1 HbFREEforTPtlAL An luilailinu' aud f p-t'.y cv.r4 toe ft'erVisi'.s Dcf 'H.'y ti:r il'cv iafjie. , Lett cf ViiiJiU ted Yiff't. or r-ny OTilresultcf ihdi.vr.: t!n, exccsSj " OTferrvurk, (;t forty tbou sand positive cult;.) fi'H.ud 15c. fnr r-oie ou trial box cf 100 pills. AdIro;s j liv, f. VT. BACON. ror.nnrkRt. and Calhooa Place, bicauo, Ijlx. auitj, iov ycoditw th s pur Trade ! JJURING THE HOLIDAYS WAS ENTIRE- ly saUsfactory, and we , feergrateful f or so liberal patronage. Additions to our stock I I ...-i'. have been extensive within the last ten days and we show a new and complete line of CHAMBER land PARLOR FURNITURE RATTAN and KEED CHAIRS. FOLDING CHAIRS, ia VTelton. Velvet andTapestry! Parlor Desks. Library Cases and Wardrobes. W e have a large stock of common. Furniture which we offer at close price. We invite an Inspection of our stock. Respeetfullv." i THOMAS C. CRAfT. Aent I , Furniture Dealer. Jan -0 Ho. Front at: New Buckwheat ! . j New Buckwheat J-EW BUCKWHEAT AND WHITE Src to salt, rec-tvetl by New York Steamer to-day Abx, Cakes and Crackers of every variety, fresh and crfc.p, and a general stock oV Freeh Groceries nsuilly;f mind In a flrs4las(,Gror eery at Crapon's Family Grocery. - ? M ICEAPON, Agent, . Sooth Front u , f Old Newspapers ttkieIsalk very' chkaK - ADitytA apirU MISCELLANEOUS.' WBAPS.EMBBACIXG I! -r acketsK Ulsters, Children's 4 Laco, uugs. Mats, &g. ' V, $1 25forrner prtceLTa and $2. to $ lrfornier" prfce $1.50 per yard per yard. 4 o Jtjjjus 111 BI ARKET STREE T 4- Baltimore & Wilmington K : t' . -': llaleigh and VIdelte. t Oa and after. Saturday, January 5th, a Steam- er of this line will sail from ' Kycry SATURDAY, , atSP. M. From j SATURDAY, unless sooxscr loaded. Througli Bills of Lading aud lowest through ratrs guaranteed to and froml polntaj on tne. Rail Roads and Cape I car River, j , ; Alio.-: , ' ' , To anil from Boston,' Providence, phitaoVI i phla and all Western cities. -) Fr Freight Engagements, apply to A.l.CAZA.UX,Agt - Wilmington, N. V. .ii. r ANDBEW8. & CO., Agis., 3. v'. Corner Light and Herman Sts , deo-29 RalUmorc T New York & Wilmington Steamship Liiic. WI LL SAIL FROM NEW YOttK EVERT v SATURDAY, at5o"eock. F. k , BENEFACTOR ..Satorday. Jaa REGULATOR. :.... . Satarday, Jaa 1 BENEFACTOR..... .....isararaay, 3t l REGULATOR .Saturday, Jia mar Throagb Bllla lading and Lowed Through Rates guaranteed to and from FoicU In North and Boutb Carolina. For Freight or Paaeare apply to i H. G. fiMALLBONfcS.bupertntCDdent, -J 1 Wilmington, 5. C. . TIIEO. G. EGElt. rrelght Agent. m - ' BroaUwayTNew York. WM. P. CT.TDK Jk CO.. Genem) Aa. "Jan 1-f '-. - -- . j. . Farmers, tTal(JSotice- jyjORRlS' HOG CHOLERA COMPOUSTJ l jcat the thing to cure or prevent .Hog Cbol era and all diseases to which Swine are sub . jeet; It will prevent that dreadful disease known aa Trichnas, and win put your bopl a thrifty, healthy cdUlon. clearing tbe kid neys, liver, &c. of worms and parasites . Each package-contains one aad one-had : pounds and wflL If given strictly accordlog to dlrectione, cure 10 hogs of the Cholera aad put 20 hosrs In a condition to fatten In one half U usual time, theroby saving one half of the feed. The farmers of Duplin coun tr -are giving n toepralse. All farmers slwildniuTtSCiiiQ aurfe? retail, by w. GREEN. Lrurlst. MarketStreet, Wilmington. w' i 4dwtf . .... C. b. forrill. TJNDERTAKEB, CABINET MAKER AND Commercial Hotol Wilmington, N. C. if , . . M; SCIILOSS. Prop. ; -: ' I r . S v o ..1 .;-f, SAMSON J"'" j .. STEAMERS '.' ' j ' j ; f L ' . w " . ..