Tho Daily Review. .IOSH. T. JAMKS. Editor & Trop. WILMINGTON. X. C. MONDAY. JAN UAH Y 14 lS. Katered tl the Poto3e at Wilmington. N. C, a second -da oiucr. TLo Icxillnz Birin?s banks of New York City are onmiox mora ami more, as inch inUitutloaa must everywhere, tooa or Utc. to rcalizo that they are for tho reception of tbo loia'd tnonyj of people enable to iavct fur thtuijulvej and not po?esio enough to hire the jad'ment of others in the ru<er. Ac oordioljr I bey discriniiaato in their dividend, or interest. io as to pay moro otbo pworcr cla&sei and discourage arja acccsolations. For instance, the Emigrant Industrial Saving Bank pays at tea rate of I per cent, on alt deposits not exceeding $3.0. hut pay a nothing on large accounts; ibe Kat Hirer Saviu; laV.ltutlou jaya I per; cent, ou acconutt up to :Mhx. 3 jK:r! rr - m iirt'!t .tvrr Hkil nhil m v. v w w - re. 3.000. and iiolhiu m more thau .3.000; the CiiJzei' Siviu,; Dank, the Dry Dock Safinjs luitttuiifu and the Herman Sari;;; IUks piy a: th rate of 1 per cent, on ccu::t vl -ceedin2$3.XV. The bttauu; ox account wblcli will cniUo them to obtain more profitable cm ploy a eat. vy It is a tbxmo opon cnr-Stato that her jadgej are not better bald. They work as bard and conscienUotiily to do -tbclr fall datr as itrcsvcctalAc and adequate compcoaation awaited tbem I as lead of the disgraceful pittance meted out to them by Icxiilattre ceiuagoxuej mina lal only ol their own interests. In this matter the Dailt Review has raort than once lifted its toicc and cried at the shame of the ihioj. The juJcs In North Carolina are expected to be lawyers ol learning, ability, iudi cial discrimination and unimpeachable integrity and they are also expected to ride the entire State once in every tour years, to pay as tbey go,! to refuse all gratuities, to pay cut in hard cash all of their bills for trarel, fare nt hotels. &c . and to support what may be a numerous family on $2,500 a yea ro no half or may -be but one third of tho income tbey might expect in the practice of their profession. . W.J . Most assuredly it is time that this tariff shonld be reformed. TJJJE BLV1XS. ' - ThcxuAll cioe aad arriT at th city Poa floe m follows: - -ij - CXOQK. l j Northern throe mail, fast... ..00 P. M. Northern through sad waymall....AM JJ- ltaJeigh...........--.e.l aal -00 a. st, aUU tor ux 2i. C Railroad and rootes supplied therefrom laolad: lax A. A . C Railroad at i . . 7.00 P It. and ?.00 A. i Southern Malls for aUpU South. dally 8.13 A. 21. and 6.00 P. M. Wester inail(a a EaUway)illlT. " ' f.M( finmliv) ...... ....5. iO I . SI. Afl potaU between namei and Mai- V V eigh.....i......'.......,.r9'ia - Kaflf or Cheraw and Dmrunpon u&u- Mail for ixrtnU between rjoreocc and Charleston -18 A. L ami 8.00 P. M. FirctUrrUk) aud office on C&pc Fear RJrer. Tncsdayiandrtdajr. LOO P. SL rayettorllie, t1 Ixuabcrloo, ttAllj, exoept Suaday 6-1 I"- Oaalow C II. and Intermediate ortl- om, Tneaoars ana rntuira a. . ulUiTlLle mans. tj ramov, ;auj ItotiffUoii Couffhtf." Kuocks a Cough or Cold endwiie. Fur children or adults. Troches, 15c. I,!iuid, iOc. At druggists. - - Poru IVdro is gelling well. MISCELLAOTOUS, ' i - ' A Lady ftobbsd of her Tcothi ."4 KAILItOADS, Sc. She was a besutifuljwing oi about twenty, ana uvea m rniiaaei. j phia. It was years ago, when phy- j feicians used to administer a liquid preparation of iron by means o! quills or glass, tubes, so that it could J 'o swalloued without coining in con WilmiiigtQtfF &? Vfeldon Railroad Company. , CS OF QSKBAl SUfEOJMTKS' DEIST. WllmlogtoOj N. C, Nov TKXDlCaT, i 17133 ViUL.lSSAL(E PPICKS " " i, 1 S3- The j follovrtos- quoirtlonar--. wholesale prices generally. In mlaa; 6zn ail orders higher prlc83 tave to tch f ,? i f ...W, X 'i njiit r t with the teeth. al been prostrated by a severe at tack of illness, and! her to restore her This young lady iron was given tc to something like o i . w rit fnrmpr rnnnitmn nr hMHn R (oxofpt runaay9) i. i - .w. . .... y U&ILS XOr tJUT UUI, T(mH XTBei, I r.,,rt mlcminirrompnf rtr" nnwihlw Bhallouoand litUa Elver; Tue- ww., . darsand Fridays.... .6.00 A. M. j t t ati irjrlpnpcc cVio font 11 Jy C A, fil f vaa wv-a v wvWkj ,wwa I UUJV-O K'k ai vy4 si a guv,a x na iimi WrlhUTll, Northern throoxh and way malls.... 