"An Old Soldier EXPERIENCE, Calvert, Texaa, Mx 3,132. 44 I to Axpreu toy ArrreeiAUoa of tit Ayer 8 Cherry Pectoral aj a coua remedy. " Wall wllli Caurtaitra Anoyjatt beor the AAttlA cf Yickjborx, I commud Tcr coUl which Urainatei la a dangerous cough. I fouad do reiki tCl on bar m&rcfc " to a eou&trj sVe. where, oa Atxlng for actus rttaedy, I aa or?! to try Avta's Cizttr rtcTOJuu 0 I n a&4 was rapidly ctrcd. blocs then 1 lure kept tbaXxcxoxxLcoutntlyby for faxDy ue, and X hart fon&J It to be AaUvaliuMe rmeJjfr tbroAt and loss dJaeaaea. . J. TV. WaiTLtT. The Daily Review. MONDAY. JANUARY U. 1S4. -mi fuic circulation, of any newspaper i ut iLtAal in the cuy or Wumxnqlon. STATE NEWS. AsLerillc CitUtn: On Tuesday the Wtn bound train for the first lime la the history or the raoaaUin section of I theTosd was aow bound. Arriving a: Hound Kbob for breakfast, the track bejond was burled under a waste of Know. rot even tbe outline 01 toe roaa was to bo seen. Capt Newland was Uoual to lbc occasion. Cutting looao from hit train, and icftvtnr his passeo gers c mlorlaoJo in the hotel, he start 2 For t.'e Cms of Cocshs, ColdsJ Hoarofic.?.. I5rosschxu.Croup, Inib-i en: a. Asthma, pooping Cough, In4 orient Consumption and for the re 1 j cf of con'i'nup: tve y cr?ons in ad van- ; pv with Ihecu sine lo exploie the way ! ami firr r.Bssjtr-n through the drifts. I hee. in someof the cut?, wetc ten ccl biases of the Disease. - For Sale I feet dee, acd thirty or forty feet throujh I . . al Ju-rists. rrice, 25 Cents, but by ruthinz hi them with a full w Ttoo-anlj f tettispulala crrtllr to tlx frot&pc cur ef ail lronhil a ad lung avCectle.a, by tbe of Avr' Carsav Ptctosax. etr Tfry jutaUt, tbeyousr m thil lrtu uka It readily. rtzrxzrv bt Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mast. So U by all DrunKe. jaw 1 Ijr tcii itJkw i hvad of learo. alt were slicceesiullv f rirrevd. and the track wa luade clear Ituthoiuouth of t ho Swannauoi tun- . . . . At A inri. ana iraip caint mrou;ii n A -hfv :!!. th'i2h oin no lunncr mi COMtlEECIAL NEWS. . WinXIINGTON MARKET. j Janoarj 144 P. M. SWRITS :TURPENTINE Quoted dull at 3I cents per gallon No ?alea reported. , ROSIN Quoted firm at 1.15 for Strained and $1.20 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $L4D per bbl of 90 pounds, j . : CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $2 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1.15 for Hard. , - : COTTON Quoted firm: Sales of 175 bales on a basis of 10i cents per pound fur Middling. The following are the official quotations : Ordinary 8 cenu Good Ordinary.......... 9J ijow &lvMhng 1 9 - Middliniri... ...j lOi " Goxl Middling " NEW dir. MaltiMiuo L'lndnv.trk: Mr. J. K. Vaughn, o! Mt. Vctnr, KoWan ewety. mrntlj kii;d Icut hos i t the Poland CTfiin.n ;:ot:k. tlurJcr n niooih- old. tint w-i2h.l IICJ '.bi r?l an MYcrnjro .- "s. Mr. .1. It. Wood. it :h:j iuvnth i ld. that! vri-JgLcd. rrpitHivct.'-. j lift. . . 1 ak 1 .'. i:7.l"H ami 1 i"-tuiai. t ouvis i tcip daw r c nA,LT rwjkiit. For Saturdav. S'firuMV.v.v.v.