SUOUTH Tbcie ftro 3.500 trorVIn? women in iCbicszo. The Daily Review. " T. JAMES, F-ii-r & rnp W T T A r 1 VT rx ... y,. ; The on! j Chlceso paper (a San Fran- MONDAY. JANUARY "i imi ' ! c,,co hM slPaed publication. 4 "AU1 i' lboL General Duller intends to lin io Kitwi at Potocc at Wiai-srtoa n ; I ashinjtoa the remainder ot the Win m sccoaleLM aturr. tor. cir tu, ... : - i A tnoremeat is on foot to repeal the otx Amos, who arrtrcd in New ork commercial travelled tat in Georgia. asaurazpJJ9oxcrU4t wwk, The IIllno:a Supremo Ccurt baa de- applied to be aca. back to Araby ihe ;cl5ed lbt contracta raade on Sunday D'.csL They are tha picture of timer j. jarc valid amI binding, i aad hare noi atlm) from ae to the T TrL- namM Abraham. Iaaac and hotitni5 r..tu r " .1 Jacob Mia, apsd f ycara. are Imnz In I T M-n n,co they J nucls county. Ia. ( will employ & apcciallj built boat, cost- raralysis, Nino Years. Aacr baring suffering -for 0 years with paralysis," says Mr. Joseph Yates, or Taterson. New Jersey, "I was curcu uy knimi uun Mr. Yalcs authorize tbia statement YcHirdrnggiskcepa it, $1 SO A strong case Sweilzer. MISCELLANEOUS DYSPEPSIA wilt. : ki: you A writer in the Fopuhr Sutncc JfcnM'jr. Dr. C. E Pake, any that ab stinence inm lood will invariably break op a commonw'tl in twenty-four to forty-! .bt houra If tried at the outlet, whatever tha arc. cx or occupation of tho patient. Skipping a single meal in the cao of a person who (aki-a bat two incalj a day habitnaliy. or two me!i ia thocawjol a three-roe Itr; will pom timej auflioo if the encreilin taenia be very mW:? oncj Thi t revcrnin ! . the old axhini.'-Sluffa CfM." j M. BarthnMi, ho m ii hi-li spirits lax $ 1 ,000.000. Tho next thlnr wanted will be a $2,000,000 abip to look after tha drat one. The Christmas card bejia in tha year 152. tho first attempt bem- the size ot tho ordinary gentleman's address card, on which were simply put "A Merry Christmas' and "A Happy Xew Year.' After that cama holly branches. cmboMed Grnrrs and Isndacapes 'Little llod Riding Hoods.' a hermit and his cell, and aubjects in which snow and tho robin played a part. - I Letter From Dr. Sorro.v 19 Wilst 35tii Street; New York. June 1, 1683. I . t IT J .1 . ...!lL nnd Jrevcr. Treatment by my physician atMue. rcceired the visit ol the Uurantm Embaaiy in Paris tho other ilay. Tt:ce men from the Orient informed him that there was no atatuo'of Bndha In alt the East f udies as colossal as his "liberty." They said that h!a work ouzht rightly to bo called one of tha wonders ol the world. M. IHrthoMi thinks that the French (ionniiunt will b- williojr to famish a shtp to t.tka th latuo vr next summer. "Not hrort tint ti'm." f fnlled to help iup. I U3cd Iiu.iNDKirriis rii.i.s and was cured. TbirUn months have trapsed since then, and I have had i no recurrence utner memoersoi my family ued them for the same trouble, with the same good result. i I cheerfally endorse them for that illness, and aUo as a pleasant laxative or purgative, according to the number taken. ..They are now a household remtnly with me. and I am never with out them I would gladly give th do- . t ? j .- r. ir .j i!nr In anv tsidn tn cri t ho says, -..t niMit ..t uar .; wi li tn-! i ttiit.sQ l0 vn ur,on mo for them. away in Chine waT until then." J. E.SElUti:. iHrMtt. - - - - - -PKItSONAl.. I- .1 . t ,1 ! r --rr.... " poiiiu nniween luimci nuu nor Silk culture i nsutniiie reM im prtanct in CahtornU. It U aid by, those wha Live tri-1 it that soiue parnj Kalpli S!icw. tbc jihibn of that Stai- ixrs pculisrly wt-ll k'la;t. ; thmpit ol St. Iai. did iulJn!y of rl for this iuduitry. At a rccnt uiwt-1 autp,'e.xy at tho ripe age of . , years. ic ..ii i . on i . ! th oi the Southern