The Daily Review. JOSH. T. JAMES. Kd itor a .Prop. VILMbtGTONr N. C. " WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10 181 Entered at to Poatofleo at Wttialcgtoo. N. C, . The niiitmarc of Mexican cxijtcnev is dread of anucxaliau f ibe. United iStatci: A recent traveler through that country found that cfcry plan brought forward for mutual benefit beiwtcnthc two Uepubl.cj Is tortured bjt ho jealous ,'youDcr sister into a Icar.iD in that direction. Though the propose 1 coax acrclal treaty will brlnz tLcru befons unheard-of luxuries and comforts, the proportion of those who aro opposed to It It about VJ9 to 1.000. Tbe idea that the treaty means a awalluwicf up of this Ileocolic by its srtedjr.clJer :?ter is Indnitriouily fomented by c?rtiin intercs:-! capitalists and tradesuivu. who now have thin z all theirowu way. Tho Shylocks rX,reiiJ wi-'.l know that with tho new rcgiiue and the advv;tt ! of tho American drumme r they t! the wall. " There are fourteen IVuiinTatic S-i..v - Atarcn. jmj inec are: linMi, i dN;!nrs doinx her no zol; and at :ast Alabama; Walker, vf Atkana: Kar- was cured by this Hop Bitters the ja ley. ol California; Call. oT Florida: . 'cr ",.u,n,c!? .About 'J t- . i- jilwi! h-w thankful we shouM be lot Ufown.of Lic-orsta; oorberj, ol Jndj-L, , niedicine.' ana; William, ol Koi lucky; dona-. - - ftf ful;aoa; (inojne, f Maryland; j . . MOON8HINK- Veil, of Mi;ouri; Vane?, of North J , ; Carolina; IVcdlctoii o! Ohi; Slater, ol'i Transformation Sitae The turkey Ore-on. and Hampton, of . -uih (ro- i !,l'!tr 1 urkri" i"'"'- . ..... ... ...... . lioa. Of iTwK-imWimn tutors Ihi r.-: vn wr...r trin4 .Mil svtiiis-4 at tie same time i : 1I:!1. if Co:nu- du; Piatt, of (Aimvticni ; Iiiti. Illinois; At!iMi. ( I.wa; I ii-iN. .i . -Vr tind that J-ciratd caine l Kansas; J on'.i. of Nevada; U'.iir. .t j hi-death by calling Tom Wading a New Hamjiihire; I.apham. ,t XrvlK Him-..ike verdict o an Idaho TkL C;en,n- of y I J l L lu:i who divppcd a tin lub'aua. ilonlll. of erumnt. and .tuuTf.a. ''f I into the contribution oiatt' savs he nl soon mi. x, ; The great sport of the winter tux tho j Hudson fliver i ice -boat raciiii:. and a : lerycxhibrttincamuiement I: h- In a race a few d-ys ao an iee-bnat. ractas over -a course .wmra ic.ju.rcd turning nbout three times, made thu i wind that propelled it. but in thN eaaei the estimated force of the wind was only twenty miles an At liuu ! daring the race the nir.tK ard vraaliP.cdMX feet iuto the air. and thui cantinm-i! fnr n iliini- nf hmj 1 haodrcil or two hundred yard., aach was the nerve and kii; e.f nut iUsUnco of eleren miles in cwraty-thnc " lo a .-i'riingtontrec rrcss. minutes, a rate of over thirty miles an I . Aimt Liudy-; Ko' d life o'me chile, w i. i t.i , , I cawn c 'raaain why yos so little, hoar. Itmljhtbc supposed that un U'inn:e-"What 'dicklus .jutiou! I ice-boat could not ?o faster Ihan the was bo'n little; dat's why. Ye links I laMDjmajterthal horcverfnco!ulTtdSruAth. ItiiuparUan attractive an or turned from hit rHir$. pearatue. a delishtlul and lasting per- Matuu. While i; btimulatca the rcxs, Tbclarni.yof Indian. sirU at tliejcleaujea the ficalo. and adda cleaoco to Lincoln Institution !n Philadelphia vens Suxuriaace. its effect aro enduring; aud t. et. r 1 t . thin it proves lUc.t to be the best aud increased to fifty on nurda7 !ar In ,;?v,ar arlicic Ux toilct use. tno arrival ot twenty ?ercu jr.a ironi tho training school a: Carlisle. IVnnvl. vaoia. They wi'.l be io!uel in the coarse of a few wcks by twViay-tire ruore. and this will I'i'A tho Philadf Iphia luota. Anions the tribv roprcentcvl "arc the iatucci, Sioux., Comanchcs. Dijgct. Osaes. Ouiahas .i rti.... ti... : . 