- Kosm T"UESED t'OfjT.TRVt DLTMN COUSTT j l'ar. . . : ....... h ai's a ft v. and livkr pcddim;. x. c. Cru'do TurDcntiue-., MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS.1 1 IN ALL KINDS or WEAPS, EMBBACIKQ rt -1 - Tl I . - T I TT1 4-.. nv I Illfll lUI'M. llfllfllH. IISI. i1M.i;KMI,?S. I J In I.M IN. -l.nl ln.l uuvuiuiuj xwfuw"vj wWw.-.w.j w.MwwAMy vHapfi J Cloaks, &c( SHAWLS OF ALL GRADES, CHEAP ! Calico Comforters and Blankets at bottom prices ! A. general closing out of alt Winter Goods at Reduced Prices, i 1 CLOTHS CARPETS AND OIL We are prepared with a good assortment at reasonable pricei LINEN AND WOOL CRUMRGLOTIIS. Laco Curtains, Cornice' LaU . rcquins. Curtain Lace. Rugs, Mats? d:c. ; RmJ.c ITJTIRE, Mice bI mil nck of Choice famUr tiro cerl,. Triers rrnabic. Jtc-pccllnlir. A. VT. ntVKNUAUK, Tbi lAvc Grocer airi rrolac Com. Her- hant 111 North Water fct , H'llmtnton. N.C. inn II Special Inducements. MA1UNK NEWS. .War Ainitv 1 1 ill. oue day Uft wevk, tvo ijic.'i. Wright and .Sloan, tricI their :iiiiL,inniMt) nnV.irii ollirr'x liaiul. l.LVUU U I4.1 X.1JA t ,s;,.n;i j.hot nt iv, three i tn ARRIVED. Stoam yaclt'. Iyuito, Weeks, Smith ville Alaster . . . . ; Steamer Wave,Roleson, Favetteville. Geo. W. Williams &Xo. ' j Steamer North State, Robinson, Fav etteville, Worth & Worth. . U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis- ' ian'9. .) lid bales n f! o n re n n " saT 174 casks H ! H H I l M;S'';(5 11578 bbls Pla 0 hl2I bbs j M:-''--'--;- 33:bba . ! : -o- ! T ' , .1 ! injr nvrv sht't. Ticn Sloan trod tl I md !; ;t up Id hand. ' Wright' tired iw irr nd in iaMd. but niter thL third i , haj?3. rjj AM OtTLRING A special induce- m i in r . i l in t. i a xvn. uaiiiTir a tir? laizi: altv ui one nan.i ,t ,,i wbblnc to rcluco etock before epi Ins. u,:s,'cu . ' . ttmcs. tubs- i mil elff:corjatiioaat Haci rbU white f oteanicr jonn uawson, ColTin, Point j ! in nil i lull tfAA lit I :nanrli 1 1 1 1. . 1 7 I cf iiiiurictutii. Lineu aoaMik. i win ecu at rc4Mn.tb r rrl. ana ttnip lultlaU free of IN THE FOLLOWING GOOJ)S Ladies 6-4 Cloths reduced to $1 and .'$1.25 former prfca $1.75 and $2 Jersey Cloths in best shades reduced t6 $l former prfce 1.50 per yard "Fine Silk Velvets in all shades at $2 per yard. : h t Mr. S;:itj drew in his htok aiid throclict Goodp, such as Shawls. l?aff !n tcrt. Cai4. u'cs. &c at low pile.?. liata triaimci ana untnruinea ft low can a large stork ; to 11G Market Street. Kcpcct fully. MISS E. KARREK, n J" Exchange Corner. HPEOIAL KAHCIAINS! IN KVKnY IKrAUTMK.ST! Unusual Attraction in Styles filmrnlllccut Llnool Goods. Ut WITH THC UWtiT PStCtt AtSQRIO ! TaeanoarsU err a a atnal! port!oa of our taJU&a TAiictr. woulJ occmr too much t pac, aa4 wf Ihtrtfore oata- ooly a few D- AXtSOU. Black and Colored SllLs. OUnman, Brocaded & Rhadaruc-' Silks, Plain and Brocaded Velveteenj. DRESS GOODS In all the New Shades. Cashmeres, Shnddai.Serge. Camels Hair. Foale. Ottoman. Nna'a Cloth, Ladies Cloth. Flannel. Mohairs. Plaids with Combination. Ha Checks. Brocadca, Beige. Ac. Trlmminca, Fringes, Gimps, Button?, to