MiscgAASEcws.; A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. jvrortty at Lots 1 tot always the best tMt cf cent, but v point proudi y to the tact that do tier cMIcIca hoi xrou for luell zca cairersal arprocatioa la it rra city. su, aad country, xd among an psopta, as Ayer's. Sarsaparilla. Th foaowlnj letter f roa erne of car beri ' fcnown Msnachuscus Drcrrlfj should be of Interest to every laTerer : RHEUMATISM. years ajo I La4 a attack cf Khru mat lain, so Tro that X could cot more from the bed. or dress, without help. 1 trIM serrral rrm clles wliixmt Q3ci If any relief, caUl I took Anst's MacsaraEitxa, by tb e cf two bottles rf which I vu completely cured. Have soil lam coacutie of your JUnA- raciix. and tt sua rt talcs lis wonderful fmlaritr. Tbe masy notable ceres It has fleeted la tliis vicinity cenviaeo ta Hut It it lh bnt bkxxl inedkLse ever offered totb public fc.t. Hasan.' Birtr St, Rockland, Ma.. May I J, lJKT. SALT RHEUM, tirococ Axprcws. crerr:er In the Lowtil Caruet Corporation. wasforeTtTtweiityyeaistKtvjfs hi tenjorjl to Lowell adirtM vuh 8lt Khutn iu tt. wont form, lis ulcerations rtniU covered tooro than biit tho surface cf hi body ar-d llab. H was entirely eared Mr Avra - SaaaarAklU.. he! certifi'sK in .yra Almanac lor iiC. racraatD ar Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.jLowelljMaar. Soli by all DrCKielt; II, pfs tt! for itn 1 ly Hi IMEW n a tt 4 XTv iirrxTrill.' I rAuLl A i I J YIiJrjlV ; MlV OI'KN Ai 116 Market Street. SPECIAL HAIMUINS! IN KVSaY DKPARTMKNTf Unusual Attraction in Styles Masnlficeut Lino ol Goods. All WITH THf 10WIJT Hltll AJIBBIO I To etuiTte erea a tail! portloaotoar (aifM TsrU'ir. wonUl oertipr too mac pac. aad we therrfore Mf only a tew ih parttucst Bla and Colored Silks. Ottoman, Brocaded & Uhadame Silk. Plain and Brocaded Velveteens. DRESS GOODS in all the New Shades. Cashmeres. Shuddas. Sere. Camel's Hair. Foule. Ottoman. Nun's aoth. La!iej' Cloth. Flannel?, Mohairs. Plaids with Combination!. Pin Checks. Drocadow. Beiges. Sr Trimmings. Fringes. Gimps. Buttons. to match all aNv. Cloaks, bolmans. Sacuej aud Jersey?. Shawls. Ladies' Misses. Men and Boys' Merino , Underwear. Blankets and Flannels lower than they have, been lor year.' lAces and Embroideries at prices that will make yon buy any way. Hosiery. Gloves. Corsots, Skirts. TaW Damasks Towels, Sheetings, rowels. Sh ysr Wear. White I Men and Boys Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, a &c. &c &c. All boexbt at the recent !ed!ie ta prices. ad aa laapectloo of same xtl lo-luee my pxt roaa. as well as Us public la reacraU t profit by taretUax ta soma of tb MANY BAB OA1SS. x W. KATZ', 116 r.larket St. YM.M.nMil Cnln Qfililnc Livery ana Mile MaiHcs. ! " 1 HbUincsworth & Walker, i GoraeTOf Malberrr -l Fmrth Street. YAKT1CS IM SEED OF HORSES AND Mclrr bn.lse or T'uv win .vttel ery resMabl trrm. rim at Ubotr iciaa i carefuiij iSiwUtiBu.wi'V"'" 2 in 1. Til tke your Ckcxesfs. Aud take fta oar. rut s your watches To kern rood Ume: X da all work ell. i:alrutd to me. If you doa't beliere It .Try jf L WINNER. Photocraphr and Jewekr, f -Sew MsrfcetlnU.aa(npUlr) I " ; I i.rha Daily Review. TlT.SDAY.JAXl?4iiV li. 1?S4. IN C'OXGUCSS VK8TEKUAV. SENATE. , Washington. .In . II The Senate men proceed icu to inee;ecuou ai n i res ilient iir ten)., ami