1 . .1 : : 1 .1 Into twa divisions, cacb ct which de voUs half uf each day to hotieli,d datics and halt to study. They rt.'e at 6 o'clock in tho morning and go to bed at 8 o'olocL io tho cvenin?, and for an hour before bed time they arc allowed to talk la their native lanuacs. They are reported to be bright and juick at their tf'.udics and to rnscv much manual dexterity. Musi ot them will remain in Philadelphia fire yenrs. United States Senator look out for their sons. Senator Mahono'a son. who haa been tletk of the conjniitteo on Xjy ia Gen. McCook's cfilct, his salary belc; Increased from $6 a day to $3,200 a year. Senator Harris son is in the Secretary oftce wjo. salary of $3.?00 a tear, and another son b clerk 'ot tho Son a tor's committee on epidemic dis ease at $6 a day. Senator McMillan's ion U clerk to his lather committee coram ercor-at 2.200 a year. Scnator Laphaia. chairman of the committee oa "frcmaa suffrage, has his son for clerk at $0 a day. Senator" (leorgo's son U asiistant keeper of stationery at S 1,800 a year. T. 1 Saulsbnry is clerk to tho committed on eo grossed btiu, or whicJa Senator Saulsbnry is chairman He gets $C a day. Senator Conger son u postmaster of Wasnington. Sen ator Josea1 brother is clerk In the ser-feant-at-arma office. By a curious coincidence tho question whether subsidiary silver and small gold shall tako tho placu ot the small notes, will bo forced upon tho attention of Coores almost at once. The letter of the secretary ol the treasury to Con gress, asking for an extra allowance Ur priatlnj one and two dollar note, has ben referred lo the appropriations ctu milled for immediate consideration. Mr. Jluckner.of the-bankins iad cur rency committee." will co at once before tt. annronriAtions romiulllce to protest v nnronritioii for contiuuJ loathe printim of small, notes-ones j and trrca. Ills probable that "the a p-1 propriationa commiLe willasrec with Mr. Buckncr. Mr. Randall, the chair man of the committee, brought aboat the cxtinclioa of the fractional currency and the subsutntmg cf subsidiary coin for it. That wholesome mcasaro has worked to tno general satisfaction of the public and is nor every whero acknowledged to hare been a wio piece of legfjlatlon. It Is not to be donbted that Mr. Randall will readily follow it up with the furth er substitution of coin for paper which Secretary Folder's letter jtfvca him occasion lor. There are now in circu lation $6,000,000 in ones, ond twos. Congress may. If It plcasca. order these to bo redeemed in coin and cancelled There is abundance of s:!rcr coin in tho treasury .to redeem all thetmall notes, and Congress has only to order that they shall not bo reissued, but destroy ed as they aro sent In. : Meantime it mlsht with ad carnage order the recoln a-eofsilrer dollars to the amount o: the suiail notes outstandiug into halves 'iuarter dollars and dime. In this way t-e demaud for smalt coin would bo met. nr.d the extinction ol the small noii-s u!d be ceneraliy welcomed. !!l hho Die io IJle. - .- . .. I -r- 1 p.iwii? away ah ir. imie ior year, me 'lu seP;urai eV m: i.-irm I ,iir.,,Jra!4t( ia;.-d. NV, ll it the man who ha nothing to ltt l nb'-ut wtu i uhm liM ur- ir OrUa u . Pica u n t . at .east deserves the cretlit for hainr in ir;.-ippea ranee. "Ves. the 'Nebraska farmer said. barbed wire fence Is expensive, but the hired man doesn't stop to rest every time he ha to climb it." "If a man empl'u-s his purse into hi i.cad'sajs n writer, "uu man can lake it away iioui him" That's the? toper's made my$e'l, dos ycr?" Life. ur national paper currency is said lo. bo "onf" hcin-colored with f revenue comes in. He doesn't haro to bandV tho tiifV. Iiurlinnfon Free 7Tf' the SHOUTS liovcrnor Kobinson. of Masachu sc;ts, the superintendent of the Unitarian Sunday school lo Chicopce. It is rumored at St. Petersburg that the nihilist recently attempted to mur dcr (iencral Gresacr. tho chief of police. It ii tha itnprebicn at Washington