match all abore. Cloaks, Dolmans, Sacque and Jerseys. Shawls. lAdiea1 MiM. Merand Boys' Merino Underwear. Blankets and Flannel lower than thoy ha Ye been lor years. Icea and Embroideries at priors tht will make you buy any way. Hosiery. Glove. Coriets, Skitt'i. Table Damasks Towels, Sheetings, White lioods. Men and Boys Wer. Staple and Fancy Dry CSol. &c. Ac. &c AUWuxatat ta recent UccIIm la prlvxa! aa4 aa lAjpacUon f Aam will ltloc my pat rvAA. aa wtU aa u public 1a reral, t profit W tATfatUjc ! lh MANY CAR. WAINS. JJN CON-IU.VMKNT ANDMt'aT ItCsOLD. N- V. n.iM-l.i Applet. Ohio Kcl Applce; N. V. Crfamery Ihitt r, N. u. UJ1 Butter, Ohio Batter, Va. Moal, ar IiKi'l yr biii ill order 9 i:rlit. ! - K. d. BLAIli. ; ConunlM!on M'rchant, 13 N Sccu 1 St. dec 31 Steam Yacht Louise, paSflEKOEB AND FltKIGIIT STEAMER for SnUthvllle dallj. UaUm low and acoom monAtlont line The LOUISE is a neto boat And 1 guaranteed aafo. Will leave Smithvlllo 8 A. M Ixre Wllmlntsn 2 o'clock V. M. WbArf foot ol Pockbtrcct. . Wit. WEEKS, Jnll Agent and Owner. 6 and 10 cents Cigars; HAVANA riLIJUtS. Beat la the city, are on aalc. Drajra and Medicinal preparations of the highest aTAde at JNO. T. SCIIONWALD'S, jan 11 . DrnCAnd I'rocrlpUon Store r.i. r.i. icatz', D11G T.larket St. Ktl . - Wnsliluxton Irrln. The wriiings'of the mbit honored of .American authors ate ytt last made accessible to all readers, aud in such varied and beautiful farms as to delight 'the most fatidiou taite, and at prices j o low as to be aa astoaiihmcnt to book Llrorv and Sale Stables. Ucijcrs. ot whom the rmcrary Rcrov : Iution make no a ccouut. As exam ' ;p'.e. sfahavn "The Icgnd ot Sleepy ... , , IHolI-jw" for three ceuts. 'WolfertV ilOllingSWOrtn & WaiKer, KHr ten cent?. -The Sketch Book" ; m'J rVBiJ III VI UIUUIQg out crrf MoUferry a- 'wurta ?trru. ;!arire tvpe; iu neat or elegant cloth or iiAETiM is NCEtnr uoit-F.H Aspjhalf Ruisia bicdiui, his -Choice lJ U orks" aru puoUshed at price raryins VfAVripafT bta r ps.cnr win from 30 to 15 cents, and his complete works (cxccpUns ''Lite of Washing ton') la lh ujTb Caxton Edition, six roluaie.. iircr 5.000 rscs, choice typo 'srrapby. elegant lindin. lor only $1. Specimen pa;e or lare dcAcnptirv catalo:u0 are seut.to any applicant on : tvqut and onlcra over 5 in amount , are filled to b paid (or after arrival and examination. tHi rvaonrlab!e cridencc cf ood faith benr'sirco. Address 'John B. A Men.- Publijher ls.Vessey IStrrrt, New York. il&w It I rh-n he ruunlcd hi tinkers there ' werea I UUl tour. ."tr. .miia i.cd.z, ; bought anrhere, and ! of Alexander count v. eon ol .Jacob ! i-clc-t trom. ! ! Ir-n:.'