Hote! in uz of tha hiuV It ird ot ak : lr,aj ei: step were taken to imrt ;h- hestj j. crdrll. one or t!w mwt re- varieties cf tau'tarry trvet ,fu4U Italy !su-t-l icttizen of Harrisonburg. Va.. for grafiin. And it wa s::ot that r ; 1roP':d dratt Tuesdsy evtnin ot rlieu IirA'udiilLwnrmr, t uniini ot i ci ? Leirt. woi.e paring an to continue tue n o! ..i !.;n.rr'o.J i -r Mi Mary 1. i the rldrt duuhtr silk caturt. if .4ul!icitut !ionc i.u i : funeral llobert K. lee. ha returned pjrpoie if fortho-uuinu' Ti wnit-t t f i l" Amtrici after eiht iears of travel, -t:i, i , ,. , , , .... land U at Lexington. Va , with her , ' hrother. Ms iee is expectcl in ash reeling than that ot nuy .t!r country ; inzrnn this winter. oa account of a peculiar sortnes which ! iVrhaps the wealthiest woman in the characterizes it. and its freedom ir.-.m world is tho liuifiin Cirand Duchcas all alkaline snbitaucv. Catharine, widow of tho Duke George 7. i of Mecklenburg Strclitz. She inherited ....... itrouih her mother one-half of the la au LnlMh ChrUlmai a,nnA; mere ; tabuus weallb ttBltMcd by the Em! rccemly appeared a poem called -D.M- piw Catharine II and her son Paul. arida," which was credited to Mr the other half bavin; descended to the Swinburne, but Mr Swinbuni" ; signing family. dares that the annual a 'id the oIN . . . ... . .i A Cae not Heyoud Help. tor. tho editor, the contributor and liu ... ... , , ... ..... , . Ir. I. H. ILnrdalc, Lenawee, 111.. contribution, arc a.l n.;ge iwla..wn ,,Tise, Ui o! K reul'arkablo curc of to him. Whcmipon the editor rirv to! consumption. He says: "A ticizhbor's nzplaia that Mr. Swinburne 5 r of wr was. attacked with Intij disease, his "litcrsry god." and thst r.c ,;,. and prououueed : bryond help Irom .... . . . Quick Consumption.- As a last resort! covered this rT. ol fnr.-. .:i lhe faaUv Wfl4 PCrfcUa(Cd to try I)H. treasuro hiwieot a in. i d wj. m .V WM. II ALL'S BALSAM FOR THE j direct inheritor ot t!.- -itm i.f,y, LUNGS. To the astonishment of all. lady who was proud of Mr. Swim a- W ve limc he fca ,,!cSORl? kalf d,fn 1 tr."7 . .. . . b-rtt.ct b was abut the house tloins frtendship a? he was proud . ! nci , b,.r .rn or, 4S4W h,.r at her WOrst from Miss Ada Isaac Menken 'and ah;ad r.o idea she couid rccovt r. that be copied the poem from Mi -Mens aana la corperc eatio;" 4,A sound mind in a sound txdy" is the trade mark of Aliens Brain iood, and wo assure your readers that, if dissalis fied with either weakness oL Drain or Codily "powers, this remedy will permanently itrcnsthoa both. SI. At druzfcidts. or by mail from J. H. Allen, 3l5;Kirt Ave. New York City, cod&w - The average asa ol French generals Uiunder i5 ; ot English, over W . DiclShoble? "No; she lingered and truffcred along, pining away all tho limo lor years, the doctors doing bcr no good ; and at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the pa pers say so much about. Indeed! in deed! how thankful wo should be for mat mruitiuo. .in A large Methodist choir has been orgaoisod at Mauchcstcr." England. having 1,140 singers. KoujjU on Couffhs." Kuocks a Cough or Cold endwise, For children or adults. Troches, 13c. Liquid, 50c. At druggists. !nn has 105 disused churchyards. whinh nro slowlv beinff adapted fr ournoses of reoreation. - Thirty-four of them have been fully completed. Tlifi largest and best stock of Windows. Doors. Blinds &c., and at Factory prices is at N. Jaeobi's Hard- ware Depot. t mm m During the late operations against Tamative by the French East Indian squadron the greatest terror wa3 pro duced upon the Hovas by the use of the electric light. THE MAILS. TtKfu&liM com mt arrtre at tb CUT Pom oAce a follow : CWWK. NorUtcrn Uiroub mails, tait i. Al. Norttwrn