- ')" - ' f ItlS txtzz We WJI Us jrlxd to fftccWoV! - r 1 w our friends on any and all t - v..-. -!.'' . i - jOSlf T. JAMCT. .f,. arror:xroa. -r. ! The naxca Of tho writer nmt elwaS I idsaedto the Mtor. .. " . -:; .. :-' I - GcmTinlcaon laost be written Tr Oce avnth. cata. o M9 cf the- r4t- rermaiit!e mut avj.!.l ! MIX Axt4UU eepecUU? nd parUi-uUrly u&! .: .... s . cf -I innraL .an an. I VOL. VIII. V LMINGTON- N. C MONDAY. JANUARY 21. 1884. NO. 18 stoo.1 that the Editor does noi always endc tho TteTs of corre?poRlnU u&leaa o state t In the cI!tcrtal coIaeaE. ; - L r MISCELLANEOUS j I ...... .-. T'1 " fr his 7..v0. ' Vl . . l - . .i" .cts - .". b raided , .... t,,,S " . it ..r.-lrrif-'3 rC:c:McLaDC.otMarjUod.ccu. r.-j i cuM oa tU d.y of bit aciuj- Zks aoe it h dete'.upcd toio n'Q- -1 r-jiflactl bira t b: nxm. . . . Rabbi Hirsb F cf Grcis i: - IIur.,-ary. a rromtcent leader P; Je .i thought "f-1 s-.thcaoofcijbty-two ers. r.atrr-irC:cvc.aad dues na think r': r iiaz ir.crfcre with bit official . as l Lc i often ccn oa tho boulo-1 rJ aboat Albany in a handomo Kx-St;s:f Simon Cameron will 'rtJe the IU Spring. Ark . ou the jtb trux.. I if Mexico. He it itr much tiurUalA thin when he started on 1:1 ioir&j. laOii joatzest son and hi m are c&: allowed to accept an in?i-j :kL2vt any J-r: hAtever without Uii'. LV:c5:iIred prmiii!on from fir Mi:y. cjw:e Swtrbrick. who died In New o;ii ca Tuesday, wa one of tbe ea!:L;et: nsrehaatt o! that city, na carried the sUler of Archbishop GiU cf Uiitixaore. William J. Wise, who died at Vin oennes. Ind.. recently, was kuown a tLe mnh'onairo roi.er.M III will dli vtttrUs many relations andthedoca- etc.. U to contested. beceral Sheridan will noon make his aua! pilgrim a (o to bU old home in Ol'ol) Tiilt bis mother. She U 83 jrn o'J. and .the s;eneral never nej :: to visit tcr occe a year. ietr) I). PciUips. fl New Vork. has stated a half mile ta one minute and tiiirty scocd4 said t i be the fastest t:s55 ercr caaJe He is oieg to Canada 'i traiei: tio champions there. fte rewptioa tendered to Speaker Car:.': by Lto Coax mon wealth Clnb, of rhilaJeipbia. w3 held oa Saturday s He was met by about one VrjissJ i'eaciylvania DemocraU. F. W Tharbfr. wb retires from i Vjiiscsi ta New Vork. is estimated to ! twcrth 2.000.000. He bean with feir daliars and gradually built up a cw.c;l irecrry covet m. His aj is S'tJ.foiT. Ice popularity of Christmas Day in. cntKjjearly la Scotlan d. where for ccrly it was bat little obterved. A Metier for C.O00 was sivca to the poor f Glasgow la IboCitv Hall, the lerd JroTcst rrtsldlng. Irsu Clara Schumaun plays cc aaioai::y at concerts iu Berlin. "She i a!esro!4 lady." writes a corres miiz;. -and she is immensely VUr. Her hair is wbUn4b ba Ate: experimenting for many 3 ears, Dr. C HcIIaud has produced a'lobomo 'eaj.sethat emits no smoke. It Uea ssccessfolly running oa the ttira raUrcad. between Boston and rCa. for three weeks. w - o!i 1 barl ?,a Sl- Jtcobs wacretl of pain. T yo3 Dysd a real good first class ki3X stowe. dcai fail to e the Ex -Aor Pec a.. 7rh v. .nri v. paerald. beeidet others. They are to j te fjced at factorv nrinvi at Jacobi. h ths maacfacturery agent, t Icr lcra White Lead & Paint, and wxiest stock of Window Glass and wwtat prices for good articles be sor !l2JfJoobrs Hardware Depot! t Sportsman's Qoods. Wf l4V? THC TISTifT XSSOBTUEST f-vyT!ft 4ow o lUnlmw. Good . vr. r. aFRGEX a cxx, a . J&a DawoBt M Co.. ' 71 II. n aa4 q iux Ut lOMt LOCAL NEWS. ! IIOII TO MEW ADVrSTISEMEIITS. r itlJ k:ojt M M K4T-Jot Uient'l f Lcrcm: Ir Hswtiioni'' Hihiek' win Kctt Kort Tuos C Csxrr. Agt raroJtcr T L nIt;GB5 A C x TaU 5ni fr.r'm:Kc McCslia A sUtcIcj' KcEcaytB A Caioeb Bku Groccr C r fATt Le Jcr. Jourol, A SfOlJ Pn A PeKos'ET 'Jiloa Kxionrs or UoKOS-Kejalir 3IcetIo5 w r frfBtyOEB A Co Sport stnao God-2 M-poriiLt. 