The Dally Review. JirSH. T. JAMKS, KiiiiorA' Prop. U'lUIINOTON. N. C. Til U US DAY, JANUARY 21. ifcu. KsterrJ at ibo Pcwtoacc at WHiat"a.N. C. r.1l!c,lli:-lr-.. , Germany ij rapidly incrcasinV her bcc. root culture. Ninety uc factories were started Iat m. And nrlr a tion. -Ikrt soot si-ir from France and Cermauy will $juu becoming in com petition with the Inilf-nia cane su;ar, Ia spite of the tariff. - ; Sarah Dornhardt counti anion;; her New Year, present a Japanese doll about six tevi biu, very thiu. a hairpiti studded with diamond and at lean one o!d mounted ridiu; whip. Mile JuJic received no lc than thirty icrni sacs of bondKtm. O.iooflhc prettiest pre cntf jrai that siren U Ko3ita Mauri Japanese cage rdlcd with iitllc silk I i i ., 7 i it birdi with icwded eje-s. who all t ry ; ... . . cocoiic wiieu u i-prm:; is loiicnc! Auto:i Uubtu.s'vin'j zraml ora!iriul "l'iradiic ii U b lirt brought ! oat by the lR-rnn 102. n.t muruj. as sisted by the ruilh&rnxonic Orchestra, oa January It is pxpecicd that the composer will b present on that occa iiion. In St. 1'ctersbuTz musical circle it U ojen!y asserted that Rubinstein u on thn point ot leaving Kuf sia for good, owing to the constant neglect and (he many annoyance experience! by him. - lhrlh'iuakp shock were felt durng OtHV.nbr T.0 in various pvt of Krai.Cd. At Arg!ei (HftunlH yrcnees) wt-re wai ou in th arly unniin. a st"ond . .... i . i day. A! !or.nie. an irnhntnal i a'JJ" lt ui-ar liutiai .orI.) tin; Mhock was Jiiiflieintly strong to rati so ri-al alarm It iicourrcd between six and even in the evening. lloics.ihojk. tteir lini ber.H cracked, and ;!a- and earthen ware in cupboard wrr s!iatlTid. All tho villagers i-Miril nut ii their dwell- iog in apprt-honsion .. a catatrphc. i MJ!. Mary. i!ie iii(-it f icfs-fu'i t! . . . . , -Peleeiwl livers, on the seashore, by Cas ,h,H niplnuly d..,e up i a Fri nch wt , haak!, & Sesv Vofk. It jirual: "The debutant nineteen j 1 absolutely pnre and fwect. Patients y-ar-i ld. a blond wiih dark i)es, I 'h have once takeu it prefer it to all Ir-iturt-. and ..rni. and. what j t,luf r- Physicians have decided it su , , , , i : Krnr to anv f the other oi.s in market. it more. h' ha an elraut l.oue in the , Avtnue ln?auil. an -trirant i'!ijt. all j Chaithu Hands. Fack. Pimpi.ks, the acctKtori iwiarv hr Uc future j and rough Skin, cured by ti?ing Jtrxt- two-fuM carc -r. an I. ah v.-:d.. a won- j ' : Tai: Soai- made by Caswklu . . , , ... I! u.i:i A: Co , Now lork. th P. w tlertui mother, wh- has bren 1 lur fur jear past, creating I'me ial 1 rwhtimi f.r iter aud preparing tin- wa i V the p iUi.n ofoiuitd.uue a In mod . $ Ujth n an aetri-4 and at a wnisan " The front pa' f.irt'M.u .i ' i In-t wevk i u priHirr bv ilrtui. r-'-ci.ti tn the lfiuKT:iy ; ' ::1 un-.- .n. ) hin lick i -!rapH-l : ihlli and in muic. iiu!u!iu S::mil irl i tVin. paiiy Mrt'Hlit"" ami " v IVmUcttm M.IKiiu in Hi tiravf.1 At hiVlcet iif n m m.U u .t . a Icecml. " Turn tho laM-aS nr ." L ;m liii on a cane niarLcl " "a i":i v.i.mi. he j a-. !itmtiishel as their Sunt, a vote blindly man hei to tU- a ai.v. i " lh? i'c.-tiii. yV h . i- the r.i. t . , i ,. ... , ., . hil 'enlif.-nian in liclin.J It is not of Defeat. Ashe rm.c-Ii t-u! ,., to sues tu refill. livery ballot on he IeaU a laiihlul K2 ( t.'.i li.-U". . t-.,nt : : nr.I the belocl name o Coloucl who eiiill tho imjenluu ilnner ami i Xe'rme. vainly tttruic .o put hi hond ma.rr! Mr. lianinpl. ot the Vandorbill Uui ou the "Koad to Tariff l.Vionu." which verily, is to hayo hit umloisn- lends ?traiz lit to tec Wh :e The earnings of the Kkhniond V l:tn villo railroad system ocm to lc belter thii year than last, noU itlitaudin? the ihortcrop. The report for December hai been printed, aud it hows that durio? that tuoulh the sro earnings of the lUchmond V Danville, whieh includes tho North Carolina railroad, auiDuntto $33I.