elected benator Antli'iuy to ihit Glcc. Mr Anthony, iu a few Cilinr rirds aiid with much feeling. decline! tbo honor, owinff t ; the precarious state of his health. IVeai'ltut im icm of the Senate and 1 the otth of otlice wa aIuifnistercI :o t k tiu by Sf mtor Garland. I Ark., who ! occu'KI the rhair during the election i proceeding j. A petition was introduced by Mr. ; V. - iroru pttrk accrs and dealers , ikin2 !r rclnlialr.ry Ici'.siatire mcas :irei l" pnleI. iheni innii - : & . A thu uaml iiie.tt. now 1 b:vtz practiced by Germany and Francs v.' in.. thf. ft'V1 : thn l.'n .tcd Staler. ut'.in ras: "It I aseie?s 10 k !: i' l..-c iiHtioiii in aiy other way ekcejit weh ieimin as will f-.vii tlLuu tt rt sM-ct l w nrifH oi cm zcas of the I'uitcd State" fcV:.t,V"i. V. "... :r:;T rn.;!! i..rl in ihe tateofie...r-i. ; Itv Mr. :a!l. to repeal ail law and ;tiri- of law prohihilins pensions to .voiii.rlrd or diab.etl soldier of the I'liiii: 1 c?ia!tvi without proof of loyalty. , Mr (Wkrell offered the following rc.ohi:ioii. which was azrceU tu: ;..h.'iv. That the Secretary of the rrr.Tiry bv aud he is Jhercby iiireittl to r-jorl to the Seuate as sooii a may !. . ... I lot amriiirill nl'iftiil f.lin j mimI bullion deposited io the Treasury', ' -sub treamyy . and designated depoi ! tork'- of the ruiled States, in exchange ; tor iivt rcertiticatcs. and for which sit ; vr certificates have been issued d 11 rinjr ! the t-a lender years 16TS to 1 Sr3; or, il ! more convenient, during the fiscal years : l7: to IHiC. and during the first six ! months of 11 ; and also, whether there j has Ieen any refusal to receive such i gold coin or bullion or bilvcr ecrtirt cales. anu it so the reasons ihcreior. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Under the call of States the following bills, clc, were introduced and referred: By Mr Oatcs, of Ala, to require cir cuit courts and the United Stales Sm prcmc Court to decide all cases prcdi cated ou contracts or breaches thereof, according to the law .of the State or place where the contract was made or to be pcriormcd. By Mr Reese, of Ga, lor the erect ion of a public building in Augusta, Ga. By Mr. Barksdale.of Miss, regulation inter-State commerce. By Mr King, of, la. providing for closing gaps in levees of the Mississip pi river and for the improvement of the navigation of said river. B Mr Cox. of New York, to repeal the law prohibition cx-Confedcratu o Gl ee rs from serving in the United States army. I By Mr York, of N C. for a public building at Winston. N C. By Mr Warner, of Ohio, for the re demption of trade dollars. : By Mr Mackey. of S C, to simplify criminal proceedings in the U S courts By Mr Youn. of Tenn., to improvo tho navieation of the lower Mississippi river and incideatly to protect and re claim the valley lands ofthe Mississippi river. ! By Mr. Throckmorton, of Texas, for i he appointment of a delegate to the Ifouseot Representatives by a council ofthe Indian tribes in Indian territory. By Mr Shaw, of Ills., to repeal tbo civil service act. f STATE NEW8.. Newbern Journal: Amos Starkey, colored, of James City, acd aout 50. while crossing the railroad bridge yes terday morning, when near 2d pier Iroin this side, tell dead across the ties. Highlands Enterprise: Last Friday in urn in? the most destructive fire which