Tho Daily Review, JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. N. C. THUCSDAT. JANUAHY 17 IS&l. Catered at the Postoiaee m mimlnxto. N. C a second-cliM natter. Tbu dm ol bicycles and tricycle is fir monfeomrooa in England and on tho Continent -than -iq this country. -The Toaricz Clab of England naoberi tea Ihotisaad member. The hotels giro redaced rate to tho members. On dangerous hllLi board aro erected, and thero aro town oransuta to elm Inform nation to brother wheelmen a to roc las. Deaa Le Hilton, the father of Mn. Langtry. now lire in retirement at St. HrtladVs, ten uiiles from 8t. Ile'.Iier's. Ho it aaid to bo tho handsomest man In tho Island cf Jersey, tall and upright in bearing, with a d Rallied uxleo and fea ture, lie Inn: ao was lerAratcd from his wife. w?h i chaperoning Mrs Lanjtry. The latter his paid but ore rislt to Jersej since hor niarrha. ten yeareese. Itlchard Wagner, n deisHr. who went to Uu tla a jear-ftfa with a passport aj an American citizen. has relumed to Philadelphia. pa.4 - port was taken from him, and he only escaped beirg scat to Siberia, a a do verier. by distnlxitinz firr hundred rouble amon the Iluui-in police cfli dais, lie Unnily left thf country hx means of a borrow ed pofort, nnd ha j Ihl Site fle? ! laid a compT-ilnl XofCre !: Stnir- ! ; Su;mi lingered and suffered along. psrtment at nMn;ttj. j;iuj: away all the time lor year, the jik;c:orf doinhcr no trood; and at last Joseph Huhhard. n h-j.y 13 jrar old. I ca enred by lhi Hop Hitters the pa has been sent tu ib- reformatory i ny ?o much, about. Indeed! in irr 'i rt , . , . . . , . I dcetl ! fiovr tbankTul vc hou!d be for Hartford. Conn . lor fm tatl.i r j jncine. during the paol ear .ntiif ljtM). ; . - llo spent the inuncy in buying srticVi ' 310ONHH I N C that he seemed in hi father" h-iuw. lie bought three Muatenr printing; -WeH. I'll be hanged!" .a the presses, a bicycle, a musical bu nr.d window cartain. rsrious musical lustrumeut. uud other j Tm goiu to boaid.-' wa what the jtoods that were perfectly uselesj to M2 remarkcl on entering a sawmill. Mm, rnd spend It all bo ft? re ui;hi. It is now stated that Lie latent Ohio "idea" is that the election ot 1'ayne means that tho ltovonue Kclormers in Congress must sloo the Tariff agitation, if they expect to carry Ohio next Octo ber. A treat political party that would giro the ho to in record and disappoint i tse people by acting m tti?s wiiv. TrxTZMir:: policy which has uo huh?r object "than : 4urrt i pn,raiir i fhrirjs. i Mi JVVvs nn.'i Courier. WB FiCsca vVta quango in t t, , . t-i i .. He took a !ou breath and turned If the Set and t.oumrxrouM Lu b.;s ejcs up as irtrJDg to liiak 0f some read between lb linfs with its n$ul jcxrrcsiiro word, and then said: "Oh. acumen, i: rrouM fiud thciv joracthicg j ir. I woulua t talc r millton dollars moro pcrtlnaat to the abiec: ri-thc!for cnj-self.' .v . tariff retorai than U his vet dlscof cre.1. . fiorous old fellow in Maine, who rr u w fka n,m' ,1,. rtr. j4 la:cJ bine his fourth wife, nas It is p4aia that the Democratic rri j fn j acc6si by ftCiuaintanca who. un- this couatrj i not al all united on the i awaro of bis bcrcaTement. aaked: tariff question, and it i equally rUIn . "How is jour wife, Capt. Piotvjojser?M that an eatorcM w this r.alux lo which the capuio reoliwl .with a ..... . . v. . ... aravclace: "Waal, totcil the trewtb. may result in disaster. Thctirtt .hjf Pm kinder out o' wiT just neow." ui laorany sawuiu ur navmnnv in ioe ranKJ. lor witnonc thi micvh cannot b attained. In a wajsida jullj. neat th Norih tied Head ou Oranfa Mountain. New Jersey, two boys found jesterday morning the Iifelei body nf Charles Ddlmonlco. Tho