(HXi. Itcing $W.0()0 more lhan for December. The uct earnings on this line are $ jfi.000 more than in December. The sroiacarniDgH of the Western North Carolina railroad for the same mouth were $33,731, bcins a gaiu of &r.,ouit aad the Let carniugi wcrojSt.lTo. The construction account i3 not embraced iu this tabic. 'The Sctcs atul Observer having liccu asked if Jcro Dlack did not say that with a tariff (or revenue, b'.aukcts alone woald jicM a revenue of $25,000,000 annually, replies: AVo don't know, whether he did or not. Wc caw it stated ia the papers that he did, but the figures were so wide of the mark that we would not print the statement as coming from that learned lawyer. The census returns for IS30 give the Talue ot all the products ot all the woolen mills in theJTniujd States at $100,000, UOti. Blanket constitute but a trilling lartoftJieseprodncis. or instance.' here are 70.000, 000 yards or casimcre, the like amount f flannels, 30,000.000 yards ol jao. 10,000.00) yards of satinets. 13.000,000 yards of kerseys, cto, 20.000, 3 yards of dress goods and Innumera ble other item. Of blanket only 1. 0.3071 pairs are reported. These aro worth at mMafjKtGrejy prices say $3 a pair, amounting to $3,250,000. None arc imported. Thirty percent, dnty wocld yield abodt $1,000,000. Mr. Black may have had Tery little idea of the number ot blankets annually pnr- chased bj the people of Ibc ilnitcd Slate. If lie luaJo. Lbc statement at tributed to hiiu. he must hare apposed thai the Talao orthc blankets used wouUl bo ia the neighborhood of 000.000. The value (at manufacturers1 price) wc hate seen,! is in Uic ncisbs borbool of $3,000,000 or $ i, 000, COO. ! How ou docs a blanket list and how i any Jwc &o average family ouy a year? c nazanl me su csuou ma North Carolina spends less than $50,000 : a vcar for blankets! But still the tariff Jotisbt to be largely reduced on them as t well as ou all other articles now on the I "prohibited list." The Fat iloyIn IMckwick probably had ood teeth, seeing that he o speedily demolished the moat sub stantial provender on the shortest uoticc. Nothing c.ce ptins sood appetito ao couducci to the pleasures of eating, a 2ood wst of grinders . To po ideas tbem. use SOZOUONT. the crcat dental in- ivigorator and bcautujin? ageuta. ( 1 CHOW, IMIktMl w,s.M r - iv white and the cums aoiuire ruddi nets and form a plcasins coutrast to the sritiwv hue of the teeth when it is luo f I0 J u-id. iMOONSHINIS. The announcement is made that live new and swift steamships are to t be added to tbo transatlantic lines. Every thing seems to be working for the good of American bank cashiers Courier Journal. Tho deep ba?9 of the organ ceased suddenly in a church in Lewiston. Mc when a lady'a Tojce was heanl by the whole congregation distinctly to de clare. "I don't care one bit; I do want a piano1 v A Western exchansre inquires what Airs. Tennyson will be now that Iho poet i a lord, which reminds us of a similar injuiry on tho part o! the spouse ot a newly-appointed Hrilih squire. You lies a squire now." asked this lady of her husband, 'what be Ir ' Oli!M repouded the brute, "you bos lh same old fulo you always was." A yonn? lady's reflections the morn ing after Now Year's "It fa, indeed, more b!essed to give than receive." lioton 'JYanseriiii. I An Indiana family that ues black tea because they ire in j mourning are probably as sincere mourners as lh?;,fh. l,'t' wore crn',e on their hal. - !..... . . . t ... .. .1. from ir:itsoNAi.. riJj bt.rl (;. jMrsoil has jfonu to irarr to auswrr arr.ll by Stephen XV. I.r?ev. d S:ar Cm v notoriety. The !.ttt - r i in a iek d mmble over tiie j r.i!o 11 ;mi .