orroa A--rrorixroa. !-.r,ns4 POST AG X TX1T. Cr- moat. Tare r please notice: " . .. ' - f. r" r. r '- We will be glad to receive communication 'r ra onr fxJead on my tad All evbjeeia . iTeu'w-.-v m-m . r -r : . . i . f 1 ii ii ii'i- Vmir? HI In 1 v m : wi HUH Y S . I . . . '.;.... . - .... . ' , t - - r -I i " ..-'.. ) i .. ... . . : . - 1 .-. - I ' ' I ' - i .. Mmta 1 .33 by earrtaw free " . .:.J low arl liberal .-r--; rlarly. WC' r . . - f ...... MvTWtnr o any newspaper T.ircl nJ fifty fpittoonf. h."-- wtresur?::"! dnrin2 the rt'eir to the National Houwof .tcVltiTe,. a rented by the ccflbojIou:e. ; rrat mas-: box to play near L wb cMtne accompaniment. ;f. D.iiaS"r!Md to order. . vrhs. j, the nafurr witl our brethren rMe W.e rri? The .Vctri and J.-rituals of 'celebrating the ti .3:H bi luc iuu'"ft w... Urx'j a. Iloanoke I!ind.M It it j i: w in celebrate an crent which refer rccurrrd. Tienuuberof dirorce In Scotland it iffrraslnz. The avtrai numberf year subiuent to 184 For the Uloniag life years ,-A zz D?ceaib8r5l. 15t7. there was aiersioli. Durinr 150 no fcwr jst ! dcjreea were grante!. f U t janei unJer Ihe Itivrr Mersey, i: rooipltlcd. connecti IJirkenhead rj IJrpooI. and ii about a mile in cjUj. It U teuty sit feet in width, iii i$ liacJ with brick and cenient. In ' fjitrpooi the tunucl fill be connecied .l tbecoTerinf line of railroad. - - II r&rU (olice hive IiteJy apolted laeaormosssjslemot fraud in ciara by which JW-in thrw-centime cigars lse sold a I Urania at seventy- theuatiuei. Twenty thousand boxes virreK.ved, and eiibt depot for sale inr found. The jame ha lecn played ur ouic tiaae. - - - - . k tuli wjOer fish are reared ki every Japanese farm where there is a iool cr t ruok.with as much care as poultry are i a Trench cottage yards. (Jirls eo in iltttealazt with !onj wands to drive lU Ch into roofed tanks, where they are loekad in for the nfjght to kei them fVo3i birdie! prey VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C.V,; SATURDAY. JANUARY 19 1884. NO. 17 - Hie register of Deeds issued seven A note to the editor of this paper nurriaie licenses this week, lour of from Capt J. T. Patrick, Stale Immt- whi h were for white and three for col ored coup!c. ! IJr. Tntchard lectured in Lumber ton on Wednesday night to a good house on "Tbe Tongue," and preached at Shoo Heel Ttinnday mjrht I Show us the man who hasn't a cough or a cold or a catarrh uow and well Dointout to you the individual that struck Billy Patterson. I Rev J. B. Hawthorne, of Richmond. Va-, arrived in the city last night and is the guost of Air. George R. French, Sr. He will preach at the First Bap list Church to-morrnw morning and at night. The new edition of "How to Ship issued by the Atlantic Coast Line, is before us. It will bo furnished to ship per on application at Mr Haas1 office in Richmond or Mr. Emerson's office in Wilmington. We havelreceived the catalogue of the Oxford Orphan Asylum lor the current year, from which we learn that the present number of orphans being cared for at that institution is 182. of which 03 are bdys and 69 are girls. i At Inrinburg. on last Wednesday evening. Miss Katie Maglenn, daughter of Capt. James Maglenn. master me chanic of the Carolina ! Central R. R.. was married to Mr. Wm. Joseph Ed wards, Father McGinnity officiating. Attention is invited to the advertise ment of Messrs. Jas. JB. Huggins & Co., as it appears in this issue. These gentlemen have entirely refitted their store and now invite attentiou to their stock of family groceries, guaranteeing satisfaction to al:. OuriiiusIIy well-informed neighbor oJ ihe .Win Observer speaks of Jsil HaiuiUoa a James G. Blaine's :itt. Wrong. Gail Hamilton is not re all to