70 A. M Boathcrn Mwn ...... .o a. AI. Carolina Central Eallroad 9. 00 A. M. alalia co!tootea rrora sirees ooxes ouuypss tiortlon of city at 6 A. JX-.110 A.M. and 5 SO V M. and frm other polntr of Uie city at 5 P.M. Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., llbur order and Kealster Iciartxacnt opoa jroni A. M. to 3.50 P. M. Gcncnirdellrcry ojcn from 7 A.M. to 6 r.M. and on Scndaxs from 8.30 to tt.30 A. M. Carriers UcOrcry open on 6urlay frrmi oC.'JA.M. ta abov tht sum lies ritboul iu'errl. In j this way .sinSi bank are i.Lr. v rv-jbi 4 for a wronet. He mala savins bnU. 'abiiut ICCO.000 Ifr. Jo!in Inl nine neur hi(ori- I .Mr. Millais. the Knslish painter. is worth Malaria positively cared witn Esi ouv's Standard Cuuc Pili-s, a never failing remedy; purely vegetable, cou tain no quinine, 9U5ftr.ooatcd 25 cents. ihey touched her teeth. . She thought her tt cth were hard enough, and did Chancre ot beneauie, ON AND AFTE21 NOV'B 13, 13S3, AT 1.05 A. M., PasfCiurerTralna en tho WUntfn ton A Woldon Kal&oed will run as follows-: DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TBAXNS DXIU NOS. 47 NOSTH AND 43 SOUTH. Learo Wbnlnsrton. Front St. Pepst. 8.S3 A, 2i Arrlvo at weidoa. .. AGGINO Standard 2fc 14 .......iJ.j.., BuVCON North Carolina : j liaiER. y lb. ..I.. ........ I SIdea, ! WESTEKN SAIOKED Hams Shoiildera. ..... ; . DRV SALTED Sides. V. lb...... eboulderric 11 o ltt 2.S! P. fil Ajonxo w.iuvjti.i ......... ........ ... Arrlre at Wllm'gton, Voat St. D'pt, &4d P. JBJ Fast Thtiough Mail & Passkkoks TBAii j DAILTNo. 43 SOCIHi Leave Weldon.... 5.W p. M Arrivoat Wlfati'ffton.FroniSt.P'p't 10.15P4!, MATT AND 1 PASSENGER TRAl-NS DaILT j ! No. 43 North. . " , not realize the power of, the cliemi- Arrive at Weicfon . .1u. ?.vo a. m. lis contained in that preparation 03 mail asd Passekgek TaAo-'sf-Nos and 42 f cepted).. ..... .12.30 A M Anire ntWeidoa.L C.30 A -M. LeHve Weldon, (Slocdaya cxcctcd)l. 05 A M Arxlvoat WPtn'ton 6 53 a H 15. O ' if 12U(j - IW.9 ............. . .. .......... iVl Second Hand, each. 1'lhs : New. New York, -each..... l bj New CUy,eac& 1ho.2?'5 BEESWAX. 4? lb...... .......J Z Ml-: 1 , M J KKICKS. M . ori.a arouiia. ......v.. Northern... ., GAKDLE9, V. B . . . I sperm v.1- 30 von to cat through the enamel and honeycomb the teeth. The conse ouonce was that her teeth, which-had Mmp.Modjcskuliappeni.Hl to be in and the uiWe report that a ilatrot;s Orleans on Now Year's day. i-undiiwti of affAir- prevail- iu Norlli j piYcj-) to Kcal charities. and Northe.iat I.iiicatiin a accoun, i Misi Kai Kan', uracluinir at of th? the strike ol lb cotton lwf,r4it:i,ub,nr-0bit!l.S bein- CaiIed a . ... I I 'ir-Mal.: lawyer' Ibe cxprcss;on n h roluction of lac ht jer.;. m , M j, , tsJlc bal M:J3 nni3 position 1 l.c strike bau 000 bands arc now ;! in Mm Harn!ey, Act-rinoii, i'n-ston. in t:f' ii no: much better than Dauio tuick lirst two wtVki of Iccruuer. dt .l l-i. i ev m "uo io. saysrni.wii. voii nr ,IC4. r I a woaiaii; so- no.'' J . I ioiy ' ... I tU1; 1 was never called $ in mine own HIack-: jlon,w bnioje' burn, Darwcn. I'adihatn. K.nuiU'itoni. j " Orwaldtblitle ai;l other ui:iutifutiuin!: J For ?Mveu j ears Aifvn'.i lltain Food town. When thi strike wa -om-i bus attJOtl llicstronscst Usti .A3 .tu its cap need the VratrV Association planned that the men remaining work ing on full time &uouM subscribe fix ence per week per loom, uml tho?c workicr only four days per week tvro pence per loom, to a?it those on strike. By this arrangement nbou: i'l.oon' merits in carin? Nervousness, Nervons i Deb-.'ity and restoring lost powera to the weakened denerative System, ami. in no instance lias it ever tailed; test it. SI ; 0 for AS. At druKsistis. or by onail from J. 11. Allen, 315 First Ave Now j ork City.. eoihVw HIIOKTS would have been rai?ed weekly lor the j i striker., but it was sreatly iu'.erlered ? CuclPiin. Ao with by the master whoe inths i bac! ilUo lh0 Democratic pnrty. It is were still running;nx the: on of no consc'iuenc except that it show kblootl. from which there l now uch wide- short lime. Hie onject n;m ii.:;m-u:wv.i m ux Wnau-micu.. " pleaVo observe check the ?minrt siwn by thusr w ork , i trost mat nip tne t toruta orau i may ireeze oui lue ji'iio" itver r r , ,.,', I-errns at reusaco.a. It us it as As a coasciueucc. tii rsef tuu.l d..cs rmcJ tbeerfn!ne?! out of thv niluation not average AC 2.000 weekly. whi.h i ru- possibU.. lirely inadequate to supply "be wan!. : Another manthii lime a citizen of .k-..a a- . 1 f l.nn. v hu m a. t .. t n t a tl rl toe ln.ouu idle weaver j ue continued a-i n.nmi vi 4m , .i ,, , i a jprii:;r. which wound tip by the ston- Je.reas:un in l ie r..tte., twde : ,liB UMhc ear. Butnielps the horsei by causing great dutrrj? am-n- the opvra . irjnc Umj car a sli.jvc ahead as it un tires, and actual sullerin in-rvmlos wind?. " moe parts ot l.aueashirt? peialiy ki-j Twcaty.veii i'jjtes baye been c lectetl. It is cot a mere tlucluatiosi ol t'vcrtu 5o lar irow 'ite- rwus t l iiie trade I! tcs uao.c o, un icctiu- in ucvu t SOingoafjr a ronMeral time, and death lit up"u tbittyseTen. the masters iniht thl then i InC Tncie were 'Vjn ,iH).0Oji monbaden hope of itfpody emplojees aecep wa;cs may Deeoase luceary in .n ume , mred horn tbcm was only 1,300.000 1 toUmo. Icad;n; men atuons tc op-' iioo. azaiusi nearly u.Vjo.whi gallons eraUrcs arc mootinc the projet to call lroru W.i0O,WO rlh taken in 12. at tbo coming session ot rariiament tor i .. ... . " , , . . . . . , Hcj.tli i iaipo?.lble when the b.ood aroyalcoHimiMiontoimiUtrc l wnat; j, iuirQre, thick, and sluggiib. or when extent Hritish industry uflr fryin f.r- j it : thtn and iuiporeriahed. Under ci?acvmp:titton. ami what beariii: ihef suca conditions, boils, pimple, head. syitcm ot tree trade may have nrVn the I nJ;?l?,!i icV!U,a;!sm' a?l.rSe Mother s Spinning Wheel. Concerning One Article tlint was Not ForSalCt nndAn ' other which Is. Cheap at AnvlrlcoJ "So, lr, I wouldn't tell you that for any mo up jr. tht Bpinninx-wheel ws my mother It was oce day, when ebe was slnjctn Uko a JTk an t niaLln thi j old wheel bum, that my father, then a yoang medJesl stadent, alter ward a tanner, fell In love wl!h her sonic tifty years a" S.1 ApoLf! the proprietor of a roufrh bit of f.iim tsnd In filter County, N. Y t a rclio hinder, ana ."mothers' ppinnin'f-wneci i-o-nift!t-l amoDx lier children and grandchild ren. -Mj asotbfr." write Ilev J. W. Phelps, I 'astr of St. Paul's M K Church," Chicago, iA usea Pakkkr'h TONIC and vishea me to say that h!io hsafonnu It mora effective than anything li ever net for Invigorating and strengthening the system debilitated by mala ria. fhe desire toe al pcr.lally to mention the certainty with hlch It aids digestion and overeotneb exhauHtion " I Ever since the flrit boiiKchold was establish ed mother's" opinion has been more potent hi thl world than that of Judge, jurist or physician. Iter band ; has always cooled the fever and her voice has been filled with hope With each day's decline, PARKER'S TONIC- becoming more deservedly popular with the women who guard alike husband and child ren. 1 1 eradicates malarial poison from the hccti an' exceptionally faultless set. wore utterly ruined. First the enamel A'rnt. Then the substance of the rth became, like chalk, j and soon r.vhi:vi was left but a lot of unsiehtlv Adaioantlns.. ...' ....... - Northern Factory. . . . h St ate. it.