Tho Daily v i evZ z . JOSH. T. JA1LE3, R!Itor Trop. ii -00 -- V WILJLLNGTON: K.C WEDNESDAY, JAyUAHY 23 13S1. Kstsred At the Feuto3oo at Wll2ik!gton.N. C, as second-class cutter. California wheat grower aro reck onlag largely upon tho cump!c;ioa of tbo Panama Canal, tinco it will ahorten tho lonj rojajje 'which California wheat now has- to tako to reach a market. They believe that on tho ay . ttecanalii opened California can defy tho competition ol India and Australia. The opening of that canal will add to the valao of crcry acre of wheat lar.l in tho Slalo. Col. Wm, Lamb will step down and out in Norfolk. Tha on-y mao power there has been exploded and the jcp!e of Norfolk can hereafter select their own municipal rulers. The oncrou t . ..II . t 1 I ! ciisjitr gramru uy uu .tanntr wmis- lure has been repciKl. It was e.xptct-j but it norer quite takes the lace of csl that tho bill which ia-r. tht? lcjrMa. j wealth. .V. O. Ac. lure granting a i.ew charter to th city j It nothiug for a man like U""CJJ WouM I TtI,l by Unn-rnor imma j "ul id? it) an" but it va returned wahnai ff.mmpntigjj pci- jt up again! without much nnd l roup n. la. : trouble. It's there Chicago Herald. Bundle of Coafrdcratc utuney adorn tho tray of crery peddler in Xev ; rort from Lmoo .square to tbe Battery. 1 es, wo ei a g-txl deal it. smJ rue: of them. "I hare bills of almost every I ifpinmlnitinn Thiv uli f..r n .vn - thii way durlnz the lortnigh'.. Th rricj .i which i: wa o!d wa. i;t.5(X. h If 1 which giKi ! the pt-dler-t In mmiv walks became o rj.oet! It o wo anda$COb;!l5 i!iforti o arue price i T '.n, V .f- f ' i'0 thr0URh VTrT.V trJa,rS ... I tun b?r i.inu in tuat States RaJoirt..; cis i. m. &nd u.oj a. m. that$l t!o-ir It i 5rit1 that 30 0iX .. . 1VaW, nihh nl Jlirrd Malls for Ui N. C. ltatlroail ami p;eos ottfus money have-b, vn 5o;d m ; University, i the first American tvho a? a f. iSnSia?t dlers wer.- arrctel. . IlvSH-aati r llpntlrii-k? write trm The uuf.iei;al cnavR in I'iii'tnJ?! j J,,ndin thai hi health ha K-eri much phia ba ben girori ?.litj.e bv ti-. nvl i bciivfittnl by his tx-enn voyage, ntid his innofthecjutraitt-r uf one huwln.lJj.V'npa"5"".1 are in .cv);..nt spirit-. , . - , . . 1 1 pf t :rty ! nivy in-Paris, rrprctin th utra t-:oa;cil. In i ,, . , . . , . , , . ,, , Henry Irvinz i nnpiiis: a null Iihi- uommatiPi Mr. l!Mer rr r i ? in i'Mon... X.,lc.u1v the thf.ure i.ieri taxr- ami c r.d My.-i cr iAi,t. nuhily , .hut . irn it:itu?'.- . to Kin? U.t r-r'cf.ioii. .h'u'.! hv tn- n ' JVrKitie nrc.v nnncTfUM tlni nomia.Vi.l bv the ilem.rr. f ; , lkt- l.:w : muiMFi to :uu:.. known ihit b th May.r Kt !;.! l: c-eivr ii Tni Hunte r :,j .S' uutii! iiiiMi.y rcneruliii.t h t r , ls-rn,oraJ-, i t Pit thrir'i Wl :.n r-.-.rit.f j rp ' illcled. Tty i-i''i ?:-! . :ifr''!,! ncit!". and li.i- !. "!! . ; ; i i-lty .n d -" ! h- . And ,1 it . r, tit l.-:a i-iff' s; Mr. B mtr?i;e. ? M un. tt!l . r u t.'n '.rd a d vri i f Sl!r Ilni:. rf- -n . Mr iv!t d t J L3. ;hi II. vc . ! a. .1 1 1 ...i:. ar J wiped i Mr tut bviiy l )n , ;. (t to Ph:l vie! pita, bo tiJi In It. j'r cicriria from , i:tabn uir-4tc1 f r : tua in f htch osuty.thre year. aoJ i:j reprMen:. , tito arpearctl in the Orrban Court Ul wetk to aik for the distribution of $1,009 cocalaiC frosi a Mttlement of or.e of tho suit. At tho saaie tiao a ciaira agalaat tb!j tani was presented ia be half of another eiate. which it the pos sessor ot tlx cotes raado by Mr. Nich olson la 17M and 1T90. payable tc tho order of Robert Morris. Bat tho judct held that tho note were outlawed and disallowed tho .claim; and the $!X0 wassetasida for distribution. Oa tho occasion ot tho recent ccleUra tlon of tho centennial of Sir Moses MonUQorc. In England. Montcrlore Iodzo No. 51 , 1. O. B. B..oI San Fran cisoo, tent the congratulations of that body to him. Tho lodge jias just rb ceiTcd tha tollowlnz autograph letter in reply from thoTenerablo phiLmthropist: "Kast Cliff Lodge. Itainsgate. 