W will b to. rH!r ooonuticl ? v, i-IiThe tuef tiie writer ibgi &iwarJ L f IDA JiOilOT. ' k CtrrtJ tT rmrrta tree ; r Prrsonslltlcs must 1 aroidtei. I tllSIl II. II II II I II II -A ... -II--II - . - ' ll Jf '-II I fC! i t ,t L 1 I'll i iswwmwrewi .,J w a v - - i am a.an.n.-. - . j a. a. a . a. a . m i . . a. a .. . x j. . i - m -a. a . a a. ' a - . ' . - ? : ? ' a i - r- - . . i.n,'-a -t r -,i id - .i ' . ' , ana iui nr ih imm t a victim of . La 4 ,.!i. ' " - .v. r-,i ih.i Ttsi-li te used t,a -a3ra . Ts BptUt ciarcbat at Tort Korri. y "as dctrood by fire, Sunday !:rrwoa. while '200 children were in liibaUdirr. attending Sunday school. bcl ill ocaped unlnruicd. There are about f5.000 locouaotiro en- , & ia the world, and 120.000 passen- ftx and jCu.OCO frrijbt car. There are uft)ni:ecr track, and Ihc capital i3rrrci i 20.000.fXX.COO. . .. - -I ce 3?.titnal Ub r conference met In l'L.'.aJ:phia Siturday and iued a call ot a oaiionil labor convention, to be rJiaCh'-cato. July 30. to nominate t-ar.J.ik'. fir IVni and Vice l'rr;jr. Vir.zt He year lei there were iui fad icto tfce L'nited Stales J 1.005.000 izzdi oi cd:a rubber, 2.5W.O00 '.cJ thin the preceding year. r Llil co&curuuiou of the world lor ; jar was 1?.000.000. A till tsi been Introduced in the iijj.'u.'ppl legislature to revoke the iliritr c( the city oT Jackson and plnce l4Ci'.T under seven commissioners, to axo to bava fall control cf aHatrr. Iu iharlQ" is to collect the tax. It rsbels in the Soudan have cap- urtdand burned the town of Helonan sod its cow marchlnx on Musalima aad Viztu. both of which are riTer tuircsoaUe Blue Nile, about 100 miles above iu Juncture with tho White Xi!o st Ktirorcm. - - vraiBosloa was holdm; a grand ic juk oa January 6;h in honor of tho ttjoi(hlh annircry of the batUo of New Orleans, the laller cilv took ad trticeol ths day other than be oloslni of tbe ticks, because it was a leil a.'day. Dr. AUjmo Cc.'so, tbo younjeat mem ber cf tfct Brazilian Parliament and tseoflheleadiax members of that body. ii st present in Washington. Ho is but 3 years of as and has served three yean as a Iczislator. Ho Ls in this eeactry to study American institutionr. Tee iuJIcitry commluce ot tbo Texas rflUUlcra hare reported favorably a WU caklex fence cultioc a felony roaijaab oy f torn two to fire years in lit pccUeatiary. and the killin of fence- csitera caBrhl iu lhftarf.of annlrin? tna wiraoa::lcj nippers jutllfiable boot fie. Twtctyetn women wtrc 2raduartl ta the BIlrrue Tralnins School for Ksnea. ia Xcw Vork. last week, stkv la; skQ!ed narses who bare reoelr. H diplomtj ilcce 1873. The , school Ur:ed is that year with, eighteen wo sea as itudects. whilst it cow ss slity. fc?r la traialnf. Case Small, of the schooner Anet I. Grtxe. which arrived In Philadelphia Ssaiay from Galveston, reporta that ea Kill cf J&ncaxT 10 he raised near pt Haturaj a wreck rcsemblln a Urra rusamshlp. He lay near nntil the oeat mcrainx, when no slias of anr- thUxcouUbeactn. Jiaea G. Dlalne, Jr.. who ha caused his father to much trouble, proposes to jd the fxxhloa at Washlntoa thli w icier by wearioz knebrh wtth U dreaa amX Ills expuUlon irom riral collexea for breach or the fce does not seem to fear aoWrtv! Ma to aoy treat extent. araa received by the third assistant ?tsiUr central indicate a falllnr off ,a troas postal revennee for the n carter sded December 31. at compaied with fit tstte euarter of th Drcceclln Jwr.ofone and three-tentha per cenl A decrease of five per cent, had been "tkipated. Buries the late excavations under ia la tba Roman Forum there has tea found a pot containing 800 old Ac !0 Saxoo coins of the time of Pope &r.Bu-ix.