.. Ev. . had the nii&fcrinneto e hift Iicuse and all ii content; by tir Wcdm-adsy altrrnoon He and his ! raroiiy bid brii ofl'on r visit, arid rc , turnine Mr. Leutc wnt ah-ad tt hN ! t t T. w . I mKiMpim flint innrf J a lira in . Ucrt no in the L of the hoae. lie ApDlCS ! AppiOS ! Appl6S ! A.' ff 9 1UVU ." A- v. v u.iij nuM j help tliem home, and when they got : there tbe l wh in a blaze. Tho house, ; with a;i of its cmueuta. including 100 bushcii ot wheat, ws totally consumed. Charlotte Observer: Mr. .1: J. Thompson, of this city, lalo proprietor of tho Charlotte Hotel, has received io formation ot a serious difficulty into which his busmcsi patluer, Mr. Morton was involved iu adcsboro. Mortou Cot iutoa Ght with another man aud had ono finger bitten off. besides having one of his legs broken. -rOno of the funniest Incidents of tho lato cold snap occurred at Beaver Dam. Wheu tho train stopped at that station bit Tues day, a passenger got off and went into the store ot R. Poncy, to get a schooner of beer. Toaev had a supply of bottled beer and kept ft on a shelf in tho store. When the man entorcd ho found Foacy in a great discovery that had just been made. Tho beer stood on the shelf, hut uo sizus of a bottle could be seen. aud the cause soon dawned upon the astonished storekeeper. His beer had frozen solid shattering tho glass bottles that fell to tho floor leaving tho lrozen beer ctandlng on tbe shelf in tbe shape moulded by tho bottles. The stranger paid ten cents for one ot the cakes and . a - m . . carrying it to tne train tnawea it tn a tin cup and had a good drink. This id a, tact. Xiwsand Observer: Sheriff M. B Ixssiter. of Montgomery couuty. is tho nineteenth to settle his taxes with Stale Treasurer, paying in $2,082.92. Sheriff Eh Taylor, of Brunswick, Is oi?h. tecntb. paying In S2.C98.89. ,1 M Crawley was found dead in bed Inst Wednesday week, at his houso on the farm l ,i A Morgan, in Harnett county. He was in apparam good health just prior to his death, and the coroner pronounced the death as sud den, but natural. The receipts of cotton here Tor tne week cnuiug .last Thursday were 153 bales, against 233 for the corresponding week last year. The total receipts from Sept 1 to Thurs day were 27.803 bales, against 30.21 1 to the same date1 last year. The Raleigh National Bank has traded the Guilford farm, near Aurora. Beaufort county, to A W Shaffer for Holly farm. near itaicun. and bas sold to tho same individual tor $3,000 the Spencc tarm. in Beaufort county. Theso two proper tics were formerly the property of Col S T Carrow. at whose sale the property realized 30.000. Sheriff Luby Harper, ot Greene, is the sixteenth to settle his taxe with tho State Treasur er, payinjr $3,a0.4j: while Sheriff Alfred C. Wan!, of Pender, isthoscven leenth. paying in $3.3S8.10. The carp in the many ponds in this county appear to bo uoin nicely. The number of ponds fa N.C increases each month. In a year or so thcro will probably be , 2.000 or over of ponds iu tbe State. . HOLIDAY PRESENTS JN lTVEBY VAitlETY AND TOO MJMEB oaa to bo xnenUoned, can be fonnd at the moat re&aonauie pncoa, at F. C. MILLER'S, Drugstore, dec 10 3J4 South Fourth, Coreer Nan at - SchrJ P Wyman. Torrey. Charles ton. SC. E O Barker & Co; with guano to Wqrth' & Worth and C O R R. CLEARED. V" ', Steam yaeht Louise, Weeks, 'Smith ville. Master Steamer Wave, .Robeson, Fayette. ville, Geo W Williams & Co. Steamer North Stato, Robinson, Fav etteville.. Worth & Worth U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, B. bey, Smithy tile, Master.. I - VENETIAN CRAPES, a new. Mourning Goods, In all. Wool and Silk aud Wool at $1.25 and $ 1.50.1 : Good i well wLr. t-t-V and $2. - ' -r . : :. . WOrUl fl,i 25T Some few Hobday Goods left which we are closing out at a Itir.u ' dec 310NTIIIY STATEJILKXT. STOCKS ON II AND JAN.