I ft I a 1 ei .. i9 h:i.-. r -- .... i( ; - "... ri.rn ro. -. 14.. I. S. a- j tr da GREAT, I fcOilQUEROR.) A SPEOIFIO FOR yr mmi SPASMS, CTULSIOXS, FALUXS SICMESS, ST. VITUS DAME, ALCHOHOUSM, OFIUH UTIXS, STPHILUS, SCBOPJLUlNESEYiL, U2LT BICQO DISaSES. DYSFEPSI1, HEBTOUSHESS, SICK HEADACHE, EHEUHAT1SH, KERYOUS WEAMESS, KEETCUS PROSTRATION IWl WOEHT, BLOOD SORES, . rasiEss, cosTnmss, rrJETTOJBUS AW IRREGULARITIES. T12 It. I LL:tr.:i Xd Co, Praters S r S2p2 2X3. (3!) care f.-rrtT sat civ J hj Physic Ulie. y.-r f :unx!.' anJ t.'rralars wnd Stamp. .;r' ij -iwam Sufferers." tram lonthtui impruaence .cauetna: Nervoua Debility. uaul and physical werknMt. vain hie in .imt-.w for hams runt k'RKK. Used tl year r-r-alIr. Dr. A. . OUn. liox 211, Ci.ea- fnt ma? UmIAwIt BATE'S SPEOIFIOS. rmtfured from fmola nrd by an emlaent lii7lxUa darloc W jat$ nucccful pncilee. Sytrl&c So. 1 OuratetI Co effect radt r&ra of all affM-ttoiM of the Blood, whether vmvVri or acquire!- kia dUeasea. rim w. tana patrhe. et-, are permaaenU -rl It lute's Specific No. I. Frtc il. yvviiz No. 3 Cure atMrxxL wka.kxk. atroc4 DKBtLrrr. froa loutiiXui iuicre- ilici or Ktrctfe. prodjeinr KxnauatM Vital !ty an lLoaaof Maahood. This remedy Is un eiaa:iellatheQreottheoomplalota. IC la a powrrtal Umnloa to tbo weakened Nerrou "Tim. au.t is a '.are to renew loe iutdhib ta4 xg9t ot ttt debUluted organs, and effects a raUVal cure. Frwe fi. PpeccNo.i itTetauntreBLef and per Buoeaiir eartaRbeamatlam. lrtc t srWc No. A posiUre enro for all weak LtAt roamoa to females. lrtce tl. 1 Wr Drotfjta or sent on receipt ot price Ij J. W. Eate, 3 N. CUrk Chicago. SEND FOR CI ECU LA C-nr211r-lJkw nrm Homo Items "All your own fault It jou remain sick when you can Get hop bitters that never Fail. The weakest woman, smallest child, sad sickest iivalid can uso hop bitters with safety and great good. Old men tottering around from KbeuaiUim. kidney trouble or any weakness will be almost new by using bq bitters. My wife and daufhter wero made teslthy by the nse of hop bitters and I recoassecd them to my people Mcth list Clergymen. Ask any good doctor if hop B.tters are not the bestfamily medicine On earth. Malarial fever. Ague and Bilious cmj. will leave every neighborhood as ooa as hop bitters arrive. "My mother drove the paralysis in J nenralgU all out of her system with hop bitters." Ed. Oswego Sun. Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bitters and you need not fear sickness, Ice water Is rendered harmless and por refreshing and reviving with hop b.::ri ia each draught. . The vigof cf youth for the aged and lafirrn in hop bitters. Imd&w. Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. A'ir vcr roa N. t; exahel faint: COS READY PREPARED PAINT. AVD EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND rft our i rlcea betart rurchaalnf . The fact Uutor P:auar!roa the celebrate.! Tac rV, of WethertU A Co.. aal HarrUon Bros Co.. u:i3-teat arantee for tactr qaaUty 1 purity A la tie of CooUax Stores at Factory rrWi- a tOo to our Urp? aa l f ill HARDWARE STOOK, w va rctir attention U rctpettf ol!j laTttcl. NATITL JACOBJ. 1 13 South Front St atpi PUROELL HOUSE. - , WIIAHSOTON, K. C Lata fT T rropnetor. UaiurTSf V fl1- FlrmVClaaa a.ii it mjim fta TH- CTWVT -a-fltf iikin neuralaia.Sciauea, TheDaily Review. IIEIfPICTUKE. I $e her cow the fairest thing That ever mocked man's pictariDg, I plcturo her as one who drew Aside life's picture and looked thronU Tne rniiu of all lile'si mystery I As Iron) a wood to open st-a. I - ' ! ; The soft, wide ejes of wonderment Thai trusting looked you through and j through; Tbo sweet, arched mouth, a bow new Will, That- sent love's arrow swift and true. That sweet arched mouth! The Orieut Hath not such peals in all her stores; Not all the storied spice-set shores Have iragraucesuch as it hath spent. I picture her as one who knew How rare is truth to bo untrue As one who knew the awful sign t Of death, of life, of the divine, 'Sweet pity, ol all love, ail hates. Iiencaih the iron fooled fates. 