Tho Daily Review, JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor A Prop. WILMINGTON. '.0. TUESDAY; JANUAIIY !5 IM1. For tho year ended Jeccmbcr 31. 18S3. tU .. . : " r i t t. ? ' debt of tho United Stales was orer UV1 AAA t 1 1 " wu,uw, or nearly iiau lue wnoie oonu ed debt on September 1..1S63 For ten years past the annual average reduction been fiftnnvssnian O. II. l'oth. of NV ( vcr $10,000,000. This rspld rate of tester! it the Votom?e at wriotiastoa.N. c. - of the iuLcretxbearin debt has . York , bai written a letter in which he prtHinoanccJunsutcaojsniikeMrlUaiiicj pruposiuoa tor a i:smuuuu i payment of obligations which the Na tional banks and the people would pre fer to hold far exceeds the requirements PERSONAL. ' Pera Hvacintbo and wife are m Jack sonville. Fla. scrrlnsfund amonr the Siattv. Mr I of lhc inking fund. Not only has its inmost requ'remenu oeen met lor ine - past, but for many years to come. This makes it possible for Congress to add V tho amount by which taxes may bo rctlul the entire $50,000,000 which Secretary Fuller, in the interest of Pro- Potter shows that nnder Mr. niaine'f plan Maine's proportion for the lat fis cal year wouM bo l,IC4.nn). while the entire amount of the same taxes paid into tho national trcatiry by that Slate for the same rar was. as shown by the States, tit ;f 1 lU"' in aViujjle jcor report ,f tho of irjlfcruai t?cttooisu desirous of maintiinin high revenue, but J,37. howia- a nct es. nas canei: ioc as annoany uuo w profit In Maine. a!I to be mau'e Jroiu t inkinc lund. Inclnding tie siukin th industries and Luims. of fund Mr. Fol-er eitimates the surplus ir-irtnts year issz at sioo.i4i.4W. as I Chairman Randall, of the appropria- Hi.. U't.hlofni Cutiinv )i CnKt r . uons committee. is assisieu in London. Knrhnd. Ii. issued an invito proramrae of economy by Mr. lion tt. the fctentihV nun .f ihf whctle Hoiman. it ts lair to expect that a con- wurM tot;ruri- i'.ra pr. i i tl.Wa irfc.rb:e reduction will be made in the Mtriii-(.ViVi. TLoi.r.Ieai U a,; amount of the estimated expenditures folluwiti To ihMMver a in: thud hv ,ori auuing lunner 10 me hieh reform lion, -r John II. Alexander, the colored cadet at West Point, is said to bo a model student. Anions the beneficiaries under the will of Mr. Julius Ilalzerten, of New York, is Mr. Theodore -Thomas, who gets $5,000. A fDeelal from Frankfort says there is little change in the Kentucky senato rial sitnationt Senator HoUman will control Carlisle's campaign. Sweeney's fnerds claim that his ciiances are lm proyin? They say that be gained fire roles Thursday, and that they are con fident of his nltimate success. My Wiie'a Nervous 'Affection. We had ceased to hope that my wife's nervous affection could be cured," writes Iter. J. A- Edie. ot Beaver, Pa. Manv Dhvsicians failed to do her good. bat Samaritan Nervine has cured her." At druggists. i d&w ! siioicts MISCELLANEOUS. s'ctrcp ana do strong.' KALLHO ADS, fic Wilmington Wdldon llroaompany some respects true that strength j omcx op gxxejul sdtkkin ten jest. comes through suffering, Every-1 vniminztoa. n. a. jfov 17. 1&3. body OUgnt lo Know nowo ucu , -; i x . - CS:tS3? mk Those who can bear it bravely, ii nn """7U Ti-AX tr r : itit ifi ii patiently,; and", manfully are incom- fri ; rrrrir. parably happier than the poor lei- HhaniTA nf Rrhprfiilo I U,t nil tho firrr malrmor 1 - - O - - frightful feces and uttering grievous PToans. It we must suner, let us learn now hu h lh.- v-Hv-iif r.i.: mtuiii may icj"marj!inoI lax reduction within whi uiv'A'ttl apirt from Ihca'timul Loly. S Obsirman torrid on ( tanfl refor cu in some medium or media not other wise zymotic; iLe method to be such lJit thcron:a2iiiiii may by mean of it be multiplied to an indefiniie extent iti 5ucce5iie generation., and that the product alter any number of such iteration ui -o Hr a can within tnclimo l teU;l) pruvp ;tfe!f f identical paltr.cj uith standard varcitic I .