that Congress will not pass any special bills involving appropriations for river improvements "51 r. Walker Q. C. , solicitor general tor Ireland, has beeu elected to tho llouso of Commons from Londonderry without opposition. Ho is a Liberal. The Brotherhood of Iocomotive Engi neers uow has a membership of 13 000 in 331 divisions ot subordinate bodies, an increase of 3H divisions during tho year. During lb63 flvo centenarians died in Philadelphia, the oldest beins 107 years old.ono hundred and fifty-eight between 00 and 100 and theru were seven hnnv dred and fifty-cisbt between 80 and - 00 ears ot age. Among the gifts received at a pound party held for tho benefit of the Homo for tho Aged, in Concord, N. n, was a Sound of silver dimes.. Ono half dime ad to bo added to make the exact weight, and tho amount waa 15.25. . Dr. E: W. Mobbcrly. who has prac ticed at New Market, Frederick conn ty, Md., for sixtyGvb years, is now over 60 years of ago. Dnring the last freczo he broko the Ice to tako his usual morning bath. He visits tho patients on horseback, and has ; traveled over 300,000 miles, ' " Rough on Cooshs.' Ask for 'Ilou2h oa Coaghs," Colds Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Troches, 15c. Liquid, 50c. v All that is not of God ahall perish. ... My WHo's Nervous Affection. We had ceased to hope that my wile's nervous affection could be cured." writes Rev. J. A- Kdie, ot Beaver, Pa. "Many physicians failed to do her good, but Samaritan Xerviht has cured her.M At druirsisU. j j d&w .... It lake a heroine to be economical. - - - For seven years Allen's Brain Food has stood the strongest tests as to its merits in curing Nervousness, Nerrons Debility and restoring lost powers to the weakened Generative System, and. in no instance has ic ever failed; test it." $1; 6 for At druggists, or by mall from J. II. Allen, 315 First Ave New York City. eod&w The celebrated .Fish Brand Gills, Twino Is sold only' at Jacori'i Hard ware Depot - - - : - MISCELLANEOUS. Voman at tho i7ash-Tub. The man who marries a woman just to make a drudge of her, or to fuse her as a mere household imple ment for doing" domestic work," has a very low idea of matrimony. He deserves to have to J mend his own clothes, to bake his own muffins, to be sick with nobody to nurse him, and, in a word, to be a miserable old bachelor. . . The wcar-and-tear on the woman who leads the life of a drudge is dreadful. On wasliing-day she is at the tubs with her hands in soak and soap. On ironing-day she is lifting heavy flat irons, and hurting her back and shoulders. Every day she is lifting a heavy baby, wearying her self all over. Then she is providing for the keeping alive of the man who has sworn to honor, love, and protect! her, but who is wearing her out by making a slave of her. I If in the ' oriintr- dir varirs her exercises bv ,. . .w..,-. x j ing in wood from the; wood-pile. !- If in the city, she undertakes the variety of lifting heavy scuttles of coal, and perhaps of going to the sewing-society to make trousers for the' Pacific Islanders. It docs not kill the woman out ritrht. It enfeebles her, and thins her i blood, and upsets ; her : liver, and makes ncr a martyr, conunuaiiy &ui fcring grievous tormenti If she will lake'Brttrn's Iran Bitters before she is. utterly prostrated, there is hope for her. The fact that -many thous ands of weakened women have been built up by this most excellent iron medicine is matter ior encourage ment to every wear', over-worked, broken-down woman. To the blood, the muscles, the nerves, the liver, and the stomach, this wonderful prepara tion gives the life and the refreshing that are needed. Ask your druggist, brphysician, and they will ulfyou now tne laaies arc neipea uy n, S lee 8- nrni tc UAw .cU 1884. 