1 1 picture her as seeking peace. Andolive leaves and vine-set land ; While htrilo stood by on either hand. And wruns her tears' like rosaries. I picture her in pusstng rhyme As ol, yet not a p.nrt ol these A woman born above her time; x A woman waiting In her place,! With patient pHyon her face. ? Her face, her earnest , bKbji face ; Her voud face, so uncommon wise The tender loye-lisht in her eyes Two stars ol Heaven out ol place. Two stars that saunas stars of old Their silent eloquence of song. From skiec of glory and of gold. Where God in purple passed along That patient, baby face ol hers That won a thousand worshipers! That silent, pleading face; among Ten thousand faces just the one. I still shall love when all is done. And life lies by, a haro unstrung. That race, life shining- sheaves among That face, half bid 'mid 6hcave3 of gold; That face that never can grow old ; And yet has never been quite young , Joaquin Miller. An Improvident Couut. In 1832 the oldest son of Pince Fred erick of Palm, the vounz Count Alfred. thenstudying at Iho Bond University, ran away from homo because his famis ly would not allow him to marry a vounir eirl. well broucht up, and whose parents were comfortably oil', but of comparatively low birth. For a whole year the Prince of Palm remained igno rant of his son's whereabouts, and was only informed last September that he was working as a navvy on the-Illinois Railway, a few miles from Chicago. He had been recognized by another navvy by the name of Schneider, who had served in Germany! in the same regiment ol hazzars as the young prince. Schneider wrote to the prince to inform him that the count and himself occupi ed the same lodirinir at Chicago. The prince immediately sent the manager of his estate to bring back the prodigal son. who refused to return unless he was allowed to marry theyomig lady for whose sake he left home and country. The prince's consent has been granted. London Truth! ICosnttalis t Is the Great Southern Remedy for the cure of the Scrofulous Taint. Ubeu matism. White Swelling. Gout, Goitre, Consumotion, Bronchitis, Nervous De- b a a m a a mm Diiiiy, Malaria ana an diseases arising from an impure condition of tho Blood. The merits of this valuable prepara tion are so well known that a passing notice is but necessary to remind the 'T:u' Vu" UZ t iVn- nAT.f.Qnrrr r fnoL- nf necessities. mm mm nv avwr mm w a taiM a a Certificates can be presented from many leading Physicians, Ministers and heads ot families throughout the South endorsing! BOS AD ALIS in the highest term. We aro constantly in receipt of certificates of cures from the most reliable sources, and wc do not hesitate to recommend it as the best remedy for the cure of the above dis eases. A Doc At tbe Telephone. The telephone has enabled a pbysiv cian. several miles away, to detect whether a child had the croup. The child's mouth was held near to the mouth-piece of the instrument and the physician heard tho cough. But more I singular than this is the lollowing case of a dog recognizing its master's voice through tho telephone: ; Jack is a coach dog that fouud