. ea!af. adAre wj jOSU T.JAMES, . m six months, H-W. Three 'TT,. r month. ocst. j,2rerd by earrtere free ff?" yptrtof theeity. sttbeatxrre fr'1-.. Utrtfir ha the largest "" ., . 1 ?. ! ftmwo. of neorgia. baa f Ueo j ri.l- , t 1 Mr. i u- . - K. C. Suss ir -TVi. Lt, str. tu lie aramh .'.if 4 ! Taeiua .ivnrrtoii. wno is x ::!: in; txr.u-.tum 1 r C.i.ci;j I r 1'lH ' declares j a siaste itepub'.ican district .in U,. hisercr ra.l a relation j ( IH ISl.U HIUH" i .era! ItjUr's li".e: Thia is the Vw'.:o-r.iry iu the world for a poor ui-i. Except whn h U marriad ho hertidjaib p'ea?cs with j t..it U- mVcs , , the H Mil t!.e juansgso cdiluf f ;i . turuishca this scriptural exotic: T1 c ircat art ol running a newspaper i ihc ar. ol guc$?ii; vhcre hell i liable I ''W MJOsC ' S'.rtit.wtocaaicuarto Uing i:c Uepub!:.cau ct-diJale lor Gorcrnor uflcd-abain U. is tnthusiastic tor lien. SJ;eruiao notainaiion for he VfL-ildeiicy at Chicago. Krpuo.'ican Conrciiman returning ir in V.ub:D2ton. the correspondent oi the Jloston Journal says, all confirm lU impresiion that there U not a preal enlial taom for any candidate viable .ny where. The priullnz lor the New Jerwy legislature, which has hitherto cr-at 10.000 for each session, haa been con tracted for by the Courier Companj.toi Caudeo, for $1,000 under the bill pass cd at the last aession. Ju'aa Jarrclt, the ex-prcaidcnt ol the Aaa'iaiuatcd Association of Iron and Stttl Wotkcrs. U a candidate for Con rva ta the TitUburg district, at present re: related by Mr. Hopkins. Tho I.t'j-:r Tribune glrcs him a good sendoff and thinks his knowledge of tariff mat ters tils him admirably for the work of representing the Smoky City in Con gress. Matthew Condy died in St. Louis a a Uw dj ao and his relative sent a telaram accoanclog the fact to h'u brother, James Condy. at Hancock, Md. Bat CTea while one telegram was comiog east another was going West to tell Matthew of the death of James. Tha brothers, old men. had died almost at the same hoar, though neither had known ol the other's Illness. A strong influence is ' being brought to bear on the New Vork Cotton Ex change for a return to the $13 60 per one hundred bales commission, instead ofS,tbt present charge. The indi cations are. if this is not agreed to, that the organization of the Cotton Ex change will bejeopardixed,andacoUoa t all arranged for on tie Produce Ex chanre. At the establishment Cof the famous dog modiste ol Paris, Mme. redouble, are small mata and rcgi on which the animals repose while waiting their turn to try cn their garments. There are dresses tor different hours and temper a:ures of the day. Blue is the morning wear, with a bunch or violet at the left shoulder. Sealskin paletots are for cold 4ats, the fur collars being mounted in a!Wr. CcajTeaahas now before it two scheme looking to the establishment ola Bureau of Ubor Statistics. Mr. lUair. of New Hampshire, has iu the Senate a bill providing for the tormation ol a bureau oX labor atatiaUca to be at cached to the Interior Department and to have a chief at $2,500 per sear and the necessary clerks. Their duties xre to make an annual report to tha Secre tary of the Interior on ' the general ubjettoi labor. Seuator-Elect Payne, of Ohio, baa a I tariff record. He once said, and prob ably still holds, that "a jodkious tariff for is not one for protection only, nor revenue only, nor again lor rattuue with the ahadowed outlines of an accidental tailapended to it. but it Is a tariff cf both revenue and protection one atd inseparably adjusted and per fected so as to do justice to the great fatertits of the country and Injustice nexa. VOL. VIII. LOCAL NEW. IIDU TO RIW AOVIRTItEMtlTS. A A I FltClEK Police Ores. 1!oi'k