THE GKttf GKMW its- REMEDY FOR PAIN. NcuratffU, Rruinin, IZfl TKM1T. -f. III I ; ;. v it .'-.. i I 3 l 1 f :r: rr-s i frx t -1 - If V . dW WW FAILS. WW t jgglYGlOlfilOllJiEfniOlRl rteFlu.-"a heknces.-va relieved and cartel. of faTf r.-ca a ' !. r .m ..-. .j alrknea. w- Lir-m i ui - r . j. t'ctrh u J ttabbrm blood sores, if lckens .laggl-h culaon. Hntii:r BL, I sibuoel.-e and Scalaa.-"5a tOfaVjtziprcapUf cert PJjiU. 2 : K.lc2 LM1. twlo brother. ipiexioa. o. : u c t fclu c at b j ro uUij U--TC1 K'kr" ILVcMss propRJ to th tood. U r linttc W tuv t.I Drron4 disorders. r.l'ti'iJiad laTl?crtftte body. irLaiw.4taf -jcTrrCftythocaad Jiaf tjTiia i3 V. I, and Karop."a ( ot t i c 4 1 It a rMtxi urrcr.".a lit tt . A. Rkinoj. J M!Ua1 Co., Prop. at Ja!i,!ta, (S) i"Ui. cr.UeAtott. Ar"M. Tork Clti Q..GV. irotm ToclUul Imprudence Grftxitaalpbralcal werfcoe. VahiaUle la :.rtaUoa for borne cure r KKK. UJ 23 Jtxn uwittjUj. lr. A. U. OUe. Hot Hi. CblCA fx may 1-IAw1t SBATE'S SP0IFI0S.i: trtAiltna form o Lb iu4 by en exaloent fkUa dartac SO ye&r eucoeaful pracUre. tr;aLl-'jQiraete'i to tSect a radl i tsj of all tTecCM of Ue Bkxxl. whether vrj:s,.i or ecjulral. Mia C1cjlm. rJm (.wm. tax patch". eVL, are permaaeollj rtl If IUe' prcl3'; No. I. Prl- SI. "t-s-.i.; 5 Cure WriKXIU. i.roc lra:UTr. from Youtixrul I"-licr-iit r Ciee. ytl rlc KxhauMU Vital ::&4 LoMof MaahooL Thl reme-lj to ua-ViA-l t tie ccne ot Lioe dnipulats. ItLo aprwrf2lUan:atolhe hmIdc1 rrouo "Tn. alu Na'.ore it rtuew tbfl otrcucta aal r of tM Uutej eqcaej, au l cilecta r4Val cure. lrlr-a 1 1. ?Tcir No. 4 'ilrro ta.act relief att t per Juwet!;euree&3ca&:itUai. lrt- 12. Na. X pol:hnp enre for ell weak a ro9soa V Icaasa. lrlve SI. hf Dravt or teat oa reipt of price r J. W. tut, Li S. Clirh St.. Chlcexo. ."K.VO rOR C1UCULAK. ar:i Ir-dlw are Vital Questions:! Aiw tij tuas! eminent physician Ofaay school, what is the best thing .a the world for quieting and allaying i irr.tatiotrof the nerves and curing i"! forms of nervous complaints, giving auon:. shild'acc. refreshing sleep al wiyi? And they wl.l tell you unhesitatingly ' florta of Hops!" ctt rrtn i. Xii. aay cr all of tno most eminent its class: VLii is the best aad only rsmedy tiV.caa be relied on to cure alldiscaac c tLc kidneys and urinary organs; idj as Brigbi'a disease, diabelts. re tentwa or Inability to retain urine, and t-3 creases and ailments peculiar to " oo;cn -And thty will tell voj explicitly and ipbtticaliy Bachu." Au the satae pbysiciaus w bit is the most reliable and surest u;f f r all liver diseases or dyspepsia ; "t:?ausa. indigestion, biliousntss. tr.V.111 ICTcr &c. and they ficJrake: or Dandelion :M i .'i1' bcn thoso remedies ore com. i iw:lh o:-cr e-iually valuable. j Ascoupou rid) Into Hop Bitters Concluded next week. Sash, Doors, Blinds, bite Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. XqZSCT F0S k- T. EXAMEL TAINT; COr SCADT PREFACED TA1HT. Q ALL AND EXAHCCC OUE GOODS AND rr rrfcee Ufore pnrtaeeU,. Ttie fact ocr Psiauerefrota tbe ceiebreted r.o fWotirUiACoto4 lurjuoo Broe .ti-cJextiTiArtofceefoT thetr qmnty unrlty 5a of Coollax StOTee at rectory ' u 2Uoo to ear Urj9 aad fall hardware stook, hWS r Uoa is reepectfeuy tattled. MATTTL JACOB!. "H 2 18 Sontb rromt St p -7 . ....nJ FaTlai i uvtn.?i'lUkkI L . . i .Bt' In tltlrlcui rlL,..i tDoija'Jt and rlrftft coo 7 . ivst and m&trhks ixxtu' t T.tiM k Uiar tic like taculfld.