Mr. B'.aine but is the cousin of his wife Her real name is Abigail Uipts Dode. and never having bad another came oflVred her in exchange tie picked oat one to anil herself and hence "Giil Hamilton.'' - A correspondent of the Golds bo ro Sli-tscugcr brinxs forward the name of lion. R. R. Bridfers. President of (he AL'aatic Coast Lice system, as a candU d:ebr:cotuicstion as Governor of .North Carolna-Tho corrrspondett Fms very handsomely of Col. Bridicra acd is doabllcss sincere la all ae aaja but ai one man could not fill the impositions we doubt U Col. Bridgers w:d give op that he now holds to be ctae Governor of the State. LOCAL NEWS. "8(1 Tl ItW ABVtmtEUEITt. Jicxsox A Btu.-Job rrtatera w Weiss ".teaxa Tacht Loalae Umnmon. Tlxxto aaiOrxaiu t " TATXfr-LeJxera, Joufoala, An ITis. X DSSOSSET-Oaloa Seta J w TULOt, Aital-Bjtfcaa, SlaU,' Ae B Urocrss A Co Family Grooart Bij's length 10 hours and 6 minutes. The moon enters on its last quarter aia tawalght. " icre were no interments in Bellemo cgttery this week. The rcceipu of cotton at this port to- fxl CP IW bales. There were no Interments in Oak leaeterythU week. Sanaei totaorew afternoon at 15 QlnaapaatS ockek. Tureer's almantc promises ahean Iroat for Monday morning. ,aJcciht wind grows fd lU 8:rrcU re as bad as i7 can be. V!9 Wera Te:i inUrmenU in Piue ' !:aela during the week, four wcro adali nJ three were J L10kj m du lo "oo. ITbarton tr',?' RPresentatire In Congress Jtk;s district, for Important public Oa aa4 aer Monday next the steam 5nnl ,Uwe wIU ltr WUmlngtoa for fIU tt t:30 p.m.. Instead of 3 - .aa neretoibre. Cotton. The receipts of citton at this ! port lor the weeking ending to-day foot op 1.82 bales, against 3 322 bales for the corresponding week of last year, a de crease this week j of M'JI bales. The receipts of the crop y ear to date foot up eo.uis bales against 93,593 bales to same dale last year, a decrease this year of 17,f50 bales. Superior Court. The attention of this tribunal was occupied during the afternoon session yesterday in hearing the argument of Col D. K. McRae in the oase of F. J Swann ct als. vs. L. A. Hart, J. C Bailey ct als. This morning Maj. I). J. Devane, fof plaintiffs, made the closing argument, which consumed the tiinejuntil the hour of taking a recess at I o'clock this after noon. Miss Annie Pixlo3. In speaking of this talented actress. who will appear as M'liss. at the Opera House on Monday night next. Joaquin Miller, the author of the play, says: There is another woman out of ihe West who is still nearer tbe lop ot loo ladder Annie rixlcy. In tact, she stands above, and entirely at the head. in her largo and mal popular line of work. Rich, strangely-gifted, bcautts ful beyond description, cultured, kind. gentle as a ister of charity, this nappy women has been my pride and admir ation ever since she rose, lire years affo. a full-blown star out of the West. I doubt if there is another one woman in America who ha, and deserves, too. as many friends as Annie ruley. Sudden Death. Mr. James W. Johnson, one of the oldest and most respected . citizens of NewnaLorer county, residing about twelve and half miles from the city, la Cape Fear township, camp to Wil mington yesterday morning on busi ness. During tbe day he complained to his friends of feeling unwell, when they induced him to go Into the Scar borough House to rest and take some medicine. After a while Mr. Johnson walked towards the rear of the building and turning thero it was noticed that be staggered when two of his friends hastened and caught him as he was tailing and one of them held the sufferer's head upon his knee until be had expired, which was in a few minutes. The deceased complained, a short time