sand was imparted upon tho corpja and tho waters of the melting mountain snow flowed over it Uocared for, away from ttiouds. wandcxinf like an outcast with addled braU. this man of millioua; chimed by exposure, lay down and died in tha open wintry .field What a pitiful coding to a life passed amid luxury! What a death for the Prirr- of Cater era. ThU IJelmonico was the last malo of his race. Ills namo was known through out tho land. Uo had inherited millions. Ills lour restaurants in thheity brought him an Income of 3.500 per day. His principal uptown restaurant Is a palace of luxury. There cookery baa attained the grandeur of - Art. There prodigal youth sips wines as rare as drops of Cold. There tho rich Lucullus ol to day feeds on rlands moro IcmpUns than eycr graced th board ot the Roman sybaxi Lo in the prime of life, with all that could make existence desirable, accord log to popular belief. Charles Delrao nico turned h back upon the world and lay dawn In the Jersey fields to die. He haLtreal:h, ho had friands, he had a great metropolis la the hollow of his hand, bat he was not happy. He gam bled becauso life was commonplace to him. did this much envied man. and his mind gare way when ha lost. It he had not inherited millions tf "he had been bora to play the $arcon In an hum bio Swiss Inn. like some of his ancca nrs be raliM have lived a contented Ife. raiiht have tasted ihe sweets ol do ineuielty, might have" known tha loving laV.C of .bread eaten iu tb sw-ai of tho Km. " . .' - - The Kin ot the Caterers is dead. Hat j . I ha rM nvl learned t do without hull. 4iHi wrm in ui5 palatial uptawn restaurant lt nijht. As the troivn corp csm back fruoi th- l!nk nt uniain tf New Ji-rvy the urmiu l urilered hiie J fuieyms aad his I'.jjsian salad. The Kitted 'i w ii - youth quaffed bis Dclbcck. ; Tho man ot tho raiiliom I dead, bat tho skill' of tbo cook snrrlTCf . FOK TUG CUBIOU8. It is an honor i o Morocco to receive from the Saltan a loat of black bread An ancient and renerabla mulberry tree, it trunk propped as with atonos. marks the spot in Jerusalem whn Manasaeh caused the prophet Isaiah to be sanio in two. j A distinguished botanist has found that bj simply soaking tbe stems of cut flowers In a weak dye sol n lion, their, oulors can bo altered at will without the perfume and tho Ireshne&s Deioz de stroyed. ! As an Illustration of tho strength of paper, it Is said that a Dank of England note twined into a kind of rope can sustain as much as 239 pounds arolnl- po it supenaoato it. ana cot oe injurea in the least. In Dooegall, Ireland, there Is a rock carity Into which the tile ruibes with great force, producing a sound which can be heard twenty or thirty miles, andending a torrent of water sereral hundred leot into tho air It is called McSwine's Gun. A curiot ity In Irwin county, Georgia, 1 a large pine free with two distinct bodies and only ono top. The two trunks grew out of (he around about (Ire feet from each other, but at forty feet h:?U grew together, and Irom theaci? made cmly only one tree and top. The remains ol certain mushrooms 1 which make excellent tinder are found trit;c dwellings, and it U supposed that I their Inhabitants either used to kindle Drtj or pounded them and enrpiojcu them as snnfiT. ni sme Asiatics do: to this day. . . . i i "What is tho worst thing about rtches?" asked a teacher. -Their scarcity, replica a boy. A whalin coaiDinv lia beeu start ed in Saa Francisco. Au o!dfashioued schoolmaster would make a good pres ident of the concern. I do uo: Iovn liim in the old foud w.nj-. writes Klla Wheeler complain irulv. Too bad.! -Ella What's the ! inalier with htm? lias he been indul to yo .any more Ar iior