-. TheDaily Review. FAT 12. f couM but loTe Ibce when I saw thj face I The dear fulfilment ol Life's (Te!;et jenrj. Thri ash toil ami sorrow, change ami ranv tears. How Ion,; I'd waitc-il f r it na nicies Sracc It r-$ above mo In hi lMty place; lWjond my hope?. Ix-jom! iia hatiotin; - fears. I knor thee, -Iurei! thee. Hu: our - kiudercd splicre Shircrc! and parted in dividing space. I can Irjt lorn thee. Though from bvisbis afar. In mystic aureole, a (ram distant skicj. Remote is incommunicable star. Still strikes the summons ot thy dom inant eyes. To smi'.o my sundered spirit, while it eric For thee, forcrcr dear a thou art far. Hirg CUmmtr. ?Ira, Mackey'rf Eincrulds I recently bad tbo pleasure of exam- iainx une of tho fineit collectioni of jewels o.utaidc ot a royal treasury that exists to Europe, and which belongs to an American lady. Mrs. J. W. Mackay. Many of the atone are unique, and the jornameuts in general are characterized ; j much by the artis ic beauty of thoir I workinansbip as by the sploudor of tba gois. Foremost in the collection kuoas resplendent the famous sctot sappcirea which attratlcd so inucu attention when exhibited by tbe jeweler Bucher on at the 1'arisiaa Universal Exbibi UoQoll8?3. It Is valued at $300,000, and corn pr.ife the! diadem, bracelets, ring, ear-nnss and necklace, with a large pendant. The necklace is doable, tho upper row beinic a band of Urge, square diamonds and sapphires, fitting the throat closely, while the lower row, a wide arabesque of tho aamo stones, supports tbo pendant. This last is composed of one enormous sapphiro, peerless In color and in water, and set in large diamonds. , This etone is of the size of a pigeon's egg, cut transversely, a perfect oval in shape, and is valued at $30,000. I bave never beard tho valno of the contents or this chest estimated, yet it cannot be far from $1,000,000.' and yet. withal, there U probably scarcely an other wealthy lady In Paris who does not wear more jewelry at ball or din nr parties or the opera than docs Mrs Mackey.rum Cor. Chicago Inter Ocean. i iieatitlful Women are mada pallid and unattractive by functional irregularities, disorders and weaknesses that are perfectly cured by l&Uowin? the aurgestlona given in an illustrated treatise (with colored plates) sent for three postage stamps. Address World's Dispensary Medical Asaocin tion. liaflalo. N. Y. A Cat that Can Itead. "I've got a fat." said a' lady to me the other day. "that can read, At any rate she knows when a letter comes tor her." "A le-ter 1" I exciaimpd in as tonishment, "ie, a letter, and if you uon't oeiieve it. rji prove it to you. .1 lltf urail i mlntlto until f iliraAt .nr My friend left the room, and in a fow mmutcj retnrnnd with a scaled envelop, addressed. Miss 1'assy No. Marl, boro street, city." "Now," said she. "it voa wm kiniiiy posi tbat for mo tonight and be hero when the postman comes around on his first delivery to morrow morning you shall see that am tcuinz you facta." I postei the letter as requested, and was at my friend's house promptly tho next morning. Soon the bell! ran?, and shortly afterward the servant entered with a bundle of letters, among which was that for Miss Pussy. Placiug them near her feline highness on the floor my friend sa'd: "Now, Miss Pussy, pick your letter." Sure enough. Pussy at once 6bowcd an interest, and in a moment bad puched aside with her paws tho envelope addressed to her. I was about to acknowledge my bin of Incredulity when my friend said: "Wait a tnluuto. She'll open it and devour the contents." Scarcely aho said this, when Miss Pussy lorn the envelope oren, and in a meat was literally devouring iw teuti catnip. had bad mo-con- Emokv's Littlk Cathaktic PlLL3 are sullicienlly iKiwcrlul for tbo most robust, yet tbu safest for children and wcakconstitutions. 