(889 8S4). They are of 'cj.ua coiaara and of rare raloe. moat M them thosrioj heads or the English cf the period, and on havini Ibt -U cf sa archbishop of Canterbury. i l rTJi-k-i sdea jaui-w Ibe Ceo fodc racy. hca bis tcssI wai afteraooa. at which lim arsn'ueuts - iu C. w L,.,n ft luarb! r'Pi1 cavurcd to the Gulf ho blew it np. but ! thoC3s trill Var.l. Th cmiasffl fjv!.lf t-e V;nNy YMrvtftmoMniUntlirrw 1-0 1X1 rrboncr;. I 'for pliiatiO aro Mcijir. Waddcil. iutbeUl-3 , f. J ! Ddran and Bellamy; aod (or tbe de j T-?T4 Chineie a cMtM with Mr. Owr .V.Drtfei8 to lendjou. Mori . McBm 4 Stnn VOL. VIII. ! V ILMINGTON. . C, THTJRS DAY! .Y AlN Tt A R , t Tatrlclc U. IVpper. tbr; ootctl block-! U njutjer. nho licl tho otber day.' ? wan to ytaii oi aje. ue weni to ino- - - ---- bwiu 1M7 aoJ occam c rich. t ben i i oi ii vi vui unw ik ui vii-.-a and made reral succcjstal rua to tbo West I adiej Ict military aurp!ir for ?icxiOTTm4uaiwxx. juariTO cr?a Jw.ooo willows. 1W.0C0 poriars. 00.000 cacal jptm tree. fH).000 liajaojapone3t 60.000 mountain cyprcn cvdari, CO.oOO acacias and 120,000 of miscellaneous varieties. Tbo trees must be in plan j tatiooa of from 50.000 ti 100,000 oach. It takes over one hundred pair of zlovc to asauace the cricf of the Brooke lyn officials over the death of an alder man. whose lite might have been saved by a single bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. For Iuro White Lead & Paint, and basest stock of Window Glass and lowest prices for ;;okI articles be sure to co to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, f LOCAL NEWS. IBOEX TO MW AfiVtRTIStMEMTS. V K Davh A 80s W00U Wobtu & WoaTULtme Or era UoL'sr Ibe ITaoloo Tailor' Bazaah Lvce, Ac orcBA ltoL'sc AtiJe 1'Ukx p.OfSBCKORB Plano aiklOrftua C W TaTka LJger. JonrnaU, A" Kblihts and LaJI of Ilonor Ixwal aJ Report of tb CooUUloa of tba rtrt Nftiioo at Ha, ot Wilmington The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 359 balvs. There was one ease of disorderly conduct before tho Mayor this morning, which was discharged. Thero was mud, mud, mud in the streets to-day, and the 'crossings were in an almost impassible condition-for pedestrians. Knights and Ladids of Honor. Kegular meeting this (Thursday) eve ning. Full attendance desired. It The'ballof tbe Wilmington Liaht In fantry, at Germnnia Hall, last night, was largely attended and was voted a decided suceeM by all who were pres ent. A reat many of our people arc afflict cd with bad colds, and it was decided this morning, by two of the sufferers, that thoso only were exempt who were too poor to support one or too lazy to catch one. . Our thanks arc duo tho marshals fur an iuvltatiun to attend the 49Lh annto rersary of the Kuzcliau and Philoma thesian Societies of Wake Forest Col lege. which will 1 be celebrated on Friday, Feb. 15. by public appropriate excrcifts. If you need a real good first class cooitin; etorc. don't fail to eco the Ex ceisior Fenn. Zob- Vance and New Emerald, besides others. 1 They are to be fuund at factory prices at Jacobi's; jho Is the manufacturers agent, t Our-Goblins. vOi.tbU p".ay, which will be presented at thflf Opera House 00 Thursday nijbt, the lTlh Inst., tho Now Haven. Conn.. Jcumal vnd Courier eayi: There was a laro audicuce at the G rand Of era House last evenius. Those with tho manner iu which the ' absurd connection called rOur Goblins" was rendered. The companr it a talented one and carried on tho performance with spirit in spite of the derrettlnz tfrcumstancea. Personal. 