-! - 1.1 of any tut:maht. but mn-t submit ihv.h itt;""1 -'I.Wl. 1: doubtless Us conuniltee will do their work. Kx flume of the sinking fund, the estima ted expenditure tor the year named is ?rvS:j,M9. ol which $37,130 152 is for the military establishment. 22.747,756' for the naval establishment, $17 7G9.213 tor the treasury, war, navy, interior and judicial departments, $19. 103.277 for the oxifu'ivt; lor collect iir customs reve r.u. . 5.50().khy. and for mi.cellaniKns treatises, printed In Ihv I!n2li?li tan i;iiac. to tl:e clerk f the (irocers Gnu pany. at (IrterV Hall, Ijntloii, not later than lKvcmU r 31. lrot. and the award will Iss made within tho next live month3. In case a treatise already published in some other language may be desired to be submitted a translation thereof will be accepted. Thisoher is understood to be only one I'Utol a series which will Le made every four years for the purpose of stimulating discov eries in sanitary science. As a mos important practical topic it will un doubtedly clarni the atteulion ol a lare numbes of Uie meu here and else where who have devoted themselves to chemical and physiological inveti- cation. A Iondon letter sajs: "It is impos sible to shut ono's eyes to the fact that the low state of wsje and the misery ol the working classes arc foj-tcrinz the spread of socialistic views. A few facts show which way the current runs. The radical clubs aud the wot kinsmen's societies are orgaui.m; a monster rcl come to Mr. (Icorse. lie is eipvclc' to arrive ou Sunday. lie will leci ic at St. JsmcHMIa'.!. Ueciit trl(t. on the following Wednesday on Pro; res s and Poverty. Mr. Michat l DaYijt will attendand addres the meeting. Mr. (jeorsc ii winning some uuexpcvitd adherents. Mr. Ku?kin, whose views on poliitcal ccouomy have :dv;i - becuj of a socialistic tendency, his pul.l:ely declared his .yuipathy for Mr. (I corse's thoories. In addition t tins, a new monthly journal has been ktartcl enli tletl To Ihv;. Its plalf:iu is that ol nurc socialism. Its tnrls witli the! found that under an economical policy all these items can bn materially cut diCA u, a?rc2tttiug a suviug whlc'i it will not be far outol tho way to estimate j at from $10,000,lt00to$15.00t,000. This wOuld five n total surplus of about $120.000.(H)0 for tnriff reformers to work upon. theory that every man is entitled to About $5,000,000 has been expended op the Mississippi Kiver Commission, and a proposition to add $1,000,000 to the amount has already been reported larorably in Uie Senate and is almost certain to receive favorable considera tion iu the House.. The. fact would excite iio dissati3laction were it not for the uncertainty as to the value, of the system adopted by tho commission. A select committee of Congressmen re ported abont a year a;o, after careful investigation, that Mlie plans of the commission are of uncertain value, and recommended that experiments be con fined to two points Plum Point Reach an;i Lake Providence Ileach uutil the i vet resents aud dikes have been "sub jected to the strain ol repeated floods and their eflicacy fully j tested." To narrow the banks aud deepen the channel of the Mississippi Irom Cairo to the mouth of the Ked river, as pro posed, will cost neatly $75,000,000, and ' extend to the (lull the levees which are desired to confined he waters in safe .liiniU during a llood may increase lhc expenditure lo . a round $100,000,000. Plainly it is the pari of wisdom for Congress lo require a thorough test at tin? loints designated of the system which the commission has adopted, hctore putting more millions into the monster enterprise. The weather in