thrth t wi mall. . . .i.03 A. M. !UelciJ CU"1 it. S.01 A. M. MatU fur ihe N. C. Hallro.t fta.l routM uppliet threfroiD lucliul- bijc A. A X. C. taitraatt at 7.1W P M. nit S.Oj A. M Southern Xlailh for hU to!nta 8outh. Uall- C n A. M. nrul S.W P. M. WrUtm taaU (C. C. K.tliwflf)itlly, txc ul ai'Ui? P. M. CIS P. M. Rail for tJhcraw net I r Iinyton Rdtl- roat C 1- A. II, and H.oo I. At. lialls for potnu beiwpn Florence and CharlMton a. 13 A. M and 3.00 P. M. rarttvlUe t office on Cape Fear Itlvcr, Tetiays and Fridays 1.00 P. M. Faj-cttertll, via Lurabcrton, dally, except Sunday ...CIS P. M. Onslow C II. and intormettate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. IX, SmltnrlJ Jc m&l . by steamboat, oaiiy (exorpi SuHda tiaar Skallottc and Little River, Tue Malta for 12a day and JYkla ...8.30 A. M. 1, Town Crek, day and J-rwaya. v.. WrlghtaTtll, dalfy A.. OPEN FOR DEUVE MOONSIIIXD. poem Swinburne' oxn uctorgtrnble hand writing." But tho editor mke? r.y apolojic or explanation? u-r the ibr j A jsulit traaic Th prison window. ary he took with his "U'erarv - d Won't?. of the whined Tnc belles of - - .thi 1-vl. . It I " Tno:-ui, I Oohw. f. An oUgenUcciau who got tripped up tree was thetonlr vot?r i5t week on j m tile trying to ctom the ball-room ro his rceolutioa in t--agr' exprr..!ng : marked, as he slowy crawled to a per Acn'i Awful, Abominable, Bearish Bcercd, Beclouded, Cross, Criti cal,! Crardcy, Distnal, Doleful, De spondent, &feebtcd , Envious, En slaved, Frightful,! Fearful, Fidgety oruniDung:, oioorny, unevous, rior rid, N Hateful, - Helpless, Imperious Impatient, inconsiderate, ! jealous Joyless, Jerkyv Kicking, Knotty Knavish, Languid I-amentable, Lu gubrious, Mournful, Moody, Lliser able, Notional, Nervous, Neuralgic Obstinate, Odious, Offensive, Pecu liar, Painful, Peevish, Queer, Quar relsome, Rebellious, Raw, Ragged Sour, Sullen, Savage, Troublesome Touchy, Tormenting, Unpleasant Ugly, Unhappy, Vacant, Vixenish Vicious, Weary, Worn, I Worried Xanthic, 'Xaspcrated, excruciated Yawning, Yielding, Yellow, Zealoti cal, Zigzagish , Zeroish. THAT PRINCE of ail TONICS Brown's Bitters, will drive out Dyspepsia, and make Amiable, Affectionate, Accommo dating, Bland, Benevolent, Bounti fill, Calm, Capable, Composed, De liglitful, Dignified, Domestic, Enter prising. Elastic, Effective, Faithful Fat, Flourishing, Generous, Good Gracious, Hopeful, Happy, Hcl" Independent, Indelatigable, In;. Lial, Jubilant, Jolly, Jocose, Kh Knowing, . Keen - witted, Lo vi ng Lucky, JLarge-heartcd, Munificent Muscular; Majestic, Nimble, Notic'e able,' Noteworthy, Obliging, Obsci vant, Overjoyed, Patient, Powerful Progressive, Quick, Quiet, Qualified Rational, Rapturous, i Reasonable Sweet, Smiling, Sagacious, Thank ful, Tender,' Temperate, Untiring Unblighted, Uncomplaining, Vigor ous, victorious, Wise, Watchful Wary, 'Xcellent, ,Xperienced,.,XuIt ant, Youthful, Yeomanlike, Yourseli again, Zephyr-like, Zealous. Zestful dee S arm tc UJtw cd KAIXiIIOADS. &C. Wilmington & Weldos I Railroad Company. OmCX OF QtSfKSLXh aOTEaWTIiafDKJrr,' WllBilnsrton. N. C, Nor 17. 1.8S5. j WHOLESALE ay The following wbolalo prlec eenc email orders higher rrtcca KeacfliyIi?iBIJ Jpn pcnd-cular. that i: was always ploaaa'nt to bt throwQ In tac company of 3ounj sympathy with the Gcrnun pcrpl: ia their Borrow oTcr Dr. Lasltcr'? death, j pcp".e. and that the atiliae-j which uc:dM r A tuaMZ-so ri ir ask w broken by an wc utilize tho Indlaus?' who shrilly pipcl out difficult creation to aaiwcr. but ir ,v,k-.,' K,.t bapj the best plan would b to petrify a neighbor, but aid, My . . . . c,u,r..rJ w "W bo th -afi2ns. This Id?M i worthy ot confider- tho aolitarr 'aye other tactaber presumably to to tho