its matter by telephone. In some way Jack got lost and fortunately was found by one of his masters mend, who went 10 mi oxneo ana aiKea ov icic- a a r in a a . phono If the man had lost his dog. les: where is he? " was the reniy. J "He is hero. -Suppose you call him through 1 no tcicpneoe," 1 ne aog i ear was placed over the car piece, and tbo master said, "Jack! Jack!, how are you. Jack?" " j Jack instantly recognized the voice, and began to yell. He licked the tele phone fondly, seeming to think that his master wa inside tbe machine. At tbe other cud ot tho line, the gentleman recognized tho familiar bsjks. aud shortly afterward he reached his friend' office to claim his property. Sydney (Australia) Eve. From the Proud Standpoint of superior "style." the languid city beauty surveys the imaginary physical short comings ot her rustic female cous in. Yet if tho latter possess a finer set of teeth, as she probably does if she usea SOZODONT, and the metropoli tan belle does not, that striking contrast so much in her favor enables her to turn tho tables with a vengance. 1'early teeth arc better than "style." . . Mackay's Old Whiskey. Two distinguished citizens here have lately received demijohns containing some priceless whiskeyi fifty-nino years old, that was accompanied by the com pliments of John W. Mackay. Some wbtxs abroad Mr. Mackay found a few Callous of this old nectar ripening ia a cellar's seclusion, and he brought it back with him to the United States this fall. President Arthur and CoL Robert Ingersoll were the recipients of Mr. Mackay's little demijohns, and.thee. two connoisseurs, and the friends per milted to taste the golden truit, pro nounced it the apotheosis and' sublima tion of rye. . The six gallons that Mr. Mackay got hold of were divided . into three portions, and these three men sip each drop erudsingly. knowing that no more of the costly stuff can be bad even by the bonanza king. Washington LcUcr. - - Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the most potent blood purifier, and a fountain of health and strength. Be wise In time. All baneful infections are promptly removed by this unequalled alterative. I - mm Filets Worth Knowing-. , Everyman has 240 bones. Except the minstrel end-man. who has 24!. The lungs contain one hundred and scTeuty-fivo million cells. This is what makes a man a practical joker. A man breathes about twenty times a minute that is. unless he is lat. or is walking away from i tailor with a bill. A urtn's average weight is 140 pounds. Except when he has to wait lor his wife to change her necktie. Then it's forty minutes. The brain of a man is twice as his as i that of any other animal. That is why a really noble dog has so much respect lor a nine-spot man. A man's brain weighs three aud a half pounds. A woman's is somewhat lighter, but of finer quality. That is what enables her to taste lard in her neighbor's pastry. ' Tho heart in ils normal couditiou beats seventy-five times a minute, but when a voung man meets a Iprctty girl at a party and steps trcm bliugly up to proffer aa escort home, the number of beats hcait beats in stantly mounts up to 102 in ;thc shade. The average number ot teeth is thirty two, but when one of them is decrepit, and in the dark it runs on to an ambuscaded raisin seed in a piece of wedding cake, a man is apt to . fancy that he has only one tooth at the most, and that it is three feet square. liock land Courier, Opinion of Dr. Mott, late Gov ernment Clicmist,on Allcock's Porus Plaster. Mv investigation of Allcock's Po kus Plaster shows it to