Jacksonville. Fla on Sunday week was the coldest known . - lor iweive years, me mercury running down to 21 degrees. On January 9th. there was at Jlich mpnd. Ky., a deph of 14 inches of snow. inches. The assessed value of property in Atlanta, Ga.. is $24,461,741, and the total income of the city last year was $Gt3,113 39. ' The Rev. Fathers Cook. Destlen and O'Shea are conducetinz a series of re ligtous exercises at the Cathedral in Sayannau with great success. Mr. Pendleton, it seems, was third in the benatonai race in Unio. mo cors rect vote in the caucus was Payne, 48; Durbin Ward. l.and Pendleton. la. Tue Viiincux-Scliaefer billiard con test ot three thousand points, six huu dred point3 n night, be can in Paris last niffht. the game will be the "balK line" and will be plaved at the cafe of the (irand Hotel. rosttuaster ueneral liresnam says be kuotvs nothing ot the report that a llritiso spy has beeu permitted to tam per with the mails in New York by which plans were made to entrap" per sons recently tried and sentenced in Liverpool. )f.i,evak. Wis , Sept. 2-1. 1878. Gents I have taken not nuite one bottle ot the Hop Bitters. 1 was a feeblo old man ot 78 when I got it. To day I am as active and feel as I did at 30. I see a great many that need such a medicine. D. BOVCE. . . ThtWA ill infra tn rtl f rrli f in iffrr frankness ana freedom. For seven vears Allen's Brain Food has stood the strongest tests as to its merits in curing Nervousness, Nervons Debility and restoring lost powers to the weakened Generative System, and, in no instance has it ever failed; test it. $1 ; 6 for $5. At druggists, or by T tt 1 lli. n r- 1 m. a mail iroui o. ii. Alien, jio rirst iye New York City. eod&w live, and that who are stronger and clSverer have no risht to iio thcli i powers to drive their weaker neiKhtnrs I to the wall. It maintain; that the strone ought to morerat their e Doris so as to give the weaker a chance, and it denounces compclitivo anarchy be tween workiogiucn ol different natitins.' . . . . Accordicg to the Paris corrvpoinlcut of the Ixodou Times, Spain i on the brink ol another revolution. Not that the Cortes is hostile to the" monarchy. On the contrary, the ministry, now in olllce loyally support the King, and only oCendctl the majority of tne Cortes by their inslatance oa universal suffrage, withoctedacatloaclor property qualifi cation for the cxcrcUo of the elective franchise. Scuor Ssgaatu. whose fol lowers constitute a majority vf CorUs. and whose opposition to the pngram lae of Scnor Posada Ilcrrara. the prime minister, threaten a dissolution of that body, is al; a monarchist ol a decided type. It i the army that excites fear. It is considered d mbtlul whether King Al:oa$o in the event of the dissolution ot tin CTortes on account of the impossibility of forming out of lu present membership a stable raiois try. could depend for support upon the Spanith army. Zarilla recent move ment was not without eiTect. and the ZoriilaisU aud Carlists are again at work. Th Tinws corret p."n"dent U of opinion that the alternative will sxn be presented of n chMee between an archy and absolutism, with the proba bility that independence aid freedom will succumb. Senor Morel, minister of the interior, asserts, bowver. iu the Chamber cr Deputies that there is no reason to aprrebcrul a renewal of dis turbances in tho provinces. 