15th No ember.5CH, 19S3. To tho President, all tho esteemed Member and the Sec retary of Montefiore Lodgo. No. 51 Saa Francisco My Dear Sirs: Your most esteemed letter, couroyinf to me yonr felicitations oa tho occasion ot my entering, by tho blessing of God, upon my bnndredth year ot life, baa reached mo oa the eighth of lleshran. and I leel great flea0 express ing lo you my warmest acknowledg ments for tha kind entiment you were pleased to evince toward tut. In appreciation of the honor conferred on mo by your communication, . I have placed tho tame amoug tho important documents I kept in Judith. Lady MonteCoro'a Theological College, with ; a view of making known to those who attend there for tho study of our Holy dsy and the Hebrew, literature, the kindness which prompted you to addren m on the auspicious ercnt. Most! fervently do I pray , to Hiai who has crer been and etcr will be. the Guardian of Israel, to causA His choice blessing to alight -upon youne'.f'and your respccliro family, sa that :jo tfuuc" I a jour praiseworthy work of bencvolccco for many team to come, la full esjojuient nr rnnr h. nninr; with rr!trLl thanks, I an. mj deir airs, yoaravrry troly, Moaes Montcftoro. v. TIio Fat Boy in rickiTlck probably had good teeth, eeeinc that ho so speedily demolished tho most sub stantial prove ndcron the shortest notice. Nothing excepting a good appetite so conduces to tho pleasures of ealfor, as a good sotof Krindcra. To poaseas thenj, unoSOZODONT. the sreat tlcotal Jn rijorator and beautifying agents. Yellow, tartar covered tooth grow pear ly white and the gnms acquire ruddi ness and lorm a pleasing contrast to the snowy hue of the teeth when it is oscd. . ftlDONSIUNB. When the wcaLher'guts the drop on a thermometer it Ii, bound to bo cold. X. O. Pic. j The good dio yonug. Tho wicked man waits until his whiskers arc gray. A. O. IHc. j (Jontcnttaent ii better than riches; PKIISONAI- ; Mr. iJarnam ha decideti to gift hU while plephant the name ot 'Torn Thumb." I.'ewcllYn Power, tho Elaine lurn- hn? ever been made n nic.uber ot tbe German Chemical Society in BprJm. -lo-ph H, Hieman.oi Baltimore, has . tiriir:nm rli-rir!n to!rratinn in Mfirv I SVU fifftt Matrtinv .rno.d : t It"-!-::."" :iv ; h CO'triCr ol i:-r rtty. nnd i' t- i: 1''" Ii"! !: l::in. bill thi'ii Bi-- i Mr rm.M- i -at It H: i.. ' re-M !n::u.t!rf-r,!''l. A Case tint Hyriif Help. r i- ? ti tr.,.,'.! 71' 'I'irirc. o ot u reiuarkabi cut. t r .:ii:j'ii'jii. Iliys "A ii-:pbbar-i imI i'nnounoril bovdnd from :aeKi.onuu)pti..n. , ' W.M.I1AMS HAI,SAM FOR Till: n irn H3'.or.iniii:ot ot it. a tr m h. lit . r,i :i."o um! ouo ixa.i u.en J".'.:.! !;f Tv.t- .ii.u: ijf house 1,sic i l.-r '. -.iik. 1 '. a' h?r u. her wi'ri : rnj tion !! c-"tjirl rtcver."' ; SHOUTS I" ci S3 "00 COO ear tr. nipport .