before his death, which oc curred at abcut 4 p. m., of intense pain in hisbreast which extended to his finger ends. Mr. Johnson lacked one month of being 70 years ot age and survived his wife only about three weeks. He was In comfortable financial circumstances, although the value of his property was materially decreased by the results of the war. Heart disease was the supposed causa of death. Coroner Jacobs? wis notified, but deemed an inquest un necessary. . j gration Agent, says that the "crofters1 from the Scotch island of Skye are to sail tor North Carolina next Monday. There will be, it is now learned. 300 in the first party, iostcad of 150, as previously reported. They will land at Norfolk, and all will come to Richmond county, in this Slate. 1 Exports Foreign (Jcr. barque Lqdia Pcschatt, Bremcrs, cleared to-day for Falmouth, Eng., for orders, via Charleston. S. C, with GOO barrels rosin, valued at $800, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. Ger. barque C. L. h'cycr, JFrencJc, cleared fof Hamburg with 220 casks spirits tnrpen tine and 3,116 barrels rosin, valued at $3,005, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. ; making the total val ue of expotts for the day $8,895. Ordination Services. Rev. L. T. Carroll was ordained at Mt. Holly Baptist Church, Pender county, yesterday (trmay; alter a pub lie examination as to his Christian experience, call to the ministry and views of doctrine. Rev. Dr. Pritchard preached the sermon on "Paul as ,the Model Preacher." The charge was delivered by Rev. W. M. Kennedy and the ordaining pray er was offered by Rev. J. B. Barlow. - Mr. Carroll grad uated at Wake 'Forest College some years ago. Her. Dr. Hawthrono. Rev. J. B. Hawthornc'D. D. pastor of the First Baptist Church ot Richmond, Va.. tbe largest Baptist Church in . the South, will preach in the First Baptist Church in this city to-morrow at' 11 n m on "Judas and his Imitators.' Dr. Hawthorne declines to preach more than once on account of a sore throat. He is one of the iuost distinguished pulpit orators oi the country, and those who hear him may expect something good ; -: ffy ; Dr. Pritchard will preach at night, tbe third of a series of sermons address ed to young men. His theme will be "InfidelitvX Testimony to Christian ity." I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JUST RE 6 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EIVED PER EXPRESS A FULL LINE OF Plain and Brocaded. - In all the evening shades. ... o- . ' I These goods were purchased froiu a larc "Bankrupt Sale and will offer them very much under the regular price 1 . " , A Gootl Joke. Last night some communistic individ uals who believed in a more equal dis tribution of property, became possess ed with the idea that the editoriaj fraternity were having too niauy of th good things of this world, and made a tour of inspection to aatisiy themselves on this point. They visited the store room ot Mr. John Mclaurin, editor of the Xorth Carolina Presbyterian, where they adopted the equalizing process by taking the flour, a ham aud several other articles. There was a jug in the room containing some wine, and they flade a division by drinking the wine and leaving him "the vessel, which was eminently fair and satisfactory on their part. These well-fed newspaper editors must reflect that they have no right to all the good things. What right has an editor to flour when corn meal is cheap, or to hams when shoulders would cost but about half as 'much, or to wirfc when corn whiskey is. abundant? Ldpplncott's Masraziuc. LippinwtCs for February opens with a 'paper ou "Old Germantown." It traces the early history of the town, calls up its prominent figures