- 12. 1684.' Cottou ashore, .' 0.80S ; atloat, j J.0S4 ; total, 7.892. r i o pints asnore. j.uia : atloal, 1542 ; total 5,457. , . " r Rosin ashore, 75,951 , afloat: 6.694: total, 82,645. Tar ashore, 0,305; ashore, 551; total, 6.85C. : ; - 3 Crude ashore, 1.733. RECEIPTS FR03I JAN.. 1 TO JAN. J2. Cotton,2 135; spirits, . 1,537; rosin, 13,- t)-7; tar, i.eip; crude, 1,39. EXPOBTS FR0MJAN 1 TO JAN. 12. DOMESTIC. i . Cotton, 954; spirits, 306; roain, 18; tar, 1621; erode. 1.727. . ; 'FOREIGN. Cotton, 8,439; spirits, 801; rosin, 17,- w; tar. vz crude. 12. Fine Portraits in Crayon or Pastel. fXUDEIl'J PROMPTLT EXECUTED IN the flooat atjle. in order to more furlj Intro duco the work taj prices are to the lowest etui ior nrat ciAaa work. Friends Are Invited co can Ana examine for themselves. ORIN T. THOMAS, Arttat, deett llftltarke at.. Wilmington, N. C. SELLING OUT! HATS & FEATHERS AT RKDCCED PRICES. MRS. KATE C. WINES. vv I1 N oon.1 lrrf,n'Xt Post Oftlc jan." Photographs. LL MADK BY "INSTANTANEOUS" prvceM. Hare jo.it receirea A fine lot of Fancy and Plain Frames, arhlch are selUajc cheap. Call ao'l let 51 K. CRONENRERr; make you tlirU'.ioaa y.lettiy. ' W VaaOnwielfa oW atand. lcc 13-tf UORTON FREEMAN. Vessels for tills Port from For eign Ports. ' , . DARKS. , I, Nor Airder. 456 tons. Flacvtadt. fmm Hamburjr, Oct. 11. i Nor Ala. 401 tons. Aslakacn. mIIciI tmm StetUn. Nov 18 i JorA luatros, 503 tons. Ohw n, at Marseilles or Apoiio. 3 tons, JVlcisom, sailed irom London, Nov 2 . jor Arizona,. 312 tons, Johnsen, atLlrer pool, Nov 29 j Ruaa Ailanta.Sll tona, Nyberg, sailed from nan Kioue, 4totj8, Dahl, Bailed from Baltic ur .trna. tons, uarnoelstcr, eallee from Nor una. 3SS lone. Andftmfln. mtla'frnm SCutaaar, Auy 3 via Palma, at Plymouth Sept it Kronlgcn Augusta, 460 tona, Wilde, cleared Ger Lonlse Wicbarda, SJ3 tons, Elimcke, aaiieu xrom icnerme, imov ii CTer J ucy ft Paul, S77 tons, , sailed from Amsterdam, ucc o tier Marie, 5sl tons, Pennlcn, sailed from Ham burr, Dec 14 Ger Orion, 323 tona, Clausen, sailed from Hamburg. Nov 4 Nor Prudcntla. . . sailed from Mar. selllce, Deo 13 Nor Rauma, 2i4'tona, Lnndegaard, sailed froTa Hamburg, Nov 8 Nor Saga. 415 tons. Larten. sailed tmm Plv- mouth, Nov 13 . Nor Tolcmach. 623 tons, Andersen, sailed Irom Valencia. Nov 10 tier Texas. 501 tons. Loot, sailed fmm irnm burg, a ov 16 BcA'ick & Mebanc, SOS tons, Heuke, sailed from Hamburg, OcU27 j 8rd Vnlcan. 371 tona. IJn.mlrr kuuA fmm London, Dec 4 , , . Nor Zlppora, - , , sailed from Seville, Nov 13 j i BRIGS. Dan Louise. 