who! Hou Laiker?" tf the i'dustriens German could haro heard i he mightn't tare rulaJoJ it tunch. When he i last in Waahlnjtoa Col. Ochiltree took him all orcr tha Caoitol. ahowed him both houics la icsiioo. and introduce 1 him to leading members of each. "Kow, Herr Iaaker,M he a$kcd as he descend ed tha Capitol atepa. "what la you think of tha Coostcsj of the United States?" -Col. Ochiltree," replied tho othr. "you hare a very tina building here.' The Herr rather pot tho beat that time. Already has Heart (Jeorgc, been cast oiTbytho LIbarala of Kclaod. lib book on "Progress and PoTertj'r bellared to bo of aerrico la promoting tha tort ot land reform thit tho Liberal party wan:. The publication of a chaip edition of this book, and tha eak of foar hand rod thousand coptea or It ia USX0 ow P1 a "lloa It hasmada and how treat a political force) It has becotna. The book, how ayer, farora the abolition of prirate tcaaroof land, and the assnmptioo of all land by tho Slate withootcompensa tloa to tha ladirldaal ownenu In his lectures ha takes this ground. Bat this coca farther than the liberals many of whom are larga land owner will allow, aad so tha Liberal Club at r ;rrw MnceJled the InTitatloa to a dioaer which bad been tendered to Mr. (Jeorr beforo no mada this speech. Farnell alo denounce him. Mean time i i reported that Henry (icorio'a Jotnr- are iramensa nnancial ..miccv an n atudcd b, lanre crowds terevtr h gy- -How shall Tbia it a attoa anyhow. A man (olug uomo iate the other nic'at ?aw a bayonet in the moon. ' and tajuicdiati'iy predicted a war. His prediction av suddeuly reriGad. for as aoou as he reached home his wife remarked: Drunk again, eh?" and then the war commeucd. It was short, sharp aud decisive. j "Doa'i like the bed ?" said tha hotel clerk, astonished at the presumption of tho complaining guest; l "why, some of the best people, some of tha high tone dest folks In thn United States, have slept In it:M "Yea. thal'a -just tho trouble." responded the guest. "I found last utght that there were alto gether too many big bugs in It for the com fort of common people like me.' ' Tho Tat Hoy In Pickwick probably had good teeth, seeing that he so speedily demolished tho moat sub stantial provender on the shortest notice. Nothing excepting a good appetite so conduces to the pleasures of eating, as a good sot of grinders. To possess them, nseSOZODOXT.the great dental in Tigorator and beaatifjing agents. Yellow, tartar core red teeth grow pear ly while and the gums acquire rnddi ne&sandlcrrm a pleasing contrast to tha snowy hue of the teeth when 2U is used. Xew York. Boston, rrovldence, Hart ford and New Haven oave started tramp wood saw yards, Ayer'a Hair Vigor improves the beautr of tho hair and promotes its .growths It imparts an atlrxdire ap- pea ranee, a deiignuut ana tastinr per fume. While it stimulates tho roots. clancs the seal p. and adds elegance to luxuriance, its elTecia are eudanng;and thus It prove itself to ba the best and cheapest article for toilet use. e.uo a. M. 8.30 A. M. nELJVERY. i Northern throurh aad war mails. . . .7.00 A. 1 Southern MaUb 7.30 A. M. Carallsa Antral BAllroaU 9. 00 A. M. Malta collected from street boxes business Krtlonof city at 5 A. M., 11.50 A.M. andaao Af . and frm other polate of tbo city at 5 tM. atamp Offleo opea from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M.. Mooey order and Register Department oicn jroio 6 A. M. to 3.00 I. M." Ucncral dclircry o;cn from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. and os Sundays from 6.30 to 9.30 A. M. Carrier' delivery open on Sunday from of.30 A. M. - Mother s Spinning Wheel. Concerning One Article tbnt was Not For Salo, auI An other Trblch in Cheap