xnct a -fouo waa ivho had recently been msrijcd and asked bim T)o4 Science Dcslroj LoTO . , of ature? ' asks a bcientificnjazazino.. It ' . . - uvt:. ub:o upa a umo a tcieunst in vented a fijins machine, aud a Peer bis hrit trial not only his lore of uaturo. but his love of art a'eo was destroyed. A fall of 60 feet, from the roof ol a buildir.;. in tho interest1 of science, is art to o-stroy anybody's lore of natare. Thrc things to dothink, live. act.. Ajcr'a Hair Vigor improves tho beauty of the hair and promotes its growth. Itimpartsau attractive ap pearance, a delightful and lattiug per fume. Whiloit btlmulatcs the roots, cleanses the scalp; and adds elegance to luxuriance, iis'cffects are enduring; and thus it proves ilselt to be the best and cheapest article for toilet use. Three things to govern--tern per, ton gue and conduct. ICoiich ou Couffbs.! Knocks . a Cough or Cold endwise. For children or adults. Troches, 15c. Liquid, 50c. Atdrugists, Three thin rs to cherishvirtue, aood nese and wisdom. IeclIno of Man. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Im potence. Sexual Debility, cured by Weils1 Haaltli Uanewnr.V . ' 1 Brass bedsteads are tho moot fash lonable. j For seyea years Allen's Brain Food has stood tho strongest tests as to its merits ' in curing Nervousness, Nerroas Debility and restoring lost powers to tho weakened Generative System, and. innbinsanco his it ever failed; test It. $1; 0 for 3. At drajrjiits, or by mall from J. H. Allen. 315 First Ave New York City. 1 eod&w. Madras plaids are worn over nlsin woolen cooas. t lara!ysis, 2ilne3 jVeartr .II . "After haviu sufferlns (or 9 years with - paralysis," ; says -Mr. Joseph Yates, of Paterson. New Jersey, "J was cured by. SitnarUan - Ktrvinc." Mr. Vate authorizes this statement. j Your drnstisi keeps it; $1.50 A FatrOfTcr: T110 Vx.taic Belt Co. Marshall. Mich.. ofTiT to seud Dr. Pye Volalic Belt and Appliance 01 trial, fur thirty days, to men. yuutt or old. a dieted wiih nerruu debility. 1: vitality, and kind ml troubles. , t , ' ..... . Seo advertisement ia this paper. . t th seow&w p ' , ..." J ... . . r- - - u. . ; V . ; ... m i i i y : : 1 ., . , 1 A yoaax child was taken to church in Qoebeoon Thursday and baptized, and hM thA mnmta and friends returned kom tefaild was found dead in its wraps..- I Tho present stock of whiskey in Ken inittirmxSur Into four fingers i each 2.70958 000 drinks: Wo dont see any occasion lor talk about bard times In this country. Tho question ol teaching natural his ISi.ilS2S If "SLSSJSSS. One speaker recommended throwing fumSrX drums and nonsensical' parsing.", to make room for the proposed sway. Tk..M.L-r htmrnsnv tnllonrers. L The Duke Baltino. of Trapani, Sicily, who waa recenuy capiurea anu crrieu ffiSJSfrfSSu H the . , r 1 t greater part was passeo in soowuouw lXc? t'K TrSZl for his ransom, which they uxed at 50 000 fraocj. " " Senator Georgo It. Pendleton'o defeat will probably throw another fioe Wash- ington residence on tho market, it was only finished a couple of years ago , and it is one o! tho pleasantest home3 in the capita! city. Mr. reodleton ir a nca Lmn. but ho will hardly be able to keep lup bis Washington establishment un- less he gives up nts Dome in vincinnu It you are bilious, Uket Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets." the prig- iral "Little Liver Pills." Or au ttrug gists. Plue Cod-Livek Oil made from selected livers, on thescasborc, oy uas iSS 1 VatienL1 who have once taken it prefer it to all otners. mysicians nave uwiueu . perior 10 an3o.4icoLuWi.. Chappeu Hands. Pack. Pimples', and rough Skin, cured by using Juki- Hazabd & Co . New lork. th 3 w Harper's Bazar. illustrated