-.w,. tj ii YH I Js.guyra KlO... Us r 1P40 M tt A : i'"He Hi e i10.. i'W r. a i:. i: H 12 COllN MEAL. bus.. In sacks n5' COTTON TICS, bundle.... so t is eta Brazi'iCs- Iron Bitters then la. PARKER'S TONIC, u it i a combination 01 ber- eral togrcdlcnu. ot which none singly can E rod ace anything like Its effect- For Kidney, tomaen and Uver troubles, tt Is tho standard and unfailing remedy. Io two sixes; CO cents and SI. Tho latter tho cheaper. Hhcox A Oi , Chemists, New York. jan ll-lmd&w Had '.:i obtainable, this young lady ;iit have saved her teeth. As it -, she had to "submit to the pain i jnortiP.catio!i of having them ex- .acted and artificials inserted -in . The beauty of the iron container : 1 down's Iron F-itters is that1 it is : rv'5aralion, free from 'every is: lv--s feature "or ingredient. It can : t cio harni," iior can it fail to dc 1. This" preparation of iron is : only one that tan he taken with t daaiae to. th: teeth.,,, , To build upvveau systems, to dc oydspepsia,t!odriveofitthe eflVe' of malaria,, to regulate troublesonv ivcrs", to alleviate kidney distresses and to confer strength and health Brown's Iron Bjttcrs is what tht DeoDle want.' The dnirist has it. 4 - dec 3- nrra tc dw cd ji ;.! r. lumiacu!ncCo'iiiou Content, but le. Mn:h as all indumeare moro ur .,, j.. lhcrc Bf0 en . hab.c to. but the deem.- hs beon qioic ui;sin.?. which w.mld brin- the int'eral.? time, and j death lit up V unity-seven . j i ma: men t iacie were sj,i'ii.umi uionuaacn j y m-irv.-uuss uaLcn in tScatcw about New- York Ur- ; r and tu Jko lsanil vund last season. ! . whal-Tci ,nt.ithfy wSr so potr that the oil s-1 1 Jk r 1 M l LYOIV&HIEALYfj Slats 4 Moroa Sis..ChScag. Vt 1 ...1 .r -.r . ; '5r BAND CATALOGUE, J sCf i 4 f I ;':i.--U- J..;:, fvlti, IVtirrva. Kr::i-, tV, in. "Tll SjT,.!rv !. 1 --r. l.Hf syitcm l'ue9tiou. A writer from tbi city :u tbc V,I V I ami C?Ccn'er..who aijjos himself si mp'.v I S," has somclbins rcry n;nib to; say in. regard to the itlaucc lealt out by tbc Slate of North CamHna to her judical oilioer. Ho says: The Supreme Court is com posed ul a chicx justice and two associate justices. There arc two scries ot tho ciurt one Taatios tronvtbo first Monday iu Oclo ber to tbo first Monday In Kcbrurary; Iho other from tbc first Mondav in Feb ruary until about June or Jaiy. la words Hie coart U at bard labor lor ten or eleven months in the yearlabor ot tho most arduous and engrossing char acter. There is no lawyer, however ex inordinary his practice, who does any ting like tbu work performed by this court, or who unuorgooa iro same cuu atant mental strain required of tho rrem bers of this court. Since the election in 1S78, two ralaablo members ot this court bare been forc.i to resisp be cause oflll health brought on by ardu ous labor. Say what you will, the Supremo court Is the moat important and far reaching department ot the State gOTeroment. The Legislature may make the laws, bat it remains with this court to construe them to say what tbey mean and to apply them. bo life, dbcrty and property of eicry an woman and child in'tbo Stale aro tu the bands of this court. It shculd therefore behooxo tho people to see that none but the best and purest men, of the highest legal xalcaU, of long exper iereo ard ol ralodj versod In legal lore aro derated to this hijh and responsible uosllioo. And vet for all tin what doc the Stale oflcr a a consideration? Tik? Aera Sarsaparilla, and it will mske the blood pure, rich, warm, and AIUONNHINK. paltry and niggardly sum ol j.soo per year, and f jr only eight year at tbat.