- fh.uchei :n S'n-c YorV cilv. t u;iv oiXin rnb t w.ii be cent to ! -t . :":'?. ir.o aenhuartcrst for In"! tr.n. I,',:naii an1 Mnsuari rabbi:.. IH.Ii'j latric. M nns&isMircmfa l lo osbera" o caaulry. Il is bijJ to bo yi jrr, to 8.0Ct barrels a day. A le:l4,r from r3cr;,a inforas us that Pncc WUhelm'siccoad son. boro ia Ju;y. ha? been very tuk; tryine to work a.tooLh throogh his royal gums. bat sccceded and is now much better. What is said to bo tho largest photo graph in tho world hangs in a corridor ot tho rowers block in IlochesUr. It ii a picture of tho seventy members of Monroo Commandery of 'Knizbta Templar, is 10 feet long. 4 feet bleb. woighs wo pounds, and cost 700. A little ton of Morgan Henaly. ot Iowa Falls. Iowa, had a lively day of it recently; In the morning ho fell out of a cbairnd broso his collar bone. At noon bo drmuk an ounce of paregoric. which-nearly killed him. and t in the evening hogs got into the bouse aud tried to cat him ont. f "1 Buchu.Palba." Quick, complete euro, all annoy ine . Kidney, isiaudcr and urinarv Diseases. St. Druggists. ! aicxico has 190.000 nickel coins. It's a great thing for the beggars. laralyn!s, Nino Years. "Aticr having sntienng lor u years with paralysiB," aara Mr. Joseph lates. of raterson. Now Jersey. was cured by Samarilan XervineJ" Mr. Vatcs authorized this statement. lour drugsist keeps it, $1.50 Mrs. Shoddy says sho haa just Dotignt a new a mean xoroer oaoy. "Mens sana in corpcre sano:M A sound mind in a sound body is the . i . t - . ii r t t l irauu ot aucus uram rutxi. aau wo assure your readers that, if dissatis flbd with either weakness of Brain or Codily powers, this, remedy will permanently itrcngthcn both: $1. At drag?isU. or by mail from' J. II. A!ln, SlSFirt Ave. New York City, eod&w Whoa must a man die in order to recover? When his life is insured. Dltl She Die? No ; she lingered and suffered along, pining away all tho time for years, the doctors doing her no good; and at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the pa per say so mush about. Indeed! in deed! how thankful wt ihoald be for that medicine." . . j rcdio I praiseworthy work of be -".. M'ucuiuontu Prevented ' ' CTrfTER Bat. Queen. County. New Yokk. April II. IBS3. I hellfiTo I have : been saved from a ImtIMa Ulnew br AlLCOCK's Po20U57 Plasters, i ' About & month ago I was attacked with a violent pain in my chest, accom panied by ferer ana greas aimcuiiya breathing. I apprehended pneumonia which is so prevalent at present; I went to bed and applied one Allcocks plaster between my shoulder blades and two on my chest. In an hour my breathing was mnch easier, in two hours the pain bad left me. and the neat morning t awoke perfectly free from (ever. I went about my business as uiual. and at tho end ct. a week took tbo plasters off. For tho last ten years Alleock's Plas ters cava been ased by my family with tho best effect in colds, coughs and pain in the side and back. Bo suro to obtain "AllcockV Porous Plaster, as all others aro worthless imi tations. - ' Ayer'd Sarsaparilla. bing concen trated requires a-Ja mailer dofe. and is moroeffctive, done lor doo. than any other, blood medicine. It is the cheap est, because tho best. Quality and not quantity should be considered. Tho polecat is supposed to have beeu the original 'little one for a scent. The largest and best ..stock of Windows. Doors, Blinds &c, and at Factory prices U at K. Jacobi's Hard ? waro IV pot. THR 11AILS. TlcniaU ciose and ftrrtre at the Ciry Toe office as followt : CINQ'S E. Northf rn thruuirh inalU. fast .w T. Su 7.00 r M. nul f.UJ A. M Southern Sta'.Jj for all lnt3 fkmtti. UaUy C 15 A. M. ftnt 8.P0 1'. M. Western inalU (UCIiaUtraD dally. ' . fexcDt Snnday).... o.Ij 1. M. ..............V.iJ AI. 9 9 mm ilalifor Cheraw ami Darlington liail- roA'l. ........... ....C.13 A. M. anu s.w r. w. ' MaUa for points between Florwu and Ciuiriestoo 6.15 A. M and S.oo P. m. Farclterlllc Rinloiuce onCapc r car - . filter, TceiUv?an'I tllftyfi.. ....T.