Harper's Boar Is at once the most LrttUant net' useful lIousehoKt Journal n exigence. It u the acknowledged arbiter otltishlon In this country. Its fashion plates are ths new eat and mot stylish; and its pattern sheet snpplemenis ana economic suggestlota alone are worth ta any times the cost of subscription.' Its lliostraUons of art needlework are from tbe best sources. Ks literary and; artistic merits are of the highest order. Its stories, poems, and essays are by the Urst American and Kuropexn authors. lis choice art pictures would all portfolio, and Its humorous cuts are the most amtuios to be found In any jour nal in America. A host of briJUast novelties are promised for lSWt v.v Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HAIU'En'S DAZAR $4 00 HAErEE'S MAGAZINE 4 CO UAKPZR'3 WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 SO lUorsa's In.urKUV 8qcaA Lx&asJtv, One Year (ii Numbers) 10 00 Pct!tc Free to all rubwrtber In the Unjt4 States nr Caosl. f The 'olojnes ot tba Bazar begin with the arrt yumbcr for January of esch year. Whtn no time Is menttonoi. It will be understood fhst tbe subscriber wishes to commence with the Kombet eext after tbe reeeJpt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of JJarinr's Bivtrr, la neat cloth binding:, wQl .be sent by mall, rostase paKL or by express, rxce of ex penee (pro-tided the freight does not exceed ewe dollar per volume), for $7 00 per Tolume. Cloth Caec for etch volume, suitable for btndhor, wfll be scut by mall, postpild, on re ceipt ol $1 00 each . uemlttaiKca should be made b7 ros wmce Honey urdcr or Draft, to a tow enaaee oz joss. ewf papers are not to cow this aa rem mo ment witbxrut tbe exprcfs exder of ZLisrzB & uaorBia. anarss " UAnrr.n m tikotaers, nnw t . . ... t- J . Sftyr Vnrfc : ii i First National Bank of ,WII- mington: CAPlTA8TOCS.M....w... j $230,000 BTJRPLU3 rU3TD...... Oesoalts recelred end eoDeetSotia: ssade ea all aeeeasfble rotnIs!ln the CnltedStatefw ouueorocas K. C BWtBOBS, D. Q. WOSTB1 A. afABTTJC. . JAB. BPUUNT, GKOBQB CTl AD BOURN. OfTlCTtES.i e. c Buasua.. .......... . A. K, WAJLSXS......M Caaales W. LARKIKa...u.. . anla Ast Caaktar C. D. r.lorrill. JNDKBTAKKU. CABXXKT sf AK.EH'AK2 CARPKNTXE. Ofloe and Work flbon m Aoa ond street, opposite Souther land stables. Kespectfalfy sollclta orders and trnaraateef COOd work. Ymr Wlmt fl Mttf r4tAl It Don't matter jr TUB OLO YKAIt IS GONE ASP THE New Year- baa "we. HUMPHREY. JEN KINS A CO., axe stlU recetrtnx at their Oys ter Ilon-e, No. 113 ita fYont Street, a fress snpplr errerr day et New Ulrrr Orstera. Oys ters airoMd C. O. D. - Yresh Skell Ontn always ea a tad, c - jaaJ J MISCELLANEOUS. i no Growing It U well known tltat a large ma ority of the human race die In child hood; Of course everybody has to sometime or other. But there - a 3 prolonconff life, and ; s , rT , r . b r u-, .. ilso of making the most while it - lasts, l i 1 J.; - : Li A growing chXd is exposed to norc risks than an adult. The sys ton is in its formath e state, and vcrr I receptive. If contagious diseases are . rf. - ntmni,. thn child is nar- 1 144 - ticularly exposed to, them." ' Diseases vvjlich wu pass over a iuu-grwn man or in irffl attack a gronng I .... . .i r. rr ! , child, ana onen ntn iatai enecu -A Sroig child is Uable to all nianner of acadeuts. , .uuts, wounds, brubes, and casualties of various . ; ; ' .! . kinds, may happen -at any moment Were it not for the natural elasticity . C of children, the death-rate among the vounc- people would be far largci uul . b tlian it 13. , 7 . A grooving chtld is iVorthy ot the very best care. It should be guarded against disease and accident, Tc J m . . ,. . , . , wuuci