t i '- tuw r apes Sunday 1 w - rcted trr jOSUT. JA3IES ,Cst Six mtiu. 110. Ttree be den wed br earner xree V4 J7 psrtoftf city, at the above JTLTSi BberaL fTl report any and aR fall. m rm ta. . - I -1 . ' - - .. r..-v. Au fA hzrxresi -rw 7 . wa.vi. or y wr rkn"Ssn!.M, i preparing; a now F:rMr-e.SmhIWrnhardt. i rrcr laWl hw formally for President. .v. llerr Rsbit not come to Winter. He ha siloed rn. K-caird P. Hart, of Troy. N. v .j ifveu S10.0UO tatUe Young iVa' Atfxtalion oiiuatcuy. i"uu.s f !;(..3 i male their library free. I). Cilaiorc.a la-yer cl Washing . t bguntuitin New York ajains1 (V: Scburz. cx secreiary of the Inle ri , r. ivz the recorery o! damages for de .rrinj aim ironi practice. -i::era Ujiilmi.-: newspapers have .rel in France iince the death of the r."j.! !a Cbimbord. in consequence oi v wt-.r.lrawa! of the iuhventions with 1-1 ..n..A9Ajt tlJfll - - hi tue Ixa Lesisiature last' Vcd i c!ay Saater Travlor introduced a providing for the rcmorai vrithin oioeirol al! saiei nnJ obitructiona iv ru. classes of roadi in Texai. - A Ui atch trotn lloaie to the Ex clave u'.exnpU company aajs the lr it about to Issue an encyclical let ter njardioi th Free Masons. In wfifcii. i: iJ behereJ. a distinction wil1 be uisde bcincrn Continental and Kng J te Fenians are not cannibals, and vf. we tiad this in the Ioodon (Eng.) Tt.j;raj.A: "Owing to tho threats of the American Fenians against the life of Judd Deaman, he is even surrounded fcj a police guard while upon the judi rial bench. Tbe iceboat Jcsu. with two ladies izAtwo gentlemen on boarj, broke tirocja it ice off Hyde Park, X. Y., I Thursday, snd iliss Jesse Lumb nar rxtnlj escaped drowning. Miss Uarloe wis carried cp in the air on the end of tie rcncerp!ank. The Yacht was run B:ciattherateof fifty miles an hour. IfojiKattothe market from Call (omia hive to be trapped In the woods iaaboctlho same man nor as bears. Oa incitoflheraoches.it is said, the wice ar as wild as deer through the er inrougn tne they will pIaco nsive and fight woods, and if cornered t&ezstirei oa the defensive like tsycra. A l'Lilade.'phia pilot reports the Dei aware Bay frozen over between Cape May acd Cape Henlopen, a distance of eTca miles, and last week it was did aril for sailing vcsse.3 to make their way ttroagh the ice. The Boston iuiz ers and Readinr clliers broke I their way through tbe obstruction. Twcctj seven women were grad ctudfrom the Bellevce Training School for Nnracs. in New York, Tcwday evening, making 222 skilled C2rsj who have received diplomas .3cei$73. The school atarted In that jnr with eighteen women as students, U V:'., I. !. .. e ? I iust it now has sixty-four ia training ft ii against good manners under the Frtsea Republic to utter the Divine "ait ia Parliament. The President of i Jxsate. inadvertently following old- to-ioccd ways, spoko the other day of! i. Henri Mania as having 'Tendered fci ttauUfol soul to God.' He had the c5cUl report corrected, and it now sds on record simply that M. Henri Mania's beautirol soul entered into rt5!. lathe sa.t against the New York c-ay.Mr.Riij.c.the secretary and r.ofvl company, aaid the b:uniaAewYork were $U,129, anj u, Montreal aboift $3.0O0i outside of the banded debt. The bonded' in- rtecoopiay.e h iu -'n?!oa.acdhe considered it sol rr.t. ot The Superior Court in New York til- ... . . ;,r.QiCU temporary injunc- casions a great deal of - ...a.rnjDg Mrj. iAQZiry from the title of -Pcrip ia her play oa.scow bu- produced at the t.kU J W r , . . a 1 . .. . . "--i;ru in an ami. in lirrt..t h fhe tanvftmn -r . i r ti5 -!. ,yv" w orta i.aroiina aaia t2ul, I0.1 5500111 Carolina: -Sir