contafn valu able and essential ingredients not pres ent in any other Plaster. These ingre dients are so perfectly proportioned that Allcock's Porus Plaster will not cause Blisters or Excessive Irrita tion, and I und it superior to and more efficient than any other Plaster. HENY A. MOTT, Jr., Ph. D.. F. C. S. Professor of Chemistry. N. Y. Med. College, etc. Do not waste your money buying in ferior articles. Tell your Druggist you want Allcock's Pours Pj.astee3, and do not take others made to sell on the reputation of the genuine article. Three things to teach truth, industry and contentment. AVIiat it Did For an Old Lady. Coshocton Station. N. Y.. Dec. 28, 1878. Gf-N'ts A number of people had been using your Bitters here, and with mark ed effect, lu one case, a lady of over seventy years had been sick for years, and for the past ten years has not been able to be around halt the time. About six months ago she got so feeble that she was helpless. Her old remedies, or physicians, being of no avail I sent to DeDOsit. fortv-livo miles awav. and cot a bottle of Hop Bitters.- It improved her so she was able to dres3 herself and walk about the house. When she had taken the second battle she was able to take care ot her own room and walk out to a neighbor and has improved all the time since. I My ' wife and child ren have also derived great benefit from their U9e. W.B. HATHAWAY. ! Agt. U. S. Ex. Co. Three things to hate cruelty, arro gance and ingratitude. ""Koucrh'ou Corns." Ask for Wells' "Bough on Corns." 15c. Quick, complete, permanent cure. Corn3, W3rts, bunions. a-a Three things to contend for honor. country and friends. . Ministers Sound its Praise. Bev. Mr. Greenfields. Knoxville. Teira., writes as follows : "Samaritan Nervine permanently cured my son of Sola by druggists, si. SO Three things to love courage, gen tleness and arfectiou. A Fair Offer Tho Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Volatic Belt and Appliances on trial, for thirtv days, to men, young or old, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and icinarcu troubles. See advertisement iu this paper, t th s cow&w - i WeaWjenousfJen Whoa. tffcmtr. exk vated pWrs prematura dcear od failar to pfrfora UtVa prorly araetiKd y 1rr'.'e rrrr ot youth. tc. will niMl a irrxt and lactinc rrvtoniuxx to rafenat liealta and Vlroa nanbaa ( THEMARSTON BOLUS. eitner aum h oranut nor i"Mranfnt. T!iMtriauiuataf X?i-rM DeHllltT and 1'liTslcJtl Dnv iauiifm1r acesfal br9BJ0 l-rd on Ttr fnl dianaaia. cvr aail direct tli4a r-l nbhifa thr rhioi. J oil infor.Tstioa and Traia frw. AJ.lr CBaTrioc Thr-.'fa'i ! MARST0M REMEDY CO.. 6tT,K!aSL. KrwYark. nov 27-lyeoIAw th a P FREE. I 7" a frrwito rrMertptioa t ooo efCll feooas DOtad aod wxtocmmtul frmmUMtM ta Cm T7. U owrarad TaTn "rSjj , t3 UsStn Had onTaiopayV. nrnrrtttaaai fll il J" JUirtst DR. WASO 6 CO twhab Sa? ; , - ' . . '" i. nor t7-lyeoxHw t th a MISCELLANEOUS. THE BRIGHTEST BEST ! DAILY, SF l-WEEKLT, WEEKLY ANlt SLSDAV EDITIONS. L THE NEW YORK FOR 1884. PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. hew Proprietor ! New Editors! New Life and IJIood I ! Six, months aro THK WOULD eoainicneefl its new ireer. its growth lias been unprecedented.