m. kaio the digestive organs, the block!, the Wdn, . the liver, and the nerves, nerc is nothing like ifrozvn s Iron - This is the only preparation of iron which can be given withoul m erhTevnns rpcnltc to teeth 01 slomach It vitalizes the blood strengthens nerves and muscles, and promotes sound digestion. nn , . . y,,' Jr- vl v iiai ilia ift luiiiuit uut the years of growth. - It is essential that he reach the complete adult maturity in healthful ness and vigor. Keeping this in view, how important it is that parents? should closely ob serve their children's health, and in anlole time begin to correct, any tendency to weakness or decline. The timely administering of Brown s Iron Bitters will ;do wonders toward keeping the growing child in excel lent health. . 9 . 1 dec 8. nrm tc dAw cd FREEforTRIAL A11 unfHlllr.pil t i'i'tty c :m for jVrrv itrtUi .'T a d IV- ti$m9, Ltf li4:i?t nutl Vivr, o ivuy TerwiMi, fc, .v-r forr. fjJoi sacd rofcJ?iv ctiP-) 'V 15c. for 1 OKtoC r.ji tr;a! X os. ot i Jr. M. V,Ji V fN r.r.riT St. jbiiiiitj. ; Raft-abT'Jnl'!a., 'mic io, Ji.i or- - yCorlAvr ! th ;-,v 1884.- ; Harper's Weekly; ILLUSTRATED. Horner' WttTdy stands at the bead of Aincr lean flJuEtrated' weekly journals. By Its no- artisan position In politics. Its admirable II lU6tra lions. Its carcfulli chosen serials, short stoilcs. sketches, and uocms, coutrlbutcd bv tho foremost artists ana authors of the day. It carries instruction and eutortainmont to tbou saud of American homes. - )t will alwas le the aim of tho publishers to make Harper's Weekly the most popular aad attractive family newspaper in the world, and. In the pursuance of this design, to pro sent a constant improvement In all these fea tures which have gained for it the confidence, S V WIJ WUUUVtiVVl ta larff5 army ol sympauiy, ana sappers 01 readers. Harper's Periodicals. Per.Year: IIAltFKR'S WEEKLY.. ..i.-.. 00 HABFEE'3 MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAB.. 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. ......... 1 SO HJLBXEB'S FaA3?XIJK 8QUA1U5 LlBBABr, One Tear (fit Kumcers 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United ptatca.or Canada. ; WSBBBBSBSa . The Volumes of tho Wcikly begin with the first Number for January ot each year. When no ume is menuonea, it wui oe unaerstooa that the subscriber ulshes to commence with the Number next after tbe receipt of -order. Tbe last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's rretjuy, mieatciotn Dinaing', sui do sent ny mau.-poBiaire raja, or uy express, rrce or. ex pease (DroTided the ' trehrnt does not exceed one dollar per volumO. for t7 00. per volome. Cloth Cases for each -rorame,' suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re cetpt of ft W each. - Uemittances srould bo made by PosC-Offlce Money order or Draft, to avo d chance of loss. - Newspapers are not to ccpr'thla advertlse- mentrwiinous tne express order ox axarxB A isxoTHxas. Aadress - ; . HARrEB A BBOTHER8, nort3 1 New-York Y HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE Agent for the TANNER A DELANEY ENGINE CCS ENGINES AND BOILERS from" 4 to 160 horse poorer; also Tramway or Narr r? Cli t LooomoUves. - . . ; . . . .., :, ?. , :, ( , Engines adapted to Farm use a specialty. : On haad and for sale ery low, FIVE SECOND HAND PORTABLE ENGINES. r - - i ! from 3 to IS hone power. ; . . I . aficH-Ont , . . sj TT. SKINNER. ' a rsScV, nd to V V?B.toca ft Pile. A rn si. sx crttrxwts. or no s al or I ki prpl4bynu irp4Je brma'i. aX ana rtr r X ' 1 ' ' null m frm. A4.-AMA Makcrs.BoxSlSNcv : U p p g n. iT n w 11 lima vivur BOT-HIjeMlw r J 1 ; t, t s EAlXiKOAXm, CCt Wlliiiliiton ft gW2E liaillroad Company. Omcs or GscrsaAL svtsocxxtexvsst, t WUialoKton. iCov IT, I Change of Schedule. MS AXD AFTER NOVTt IS, 1838. 