13 cents. cod it taxes auuui six montus to train n .1 .a. . canary so that it -w ill fly around u church and alight on the bride's shoulder at the ri?bl moment. It's everytbiu In giving a bride the right ndotl. Lpllensy Entirely Cured. Trof. Irving JJ. Smith, of Tike. X. V.. makes the following statement: Samartian Xerviuc has entirely cured Prof. Ncwtou says that tbo earth j receives about of meteors every year, but they only increase tho size ot the earth oso inch ia irjo.000.000 years. W.UHLXGTOK, D. C May 13th. 1&80. -Having been a sufferer lor a loog time irom nervous prostration and rencral debllitv, I was advised to try Hop Bitters. I bavo taken one bottle, and I bave boen rapidly getting better ever since, and I think it the best med idno I ever used. I am now gainlnj strength and appetite, which was all gone, and I was in despair until I tried yoar Bitters. I am now well, able to go about arid-do my own work. Before taking it, I was completely prostrated. MRS. MARY STUART. William Farrcstal, a rouh. bit al most tho entire lower lip off an old porting man. named Teil Ball, ia a row In Baffa!o Sunday niht. Faxrcatal ia bidinx from the police. ; Ayer'a Sar&aparilla is th4 moat potent blood purifier, and a fountain of health and alrongth. Bo -wise In time. All banaful infections are promptly rumored by this unequalled alterative. NEW YOltlt HERALD. WtlUY EDITION, OMC COLLAR A YEAR. It contain all Uw gvnend ncwe oi ihn Dilly ; EuUon of the UcraM. wb'.cb lute the larger ; rlrcaUtloti !n the Unite J .sutbes. IsDErryoiuiT ix rutmcs, UUtbe txt ralttablo cli ronlcle of polltU'al DewelnUie woili, ltnion tally sir las theoc cnrrcncca aul tlulms of all parties, eo that all fHes niay h known. In tbctlrjartmenl of Kuutir.x NKrs the UcraM lus always 1cm UUtlug-ulebtyi by tbe I alUcs of It cable. Witcbe. The new tranalant r telofpraph rattle will Incrraac facltl Ucs. 7 HE KAK-M PKrAHTMKXT of the Wcu'kly lleral-J U practical. It 50c to the polut. anl tloee not ;lre wil l thceric. The farmer will bstc many more than Oje Doluji jlYeib from the eu ?xetlotn of the farm department alone, concerning eU, cattle, crops, trecp. bull-lings, pnrdcnlug, poultry and agrtcuHu ral economy. "Tue Home" Inslrurte iLe bouclfe acl Ihe.chiWreji In re gtrd ti ccoaaukel and Ueteful new dlabc?. the iashlcm. and tbe makixvz of home com tort, in at'lltlon, are given latest trate and reorta of the condition of money, olumns of Mlcl!a neoua Kcadln?, Poetry, a Cemplete etory oTerywrck, Jokes and Anecdote, Sporting ywr, TorruAB '"cirycE, tbe dolnfo of wcllktown Person of the World, a department dcTo ed to fcEayors axd BEUGiors 'ot. i i While the WKECLY HERALD rlrea the latcet aot best News or the World, H Is also a Journal tor tbe Family. Subso'lbc one dollar, at any time, for a full year. Postage Tree to any pert of the Uultcd States or Canada. TUB NEW TORK HERALD. In a Weekly Form. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Address. NEW YORK HERALD, ilco 10 P road way and Ann, Street 1884. Harp or 's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magaxint befclns lta sixty -eighth rol ume with the December Number. It Ls the most popular Qlostrated periodical in America ana i England, always fully abreast or the times In Its treatment of subjects ot current social and Industrial interest, and always ad Tanclng lta standard ot literary, artistic, and mechanical excellence. Among Its attraction! for iss are : a new serial novel by Wilhjua Itlaek, Illustrated by Abbey; a new novel by E. P. Roe, Illustrated papers by George IL B.uthton, Frank D. Milieu, C IL Farnham, and others; Important historical and biograph ical papers; short stories by W D Howell, Charles Reade,Jtc. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: . ILutrca'a Uxqxxxkb H W Hxitpaa'a WaEaxr 4 00 HA&r&Ba Raxjlx 4 oo Hajtraa'a Vopjro Pkopls 1 50 nARPEX'a FXAXKLTJf SQUASK LlBKJLRT, One Year (32 Numbers) D 00 Postage Fre to aU subscribers in fS United Statu or Canada, The Tolumea of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no tlmo is specified. It will be under stood that tbe subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. The last Eight Volumes cf Harper's Maga zine, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 20 ccnuoach by mall, postpaid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 60, inclusive, from June, If so, to Juno, is), ono toI., 8to, Cloth, tn. Remittance should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to aro.d chance of loas. Newspapers are hotlacppy this advertisement icUhout the express order QfQlABPEB A B&os. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, nor 31 New York. 1884. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly stand at tbe head of Amer ican illustrated weekly journals. By Its un- -rrarUaan iosltion in politics, its admirable II I lustrations, lta carcfull 5 choecn serials, short t torle. sketches, ana poems, contributed uy tbo foremost artists ana authors of the day, it carries lnhtructlou and entertainment to toou sands of American homes. , Jt will alwavs be the alu of tbe publishers to make Harper's Weekly the most popular and attractive family newvpaper In the world, and, in tho pursuance of this design, toprc cnt a constant improvement in all these tea tuns wbtch bave gained for it tbe confldencc. sympathy, aod support of In large army of renders. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: UAKPER'S WEEKLY 1 1 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. I 50 UaarEa'a Fkavxlut squaec Li beast. w . M ,. . . . 1 . 1 cetage itcb 10 su sudscxiocts in id cww. PUtcs cr Canada. The Volumes of the W beads with the &re Number for January of each year. When no Cme ia mentioned. It will be understood that tbe subscriber wlshce to commence wits tbe Nunibor next after the Tecelpt of order. The last xour Annual volumes or jtarpcrs Wsekhr. In teat cloth binding. wlU be sent by mall. poaUre raid, cr bv expires, free of ex ( pro t ilea me zrsignt noew j illar rr volumtli lor $7 to per relume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, pvttpsM. oa re ceipt of tl CO each. mlttancee aeoakl be maae lv by rost-Oacc Money Order or Draft, to avv'd -banceof !. newspapers are not to copy tnis aarenisc- ment without the cxrross order of H azrra BXOTHUS. Address HARf LR A BROTHERS, nov 23 New York W. & E. S. LATDIEB Attonievs-at-Law. Officers, jaa 7-lm XL Cox. Princess aad Water St. Fancy Coodo. P DLL LINE AT GILES a MURCmSON'S, . dec 31 v MreaiaemSlocX MISCELLANEOUS. THE BRIGHTEST and BEST! I DAILi, SF '-WEEKLY. WEEKLY A V St. .'DA V EDTTIOXS. THE . .1 WEW YORK FOR 1884. PRESIDENTIAL YEAB. Now Proprietor! ew Editors! New Life and Blood ! .... Its new career. Its gaowth hi been ucprc rrrfmtr,!. It o-rrWfnl .Hr.nri. in ! tlou. In a-lTCitlsiog, lnlnflocnce, ia popularity, ( wurrants tho claim of a lcaUnr r-lt!on la ; Kew 1'orV Joufcabsm. I No expense effort will be spared until TOEWOBLD la recognized as the GREATEST , 9i wc! a9 tbe BRIGHTEST and CHEATEST PAPER In AMERICA. . . -I The WoKLD,.as the leading Democratic ocwapapcr !u the country, knowg no faction and recognizes cotsdlrldual ambitions or ins pirations aKe from the general good of the party and the Republic- It eeeks tbe triumph of principles not msn. It upholds jjreat Dcm ocrati'; Ideas and ideals not a faction or fYactlon of the party. At the entrance of the new year tbe tew Wobld deilres to express lta gratitude. for tbeheaity welcome it has receded aud the magnificent success it Jiaa already schlcred. Ite welcome comes from the people. It auc ccld thel'work. They hare lndoreedjlte merit by more than trebling lta circulation In six months, and by doubling Its adTertlslng. For tbU they are entitled to our warm thanks. No Democrat ought to he happy without THE WORLD. We call upon our Democratic friends In every town ard hamlet in the Union to START CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY. They will get the ablest, brightest and cheap et newspaper in tbe country, as wo 11 as an earnest and steadfast missionary and true Democracy. . The Weekly World, 8 PAGES. 