1 Mr. Ata A. Browu. formerly of thia city but uow of Mexico, arrived here on Tuesday nbtht on a visit to his relatives and friends Jn this city. Mr. Brown is a civil engineer and has been employed on tho Mexican ralways for the past eiht years and this is his first vist . to Wilmlncton In that lengthf . period. He favored as with a visit this mora ine and his narrative of scenes and events in that tropical region, as they bavo come under his observation, is graphic and interesting in the extreme. He has left with us a bottle of preserve which it destined for the Scientifio and Historical Society of 1 this oily. These consist of various reptiles and Insects which arc stranger here, inch as tbe tarantula, the scorpion, the oora lia snake, a very large beetle of gaudy colors, a centipede, which has 120 feet and a deadly sting on every foot, and the gusana oral, .a blue wona caterpillar, all ot which are preserved fa spirits. ; ... Snpcrior Court. Too atlcotioo of ihc Court was era ji H the foTcnoon in hearioj tcsti- iui'ii j 'ii v ij-j v. ' n r . 'i aw uu ci . : .. i . r t.' r j Vji I,. A. Hart. .j. i;. iiuiiy t'v a. s the : coart ik a recess until 3 o'clock this This is tho title ot an entertainment to be given at tbo Opera House vn Tuesday night next by the- Uaulons, and ol which the New York Mirror lays: There are five ;Hanlons William, Fred, Edward. George and Alfred. The first two play a pair of 1 flaakejs in the farce, "Le Voyage en Suisse." Whether tumbling from stage coaches. falling among tho wheels of a moving . 1 .1 1' train or uroppiuz inrougn toe cemuit 01 a higb ceiled room, the? are equally agile, active and alert.; Every , trick and movement is accomplished with the precision oj" clock work. The piece used by tbe merry Haulons is made up of old scraps of old farces as ancient as tbe hills, but it is so well dono wo lose sunt of its extreme antiquity in cons teni plating tbe marvelous revels of tbe clever people engaged. Mr. C. Giimore. Foreman of Hobbs, Wall & Co., San Francisco: St. Jacobs Oil is the best remedy in the world for rheumatism. f Miss Auriio Pixley. This talented and versatile .actress,' i who will appear at tbe Opera House on Monday night next in her favorite character of M'lLu. the Child of the Sierras, has won lame in the past. The New Tork Herald, which is excel lent authority in such matt irs, says : The emotional and sensational as well as populur play ot AIViss, the Child of the Sierras, was given last evening at kuc utauu viwm tiuusu aa iuc ui on ci- formance in the engagement of Miss Annie Pixley and tbe theatrical combi nation of which she is the leading mom ber. Miss Annie Pixley 'a energetic and whole souled delineation of her difficult part won her rounds of applause at al most every step. In the last act she interpolated a humorous imitation of the Cows are in the Corn," which proves quite a bit of voealism, so far as the amusement of the audience is con cerned. Mr. Losee. as Yaba Bill, was conspicuously good in supportoi the heroine, and tho performance drew one of the most fashionable houses seen in the theatre under its present manage ment. Tho Mcotinfir LastNlffht. As wc announced yesterday, there was a meeting of the peoplo interested iu the Wilmington. Wrightevillo & Onslow Kailroad, at the Mayor'e office last night. The newly elected Presi dent of tho road. T. M. Chester, of Pittsburg, Pa., was present and made a speech in which he spoke very nlshly of WQmiogton, her peoplo and the particular enterprise in which be was go deeply in'ercBted. " Other speeches were made by some of the directors and all spoke most .encouragingly of tho prospectt of the enterprise .it was resolved that, before tbe President left for his .home, a meeting should be called and the white people of .the city and vicinity should be invited to attend. Tbc.Bpard ot Directors vfelted . tbe work i yesterday and have expressed tbemwslves as gratified at the progress that "bad been made, and resolved to resume work on tbe road at the earliest practicable moment. The Positiou of Superintendent .wiil .be Jeftopou urrtif tbe time of resumiug operations. A New Uso for Eggs. -Everyone it famlliaf with, the ala. of tbe yolk of an ojg as a hair V wash, but perhaps may not be aware of its virturo in clothing cleansing Beaten up with alcohol , rau de cologne, or ether like ox gall, it keeps better and is tnoro powerful: or,: - la ; sim pler cases, it may bo.. u:ed.. alone, or merely mixed with water, to be rubbed on with flannel. Tor removing from colored materials the stains of mud, or ot coffee and chocolate, when prepared with milk. It it frequently j applied to velvet collars and cuffs. &c.. j and proves a cleanser as well a a spot ! extractor. When it baa dono its jwork it is washed off with soap, and thero ate w rial thoroughly rinsed in pure -water. Egg has a specially rood effect on thoso annoying patches of wheel grease j be longing to the compound class of stains, as they represent a mixture of stale grease, iron and other substances. -Tor removing : atains not grease from white or light colored rnaterial. glyccx toe may be tried; especially with coffee stains. Milk, immediately applied, is tbe beat remover of ink. Sour milk is the best. Pat the article into a sancer and let it i oxx In tht milk. . ' OPERA HOUSE. One NightVOnly JAXUAUY THE HANLONS ! Ao4 thctr English frCnch Come-Jiaus" T T7 ti ' 5, ..r;j ..vaaaa.i:-vt i uu ;?liJttr iiC V OVSgG till CUISSO I r rixier ia tha - mis' rUv t- vhicb i iw 'trill lii!mlnfpriiiwK nato.'. j xb Cberrlest, Brightest and tcoet Jojoii? A Vatitit or apeann fansommaista, -rr cca itcas iratmoJi win-eata, "vr note CTcrr loV and Kestura wwsajoo." Tboroo3;Laujbablcand rieabln EntertaLQ. mcnt Erer Presented en the btare FUK, MIRTH and MUSIC In ITARMOMOrS BLENDING ! , FDLL, Or THE BJBIGHTJEST FUN Erlennid Scenerv ! ' BtartUrg Artton : TflK KA.ILROAD EXPLOSION ' One of the moat Wonderful an-i Startling Effects erer produced on any Biao. A Fcrforauvnee that keeps you Pcrcamlnjj with Liamhter Sale of Seats opens Alondy, January 2'et, at Oyer's Koeerved fl. Admission 75c. 50c GalloryKc. jan 17-4t 4 ' - ..-si r. WILL PLEASE CALL AND' SEE THE LARGE STOCK OF AND MADE-UP LACE GOODS. THE PRICES ARE SO A3 TO SUIT EVERY BODY AND MAKE QUICK 8 ALE. OXXB MOTTO JUrCK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS H ! .. V AT. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, . 1J8 Market St. . jau l7 V f V "WlLMlNffrUx; N C.-: Report of the Condition fT THE FIRST "NATIONAL "BANK OF v i I WILMINGTON, at Wilmiagton, in the tatcf Nbrth Carolina, at th -nc of business Loans and discount: OTordralts. S. Bonds to secure circulation. 50,000 00 61.S19 2J 33.87 14 Other stock, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. . Dae from other National Banks. ; . .-. Due Irom Stale Banks and hankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixture. Current expenses and taxiis-pald. . . . BUla of other Banks Fractional paper currency, nickel, ' and pennies . . .-. . . . . Specie 7. :....... Legal tender uete.. Be4emptlon fund with U. S. Treah- nrer,-pnrceut ofctmOatlon 23,061 i4 3,315 37 0.189 o2 ?3,m0 2,240 00 T--t 1. . . 4 k .'-.l.W.l'VJ 46 LIABILITIES Cepiul stuck paid in... .. . ... Surplus xund ; Undi-rided profits. -. National Bank notes outstanding .iJd-.'Ooe 01 : . 