firir21 ,a lhe wrld Is Dr. wild 2x!l Sjr?I na the latr tee "JfJ e aiiertlon. ws..Z r!lccaire- lhc "Jcctlon ofafewboys. tYecf -P Pi?n,who climl,1tb9 We hope the arrest last night and uns lenl UMd?jyMrr.r-aogtryt carceration this morning of a couple of i.ioaofh.s proprietary fighU these Opera House pests will I have a r ... . VOL. VIIIJ l WILMINGTON. N; C; TUESDAY. JANUARY Mr. Carlisle has positively declined to bo considered a candidate for U. S Senator from Kentucky. The caucus meets to night and there seems a strong probability of a deadlock, j Tbe defeat of Mr. Tend leton in tho Ohio Democratic Legislative caucus is thus trvated by the Philadelphia Times: Air. McT-ean has fed fat the ancient grudge he owed Mr. Pendleton and lhat sentleraan will retire from politics atthecWeof a single term n Uhe Ssuare. His record has, in the main, been a cood one. He Uxk charge of the biil to reform tbe civil service when 1 lew men on either side would have I undertaken the work. While this was gratifying to tho improved sentiment of the people of the country, it has never been accepted by the politicians of either party.' , The body of Charlec Delmonico. the manager of the restaurants of that uame in New York, who has been missing lor a week past, and in regard to whose disappearance there has been much excitement was .found frozen stiff in the wood3 ef the Orange moun tains, near Gen. McClelland residence, not far from Newark, N. J., yesterday morning. Mr. Delmonico had been partially invalided for some time and undoubtedly wandered off in a fit of mental aberration. i For weak lungs, spitting of blood, shortness of breath, consumption, mght sweaU and all lingering coughs. Dr. Pierce's 'Golden Medical Discov - ery ' is a sovereign remeay. superior r to cod llrcr oil. By druggists. " LOCAL NEWST IHDCX TO MW aOYIRTlSCMCNTS. Vf L I Meeting ncncssEXGES Plauoa andprjim C W Tatxa Ledgers, Journal, Jtn R If UcIXTlRB KTenln Drcc Mods Bkou a Da Ko met Onion 8cts rjjonki. coru'r-commtssioner'a ep01" The receipts of coUon at this port to - day foot up 343 bales. There is a package iu ihe postoffice of this city address to Charlotte Taylor. bliss Lula Calais, formerly of this city, but for some years past a resident of Laurinburg, was married in that town last Wednesday night to Dr. Watt Steele. The meeting of the Lot-owners of I I . . II I r-. for,aist evening, was not held and an adjournment was had until this even- vauai v,cmeicry company, cauca log. Joe Jefferson. Mr. . II. Muse, formerly oi this city, but now of the firm of Mclntiro & Co., at Durham. N. C, arrived hero last night on a brief visit to relatives and friends. The pilot boat Stcifl. of Smithyillc, recently owned bj Mr. James A.JWil Hams, has boon sold to parties at May port, Fla.. and cleared for the latter plaee to-day. The annual ball of tho WiTminirinii Light Infantry.ito be , given to-morrow evening in Germania Hall, is a tppic of interat nnw with tit vntimr rr!if promi3e3 tobe rarely pleasant event. rri rt , . . A, . . The Charlotte Observer says that the Carolina Central Railroad Company are ouiiaing a new and nandsome de pot at Brevards Station, office is tor be established lion. ' A telegraph ut Iron Sta- Mr. J. Fulton Hays, formerly a typo in tha Hr.inT.xv off. h rpninrH f LmkaCitT.S.c:.. -wh.m hn ha hvm one of tho nnbliahera of the Willfama- burg Tattler, of that place. Wo wish On Sunday next, the 20th inst., Rev. U t t tr..i.AMi ii n r DtAi.Mvni I ii. u. usnuiuiuv, j. . ui Miwumuuw, a., will preacb at:the Jtirst I3aptist Cnurcn in mis city. ; ua tne Monday and Tuesday nights following he will I lectnreat tho Library