1 Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. JJcrjter't Bozxir U At once tbe most brilliant and uocful Household Journal n existence. It is tbo acknowledged arbiter of fasblon Li Ibis country. Its faihlon rdates aro the new est and most stylish; and its pattern sheet npplcments and cconamic sugpoetlore alono are worth mtny tlmea tbe cost of subscription. Us illustrations of art needlework aro from tbe best sources. Its literary and artwtlc moritaareof tbe highest, order.. Its stories, poems, and c&sars are trr the first American and European authors. Its choice art pictures would fill portfolio, and Its homorous cuts aro tbo most amuobiar to bo found In any jour nal In America. A host of brilliant norehies are promised for 1S4: Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: rjAKPKE'S BAZAR $4 00 IIABPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 UAKF-KR'S WEEKLY 00 IJ ALTER 5 YOTjNG TEOPLE 1 50 Hxarra's fBJLKKLiy 8QUAHB tiBsaar, I Ono Tear (32 Numbers)..... 10 00 rokUprc Free to all subw-rtbers In tbe United Ptates or Canada. ( j- - .' : ,"- i 1 . ' .' i Tho Volume! ot the Bazar begin with tho first Number for January of ech year. When no timet mentioned. It will bo understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with tbe Number nest after tbe rccefpt of ordor. Ths last four Annusl Volumes of Harper's Dzar, la neat cloth blndlnjr. will be sent by mall. iKatao paid, or by express, free of ex pcno (provided the freight 'doesnot exceed one dollar per rolame, tor $T 00 per volume. Cloth Cacs for etch volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on ro cctpt of $1 00 each r ' Ueulttancea should be made by Fost-OCloc Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express ordr ot ILanrxa & Brotoxrs. Address HARPKR-& TlROTAEKS, . n.v V , , Kaw Ynrk First National Bank of .Wil mington.; CAPITABTOCK $30,000 i SUBPIAJS FUND 66.0CI DepoAtu reeetved ad coUectkma, maJe cm - all eMlbl pomfaTn the Uattedfiutec OIUIXTOUB, C E. BUItKUt. O. G. WOSTU) A.UAKTU. JAS.SPKUNT, GKOflGK CO AD BOURN.. orricEiiaK e. e. EUKtuas . Prefl4lcai Cashier n. lark ik " SUrer Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices. &t Jaoosi'i. t MISCELLANEOUS. NEW YORK. HERALD. WKIY EDITION, GNE OOLUR A YUR. , eO . '-. . : x It contins all the general newS-Of tlie Daily EdIUon of the llerald. winch ha the largest circulation la Uio Unttci 6Uthe. i - . . ' - - i IXDBPiTTDENr IS POLITICS, it is ih& moat raloAblc chronldo of political news in the woilJ, iapariially" fftTiag ths c enrrences and opinions of all parties, eo that all si'les may be known. la thcuepartfnenl of FouEioy Knws " the Ileralct lias always been distlngulahexT by the follneas of Its cable despatches. The new transatlantic-, telegraph , cablea will Increase facilities. TiieTamTepabtm'est r the Weeklr IlcraM is rracUcal. " It eoes to the iolat, ni docs not give wild theories. The lareaer will save many more than i , ose Dollar aYeah Irbm the segjrestiona of the farm'departneent alone, concerning soil, cattle, crojs, trcee, buildings, gardening, ialtry and agricuUu- ral economy. - .i - i . " " " ' "The Home . ,; !nitnicis the housewife artl thechiUlren m re gard to economical and tasteful new dUbe?, tlie fitfblon3, and tb7 making of home com forts. In Hddltion, are prtven latest reports of trade and . ! Prouuce: Makkets, the condition of money, columns of MlseclJa neous ifeadintr, Poetry, a Complete Mory -crj' week,. Jokes and Anecdotes, Sporting New?, - - ... POPCLAK fClEXCK, the doings of well krown Perrons of WorM, a department devo el to SJCRMOVS A'I BEUCtOLS NOTES. tho While the WEEKLY IIEiSALD gives the latest :vnd bep t Sowb ot the World, it is also a Jour mil ior the Familr. . Subse-lbe one dollar, at any time, for a full rear .ivstago rree to any part of the united f.irr or 1 :inM.