41,453 761 . to. m 03 i 41,990 001 Piviaena nnpaia. . Individual deposits subject to check 6 Mi 0 eS43 eoi Demand certificates of de Iue to other National Banks 12,8t0 43 Dae to State Bank and bankers 44 04 Notes and bills re-dlwounted '. . 113,109 13 TetoL.'..........' r ' ! i i - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Cocxxr or New rLisovxa, t.. ) I, A. K. WALKER, Cashier; of the above named baakvdqr seleninly tirear tlaf laejiboye statement is true to the best ef ray knowledge aad belief. A. K. WALKER, Cashier. Subrrlbed and strorn to before me this 1U day of Jaa nary, lSll A? J. HOWEIX, T . . Notary Public. Cerreet Attest : D. O. WORTH. ALFRED MARTIN. E. E. EUERUSS, Dlreetofa. i 7. 1884. NO .15 I XETPj , AP VEUTISEMBVrs. QPERA HOUSE. fgiit:Only lii.tNE. NIGHT ONLY,! or tao cuarmtT: , yonpz Coaetfi : 1 IE riXLEY. " ' ' ,cvn alra e-iCoaipanj.la the crrr lV Plillrl gP 41 A 31-i I 1 e - 31edkTBv .fc-alo of eat cotrnieaces Fridir, Jan. ln. at Drers. Remrxcd st 1 ' uenerai A.am.u0B7.5c, ooc. saU8rr-;sc ; j jaa use -.. . . ' : J - WOOD ! WOtTD ' TEW COEDS. OF. 1?0..1 pPLIT OAS, Ash, Black Jack and Tine, fojl leogtb and well seasoned, fob sale cbxa?, Jujt to keep our drayi. at work; A FULL LOAD EVEBY TIME. W. E. PAVIS & BOX, iau 17 Limet Lime ! 1 - I -- ' JgQ BAKHELS 1 FRESH ROCKPOET LIME, ' NOW LANDING, UKDKliiS SOLICITED. WORTH & WORTH. I j an 17 For Sale. 100 CoRD SPLIT PINE WOOD. 1 " ' . For sale low by jan'lClt .TAS. H. CtlADBOURM A CO Finest Oysters I BEST WHISKET AND BEST FIVE Cent " 1 ,-. 1 .- f cigara In the cltv, can le bought at the OLD Uli'l'U STATiC SALOON, 0 So. Front St. Give a Tar Heel a living show! !an 18 : - I Cider and Cider Vinegar. JJOTH VERY NICE INDEED, . , AND VERY OflEAP. ReUitland Wholesale In limited quanUUesi Alsn, Apples. At .! : R. Mc DO UO ALL'S, No. 14 Ctoeatnut St, bet. Front and Water jan 16 I Wllmlnsrton. N. J. An Offer Extraordinary I ONfcJ DOLLAR A YEAR ! rjpiIE CHURvIL MESSENGER"; THE journal of tho Protestant Episcopal Church " . i In North Carolina ! 8 pagce, 32 ooluinne, 1.50 a vcarln advance. But rkenotlce-r-that all a&Yv suBsuKiuiiiua, vrno wm aend one DOLLAR before the firs of April, and nsenUon this notice, can have tho paper ono year from date of order. The Messenger la making pro gresa. Send for specimen copy. - Its ciirnla tlonlsnpidlv Increasing. feunscKiBE NOW : - Address; THE CHURCH ME8SENQER, :jaal 2t. ; . . DurhAni.1 N. C. TRANSFIGURATIONS. Q ALL IT: t ANY NAME YpU PLEASE, THE "WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER SALE NOW GOING ON AT SHRIER'S I& THE MOST PRODIGIOUS EX AMPLE OF WHAT GOOD CLOTHING, CAN-, BE MASUFAC- i IURED AND SOLD FOR WE CAT? NOT AFFOED TO HOLD A GARMENT OVr" TO BE THBOWN UP TO US AS "OLD STOCK j NEXT YEAR, tip I AM DETERMINED TO ! CLOSE MY ENTIRE FALL AND WINTER f STOCK OF CLOTHKG r jf -- j Less than New York Cost I WITH THREE FOURTHS OF THE WIN- TEs axiLLTO come fHiToproRirNiTr TO SECURE bUCH GARMENTS AS WE ARE OFFERING ATiLAUGHtEKINGLPfiICB!. MUST COMMAND UNfVERS A L ATTEN . j TION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY WIN-1 ; TER CLOTHING FOR VEST WINTERS j USE "TT BEUAFLE CLOTHIER, : 114 MARKET T. I Jan 35 Commissioner's I Sale:1 TK PURSUANCE Or A DECREE OF THE j i Superior Court ot err uanover County in f ao action between John E. St. Georce, admr. of David 5- Sanders, decease", aad Anule M petteway, et aL. being a proceadleg for the a'c of real estate to make aeeu. he under, signed, Commiikioner appointed by said de creo. w ll sell at public suction for 'ah. to the bl'hcat