Rooms for the benefit of the V ilmington Library As- soclation, at which time we hope that he may be greeted with an overflowing house. He is one of the finest orators the South. AWarnlncr. Tnere has been upon frequent oc- con fusion and annoyance to those who attend tbe performances at .the Opera House, caused by the rude and noisy conduct and the management have determined mat it must cease. salutary influence upon others and keep them within the bounds of decency and propriety. ; . ! - For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery go to Jacobi nardwareDepot- 1 "The Itivals : ' One of the larpest.-most select and most highly cultivated audiences we ever seen at the Opera House assem bled there last night to witness the per form a nee of Sheridan' famons comedy of "Tho Rivals," as rendered by Mr. Joseph Jcfler3on and hi3 company. Tho performance was superb in every particular. Of course everyone knew that tbe Bob Acres oC 3Fr. Jeflerson would be perfect, but of the other chsr acters in the cast many oi our people kuew nothing save bv common report. These, however," w,e re all that could be desired. Mrs. John Drew, Mr. Fred eric Robinson and Mr. R. L. Downing as Mrs. Malaprop Sir Anthony Absolute and Captain Absolute, , respectively came in for a share of well deserved oraise. and formed a support of which Mr. Jefferson had good reason to be Droud. Mr. Charles Plunkett, as Sir Lucius CPTriqger. was good, althongh i there mizht have been some improvement in his .part. lie seemed to fail at timus on rising up to the true character of the ideal Irish duelist, and seemed to forget the rich broeue which gives piquancy to the part., Miss Rosa Rand as Rosa La?i fftiish, did exceeding well, and the other, though minor, parts were good. The audience were ueli&nted and were kept in every conceivable condition from a broad grin to an nproarons laughter from the beginning to the end of tbe performance. After the curtain had dropped upon 1 . , , T J u:-Zi- tue xasL act. iir. ueuenuu uuu uis cuu, Thomas, were conducted to the May oVs ofiico where he met with the re maining members of the old Thalian Association, with whom he bad j.been acquainted some S3 years ago, when he visited Wilmington and played- for ; a considererable time. The meeting was entirely informal and was very pleas ant Those of our citizens wbo attend- Jej (he reception were Col. J. J. Ueds ricl: C01- Donald McRae, Col. J. G. Uurr, Mr. Jonn b. James. Mr. lienry n ii-ii rw. II. C. Brock. Mr Gcorge Wt Kidder nnd Mr. George R. Dyer. The Fire Tills Moruiu. At about 1.45 o'clock this morning the house of Mr. J. H. Pugh, on Eighth between Market and Dock streets, was discovered to be on fire and had atfain A a..nU tkn Uo .m.: uuaun "H73 - - - - portion and nearly all of the lower portion of tho house was destroyed be- fore the flames could be extinguished The fire originated in tho diniug room and tvas caused presumably by a coa cropping irom tne grate on iu some r . kindling wood which had been placed near-by lor convenience in lighting the fire this morning. These becomiug ignited, the flames worked through a hole in tbe ceiling and worked their way to tho second floor where the fire was first discovered. There was a high ind blowing at the time which, to- father with the lateness of the hour wbcn ncarlJ everybody was wrapped inBinmDer. comDincu to render the attempts to enunguisn tne names fruitless. Mr. Pugh saved a part of his a f k ? at lAHan im w wttra it'll. in8nn.nnft nnon thn nrnnortv fo t h Lmonntof $750 ln the Connecticut $750 in the Insurance Co., represented in this city by Messrs. W. L. Smith & Co. m Personal. Mr. John .A. Maybe, Agent for Han Ion's Voyage En Suisse, is in the city making arrangements for its appear- ance ucre oa lue D,Safc UI W1C nu ,nst . Mf J A. Dingess, Agent for Auuie x liity , uuufc.uu j w appear at the Opera House on the night of the 1st inst.. is iu the city making the . . DeceSjary arrangements ior tne per- formance. ur Asa K. Brown, formerly of this city, but for the past nine years a resi- dent of Mexico, is expected to arrive ijerc to-night on a visit to his relatives, who will be glad to bid him welcome after his prolonged absence. He has two brothers. Cant. J. Kent Brown and Mr. Thomas O Brown, and one sister. - - Mrs. E. J. Moore, now living in (lie city. City Court. Mary Bradley, colored, was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct. She was sent below for 20 days. . Julia Murray and Sam Smith, both colored and both disorderly, were sent below to await an investigation - into their cases to-morrow morning, they having asked for a continuance. Sam Lark Ins and Robert Howe, two colored boys, were disorderly at the Opera House last night and were taken In by the police. They were snt below for 30 days - - , . -, '. ir -. ... "J . --..i. : i-J WT. ; ; ' " i ' ' j I I i ! I - ' ' NEW 5 AIVERTl SEMJENTS EVENING DRESS GOODS ! Such as Plain and- Brocade Ottomans in various colors and shades, f Colored Persian Lawns, with other novelties. A FEVV BLANKETS LEFT. WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. Ulsters, Dolmans and Jackets, Childrens Cloaks, &c. ! ON ALL WINTER GOODS a decided reduction in price. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, &c. A good assortment with prices as low as the lowest. jan 15, 1884 Postal Matters. We learn from those who have been ... .. snfferers that the maillbetween Kenana- Ville; Duplin county, and Jacksonyile, Onslow county, is carried with such irregularity as to be a positive nuisance to these who are obliged to depend upon that route for their postal matter. Stockholders1 Meeting. . Tbe meeting of the stockholders of the Wrightsville & Onslow Railroad Company, which was to have been held yesterday, was adjourned until to-day on. account of the absence of the neces sary books and papers. Phis morning a' committee was appointed to wai upon the widow of the late deceased Superintendent and obtain those docu ments, which having - been secured, a committee was appointed to verify the stock and see if there was enough sub scribed to warrant proceeding with the building of the road. Tne meeting was in session when our .report closed awaiting the developments of the latter committee. -i - To Builders and others- Go to J aco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass j &c. You can get all sizes and at the Lowest prices 1 s A Pleasant Party. There was a yery pleasant party as sembled last night at the residence of Mr. Henry Woodcock, on Walker, be tween Second and Third streets, com plimentary to Mr. Henry Toilers and his bride, of Point Caswell, who have removed to this city, and will icside here in the future. There were about 75 persons present of both sexes, and a f aa c. a C . rl lUiM rs it rrr xwr r rt ictftsi. wi vuiujjj ui oivu i-v. v.