- lu wonderful, advance in drcttla tion, In advertising, in influence, inpopulaiity, warrant the claim ol a leading position in New York journalism. - No cvpenee or effort will be 6 pared until Tl IK WORLD U recognized as the GREATEST as well as tbe BRIGHTEST anl CHEAPEST PAPER In AMERICA. TllK Wu km, us the Icadinp: Dcraocratie newnpftper In the country, knows no faction auu rccoxu'zos no lnaiTiauai aniuuions or as- plraUons aside from the general gool of the party and the Republic. It seeks the triumph of principles not msn. It upholds great Dcm ocratic ideas and ideals not a faction fraction of the party. . At the eutranco ot the new j year the new WoaLi desires to express its gratitude for tho hearty welcome it hasrocclTcd and the magnificent success It has already achieved IU welcome comes from the people. Its suc cess Is tliel work. They have indorsed its merits by more than trebling its circulation In six months, and by doubling its advertising, For this they arc entitled to our warm thanks No Democrat ought to he happy without TIIE WORLD. Wo MUtpanrDemocraUc friends in every town ana namict in the union to START CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY, They will get the ablest, brightest and cheap est newspaper la the country, as wen as an earnest and steadfast missionary and true Democracy. The Weekly World, 8 PAGES, 5CCOIjUMNS. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, CONTAINS - ! I AITj THK NEWS, complete and Interesting WELL CONSIDERED EDITORIALS on eve ry subject, political or social. A FARMER'S DEPARTMENTr-Full Agrl cultnral and Farm News. j A LITERARY DEPARTMENT. A HOUSEKEEPERS'. DEPARTMENT. Aj YOUNG FOLKS' CORNER. . A! CHECKER DEPARTMENT. A CHESS DEPARTMENT. COMPLETE COMMERCIAL AND MARKET REPORTS I ANSWERS TO INQUIRIES. Each department is ably edited, and all combined make TnEBEST DOLLAR WEEK LY IN AMERICA. THE WORLD SUBSCRIPTION RATES POSTAGE PAID- - Weekly, Onb Year $1 oo Semi-Weeklt, One Year 2 oo Dailv, One Yeah. ... c 00 Daily and Sunday. One Year 7 r0 Daily and Sunday, Six Months 3 Sunday Edition. One Year....'. 1 20 ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED at once In every unrepresented district, to whom a LIBERAL COMMISSION will be al lowed. This Is just tbe season for f gents to exert themselves in getting up subscription lists. Remittances should be by draft on New York, money order or registered letter. Send for any information desired. Speci men copies sent free. Address , THE WORLD, 31 and. 32 Park Kow dec 14 NEW YORK. TZHCE SXT2ST. NEW YOItK, 188. About sixty million copies of TflE Sun have f;one out of our establishment during the past welve months, j If vou were to paste end to end all the col umns of all The Suns printed and sold last year you would get a continuous strip of in teresting information, common sense wisdom. sound doctrlre, and sane wit, long enough to roach from PrlnUng House square to the top of Mount Copernicus In the moon, then back to Printing House square, and then three-quar tera of tbe way back to the moon again. But Toe Sun is written for, the inhabitants of the earth; this same strip of intelligence Would girdle the globe twenty seven or twen-ty-igh it times. t t If every buyer of a copy of The Sun during the past year has. spent only one hoar over ft, and If hi wife or bis grandfather has spent another hour, this newspaper in 1S83 has af forded the hnman race thirteen thousand years oi sieaay reaaing, 1144111 wu uay. His oxAj by little calculations like these that you Cin form any idea ot the circulation ot the most popular of American newspapers, or ot its Influeace on the opinions and actions of American men and women. The Scn Is. ami will continue to be. a news paiter which tells the truth wlLhout fear of conscqucnoc4r which gi at lho-fcU in it er how much the -prooc cots, wJUah pre aents the news of ail the world without waste of words and lu tho most readable shape, which Is