3Iother Swan Worm Syrup.' Inlallible. tasteles, harmless, cathar tic; lor fevcrishneas. restlessness, worms constipation. MOONSHINE, i Matthew Arnold calls a cow a "coo." lie has a cowriotis style of pronuncia tion. "I am going to plaut my toot down said the lad v of the house in wrathful loucs. Vhnt 'yer -going .to raise, corns?" interrogated the.' man ;of.lhc house from behind his paper Hockland Ccurizr-ffaiclU. in Chicago when a man returns a borrowed umbrella they begin to sus pect him. They think he is Working for a repution for honesty, so as to be able to get trusted and commit deviltry. Boston 2l'. A pearl necklace owned by a New York lady is valued at $100,000. and yet the pleasure she derives from wearing it is as skim milk beside golden cream when compared with the pleasure the Dakr ta girl experiences while wearing a neeilaev com posed of a strong, honest arm. 1 nix ts senii-omciai. but it can be reiied on as being correct. Z?ir marck Trxlunc. Mrs. Mc Vapid presented one of her sons before theKxamlninr Board of the Tcxn University for matriculation and said: "Now. I want the faculty to let my boy read everything that is useful1 "Certainly." answered tho president "including mythology?" "Of course, for nowadays nearly all the dogs ot his acquaintance are named Hector, Diana, Pluto. Neptune, Juno and the like." Texas Sifliwn. "How long have you been married ? asked the clerk at the hotel desk, as the elderly bridegroom registered. "Two weeks.' replied the nappy man. "Front!" cried the clerk; "show the gentleman to Parlor B; fifteen dollars a day. sir." . "Third wife, calmly said the guest. "Oh, excuse me. Front! show tho gentleman to Sit. back. Take the elevator. Four dollars a week, sir." llitrlinqton Illicit,. Three things to like cordiality, goodness and cheerfulness. Fou DveTErsiA, Indigestion. De pression of Spirits and General Debili ty, in their various forms; also as a preventive against Fever aud Ague, and oilier Intermittent Fevers , the "rKRKO-PHOSrnOllATKD .Lmxir oi Caltsaya." made by Caswell, II a z aki & Co.. New York, land sold by al Druggists, is the best tonic; and for patients recovering from' Fever or other !"N AND AFTER KOVB 18, ISSS, AT 1.03 v A. al. Fassenarer Trams on the wilmtM ion a rveiaon Ataiiroau wm ran as. ionows r . DAY MALL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAII.T ' Va it VnttT - a-tr A Q Ca-vww to make the best of it, nd to suffer vtiiiiinn.rrontst.beWt. 8.53 Xi 11 as cneeniyas possioie. j X wVh"'".'.- SS' p! S - But we may do better than to sui- j Arrive at wnia'gton, Front st.D'pt. p. m fer. We may learn how tcx eet rid tast through mail a passxkqeb tbain rv- rpt . Ml t a I n.vrw x- jn a... . V improvement on even the most pa-; hVnt wav of bearine oam. The I trouble with nine out ol efery ten sufferers is not tliat they can "suffer and I be strong," but mat in their suffering they are weaic ana misera- . .i' 1 r j 1 j Leave Weldon.. . 5.50 J. St Arrtreat Wllm'gton.FrontSt.D'p't 10.25 MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS DABLT No. 43 North. , Leave Wllmlnzton...............L m Artlreat WckTon 2.v0 A m Mail akd Passexgek Trains Nos 43 and 42 Leave wilmlnfrton, (Sundays ex WHOLESALE PPICEs? "O The . following nnntnln.i wholeEalo priecs genenuir. In ttivf1 smaU order higher prices have to JLQGINO Standard. .............. 11 m u.. ........... - j Vk , tw. BACON North Carolina: JTama. Ib.................:; rsiJUUiuetB, y o........ Stdes, Vft.. WESTERil SMOKED-, Shoulders..'... to o 1 60 ; -1W ble and aflmg; and languid and de- Arrire a)n7C.:1 1 $ Duliaieu anu uuiuui. oiv. 0 ciun, onaays excepted )l. 03 A M yxr rertrriPd themselves. bUt thev r""oai iuamgMm..h 6 53 A M add to the sum of human wretched-lUtegJg "op y t ness bv impartinp; much of their 'nTaro Branch Eoad Leave Rocky ua miyus Mount forTarboro at 1.20 A. M. .nrt i misery tO Others. M. Dally, (Sundays excepted)." Returntairl Now, as to getting 'rid of the SE3S&S& . 1 T ! I-T ; X 1 I TV it . - . r miserv. ana aDOiismn some oi me naauaxior iscouana necx at 3.25 P.M. R. a-' A Ujornlng leave Scotland . Necx at 8.30 A. m: SUlienng. ; j daily except Sunday, -j . a We will dO it With IS r OWnS Iron irain o. 4. makes close connection at Wci- rr. ... . 