5G COLUMNS. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, CONTAINS I . j ATX TnE NKW, complete and Interesting. WELL CONSIDERED KDIToRIALS on eve 57 subject, political er social. AR&IER'S DKPARTMK T Full Agri cultural and Farm News. A LITERARY DU.PARTMJCNT. A HOUSEKEEPERS' DEPABT1TENT. , A TOUNO FOLKS' CORNER. A CHECKER DEPARTMENT. A CHESSJ KPARTMENT. ' COMPLETE COMMERCIAL AND MARKET REPORTS ANSWERS TO INQUIRIES. Each department is ablr edited, and all combined make TUE BEST DOLLAR WEEK LY IN AMERICA, THE WORLD SUBSCRIPTION RATES. POSTAGE PAID. j Weekly, Ons Yrxb :..$l CO Skui-Weeklt, Ose Yrar L'. 2 00 Dailt, One Ykak. . . .'. L . 6 00 Dailt akd Sunday, Osb Yeak L. 7 50 Dailt and Sunday, Six Months...... 3 75 Sund at Edition, One Yeac.J 120 ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED I . 1 at once In every unrepresented district, j to whom a LIBERAL COMMISSION will be al lowed. This is Just the season for t gents to exert themselves In getting tip subscription lists. Remittances should be by draft on New York, money order or registered letter. sea a ior any lniormauon ueairou. speci men copies sent free. Addiesa THE WORLD, 31 and 32 Park Row. dec 14 i NEW YORK. THE SXT3ST. NEW YORK, 1884. About 6lxty million copies of the bvm have gone out of our establishment during the pat twelvemonths. If you were to paste end lo cud all tbo col umns of all The u"8 printed and sold last year you would get a continuous strip of In teresting Information, common sense wisdom, sound doctrirc, and &ane wit, long enough to reach from Printing Houae square to the top of Mount Copernicus In the moon, then back to Printing llouac square, and then tbres-qnar tcm of tbo way back to tho moon again. But Tim SUN is written for tbo inhsbltaut3 of the earth; this name strip of Intelligence would girdle the globe twentr feven or twenty-eight times. If every buyer oi a copy of The Bun durinp the pa6t year has spent only one hour over it, and if his wife or his-grandfather basepnt another hour, this now paper la 153 has af forded tho human race thirteen thousand years of Ftcadv reading, night and day. It ls enly by little calculations like these that you cn lorm any idea of tho circulation of the mnV popular of American newspapers, or ol Its Influence on the opinion? aod colons of American mon aud women. Tue feu" is, and will conilaue to be, a news pspcr which tells tbe truth without fear of cosscquenccs, which gets at the fK.ts uu mat cr how much the proceed costs, wtlch pre scuts the news of all the world without waete of words and in the moet rcadablo tihspc, which ls working with ail its heart ior the cause of honest frorernment. and which there fore believes that tbe Republican . party mutt I go, and must go in tbt coming year of rnr i Lord, 14. ! - - i . , if you know The try, tou like it aircaay. ; and you will read it with accustomed diligence , and rrcdH during what ia aura to be themo&t; tntercstlngyear in its history. If you do not ; yt know Tar trx. It ls high tlmo t get into the sunshine. - i j 'TtB2X 70 ?.IAIU :C9BCaifiEK;. j The aeveral edlttocs of The So are nt ty j mii, roatpald, as foliows: DAILY ceBti month, a ye ir: with eunday edition, fc7. ! SUNDAY Eight page. This edition furnish ca the current news of tbe world, rpecial articles of exceptional interest to every bodr, and.Uterarr rtiCTi of ye w books of the Blgbcat merit. ; tin year. I WEEKLY l & year. Eight pages of the best matter of the, daily Issues; an Agricultural Department, cf uncruiUcd value, special market report, ana literary, scientific, and domestic Intelligence make THE WtotLT tsuy the nowapapcrfor the farm cra household. To cluta of 110, an extra copy free. Addres T. W. KN GLAND, Publisher, now A 4 Twie -r. V. V. itw The Exoursion and Pic Nic SEASON 18 OYER AND THE THE'ATKI X AND BALL fieaaoa baa opened again and JOHN WERNER, the practical German Barber and Perfumer, ta personally la attend ance at hla Hair Dressing Saloon. 