Our Uoblioa Vf L I Atonal MliUiry Uali Tutu C CKArr. Agt fumltorr C W VATbA I cUjcji, JourD&U, An r L nuooil) A Co Ox Tall Soup KkftCULlC A Caldlc IIkos Klolt I'aeker A TATixja OolJto IIrreet Mods Ukj. A DkBomet Oaloa bei T K fcrxiXGCx A Co Sport srian'- Ocmh? MclHicoALt A Xkwio" AjMerdful Mu CoroIIa llirwlt Council No. in, lMyal ArcBttm linn. ATi"l."w AddeU wn in lUJelgU i on Saturday. . I T1C receipts of cotton at thi port to- Jay ftot up WO bale. u jtvinaf Uceii. hcnCe. arrived ponce; Decojlh. j - bebr. l idclle. toller, elearcu at Baltimore. Jan. 12th. lor this port. f t T Gcr. barque (.udwiy, Schauer. hence. -arrived at Falmouth, Eng., Jan Uth. . Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231 lloyal Arcanum, meets to-night at 8 o'clock. 1 It Mr. KobertH. McKoy.iof thi cityf cca appointed by tne: (.overnor a notary public. Sherift Taylor, of Brnswick couiUy. was the eighteenth to settle with the Sute Treasurer. He aid-in $-2.6.80. Schr. Allic fi. Jiumham. Taylor, (rom New York, arrived j at Perth Am boy Jan.. ICth. to load for this port. Ml. J. W. Grenam. of HalUville, Duplin county, gate us the pleasure ct a Visit this morulnr. He slates that th recent cold snap was intense in Its severity in his section- Au excursion par.v of colored pcoplo from Rockingham and Intermediate points on tho Carolina Central Railroad arrived in the city yesterday. There were about 10O in the party. Sheriff Ward, of Pender county, was in Raleigh and settled with the Slate Treasurer on Friday last. He paid in $3.3Sd.l0 and the seventeenth to settle. From our Congressman. Hub. Wharton J. Green, we have received a pbamphlct descriptive of the Tokay Vineyard, near Fayettcvllle,' lor which we render our acknowledgments. - The Kctas and Observer says: The order prescribing tho uniform for the N. C. S G.h&s been sent fron the Adjutant General' office. The uniform fills all the requirements of showiness, elegance and usefulness, say all who have seen it. . i1 The Sunday Morning , Mail made its first appearance yesterday. It is a handsome issne. well printed on good paper, -and replete with interesting matter. It is to be issued every Sunday morning, at $2 a vear. We wish it much success. j Capt. T. J. Green, ao long and favor ably known as the commander of the s tea m e rXorth Slaic. la now in command of the Bladen, Capt. Irving Robinson, also well known, a; i steam boatman oo the Cape Fear, now has command of the Korlh Slate. 9 -" ' Our good .friends of tbe Augusta Chronicle have placed us under obliga tions for a handsome specimen of the work turned out by the Chronicle Box Factory, recently established in that city. It is a handsome bon-bon box and evidences both care and taste in the manufacture. The Factory makes boxes of all kinds for mercantile, pur poses and offers to duplicate Northern prices. As a praiseworthy Southern enterprise we wish it much success. . At Home. , Mr. Matt. J. Heyer and his bride, of whose marriage in St. Louis we spoke some days since, have arrived in the city, alter a tour to the North which was not a very extended ouej because of the very severe weather. They were in Cincinnati on last Saturday week, tbe 1 5th inst. and while they were there tho .thermometer was dezrees beloi aero. Toyiu Chlnatoivu. Sax Fraxcisco, ,Ual. Chan Hon Choc. President of the six com pan ie?, gives the following to tbe press. Hi statement Is endorsed by leading Chin ese merchants, among whom are: LeoocPok Hing. President Sam Yip Co., Yce Yam Chow; President Yeong Wo Co.. Wong Shok Loo. President Hop WoCo.1 Chan Hon Chec aays: We regard Su Jacobs Oil, as tne most wonderful medicine in the world, as a cure tor pain. nan. oarque uaicon, ivaiaooii. nence. Mf