working with all its heart for the cause of honest government, and which there fore believes that tbe Republican party most K, and must go in this coming year of our rd. 1&?4. If yon know The Sun, you like it already, and yon will read it with accustomed diligene and profit tiering what is sure to . be thf xaoct IntcrcaUng year in Its history. If you do not yet know The Suit, it is high time to get lntcj the sunshine. I Teems to 3Iaii, Sun-iCKiKEKS. The acTcral cdlUons of The Sun are cnt by mail, postpaid, as follows: HAILY iOcdnls a month, V a year; Sunday edition. 7. witb SUNDAY Klght page. Thiscdition furniah en lh current news of the world, special articles of exceptional Interest to every body, and literary reviews of new books of tho highest merit. $1 a year. . WBKKL.Y 1 a year. KIgbt page- ot tic iretl matter of tbe daily ltsucs; an Agricultural Dexiartmcnt of unciullol value, siecial market reports, ami literary, scientific, and domestic Intelligence make The Wocxlt 8un tbe newspaper for the farm era household. To clubs of $10, an extra copr free. Address " s I. W. KNGLAND. Publisher. Dyed 99 JT MOKACIPS. lSt 8ECOXD STREET.bc twcn ILarket and Princeaa, Ladles and Gen tlemen's goods of every description, any color. Also, cleaning, coorlnr and bleaching. Bend me a pair f tout old Kid Glove, oo? tS-tf , r? i TZi ' i i Z MISCELLANEOUS. 0 (113 When I U.T enra I da not mean mcrfOf to stcothem fat a time and t hen have them return artn. I mean a radical core. I h re mart tta disease of i ITS, PI LKPSY OR FALLING SlCKXES3aUfe4onsatady. 1 warrant my remedy to cere the wont caaea. Becaoaa othera bara failed is no reason for not cow reeemoo ear. Sndtonc f or Tre tie ad a Free BrUlof my infallible remedy. Gire Kxpre and Postomca. It ! costs yon nothing for atrial, and I will rnre yoo. Address Da. H- U. ROOT, 1S3 Faarl 6v, Kev Ycrk. ThBRE&llNSTQH HORSE-POWER FIRE ENGINE! ;arly aieffec tive as a steam er; about oiw thinl fiwt ct, sml le thin nu.il eirrnsc tivecireulara with tfatlnj'J- aJ REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL' CO ttJON, New York a S T I Vi.xvn a TKMitira ramadT for tha ab7 dissa : by it n wm tho'at&nda of cams of th worrt kind and of ions klamlinx have been cur J. Inded.o atroniri ray fitu iniU efficacy, that I will nd TWO BOTTI.KS FREE.tORetuer with a VALUABLE TREATI8K 011 thin disease, to any anfffrcr. Giv axprajind P. O. addwss. Da. T. A. 5LOCUf,18H,eariSt Jfow York. B O O ICS- rvili lion s ofVolnmcsa year. The choicest literature of the world. Lowest prices ever known. Not sohi hy deaicrsl Sent far examination iKjforc payment on evidence of good faith. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, V. O. I30X 1227 1 IS Vcsey St.. N Y lcc3l-w ! I NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No Weak More MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for SORE. WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-SightcdncsB, and Re storing tho Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, Kea ifiycs, Matted mye issues, ana jrro ducing Quick Belief and Perma nent Cure. 1 Also, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Rheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever inflammation exists, MITCHELL'S SALVE may be used to advantage. Sold by all Druggists at 25c. doc .11 A w nFot Many Reasons Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters excel all other external remedies. Prompt, highly medicinal. 25 cents. If ec 31-4w j SS3 o S B " ? s s s g y n ca SSog m SIJ-3 t " B u 5 " t? Sa H ,05 3 Ti iS f o B ' B a W r- CI "2 H s TJ . w B 55 rr fJ Ts f V 3 te tea c' i p 2, " "-in e n oi 1 O a CO 3 P. n 3 tl m fi p " tn R- Cu w ? rt rs ? use. a K a inly 11-flw 1884. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magazine begins its sixty -eighth vol ume with the December Number. It is the most popular illustrated periodical in America and I'Jngland, always fully abreast of the times in its treatment of subjects of current social ana industrial interest, ana always ad vaucing its standard of literary, artistic, and mechanical excellence. Among its attractions for 1&S4 arc : a new serial novel by William Black, illustrated by Abbey; a new novel by E. P. Roe, illustrated papers by George H. Bough ton. Frank D. Milletti C. II. Farnham. and others; important historical and biograph ical papers; short stories ny it Howells, Charles Reade, &c. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: 1 Ha.rfer'8 Magazine.. ....$1 00 .... 4 00 .... 4 00 .... 1 50 lARPlER'S WEEKLT Iakpeb's Bazar. J Harper's Vouno People Harper's Franklin Square Library, One Year (52; Numbers). io 00 Postage Free to eul subscribers in the United States or Canada. The volumes of tbe Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time Is specified, it will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. 1 The last Eight Volumes cf Harper's Maga zine. In neat cloth binding, will be st-nt by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each by mall, postpaid.' . Index to -V7rpej Magazine, Alphabetic!, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to W, inclusive, from June, 150, to Janc.lSS0, one voL.Svo, Cloth, $4 00. I Remittances should be made by Post-OWce Money Onler or Draft, to avo.d chance of loo. 1 NeictDaners are not to coat this advertisement teithout the express order of Harper A Bros. Address HARPER A BROTIIEILS, nov 21 New York. N 0 rth Carolj n a Resources , "One of the most usefnl series of df.scrip live books ever publisher! al.K'it any State-" Boston Post. I Hale's Industrial Series. I Two Volumes ow Beady. 1. The Woops ajtpiTistijers my North Carolina. Curtls's, Emmons', and Kerr's Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate County Rciorts of Standing Forests, and lllu tratcd by an excellent Map of tbe State. 1 Volume Umo. Cloth, 273 pp., $1.25. IL Is the CtoAL axi Iro Coornr-soK North Carouxa EmmonV, Kcrrtt, Lald ley 'a, Wilkes', and the Cenaus Reports; sup plemented by full and accurate sketches of tbe Fifty six Counties and Map of the State. I 1 Volume 12mo.Ckth, 425 pp.jtlj. ' Sold by all Booksellers, or mailed postpaid, on receipt of the price, by - ;l E J. HALE A SON, ' rublUbers, Booksellers and Stationers, New York ; Or. P. M. UALE, PnbBebtr, Raleigh. K C BCpt 29 r n P n US 1 UUUJ CONSUHP IOC!. 1 r1 1 ?5 tinlcatto 1 --"(SX i 1 I - II . I ! i :V1 . I 1 nrcix mrifcrl 1 t'sctrlc p?!iinccs ats seat oa 30 Day1 Trial. tr MrN.niv. vnn?in,nn nin. . utii i arc anffriaij: from Sanvrms PTtrrr., i.rT Vitality, icx r- mx roaca aa M " i , '.V ai:x J Wr;3;t,tt. acl all tnoe Ait . f h Ptutrs!. rTran rrsu!Uarf from AsrK unit . 'Tr- t'rs8S. ' rli'-J and roiwp'M rr.w - nvt,'f HaAijn. n;Kr.d UuooiCiAajiT-j. : rfir jrTvifcr 4iryrry cf iia Nineteenth Ornffry; , ' i-int Ai0i5crriHatratarttiuphlrtfre. AtfjraM VCITAIS 5flTCQ..MAK$HAU;MISH. 1 row -J7 lyotnlAw t 111 H FRESH AilRiyAjLS t ATM ORE'S CKIJCBRATIin'MlNpKllEATS In Barrels, Half Barrels and Palln; and - PT TTAT lTTTYnmi4 - I , 1 - - . . ' ill -- . 