Highlands has yet known visited our place, when Mr il E Ewing's residence wan burccd to tho ground. What was one of tho neatest and most attractive houses iu town in less than two hours time was a mass of black, smouldering ruins. The fire broko out at about seven o'clock in the morning, in the third story, and was doubtless caused by a defective chimney. Hickory lrcss: Capt. WaddiU has received notice that the first mail and passeuzer train ou the Narrow Gauge will reach Hickory to-night. On Thursday last Mr. John Martin, of Hickory. HilUV: II ill's champion cloth ing seller, went out bird hunting. lie flushed a covey of partridges, nine iu number, and brought down with two shots ol his double barrel, seven of the nice. It is a very high compliment to our townsman. Capt. A. C: Guutor, maaager of the Sieger Sewing Machine office, who has just received a fire drawcrimachme worth $70 as a prize ; oflercd for the largest receipts shown by j any omcc in thebtate. llo also received j the prize $20 in cash which was offered at large in both North Carolina . and Virginia. 1 ; Goldsboro Messenger: The couditiou jot Mr W II Williams. of Duplin, who has for some weeks been iu this city, at lhc idnocof HCury ic. Esq.. a sufferer of Bright's disease, shows but little improvement, we regret to learn. c&' rSK passed through this city last week re turning from a trip through the far Western States, cn route for New York. He is now travelling with a I first class minstrel company. Wonder fwhero W J Best is? Mr Mordecal wcck Hb aged father. Mr Willie Peel. hrtvears old. aecomt.anied him. Wc regret to bear tbat others of onr citizans 1 contempiate emierating to the land ol orange groves. J )r G M Roberts aiid j family have also gone back there ! Charlotte Opener: I The Masouic remote Association of this city have fi nsllv closed uczotiatioos with the Mer chaatsand Farmers Back tor the pur- ichaso of that valuable city property lo- cated on Tryon ttreet. adjoining the Second Presbyterian Church, upon which Mr. Alien resides, i. ho sum paid for sixty leet front of the property wki $3.7S7JSI-. It 13 the intention of Ihe Ui:t owners to beiu uie erection uju ih lot forae time shortly, of an elegant three f lory baildin. the &nl floor to i!!r;!(Hl into tiro 54orercTni3. The second sary raav be arranged for an opora Uonsc and the third Elory will oe U5t! lor the Masonic .bodies in Char lotte. ! he lot U one of the finest pieces of property in the city and tbo building which the MaAonsrill erect will be an j a pes log structure. v Ilst of Letter. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in tbi3 City oc Wed neiUy. Jan. 1C 1854: . 1 B Charles Bailey. Harral Bronson. Mary E!i7a Bryant (J .fames Cansler. r T. I Brag Durham. A K Dienl. J D Dickson. F! Atr.m Kverett. F Marv F Fenner. P T Fulwood. Rose Grccu. B J Gibbs. H Satunel Halt. J F Harris. I John tV Intze. J Wash Jolly. Fannie Johnson. K J T Kendal!. (2). I. Andrew Low. F A Lauce. Capt Peter I-artham. Peter Liushland. M A D MeGill, Alolsir McLean, Swift Miller. N (I Newton. P Mary Jane Parker. S Samuel Smith, tjuilly Slokam, 1) (i Smith. I r r 1.. T-Bcrorl.v K -rrayser. J.aura ace Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised::" if not called for within ten-days will be sent to the dead letter office at