("0 P. St. ryeltcville, !a l-4sm!.rtoii, Uti)y, ' exri't simiUyi.. .--t:.n I. M." OorIow C. H. and Inu?rmedlai oS!- , cs. TmvRdavs nnd Kii Jays.. ...) A. M. !tnithvUle ina.U, hy a.-uiitomt, iWly (oveiit JSujtdHri-;..... .S.'W A. il. M.slU for Ear Town l'ivkt'. i.-i!3":t: xintf .Link- ltivcr, Tui-- darar.d Krl'Lir.. A. M. Wrtichivt!lK. diifv i.' A. M. iri.N Knu IIKLIVKUY. Kortlrn thrMijl and way uii....7.: A. M ( sontliern M:ill t Cdr:lhv c.entral ftAilroad a. m. y. wa. v.. lailH coU-to.l rrura errcet Uixcs bnslncr )rtui of city at : A. .V... U.30 A.L ami 5 SO r M. and from otbor noinu of th rltv at 5 ' P. SI. ' vump yPl:43 oiH?n fnru 7 A. M. to C P. St., , ' Moncv rdfT aud HcirUtr Icp.irtincnt open i jvmu 'k A. M. to P. M. i ikTv:ri drllvcrr ovn frvm T A.M. to6 : Mini on .imMy froan to A. M. i o a. m. r Mothor s Spinning Wheel. Conccritintr One Ar WBM ot torSnlo, tide Uliat mid An other tvhlcli Is Client at Any Price. "Xo, t-ir, I totWij! Kill yo-i tbat for ny tnocpy ; thjt rpiaulcg -whe:l was my tuotlicr'i It was cae fJijr, when ebe wuj gtnlojr like 3 ink sod tusUn? tbU oi l wheel bam. that my fjtbfr. tbca a yany rao-J cil etud:nt, afur -r4 a farmer, fell In lav m-Mj ljr--fomi ! so Mtvr.Vo tho prorrKrlor h ronh Mt of ! frm l iri !i Uotr County. N. v., t-j a'rcllc nr,tcr. an-l "moincr ' ? plonini wnetl ro-mslcoliacn- bcrcLllirtD aol KTaarich U rco- . ' Myothtr.v r!lc T.v J. w5. riielpfe, V3tr of t. raal' M V. Church, CbIcgo. hiA uici r in gut's TOUIC aa'I vlbes me .to is jy isii abnUsstoaaa It mow cfftetifo .tuan1 ttrrusribccior tbc system dcblUtalcil by mala rla. th dcelrea-me alu eerciil)r to mention tb3 ccrtetsty wltb vbicb it a? dlgxrtUon and (ncrcooaoii esb&ustloa " r XriVT sine) tho firm boucC toll .was cstaldlsb ei ,,l5her'p' ofinlcm tag hfcn taoro potttt Is tbl jftotH ttaa tbat of Judge.: Jurletcr fbylclD. Iicr b&ad baa always cooled tire rrr anj ber olco baa been fllled with hope Wlta each day'a docllce. PARKER'S TOBIC U bocomta mero Jervcdly popular wim tbo troajen wbo guard allkq btubaod aol cbl d ren. It eradlcats tnal-irlal poison from tbe blood, from which tbeio 1 now acch wlde eprcad aufforlnjr. . j ricw observe Dk. PAHKIR'S TON 10 Is notaimtvxtcant, Jtlaa cotnbiaation ol aer eral Icgredlenu. of which coao singly caa produce nythb3g like lis effect- For Kidney, etomacb and liner tronblea. It U tbo standard and oofa-lltnf remedy la two alzee: '0 cents andiL Tho lattor tbe cheaper. IIiacoxA Co.. Cbomlata. Wew York Janll-lmd&w Furniture. 2 O O CnAMBCB AXDP ASLOB Bmts from iolM. yew atylea and flnVoUaa ffcxxlaat GREAT BARGAINS ! FISH BOOK CASES, 81DEBOABIS, 8ECRETAK1KS, wIrDROBKS, LIRRAttT TAHf.KS. OptUfo Bodaleada, Mattreaaea, Chalra, Ta bled, 4c, Ac, at big bargains. Call and ace n ocioro yon hut. d. a. bAIITII. - C. D. Morrill. .; TJKDEBTAKKB, CABDT 11AKJKU AN CAUPKSTKii. OOoe and Work fibon n W ond street, opposite Souther UncTa atablea. lietpectfali y aoOdU orOan and mmnnrAM good work, prompt dellverr al Mti&t aetlon 1 L " "'"".T- T HATE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE A gent for the TANNER- DELAXET ENGINE CO'3 ENGINES AND BOILERS from 4 to 130 horse power; also Tramway or Narr Enaiaea a4aptet lo Farm oae a specialty. Oahaad and for sale Very low, FIFE SECOND HASD PORTABLE - ENGINES, Cma S to 15 horse power. : " i-- Jr' ft' f S mmmmT