at Any Price. ' "No, tir, I troulda't sell you Uiat for any uoney ; that flnnloj wbccl ms my mother's It was eaeday, when the was f-lnlo lite a luk and making this old wheel bum.tbattay father, then a yoacg med'eal student, ater wards a farmer, fell la love wish ber some tilt 7 years ao." xo tbc proprietor of s rough bit of tarra land In Ulster County. ". Y to a relic hnntcr. nd "moibrrV eptnniu a wheel ro matned among bcr cblldrru and srandcbUd rcn. MysaothiT.,,"writ4M Iter. J. W. rhelps, raster of ft. FayVs M. K Churrb., Chicago, bss uscl I'akklb's TONIC, and wlsbcs me to say ttvt bo has found it more effbettm . than sjjythlEg sbo cvvr ucd for invlzoratlng and etrvnilivsina; tbo system debUitatcd by mala ria, f-bodcslro mo als rspcdallr to mention theccrtatnty with which It aids digestion and cvcrcomc exhauutlou Crer sloc tUc arst hcuacbold was cst&bllsh cl mother's opinion has been more potent tn thl worH than that of Jade. Jurist or fhybicln. Iter band hat always cooled tbo ever and her oico has bcra tilled with hope With each day's decline. PARIIR'5 TOUIC U becoming more dsservodty poput&rwltn tbo women who guard alike Lot band and child ren. It eradicates xnal&rlal potson from the okvj. rrora wnjen tbcie is now sucn wiac mrcttd suffcrtna. ricaso obcn-e: Dn. PARR'3 TOUIC Is twtn intoxicant. It Is a combination of sev eral lnrodicnU, of which none singly can Tfnrf mc anathftifli Vflra m a AVs h iH t xr etotnah and IJver tronbles. It la the standard and "Dialling rvniody. In two blict; tO cents utif i. luo tavicr me cocapcr. ucui a Co.. ChcruldU, Sew York. . jaa ll-lmd&w First National Bank of iWil- ; J - . : i mington.: CAFIT AISTOC K 8UHPLUS FUND .. f-250,000 t.Ott Deposits reoelved and collectloas; mae oi all acrsslbla polnfsln the United St a tee. ranges t Change of Schedule, ON AND A FT EH OVE IS, IS83, AT .5 A. M., Passontrer Trains on tho lrUm!n ton A Wcldon Railroad will run as follows ; DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAtSS DAILi i XOS. 7 NOBXH AND 18 SOUTH. LeftTeTVIulnfton,FrontSt.Dcpt, 6.5.1 A.; al Arrive ntWeldon.. ...... ........... 2.SI I. l Lea vo Weldon. 3.00 P. M Arrive atWllm'ffton,FrontSt.l'pt, 8.40 r. M Ft Thbough Matx. A PASSKfOBa TjsarK? DAJLT No. 40 SOVTB-, v Lrave Wchlon ; ......... P. W Arrive at Wlbu'gtou.rnntSt.Dp't P.J hi MAIL -AND PASSENGER TJtjALVS lurbt ; No . North: Lcsve WilmlnztoB S.W V. si. Arrive at Weldon..... ......'f..... 2.v0 A- M. MAIX IKD PASSEXGT!a TRAIK9 NOS 4S SJld 43 Lcftvrj WUmlnRton, (Sundays ca- ceptcd).. ......... .J... 12.30 A M Arrive at IV eidon 630 A M Leave Weldon, (Mondays escitcti)L 05 A M Arrive at Wilmington. 6 51 A Jl Train No. 40 South wiU stop only at Wilson, QoMaboro and Magnolia. - - ; Trains on Trlor Branch Road Leavo Roc k? Mount forTarboroat 1 1.20 A. M. and 4.30 l M... Dally. (Sundays exccidcd. IteMirrifnir- icave Tarboro at 10.0C A. 41 and a P. M. Daily. Ti-auiB on Sootland Neck Branch Koad letvc Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. M. Kc taralcj? leave Scotland Neck-at S.S0 A. M dally except Sunday. Train No. 47 make close connection At Wo don for all points North Dally. All rail rl Richmond, and dAlly except Sundiy ilap.a UDC. Train No. 13 runs daily and makes close con nectlon for all Points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between VTi'mlmtton an Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sicer ers attached. : i For accommodation of local travel a passen ser coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at 7 00 A. M Dally except Sunday. JOILN' F. DIViNK, .:. (Jenerai Suiicrintendent. T. M. KMKUSON. Genera Passenger A2et. nov 17 ; . i w n AOG1NG . Standard...... 