Jo3Cpa Jefferson and hit corn arrived at Hull. Kng.. Jau. ltth. L,nv nrrJ In ih itv list r.Iirht in WILMINGTON- N. C MONDAY; JANUARY ' Superior Court. j j A'tpcciAl term ol New Hanover f Superior Court convened at lb Conrt lllousottiis morning. Judge Gilmer jpreIdins. There bat a large &uionnt of business accumulated, there being i more than .X case? on thedockot. which : baa made this special term necessary. I The Court will sit until all the baiioess I U diiposed of. which will, it is thought. . . . : .1 be "CcomplUhcd ' bout thr wLS. ler8ouut. i f Wo were pleased to receive a call this morning from Mr. J. I. Jamison, at one time a resident of this city, but now of Florence. Mr. Jamisou has many friends here who were pleased to meet him again. He was formerly on the routo as express messenger between Ihid city and Columbia and now runs between Florence and Augusta. He has served the express company faith fully for the past thirteen years. The Ktvala. his special car. the "Davy Crockett." In which they travel, sleep and eat They havo everv anuliancefor comlort and convenience in traveling 'without re course to the hotels. The company will appear at the Opera House to-night iu Sheridan's famous comedy of "The Rivals." and from indications there will be a crowded house to witness the performance. Our Goblins. i Of this piece, which will be presented by Rice's Pleasure Party at the Opera House on Thursday uight, the 17th Inst., tho Bridgeport (Conn.) Morning .Vest's says: Tho piece is a musical medley which affords a number of clerer performers an opportunity to present their versatile specialties in an amusing manner. The action of the piece was accompanied by the rendering of a Urge number of pop ular gooes and snatches from the operas, all of which served to ,mako quite an enjoyable entertainment. IHstresaiufir Accident. It. 13 with great regret that we learu of the distressing accident xvhlch befell Rev. D. Morrelle. at his residence in this city on last Saturday night. In waikiog across his dressing room he stepped upon a piece of oil ololb upon the floor aud slipped and fell, breaking his leg near the ankle. The fracture, we understand, is a simple onct and we trust soon to hear of bis eutire recovery. There will be. however, wroks of suffering and confinement be fore this is accomplished. . Military Hail. The annual military ballot' the Wil mington Light Inf antry will be given on Wednesday, the 10th inst., in Germania Hall and if we judge either by the suc cess of its predecessors or the -great efforts that are being made by the com mittee in charge iu preparation for this event, we arc suro that it will be emi nently successful. Among other things tbe lady friends of the company will furnish refreshments. Tbe event is looked forward to with much interest and there will doubtless be a large and happy gathering on that occasion.' Death ot E. F. Martlu. We sincerely regret to learn that Edward F. Martin, colored, well known to many of our citizens as tbe promo ter, organizer and Superintendent of the Wrightsvilte & Onslow Railroad, died at about 4 o'clock yesterday after noou at his residence on Tenth, between Market and Princess streets. His dis ease was pneumonia and he was sick just one week, having been attacked on the previous Sunday. The deceased was about 4G years of ace aud leaves a wife and three children. He came here from Atlanta. G a., soon after the sur render and married in this city. He bad made arrangements for an Impor tant meeting of tho stockholders ot tbe railroad company, which was to have taken plaoe to-day, and quite a number of influential colored men from abroad have arrived here to be in attendance, some of them coming from Pennsyl vania and Virginia. "The funeral took place at St. Mark's Church at 2 o'clock this afternoon and thence to Pine Forest Cemetery for interment. . Dr. M. O. Bonn, a Wilmingtoniaa by birth, but who has been absent from the city for the past 12 years, the most of the time in Tennessee, has returned hero aud henceforth will practise his profession in his native city. Cancers and Other Tumors are treated with unusual success by World'a Dispensary Medleak Asiocia tioa. Buffalo, N. 