1 i i uon ior au points .worth uaiiy. All rail viz Bitters. There IS lOy m every bottle Richmond, and dally except sWav via Bat. of this valuable iron medicine. It uZ-n Kn 1T,a ,u.v.,...- IS a medicine Which IS responsible nectloa for all Points North via Richmond aud for much of the mastery which has Aii trains ran solid betwn wmm been gained Over suffering. It Washington, and have Pullman Palace Slee brinp-s iron to the blood in such a For accommodation of local travel a. nnssftn tvo v tVint fhW needed element assimi-1 eT2ch. wiU 06 attached to local freight leav way tnai inis neeuea etepeni u&uiu g Wiimln??ton at Jm A, M Dlli, excep, taies wnn uie urcuuiuuu, scuuuih uuiy. ,i .1 1 l a.! 1 4.t,. :t, John f. divine. red-colored vital fluid SO essential to - EMERSON, Genera- Passenger AeeoL . . .i l nov ii vigorous uie. riere is tne sirengin 13 o ...... nft jm DRY SALTED- l. . sides, ft....::......:;...' j ShouTders. V ft.... .:.....L. 1 BARRELS Spirits TuTDenOnA e 1 T 1- : . occuou ajjiuu, euui. .......4.. I 73 New Ne. York, each ;.. 1 to Aewuur.CAca BJWAI, V tb. npinira iir . Aim. ; I BUTTER. fl xoortn Carolina........... Northern.. . ... CANDLES, tf- 1 openn... ...... ............ Adamantlae.. I....... CHEESb, fiv- Aorthern xactory. ....... uiury, ream.... .-. State..;... COFFEE, V tb I " i4yra.!rr.7rr.7rr..,".";i!t bio..; .-..I'-!! CORN MEAL. V bus., ln'sacas Olio , 1 ; . ' is a O U A 10 o 13 a 13H89 ts 1! 11 11 u tt 14 13 .... .. L 83 O 23 o : 1884. ;r Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Wilmington. N. C. Nov 17.1S83. x S which triumphs over weakness, and Wilmlllffton. CollimbiB casts out aisease witn 11s consequent j ' u-oi .-.fe suffering. The stomach : is made kntrnatn R 1? r strong, and dyspepsia has to go. AUKUSia Ii. 11. v0. a j j i: ine liver is vitauzea, anu nvcr cum- oraa ov Gknkkax superintendent. plaint must depart. The nerves are toned no. and sufferers from neural gia are made cheerful. The "bad blood" is made good; and rheuma tism loses its hold. What is the use of suffering, when our neighbor the druggist keeps tsrown s Jron Bitters? 1 7 dec S- nrni tcld&w cd 7.15 A M sickness, it has no equal. tu 2r ' Three things -to admire intellect tlinity and sracefuluess. Malaria positively cured witn Km oi:y a oTANDAKD Uuke 1'iltjs. a never failins remedy; purely vegetable, cou- tato no quinine, susar-coated i5 cents. r ir i tinvtiiD 11 19 a n J AA U;UU Ali o X i.L. 3t VW IIAUPRS MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEKKLY 4 00 IIARrR3 YOLNG PEOPLE 1 50 llAfU'Ku's Franklin Squake Librarv, One Year (52 Numbers)...1. 10 00 i rotstaprc Free to: all snbscribers In the United Statt or Canada Mother s Spinning Wheel. Concerning One Article, that was Nut Fur Sale, and An other which i Cheap at Any Price. "No, elr, I woalda'l ell you that lor any ttiooej ; that eplanlnr-?beel was my mother' It waa one day, when she was slnfio; like a lirk and maklni thla old wheel bum, that my father, then a young medical student, after waxvia a farmer, fell In lore wllh her somfc fllty years ago So spoke the proprietor ot a rough Lit of l&xra uouu uiwT county, n. z ., i. a rciic Jmr.tcr. and "mother's" eptnnlnc-wheel re- mamca among ncr cniuiren ana granacniia rcn. "My awothtr." writes Rev. J. W. Phelpa, kaa used Pakkkb's TQIIC and wlabes me to My ni9 naa rouna it more effecme man anjihtw she erer used foe lnrtroratlnr and strengthening the ayatem debilitated by mala ria, fthe desires me al i especlallr to mention the certainty with which It aids dlgeatioa and overcome exhaustion." . Xtct since the first household was establish ed "mother's" opinion has been .more potent In this world than that of judge, jurist or physician. Her band has always cooled the ferer and ber olce baa been filled with hope With ach