2 tb lk tb... nACON North Carolina llams, v a...... ...... ShoulUcrB, " Ih...J.,., Sides, tb WEST URN SMOKED Hams, ii 5 Shoulders.... . DRY SALTED Sides, lb shoulders, r lb-.-. ,mxs W A ........, S- IS A 10 m BARltELS Spirits TurpenUne, i New New York, each.... .... i M 2 . NewCity,eacb I to 5 J BEESWAX. lb..... - S " I mjks ui Vi jj BUTTER, V lb North Carolina.... CANDLES, r'ft- " r Sperm.... Tilow...-. Adamaatiae... CUEESfc. fb . j." Nortbt?rn Factory............ Dairy, Cream. State COFFEE, V ib Java. ...... ...... Laruyra. ............ Bio. i CORN BIKAl bw.. in nacka noinTira- ,n Sneetinjr, 4 4, V yd. f. Yarns, f bunch EGGS, f. dozen...... S S FISH- - Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl.......l CO v Mackerel, Nov 1, V -naif, hbl S 50 eio Mackerel, No. 2, bbl..... s w Mackerel, No. 2, & half bbl.. S 00 o I S Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl....... 7 75 Q tZ Mullets, Vbbt...... 4 00 o Mullets, Pork bbls. ... TOQ un i. j. koo nomas, v ten.... 3 oa c 4 a a a it u 14 U If u iny Cod. :y ra- FE UTILIZERS, 5.000 lbs Peruvian Guano, No. Ii.... Wilmington, Columbif & Augusta Ii. II; Co. OSTICK 6F GKKERAl SOrEHINTKNDKST. wilmlnatan. N. C. Nov 17,l3e3. i Lobos... SO t 57 50 ftn No. SJ...L.200-ic:ci ..00t9 en . Dauh'a PhcEPhato... ...CO do ettt Carolina Foruilzer. ...45 CO fiv'o Ground Bone ... ...... 00 00 AUa Bone Meal.. ....... ....... ....00 00 eats Bone Flour .oo oo ir.7 a ; Narassa Guano.. ....... ......40 00 ttAi Complete Manure. 00 00 itel ft Whann's Phosphate ; . . .00 00 ato a Wando Phosphate... ....00 00 tfTOec Bcrger & Buiz's Phosphate. .00 00 ttw o: Excellenza Cotton FerUliier.M M coo French's Carlonalc of Lime... 7 (A O 7 ac French's Agricultural Lime.... 8 SO all FLiJUR, bbl V" i ; Fine 0 00 OIK Northern Super............... 6 50 0 4 " ' Extra... ........ i. . 6 00 Ola " Family.......,,... 7 00 Ola City Mills Extra.... .... .... 0 00 OCX " , Family... 5 75 nt Extra Family.... 6 60 O k GLDK-Hr lb . H O It GRAIN, t bushel , h Corn, from store, bags, white. 6 s Corn, carro, in bulk, white.. ; a c Cora, cargo, in bam. white.. Co a uorn, cargo, muuu, m usgs.. a i Change of Sehedul 9.10 P. Al. 2.40 A. Al 6.35 A. .40 A. M. 9. 55P. hi. 10.20 P. U. ! 4.33 A. M. 8.23 A. M. DIRECTORS, E. E. RURKUSS, D. . WORTIli A.MARTIN. -JAS. SPKUNT." ( ;eorge chapbourn. OFFICERS : K. E. BUREUSS. A. K. WALKER.... Prerfdent. Caehier W. LABEJNS. ... A'sst Cashier J HATE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE Arnt for tha TANNER A DELANET ENGINE GO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from 4 to 130 borae power; also Tramway or Nsrr LocomoCrea. Engines adapted to Farm use a specialty. ay Oa hand and for sale very low, FIVE SECOND HAND PORTABLE ENGINES. from 5 to IS horse power. acxlGm 8, W. SKIXNES. For Gaturday. JQRES3ED POULTRY, DUTLIN COUNTY SAUSAGE AND UVEIt PUDDINO, N. C. Si tea and a full stork of Ckote Faatll Gro rcriea. Price reasomable. Respertxnflr. A. W. RIVEN BARE. Tb Lire Grocer and Vrodaoe Com. Uct rfeaat 114 North Watex &t, WUzaiaftOB. N.C. Female School. -o MISSES BURR & JAMES, 'PrtncipaU. MES. M. 8, CU3HING, Musical luatructrcss. rpHK TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this BcnoolwlU commence on Thursday, tho 4th of October.USa, an i cloee daring the third week In Juno, 1SS4. -! TbecouTseof Instruction is thorough and systKnatlc. Terms reasonable. Lcb&ons in painting in Oil, WaUr Colors and Pastel, with Sepia and India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates. Where a class of ten or twelve is formed for the school of painting, the price will be re- uucoa. AND AFTER NOV'R ISth. l.-3. 83 A. M.. tho fdUowinr Passeccer Sciid n:e wui be run on this road : j , v -No.42 Leave Wilmington, (Mondavs . cxccjjted) 7.1 A -M Arrive at Florence. 