-'ii TIIK SEW YORK II1CUALI), ' In a Weekly Form, , O.NK DOLLAR A YEAE. AdlrcrtH. lor 10 NEW YORK IIKRALD, Proa d way and Ann streot 1S84. Harper's Young People, ANILLUSTKATED WEEKI.Y 10 Pages. 8CITKI TO BOYP AN GIRLS OF FROM SI? TO SIXTEEH TEARS OF AOE. Vol V. commences November 6, 1883. ' HAKftn's Youxg People ia the best week ly, for children ial America Southwestern Christian Advocate; All that the artists skill can accomplish in the way of illustration has been done.-and the best talent of the country has contributed to its text New England . Journal of Education, Boston.' - In its special field there. is nothing that can be compared with it Hartford Evening Post. ' 1 TERMS : HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, J c- Per Year, PostajrcvPrcpaid, ( - kjxolb Numbers, Four'Cents 6ach. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cts. The Volumes of Ilaroor's Younc Peonlo for 81 S2and 18S3, handsomely boundlnlllumlDa tod Cloth, will bo sent by mall, postage pre raid, on receipt of 3 00 cacb. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt or ZQ tents each. Remittances should bo mad by Post OfDec Money Order qr Draft, to avoid chance of loss. - Newspapers are-nt to copy this adverti?o ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address - HARPER A BROTHERS, nnv -i-t ., .N'mv York 1884. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly stands at the head of Amor lean ill aet rate illustrated weekly journals, uy its nn partisan position In poltiics, Us admirable L lustrations, lta carofuljj chosen serials, short ftorlce. sketches, and poems, contributed by tue foremost artidta and authors of the day, It carries mstruction ana entertainment to tcou eauda of American homes. ' it will alwavs bo tho aim df the publishers to mako Harper's Weekly the most popular and attractive family newspaper In the world, and. In the pursuance of this dcslarn, to pre sent a constant improvement In nil these fea tures which havo earned for it tho confidence sympathy, and support of its large army of readers. i ,i Harper's Periodicals, I irer ear: . . , - HARPER' WEEKLY.....!. i oo HARPER'S 3IAGAZINE...... 4 00 HARPER'3 BAZAK... ..7... 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. ... ...... 1 0 Harper's Frak:lin Square Librarv, ' One Year (WNumcers .....10 00 Postage Free to all subdorlbers In the United States or Canada, The Volumes of tbe Weekly begin with the first Number for January ot each year. When no time ia mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after tbe receipt of order; The but Four Annual Volumes of Harper's weekly, m t eat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or bv express, free of ex pease (provided the frehxat docs not! exceed 1 one dollar per volumO, for $7 CO per volume Cloth Cases for ech volume, .suitable for Dinaing , win be sent by mall, postpaid, on re rfclnt of &t to Mnh. Remittances s- oald be rnte by Post-Ofllce jioney uraer or Unit, to avo d cnance ot loss. Newspapers are not to copy- this advertise ment witnout the express order of uakfes & UBOTHKBS. Address - IIARrEK BKOTHER8, nov?3 New York HAVE-BEEN APPOINTED SOLE Agent for the TANNER A DELANEY ENGINE CO'3 ENGINES AND BOILERS from 4 to 150 j bone power; also Tramway or Locomotive a. , , Engines adapted to Farm ue a specialty. On hand nl far iU n w vtw SECOND HAND PORTABLE--ENGINES, frera 5 to 15 horse power. an S. W. SKINNER Jolin C. Dayis, - ATTORNEY AND ",'-'" ' :": '' '. "VV"': ' . COUNSELLOR AT LAW. . 1 WiumroToa. N. - i OCce over the Bank of New Hanover. ' Practice ia all the Courta of the State. csrBpecixl attention paid to tbe collection - .a i ma . DOT If ST" Wilmington Weldon .Eailroad Company. - OmcX OT GE2TESAL StXFEIIISTKNDEirT, Wlteatngton. . Kor 17.1S3F3 Change of Sched u le. " : ON AKD AFTER KOVK 13, ISS3, AT1.05 A.M., Passensrer Trains on the Wllxning ton Weldon Kailroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS' D AIM . KOS. 4J NOKTH ASD 48 SOUTH. : k; xTe WToRlngton, FrontSt. Dept, a53A.. U Arrire at Weldon..........;.:...... 