-srl. The td s.ini of our Ainerii ail :i-iiiiiii nn s:til ti he a5 li!!ovs: 11 I. r.;intciic 1(. P.erl Ilartu in h". Mai k Twain 4 1 IlowilU is t. rhotiiHS Itaiiov Al!rir!i is 15, .Iuaiiiu .Milit-r i 12. .! a ine- ltusscll l.-iwi-ll i- il aiul .lohn (J Saxn h W. It rvl itiH!:at Miiiit! oars ai., at l!it h-tlH: d Mil ciiiiiit'iil laili.ii pct, ia a rtjiiipauv ot a lii men of letters i ,tars lie was obcrvin the oecuitatiou of One and IJcta Two Capriconi hy the dark limb ot the moon, when the auddenncis ol the eoipsc revealed a tar nl the tenth luauiludc as a com panion tar of Ucta One. Astrouomers tind the matter one of importance. A Case 'not Reyoucl llclp. -Dr. M. 11. Hinsdale, Keuawce. 111., advices in of r remarkable care of conuiuptioii. I In days: "A ncichbor'd wife was attacked with luu; disease, and pronounced boyoud help from Quick Consumption. As a last resort tho lauiilv was crsuaded to try Dlt. WM.I1AI.1S BALSAM FOK TIIK LUNGS. To tho astouiahmcnt of all, by the time blip had used one half dozcu bottles she rvks about the houao doing her own work. I saw her at her worst audhad uo idea ho could recover." A lawyer worka at his prolcdsion Iroui tho very btart. IIo begins by prosecuting his studies. . . . ltotiIi on Coufflis." Kuocks a Cough orj Cold endwise, Forchildrca or adults. Troches, 15c. Liquid. 50c. At druzglits. ETerjr day. an old year ends a new year begins. What folly is it. then, to talk ot the 1st of January Almost Insane and Cured "Most of the eminent doctors in the Cast, as veil as several of the medical faculty in New York Citv." writes Rer. I. P. Shirley, of Cblcaio. 'lailed to help our-danghter's epilepsy, which began to show signs of turning into in sanity. By the good providence of God we tried Samaritan Kcrvine, and it cared her.n Yoar dro grist keeps it. $1.50. The thief has his excuse ; he would do good by stealth. Did She Die? "No; she ilororedand suffered alon. pining away all the time for years,' the doctors doing her no good ; and at last was cared by this Hop Hitters the pa pers say so much about. Indeed! in deed! how Lhankfal we should be for that medicine." - Pneumonia Prevented. OrSTER Eat. Queex Couktv. NevtYojik. April II. 1S83. - I bcliere I bare been saved from a terrible illness by Allcocks Tocois l'LASTEKS. ' v.. , A About a month ago I was attacked with a violent pain in my cheat, accom panied by fever and great difficulty in breathing. I apprehended pneumonia, which i3 so prevalent at present; I went to bed and applied one Allcocks Plaster between my shoulder blades and two on my chest. In an hour my breathing was much caster, n two hours the pain had left me. and the next morning I awoke perfectly free from lever. I went about my business as usual, and at the end ot a week took tho plasters off. - For tho last ten years Allcock s Pias ters have been used by my family with tho best effect in colds, coughs and pain in the side and back. - Be sure to obtain "AllcockV ' Porous Planter, as all others, arc worthless imi talions. ..Hi . A cremation society has been organ ize d at New Orleans. Aycr s Sarsaparilla , bmg concen trated rcouircs a smaller dose, aud is more effctivc. dose lor tlose. than any other, blood medicine, it is tiie cucap est, because the best. Quality and not luanlity should oc consiacrcu. The largest and best stock of Windows. Doors, Blinds &c.t and at Factory prices is at N. Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. t THEMAILS. Themalls close and arrive at the City Poa office as follows : CIAJSK. Northern through roatla, last 7.00 P. M. Northern throuxh anl wiv mails.... -00 A. su Kalclgh 6.15 V. M. an ft 8.00 A. II. Halls for tho N. C. RaUroad and ro:r a unppHcd therefrom tnclml tnjcA. ft N. C. Kallroad at 7.00 P M. and 8.00 A. M Sonthern Malla for all points South, dally 6.15 A. if. and 8.00 P. M. Western malla (C. C. liail way) daily, (except Snmlay) 6.15 P. M. All points lctween llamlct and Ital elih 6.15 P. M. Mall for Cherawand Darlington Kail road C.15 A. M, and 8.00 P. M. MslU for points between Florence and Charleaton C.15 A. M and 8.00 P. M. FAvcttevtiie aiMlofticea on Gape Fear Klrer, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. M. Fayettevllle, tLi Lumberton, dally, except fcundav 6.15 P. M. Onslow C. It. and Intermediate oifl. ces, TnesdaT and Fridays COO A. M. Smlthvllle lobi, by bteamboat, dally (except Sunlay) 8.S0 A. M. Stalls for Kay Hill, Town Creek, Hiialloite and Little Klver, Tues days and Friday 6.00 A. M. Wrirblsvil'., daily S.S0 A. M. OPKX Hilt DKLl VKKY. Norlhcrn Ihroojrh ani wsv utat!s....7.S0 A. M Soulhern Mails . ,.7.:Ja A. M. Carolina t;emral Kallroad !. 00 A. M. Hail.H collected from iru;t boxes tmslnehS portion or city at a a. n.oo anu a so r M. and from other point of the city at 5 P. M. taru open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., Money order anl Resrlster Department open jronr 8 A. M. to 5.00 P. M. General delivery opcr. from 7 A.M. toG P.M al on Sum I its from 8.30 to !.3n A. M. Carrier' delivery open on Sunday from ?.3 o f.W A . M. Mother' s Spinning Wheel. Concerning One Article that was Not ForSalc, aiul An- other which is Cheap at Any I'rlcc. i No. tlr, I wouldn't Rcll'you that for any ,om..: u,at bnliuiln wheel was my mother' It was ooc lay, when she was tiltiin like a lirk ;iixl making thU M wheel hum, that my father, theii a younjr incIcal stutlent, after wanli a fnruicr. foil In love wilh ber bomu iirty yarsi." Ho Mikr ic pruprtctor of a roiih Mt of farm Unl In llblcr L'ouiity, N. V., tu a rclio huMU-r. itioi "motherV silHnin? wheel re mainol anion? her ehlMren anl prranlc.h,l. rrn. "My mother." writes Kev J. W. Phelps, pu-U'T of St. Paul's M. K Church, Chicago, uscl Pakklh's TONIC. aul wishes me to h.iy that the ha founl it moro effetiire than anything ahc ever used for invfcoratln;: aixl HtrenythcnUis the system itctillitatcl by mala rta. uc tlcotrea me al rsperlallr to mention the ccrtaloty with which it ahJs digestion anl ocrcemct exhaufllon." Krcr Lucc the llrst LouachuM was CFtaMUh cI "niothcrV opinion bad been inoiM putcut lo thin worM than that of jurfjee. jurist or phyblclaji. Iter banl bad always cooled ttic fever and bcr voice ban been filled with hope With each day's decline, PARKER'S TQRIC i R'CumlDg more dcBcrvcdlir popular with the women woo guard alike Itaebaod and child ren. It eradicates malarial pefcon from the blood, from which there h now auch wide spread uH'crin. Plcaso ob-crvc: Die. PARKER'S TONIC Is not an intoxicant. It la a combination of sev eral lnxrcdlcuu, of which none singly can produce anything like Its effect. For Kidney, e to roach and Liver troubles, it Is the standard aad nnfaniog remedy. In two Elzes; fO cents and ft. The latter tho cheaper. Uiscox A Co.. Chcmbjts, cw York. jan ll-lmd&w Furniture. 200 CUAMCEK ANPirAELOH Suna f rom f 35 to $150. New styles and first-class ifoodi at WtEAT BARGAINS ! HNE HtJOK CA6KS, SIDEBOARDS. SKCKETABIES, WARDBOBKS, . , LIB BABY TABLK3, Ac. Ciltac Bedatea'Ts. Mattreascs. Chairs. Ta- LI.. . . . , . . " . - uk9, ai mg uarfraina. can ana sec mo before you butr I. A. SMITH. IW1V I" C. D. r.lorrill. JNDKBTAKER. CABINET 1CAKEK ANll CAUFSNTKB. Offic and Work Shop on See ond street, opposite 8outher land's stables. Respectfulfy solicits orders and rnaranteec food wore, prompt dtlrwr ad satisfaction 1 w J HAVE BEEN APPOINTED 8OLE Aent for the TANNER A DKLANKT ENGINE CO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from 4 to 130 horse power; also Trim way or Narr LoeoaotlTe. ; j ,: Eniines