day's decline. PARKER'S TQMCbi bcoomlsg more deserredly popular wu the women who guard alike husband and child ren. It eradicates malarial poison from the blood, from which there la now encb wide spread aaCertng. Please observe: Dr. PARKER'S TOIIC not an imtaxicamX, It la a eoabtnatloa ot sar tral Ingredients, of which none singly can rwiw aayunng uxe us enecx . ror Kidney. tomacb and Urcr tronbles. It Is the atiiani and nnfainng remedy. In two (.Ires ; to cents and f L Tho latter the cheaper, lliscox ft Co., Chealata, New Tort. jan 11-lmdAw Ayer's flair Vigor imprurea the beauty of tbe hair anil protuotea iu crowlh. Ititapartaaa attractire ap pearance, a tlclishtfol and las tier per fume. While it atkaulatea the roots, clesDsej the c!d. and adds elegance to luxuriance, its effects are endortnj;and thus it prores iUdf to bo the best and cheapest article for toilet ue. Pi wai 1 V 0 5r LYON&HEALY Staff & co arc Sts..Ch!ca90. IANO CATALOCUE, U. l-its Cmm Rr':i 4 tante Prw K Sf Jiarner's Bazar la at once the most brilliant and useful Household Journal in existence It is the acknowledged arbiter of fashion In this country. Its fashion plates aro the now est and most stylish ; and Its pattern sheet supplements and econamic suggestiots alone aro worth many times the coat of subscription. Its illnstratiocs of art needlework are from the best Bourcea. Its literary and artistic merits are Of the highest order. Its stories, poems, and essays are by the llrst American and Kuropean authors. Its choice art pictures would lill portfolios, and its humorous cuts are the most amulng to be found In any jour nal in America. A host of nriuutnt novelties are promised for 1S91: Harper's Periodicals. Pr Year: Change of Schedule. fS AND AFTER HOV'R 18th. 13, at VS 4.33 a, al., the reiiowing passenger fcchea uie wiu De run on this roaa : No.42 Leave WUmln'gt6n,(M ondayn excepted).................. " Arrive at Florence .j...ll.40 A M No. 45 Leave Fl' rence, (Sundays excepted) 7.40 P M " Arrive at Tilmington 12 10 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY No. 4t 1 Weet and 47 East. 1 Leave Wilmington...... j... 9.10 P. Al. Leave Florence. 2.40 A. M. Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction...;.. 6.35 A. M. Arrive at Colnmbla fi.40 A. l. Leave Columbia. 9. 53P. M. Leave C, C. & A. Junction ....10.20 P M. Leave Florence 4.33 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington....- 8.23 A. M. Nioht Mail and Passknoes Tbatn, Dailt NO. 40 WE8T. Leave Wilmington.... . 10.40 P. M. Arrive at Florence 1.45 A. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY I No. 43 East. Leave Fla rence at.--"-...... .:3.35 P. M A rrlre at Wilmington 7.42 P . M Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton, apd Marlon. Passengers for Columbia and all points on t A C. It. It., C, & R. R. Stations. Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take the Nlsht Express, j Separate Pullman Sleepers for Char lestor and Augusta on Train 48 . All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. Local freight leaves Wilmington dally ex cept Sunday at 6. JO A. M. r . JOHN F. DIVINE. General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent hov 17 I " SheetiB;?, 44, Vyd., i ams. vr Dnnen . KfiUS. (1riT PT43X3 - T Mackerel. No. 1. V hbL. ' ..-ir-m Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.. S 60 C $ Mackei-e , No. C, V bbl.... .. 9 CO am Mackerel, No. 2, V naif bbl.v & 00 O Ik ' MJcta,f-bbl 400 0 Mullete, Porkbbls 7 00 ,0 8 5i KUerrlngr. y keg.... 3 00 if 4 m Dry Coa, V b... .....'.. -a -s FERTILISERS, V S.000 mV- i r , Peruvian Guano, No. 1 ... .. . .67 80 OCl so : ' No. ....... WOO W7 00 ' , -, ' Loboa. 00 00 om 00 Baugb'a Phosphate ...00 00 awo oo Carolina Feruilzer. 43 Oa eaa oo . Ground Bone .