11.40 A M No. 45 Leave Ft rencc. (Sundays excepted) 7.40 I' M " Arrive at Wilmington...... 1210 P M NIGIIT EXPRESS TRAIN3, DAILY Nos. 4 Weetand 47 East. Leave Wilmington ..... Leave Florence.... Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction.... Arrive at Columbia. Leave Columbia Leave C, C. & A. Junction Leave Florence. Arrive at Wilmington NIOHT MAIC ANP PABREXGtB TRAIN, DAJLV No. 40 West. Leave Wilmington 10.40 T. 41. Arrive at Florence.... 1-4.3 A. b. MAIL AND PASSENGER TItAfN DART No. 43 East. Leave Florence at. . . .." .3.35 P. M , Arrive at Wilmington.. ...7.42 P. M- Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton. and Marlon Passengers for Columbia and all points ou U & C. R. l, C.4 & R. R. Stations. Ajken June tion, and all points boyond, ehouM take the Night Express. I : and Amrusta on Train 44. i All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. i . Local freight leaves Wilmington daily ex ccpt Snnday at 6.10 A. M. I JOUN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent nOV 17 i, ; - - ' " - y? ' ? .. a f 0 e: t 00 0 1 lo 11 1 30, 1 15 O Q tt a I xi ft OJutt Carolina Central It. !! Company. I - j - OmCB OF GEKERAL 8UFEBHTtNOENT, WUmlngton. N. C. June 13th. ISSsS 1 Pupils outside of the school who deeiro tun cU v or call for Circular. HcaJ instruction, will do well to apply early. 1 or ruTtbCT particulars inquire or rnnotp js, sept 12 C. D. TJorrill. TTNDERTAEER, CABINET MAKER AN If CARPENTER. OQce and Work Shop on Sec osd street, opposlta Southerland's stables. Respectfully solicits orders' and guarantee food work, promn "VJlvwr '"I" tuf tior l No. 1. 1 New Buokwheat ! ! New Buckwheat J-EW BUCKWHEAT AND WHITK Syru to suit, received by New York Steamer to-day Also, Cakes and Crackers of every variety, fresh and crisp, and a general stock of Fresh Groceries iuuallyfoun4 la a Urst-class Gro eery at Crapoa's Family Grooery. - GEO. tt. CRAPON.'Agent, oettf Sooth Front St Change of Schedule. JN AND AFTER JUNE I3tb. ISS3. THh follow in r Bcneanie will le operated on thu Ralhroad: . . - i - PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sundays. " Ieave Wilmington at.. 7.00 r. M Leave Ralelghat. 7.35 p. M Arrivo at Charlotte at 7.00 A. M ) Leave Charlotte at. ......... 8.43 P. M No. Z. Arrive Kaioigb at ....S.30A i M ) Arrivo at Wilmington at....8.2oA. M Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and joints designated in tha Company! SITELBT DIVISION, PASSENGER, MALL EXPRESS AND FBEIGUT. -j ;? : Dally except Sondaya. Leave Charlotte .VS0 P.M. Arrive at Shelby '. 9.00 P. M. Leave Shelby... 7.00 A. M. arrive at unariotte... ioo A. ii. Traina No. 1 and 3 make close connection Hamlet with R.& A. Trains to and from RaJ- e:gn. Through SleepingCara between Wilmbyrtoa and Charlotte and Kbtp-t and Charlotte" Take Train No, I for States vllle, StaUonr Western N C R R, Asheville and points West Also, fori Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens Atlanta and all points Southwest. -I---1 i L. C. JONES, . Superintendent. - F. W. CLARK, General Paasenger Agent T: iune 13 i . John C. Davis, ATTORNEY AND "-'. : ' COUNSELLOtt AT LAW. " WlLSOKCTOJl, N. CJCce ever the Rank of New Hanover. Practice l& all the Courts of tre State, w- epccuustHSvtioapaljtrt tha collection Af c.lAlm.. Fine Portraits in Crayon or . . : Pastel. - QEDER -PROMPTLY EXECUTED IS the finest style. In order to more f uUv intra docethe work my prices are to the lowest I ceai xor am cues wotk. i rmcs are itrt'ii i It Don't Watter. JF THE OLD YEAR IS GONE AND THE SfaTf,1 HUMPHREY; KINS 4b CO.. are still raivin t tht ler IIoue. No. .112 outh Front Mrcet, a fresh ' Oats, from store. Cow Peas HIDl.Vlb- Guien Dry . HAY, V 100 lbs-, ' Eastern;. C. Tf JICI 11. ....... f. ........... t-North Rjver HOOP IRON, 4 lb..:i LARD. lb j Northern. North Carolina..!.. .......... LIME, 4 barrel......... 