and char acteristics in tbe past, and describes the existing relics. The illustrations are finely executed. "French Chateau Life, Past and Present1 deals chiefly with the Breton home of Madame de Sevigne, which tbe writer has recently visited. Alfred M. Williams, who has travelled extens lively in the "Reservation," gives an interesting description of "An Indian Cattle Town. " Professor Horatio S. White gives a very pleasing account of "Pilgrimage to Sesenholm." "On a Glass Roof," is an amusing description of winter fishing in Vermont. Dr. Oswald has a second paper on "Healthy Homes," which is replete with valuable suggestions. ;j The second instalment ot "Sebia's Tangled Web." is very animated. "A Mental Masquerade,'1 is brightly writ- ted and well constructed. " Explained, Is a pathetic little ghost story; and The Great Jigtown Failure.- is a clever realistic sketch. The miscellane ous departments are well filled, and tbe Whole number is, as usual, "thoroughly readable " The Poor Ye have Always. H. C. Flanders. SupL of the. Alms House . Wear. ' N. H- certifies : "A helpless, afflicted woman, ibed ridden for five years, by tba use or the rreat paiu-banlsher, St. Jacobs Oil. now ctts from her bed and knits stockings." - jan Is JULIUS SAMSON, 111 MARKET STREET. 1 The Ilaalons. The following is what the New York Journal says of "Le Voyage en Suisse The Windsor Theatre had a full house last night. . There are few per formances more calculated' to put the pnblic In good humor than the Han Ions' "Le Voyage En Suisse." It, is not diluted fun, but a nervous, restless, active piece of drollery, in which the acrobatic and pantomimic are curiously combined. It recalls the old feats jot the Ravels, and since them we have had nothing of the class that is so good as the performance of the Hanlons. For Ealeigh Kegister.- JgARLY IN FEBRUARf as boou as . tkc printers receive the Inecessary material the SublicaUon of the RALEIGH REGISTER, a orth Carolina Democratic newspaper, will be commenced. ' The Registek wiU be printed weekly until the great political campaign of l SS4 begins. J t will then be issued twice a week, or as often as may be useful or necessary to the Demo cratic party In North Carolina. It will be printed from new and beautiful type on goo 3 white paper, and though it mav not be large enough to hold all at once all the good things that glowing prospectuses sometimes promise, yet the application of a thorough knowledge or how to use them will put into its thirty- two Droau columns ail (the news, much gootl a popular audience there are not many reading, and a complete history of what is Kr far thin (ro I- - ! none ii-Aort)i cardinal Mr llaiewin be edi- The price of the Register will be $2 a year. $1 for six months. Pay for your home paper, ami men remit lor tne register, xnosewne remit $2 to this oilice will receive as apreml When others are suffering, drop a word of kindness and sympathy. If they are suffering from a cold,' give them Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup; a few doses of this valuable remedy will af ford instant relief, and a twenty-five cent bottle will cure the worst cough. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BLOCKS, SLABS, &c. gKND YOUK OKDKUS FUR . R LOCKS, SLABS & STRIPS, to J. W. TAYLOR, Agent, jan 19-lt Harrison Stoam Saw Mills. laeiallniereattmt : c The nama of the wrnewaxut always be fa laaea to-the EdRoT.; Comannlcauona mut be written le on I oselJe of the paper. rsrsonauuesniistbe aroldL ! And It la eapeclally and . particularly v4 stood that the Editor doea not ahrayeendoi the Ytcwaof correspondent nnleu1 o aUU In the editorial columna. MISCELLANEOUS 7i OPERA HOUSE, One Night OnlTiiAltHu s - . !,. 