2.S1 IV M Leave Weldon. 3.00 P.- M Arrive at Wilm'gton, FrontSt. lpt, 8.43 P. M Fast Tusotroir Mail & Passek&kb Thaix : - 4 . ' ; DAltt No. 40SooTH L.-- Learo Weldon........! ."hco p. U ArrtTe at Wlhn'gton.Front SU Dpt 10.i.5 t'.l i MAIL AM) PASSENGER TRAINS DAILT f No. 4-T North. v ' : Leave Wilmington.. JU......-. 3.00 V. Arrive fit Weldon... A. Mail xsi Tassesgkh Tkaiss-Kos and l.eave ( Wilmington, (Sundays ex. - . vt a " ,CP -----"-''-.--.... 12.30 A Anlvc at tteidoo. ............ ....... 6 SO a Leave v'cMon, (Mondays exeeptcd)l. 05 A Arrive at WrUminston........ , 655. a Truln No. 40 South vfllJ stop only at Wilson, Gol'teboro and Slagnolla. tr Tralna on Tarboro Branch Iload Leave Roctv Mount forTarboraat'1.20 A,'M.-and 4.aa p SI, Daily, (Sundays excepted).-fteturnlnir" leave Tarboro at 10.0U A. Al and 3 P. M. Dally Trains on Scotland Neck Branch, Road !c r Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.2? i m Re tuminjr leave Scotland- Neck- at 8.30 A. it' Train No. 47 make? close cotinectlon at We ion ior an points rsortn u&iiv. 'A IwChniond, and dally except - 4nml Line. : -. I : : : h- - u - Train No. "43 runs dailv and mkfrlrP n BiaiWewVn r.ection for all Points North via Richmond and Washington, j - - , , i , , . All trains run eoild between WPndegtou an Washington, and have Pullman Palace, Siuer era attached. ! . r'f. ! i'or accommodation of loaal travel a passen rer coach vill be attached to local freight lea v ing Wilmington at 7.00 A. M -Daily except Sunday. .' - . - L Jtrv k nrviww " , . r General Sunerlntendent. : jT 1. EMERSON, Genera Passenger Agent. n.iv 17 - .' , . Wilmlngton'r Coluia iii 0 & Augusta II. It- Co. '...,C... . .- ,..4. Offiob of General SurKsiNTEKDKNT. Wllmlnsrton. N C Nov 17, 1883. j ' m Change of Scheduie, ON AND AFTER NOv'ft ISth. 1 4.83 A. M., the following Passenger Sfc3, at Sched u:e vnii be run on tms road : . N6.42 LeaVc"WlImington,(Mondavs y-, excepted) ; . . '. 7. . 7.13 A M ! " Arrivo at Florence.. 11.40 A M No. 45 Leave ! Fl rence, (Siihdays ' excepted) 7.40 P.M " Arrive at Wilmington . .. 12 10 V M NIGHT.EIXPIIeIs TRAINS; DAILY Noa. 4 -Wetaiad47 Eaat.f"v,i-'i Leave Wilmington..!..-..;.-...-... 9.T0.P. M. Lcavo Florence...........,,,.,..... 2.40 A. Arrive at C. C- A A. Junction.'..... 6.33 AX. Arrive at Columbia.. ............... .40 A. hi. Leave 'Columbia.... 9. 55P. M. Lcavo C4, C. & AJ Junction..... -10.S0 p. -Mi-Leave Florence - 4.3:5 A. M. Arrive at WilmJon ,8.23 A. 16. Niout Mail and Passexoer Traik, Dailt i .. NO. 40 WS8TV -: Lc;ire Wilmington... I.'... . ......... 10.40 P. M. Arrivo at Florence. -- 1 43 A. W. MAIL AND PASSENGER TiJA IN DaILy I NO. 4,1 East. ; : ! . M Leave-Flerence at 4...... . 3.33 P. Mi Arrive at Wilmington.. ........ .....7.42 P. M ; Train 43 stops at all Stations. - No. 40 stops only at Flcmlnjrton. and Slarloa Pasacnsrcra for Columbia and all tolnta on G & C. It. It, C..& R. R.; Stations, Aikcii - Juno-' Men,, and all points beyond should take the Separate Pullman Sleepers . for Charleston and Autrusta on Train 44 . . ' All trains run solid between Charleston and wumington. Local freight leases Wilmington daily ex ccpt Sunday at 6.10 A. M. - f john r. divine; ! - General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Ftsseager Agent ' UOV 17 - : . - " I' '..) if 'U.Ki-, Carolina Central It. II Gpnipaiiy. OmCB OF GEIfEEAL ScrERrNTESDEWT, WUmtngton. N. C. June 13th. 1S8S Change of Schedule; QN AND AFTER JTJNE 13th, 1885, THE f ollowlnar ecneauie will be onerated on ibs PASSENGER. M A Us AND EXPRESS TRAIN. ' Daily except Sundays. ' : " P ." Leave Wllmlnetonat.......4.7.00P. M No. L Leave Kalelghat. ......7.35 P. M Arrive at Charlotte at...... .7.00 A. M ) Leave Charlotte at......... 18.45 P. M No. 2. Arrivo Raleigh at ... .8. SO A. M I'assenger- Trains stop at Tegular ttationt only, and points designated in the Company! Time Table, . ; ,- j , . . T SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, UALL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. ,J ,L Dally except 8undayc. y Leave Charlotte.. ......... ......... 