-.......,,.,..,00 00 ai3 Oo Bone Meal.. ..oo no eia Bono Flour.. ......... ....... .00 00 57 00 xtavassa Guano.. ........40 oo am n Complete Manure. ..... . ... ...00 00 mi Oi W harm's PhoEphate..........OO 00 ?7j oo Wando Phosphate.. .....00 00 rfpTo oo lierger ea utilz's fnor.inatc.w m ogo qq Excellenza Cotton Fertlilser.oS 00 French's Carbonate of Lime... too French's Agricultural Lime.... 8 50 FLOUR, V bbl - i . t Fme....-...V....i.i-..:;,. .. 0 00 Northern Super. 6 50 oeo oo 07 1 0B . Extra.. ......... . 6 00 O Farallr 7 00 t City MlllsH-Extra. 6 90 6 60 .. . Family 5 75 a e OO ' Extra Family.... 6 50 O 60 GLUE y ft...... ....... n O li GRAIN, ? bushel Corn, from store, bags, white. O 73 Com, cargo, in bulk, white.. a M Corn, 4argo, In bags, white.. Cd it i$ Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags.. 0 Oats, from store....... CS a ru Cow Peas........ 1 (K 0 I 1 HIDES, f lb j-j:'--" ! ' t -:- Green.. . o t urr... ii n i. The Volumes ot the liaaar begiu with the llrst Number for January of each year. When no time la mentioned, it will be underatood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paia. or by express, rrce or ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume) , for f 7 CO per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, pos!p4d, on rc- cert it oil SI 00 each Remittances should be made by Post-Offlcc Money Order or Draft, to avoid cbanee of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Haepeb A Bkotueks. Address HARPER A BROTAER3, . nov New York First National Bank of . Wil mington. ; Carolina Central R. R. Company. Offnox or GxsrEBAi. 8upekhttndkt, Wilmington, N. C, June 18th. 1883 83 "' i ;no a. .u 23 is 40tJ 60 0 oo ca -s ti , ' ii o . 1 10 O 1 43 90 O 100 90 . 00 10 75 90 i'.i w a 20 a aT 'CO 4 a isw ma S3 60 o Change of Schedule, N AND AFTER JUNE 13th. 1888. TUB CAPITALTOCK SURPLUS FUND .250.000 6r.,ot Depoatta received and collections; made cn all aeceulbl potnta3n the Unltad SUUa. W mi tnnr n naaiT : . h. n. ir. t , . frit ill ritt f um u.U.lK VACA.U. K.Bl. 4 .llhka.aWiv. t 17 iwjjtw n $ th ; m f DIRECTORS EL. K. BURKUS3. D.G. WORTBI A. MARTIN. JAS. 8PRUNT. G EOKGECItAD BOURN. following Bcneauiewlll be operated on this BaUroacT: ; PASSENGER MAIL AND JEJCPRSS8 TRAIN Dally except 8undaya. ' . . . j Leave Wlbnlngton at.. ...... 7.00 P. M No. L Leave Raleigh at...... 7. 35 P. M ) Arrive at Charlotte at.... ...7.00 A. M ) Leave Charlotte at...... i..'. 3.45 P. M No. 2.S Arrive Raleigh at ...8.30 A. M ) Arrive at Wilmington at.... 8.25 A. M Paaaenger Tralaa atop at regular Btatlona only, andpolnta designated la the Company Time Table. ?- - SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL . EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte... . 5.30 P.M. Arrive at Shelby... &o0 P. M. Leave Shelby 7.00 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte.....-..T........10.50 A. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make' dose connection Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Ral- ' Through Sleepmg Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for StateavUle, Stations Western N C R R, AahevUle and points West Awo,xor opananDurg, ureenvuie,' Athens Atbtnu and all points Southwest. j . I L. C. JONES, 1 1 m T I . operlntcndenlL F w; .CLARK, General Passenger Agent iune 1 --I-- - i HAY; V 100 ftS : , r j' :,;-lr -' 1 , - . Eastern ...J..... 2 20 OV Western... ....i... 1 15 I was tv p a a s HOOPHRON. Vlb "? 30 LARD, V tt . Northern... l&fcO . North Carolina...........;.. 00 at 16 LIME, V barrel z; 40 t$ LUMBER, City Sawed, ? M ft, 1 1 snip stun, resaweo. oo tr w Rough Edge Plank. . . ...... J . 15 00 Hit Ot West India Cargoes, according -i to quaUty.... .13 00 IfflS Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 13-00 ?23 00 '., ' Scautlln and Board. 