4 BrwTe a Mcrclfa! Man For ether locals sec fourth pa so. U"od wa retailing th:. morn ins at , PScnl lo SI a load. sinco Saturday t.l.-ht upwards ot fiiy; flRs of mber hsreiirriTed ln thl5 mar. J kH I Tbij morninz was very cold colder.! wo iciDK. taan on any morn in s since the recent rury &crero weather. !? a 1 t Chwtnut .trt:. between Second and Third. U buried in somctbinc eficctual be lt? " mud. Cannot done to relieve A gold seal ring, with the letter 0 on ! it. wat loat on the street a few days ago Tho finder will be liberally rowarded if he will bring it to this oflice. i Schr. Miry E; Amtdcn McGnire, cleared to-day for 1'eocc, 1. H.. with 210.000 feet lumber, valued at $2.750 hipped by Messrs. Northrop & Cum- Our locum tenens i sick. He baa fouht for a week past against the fcelf lag but has at length been compelled to yield to it. ThH fact will account for the unusually interesting miscellany of news which wo present to-day. . Thanks to Mr. ncinsberger for a copy of the "Illustrated Church Annual, a Handbook of Parochial Work and a Calendar and Clerical Directory for, the Vestry, the Clergyman's Study and the Family Circle." It is. Indeed, an epit ome of valuable information for the 1 members of tho Episcopal Charch. Sold by Mr. Heiniberger, at 50 cents. Kufghts of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 431. Regular meetinsr this rvrnlnir nt 71 nVWt. Full ! attendance desired. It. The Lecturo To-Night. Key, Dr. Hawthorne will lecture in Tilestt a Upper Room this evening In behalf of the Wilmington Library As sociation. Subject: "Bo True to Thy self.1 If the Interest which is felt in tbe presence of this distinguished di Tine in oar city is any indication, we feci assured that tho Rooms will be filled this evening by a rarely appreciative audience. ' Fear for Ills Safety. Sotuc fears arc entertaincdjas to the fate of a colored man by the name of Thomas McKtnsey. well-known to many here. It oems that McKinsey is engaged in getting out 6hingles in a swamp near Rocky Point but that he vlalta bis wile, who lives here, regularly every two wwks, turning over to her at that time his wages. It is now nearly a month since he has been heard from and as he has heretofore been very re; ! u'.ar in hia visits home serious fears as j to his safety are entertained by his wite. A Biff Fresh C'omtn. Capt. Tboruton. of the Xorth $itct tells u that we may lck out for a gen- luitobig fresh in the river tbi timo I lie says that there has becu a great ideal of rain about -the headwater? of tho Cape Fear, and that when tbe boat leit Fayettevillo oa Saturday morning the river had r;en CO fed and was t till 'rising rapidly. Capt. Thornton tninks I tkst the rain has extended well into j Sampson and Bladen counties and that there will also be freshets in the Black rr .u:.. .u-. . ! anu oouia rtvcis. u luiuas iuai iuo Cape Fear will be hijbor than it bss been in five years. " First Baptist Church. Rev. J B. Hawthorne. D. D., Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Rich mond, Va., rreached yesterday morn ing in the First Baptist Church in this city, to a large and delighted congrega tion on the subject ol "Judas aud nis Imitators. At night the Pastor of the exarch. Rev Dr Pritchard , preached on "The Infidel's Testimony to Christiani ty and every available seat waa filled on the occasion. This was the third ot the sermons to young men now beinr delivered by Dr. Pritchard la the Sanday nlghl services in bis charch and they are being received with a great deal oi Interest by the entire congrt ration. a ... mm By authority ol a UiiHn9B.tiin granted , 1 bT sir Ku,-ono ri cmi com i maruler of the Koigbls ictnpiar, tor flhejariwlictiou of 1 Xortli Cro!ins. h : Commaudery of Knijht Teaiplar to ! be InMitatfd at Sttera. to morro-sr. tbo ! SSati inat. Salem will make the Sixth