'AT U KJAm M., Passenger Trains on tee WUmtc ton Ss Wellon liallroad will run &s iollo"Pr j DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS Dsix.1 NOS. 4T UOBTO A2TP J48E SOUTU. J LcarWlhlngtOB, Front St. Iept, 8.53 A. 11 Arrtre at WcMoa..i......i.;..... -2Jrr." U Leave WeMoa....... ...5.00 P. U Arrive at WUm'ton; FrontSt. lpt, 8.40 P al Fast Thkouoh Mati. & Passsxocs Tbaw ' . DAELryo. 40 sorra. U r , Learo WeMon... sO P. Ji ArriT at Wllm'gton.Front St. D'p't 10.S5 2d MAII AND PASSEKGES TSAIKd Pjjcdt -'.rro. Jfortii. -.-l r .--r ; Leave Wlmtoeton 8.00 r. U. AJIltPBt UUVU. ....... : A. iX. MAU, ASD PA8SBKGEK TXAIKS-Nos Sn4 42 Lcavo 1 WlhulnirtoD, (Sandaya cx- - ! centcVl). ...... wmi'h Arrive ati................;;.vg -J Leave Vi'eldon. (Mondava exRnitwit t a r Arrive at WlJmillirton;..;";.7.Tc 53 Z M Train No. 40 South wlO etop onlv ' at Wllawn Goldsboro and Magnolia, t 1 " wiiaon, i rams on xarDora Urancli BoadLcve Rocav Montit forTarboro at 1.20 A. M. ad p M. i Da9v, (Sundava cepted). .Betnralns; leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M and 3 P. m. inS Trains on Scotland Keek Branch Road lev Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 p. si. Re turning leave Scotland Keck at 8.S0 A. M dalry,except Sundays if? v v - Train So. 47 makes close connection at Ver don for all point North Dallv. " All Rlccsaond, and dally except Sunday via Ba Llne.'T : - - ! Train No. 13 runs dally and makes cloee con nectlon for all Points North Tla Richmond and Washington. Ai! trains run solid between WiVninrton an Washington, snd have Pullman Palace Sleep era attached. . , iV For accomraod&Uoh of local travel a pasaen ger cftach will be attached to local freight leav lng Wilmington at 7.00. A. hi. i Dally except Sunt la r. . - ' . . - JOHN F DIVINE, ' General Snperlntendent. T. M. KMKKSON. Genera Passenger Accot. . nov i i - . Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. Br0p; orncs or GxarxRAX. sePKKDrriaajwT. . WUmUurten, N. C. Nov 17, 1885. Change of; Scheduie: 05 AND AFTER KOVK ISth. at s,33 a. m.. vno I8I10 win a: rassenser sened u-"e vnu oe run on una roaa : -: No.42 Leave Wllmlngton,( Mondays - " excepted) 7.15 A 31 " Arrive at Florence.. .11.40 A M o. 3-rLave rrrencc, (Sundays . -' . excepted) j 7.40 ,P M M Arrlvcat Wilmington. ..;...18 10 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, PAILYNos. 4 WttaxKl 47 East. I Leave Wilmington........ 9.10 P,'M, Leave riorenou...... 2.40 A. at. Arrive at C C A A. Junction. 0.33 A. "M. Arrive at Columbia..... r,.40 a, 51. v a a m m n mm Leave Floi-eeco. 4.33 A. ii. Arrive at Wlloaigton... ...... 8.23 A.M. Night Mail ako Passkoer Tbaln, Dajlt "NO. 40 Wkst. . Leave Wllmlnrton........! ...10.40 P. l. Arrive St Florence...:............. 1.45 A. M. MAIL ANI PASSENGER TRAIN DArtV: lNo."4SEast.'.-- - '-Ml Leave Florence at.. ............33 P. M Arrive at Wliminfftcn ........7.42 P. U Train 43 stops at all Stations. " ' No. 40 stops only at Flenuhxton. and 2kfarion - rassengers tor (joiumma andau points on u tJon, and all points beyond, should take the isign .express.- i Separato Pullman Sleepers f ot iCharlestm and Augusta on Train 44. - -I - All trains run solid between Charleston and Wllmlnirton. I ' " " " Local freight loaves Wilmington dally ex cvpr onuuay uo,iua.u. - , .. . - j . JOHN T. DrVTNK, ' General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent nor IT :, - , Carolina Central . B; R. Company. OrncE or Gewesai, SinxBisrTKSDEWT, WThnington, N. C. June IStb, 18 1 of Schedule,; QJ A1CD AFTER JUNE IStb, TAB PASSENGER MAIL AND EXpRES TRAIN Daily except Sunday : f: Leave Wthntngtoa it..::....'7.00 pi-' M K0.1. leave Raleighat.....M.,.7.asp M, ) Arrrre at Charlotte at.. 700 Al,M W - Leave Charlotte at.. ...... ..8.45 PrM No. 2. J Arrive Ealelxh at.. ....... .