ILQu. OTISTEnS HAVE TRIED 7UriilngtdiK:& proper remt dies, and "have been Ig nominlouslv overthrown ia thi con test fcfVheu the minister iaffsick, meaning. friencis prescribe all sorts H - 'IHfc liljL ; oi uuiiga iv cuxc xuui, uuu d wuiui would kill him were he'to swallow Wwa. 4 A.iU vu fAKI AFTER p.astQ: a : great jar of , pickles, and said knew they would ' cure him, for KWMrrf hr o1mrtCt . nittnr I V4 7. .ra2?er had pickled them hersel The sioc LcaTTjvtiainton,FrcmtsuDept, 8.53 a. minister who swallows at random iJl8:. everv sort of nnstmm his friends Arrive at WUm'gton, Front Stiyrt; attrrrroef rx9 V,;re-1f rlrurtrr 1 FAST THROUOH MAIL & PAftSKHOrB TBAtX debuit worried by dyspepsia, dis tressed bv malaria, or vexed bv liver maw ajo passexgeb trains datlt com olaints. takes Brown's Iron Bit ters, makes a sure thin of his co very. v . The human System 13 tOO prCClOUS tve Wllmlnjrton; Smidays ex- . a thing to try random experimeiits Arriro atMoa,JCIK.,w.,.';.'.i.'.';;VS a on, or to doctor in the dark, borne SSf.?. pcopic muc wita incir wumacns 1. .t 1. r Ti,: k vyviuiiu jLdiiiwcv uuuu 1 iiu rrvrkireliM'MSo Wo T , Y"' iV " T 7' . ",f r rrt,ce-WrtrU v fiao-nazara trial, o ine wondenui except aimoay. - - t r i." i preparation Ol iron On Which it Dasea is tne only iorm m wnicn.tnati !zr ..rr 1 . ay' "a metal can be taken -into the'svstem I Train s& ruwaniaiiT .iud n-.stwrw nn xxrhh ?n?nr;rttio fToc, T-r,Vfc& uijutiuuj wjivkwi a k .iit.,& the blood. 'L It drives.out intermittent r " - . j. . f . - ... fevers. It restores lost aooetitc puttincf the stomach in which it can dio-est wrone: livers right, and makes them .t,.,, - . ( ; 1N0 minister, nor anybody else, a risk in making -a trial of runs a Brown's-Iron Bitters. It is a matter Of happy perienceAith thousands of people that this impotent remedy has. restpred them, from, disease to health. . .Their testimonials -are on' record," arid can be seen by all-who ttiave a cunosity in that direction. Ask your , druggist for a bottle find what a pleasant remedy it is, r well as efficacious, i dec 8- nrm ic'd&w cd First National Bank ofSWil mington,; . C AP J T ATvSTOC K . . . . BT7RPLU3 FUND .. fSM.OOO .. 66.0CI LK5'Os3ta received and collocdona made ot all acoeAlb)o polnfaln tne United Etatex. DUUCOTOK1. K. K. I5UHRUS3, t, Q. WORTH A. MAKT1K. A8.8Pntf2fT. fiKOKGE OI1ADROUKX. OFKICEES : E. E. ULUr.USR.. A. K. WALKKB-. Predenl. CasiiJer T7. LAKKTNS.-. , A'asrt Cashier New Buckwheat ! New. Buckwheat JEVJ BUCKVIIEAT ASD WHITE Syru to eolt, roc 1 rod by New York Steamer to-day Also. Cakee and Crackers of every variety, Groceries usually.f ound In a first-class Gro eery at Crapon's Family Grocery. GEO. M. CRA PON, Agent, ' oet 20 i Konth Front St Fine. Portraits in Crayon or Pastel. - rBDEftS PROMPTLY EXECUTED IN the finest style. I n orfler to more fully Intro ' duce tho work my prices are to the lowest : cent tor first eiaaa work. jrrieDds are invlten to call and examine J or themselves. - ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist, dec 6 " 110 atarke St.. Wilmington. N. C. Female School. MISSES BURR A JAMES, Principals. MRS. M. 8. CUSHING, Musical Instructress. mHE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this Scnool will eommenoo on. Thursday, tbe tn or uctooer, xk( an 1 ctoee uunog lue inira week In June, lfS4. i Tbe course of Instruction Is t borough and system uc. lerms reasonable Lessons in painting In Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, with Hepia ana xnaia ins arawing, ana crayon and pencil aketchbir. at moderate rates. 