'X. Send stamp for pamphlet. - .' - The Lrectnre. t " There was a packed -congregation at the First Baptist Church last 'night to listen to Iav. Ir, IVitchar'd sermon Ho young men, which was the second of his scrie?. It was a discourse of greal power and was 'listened to with pro found attention and interest. City Court. raunteand HpIspv nrirnf two .. whitB wom'eo (,.,am) lbo Hollow, and John Sherman, colored. were brought before, the Mayor this morn ing charged with disorderly cons duct. They were found guilty and a fine of $5 in each case was imposed Sherman paid his fine, and tbe women, in default of the money, wore sent be low for 20 days. ! -J Fatal Accident. Robert Langdou, colored, was cross ing the W. & W. R. R. track, in this city, near. Eighth street yesterday morning ju$tat a time when'the shifting engine was approaching. The whistle was blown by the engineer, but was not heard, as Langdon was quite .deaf, and the engine struck him upon the shoulder and knocked him. violently to the ground, causing injuries from which he died this morning. He lived on Campbell, be tween Fifth and Sixth streets. Ho was about 70 years old and leaves a wife and family. j Hotel Brunswick. I)r W G Curtis, of Sruithvilie, was in tbe city to-day and from him we learn of some extensive improvements which are now being made to the Hotel Bruns wick at that place which, when com pleted. will render it one of the most attractive places on the Atlantic Coast. The additions will cover a space of S2x 88 leet, and will consist of a ladies, re ception room, agents reception room, billiard room, bar. barber shop, luuch room and ball room, the latter to be 32x66 feet.' Mr, J. D. Sublett, of New York, a gentleman who comes South with excellent recommendation, will havo charge of tho hotel as the Manas ser. It la expected that the house will bo thrown open to (guests about the first of June The accommodations will be ample as well as the facilities to bo supplied by three passenger boats on the river constantly plying- between Wilmington aud Smithville, and there is therefore every reason to expect that the forthcoming season will be a gay one at the Hotel Brunswick, The violation of any of nature ' laws brings warning by the feeling of dis comfort. Exposure will induce colds. throat diseases. consumption etc, all of which gtve4warmng by a troublesome cough. Use Dr. Balls Cough Syrup in time, aud remove both the cause and effect of your discoin fort. For Focket Knives or Table Cutlery so to Jacobi1 HardwareDepot f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GENT COVERING THIS SECTION CAN hare agency Samples small. Corns, cash, ft, earnad 1,200; . C. tTWIn'S. Box 1.371 New York. . jan 14-1 1 Golden Harvest. 