-.8.30A... M I Arrive at Wilmington aU...8.25 A. M PaaBenger. Trains stop at recrolar statkmi onjty, ana points designated In the Coopany'i SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER, a M? - EXPRESS AND JREIQHT. tr Dairy except Sundays. Is xre unarjowe... 50 p. it Airrve 1 ai BneiDy........ 8.00 P.M. Arrive at Charlotte.... 100 XT M xTainawo. land a maxo cloee connection Hamlet with R A A. Trains to and from RaJ- Through 8'leeplnr Cars ltween WDmlngtOT and Charlotte and RaJpiH , r-h.wT0? f&SJ&PJi?1 'P' Stoteevllle, Stattons -f --4-' , - JU.'C. JONES, ' - r w -r icr , Snperlntendent.; W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent v 3 j CZZZZ3 r ( 47H MARSTOM00LU8" I , " " t-Thrt t rat meat a ssi -i .- i evrM4 cUrrjrt &h- ,!. iwd tbolot tSii Addrm Com!tis Fiix:cisii of - UARSTCM RUE0YC0 4SDl14taSt, KiwYorkl -noT;27-lreodlw - th s - . wnoLToALS; ppIs; 5T T?ie foUowlas cnourUoas smaurncrsjiTsacrj IJTlvfeiiTg to b?SSj AGGDfO ' Standard... 3 &... ........... lA'i . BA LOOS North CaroCa:. met. (f a..;........-..i.-.t.s ti.?i 2. ; a uKrijp-oTnntg JTirpentSae. i aoonid Hand, caci j -Nevr New York, each 1 7S A -V. J w a 9 M BUTTEK, fii . ' , Korthern.. f una. vuu..aa... w......:- n a a t operm. ...... 'Tailow...;... IB 'A a a Adamantlno. ... n CHEESE, V Ihr- ..... 1 Northern Faotorv. u Dairy, Ciranx.... ...... state........... COFFKE, & .Java. Lagnyra . a ' u - too... CUKX MEAL. tniii-. ...... .......I, COTTON TIES, bundJe..T. 1 X)a 1 n :8heetin,t4. -yd.:.i.... tuo - f -Tarn3T' bunch.. ..... faS: EGGS, V dozen.. ...... ........ , 55 r i Jisckerel, No. 1, s bW.......I6 CO Ira ' tn . Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.r 6 ISO sTlOts ' i Mackerel. No. L lhl s -osn nidm. t. . w v sr- w sasvav mt ,?Mullets,VbbU.............. 4 co 0 ttMuBcts,PorkbbU 7 00 O 8 SO '''ni85? V keg.... J 00 C I M FERTILIZERS. V 2.000 ftis . . . Pernrlan Guano, No. I... ....81 ISO tJ6l 1 'i OX) DOS.... ..00 00 Cl 00 .cone Meal.......;..; 00 jws m Bone Flour...,...4...t..,.oo 00 57 Navassa Guano.. ..w.. ...... ..40 00 H5 0r ' 'I Complete Manure.... 00 00 ica J Whann's Phosphate. .......... 00 00 , 070 sa Wando Phosphate:. i....;....00 00 r7o ot Berger A Bntz's Phosphate.. 00 00 e j. Excel lenza Cotton Fertilizer. SS 00 toco French's Carbonate of lime. . . 7 00 : s French's Agricultural JJme., S SO otif JB i7UXV. V OU1 Flno ............;.... 0 00 AIM Northern uper.. ............. 6 W asm ' '. , :Extra..; ".., . (do oik " M Family.;....'....; 1 00 o 8 74 , . City MillsExtra 1 Witlgc M Family.. ; 5 75 a lot' Extra FamUvii..: 6 so , a ,' wiiUJir n... ...... ........... 11 GRAIN, V bushel 1 - - Corn, from store, bags, whrie. Corn, cargo. In bulk, white . L - Cora, cargo, In bags, white..' C6 Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. J! Oats, from store.............;! , 63 Cow Peas.....:...;;;......;.,'i pq o it t a a Ti st o 1 Greenr. 4 A AV HA5fooJb-f","r"" f . Eastern.. 2 20 4 1 fT V9W U. ..,....... .. ......... North River.. ................. HOOP IIRON,, V It. LARD.V B -I ' I IS Ol A mm mtM. S s7 Si Northern.. . ........ . l0O 114W North Carolina 00. a 1 IJMEy;barrek..i......i....-L4a'9! '.(' LUMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. .; ' ' 1 .. Ship Stuff, resawed....:......lS 00 aT OC 1 C Rovgh Edge Plank.... ...... .13,00 ; 01 4 West India Cargoes,accordlng . J 1 to Quality..;... ...... ,13 Co OlS ' Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. IS 00 C23 OC Scautling and Board, com 'n.. 12 00 , CIS 00 OLAS3KS. V gallon- 1..