MJder at tbe Court Houao door In Wilmington, N. C, oa Monday, the 4th day of February, li34, the foUowtcg eevera) tracu of land belong sg to tbe estate of said Davkl 8. Sanders. lrst tract Coa talcing about 129 acres of Juniper Seraxap LaiKl adjolnl-$ the Rocky Baa Plantation sear Catle Iayne In Ne w ILanoTcr county, i scona tract y s end beloff in Pender county. aer T Sound, between said Sound an-! the Atlantic Ocean, and constituting the strip of laa( that separates the Sound fx m the 'eeaxu Third tract Containing S40 acres of woodland and being a part f the lad comprii'inr the said Rocky Ron Plantation near Cattle II ay no and Ivtag oa the eaat aide of the Holly abetter or Dnplia Road and between said road and , the Wliatffftoa & Tf slden K, R. i - . , ; Jonn n. Br.cro"";. : ' 5 -'- . ... f . - - JOQj that the IMitoT W oS la tbc editorial colximD.v I J ' j MISCELLANEOUS OPERA U1UK5 DAY, JANUA f V 17. 1 HrHftppraco In thlritr cf ! RioeVPloasuro Party I OUR GOBLITJG ! a'atnjc! Amu!ac ! Aatnlesp !e-e&31 Appropriate Coetumwf Lndsr -personal drcUaa of W. Honry in" ptrUcclar." Box Sheet opeua at d gf 1,000 Hhtfal PKptt TORTO RICO MOLASSES JCST AJtndf lzt?t 6:0,11 Tland, which we offter to the trade at nieea to eult th Um7 suit the Umn . awes rare, s i janfl tf EDWARD KIDDER A EON. Pianos anfl Organs. 1 1 i 1 AADE BY THE MOST CELEBRATED Manuficturera, endowed by the leadlnr and eailnoot pianists of the day, and warranted not to bnaer mid pool off in two or tort e months; but arc guaranteed to realitt the at- mo-pherlo change of the Sbuth equally aa well as any Piano or Organ made, prove In quality of tone by nso. and to to- Call aid examine these famoujlnitrtuneDU At 1 HEINSBERGER'S, Lire Bonk an; Miialn Stores jaa 14 TOWS ; OF GENUINE German Itainit ! IMPOKTED DIRECT ! t Oft SALE I.N LOTS TO SUIT BY EercUiier & Caldcjr liros, IMPORTERS, ' lri Jap i4 Wilmington, N. C Furniture. , QUE STOCK OF WINDOW" SHADES Lm been replenished during "tbo paat Woek, and we are showing eome very i Handsome PN tcrna. A fnU Hue of line and medium It'll PARLOR, CHAMBER, LIBRARY k I AND DININO ROOM SUITS. " MATTRESSES of nil kinds In stock and made to order. i THOMaS C. CRAFT, Arent. . Furniture Dealer, SO So. Front St jan 11 Notice. f I'iiE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE A -) ! . - ! .l!ic.tcoar' H- J A' MONTCOM . T '?,tll,s daV dissolved bv mutual consent. A- Montgomery assumes all liabilities and Is alone authorized to collect and receipt for omtv All .1.1,1. ai ! r ouj u4 aii wvut-ti uuu iuo Bmin nTni. W. H. MONTGOMERY, J.. A MONTGOMERY. January 12, isii rU UNDERSIGNED WILL j! CONTIN0K the buulnesa of tbe late Arm of W. U. A J. A. Montgomery and solicits the general aoppert of hla friend. A. MONTGOMERY, ' Jan 12-tf ..ti I , !V: J rin tint',' Wiotios. JACKSON r : AND 1 Haling.. Rullog, BELL, I, Bindlc?-.. WILL DO . BlttdlOf i000'1 H"ork I YOUR Prohptu. ."WELL Low I'lias., JnI0 - ' btiiXcUon, ; ... ... i : UN I Oil OQlS, WflltO d.lQ JQQ, i A TBK8TS SU AJo,.a fa') astorl SUPPLY JU5T RECEIVED. taeotof FRESH GAKDEF SEED. v I - PATENT MEDICINES,' " , l FANCT AND TOILET ABTfCLES, CIGAR ia srest variety. a . Munds Bros, & DeRosset, Nw Drugstore. jan 14 Market and HmwH tr1. Ledgers,) Journals, Days, T3LANK BOOKS Of ALL, SXZta ! AND T btylea of Binding. Uetaorandam Books, Letter Bok. fnvoite Books; Receipt Booke. ; Lttbographed Draft. Note and Check Eol$t u etocn saaDsosio eraer. i All kinds of Office and Fancy Stationery Wnrplof " Faper and Taper Bags, Twtae. tc, at toirest market rrlces. . - Y' -4 - t V"'

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