4 FULL FLEDGED -QQLDKN HAB ibaT". That's the kind of COOS STOVE WE KEEP. They are a thing of Beauty and Joy to EVERY HOUSEHOLD. Only sold by ' PARKER, A TAYLOR, j PURE WHITE OIL. . jan 14 Annual Military Ball F THE WILMIHGTON LIGHT INFANT - t BY.. WEDNESDAY, January ISth. m. 9 o'clock, P. M., at GERMANIA HALL. Tlelet for Gentlearen $1. No charge lor Ladles. jaDlilt A rjerciful TJlan jg MERCIFUL TO HIS BEAST. THIS IS a gentle hint to owners of "unblanketed" borses. . The place to Ujay any price Blanket you want, together with Lp-robes. Carriages, Baddies, Harness, Trunks, Satchels, Bags, Ac , Is at - MC DOUG ALL A BO WD EN'S, jan 14 No. 114 North Front Si .Sportsman's Goods. WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT ot English and Belgium Breech Loasters ever brought to this market. Also a first etas stock of Shells, Wadding, Primers,Cart ridge Bags, Gun Caps, Game Bags, Ac In fact we can show a stojk ot Hardware. Good gooda and guarantee prices. ' W. E. SPRINGER A CO., Successors to John Dawson A Co.. JanU 19,21 and 23 Market saeet ! Onion Sets, White and Red. A FRESH SUPPLY JCST RECEIVED AUo, full assortment of FRESH GARDEN SEED, I PATENT MEDICINES, i FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, . CIGARS ia rreat variety, Ac , Ac. Muriels Bros. & OeRosset, - ! " m Ntw Drugstore. ' jxa ll , Itarket and Seeojii 6 tree u. H. 1884. NO. 12 NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 17. Jlret appearance to this riiy. of - Rice's Pleasure ( Party ! ; In W.Glll'a Aluticl Comedj of . j OUR GOBLINS ! , Amaalnjr ! Amnftln ! : Amusing ! - -Magnificent Scenery! Appropriate CoBtutfje! Lnder personal direction of W. Henry lUce. A flrtt-clMs, genteel jerzornance In erv SartiottJar. ' Box Sheet opens ai Dyer Tne & 7 morning. Reeervea $1; Admlwlon 75c anu dm;; uaitcry soc . jan4 4t Pianos and Organs, I "VTADE I BY TUB MOST CELEBRATED Manufacturers, endorsed by the leading and eminent pianists of the day, and warranted not to blister and peel off in two or three months ; but are guaranteed to reeiatthe at mo'pherlc changes of - the South equally aa well as any Piano or Organ made, and to im prove In quality of tone by use. Call and examine these famous Instruments, At UElNSBERGEIi'S, Jan U lire Book and Muslo Stores 2 lOOO TOWS OF GENUINE i German Kainit ! 4 j IMPORTED DIRECT ! IFOR SALE IN LOTS TO gtriT BY Kerchncr & Calder Bros, IMPORTERS, Jan U Wilmington , N. C Ledgers, Journals, Days, JJL.YNK BOORS OF ALL S1ZKS AND Btyles of Binding. Memorandum Bke, Letter Books, Invoice Books, Receipt Books J ' - . Lithographed Draft, Note and Check Books, In stock and made to order. All ktndj of Oflico and Fancy Stationery. Wrapping Paper and Papor Baga, Twine, Ac, at lowest market prices. YATES' BOOK STORE, j 119 Market Street jan'U Notice. milE FIRM OF A. A I. SHRIEK 18 THIS day dissolved by mutual coneeot. Ilthcr of the undersigned Is authorized to collect and receipt for any and all debts duo the said firm. A. SHRIEB, I. SHRIER. fJIHE UNDERMIGNED WILL CONTINUE the same buslsesB, but on a much larger scale, j both In wholesale anl retail. My aim Is to make FINE CLOTHING a specialty, and do strictly an honest and straightforward bnsi. i mm, guaranteeing satisfaction in all respects. Very truly, I. SHRIEB, jan 14 114 Market Street Ox Tail Soup. JJEADY FOr' USE ON TABLE, CONVE NIENT TO HOUSES: ESPERS AND ECON OMIC A K WE HAVE ALSO CANNED OKRA AND Canned Tomatoes & Okra. Makes elegant Soop. Soap thrown In Receipt for making SU0AE CURED HAMS AND J SUGAR-CURED STBIPe A SHOULliERS. Call earty before tbe rush. I P. L. BRID.GEES & 00. 1 1 0 North Front St. T n 14 Apples ! Apples ! Apples I AppFes I Apples I i Qg CRATES GOOD KEEPING APPLES a hand . Selling cheap. At 1L McDOUGALIS. No. It Ckutxat St, bet. From and Water Jaa 11 nXalggtCT, c. " - PT.HAftS ROTICg. vrs wn be g!a4 ta reccTva ecsatx&ttoa ftenoufefesdaeaasy tad ali r:-; . - SSMraJ Interest but " " J?rWaama of tha wrttar smat ahrara U ra alaaedtothaSdUoT. vammToucaaoma anal b written t oat onasldeof the paper ' ' ? Personalities must be aToldad.! j ;, -1 And It la especially and tarttaiiia.rH ni atood that the Editor doss sot alkays endot the news