adapted to Farm use a special ty. ar On hand aad for sale Tery low, FIVE SECOND HAND PORTABLE ! ENGINES; froa 5 to IS horse power, a ax IVCm ; S. tT. SKINNER, 1 MISCELLANEOUS iho Poor Lfttlo Dook-keepcr. Thoueh he was the lather of a hrge family, he Was a a small and larrow-chested man,wi th weak lungs, a disordered liver, and a dvsDeotic stomach. : For many years he nad Deen a DOOK-Keeper in one 01 ine pnnapal banks. So conscientious raslie that, although he had many opportunities to take holiday, he aad not been absent from his desk for eleven years. He attended faith ully to duty, and thought that tc spend a day in recrcafcion would be smiui yaste ot time, respite con Jtantly increasing weakness he stuck :o Jis post, when he ought to have been at home, resting and gaining strength. He grew weaker and weak er, urftil at last he had to stay avay S-om his work altogether, and trive ip nis position, rie is ueaa. Had nliis poor little book-keeper jscd BroTvrCs Iron Bitters ; he might have kept his position longer, and possibly, have saved his life. His zase was oneof dreadful debility ; the aeDinty wnicn unaermines tne loun- aations of health and "life: the debil ity which goes hand in hand with disease, and which leads down to death and the grave. He was poor ly nourished ; in fact hardly nour- 1 TY ! . 1 ' tsnea ai au. nis digestive macnin ery was so disordered that the food he ate did not assimilate and form good blood. What blood he had was rjoor and thin. There was noth ing vigorous about him. Now this was perhaps an extreme case; but there are many debilitated people going down, down, down, just as this poor little book-keeper, went. Weak and forlorn as these un happy people are, they can be sa ved Many of them can be restored to health and vigor. Brown's Iron Bit ters will carry to their enfeebled or gans the strength that is needed. Its peculiar preparation of iron will rive color and nourishment to the ul$od, and so vitalize the system. I hus digestion has a ( chance. The liver is restored to proper action. Idle lungs take healthy inspirations of air. The kidneys beerin to work fight. That horrible old feeling of las situde departs, and misery moves oft. Every debilitated sufferer ought to k-now about Brozirts Iron Bitters. 2 dec 8- nrm tc dw cd First National Bank of Wil mington.; CAPITA LISTOC K . . . $250,000 W.OCI SURPLUS riJND. Deposits receive! anl collections made cr all accessible nolnfsln the United State. OIKECTOK tL K. BUItRUSS, t. U. WOKTHi A. MARTIN. JAS. SPRUNT, (iEOKGE CHADhOURN. orricERs E. E. BUKKUSS. Prcstdent. A. K. WALKER Caehlcr W. LABKINS. apll A'rnt Cashier New Buckwheat ! ! 1 j New Buckwheat JEW BUCKWHEAT AND WHITE Syru to suit, received by New York Steamer to-day AlsoJ Cakes and Crackers of every variety, fresh and crisp, and a general stock of Fresh Groceries usually found In a first-class Gro eery at Crapons Family Grocery. GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, oct 20 I South Front St ine Portraits in Crayon or Pastel, j QBDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED IN the finest style. In order to more fully Intro dncctbe work my prices arc to the . lowest cent for first class work. Friends are Invited to call and examine for themselves. ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist, dec 6 119 Marko at.. Wilmington. N. C FemaleJSchool. MISSES BURS A JAMES, Principals. MRS. 1L 8. CTJSHING, Mualcal Instructress. rpHE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this 8chool will commence on Thursday, the 4th of October, 18S3, ani close during the third week In June, 12S4. Tho course of Instruction la thorough and systematic. Terms reasonable. Lessons In painting In Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, with Sepia ana India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates. Where a class of tea or twelve Is formed for the school of painting, the price will be re duced. Pupils outside of the school who desire mu sical instruction, will do well to apply early. For further particulars Inquire of Principals, or call for Circular. cot 12 LYOn&HEALYfi 1 Stala L llonroe Sts..Chicaso. DANOCATALOGUr. far lui, iW yatm. it tacranno, 1 I tlk Dram Vmt Sv .Vl 5 3J HA1XBOAD8, , Wilmington & jWeldon Railroad Company. OrncB of General SUFERnrraroinrr, i Wilmington, N. C. Nov 17. 1S83. J Change of Schedule. fS AND AFTEK NOV'R IS, 1SS3, AT VA. M., rawenzer Trams on tne v timing ton & W cldon Kallroad wlu run as ioiiowb : DAT MAIL. AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAI I.) . - I Nos. 47 North and 43 South. Ixavc Yf nmlneton, Front St. Pept,r 8.53 A. Arrive at Wciaon,.. 2.31 P. Leave WeMon ; 5.00 'IV Arrive at Wllm'gton. Front St. D'4, 8.40 r. Fast Through Mail & Pa sskokr Train I Dailt: No. 40 South. Leave WcMon 5.50 P.M Arrive at Wllni'jrton, Front St. IHp't 10.V5 V.l hi MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS DAILT No. 43 North. - Leave Wilmington.. 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Wetlon ...... 2.W A. M. Mail aki PASrSEXGen Traiks Nos 45 and Invc Wilmington, (Sundays ex- "1 M?PtcJ) 12.30 A M ArriTC ntWcldon. ............ ....... 630 A M l-cave Wcldon. (Mondays cxccotctlU. 05 A M Arrive at Wilmington,.....- a m Train No. 40 South will aton onlw at Wllonn GoMKboro and Magnolia. J j - Jr-ains on Taxtjoro liranch Road Leave Rockv Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. Daily i (Sundays-excepted). Ituming, leave Tarlor at 10.00 A.M and 3 V. M. Daily. a'rRlns on Scotland Neck Branch Koad Ic.av Halifax for Scotland Neck at" 3.2." P. M. R rtirnlnz leave Scotland Neck at 8.39 a. f dally except Sunday. Train No. 47 makc close connection t V don for all points North Dailv. All rn Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Ba Train No. runs dailv and inaxes close con nccUon for all Points North via lUchmond aud Washington. All trains run solid between Wi'mlncton n Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sieer era attached. For accommodation of local travel a nasspn ger coacn will be attached to local freight leav- ing Wilmlncrton at 7.00 A. M Dailv ecm Sunday. ; JOHN F. DIVINE. General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, Genera,' Passenger Ajcem. nov 17 i i Wilmington, ColnmbiH & Augusta li. It. Co. OF PICK OF GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. vVllmlnton. N. C. Nov 17,18t3. v , Change of Schedule, ON AND AFTKK NO 'It ISth. 185:3, at 4.33 A. M., the following PasRcnfcr $cot u)c will be run on this road : Xo.42 Leave Wilmington, (Mondays i excepted) 7. IS A t Arrive at Florence .111.40 a M No. 4.V-Leave Fl rencc, (Sundays excepted) J 7.40 P M " Arrive at Wilmingtor jl2 10 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, IAILV 4t Wcctand 4? Easu Iave Wihnlngton 9.10 P. 4i. Leave Florence, j 2.40 A. i At. Arrive at C. C A A. Junction CJiS A. to. Arrive at Columbia. .40 A. ftt. Leave? Columola 9. 55 P. M. Leave C., C & A. Junction 10.20 P. AI; leave Florence.. 4.X! A, M, Arrive at Wilmington. 8.23 A. M. Night Mail axi Pssenokk Train, Daily NO. 40 WKftT. Leave Wilmington .10.40 P. it. Arrive at Florence r. I 45 A. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILT No. East. I .cave Florence at...' 3.35 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 7.42 P. M; Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemlngtoi. and Marlon Passengers for Columbia and all poliua uw c A C. R. li., C, & R. R. Stations, Aiken June tlon, and all points beyond, should take tire Nleht Exrre8s. 1 i Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charlesto and Augusta on Train 4S . j All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. i Local freight leaves Wilmington dally ex cept Sundav at 6.10 A. M. i JOHN F. DIVINE, General Surerlntendent ' T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Ag-ent nov 17 I Carolina Central It. It. Company. T ! OFFICE OF GEtfKRAL SUPEKIKTEirDKKT, Wilmington, N. C, June 13th. 1SSS. - Change of Schedule. QN AND AFTER JUNE 13th!, 18S3, TIIK following cnoaoio will be operated on thlf Eallroad : j ; PASSENGEB MALL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sundays. ) Leave Wilmington at.. ..... .7.00 P. M No. L Leave Kalclghat .-. ..7.35 P. M ) Arrive at Charlottet 7.00 A. M ) Leave Charlotte at... ...... .8.45 P. M No, 2. J Arrive Raleigh at 8.30 A . M Arrive at. Wilmington at.... 8.25 A. M Passenger Trains ston at regular stations only, and points designated in the. Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte j 5.30 p. M. Arrive at Shelby , 9.00 P. M. Leave Shelbv 7.00 A.M. Arrive at Charlotte...... ...10.30 A. at. Trains No. 1 and 3 make close connection Hamlet with K. A A. Trains to and from Ral eigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesvllle, Stations Western N CRR, Aaheville and points West AUo, for Spartanburg Greenville, Athens' Atlanta and all points Southwest.. I C. JONES, " ' Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent ... - John C. Davis, ATTORNEY AND '"''-'""(-'..'.?.' COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WiuajfoTos, N. omce over the -Bank of New rr Practices in all the Courts of tie State. Special attfmtlon Mi l tn tho collection Of r.UIfDM. j 1AV U tt FREEfoiTRIAL au uniajfiag&mi t jy enre tor Artw ! tMtfktiy HJid I Vtaknru, ' vilniiRclindIreticnexcfcse, 1 overwork, etc.. (ovt imty thou- ) me" -na trial-box of fwiSttiiU. andCsllu)aallai,iJucAOo,lLL, 1 1 ml f sana io-i t i r cures; ITi I J5c- Ilag3 i v-JI LI lOi UUs. Aibimut. -VLikJJ rr ir r nwn'j 1 OT TeoxJw WHOLESALE T Tho following wholesale prices generaliTJ ffiniF i mall orders higher i 'Prteeshat. AGGINO Standard.. 2 lb.. 15i Jt. BACONorth Carolin. ams, v n.i. .......... . Shoulder, y lb T Sides, fb M WESTERN SMOKEr 1 IT Am a' . it ; sides, v ib... .v.v.t.v; jj Shoulders ; iSj RY SALTED , . v ...... ......I ; .. - St.lno Mr Ik ! a Tm-pcnuj, 1.03 Shoulders, V lb... i ' ARRilLS-SnirlU Turnent! ft' M M M $1 BUTTKR. V lb- North. Carolina.. Northern........ CANDLKS, V lb 5pcrr BIIUTT..... Adamantine.... CllKESh. T tb Norjhcrn Factory..... Dairy, Cream....: state , ... COFFEE, V B- Jara...... Lngiryra :.. ' Rio............ h 43 CORN MEAL. V bus., la mI COTTIW TIKS, V bundle.r.. lsZJ DOMESTICS i lr -l Sheeting, 44,-V yd.1. 't" l tarns, v Ditnca EGGS, f dozen FISH -v.. - .. .: a Mackerel. No. I. V lbl. i Ataekcrcl. Not 1. V half bid.. 8 h, it! Mackerel, No. C, V bbl.... .. 9 60 VSt Mackerel Na 2, V half bbl.. 5 oa Mackerel, No. S, tf" bbl 7 75 ai" Mnllcts, Vbbl..: 4C9 Z k Mnllet, Pork bbla. j 7 00 tl N. C. Roc Iferrlnff, f keg.... 3 00 tu ir io. ............ ... 9 a t FERTI LI ZEISS, 2,000 fta- A reruvian uuano, no. i 67 u cr!: .. . Now 2...... .30 00 tr.l " - Lobos.... ..00 00 e-jr nan f; ii o uoepuaic. uuw Carolina Fcrullzer. ........... 43 00 ev Ground Bone ................00 00 e Bono Meal ..00 00 tx Bone Flour ....00 00 e; Navassa Guano .....1.40 00 ti Complete Manure .......CO 00 oc Wbann'a Phosphate.. iOO 00 e; Wando Phosphate...... .00 00 Berger & Butz'a rhoevhatc.;oo 00 Ax Exccllenza Cotton FerUllier.M 00 t French's Carbonate of Lime.. 4 7 00 0; French's A grlcnltnral lime.... 8 50 ai FLOUR, bbl j Fine.. .. 0 00 Northern Super.....;.. 5M Extra........ 6 oo- a I, i family ,....100 o s , City MUla Extra G to net , V ; Family 5 75 01 Extra Family.... 