AVashington, N. C. Ei. R. Bulnk P. M. The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills, Twine is sold only at J acorns Hard vruro 1)iol- A Merciful Man JS MERCIFUL TO HIS 11 EAST. THIS IS a Keotle Lint to owners of "unWunkctcd" horses. The iUce to lmr any price Blanket you want, to-ctber with L-p-robC3. Carriages, iil.l!ej, Haruceo, Tnmk, Satchel?, Bags, Ac,!at MclOUGALX. A BOWDES'S, inn II No. 114 North Front 81 Sportsman's Goods; "tiTE HAVK THE FINEST ASSORTMENT f o t Enfflldh ant Belaium Breech Loaders ever broDCht to this market. Alao a first class stock or Sheila, Walctlnjr. Prlraers.Cart rUlB&K8, Uim Caps, Game Bags, Ac In fact we can show a stosk of Hardware. Good roods and iruarantee prices. W. E. SPEINOER A CO.. -Successors to John Dawson A Co Jan II 19. 21 and 23 Market 8tieet John C,. Davis, ATTORNEY" AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WIL3HSOTON, N. Office over tho Bank of New Ilanover. Practices la all the Courts of the State. 9W Special attention pal J to the collection of clatm. mWtf For Saturday. TRESSED TOULTRT, DUPLIN COUNTY SAUSAGE AND LIVER PUDDING, N. C. Sides and a full stock of Choice Family Gro certcs. Prices reasonable. Respectfully. A. W. R1VENBARK, The live Grocer and Prodnco Com. Mer chant 111 North Water St., Wilmington. N.C jnnll Special Inducements. r AM OrFERIKO A SPECIAL INDUCE- ment In ZEPHYRS, having a very large lot of it, ana wittiing to reance stoca Deiore pring, I will sell ail colors at 11c and black and white at 10 cents per ounce. FOR CASH. -A aloe Jot of Handkerchiefs. Linen and 8Uk. I win sell at reasonable prices and stunp initials free of chrochet Goods, such as Shawls, Fascina tor. Caps, bacqucri, Ac,, at low pi Ices. Hats trimmed and notrlmmed as low ss can be bought anywhere, and a large stock to peoect rrom. Respectfnlly, MISS E. KARRER, jtnlO Exchange Corner. Apples! Apples ! Apples I QN CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BE SOLD. N. T. Balds la Apples, Ohio Red Apples, N. Y. Creamery Butt r. S. V. Roll Butter, Ohio Butter, Va. ileal, car load or small order so licited. E. G. BLAIR, Commission Merchant, 19 N. Second St. decSl Steam Yacht Louise, PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER for SmlikvUle dally. Kates low and accom modatloas fine. Tho LOUISE Is a new boat and Is guaranteed safe. Will lea to Smith rlllo 8 A. M Loare WUmlnatsn 2 o'clock P. M. Wharf foot of Dock Street. WM. WEEKS. Jan 11 Agent and Owner. HOLIDAY PRESENTS JN EVERY VAttfETT AND TOO NUMER OUS to be meoUooed. can be found at the most reasonable prlcos, at r. C MILLER'S, Drug Store, dec 10 334 Souta Fourth, Coxver Nun st FemaleSchooI. MIS3E3 BUBS AJJAMES, Principals. MBS. M. S. CUSHING, Musical Instruct re ss. rpHE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this School will commence on Thursday, the 4ta of October, 1SS3, and close during the third week In Jane, ISSt. Toe course of Instruction U thorough and systematic. Terms reasonable. Leaeonaln palaUng In Oil. Water Colors and Pastel, with Septa and India lak drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates. Where a class of tea or twelve ta formed for tho scbool of painting, the price will be re duced. Pupils outside of the school who desire mu sical lasirucuoa. wiu ao wen to apply early. For further particulars Inquire