- gale themselves. mere was also a plenty of dancing, the Italiau harpers furnishing the music for the occasion. The festivities were kept up until the "wee sma hours ayont the twai," and the enjoyment-was all that could be desired. The young people -carried to their respective homes pleasant mcmo rics of the occasion which time will never efface. " ' ' Election of Officers. A very important meeting of the Wilmington Light Infantry is to be held at the Armory to-night. It is for the election of officers for thefl ensuing year aud a great deal of interest attaches to the event. The full number of commissioned officers is to be elected, Col, John L. Cantwcil, the veteran commander of the corps haying tendered his resignation of the captaincy. This .tep has been deep- regretieu, muuiucu as vhii. v-.aui.wei has done so much ' for the discipline, efficiency and well-being of the corps. W hen called to the comilrand he found . 4 r I a mere nanoiui ot memoers ana ne leaves it strong, self-sustaining and reliant, with a membership of nearly eighty good members. . Golden Lyre Lodge, colored. United Order of Odd Fellows, celebrated their tenth anniversary yesterday by a parade . hrough the streets accompanied by a ; band of music, and appropriate speeches The exercises were concluded by an entertainment held at the City Hall at night. Not only a painscure is St. Jacobs Oil. but the swiftest, surest, safest. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS,; Meeting. , fJIIIE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WIL MINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY was post pmediratil to-night at 8 o'clock. All mem bers are requested to attend. jaa 15-1 1 : 1,000 Hhdo PRIMS PORTO RICO MOLASSES JUST landed direct from the Island, which we oflsr to the trade at prices to suit the times. We guarantee this Molasses pure. ja&Stf .EDWARD KIDDER Jt SON. V NO. 13 j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. R. M. rJclTJTIRE. Commissioner's Report F THE CONDITION OF. THE: SINKING VJ FUND. CITY or WILMINGTON, N6rth Car olina, January Ulh, 1884: SECURITIES HELD 4 City Bonds dueial837i 1 do do 18S9. 7 do do 1892.... 17 do da 1897 ...... 400 00 3,500 00 3,700 CO 10 do 1o 1899. ..! 1, COO 00 10 do do" 1901 10.CO0 00 25 do jdo 1904 25,000 00 3 , do do 1910 3,000 00 Bonds amounting to Cash uninvested . 47,600 00 : 5.837 86 Total amount of Sinking Fund. . .$53,437 SG All (he Bonds and Coupons are stamped -omKinff r una Jitv or wilminaton and are deposited la the Vault of the Bank of New Hanover. j ! RICHARD J. JONES, jan la-It i i Com'r Golden Harvest. A FULL FLEDGED -GOLDEN HAR- -ra i VlsST". That's the kind of COOK STOVE WE KEEP, ihey are thing of Beauty and Joy to EVERY HOU8EHOLD. Only sold by PURE WHITE OIL. jan 14 Onion Sets, White and Red. FRESIT SUPPLY ' JUST RECEIVED Also, a full assortment of , i ' . FRESH GARDEN SEED, PATENT MEDICINES FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, 1 i CIGARS in creat variety, &cj, Ac. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, j New Drug Store, jan 14 Market and Sceond Streets. Ledgers, Journals, Days, "n lank books of all sizes and 1 j styica Df Binding. I Memorandum Books, Letter Books, Invoice Books, Receipt Books. ,1 i Lithographed Draft, Note and Check Books, a una miaa to oraer. All kinds of Olhco and Fancy Station ery. . Wrapping Paper and Paper Bscs, Twine, c, at lowest market prices. YATES BOOK STORE. 119 Market Street jan U Ox Tail Soup. JEADY FOR USE ON TABLE, CONVE KIENT TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND ECON i - OMICAL. WE HAVE ALSO ANN ED OKRA AND Canned Tomatoes & Okra. Makes elegant Soup. Receipt for making Soup thrown ln. SUGAK CUBED HAMS ' AND SUGAR-CURED JTIP& A .SUOULDKIW. i . Cail early before the rush. P. L. BEJDGEES fe 00. HO North Front St. jan U Apples ! Apples ! Apples I - Apples I Apples ! Qjg CRATES GOOD KEEPING APPLES on hand. Selling cheap, , - . At &. McDOUGAUS, No. 14 Chestnut St, bet. Front an4 Water ian 11 Wilmington, N.C W. & E. S. LATIBIEir, . i - Attorneys-at-Law. , 0lee-3, E. Cor. Princess and Water St. Jan 7'lia . 