-ST MOLASSES, V gallonr- New. Crop Cub, in hhds....: cc:: fljhsf ln'bbl. 4I AM Porto lUco,-inha.U........:i -oo'"fss4 'S" Ui bbls.......... W 4 Bngar nouse.ln bbds....;...." OO 0 ' 05" tcbbla.. 2S .41 3 40 O' Syrup, in bbls. NAILS, 4 Keg, Cut. led basls.. 0 00 ja S K OllJi, V gallon -Ir .Ji "JKerosfne... .................. llsT " Lard.;. .............. ...At... 1 10 at Limieed;; 90w4S09 ' liosin.r.r., . 90 t 0 I DO " Tar......-..i:v.'.......;..- OOjlS'i ,Jk a Spar,...."-...,.., en Qj 9 :? POULTRY . ChiekeoarUTergrtwai.i.... ' 2.1 0 1 sf T 1 ; V; Spring..... ... ...... .10 ! 0 j ItV .Tiirkeys.-.....-......'j..;..i;;. -7S otfi " PEANUTS V bushel.. oqto x POTATOES, bnsbel ' 1 . : weet. ............... ... ie o 7 - - Irlsb, bbl. ............ .-. j - tn PORK, if barrel . ,.,; , . ; . . h . city M.ess..i.....;;;.:.uri. et ca co ; Prime.. ............. V.......j.i8 oa sruoo ' Rump... .........17 00 Oil CO RICE Carolina. &.... - VhO Rough, r busheL..,...... f W 0 1 U -BAGS, 4 ftV-Country..., ' UiO 1H City....;...;....... t m&s t. BOPE. f ft. ........ liUA ii SALT, V sack, Arum......i.... 00 0 -71 ' LivertKM ............. Lisbon........:....... ........ 1 00 0 . 78 . 00 0 V American.,... .. iUGAR, Rv-Cuba.....;u. co 0-w - Porto Rico.........,........ . M 0 - ACoffte.. .......... ......... 00 0 ," t 00 0 ... i v . - .................... . ExC..;.?.W.V..i,..;...;f 7ii0 I 0- 0 h-rs- lOtMflJ 11 SOAP. 4F hVKoithenLr.-ll.-r.r ' n " U uu.v..... ....... SHINGLES 7 In. Vll-iM Common.... , 9 W , 0 1 00 , Cypress Saps...... .,4........ 4 so 0t Crorees Hearta am Mill r . mJ?&h 00 011 p .00 00 , stu w : TALLOW, tf th...-.i....i....... v.i ot I TIMBER, t M fccV-6hW23'13 CO 2 f.lflUFalr................. SOO04tt ;. Common;.v S 00 ' 0 OC' . Ordinary 0 00 0,4 - . WOSKET; V gaWSorthera..! 00 , W T North CarollnA4.iZ.i.;x 00.0 I W " WOOL. 4 aWaabed.. ... S3 0- ..Unwaebed.......w..i..w so 0 : J . .. v Burrr.................. ....... Hi 0.-H tffTFTi tt' worklag class. 64 U VXiXf cenffior wstage, a-d w-,-, ourw.aroyaL TshubJ box of samplo good that .wiiL' put ycalaCS way of making more money la a few days ttaa you ever ihouirht posslb e at anrt bushfc Capital not required We will start yeoi T 1 can wr rk all the 'Ime or In spare Cms TLe work U narrerealryadapted tobotassxe. young and old. You can eaelfy ears cents to $3 every eTcninsr. That aB wort may test tbe business, we maM ' paralleled offer; to ail who ate sot weUsstis , fled we will send $1 to pay ior the trooblsot . wrianarus.- Full parUu lirs. 6lrtciim' . sent freev-Fortune Btfa hJ ' who give their whole Ume to the work. success absolutely sure. ' Don't delaf ft" "fddresi SxraspN Cofrtuad.- ""mo. . , DOT W"uuf '. I i waatMrorTheUfesef ap M the Presidents or4 xne v--. best book TM &rVt rs.m Jim than lirlce W I. I'rice. The fastest selling book tn -ajnerfes. nrmense profits to areEUT-AH lowUlr"' Peosle want It.- Anvinr. Mi hnMima a scs ccesful agent. Terras free. Halls rr BoojL--Co., Portland, Maine, Z nor jd-emd-ljw ' " ' i A5 PEIZE SPh&X; - j wx 01 rooos wmcn will help money right away than anvthicjr else IS tJalf worWiAU. of either sex. succeed from cm -hour The broad road tn rrrtin rmn befors tbe workers absolutely sure "At ooee s ' dTt'2F!.vlB CO., A ugusta, Maine; j i O week at home, tica onUt rea U v U Par abeolntelv Sir ' hZ. risk. Capital not required. Reader, if yvrf wsst v7 rvrnyxui 01 rimer sex.ywi,s j uoepnai.,, ........ 00 00 COO as Carolina Ferullzer.. ....... ...45 00 , cwj . Ground Bone .....;i.....:...oo no txtnZl l. s na wr oki, lau iciie great pay an ice time work, wttis absolute ccrULsty, wri:e torp ticulars to H. IXixxcrr A Co,, PcxtoJjsOi 1