1 40 LUM BER. City Sawed, VJMtl, I ShiD Stuff, resawed.... ..11 00 Rough Elge Plank. 13 U 016 a WestlndiaCargces.according- I to quality ...13 00 OH Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 022 Scantling and Board. eom'B..12 00 GIB i MOLASSES, tf- gallon i L F New Crop Cuba, in hhds.. ... 0C , O I . ....- in bbls. u.... W O Porto Rico, in bads 00 j O Si " In bbht... CO! a Sugar House,in hhds... .' ,00 O Gt ,r 4, icbbla.... 29 .O Svnm. in t.b!3... ...... i...... 40 O NAlLS. Rcg.Cut.10d baia.. 0.00 OS It VlJJi, y gaiion bexo&enc... ... Lard...:....... ' Linseed.-. lti;.8in ' Tar Deck and Spar....... POULTRY Chickens, live;, rrown... . t?a O i " Spring... .. '10 O 1S Turkeys. ............... ....... 5 O I 8 PEANUTS-V busbeL J.. DO y O I K. POTATOES, V bashed- , eweet.. iu oi Irish. V bbl 2 00 O 0 PORK, V barrel ; ' ' I " . City Mess ...23 tTA Prime....... ...16 00 oil 8 Kntnp.. ...... ....17 00 Oil W RICE Carolina. 4 tb. 40 JHUAUi TI ituouvJ. .......... . mm . RAGS, 4 lb-Conn try.. City...... U.... ROPE, 4 lb.. J. ........... ...I bali, v sacx, Atom Lisbon. American.. ....... ............ SUGAR, T 5y-Cuba...I Porto Rico... A Coffee K ' Ml il e no 1 10 A 1 45 r a I oo n im ., 00 O ; t 00 0 , 3 vta i4 mo i ivto "e oo o n oo o a 00 o v 00. 0 Tj 00 o 30 O, 00 o oo o it ii i Ex C ..: 0 O M Crusted.... . 10O U SOAP, 4 uv-Nortberc......,. ft O f 8HINGLES,71n.V'M...........lOM OllJ . . Common........... .,..!. seo Ot - Cypress Seps. . j. 4M "55 Cyprecs Hearts 0 00 O 7 STAVES. V M-W. O. Barret.113 00 Oil R. O. Ilogshcad.... ........... 00 00 OlOW TALLOW, 4y m.....,...r.iiM- 4 O TIMBER, V ll fect-tthlpplng.ll 00 Oil Fine MlU. .......;T.ll 55 aTlJg Biui Prime .: 7 m O I g Mill Fair..................... i aOOO Common MU1.. ....... ........ 3 00 O Inferior to OnP nary...... .... 0 00 Oft WHISKEY, v gal-Nortber..I CO O J J North Carolina I CO O lJW TTOOL,4 lb Washod. 53 Unwashed.. .5!i o: Burnr ...... Jl (B . X n ATTt ITlf I ill cents UAeVaa m for the working class. JZ box of sample goodi that wilt pat joa ro money In a lew otv7 uougnt poiDe at any vu required. We will start yoa. II the time or In cnaro tin IB CO way of making more you ever, thought capital not r Citn wnrk mil Tke work is unlreraally adapted to both young and old. You can eaily earn cents to 5 ctctt evening. That all ha 'J work may test the business, we make thZ paralleled offer; to all who are not well sjj fled we will tend tl to pay' for the troowp sent free. Fortouca will be made by who giro their whole time to the work. auccesa abeolntely sure. Ixm't delay. now. r Addrcaa STmaoji 4k Co.. van Maine. nor SO dCm-V wanted for The Ltvss T a Prreiflcnt of tM "T nest book ever eow for less thin rmevrr price. The fastest aelllsg book In A&zL Immense profits to a genu. 'All iatc profits to agents Co.. Portland. Maine nor StWxndiJ" people want ft. Any one can becoasa ri rAifnl ,nt. Tmii frM. If 41 LIlT Ajyo "TT7T Send six cents for r&ljll and receive free, a cJ ix of rood which will help yon w oner rhrht away than anything else irZ world. All. of either sex, succeed rr, hour Tfco broad road to fortune orasj-rj the workers, absolntelr sure At ones - dress, Tkcb Co., Augusta, Maine nersa-cma iyw -- . - -- - ; . r m. mV ( ham. BMCO Ontil Itdl Pt. Atwolnrelr sore rrZ', Capltsl rxt reiulrcd. Reader . tf yo wj business at wfcica persona of tibcr f.'iI or om, can isaxe great pay an w work, with absolute eertaiatr, write f;(7r Uenlars to H. Haxixtt A Co., rorus. nov so c:o a lyw

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