1 Where a class of ten or twelve Is formed for tne scnool or palntlnr. tne Price will be re aocea. PHDili OGlsldO Of the HChOAl who 'dMlrA mn. aacai insnrncuon. wiu uo wen to apply early. For further particulars Inquire of Principal. or call for Circular. LYOW&HEALYf; ;auie a wonrce dis.. Chicago. WC! T-sSi ('ni i'JtM fT,. y It I Um KmtK . A. IK - IlailroaflrCoiiipany. Omci or Qtsssxl Bxrtrsxxnxvzsrr. r Chanee ofSchedulff. NOT R IS," l?S3 AT Trains on the Tllmtmr wu ru& loitovr- she DAY MAi4&sSTiAifisbAn.T she ' nos. 47 Vobth akd southT - 1 AxriTeat wtim'gton.Fxtmtst.D'p't 10.25 - j No. ASKoTtn re - w;;";;; 2 tit I maii. as PAssEMiEa Tkjxk xoa is aud auu Train No. 40 South wl!3 . stop onlr at WUson ,v JS.chJtoadLeayeEockT ;jo t muuiii iyr laruoro at X M- Daily, (6UQdar6 V leave Trboro at 10.60 A M and 3 P. M. Dally. rt UaHfax for Scotland Xcckat.3.2 P. M. luniiBg tea re acouanu JNocl:. at A. I ram 10. . rcace cjoso connection tt IS don for ail points Kcrth DalJv.- AU rail S"0.11 f?r bI1 olnta .North via Richmond i tt asriinptoji, . . j :. : . . - ..... A!i .traln,J run solid between wj'niBjrton a , l wasnington, sti.-t hve Pu Iman Palace 8 leer bv Urs attached. " U jo..v hiVivk 7 r AI. EMERSON, Genera asaeneer Aecu nov 17 . -I "'; "V Wilnilnn, ColUilVbii OrFIOK OF C3ENTLKAL SOPKRIXTENIJEWT. of j Change'of Scheduler 1 into'a condition c Ul aUIB"OU3Bl'" or ,OCi1 travel a paeacn food. It sets Tnir Wilmington at 7.0U A " il I)ft!lvV,,j OK ! AND AFTKH OV'Jt 151L iti. t 4.33 A. M., tbo following Passenger Scbed nie will be run oh this road , , Ko.42 Leave Wl'mhigtonMonflays - - ezcoptl) ......7 15 A M ..." --Anivc Ht Florcnw ..Jl.-to A AI No. 5 Lare Ti reno.?, (Sundays excepted)-. 7.40 i M Arriro at Wlieilngton 12 10 V 31 KIQHT KX PRESS TRAINS. DAILY him. 4t I Wet t an l 47 East. . , Leave Wtlmteffton 9.1 P. 4j Leave Fiorenw 4. h Arrlre at O. C A A. 'Junction .S5 A Arrive at Colombia. . . . .... A Letive Coicmbla-.i 9..55F Leave C-, V. A A. Junction. ...10.o P. M Leave Florence. 4.83 A. M. Arrive ;tt Wilml igton: . . . . , ... 8.23 A. M U-jre Wtladcatoo '.i.i.ta pt Arrive at Florence., 1 45 A. 11. MAIL AND PASSKNGEU TRAIN 1A1 No. 4H Kast. j LeavA H-irence at...-. . ! 3.35 P. U Arrive at W.liaiuton.. ! 7.4i 1. M Tjcjt!a 43 f;Up8 at all .Stations. . No. 40 etopa only at Flemlngtr.n. and Marlon Pa senjcrs for Columbia au J all points on t 1 C. H. K-. C. & K. Station?. Aiken Jdkc Hon, and all voicta tboyond, ebouW take tbe M(tns iiirprcea. Separate inillman Sleepers for Chartostj' aud Augusta on Train 43. - . . . All trains mn oiKi between Cbartefto md Wilmington. , . Locar freight lea03VIltnligtoo lally ex- JOHN F. 1IVINE, General Superintendent T. at. KMEKSON. General Passenger Asrcnt nov 17 - - '- Carolina Central R. R. Company. OmOS or GEKKK4X SUPEBDfTKKPEWT, Wilmington. sr c.. June 18tb, 1S83 Change of Schedule - o N AND ' AFTEB JUNK IStb, 1883, THE I foUow Kcneaaie wlU be operated on thb 4 jMAIX. AND EXPRESS TRAttf Dally except Sundays. 1 Leave WUmlnsrton at 7.00 P. if No. L J Leave Ralelcb at. .......... ;7. 35 P. ai a J Arrive at Charlotte at 7.00 A. at 1 Leave Charlotte at.... ......8.45 p. M No. 2.5 Arrive Raleigh at.. ...... ,,.8.30 A M I Arrive at Wilmington at.... 8.25 A. It Paasenser Trains ston at reralar tAtWm only, and points designated In the Company's lime Table. ! , w'-.'!.- , J:xu SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER,, HAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except fiondava. i Leave Charlotte sjw p. at Arrive at Shelby... a.oop. 1L Leave 8helbv . 