5.3i P.M, Arrive at Shelby 9.00 P. M. LeaveShelbv..... 7.00 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte.. ........... ....10JX) A. M. Tralna No. 1 and 2 make close connection ; Hamlet with R.4A. Train to and from BaJ- elgh. . ; - - - - r-- Through SleepmgCars between WllmingtOT, and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. 1 - Take Train No. 1 for ! Stateavllle, Stations Western N CRR, Asheville and pointa West Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athena Atlanta and all pointa Southwest. L. C. JONES, -r Superintendent. 5- W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent. iune 1Z 1 ITobacco. yEi'lIAVE FULL LINES OFTOBACCO which we are mIUbjc EIGHT CENTS iiIeji prtce prtor to May Also a very Urge stock Of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS at bottom figures. WORTH & WORTH. - -. , , ska ... Sim.? 1 igfj .jT---9i:jf J WIIOLLGALiE fpicg; . jk? The whol legale price.- gencrailr. in fTf-u U orders holier roes &yeTtoin email i AGQIXol- 1 4 BA;ON North Carollnju I ... Mum. 1 tfc. i". Shoulders, V lb..... .4 - Sides, Vfi 1? Hams....: wV f Shoulders.... ........ .1. DRY SALTED - : umvo, u w. ...... ........... 1!Lk i . Shoulders. V tt.... sides. V tt. BAiatELS-Splrits Turpentine. 1." : sndlld,cach.v...t..!, i L, - cw hch ivi&i w:a. ....... I HO' A NewCItyjeaoh....,...,-...,; i tl;J BEESWAX v lb..-.. ..... 2 2 1 . UlUt lVO. ill ..- ; - BUTTEK,V,E-" ' : North Carolma . . ... Northern... ......... Candles v i pcrm. ........ ............ ' Tadow . . ... ... .', - Adamantbao.,..,..;.... CUEKSl!., lb ... . 11 3 u id 114 a n iairy, dream.... u iaic........iM COFirEE, fr no . li e J M. 42 M M M m - Java Laguyra...... COliNMEAL; V bus.'; in aact rnrrnv tips m k..-.T, l so oi domestics- . . i . Shcetlnff. 4 4. w A . 85 ' 23 EGGS, dozco....'.;.: .... Mackerel, No. 1, lbl....J.16 CO Mackerel, No. 1, V half lbl ; 8 flo ttl Mackerel, No. C, bbl.i.. 60! oitn Mackerel, 'No. 2, & half bbl.. a 00 Jst Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl....... TI7S O ll Mu Jetsrbbt 4 00 O Mullcte, Pork bbls ...... 7 00- n 8 S. L.TT COd. Th...... ; k jfe . r 5a Phosphate.....:..: .oo oo an .Carolmaterullzer.... ........ 45 00 CV)0' i2s?a 43 iXiO tit 7 an Ground Bone ............. w.. CO oo Bone Uf eat. ; . . . .00 00 Bone Flour. .......;. f .00 00 Narassa Gi"aio...,....,......0 00 Complete Manure. . ..)0 00 Wann's Phosphate. 00 00 AVando Pboephate.........i,.C0 00 Berger A Buu's Thosvhate..OO 00 Excel lenza Cotton Fertilizer. 55 00 French's Carbonate of IJaie,., 7 00 French'e Agricultural Lime. i.i 8 50 FLOUR, v bbl , i i Fine........................... 0 001 Ala Northern Super.......... 6 ao a t m . " : Mxtra...... 6 fO j. r ! Bamlly. 7 00 81 v City Mtils-Kxtra.....i... .... 6 60 an " ; Family.... ....... 5 75 citi 1 Extra Family.... 6 50 a i GLUE v lb..........i......... 11 o t GRAIN, V bushel , ... u II Corn, from store, bags, white. t z Corn, carjro, in bulk, white., j : a a ': Corn, cargo, in bags, white . . ma t Corn, cargo, mixed, in b-gs.. - a 'ot Oats, from store.............. es i a V Cow Pea?.. 1 Walk HIDES, 4 ftr- ' -' " 1 K - Orccn. ....V..... - 4 (k . Iry 11 ti HAY,' 100 its j , . , , : . Kastcrn... .............. ...... 2 SO Alt 113 1 X North: River I. HOOPIIRON, yft J. LaWJ.Vlb- ! i Northern .....;.!. 