1 Jti ,- iKngagcmcht of the Charming joun Comcdl I enne aud Uotcral rarorito . i ' ANNIE PIXLEY, Supported by Mr. FRANK LOSEJ5 and her own laicnca company in I ho etcr lpuiar piay. Child of the Sierras ! is Pixlcyinthc title role, 1 which a ntroducc many New. Sonra. Dance ki cy. Salo ot daU. conmencca Friday, mil,-at Dycr'a. Rcacrved, Scate $1. ral Adratalon T5c, f-Oc. Gallery 35cJ MIrs Pixlcv in the lllta ml i hi)i k. will Introduce many New. Songs. Dance and Jan. Ucncral Atimlnlnn T.v rv :i!MM . r z - w. u.nv . jan 17-St OPERA HOUSE One Night Only! TIT !! A V JANUAUY 12. THE HANLQNS I And their English-French Comedians In Le Voyage .En Suisse ! The Cheeriest, Brightest and moat Joyon 1 Comic Creation of the Present BUm. FUN, MIRTH and MUSIC In IIABMOMOUS I . BLENDING ! I 1 - Splendid Scenery ! 8tartMagActton ! Tni5 RAILROAD EXPLOSlpM ! One of the most Wonderful and Startling Eflfcrts ever produced on any plaice. Seats at Dyer'a Reserved $1. Admission CV, Me. Gallery 21c. ja 17 4t Lime! Lime! Steam Yacht Louise. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER for Smlthvlllc dally. ' ttates low and accom- moriAttona Hn. The T.CHTISK la a n Imot and is guaranteed safe. Will leave Smithvilh) ft A. f Tmva Wllmtnirlun n 3nn'lnnL- T nr ir I . f . . -v r- i - jian loot oi woe street. WM. WEEKS. jan 10 ..-, . A rent and Owner. I JAS. B. HUGGIJfS & CO. OLD STAND-MARKET STREET. - . i Invite attention to their stock of Family Grocery Supplies, and solicit patronage- Everything sold on 'the' principle of "Lire and Let live," with a guarantee of satisfac tion to purchasers. J" Goods delivered promptly and free of charge jan 19-tf Printing & Binding ! Our f'ricuda will please remember us when in need of anything in our line, whether Printing, Ruling or, Binding, Im same will be douc with promptness) and satisfaction guaranteed. We desire to call attention of thofce who have never favored us with their patronage, to the fact that ours is the best equipped establishment in the city, and none but com petent and skilled workmen employed. JACKSON & HELL. Jau 1? Apples ! Apples I Apples I r"VN CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BE SOLD. N. Y. Baldwin Apples. Ohio Red AppIch. N. Y. Creamery Butt r, N. C. Roll Bntter. Ohio Batter, Va. Meal, car load or small order so licited. K. O. BLAIR, Commisalou Merchant, 1! N. Second St. dec 31 and then remit for the Register. Those who urn either volume ordered of M Hale's Indus trial Series." two volumes arc now ready The Woods axi Timbeks of North Car olina Curtis'. XEnimons' and Kerr's lie tauical Repor-s ; supplemented by accurate Comity Reportsof Standing Forests anil 11 lustraied by an excellent Map of the State, l volume, iJrao. Cloth, "ZtA pp. ?i.v.. Industries of North Carolina Tx tiii Coal and Iron Counties. Emmons', Kerr's. JLaidlev's. Wilkes, and tbe Census Reports; supplemented by full and accurate sketches of the Fifty -six Counties and Map or tne state, i volume rzmo. motn. 4.'o pp4 jan 18 Raleigh, N. C 3 '(SO BARRELS I FRESH RoJjKPOI ORDERS S T LIME, SOW LANDING. )LICfTKD. y()RTlf & WORTH. j.t'.i j.i i For Sale. on4 jan lfi-lt SPLIT pisv: w For a!e low by TAS. II. ClIADPOURN A Cl Finest Oysters I EST WHISKEY AND BEST FIVE Cent Cigars in the citv, can bo bought at the OLD North state saloon, a so. Front At Give a Tar Heel a living show. i i Ian ; i ' i;- I i 1,000 Hhds DRIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES JL landed direct from tlic Island, which we offer to the trade at prices to! suit the times . We guarantee this Molasses pure. j ; jan 0 tf EDWARD KIDDER & SON. i - - i VVJLIi r LEASE CALL AND SEE THE ; I. LARGli STOCK OF Li FUftGELL HOUSE. JJNDEB NEW