7.00 A. si. Arrive at Charlotte.. ....100 A. at Trains No. 1 and 2 make close eonnnrtiAn Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from RaL elgh. ' --t .. . -r Throoxh Sleenlnar Can betwMn wiimfn, and Charlotte and Balelgh and Charlotte. m. , aiii iw, a wr oiesTiue, ota non Western N C R R, Ashevllle and points West Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville. Athena AklAnU polnu 111 PQUU OOUIJ thweat. L. C. JONES. w v WAV B-Jp fiuperlntcndenL F. W. CLARK. GeoeraL PiAsenmr Amt inn a 1 " U M V John C, Davis, , ATTORNEY AND ' ' COUNSELLOR ATiAWi- ' ' : ! ' WI1.HWOT03.X.V Z Onlcedrertbe rwf . n.v Practices In all the ConrUoffo ftate Hoedal attrattnn nal 1 . k -V- (. . .... "71. . t I It Donft Matter rr THE OLft YEAil IS GONE AND THE iklNS 4 CQ..jr still recelvlar at their" Ors ter Ifoue. No. 112 2-onth JrAT. t-Orste ii . Who! Iceale prices rtmcrsbr in ,rTrps small i Standard. lii !..'............ " it V BACOK-oiUiCftrollaa;- J " nan!;!, tr ft.. rr? ' na ii WE5TZHN 8MOKK.n- i fiid?. ft.... i-ii-.,. i lUUUiMiiiti ......... 'i. 1. dhouMors.... ............... liS DRY SALTED- 1 7 " -.. Shoulders, ft. .... . .1 ; BABSEL6 6ilrlto TcrnmUnI 15 o i . . 6eoond Hand, each 'i KeClty .each . . v.: .. .. SEESWAX, V ft..... iaav jju., ic. ............. ' v ' KICKS, ?r Pt CTTEK, V lo . -v -'J ,-!r a M BU h'ortii Carolina. '"NoTtheTn.. ...... ......... 5 B h a u a a u u CAJDLS, V" lb lxlaw...... . Adam&ntlae... CUEESfe, V ft . Northern Factory.; Dairy, Cream.... ;;.rr::;...r p.; ii COFlEE. V" lb J ava. . . . . .-. . r. . . JLoguyra.. 42 ........ . .. a a I - S COTTON THk, V tnindftn: I 5?2 DOHIKSTICS . i f 2 larns. V'bnncb u2 EGGSjV dozen a Z v MackerelNd.l,V bbi. J.V.:.u ; oo i?n v Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.. k J J ; ftlackerel,o. 2, Viialf bbl.. ft S & to Mullets, y bbl ....... 4 00 MuTJetd, Pork bbla. . J.;; . 7 00 i sc . N. C Ioc Herring:, keg.... 5 oo c 4 M vl- rEHTlLlZEKS, V 2,000 fta . , : ' p -Ii : reruvi&n yuano,Jso. .l.,.....fl 80 iss jt and liono Mail. ...J 00 00 45 if Bono FJonr .......00 00 Ka vasa Giamo. .v.nt ?.v.-. . ; 40 no ls a Complete Manure...;..'. .,.,...00 00 'fur, a wnann's rno6piiate..........OJ oo OTO oo -r WandoPbosph&6...w.....G0 00 70 , Berber A Jluta'a Phorthato..00 CO ; im 00 Fxcellenxa Cotton FertUlzer.M 00 Vafltt & FTcncJi's Carbonate of Ume.J..7X)0, .w ? it French'a Agrlculruttl Ud56.'. tiki Hit. FLouisribb-.u, j i i Ffae.......'....;,..:.. ..i op o a a Northern Super... ............. 3 CO a $ ' Krtrft...;...;.....-.oo at .. . family........ ..... 7 f'.O i, .City Mill Extra.. .... C ) n 6t Fanmy.. r. ........ a 70 16ft i " Extra FamllT.i.. I 0 at it 11 TSRA1N, V.buabel- com.irora store iain.wuu. 1 Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. t.;orn, cargo, in Dan. wwte.. Corn, c&rgo, mlxeo. In bag.. oeai' ftt ft , uais, ixom store Cow Peft.:..i 1'4H 0.1 lu niDKS.'Jb- ! oreen... i Dry..... a 4 U U - II JtlAY , i. 100 Ifca- bAEtcra....... Woe fern f l.0 ' . m - ft I n ...... ....IWdti 11& .nit North River. . hoop imoN, r ih t. ,1 r . 75 LAUU'.ff - ft : Northern..... J.. I0rt; 14 North Carolina .:.J. d0.9 U LIMK, V lRTrek....w..ii....;tt'W 4M.i JuUlIBLU.Cltyiiuwed.MiUi I - . , - Ship Stuff, reaawed. 4.1 8 W or' ;IionghFXbiO PMnx... .,;.;i;13 W..