6 m o 3 QLUEV lb 11 n 3 GRAIN, V bUBhcl I Corn, from store, bags, white. . e 3 Corn, cargo, in hulk, wiute.. Corn, cargo, lu bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags.. S i o uau, rrom store. Cow Pea?. T. niij'Ks, rit Cirocn....... 1 tHI i 4 o Si 0 Dry......:. HAY, V 100 IbB Eastern U! 1 20 0 II Weetern. 1 IA It 12 North River...: I 75 O noOPURON, V Li ! I V9 LRD,4 lb- j ! Northern !..... 100 North Carolina.... 00 ;tf LIME, 4 barrel 1 40 j LUMBER. City Sawel. V MfL ! Ship Stuff, rceawed.... 13 00 er Rough Edge Plank.... 4...... 15 ft WestlndiaCargoea.accordlng I f to quality 13 Ot 6h Dressed Eloorlng, seasoned. .18 H) 254 Scantling ami Board, ennn..! 00 Mil New Crop Cuba, In hhda ' OC ft. In bbla... ... 4 t Porto Rico, In bnds.... oo In bla.. ........ 00 if Sugar House, In hhds.......J.. 00 Q . " lr. bbls ! 26 0 Svtuo. tnhbla i.. 40' 0 NAILS. V Keg.Cut.10d basla.. 0 00 tt ,S 0115, V gallop- ' Kerosene... ...... .v J.. II 0 Lard........ J.. 1 10 Cjq Linseed J.. 90 ttTl Rosin..... Tar J- Deck and Spar j.. 90 01 00 O f, oo a POULTRY Chickens, live, grown.. ive, grown... .4.. ?3 a ' Sirlng. . ....... ..4.. Turkeys. 75 l: '.to a lk L ZiJVl UIO IT Ulibllfl. ......... NUTS POTATOES, V bnBhel Sweet............ rrlsh, if bbl PORK. W barrel- fa a 1 ...... 2 00 AM '- i i : City Mess ...............23 SC ffl 1'rlrac.... ...iuoc.. Rump ..17 00 .CUI RICE Carolina. V ib W Rough. r bushel ;.. w 01 BAGS, V lb Country.......;.. City. ROPE, V ft...... sal.t, v sack. Alum.... 00 a 003 0 Livcrioo . Ld&bon..... ' Amcrtcan. 00 00 .00 oo 00 a a o a a SUGAR, V lb Cuba Porto Rico A Coffee. ........ B C Ex C 00 e . 0 a 1010 Crushed..... a a SHINGLES. 7 in. VM WW Common.... 1W 0 CypressrSaps W 1 Sl'AVES. y M W. O. Barrel.-12 00 All JLO. Hogshead.. .......W W slS TALiLAJW, if ft. X JM-liEK, V jane win Mill Prime Mill Fair.. Common Mlll..............;.j S 00 Inferior to Ord,nary.....L... I 0 00 North Carolina... ......1 M WOOL, V tt Washed-....... Unwashed.... w 0 Burrr i.-i H 9 Seal1!' fifXT TV i0T tnc working cla 1TWI JI cents jor postage, a4 ?-J mail . ... .VI! box of samplo gooiU that will put jofl way of making more money In a few TZ. you ever thought possible at anT bt Capital not required. We will start joa. J can work all the time or In spare tlmef young and olL. You can easily earn frf cenU to $5 every evening. That all iM V work may test the business, we make t r iiuautJtu utter, iu six wuo arc v j ncu we wui semt 91 to pay for tuc writing us. Full particulars, dlrectlotAf sent free. Fortunes will be made by ; who Jrfvc their whola time f o the work. r success absolutely sure. Don't deUy. now. Address Snxsox & Co.t Voi Maine. - - nov SO dgg AGENTS wanted for The TO c I the Presidents of best book ever sold for less than tffi ire Jiusiesi seiung bw ,Z-c mmenee orofita tn ?pnts. All lfl"- nee. e fastest selling book ?;., mmenee profits to agents. 'AH 111 77V people want It. Any one can become , cessf ul agent. Terms free. IlALLrrr Co., Portland, Malms; nov SO-Cffl- 1 T7.t and receive free, iloh will tiln TOU wr.. hour The broad road to fortune open tlM irorkmi hAlntjl mm At 00" dress, Tkub & Co., Augusta, 5Ialne nov20-6mdlyw ' O week At home. 3 00 ootft fj OOO Pay absolutely sure- S Capital not required. Reader, if 1 V: business at which persona of either fJT,iWi or old, can make great pay all the tl m work, with absolute certainty, write Oculars to II. IU1.1.ETT A Co., PoTtlaBV1 t Second IIand.cach...:...rr'1 Now New York, each..;. T" 5 I NcwCIty,cach.... , i beeswax, ib.........;:::r 1 2 ii ......... is J .... j. . . i 10 Ji . ' KsV ' A IkA T I ft M fect snipping. is w - .....j; ........ 7 W a OHO M lit a ! box of goods which will help you w moner right away than anything" fjfi th