10O U jMoitn Carolina. oo a io LIMB;y barrel.. ....... ...,J.. 440 a LUMBERClryjBawed, v M ft. Jr Ship Stufl, jresawed. LIS 00 Rough Edge-Plank... .......15 00 4rl6 , WestJfidlaCargoeataccordlng - ' to quality.;;. ..i... ........ .15 00, Oli ; jreaaea rioonrg, seasoned.. as ou kfzj x ttcauiunganu uo&ra. com'n.. IS 00 .013 W MOLASSES, V gallon New Crop Cuba, In hbds..... OC tt - " " in bbls...... - .40.0 Porto Rico, in b nds. . . ; . . . .. '. : 1 oo . a Si l - na bbl8....'...... ' 00 fit ' U . Sugar House, Id hhda. ........ oo O It . v ' ta obis...'.......1 ' 26 tt a Symprln itbls 40 a NAII I Rcg,Cut,10d basis.. 0 00 I O S It Ol L8 v auon- t .; K eroscne. : ' 11 a.-. , oiu at l w 1 00 a v. A CO o tm O 1 9 0 1 10 4 I.ard....... J 10 i lituseed 90 Rosin Tar.. , 90 00 00 ?5 10 75 90 f Deck and Spar rttiLTKi . . 1 -; Chickens, "life,. grown... .... f ' . Spring. .. . Turkeys............ PEANUTS y bushel,. .......J POTATOES, Vbnshel-r ., . I , Sweet.......................1.: Irish, V bbL....i..i..;i.i.J.. trvov tar ..1 i A CO 5 oo a on City Maa................'... ' a sc 1 OU 00 Prime......... i...16 00 CU 00 Rump.......... i..J.17 00 AlJOO BICE Carouna. V. tb.....i..I. 4Vt Bough,V bushel.. ...... J..i. -s';.to BAG3,itb Country;...,....). ,j la in uiij.. IVftO ROPE, V .. J salt, y sack, Alara... ; oo A ,, 2 T3 ' 00 TV . f uverpoo ....... i..: oo A Lisbon ........I....,,. 00 A American. ............ I'.,,.;.. 00 A SUGAR. V lb Cuba. ;. -p 00 O Porto Rico .30 A A Coffee... ...... " -00 A B ' ........ ........ m. m 00 A ft 'H.- .. ................ r .14 V . . , Ei c o a' 'H. Qruahe.i..........i..,..,,...j:ioUA sR SOAP. W tN North K Vl t SHINGLES, 7 In. VII, i.'.; W W All 00 Lwnunon.. ............ 3 to Aw 4 Cypress 8apsr... ............ v' 4 M A 1 00. STAVES. V M-W. o.,Bam.xs 00 A1S oo , - R. O. lloirtiheitd. j...on 00 'illO tU TALLOW, if lb . 4 A - TIMBER, , y.M feet-Shlpplng.H 00 .All . feMiu. .........;.....n 25 ah w aaiii jrnmc.... ....... ......... 7 50 Aw . Mill Fair.....,.. ........ ."!. 6 00A 6 W Common Mill ........5 00 AOOC Inferior to Orcynarv... o 00 et 4 00 WHISKEY, rgal-orthern..i CO A 1 , North Carolina..... r v.J.i M 1W WOOL, lb-Washed. 25 A - Unwasned.... ri " t9 " W . Bnrrv.,, ...;....,.,.;'; II HS 1 ri AT'TV for the working daas. Send J f U yJUU cenw 'tor postage, a-a w - -, , ; ? t . mail v0u free, a royal, Italnw" box of sample stood, that "will "put yon h way of making more money in a lew day you ever ihouxht possible at any buhiwi. Capital not required. Wo will start yw- Y2? can wcrk all the imo or in pre timcniy The work la universally adapted to both ' young: and old. a You can easily earn frrf cents to ti every evening.? That all bo WOTkTOay test the business, we make thl Led we wid send tl to pay for the trouble et r -HuiKUB. uii.partiuiar, dlrectwnt, r". sent free. Fortune will be made: by Un?' who give their whole time to the work. success absolutely ture. Don't delay; 8t?1 ' now. -Address Stwsox.A 4., iPcttla 0i8a-wl4 A IT til l. I K thA PriMnfi rtf ihS C- beat book ever sold for lees than twice price. The fastest telling book In Amn immense profita to inu. ah intelUgw people want it. Any one can become a-cc;' ccssful agent. Terms free. If allkit Boot Co., Ponland, Maine. ; . nor SOCnd-lyir APPT7P Ser.d ilx Ventaor poe; . SXJIj and receive free, a coei ocx 01 goooa wmcn will help you 10 m" money right away than anything e.'se lUi"5!' world All. of either ex, ucceed f rotifer hour The broad road to fortune oixTnabeliW the workers, absolutely sure At once drees. True & Co., Augusta, Maine. hoy 20-md lyw i . , .; O 5 5'a week at home. 41 CO outfit ft ' OOO Pay . absolutely : sure No nk; Capital not required. Header,- If you waa busueasat which persons cf either ex,yeuif or old, can make great pay all the time to' work, with absolute certainty, writ torvf' Ocular to II. IlALurrr A Co., l'orUaAd,lfi noy SO-Cmdljw , vi : ... i - ":"i,ti vv H oi s0 - I' 'l