of rrfncipab, or call for Circular. v crt!i It Don't Clatter JF THE OLD TEAR IS GONE AND THE New Year has m, HUMPH BET. JEN' KISS tc. CO., are still receiving at their Oys ter Houe No. 112 outh Front Street, a fresh supply ctctt dayof New River Oystera, Oys ters sh ipcd C O. I Fresh Shell Oysters always oa hand, 4tc jaa Fancy Coodo. F ULL IJ5E AT GILES A tfTJRCHJSOVS. Murchttoa BJock. dec 51 D O JUL r D n For the Cure of Coughs, Cold Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, Influ-j enra, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In cipient Consumption and for the re lief of consumptive persons in advan- Iced stages of the Disease. For Sale jby all I)n'gists. Price, 25 Cents.! nor 15 lj tdp d.tw CUilME ItV I A Li Jtf 12 V M. WTLMTNGTON MARKKT. January 154 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted quiet at 31 -cents per gallon No sales j reported. I . ROSIN Quoted firm at 1.15 tor Strained and $1.20 for Good Strained. Sales of 500 bbls Strained at $1.15. TAR Quoted firm at $1.40 per bhl of 280 pounds. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $2 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1.15 for Hard.' COTTON Quoted firm. Sales of 300 bales on a basis of 10 cents per pounds for Middling. The following i are the official quotations : Oraiuary I.:... 8 Good Ordinary .......... 91 Low Middling 91 ' Middling . 10 Good Middling.. 10A DAILY RECEIPTS. cen Cotton 346 bales Spirits Turpentine 137 cask? Rosin , .. 1568 bbls Tar ; 186 bbls Crude Turnentine 42 bbls 3IAKINJB NEWS. ARRIVED. . Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith ville Master ' Steamer Bladen. Green. Favette ville. C S Love & Co. 1 Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette ville, Worth & Worth. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis tey, Smithville, Master. CLEARED. ' ; Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith ville. Master 1 Steamer Bladen, Green, Fayette- viile, U o Love & Co. . Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette wortn& wortn 1 U. S. - mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithviile. M aster. Steamer John Dawson, Colvin, Point Caswell. R P Paddison Schr Wm C Green, Hawes, Charles ton, S C, Geo Harass & Co ; cargo by Navassa Guano Co. Exports. COASTAV1SE. Charleston, S C Schr Wm C Green 3,473 bushels rice. MONTHLY STATEMENT. irrocKS on hand jan. 12, 1884. Cotton ashore, I 6,808; afloat,; 1,084; total. 7.892. i Spirits ashore, 3,915 : afloat, 1542 ; total 5,457. Rosin ashore, -75,951, afloat, 6.C94; total. 82,645. Tar ashore, 0,305; ashore. 551 ; total, 6,850. .... Crude ashore, 1.738. RECEIPTS FROM JAN. 1 TO JAN. 12. Cotton, 2 135; spirits, 1,537; rosin, 13. 627: tar, 1.610; crude, 1,396. j , EXPORTS FROM JAN. 1 TO JAnL 12. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 954; spirits, 306; rosin, 18; tar, 821; crude, 1.727. FOREIGN. j Cotton. 8,439; spirits, 801; rosin, 17,- 260; tar, 12; crude. 12. Vessels lor this Port from For- eifirn Ports. j BARKS. Nor Agder, 456 tons, Flagstadt, sailed from Hamburg, Oct. 11. . Nor Ala, 461 tons, Aslaksen, sailed from Stettin, Nov 18 Nor Albatros, 503 tons, Olsen, at Marseilles Nor Apollo. 