-a .am otltimes exceeded by a single I-c in Tim Conoectigut boy who haalk third arm growing nut of the back will be ablo to scratch himself between the ehoulder blades without resorting to the corner of a building. .rrufcsor of chemistry : Thc sub starve you sec in tub vial is tho most djad:y of all poisous. A single drop placed on Ibe tongue of a cat is enouh to kill the st rougest luan' It i5 citlmated that over 600,000 tons of paper is made iu this country every year, and yet the man who shaves him self has to buut around for over fifteen mlnutea beioro be can fiuda piece that bo dare wipe bis lather upon. . "Oh, no, I don't object to the quality of your butter." said the customer to the grocer. "It's not that, but my wife complains that there isn't enough . hair in it to make a respectablo switch, but a good deal too much to make it palata ! i The uowspaper foreman got a mar riage notice among a lot ot items headed 'Horrors of ISS3.,Y and the Xorristown Ifcrala says: When the editor learned that the groom's income was only seven dollars a week, he said it had better remain under that bead. .ii. . Iteseda and sage green are again in vogue. 1 erCapital I'rize $75,0009 Tickets only $5. Shares in pro v.; ; portion, Louisiana1. State Lottery Oompany. nt 4o hcrcrr error that $uperrfitH cry kxm rot ( arrangements trail th Monthly and Berti- AhhimU tcrv Company, and in ttrson ntanooi and con- inn tht Drtneinff themelvt, and that tht tunc art conducted tcith honvtty, fatrnets, and itt goodaUJl Uncord all parties, and un author 1st tht Comranv to thtt ecrtifleats, vrith fcu ttmOtt cf tmr ares ottacAvd. "iu Us adrtr tt.' . IS84. Harper's Bazar, ntrSTRATED. Harper' a 'tiozar is at once the most brilliant and useful Household Journal m exls'cnco It is tbo acknowledged arbiter of fashion In this country. Its fashion ida tea aro the new est and most stylish; and Its pattern sheet 6Hpplcments and econamlc bugestlors alone aro worth many Umcs the cost of subscrlpUon Its illcstraUooa of art needlework are from iba best sources. Its literary and artistic meriU arc of the highest order. Its stoHe, loems. and essays aro by the liret American and European authors. lis choice art pictures would All portfolios, and It? humorous cuts are the most amusing to be found in any jour nal la America. A host of brilliant novelties are promised for lt: Harpep's4PeriodXcals. Per Year: i HAKPEE'S BAZAR.. ..$4 00 UARPEE'i MAGAZr'E !. 4 CO UAUPEK'3 WEEKLY....... 4 00 UABPER'S YOtjN'O PKOPL13..... .... 1 50 f i HAitrER'a Ibaxkixx 8Qxraap 1.ibkahy, One. Yeor. (32 Numbers). . . . ..m 00 Poftajsro free to all iyib9eriVci In tiie United Sttttcsor Canada. ! , Traia h'o. iO South, will stop only at 'Vlion, Geldboi-o and Magnolia. j '- - Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Jx;ave Bonk v Mouut forTarboro at l.'ZO A. M. and 4.30 V. M. Paiiy, (Sundays excepted). lie turning, leave Tarboro at IQM) A:M and d P. M. Laily. . Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Itoad leve il&lifaxfor Scotland Seek at 3JJo P. M. j Re turning leave Scotland Neck at AJ it. dailv except Sunday. - i ' Train No. 47 make's cloto connection at Wkj don for all tolnts North Daily. Ail rail vL Richmond, and dally except bunday via Hi i lane. t - - Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all Points North via Iiicfcmond and Washington . , All trains run solid between Wi'nahtgtcn aB Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleer er attached. - For accommodation of local travel a p'assen ger ooacn win neatcacnea to locairreigac leav ing Wilmington at 7.0iJ A. 31 Daily except Sunday. - JOHN F. DIVINE. , General SnperinSertdout.' .ShecUng, 44. & y.d:- Yarng, bunci- . F.GG, dozen........ ... . .. . i Mackerel, No.;i, V bbl....k;,!i6 od ! Mackerel, No. 1, htlf bbl-. 8 5d Mackerel, No. 'J, btl am ciacserci, o. f naif bbl Mackerel, No. 3, $bbl..... Mullets. V bbl Mullets, Pork bids.. ........ .' CUM Dry Cod, lb ....i..J KRTILIZERd. 2.000 fte- I "10 ft .5 8 Ot- l!0 ou a Si: oo e m T. M. EMKIWON, Gejara nov 17 i Peruvian Gcauo, No. 1...,...57 50 UKo' Phoaphate.....L oo 00 c.X. 00 rolina Fcruier .