-iJ16 a ; WestInUaCargt,aec6rdlnj. i , to tnalit'y.vj.iw........lS ( '(Oli !7 Ored Floorlnr-fiaoneli.l8 00 a ( Scautllnc aiid iloard. ootnn. .rS 00 . cU fc MOIASsSft 4 ralloD v ' 1 ' 1 . St. j New Crop Cnba, to ,ltlid,.;i. W I t.r- . In lbto...... ,-.o, ft ' Shirr HcMisc. in nhda;. w bbla..... ".".an; : Syrup, In bl 40 O ! NA1J LS, 4? liuir. Cut. lod basis. . 0 00 49 f M Kerosene.. ...v.. ........ -1) 4 lrd.... ....... ........... 1 19 i t Llnsectl .. lliln... Tar .......... 90 flfNi W ItlK 00 23 .ltcfe anl 5jar. - Chickens, llvo, grown... .... Spring... t.... Turkeys . .! . ; PEANUTS y- btisbclt ' ...... POTATOES, bnsheH ' - Sweot ,. 10 75 90 to "1 Ol& All "i: 0? 471 oo Irish, V bbl..;. ...... t oo POBJ,v barrel l, 5 , , - . lcityMcet.., ...... ? Prune. ....... .....;.li 00 ri7 00 , Unmp. ....!. .17 00 ' W BJCECarollna. V ! ...L' J 4U I Rough, r bushel ...L.l, W 0 1,14 BAGS, lb Country.......... iv4 city.....:......v....:.v..... m j: rope; f ib.................ii. uurt B SALT. Vaack. Alom.. ......... 00 ft J Llverpoo 7J Of-. 1 N U 00 ft AmcrlcaQ... ........... J...... no 0 SUGAR, fi-Cuba..'....... 'fl 0 0 rorto kico. a cone. 00 0 00 0 7140 40 B C ................, Cruehcd... ........... ...... BOAr, 4j lb Northern.. a o 6 SHINGLES. 7 In. VM.....;:..'10 M 011 uominon.... ...... ....r...... Z V) an Cypress Saps ........ 4 K 0fi Cvprees Hearts. O 00 0 7 STAVES, r M W, Q. Barrel.. 12 00 011 , bTo. rio2shead..?.!!!!T..oo 00 10 0u TALLOW, 4;.. . 4 0 a TIMBER 4 M fect-ShJpplflg.11 00 fl4 . FlnrMfll. .......;....T.'..U 53 0U miu Prime 7 00 0 w - aim rair ,, 1 o wn o bu Common M11L....;. .......... 0 00 .0 0 0C jnienor to ora'nary..... 0 w o w WHISKEY, gal North era. -1 CO CO North Cfollna..;:....?.. .1 00 ' 0 1 M WOOL, F SWashed O Unwashed,... ... 20: ffl.i Bnrrv.......M.........i..,, 1 (l(Y?'fXJ to working elasa.t i,? U UijU ccta- for postage. a-d; wo 1U VVJJ17 raairyonrrareyalr t1m? box of sample goodi. that will put yoo way or making more money in a few oayiw" you ever "nought -posfclb e at any bnsioc cpiiai not reonirea. we win atart too. 1 can w- rk all the lme or in ennra une m7' The work Is nniTersany adapted to both yonngandold. You caa easily, earn it P 40 cents to 85 every evening. That all bo ' work may test the business, we make tbls ' paralleled offer; to all who aro not wtU saUr fled We Will send ftl to nav fnr th trooblsw wrUlnar to. Full particular.' direct Von, eta eent free. Fortunes will be made hy tbo who give their whole time d tbe work. euccees absolutely sure. Don't delay, -Sure now. : A'kiress' Stuisox A Co., rortltae, Maine' - .-nm-wlf 4fcV v " wanted for Tbe Llres of a" toPrsldnUof tbst.fl be1 b0i Ter W 'or less than twice pnee. The- fastest seUug book la America-. Immense proflta. to agents . JM. ttielll1 people want It.- Anv on run .bAcoms a see. cesefnr agent. Terms reo.' naLLrrr Boos Co., Portland Maine. ; ,novf 30-cmd-lj A' iPPT7P Swrf bU eenU fcr P01?!: Jd XXkiJ AJ and receive free, a coif oox ox monet nr!H hour . The broaa road to fortune open bef W S 1 M. Ami iuc woTKers. absolutely sure At odcw dmt. tbub A Co., Augusta Malcd t O week At home. I aiCO ourfltreA OJP. w'Pay absolutely 'sure No rfc--Capital, cot required. ; Reader, If you wt business at whicb persons of either, J0. or old, caa make great pay all tbe' time lw work, with abflomtecmatetrrTtte io'lf : tlcalars tp H. Uaixstt a Co., Portia d6 nov20Cmdlyw ... . . ,1 , K3T Tho gauges j-nosvnate.. ..(jq oo ococt Carolina FcruilEer. .". . J .. . . .45 00 tXt tironnd'Uone ........ J.,.....00-ixr r4o k V kooos wnlcn will helo von to nwv r right a way than anything else lot- .A .11. H.I... I um. I i .1 !

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