379 tons. Uanaen. baUaiI fr. Antwerp, Doo 17. - l Ger Picolet.?237 tona. 8troiwAn. mIW fiv.ni I IIamburx.OetiN JULIUS SAMSON. - 1 1 11 MARKET STUEfiT. Baltimore & WJlmingtoii SteainshlD LineJ ' - ' ; - 1 STEAMERS Hal eigli and Vidctte. -!:.'' , " - r -'(Mi i O i and aiter;Satur,lay, January ath, A tea- ORE A T SALE . er of thJa lino will sail from J i Eyery SATURDAY, at 3 P. M OF CORSET COVERS, From t ' w-iLMiDsrcarTOisr, . SATURDAY, unlssa sooner loaded. Through Bills Of Ladino- anrtlnwj.t tLrAn.k rates guaranteed to and from points en tie imw ami ape roar uiver. .. ALSO, , To and frotn Boston, Providence. PhllatlfJ- : i pua aim an iv eatern ciuea. AND For Freight Engageaieatg, apply to AT - . TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. jan 11 j WILMINGTON, N. C. A. X. OAZAUX. At . 0. ."; :: WUmlnjitom, N.C ' ANT REWS; & CO., Affta. , ' V rner Light And GermAn Sta , dee 29 - . . , BAltunota. New York & Wilmington Steamship LlrieJ Female School. IUr tr4 t a t rrfu!!T tde1 i tk lem, nforlb reVW a 1 r fltlrtrer AV Th-9 AU-jet HcaT i lift ritr. . raU U rrTfti.?y IJ. C. Cabbage. JTARUK LOT JUST RECKIVJ; j A NO. I ARTICLE. SAVSAGKS Made by Westbrook r.ro., At Rocky rolut Beat la the market. Oraofta, Applei, Poultry and a gtner! aa- Mrtmentof - Fresh Family Groceries. A eallla letpcetfoUy aouclted. MISSES BLRR ft TJ AMES, Principals. 1 MRS. M. 8. CUSniNG, .Musical Instructreaa. rjlIIK TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of thlA School will commence on Thursday, tbe 4th of October, 1883, anI close during the third week In Jane, l!&4. i ne course ot instruction is thorough and syateuutUc. Terms reasonable. Lessons In painting ia Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, with bepla and India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates. I Where a class of tea or twelve Is formed far the school of PAlctlnr. the nrlce will -t-ducod. T f Mott's Sausage Factory. TVTOTTS STEAM SAUSAGE FACTORY -LTA is now completed and Is ready to All orders for Fresh Pork Sausage, Smoked Sausage, Liv er Pudding,Hoga HeadCheefle. Also.Bolog. na Sausage will be made the year round. Orders b? Express C. O. D. will be prompt y attended to. This is the largest aud most complete Saus i STEAiniRS 1 , ., i - . . - : . J WILL 8 AIL FROM NEW; YORK EVXftT SATURDAY at o'ctock, M. , age Factory South, -janl tf Respectfully, WVJ. MOTT. Furniture. Orri CHAMBER AND PARLOR Smta from $23 to $1.'0. New a ty lea and first-claa goods At ' ; . . Puptla outside of tho school who desiro mu sical InstrucUon, will do well to ai.ply early. For further particulars Inouir et rfnMnmX or call for Ircolar. N. K. Cornr Market And Second iu. HOLt-IN N,rUTII A WALXr.U. H. C. Prempert pERSONALLY IX ATTENDANCE at hU I a Alnable Shat lag and Hair Dreaalng Saloon AtNa. 7. Soath Front -Street. Nea but tbe ' i I beat work done aa-1 the beat workmen em-t ployed. GltcutaalL; Jan 2 tf 2 in 1. ST rii uk t Tur i:ai Ab-1 taas ilae. ru a yosr m-tcke Tu krevrod U; I '!n .l work 1 f jou Oou't ly It Try ese axJ t. . J. L. VTINSrR. rr ' ( r$- Jrckr. It Don't Matter IT THE OLD YEAR IS GONE AND THE ! I " Wo X.ear C3me. UUMPUREY. JEN KINS ft CO., are still receiving At their Oys ter Houe. No. IIS aouth Front Stnvt f.