- oo; .r.O sxt ....00 00; tit) C-j 1 Bau Car Grouud Bone Bone iour. J.oo oo tf. . avaesa Guano i40 00 ot Complete Manure ;.oo 00 on (Wjiacn's Piiosphate..... .:... oo 0i ttn o, Wand o P hosphate. .......... .00 00 rfi70 o Berger & Bute's Phorpliate . .00 CO W (t Kxcenenza cotton irertiuzcr.55 00 go v Wiluiliigtoii, Columbi f & Augusta il. R. Co. j OFFTCK OP GKNEHAL aCPKEINTKNlKNT. j WllmlniCton, N. C. Nov 17, 13. ' I 3 ft "Eg fcj" K7n Usrmenr Coinmissiouom., liifxnorated la 108 for 23 yeara by the Leg utaiurcror oucuonal and Ctutrltabie rcerro fund ad1cd. of $050,000 baa por ch a id nee been poaea with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a ConaUtuUon adopted December 3d, A. D., 1879. By an OYerwhclminir tvmnln rntit it frn rhlc waa mado apart of the present State 313 "Wile's NervoiiH An'ectlon. Vo had ceased to hope that my wile's nervous affection could be cured," writes Iter. J. AJ Kdle. ot Bearer. Pa. Many physicians failed to do her coot!. but iyxmarUan Xem'nc has cared her.' At drurcits. I dfcw ' 7 wiJy rterj mr on and endofted bn tht ptepUef any State. 4 t. . ' It never scale or postpone. Itt Grand Single Number Drawings taka place monthly. ATLKNDID OPPOETUNrrY TO WIN A ItiirTUNE. rir Orand Drawing, Claaa A, Capital Prize, S75.000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars iacn. ifractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 capital i-rixe or. 73.000 1 Capital Prize of Sooo J SfjK5l& ??:ooo vi v.vw.,. ........... irai -Change of Schedule "VN AND; AFTER NOVR ljth, 18fc3. at w 4.33 A. M., the following I'assenger Scbea uie will be run on this road : - No.42 Leave Wilmington, (Mondays . -:;v excepted) 7.1 5 'A M " Arrive at Florence ....11.40 a M j it 1.. 1 - ... . I iiu..j iavo ci rcjice, ouniay , V excepted)...........,...... 7.40" P M . Arrive at Wilmington...... 1J 10 V M j NldHT EXPRESS TitAINS, I.llL:Y Noh. 4f t " - Weet and 47 Kaat. -i Ieave Wilmington 9.10 P. 41. Leave Florence 2.40 A. ii, Arrive atC C A A. Junction 6. A. K, Arrive at Columbia ..!.... .40 AM. Leave Columbia. 9. f5P. M. Leave C..1V& A. Jjunctlon ! I'j.iP. XI. Leave Florence 4.ST A; U. Arrive a( Vllmixsgt,on 8.23 A. SI. Night Mail. ani Passi?sgeh TsArs, Diii.Y j No. to West. I-ave Wilmington 10.40 IV. Arrive a t Florence 1 4. A. hi. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN P.IILT No. 43 East. V - I Leave Florence at ...3 5 P. M Arrive at Wlmtngtoa........ ..7.42 P. M ' Train 43 stops at all Stations. . No. 40 stops only at Flemington, and ijarion Pasfiengers for Columbia and all pointa oil 1 4 C. K. II., C.L & B. It. Stations. Aiken June tlon, and all I pointa beyond, should take the. igni rixpreBS. - , separate Pullman SleeperB for Charlettoc and Augusta on l'raiu 4i. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. ; Local freight leaves Wilmington dally ex cept Sunday at 6.10 A. M. - 1 j JOHN . DIVTNJC, ! General Superintended T. M. F.MER80N, General Passenger Agent .. nov 17 ' . .: . " ; , '.',. j t . M TV French's Carbonate of Lime, French's -Agricultural lame. FLOUR, 1? bbl Fine........................ Northern Super . t " Extra u.. --. I ' ' Family ...i... City Alius Kxtra ; Family. Extra Family. & 15....... GKA1N, tf- bushel Corn, from store, bags.whlte. i Coru, cargo, In bulk, .white. . i Coun, cargo, in bags, white. . Com, cargo, mixed, in bags.. Oats, from store.... ......... Cow Peas...............; KID?:S,i&- Greec. Dry HA Y, V 1C0 Bja- - Kastern.... ., - Westem... - North River.... 7 00 8 60 0 00 7 50 a 5 ct 5 601 4 u t w G 60 5 75 a 6 bo a in (I 6 00 6 00 a y 11 a 1: o a 13 ti (St (H 65 Q. 1 CO 01 Io to 4 11 a. it. BOOP flliON, W lb........... LAID.ib- ; V 1 i 20 a 1 a 1 16 kt 'i 75 &i . , MO is 00 ft U 1 40 Northcru. Noilh Carolina. . . . . . IJMK. 4fibarrel LUMBER. City Sawed. P H tt amp. & tmr, resaweq...........i3 00 . a 20 oc Rough Edg Plank. . . . ....... 