453 tons. Melsoxn. sailed from London, Nor 2 . Nor Arizona, 64-2 tons, ohnscn, atLircr. pool, Nov 29 , Russ Atlanta, 311 tons, Nyberg, sailed from Maryport, Not 12 Dan Eleue, 4S8 tons, Dahl, sailed from Baltic Gr Erna. 52 tons, Bunnclster, sallee from Hull. Deo 2 Nor Gna. 3SS tons. Andersen, sailed from Skutasar, Aug 3 via Palma, at Plymouth Sept Kronhren Augusta. 460 tons. Wilde, cleared from 8tettln. Dec 21 , - - . Ger Louiso Wlchards. 350 tons. ; Ehmctc. sailed from Teanerlffe, Not 17 Ger Lucy Paul. 577 tons. . sailed from Amsterdam, Dec 6 Ger Marie, 6el tons. Pet mien, sailed from Hamburg. Dec 14 Ger Orion, 323 tons. Clausen, sailed from Hamburg. Not 4 j Nor Prndentia, , , sailed from Mar seilles, Dee 13 1 Nor Rauma. 224 tons, Lundcgaard, sailed from Hamburg, Not 8 1 Nor Sara. 4L tons. Lareen. sailed from Plr- - m Nor Telemacb.' C23 tons. Andersen, sailed from Valencia, Not JO Ger Texas, 501 tons, Loot, sailed from Ham burg. 'ot 16 Br.VJck & Me bane, 596 tons, Henske, sailed from Hambnrj, Oct 27 Swd Vulcan, ili tons, Llnandcr, sailed from London, Dee 4 i Nor 21 pp ra, , sailed fromfeTiue, Not -m - ' . i ,;.Hi v .BRIGS. - ' K 'i Dan Louise, 378 tons, Hansen, sailed from Antwerp, Deo 17. - , Ger Plcolcr,! tZZ Uo. Strasaen. aailed from Hambvnc. Oct !- : . . . : ' 6 aha 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FILLERS. " . Best in the city, are on sale. tDrugs and Medicinal preparations of the highest grade at . . JNO. T. SCHONWALD'S, Jan 11 . Dmc and Precrlptioa Store - 1 MISCELLANEOUS. I . ! ' IN THE FOLLOWING. GOODS Ladies 6-4 Cloths reduced to $1 and Jersey Cloths in best shades reduced Fine Silk Ye rets in all shades at $2 VENETIAN OEAPES, In all Wool and. Silk and Wool at andSS.i, "' Some few Holiday Goods left GREATS ALE OF CORSET COVERS, - -v . .. -.1 - - : TT3ST IDE EWE AR I AND AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market Sr. jan 11 Wf LMINQTON, N. C. Mott's. Sausage Factory. jJ-OTT'S STKAM SAU3AGE FACTORY is now completed and is ready to fill orders for Fresh Pork Sausage, Smoked Sausage, LIt er Puddiug,Hog's Head Cheese. Aleo.Bolog i . - na Sausage will be made the year round. ' Orders by Express C. O. D. will be prompt ly attended to. ' This is the largest and most complete Saus- age Factory South, janitf Respectfully, - W. J. MOTT. Furniture. 2ff CHAMBER ANDP ARLOR 8nitS from $25 to $150. New styles and first-class goods at i j , I : GREAT BARGAINS ! FINE BOOK CASES, SIDEBOARDS, SECRET ABIES, WARDROBES, LIBRARY TABLES, Ac Cot ta are Bedsteads. Mattresses. Chairs. Ta bles, Ac, Ac, at big bargains. Call and see me before youibnT. D. A. SMITH, ' Vv IP Ftirnlttir Tilw. SELLING OUT I HATS &EEATHERS AT REDUCED PRICES. MBS. KATE C. WINES, No. lift N Second Street, next Post Offlee jan5.'-' ' 1 I' . - ; Photographo. A LL MADE BY "INSTANTANEOUS" procees. Have just received a fine lot of Fancy and Plain Frames, which are selllnjr cheap. -Call and let MUCRONENBERG make rou a Christmas picture. tir VanOrsdell's old sUnd. decl3itf HORTON FREEMAN New Buckwheat ! New Buckwheat JTEW BUCKWHEAT AND WIHTE.Syrtt to suit, received by New York Steamer t onlay Also, Cakes and Crackers of every rariety fresh and crisp, and a general stock of Fresh Groceries usuallyfoand in a first-class Gro eery at Crapon's Family Grocery. I GEO. M.SQRAPON. Ageat, Comrriercial Hotel I ' 1: Wilmington, M C? j - M. SCHLOSS, Prop; - JpiEST4;LAS3 IN EVERY RESPECT, r l25J2!tJSr d' isnxiABD 8 A LOON ATTACHED. ap 57- dec 20 i - MISCELLANEOUS. $1 former price $1.75 and $2. to $1 former price $1:50 per yard. per yard. 1-1 a new Mourning Goods, $1.25 and $1.50. 