of oorrecpondenta nnVfsa so state In the edltorUI oolnmna. - I MISCELLANEOUS Q P ERA HO US E. Monday Evening, Jant I4. MR. JEFFEUSOV...as....'BOB 'ACRES'.' lnfehcridan'g Famous Comeylyof the Wita the following Great Cast; Mr L6 Eo,Mns' " Sir AnfnyAbsoluS Mr ri.h w,,i,,?;"JI Capteta - AbsoJnta xif Aba- riunkeu....aa ....Sir Lucias ML Rosa Cand........as....Lydu LaognlsJ . The advance sale of seats eotomences Wed nesday, Jan. 9, at Dyer's Prtowst-Parqnet'e J? ".'1 rows in Balcony Reserred I .50. Dress Clrclo and ltalcony. ReSie4 L General Admission to Balcony! McTiaT lery, S5c, . t ' JanTttJi Furniture. 1 QUR STOCK Or WINDOW SHADES Las been replenished during tha' past Week, and we are showtog)m very Handsome pit. . i . , i terns. A full line of fine and medium PARLOR, CHAMBER, LIBRARY ! ND DINING ROOM SUIT. MATTRESSES of all kinds An ttock and made to order. THOMAS C. CRAFT, Aeentl Furniture Dealer, i 10 So. Front St janU Annual Meeting QF TBE LOT OWNERS OF OAKpALK CEMETERY will bo Iheld at the Company's L o'clock umco, aionuay jsvening, January J4th. at IW RICHARD J. JONES. jan 13 Sect'y and Twas Notice; rjlHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE extsUng between W. H. A J. A. MONTGOM ERY Is thia day dissolved by mutual consent. J. A. Montgomery assumes all llabUltles and is alone authorized to collect and receipt for any and all debts due tbe said firm. I W7 U. MONTGOMERY, I. A MONTGOMERY.. January 12, IBii t ' ' " JHE ONDEKSIGNED WILL CONTISOK the bualacps of the late firm of W. II. ft jj A Montgomery and solicits the general' support of his f rien-ls. J. A. MONTGOMERY, 'Jan 12 tf i r-' : . j GREENVILLE SOUND I WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN ONE of the most; . . .. . Desirable Summer) Places " on the tlanMc coaet, situates on Greenrllle Sound, flu miles from Wilmington, on bholl J Eoa-J. Tho Isnd 1 in a HIGH STATE OF 1 CULTIVATION and will support an ordinary elzod family. On the place are Pears, Peach es. Apples. Cherries, Figs and Grapes IN ABUNDANCE. Oysters. Fish. Crabs and Shrimp to be had at tbe door every day. I . nov25-law3m m WM. A. CUMMlNOlj James A. Lovrey, TSXHEELWRIGUT. BLACKSMITH AND General Repairer of Carriages and Vehicles ! Work of all kinds attended td without delay Thanking myfrlcnds for favors extended to me in tho past, I solicit their kind favors and their patronage in future. After an expert. ' enee of forty.four years aa a Mechanic under Capt W. H. Bobbltt. of Warren ton, and la Wilmington, I am now prepared to conduct tbe work in all Its branches in a good and workmanlike manner. Place of business, on Princess, between 3rd and 4th streets. .j, noy 20-oaw.tf fiankmpt Sale of Boots and Shoes. ' J have bought tbe entire Bankrupt Stock- o Dryf oos ft Sternbergcr and will close It out at less than . j" .. Manufacturer's Prices! i ... ; . i , .-: This stock Is known far and wide as! the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED of any In tbe city, and aa the goods are rolng to be sold very low for cash only It will . pay purchasers to examine same before . baying elsewhere, -.!- ,., tUsi 12 . A. DAVID. Printing' 'j Printlog, JACKSON AND Ruling. Hullnr, i BELL ; Binding. WILL DO .Binding. I . -v i. YOUK Good Work, I'ronaptn, f PRINTING WELL. IjOw Prlc4F. I jan 10 Satufsetlou. Don't Forget It. r rjWE OLD NORTH STATE SALOON Las on hand fine lot of those nORNE GARDEN OYSTERS stajked on Ice. eare the best brought to thU market. Call, and; i y them. A Lo, Beer. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. - . JAS. M. McGOWAN A bON, jan t - Jo 6, South Front at 17. & E. S. LATI3IER, 1 " Attorneys-at-Law. Ofice 3. E. Cor. Prlaceis and Water Su. jaa i-lm . . . , . .j .