39 Market Btreet, batweaa Water and rroat, WEmlng (9S.M.C .octlfi 0 MISCELLANEOUS. S '00B - i Wha I ST pnra I da hot mi n mmvlittnnlhmi i f -it a tiiae and then bara t bent r?nrn I uma a rdraleoT.H2r rixJ tnduueef itTS.Ei'I I LKPS x OR FALLrSQ b!CK"ES3UJe4anjfltQdj. I I wrMt trr rrsaedj to cur th rraru c- lecce ' others b are tAilad is bj rssoa f or &ot nc w rrefrinc a car. Hrl at one for a Treatise aad a Free Bottle of ; my ioftlUbieremedr. tiTtj Fapr tTjd rostoCice. It omi-i Tm .Mfcin ir tris, aad f will ctm Too. : Addreso Da. IL G. ROOT, 1S3 Pearl 8t., 'ew York- TheREMlfiQTQN HORSE-POWEIT FIRE ENGINE! NeaTrir a.cflVc ttve na a t-tear.i-c: bc"U cne- lee th?n cue.tcati aa- ljSv repair. i or cwjx tin eeiroilars with l-jst'nyv REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO, JLION, New York IbTeapoeiUTeraedyfortbaboTdlM:br4ts f - 1 vw themaanda of caaes of tbe worst kind and of fcra? ; 1 etaadia bava boea Cure.ladeedirtwijrisnjT faitii to tie eScaex.tUat I win eena i u nui iLts 1 FREE, tog other with a VALUA BLE TREATISE on tbis diseaaa, to sn erer. Oivo e tjqpr ul5 ess snd P. O. aodreBs. vs. x. a. a. Uilfl&lPeu t-JfowYeik. BOOKSiViillions '1 I"' of Volumes a jear. Tho choicest Meraturb of tbe world. Lowest prices CTer known. Not fwM by dealers . Sent rr exaialnatloD before payment on erldenco of good faith. JOHN Bi ALOEN, Publisher, p. o. box i: dec 3l-r 1 VcseySt., N Y NO I MORE EYE-GLASSES. So Weak More "Eye. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Sale and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, : . . 1 . Proluclng Long-8ightednesj anl Re stor&g the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, Red Eyes, Matted Eve Lasbes, and Pro ducing Quick Relief and Perma - nent Cure. Also, equally efficacious when used In other maladies, such aa Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Rheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever inflammation exists, MITCHELL'S SALVE may be used to advantage. ' Sold by all Druggists at 25c dec 31 -4 w For M any Reasons Benson's Capclne Porous Plasters excel all other external i remedies. Prompt, highly medicinal. 85 cents. dec 31-4 w liilv ll-lw North Carolina Resources. "One of the most useful eerlea of I descrip tive books ever published about any State." Boston Post. Hale's Industrial Series. Two Volumes Now Ready. I. Tue Woods and Timbebs of Nortii Carolina. Curtis's, Emmons', and Kerr's liotanlcul Reports; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, and illus trated by an excellent Map of the State 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 273 pp., f 1.25. II. In tiie Coal and Ikon Counties ok Nobcti Carolina Emmons, Kerr', Laid ley's, Wllke6', and the Census Reports; sup plemented by full and accurate sketches of the Fifty six Counties aud Map of the State. 1 Volume 12nio. Cloth, 425 pp., $1.50. Sold by all Booksellers, or mailed postpaid, on receipt of the price, by j E J. HALE & SON. Publishers, Rooked tors and Stationers, : i New York ; Or. P. M. HALE, Publisher. Raleigh, N C Mpt 1 1884. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED.' , Harper's Bazar ls at once the most brilliant It is tbe acknowledged arbiter uf fashion in this country. I to faehlon plates aro tha new Uli BU'i ci;usu( aw its iuticu r,o, .-rr.ttrt.a . i nre worth many Umcs the con of suljBcriptlon ItslUufctrations of art noodlework are from ' tb6 bst source-. Its literary and artistic merits are of the highest order. Its storte. poems, aud essays arc by tbo Urst American j and Kuropean authors. Its! 