-K supply every day ol New River Orstera. Ova. . Freh Midi Oysters GREAT BARGAINS ! FINE BOOK CASES, SIDEBOARDS. s " SECRETARIES, WARDROBES, BENEFACTOR........ v ....SatunUr. Jaa REGULATOR.;...... ;.:.SatnTdarj J BENEFACTOR..... ; . . . .Satttrday. Jaa H REGULATOR...............SAtnr.!Ayl Jaa SI Aarotuth UateimrnntAArf n a Pntnu la North And SouTbAiStoaT T wrxreigni or raaaage apply to ' f H. G. SMALLBONES, buperboteauVBt, THEO. G. KGKU, Frelrht Arcat. wh i, -.i,roaiwAy, New York. Cottage Bedsteads, bles, Ac.. Ac., at b!ir bareafns Farmers, ITake Hotlco. jyCORRIS' noQ ; CHOLERA comfotjnd jo ine iwn to cure or prevent!! Choi LIBRAJtr TABLES, ftc. ST. fTS fi" h fewlna areau , , ject; tt wtll preyent- thAt dreadful diaeAM , Mattre ssea. Chairs. Ta- Z??5?.f?T.Vn:8 Will pu your horaia 1 i.r.fnVr:-ii mZU t2 a thrifty, healthy condUion. eWlxur tbo alit- me before VOTibnr. V'nniitnpa fmXr wra an ppta U. I always on hand, Ac To HaiMcrs and others- lio to Jaco rt'a fur Ss.sh. BliaJj and Doors. Glass &c Toa can g?t all size and at tho toncst rncc 300 QALLOVS FINE FAT OYSTERS In hand today for our ChrUtraa trade; aa t arrange nteAUmadc foT A fuil supply for the balane oS2 7, . w.cdavdJ iSSSS ; 9V rroprietora of the only reculxr esUb Itahl Aabery In ihl aectlon. doU 1,000 Hhds PRIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES JCST linded direct from the f aland, which we oiCer to the trade At prices to suit the time. We guarantee thla tola a pure. i A find aasortrscst cfGcrj and Pistoli at Jacosi3 IliritTtra Dcpct - ?aa!tf- EDWARD KIDDER Jk'sosf.' j Fancy Coo d rULL LINE AT 4 4$1 o. New Buckwheat I New; Buckwheat. JEW BUCKWHEAT AND WHITE Syru : to suit, received by New Vork Steamer to-day Aleo, Cakes and Crictera of every VArlety, freah And cr!j. And a general stock of Fresh Groceries uauaIly2foiuv1 in a firstlasaGro eery at Crapon'fr Family Grocery. i '.- k: ,-- -v - . -. . j - j GEO. JfrcRAPON, Agent, -J Call and ace I '--:JtrK?lul condition. eJcArxng t&a AW- D. A. SMITH, j 1h 'fr OI wortoa And para I tea KT and w ,f IdTen strictly according to directions, cure 10 hoga of the Cholera And pet 39 hogs in A condition to tsLtti-M in am Uj nUAl time, therehv urtnranA ti1 f tt.. sa The faxsnors of Duplin county am rivin tt ort S j Routh Front St the praise. age. Fc All fanners should, tray, a pack- At t Lflft wIa1aa1a -m A . m m - GREEN. I VulAi. !ark et S treviLlaa. IVlbwill. CACINET MAKER I. '! ! I " CARPENTER. Ofle And Fork Shop eo oea street, opposite 8outherlanda a table. P,aUy sollclU ordSran" gSSata ! . ' , - I John C, Davis. Com cirx5 ft MuncnisoN'fl, Mure tUica Clack. A TTORNKY AND t XL a v : - COUNSELLOR AT ... w WrLsnsGros, n. ' OCce over the Bank of New Ilaaover. " vri u th9 Courta oX tse state, v .Jpzit&z&iilTsZS to tie eoictica CX C j " . ngy Si f , ' - --- " v ;. - . ; ."- -.-. .: - T-. '- v morcial C-otol VVilrhingtdn, N. C. ' jKT:CLAS3 IN KVE2Y RESPECf. rrmw'Sr p KLLIAED -FA LC0!T AITACIZ). - - Ap Ul Uo us: ru ra Ca tltl toi 1 ths

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