00 fi!5 0U - MOLASSES, V gallon I i few crop Cuba, in iiUcts..... 0C O M " " " to bbls...... 40 n iorto Kico, in rads..... oo a ii " i , , in oois.. ........ Snar House, in hhds......... ' I " lnbbla.. ........ Syrup, In bbls. ....... ........ NAILS, V Reg. Cut.10d basis.. OILS, gallon .-. Kerosene... ....... .. ......... iuru. . ..,... Llnsoed...... Rosin.....!..., Tar. i... Deck and Spar................ . 00 POULTRY . . , , j Chickens, live, grown... .... 55 &M , JSprlng., ........... Turkeys PEANUTS y bushel.. . POTATOES, V bnahel . Sweet......... Irish. V" bbl.. ......i ... 2 001 av 0 00 PORK, V" barrel j P City Megg....;.....;.......,' 6X- Oil CO Prime .... 00 . OH 00 Rump........ ..........17 00 do CO RICE Carolina, V tt ...i- 4Ua9 - f Rough. V Dusnel. 95 i O 1 15 rags, v m country City.........; ROPE, tt. ........... .... SALT, V isack; Alum uverpoo Lisbon........ American'. 8UGAR,f tt-Cuba....i.,.?ifc rorto iti co... , a Coffee... ........ . ... ...... i G " ' ex c mir..' SO AP, y lb Northern. ....... . SHINGLES, 7 In. VM.. ..10 60 Oil M yommon..... ................. to OIW, " Cypress tSaps L......;... 4 50 O I 00 Cyprees Hearts....?. 0 00 O 7 M STAVES, V M-W. O.Barrel..l? 00 OliK TimSEJy M feet-Shlpplng.11 00 OU W Fine .Mfii. ............ ....ill ts tflSOO Mill Prime Z, ,7 60 o$K M1U Fair........ 0 WO t 50 i Common Mill... .. 8 00 0.0 0d J21UU7""' o 00 O 4 00 .WHISKEY, V gal-Northern. .1 CO la I W North CaroUna..:......4....l 00 '! 'i WOOL, f ft Washed....... i 25 & oa . Unwashed.....;;..,;........! 50 t 00 ,Buxrr.M....,..i.... ul n la 'I it i mo 1HO oo a 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 70 o o lOtiO o a 1' a, 74 J 00 75 00 00 ; ' I 6 11 6 d (XT T tor tho working daaa. iseadj U VJlJMJ cents for postage, ad y e -.w!, y .mail you fret, a royal, valoabla box of sample goods that will put you la ta way of making more money In a few data yon ever thought possible at any buataeta. Capital not required. We will start you. Tou cu wui. au wo nme or in imana time oiuj. Tka work Is Universally adapted to both aexea. young and old. You can easily earn from cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this on paralleled offer: -to all who nnt- vu uni fied we will send fl to pay for the trouble of wnung us. jpuii partvniars, (nrectlona, sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Ureal success absolutely anre. Don't delay. Suit now. Address Sxnrsox A Co., Fortlaad, Maine. .. . nav f dtfnvwly omcERg UrTRTtTT ?LH A. JLIWALKER... tr.;.mrna. Prestdaak Cashier .. Ats Caahar SQrer Plated Spoons aot) Forts, low pric. fct JaoobiV t Tobacco. -yyE HAVE FULL LINES OF TOBACCO i I, . 1 . which we are selling EIGHT CENTS under prleea prior to May 1st. ' Also a very large stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS at bottom figures. WORTH & WORTH; A iTMTC wanted for The Llres of all AuHi lO the Preaidenta Of the V. S. tZXTt The largeat. handaomeai. best book ever sold for leas than twice our price. The fastest selling book in America. Immense profits to agents.- All intelligent people want it. Any one can become aaer ccsaful agent. Terms free. HAixarr Book Co., Portland, Maine; . nov Ctmd 1 jw APPTi7P Seed six cent for poaUff.. JlJXLIaIi and receive free, a coatir box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else In this world. All, of either sex, succeed from flrat hour The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure- At once ad dress,TBC A Co., Auguata, Ualne. nov 20-6md lyw , , 1 . 0J Pav absolntelr anm Nn rlkk. Capital not requhrd. Reader, If you wast business at which rersons of either mt rmioa or old, can make great pay all the thnetbey work, with absolute certainty, write for par ticulars to ix. uxLixrr co.,Portlaad,uaioe 1

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