MANAGEMENT, 4 , . - . - W ILM INGTONy N, G B. L. PERRY, Froprlctor. Late Proprietor Atlantic HoteL FIrat-Clasa tnaillU appoliitiimitU. Trmi t2. li t fZ.O0a WOOD I WOOD !t 'J FEW CORDS OF KO. 1 SPLIT OAK, Aaii, Black Jack and Pine,' fall length and well seasoned, fok sale cheap, just to keep i our drays at work. A FULL LOAD EVERY i TIME. W. E. DAVIS A SON. Ian 17 I Xider and Cider Vinegar. JJOTH VERY NICE INDEED, ! AND VERY CHEAP. i Retail and Wholesale In limited quantities. Also, Applet. At K. MCUOUUAL.I5. No. 14 Cheatnot St, bet. Front and Water ian 16 i WTlmlncton. N. C Dyed." A t uoNJLCR'shc coNDsrnrirr.be- tweem Market and Princess, LdJee and Gen Uemcat'a foda ot every deaerlption, any color. Alao, cleaaiat', ecoorlnf and bleaching. Semi me a pair of rnr old Kid Glove. dov 2 if s AND MADE UP LACE GOODS. I- : THE TKICESJARE SO AS TO SUIT EVERY- ! BODY AND MAKE QUICK SALE. OXTjR motto QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS ', '. ! AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR US Market St. jan 17 WILMINGTON, N. C Special InducementSa J" AM OFFERING A SPECIAL INDUCE- mcnt in ZEPHYRS, having a very large lot of It, and wishing to reduce stock before Spring, I will sell all colors at 11c and black and while at 10 cents per ounce, FOR CASH. A nice lot of Handkerchiefs, Llncn'and Silk, I will sell at reasonable prices and stvnp initials free of charge. .. - I Chrochct Goods, such ai Shawls, Fascina te re, Caps, Sacqucs. &o at low pilce. Hats trimmed and untrimraed as ! low as can lc bought anywhere, and a large stock, to select from. Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER; jan JO Exchange Corner; TEA FIGURATIONS. ""I ALT IT BY ANY NAME YOU PLEASE, THE WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER SALE THE NjW GOING ON AT SHRIEK'S IS MOST PRODIGIOUS EX AMPLE Off WHAT i GOOD CLOTHING CAN BE 31 AN U FAG TTJRED AND SOLD FOR. WE CANNOT I AFFORD TO HOLD A GARMENT OVER TO BE THROWN UP TO US AS "OLD STOCK" NEXT YEAR, SO I AM DETERMINED TO CLOSE MY ENTIRE FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF CLOTHiNG Less than New York Cost ! WITH THRIVE-FOURTHS OF THE WIN- TER STILL TO C03IE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE SUCH GARMENTS AS WE ARE OFFERING AT SLAUGHTERING PRICES, MUST COMMAND UNIVERSAL ATTkN- I' - . - TION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY WIN TER CLOTHING FOR NEXT WINTER'S USE. . ! ' " 9 I JL. Jan 16 RELIABLE CLOTIIIEB, f .. 111 MARKET ST. Pianos and Organs, ' JJADE BY THE MOST CELEBRATED Slanufaclurer, endorsed by the leading and emtneat pianists of the day, and warranted not to blister md peel oft lii two or three . i r month?; but arc guaranteed to resist the at. iuo-phcric change of the South equally aa - i well as any Piano or Organ made, and to Im prove In quality of tone by use! j Call nnd examine tbec famous Instrumental jan H At . HELNSBERGER'S, Live Book and Mualo 8torea Onion Sets, White and Red. A FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. 1. Aio, a fall assortment of FRESH GARDEN SEED, PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, i ' I ' 1 i CIGAR j In great variety, As , Ac. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, u Ntw Drug SU)re, - j j Market and Seend StrU. Ledgers, Journals, Days, JJLANK BOOKS OF ALL SIZES AND Styles of Binding. , i ! I - - II Mcnjorandnm BMk. Letter Books. InvoU e Bxka, Receipt Booka. ' l 1 . LUhograpbed Draft. Note and Cjcrk RookF. in stock and made to order. i - i ! All kiada ofJOOico and Fancy Sttlonery. , i I Wrapping Paper and Parer Baga, ,Twlae, . at tone at market price. ; YATES BOOK 8T02E. 119 Market Street

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