15 00 jc ail'' V2i 00 West Imi ia Cnio;9,aocordihg v Mu.v.r. ....... .......... Dressed Flooring, seasoned Scantling and Board. cOTO'n.12 00 01.1 00 li Oj 18 00 MOLASSK3. V eaTlon Sew Crop Cuba, Ini hhda-. . . . Iq bbi... , Porto Rico, in Kida.. ........ " in bbls. Suarar House, la bhds . ttJAt. ....... The Volumes of the Bazar begin with' the ftrst Number tor January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. - The last Four Annual Volumes of 'Harper's La tar, In neat cloth binding, will be cent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense provided the f relgb doea not exceed ore dollar per volume), for $7 XQ, per volume. Cloth Cases for, each' relume, suitable for binding, wlU be sent by mail, postpdd, on re ceipt of flOO each - Remittances Ehould be made by Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspaper are sot to copy this advertise ment without the express order of ILuitek & BEOTHtKS. Address J TTARPKB A BROTAERS, nw" New York- Carolina! Central K. il. Company. OrilCB OF GKNZHAt. StjperinteniIkkt, i Wilmington, N. C. June 13th.'lSfc3 SvrdiJ. In bbls........ NAILS, V Reg, Cut. lOtl basis. Ull5, gallon Kerosene..". Lard xnseeu Kosin. .............. ........... Tar , Deck and Qvat i .1 POULTRY ' . ... :! 0C rO 40 D 00 a zs 00 : 9 is 00 & oo r 26 & . 2 i 40 3 80 P 00 a 3 u 11 iS 1 19 IM l; 00 a 1 oc 00 ij 1 00 . 00 it 00 ft CLIckena, live, grown Turkeys. BASUTf ....... ..V A. . VI W 1 A rut a. 1 T An ......... ......J uu , uv S. .4 V- fj First National Bank of ,Wil j - rl mington.; PEANUTS)?' bushel. . . . . rui'AXUivS, bnshcl sweet. IriBh, bbl.............. POKK, r barrel City Mesa....;... 5 'Prime. .... Rnmp.. .....1 RICE Carolina, if ft.......... Rough, bushel RAGS, V ft Country. ......... Oitv. ....... j... ......... . - ROl K, ft. . ... ...,.,....,. ... SALT, V cack Alnm.......j..' Llverpoo ; Lisbon. .........,,.,.. ........ I American... .....J...;.. SUGAR, v !b--Cuba.:.:...J.. Porto Rico- ! j. A Coffee....;. ....... -?3 a io 0 i.'i, tt-oia w & 1 1 ..... 'in ts ..... 2 00 a 0 rt 00 ecu 00 95 a x 13 Witt 1'4 14(9 00 et 00 a 00 ft 00 a 00 a e-s 00 it it a io 5 a ?5 75 00 7S 00 Of. 9 - H '8 11. a Change of Schedule. ,- -. ON AND AFTER JUNE 13th, 1S33, Tfir " ICMPPU,-H following scneauie will be operated ovW Mill iw0" " V 7 CAPXTAISTOCK 280,000 SURPLUS FUND.............. C6.0CI th bauncss iailre. Th ludlcial oC "it the coil of n . 1 1 . I ... f - T-.wvfr fit tti lNa Ofcirw are uiKjri. tcarwiy loucutpc :hat U the reason that ihc Jhc sreucd. and sightly ra;.! the ico has ceased to bv rx-ardcl blck h tuurnure. , . il offin toaorablc amb:tin.i - Th. ocodIo haw bclittldl tbc high opice : DlhivasJ A . Sept. til, 1870 fa Prlxea of x.000.. 10 Prizea of 1,000 20 Prize of 600 loo Prizea of aoo 300 Prlxea of 100 -too rruca or - to, 1000 Prize f 9 Approxtmatkm prizea of $73l " I " 500. 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 iM.oeo .000 t " ' ,730 400 230 Prizea, amounilnj to $283,000 AppUcaUoa for rates to chxba ahould be made only totbecSkeof tbe Company in New Or leaxva. For fnnber InformatloB. wrtte elearly. Jt tng full aidrM. Maka P. O. McneVor- ih.mlroi tv the low catimau put upon tbc value-ayf its labors. Aud as looz a this ccntlauct-yoa will fee men "oinf aipnn the bench who oiiht not to be there: r ia wrae caset RQin-z there la acquire a reputation or. notoriety. Jlvi? I have taken not ouiCfctftrS bottle ol . tho IkP BIf-ers I vraa a fe&blo old tuan ot wbeu I got it. To day I am as act lrc and tecl at I did at 20. I je a srrcat many that need auch a medicine. II. HOYCE. -M - K M . M . n rm jui nenw vcr.swrrci ijettrra to NEW ORLKANS NATIONAL RANK, . ' Nkw OXUUM. r. llSTAL NOTES anl' Depoalu received aad colleetkma; aad os all aeceasfblo pobxfaTXs the United Sutea. DlueCTOftS B. K. BCRRU8?. A. MARTIN. D. ti. WORTH! " JAS. PRUNT, Railroad: PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sundays. . I l Leave Wilmington at... 7.00 P. M No. L Leave Raleigh at.... 7.35 p. - M ) Arrive at Charlotte at .7.00 A. M 1 Leave Charlotte at. ..8.45 P. M N0. 