'choice art pictures f would fill portfolio-, and it? hamorous cuts! arj tbe most amusing to be found In any jour- ? nal la America. A boat ot briliiant; rcliies arc promised for Il: I Harper's Periodicals. Per Yextr: HAH FEE'S BAZAR HARPER'S MAGAZINE ..... HAKPLR'5 WEEKLY sioa- c 1 00 t tj j HAKPER'5 YOL'KG PEOPLE..... HAJtrrU'S I BANXLXX SQUARE LIFRART, I One Year (53 Numbers)... ... ...10 CO Fostage Free to all subscribers in tbe Vn. Etaifsor LfSnaas. Tbe Volumes cf the Baxar tegiylb the 6tt Number for January of each yiar. When no time Is mentioned, it will be underetood that tbe subscriber wishes to commence with the N ember nest after the receipt of order. Th last Four Annual Volumes of Homer's I Beyir, in neat cloth binding, will h eeot by pii", postage paid, or by express, free or ex pene (proTlded the Lrelfht doea not exceed one dollar per rolxxme), ior 7 CO per volume. 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Incorporated in l6 for 25 years by the Leg klature far Educetiinal anl Charltablo pur pocs with a capital of 1 1,000,000 to whca a reserre fund of 55ft,O00 has since . been added. I ' -v I - Dy an oTerwheiialng populat votej lis fran chlee was mado apart or tho present : State Constitution adopted DccemtOT!:d,A. D..1S7X The orty Lottery erer voted on and .endorsed y the. peopltcf any Stat. j It never scale or postpones. ; j: Its.Grand Single Number Drswlrgs take placo monthly. ' .-- p1- i-'jii- FrLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WLS A , FORTUNE. First Grand Drawing, ciasa A, at New Orleanf, Tuesday February 1J, 185th Monthly Drawing. 1 Capital Prizo 875,000. tOO.OOO Tickets at Five Dol 1 lars Each. Fractions In Filths in proportion. 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C. jan 16 wed-at w-dw i A FRESH ARRIVALS i ATMORE'S celebrated MINCEUKATS 1 . ' . Mi ! in Barrels. Half Barrels and Fails: and PLUM PUDDING 1 1 i In all sizes. . !i These are the very best goods of their kind. and no family should be without them. bRANE MARMALADE, a most delightful Sweetmeat for tbo tea table To arrive on Tuesday next, a fresh supply of Ginger Taffy, I ' j . Ben's Boston Crackers, i GenocoTO Wafers, Coffee Cakes, something new and alee. 1 Orange Bar, Almond Maccaroons, : I ! '; Cocoanut Maccaroons, and The Genuine Albert Biscuit, In ono and two pound Tins. For sale low.. I John nov 12-tf L. Boatwright 1 1884. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 Pages. j rlitei to but and GIRLS Of FROM fix TO SIXTEEN TEARS OT AGE. i Vo! V. commences November 6, 1W3. ,1 ..,-.., -..,. i II 1 K 1'f.K 1 OU O Pl-OFLC lS thO bCftt WfK- Z cblilFa Ka Amcnca u'hwcstertt ca.r,1liVn. t.'"roc.a. . .ti - . . A V,4, Ttlsts skill can-accomplish 1 P? muaratlon has been done, and the : its icxwNcw England Journal of Education; Boston. . - i- - I . il In Its epcclal flell th'-re fs nothing that can be conpatfd wP h It Hartford Evening Post. TERMS: UAJCFEK'S YOUNG PEOPLE, Per Year. Postaxe Prepaid. J fl M- , MyoLE Ncmbxrs. FourCcnts ab. pecimen cony ent on rocefnt of Three Ct. The Volanoesof Harper's Young People f o. i 'SI 62 and IW, handoboii-iiljjlllumiaa-' ted Cloth, will be seat by msU, postage pro P. reoerps or i weica. tiom u-c fctnsby mall, potpld, on receipt of 50 centa each- ! ' Eniltunccs should be made by PoatOnlc , ziorifzj sji'ir or um t, yj myovt cnanoe oi Vmrimnrri ire not Id fwr this adrertlao rnent without tbe express order of HAarta A BaoTirrBa. Andre j HARPER ' . , ! BROTHERS. Naw York. iot24 Livery and Salo Stables. Hollingsworth & Walker, -rcrof Mulberry tad Fourth etretta.1 i ..... . -.. i i . 1 1 Y ARTIES IN NEED OF HORSED AND Vehfclct for bnslaesa'or pleasure will ba comm-KLited oa rary rcaaoclie terms. Horses boarccd and carefully tended. Good teams, comfortable reticles and car- ruiflnTtrs. . scr The hind) meet Xlearse la the city. i A rail liTMrmrtmllf SOUrf'd. Jaa 1 HOLLl.L3fOirrU & WAI.gXR r - i 's

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