15: 1884. - PXJCASS KOTrCX. . . Wa Will llS 1 " A MI MmlinilH)l froia our frteada on ay aa4 ill tjact i caralfaterc3tbut -: l ' j .'. : 'j .. iiTho aame of the writer tntut alw'art U f alanea to the JEJttor. ' i 1 Conunimlcaaoas mnat b wnttaa oaf oal one side of the paper. , i Personalities must be avoided.- And It la especially 'and particularly uad tood that the Editor does not always eadoi the views of correspondents unleaT so state In the editorial columns. j f . i MISCELLANEOUS OPERA! HOUSE, ONEITOHTLY! THURSDAY, JANUARy 1 7. I lrst appearance in this city of Rice's Pleasure Party ! In W.QiU's Musical Conifdy of f1 OUR COBLirJS I Ainusinx Amuiuic ! "Auiiuing Magnificent Scenery! A ppropriate CoatumetJ rt . U11,VM ui tt. nenry nice. and 50c; Gallery 2.. j&n '4 4V. Pianos and Organs, ( jJADE BY THE MOST CELEBRATED Manufacturers, endorsed by the fading 'and eminent pianiata of the- day, jand warranted Bot to bUater und peel off in two' or three months; but are paranteed to resist the! at mospheric changes of the South equally as well as any Piano or Organ made, and to im prove In quality of tone by uae. ( ' ' Call and examine these famous instruni'ents, At II EINS BERG E R'd, Lire Book and Music Stores jan 14 lOOO TOWS . OF GENUINE i i German ICainit ! ' IMPORTED DIRECT - . .V I 1 ' FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT 'BV Kerclmer & Calder Bros, IMPORTERS, ' jan 14 - Wilmington, N. C Furniture: QUR STOCK OF WINDOW SHADES has been replenished during the past week, and w:earc mho-wiug some very Handsomei Pat-' terns. A full line of fine and medium 1 PARLOR, CHAMBER, LIBRARY AND DINING ROOM SUITS. MATTRESSES of all kinds in stock ind i - i ' t made to order. - I , t -. . ! THOMAS C. CRAFT, Aacnt.i I Furniture Dealer. I ja1 SOSojFrontSt Notice. fJIHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between W. H. & J. A. MONTGOM ERY is this day dissolved bv mntusl csnmt. T. A. Montgomery assumes sll lisbiiitiM And is alone autherlzed to -collect and rer.cW for any and all debts (Ine tbe ssld Ann. i i w. H. MONTGOMERY, J. A MONTGOMERY; January 12, 1834 " ' T 1HE UNDER8IGNED WILL CONTINUE the hiifefnivaa if Hnr rv W TT 1 sV T ' Montgomery and solicits tho general I upprt ,1 of his friends, jan 12-tf J. A. MONTGOMERY. 1 I Bankrupt Sale of. Boots and Shoes. I have bought tho entire Bankrupt Stock 0 Dryfoos & Stcrnbcrgr and will close It out at lees than , "J j ' "- 'Manufacturer's Prices I This stock U known fsr and wide aa the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED ef any ln tho city, and as the foods are jromx to be sold very low for cash only -it will nsv purchasers to examine same bfnm hmin- elsewhere, 1 1. . I . . i dec 13 - . A. DAVTD. Printing rrintln, CKSON AND Ruling, Ruling, BELL, Binding. WILL DO Binding. YOUR Good Work, Promptne, ( PKINTINC1 Low Price. I (WELL. 8atlfjcllon. I - jan 10 Don't Forget It. rpHE OLD NORTH STATE SALOOX hss A - i - ou hand a fine lot of those HORNE GARDEN OYSTERS stacked on fee. j ey are the best ! i brought to this market. Call and; y them. ALk, Beer. Win, Liquors and Cigars, j I JAS. M. McGOWAN bOS, Jan 1 j No 6, South Front At Rne Portraits in Crayon or ' Pastel. O BDER5 PROMPTLY' EXECUTED the finest style. In order to more fully Intro - .' . II . Ance the work my prices are to the' lowest cent for first class work. - Friends are lavlted to call and examine for themselves. OHIN T. TifOUAS, Art!it. desC XUZIarts it., llJrr.;at:(.c. A particular. Box. Sheet opens at Dyer's Tne?

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