2.J Arrive Raksigtt at 8.30 A. 'M J Arrive at Wilmington at.... 8.25 A. 1 M .Passenger Trains stop at regular station only, and points designated In the Company'! Time Table. 1 T SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally flxoept Sundays, j ' ' Leave Charlotte.... 5I50 p. m Arrive at Shelby 9.00 p. M. Leave Shelby 7 00 A M Arrive at Charlotte .... ...loiso A. M? Trains No. 1 and 2 make ck5e connection Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Ral elgh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Chariotte and Raleigh and Charlotte! orl?. ?0. 1 or StatesvUie, Statlont Western iN C RR, Aahevllle and points Wt a m.' 0rte?f rU.nar? Greenville, Athena Atlanta and all point Southwest. - I1 ... " jL. C. JONES, r w r Antr r- Superintendent. - ". CLARK, General Pas&enger Agent Ex C.i.. Cmshoi... ....... ............. SOAP, y ft Northern......... BitiriUl.JiS.Tlfl.AI. r..m 6Q miW Common.;. 2 60 OiW . CypTesa Saps... .,...... 4 60 a 6W XJyprces Hearts............!.. 0 00 O 1 W STAVES, M-:W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 W8 00 IL O. Hogshead. ". . . .00 00 4110 TALLOW, ft 1 a 6. TIMBER - M feet-Shlpplng.13 00 Oil 00 Mill Pair.. i.. 600653 . uommon Mill..... ........ JM 6 00 it OK Inferior to Ord-'nary. 0 00 tt W1HSKEY, galNorthcm..t CO K " W: North, Carolina 1 00 JW WOOLVV ft-fwwhed....i.... 25 a W- -Unwaancd.-... .... ei) W , . Rurrr.. ........ 31 (ft GEORGE CH AD BOURN. onltnarr brura t. Mall or Exp re (all runs of $5 aad upward by Kpre at our expee) to . M. A. DAUPHIN. ' - ' ' New Or&aa, La. MIL A. DAUPU1S. -U7 Seventh SL. Was&Tagto, D. C. d lwet-it tw-dJrw . . orrics&si: A. E4WALCTB. -,f w. LAiixiiC:.':i:-.ML.: -. . . Preddezit. Caaxder Va 'caahtor Tobacco. ajTE HAVE FULL LINE OrTORACCO whtcli we are aelllng EIGHT CENTS under price May 1st. Silver Plated Spoons and Fork, low t prices, at .TAroBi'a . Alio a very Urge stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS at bottom figure. V, . WORTH & WORTir iQAT Tl for'Uie working clasa. UVliJJwute postage, kd we wj v a ,maI1 70U rt a ryaI 1 Tla box of sample goocL that will pot yoa in toe way of making moro money in a few days than you ever 1 bought possible at any 'bosuic. Capital not required. f We will start you. 1 pa ran work all the ime ! or in fpare time only. Tke work Is universally adapted to both young and old. You can easily earn from oa cents to every evening. That all bo wan work may test the business, we make tkl paralleledfrrtoallwhoare not weUMtl fled we wlThsiend $l to pay for the trouble or writing us. Full particulars. iUrcctlon, ttc sent free. Fortunes will bo made by tboee who giTC their whole time 10 the work. success abolntiv mm lun't .loinir. 8uirl "now. Addrefla strxii , rv. PortlsD1, Maine. ' ' 1 MOy 2U dCm-wly A iCTtf APPQ wanted tor The Lives of a ilUl!il X tho PrraldenU ol the U. -. . . The largest,, handsomest, best book ever sold for less than twice cvr y pnee. The fastest selling book lnAertca: Immense proUts to agents. All lntcIiiI,l people want It. Anyone can become ascf ecssful agent. Terms free. IJaMjerr Book Co., Portland, Maine.. , . nov2tntd ljf A PT?Tr7P Seed ccinu for posu'. JtX. L SXlLlLl and receive free, a costly . oox 01 goons which will help you to m money right away thaa anythicg eJao lathy world All, of cither sex, succeed fromflr hour Tte broad road to fortune open before the workers, absolutely snrc At once at dresa, Tkue & Co., Augusta, Maine, nov 20-timd Jyw . r ' - Hfifl a week at home., 5C0 ontflt re JUO Pay absolutely sure No ria: Capital not -required. Reader, if you wt business at which persona ot either sex.young or old, can make great pay all 'the. time tnay work, wlta absolute certainty, wrrita for rr' tieulara to IL ILlLLETX & Co., PortUnd,MJE dot 20 tad Jyw . i ;