CoruuaanderT of that rdcr io the State. Vn I hin-loratfvflflt Wilmintton. No. 2 at Chariolt?. No. 3 at Purbara, No- 1 at R-ileisU. N"o. 5 at AsberiUo. FrfU Uouseliold Beclpet. To take grae ppot. out of fabric3 ue a saiall rr f sbarr feasor. Thr Burct-t wav to destroy fleas od I d0;25 i5 to drovn them. Imroerfe tbera J nd the do? in six Icet of water tor; minclC5 , . . -CW trAftU to know bow to aroid the smell of cabbage wbilo boiliug. We f know of but ooc remedy. How your nose. keep mice out of tbe pantry, have j around. Bnt ficayen knows bow! tq - CH to keep the cat out ct the pantry. A correspondent wishes to ; know if there is anything that will whiten cotton llannel night dresses. Uare you ever triod washing them? The Manhattan For February is thoroughly entertain ing. The opeuing article, "Autumn Camps on Cayuga," by William F. Taylor, is a bright paper, while the illustratisns show all the picturesque features of Lake Cayuga. Another illustrated article is by Frank Board on "Caricature," ot which the illustrations are in the best vein of that popular draughtsman Beantifnl are the lllas trattoni of an interesting, narrative poem, "The Queen's Revenge," by Thomas S. Collier. . "Shakespeare Sonnets in a New Light" Is a fine arti cle Irom Jnniu3 Henri Browne, and "A Poet's Wife" Is an elegant and witty comedy by Brander Matthews. S. G. W. Benjamin. U. S. Charge d' Affaires and Consul General In Persia, describes his journey "Acroas the Caucasus." The fiction is the first part of an ab sorbin? story, "Transformation,1 by Harriet Presoott Spofford, and another chapter of "Tinkling Cymbals,", by Edgar Fawcett. North Carolinians to Wear the Blue. The officers of the Wilmington Light Infantry, in this city, have received an order from AdjutanUGeneral Johnstone Jones prescribing a uniform for the officers and privates of the State Guard, the object of this order being to have all the eompanie3 composing the State Gaard to be uniformed alike. The full dress for privates will be a double breasted tunic of dark bine cloth ; sk irt to extend ono-third the distance from the hip-joint to the bead of the knee; ! two rows of buttons, eeveu in each row ; collar same heigh as for officers coats, cloth, four inches faced with scarle back on each side, cut square, to hook up close in front; number of regiment in white metal in middle of scarlet faciug of collar on each side; slashed cuffa cf searlet cloth, two and one-half . inches wide, with three small buttons; 6kirt of coat on each side of tbe opening behind to be faced with scarlet cloth, ornamented with four buttons. Two straps ot dark blue cloth, piped with scarlet, let into the waist scam on caoh side the coat, and buttoning above the hin. to sustain tne waist belt. All - officers bhall wear a double breasted frock coat, of dark blue cioth. the skirt to extend from one-halt to three-fourths tho'distanco from the hin-joinL to the bcud of the knee. The Confederate gray is entirely -ig norcd. United Slates regulation uniforms. bcinc adopted instead cf the gray - M j - - - i . officers and meu will wear helmets ofl felt, U S., regulation ratterni, except that on breast of spread eaule in front tbo arms f tho -State of North CrQiina shall be displayed in white metal. Helmet - far officers to have chiachain and spiko. but no cords !or tassels; those for enlisted men to-haTe spike and leather rhintlrap. Flumes jfox general and field officers. whte buffalo hair. Tbe age of "reconciliation' or ,4re , nunciation" has dawned upon North' Carolina at last, when our troops .don ' tho Mao. Wc would rather have teen i them continue with tbe gray, howerer. i It is a color which has been honored. and ennobled in a hundred hoi fights and North Carolinians have especial oanse to feel proud of that color aed proud to wer it. "I Thousands of families