1U All BlMiOi 1 ! : . ; I I Tkei-e aro Uic very best kooiIs of Ibcir.klod. ! and no family should, be wltuoijt ihenu ORANGE MARMALADE. a most delightful Sweetmeat for the tea table To arrive on Tuesday next, a fresh upijly ot Ginger Taffy, Ben's Boston Crackers, Gcnccove Wafers, . Coffee Cakes, something new and nice. ' 1 ' Orange Bar, Almond Maccaroons, Cocoanut Maccaroons, ancj I1 The Genuine Albert Biscuit, ' In one and two pound Tina. For Bale low. John nov 12-tt IJi. Boatwriglit 'FEEEfor'iTJA'p1 TiJTij Bps.-: 4 jfrC'"t J ".. if. ft'.:di U'efJ.'.hfJf, L js t.f r.'.'.i.'.rv and l'(;r. ry eat h.'f'.A r;i.-e,i':HicAu6, III; ov HAVE, BERN APPOINTED SOLE Agent TANNER ft DELANEY ENGINE I CO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from 4 to 150 horaepower; also Tramway or Narr T r ;. i I t Locomotives. Engines adapted to Farm use a speclaltr. On hand and for sale very low, QlYR SECOND HAND PORTABLE ENGINES, from 5 to 15 horse power. I i- ' ' aug 15-em S. W. SKINNER. r. 35 S. Clark St., Opp. Ccart House, CHIM60. A renlar tradnata. yThe Oldest SelaIIal h the United States, whoae urE loxo sxPsaisacE, erfect method and pare medicine iniart arEXOY ind rtnirANENX cuni:s of all Prirate, Chronlo aae Verrous Diwaee. Affections of tha 1IImkI, kln, Kidneys, niiadder, Ernptlons, Ulcere, ON fore; dwelling- of the Olaada, Sore Motatk. rhront, Jlono Palna. permanently cured ao . radicated from the ayatem lor life.. 11, IICQlfflllO DtMllty, Inipotney,8em($ta 11 Cii V U U O Losses, Hexwal Decay, Menta ttul Physical Weakness, Failing Memcrff WcaU JUtjcs, Sluntcd Development, Impedi, ne.n ta to Marriage, etc., from excesses or an j ffrr, speedily, safely and privately Cured t&" Yountc. Middle-Aae4 and Old man. aad a! rho need medical klll and experlenee,oonul 3r. Bate at once. Hid opinion oosfa DOthincaadmaj (sto fatnre initsery and sbarne When iBCoarenieu -ofiiiifc tUe city for treatment, medicines ean beaea' virv here by mail or ezoresa free fiHMai beet -i t Jou. a-ft is self-erideat that a pbyaiolan wh riv nitole attention to a olaee of disease! at tain sreat aklll, and physicians throai;hoat th ;oontry. knowin'rthia. frousntlr recommend difflcal :aH 10 the Oldest ttpeciatlat, by whom arer; known suoti remedy: is ued. tCfur. Bate .Ire a; hJ Dipri tfaee tniV his opinion .of as pr-tti imrM-l:inf-e. JT1iom bo call see ni ju Mtitui j; h !t. 1 omroiiaiionaireeanaajiereaij ; t-otifl'l-ntl;il. ( shps which lisrefaaled inobtaiBrni r-!;-tJ-i-.'wnr. especially solicited. Female Dis p.- trf-ptpff. or writ. Honrs, front 0 to A 6 ti n: -ir!r. jo to i'Z. firiDK tq Jlratu rsr I nv.f. Ai.tr- an abjT nov l lycoil&w, tgtb s Wanted. A COMPANY WHO PROPOSE TO stablish a manufactory thereon. cll-timber cd cypres bvmlaj Parties who may hart ach lands to dtsposo of are requested to communi cate, with me at Wadestwoor by letter with Mr. Joh T. James, at Wilmington tn person. Full prrtculars as to exact location of lands, number of acres, probable yield of -Umber to the acre and lowest price, must be made known. - JOHN T. PATRICK 1 State Immigration Agent, 1 anll-tf " Wadeainro. N- i m MAnakesIswSI.?an an HtfaBtHs cvrs for PI lea. Price fl. Mdrogxrta,or seat prepaid by man. "ample kaer.Boxl41iewXWk. UP F ERG ' VMUif.1 laBMBdaaeaL cs for boraicw fVa. Ud XI rfs saaa- IU nov-72IyeodAw t th-1 - The Excursion, and Pic Nic SEASON IS OVER AND THE TltEATBl " j ' i , ' CAL AND BALL Beaton toa opened again and JOHN W ERNES, the practical German Barber and Perfumer, 1 peraonailyta attend anceathl Hair Dreaatng ttalotm. r Market street, between Water and Front. WRmlnf ten. N. C. OCt 16 tews ?h tt esxnl posiiiro cures. ) fc 3-nd IIS tlft 5y0r.i:i. A.V.rr:;. . 1 YPOM&W th 8 I ; 1 : ; r r- t T I ' for the 0 I