'Goods well worth1 ci ' ' ' -"; -! ... " " which we are closing out at a Bargain.1' JULIUS SAMSON, 111 IHAKltET STUEET. Baltimore & Wilmington SteaiphlpilinQV .. , STEAMERS " -- ; . ' . . ' :: Raleigh an d jVldette. O j and afSatnry.'iaunary Mki a Was er of MM line, will sail from j Erery ATLRDAY, ; at 3 P. & ' : From wiiiiisrca-Toisr, : SATURDAY iinless sooner loaded. ThrougU Bills of Ladin and lowest thtnn. rates guaranteed to and .from points ea ut Rail Roads andCape Fear River. 1 : . - -.. - .",..--4 , J.-.-'--K. - To and rom Boston, ProTidence, PlilUuW- , . piujbaBu u western ciues. For Freight Engagements, apply to A, I. CAZAUXAgt, - Wilmington, N. C. ANDREWS, & CO., Afirts.i - Corner Light and German Sts , deo-29 - . . Baltimore. Now Torlt tSlminston y 8TEAMERSV Wl LL SAIL FROM NEW YORK JCYK&T SATURDAY, at 5 o'clock, P. M. BENEFACTOR. ..... . i . .....Satarday. Jsn I REGULATOR, ,'i . .Saturday, Jaa 1! BENEFACTOR. . . . . . ,;. Saturday, Jaa 10 REGULATOR...:.'.!.,'.;. SaWrday, Jan it o'-. , . ' j : 'f n't- " tar Through Bills ' Lading and Lowest Through Katosgtarantoed to and from Polatt In North and South Carolina. ! f - For Freight er Passage apply to ' i H. 6. SMALLBON Es, ttuperlnteadent, Wthnlmrton. N. C ; TIIEO. G. EG ER, Freight Ajraxt, f Ur w53 Broadway, New York. - WM. P. CLTTS A VAX. tral Arents. jan l-tf ;-M v-.,, j . . j-,. , - Fanners, Takel Notice. JJ-ORRIS j HOG CHOLERA COMP0U3TP u just the thlnar to cure or mwrant Tlot ,Chl era and all diseases to which Swine are sub jevt; it win prevent that dreadful dlsetst known as Trlchnss, and will . put your hortla a thrifty, healthy condition, clearing the a) neys, liver, Ac., of worms and parasites. Each package contains one and oso-half pounds and will if given strictly aecordlaf directions, cure 10 hoes of the Cholera and put 20 hogs In a condition to fatten In one half las USUI ait 1 fa time, therebv saTlnsronA hslf of tha feed. The farmers, of Duplin county are glrlag H the praise.. All farmers should buy a pack or sale .wholesale aad rt'l. W. GREEN, Irugjrlst, Market 8 treetTwilmlngtoa, G. ED. rjocrill. UNDERTAKER, CABINET aLASES "A53 ;- '- - - . t t i ..1 , 1 . CARPENTER, office and Work Shop oa B ond streeL opposite Soatberlaml's stables. ' j&especuuuy soncita oroers and guaraatees good work, prompt dltTrr and saUsT actios 1 W. C. Cabbage- JARGE LOT JU3T BJECEIVED; ; . J A NO. 1 ARTICLE. SAUSAGES Made by Westbrook Bros. at Rocky Point. Best la the market. Oranges, Apples, Poultry and a general n sortment of -' " ; J;. - Fresh Family Groceries. A call Is 1 espectfully solicited. ,- L. G. CHICRRY- , . N. E. Corner Market and Second sts. jan H.C. ' Pre m pert PERSONALLY IX ATTENDANCE at lib Fashionable Shavings nd Hair Dressing Saloon at No. 7. South Front Street. 'None but' the best work (lone and tW hMt ployed. Giro us a calL r -. .; ? 1 Jan i-U SOO; Q.ALLONS FINE FAT OYSTERS In aaJ to day for our Christmas trade, and arrange menta made for a full supply for the balancs ofi5 v w. davis a son. Proprietors of the only regalar eiub jUtcd fishery in tUs section. - dsc S pill!k

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