have had oc casion to try the nevar failing qualities of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, aad they all unite in the praise oi this wonderful prescription. JUST RECEIVED A FULL ' 3C . q rwmA D w rlWrl 1 1 " U O TO C SO 6 U t Jerfej A1s lCandiJ buttons lenzth Thee goods were purchased from a largo Bankrupt Sale and w;ll cflcr them very much under tho regular prtca, T 1 JULIUS SAMSON; iao SI Pertionnl. Mr. L i. Bojkin. oi Sampson 1 county, is iu tbe city in attendance on the Superior Court He is registered at the Purccll House and favored us with! a short visit mis morning. Mr. .Tubus Samson arrived here on last Saturday night from New Yorlt and will spend several months here, not returning North until the Spring. He is looking very well and time does not seem to have dealt harshly with him of late years. Mr. Samson is now, with one exception. the oldest merchant doing business in Wilmington. His honse was first established in 1&13, just 41 years ago. and is, we believe, the oldest mercantile house in Wilmington. A Sad Monday. j This has been a sad Monday to many of our citizens, for between the setting and the rising of the sun two gentle souls have left their tenements of; clay behind to be clothed upon with the spotless garments of righteous ness and Immortality. One of these left us in the course of nature, after a long and a happy and a useful life and sarroanded by her children and her children's children. She left at the set of the sun and when the pearly gates ot day - again unclosed upon her it was in a land where there is neither night nor day but an eternal halo of joye and glory and peace and righteous ness. And at 3 o'clock this morning another soul passed over the river. It was a joung soul and a pure soul which had almost Inherited its righteousness of life. The tenement was young and fair and comely to look 1 upon, but the Christian graces which illumined the soul were much fairer than the shell which enshrined it. She left the earth when in its densest darkness, but the light which broke upon her eyes when sho unclosed them in Paradise wa3 far brighter, in its heavenly illumination than the night which enwrapped the earth was gloomy in its darkness. Altogether, the gloom and j sorrow which have enshrouded so many hearts to-day is not as deep and dense as gloom and sorrow so often are. It is of the earth, earthy, but thore is a light, the light of Faith, which has pierced this gloom and has sanctified this sorrow. This faith looks beyond the grave and has caught some glimpses cf the light unspeakable which has shone from tho gates of Paradise as they have unclosed to admit thee two souls into that rest which femai'ueth for the people ol God. The receipts of cotton at ihis port to-day foot up 392 bales.' NUTT At her rideiice la this city, at 6 p. xa . Sunday, January 20th, Mrs. LOUISA NUTT, widow of th late Hcury Nutt, in the Tituvcarof beraso. Funeral will , take place from St. John's Church at 11 a. m.. Tuesday, January -snd. Tbe friend of tho family arc lavittd. to at tend. TEW ADVI3KTI8EMENTS. Lost. 1 -GOLD SEAL RING, with tbe letter B oa it liLpId ind atlver. A liberal rewardiTrill b paM'jtotte Under on ieaTteff it at tbU oce. Jantt.lt. . : rr.rrrP, rn,Hvv.TR rnS roi. A7 taa. School Honsos and Kitchens. .Easily put up, beautiful draft, perfectly tafc. and ln t every way Mtlafactcry and cheap. PARKER TATLOR PURE WHITE OIL. , Jan Si Lecture- Rer,J.B.UA WTIIOI1NH.D.D.. WILL LECTURE AT TileBton Upper Room itojrDAr rrrsiya, at s o'clock. Subject : BJS TRUE TO THYSELF. Adxalaj&oa SO aenta jam SI - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PER EXPRESS -o- LINE OF ! , - i v In all the evening shades; o an " if.. i ' 1 j Silk Mitts, ad coiors lor vvemug drrf. 111 3WAUK12T STItEET I JUST OPENED ! AT 116 Market St. FRENCH NAINSOOKS, Victorlaand Persian Lawns, Pique, Marseilles, Ghecksj 20.000 Yards EMBROIDERIES! A FULL ASSORTMENT IN ALL NEW STYLES AND DESIGNS. BALANCE OF WINTER GOODS ! SELLING OUT VERY LIIEAP, TO MAKE ROOM FOB SPRING STOCK. lyi. RI.'KATZ9,. 116 aiarket St. jan 21 WILL NEVER FORGET rpHEBE ARE PARTIES WUO AKE AND JL hare been taking advautaji ot the bargains i to be had from eriBItR'S. Tfcc Suits aifl Overcoats for Men. ftTy. and Children tbit arc belo? flauhtered at the lowered Usurps! j;you cannot buy tbe low material for. It fs our 1L'J mu'i iqituii'.'u iviivmi vii t u;ci i Good before our mammo'b utock of Spring Clotbln coWBe m ln- ani WJ. therefor dlspoec of our goods at r"rJc l3r ; . "i tsIw. and oocseouently will oil Some -O per cent, less than tsIup, Some 30 per cent, less than valu. 1 Cm.j if A rui. Iacs fliafi Twin i ' .. . ! 1$ Seems neaita lO COmnieniO lOaaoOTB, norarsiahed facta, but we desire Juat to add that the Ladcceaient wa offer dmlnf tal Jaa i . , - - xlitj tale are not only extraordinary tret we bel'ere uxprece Jected and scarcely to b ro- pealed la tbe f cture. Monty to be refnaded 'i i f you can ecual car good at tot low prje- Coarinca yoarselT aad call at TBE- OLD SSLZABLE CLOTHIER, jaafl 114 MAR EST ST. i OPERA HOUSE. One Night Only! THE HANLONS ! Lo Voyage En Suisse ! ;Tbe Vkecries. Brisib'.oft ari taot Joyon ... t:oiT1'' CrAtoa of ihs Present star. FL, HIKTil avdMirsrO to UASMOfI0rs Jplc.a'iM 6cerr : Startles Artton 1UE JtalLUOAD EXPLOalu I I .Oic of tbo most iVcn3dir.il m Mrt!m-' r tnurtsevrr rroducod on acy ftae. i jan IT It i A IVJercifuiaian s aiEscirux. to nis jjsast. THIS IS a gcstle Lint to owner d "unbianteud" boitcs.. Ice place to buy aay Mica Blanket i you want, together wttbXap-robea, Carrtasta, ' baddies, Haroetf, Tronia.' Satcteli, FBa, MCDOUGAIX A BOWDEX'S, -Jn-1 N'o.lU North r-trnt 61 Onion Sets, White" anil' Red. A" ALk, a FRESH SUPPLY JttST BECE1VXD. T iali aeaortxaoat of ' KllESn GABDEN SEED, PATENT MEDICINES, I . I FANCY A'D j TOILET AMICLES. CIGAUS la cwat variety, Ad , Ac. Munds Bros. & OeRosset, Nt w Drug Store, . I 1 1 Market and Seeoni Street. JanM McCalla & Stavcly's JLLUSTBATED CmJB.'II ANNUAL. A Handbook of parochial work, c kndir and' clerical directory, for the. Vaatry hooxo. to Uertryraan'a study and the family ir circle. Price SO eenta. lr or Bale at i 1 I HttlNaBERQaB'S. School Books. pOR ALL THE PRIVATE AND PUBLIC schools ln tho city and State, tor eale at 1 IIEIXSBEKGER'S, Lire Book and Mnaio btorea Jan 21 Kercliner & Calder Uros. HOLE9 ALE GROCERS AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS offer for aala : ' ! 1.000 Bbls Flour, 60 Hxfl D 8. Sides. 76 Bbls Sutfar, ' 1 ion Sax Coffee, 25 Bbbln Rlre. 21 Cases Lard, 100 O sea Lye. 100 Cases Potash, 100 Caes Soap, Cracker, c&nay. Tobacco. Snuff, Paper, Bags, Twlno, Acj For sale by I " jan 21 KERCIINER A CALDER BROS. Ox Tail Soup 1, R EADY FOR USE ON TABLE, CONVE NIEST TO IIOUSEEEEPEUS AND ECON OMICAL. WE HAVE ALSO CANNED O Kit A AND CannedTomatoes & Okra, i Maie cltnant Souj. IUelpt for tnakraz. i i " I Soup thrown lu STJGAR " 0UEEH HAMS ';'t '-V; ASD Sl'GAtt-CIJKED STBIPo A SIIOULDEttS. i CftU CAr)' bcIorc thc tUahr do. Pt L, BRID&EES & HO North Front St. j tTAS- "B HUXJGINS & C0 OLD hTAND-MAREfcT STBEtT. lavUe attention to the lr tliX of i I Tamiiy brOC6ry UppilOS, ard foliclt patronage. ! I . ! ETCrTtblos tb prlntotplt of I - I . land Let Ifro, wiih a raarac'.c of sitlsfse- ja- rnd, di-llrew'! nrnmt.tl .! 1ta 1 Ctxg0 I jan 14 m HOLIDAY PBESENTS JK EVERY VArtlETY AND TOO NUMEE oca to'b oentioscd. rao bo fossd at tho cost reaecnable prtcof, at r. a MILLER'S. Drru Store, dec 10 331 South FoartX Carrmr Sinn st Finest Oyotero I B EST WHISKEY AND BEST FIVE Cent r&ira In tho citr, can be bonht at tho OLD KuRXH STATU AALOON, 6 So. Freat St. CIto a Tar ueel a uUg aaoir.