MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS JUST OPENED ! n ! t; IIS DA Y. januakv Jt. 11. flT 7ac iaty lleview 7u Vic largest j L'AD.IBSV-WRAP.S. nt crctuaioyi; o ay newspaper AT Hi.luJitd, in the city of m mnwm. , IN GONUKKSS YI2STISItIA Y. The Daily Review. m M , , ,,r , - 1 ill M E It I N O U N DEE W E A A nl in fanf nil Wlr.fnv MlSCni.T.AXKOU FROriVilEPflESIDEflT : ..cr uYwa vanzsm. ttiS :1 la taj httitinli Icr thxe t L HVTa tlifAaj rjlUfijnt 61 4ia Lair. 1 2 r:2TC4 ttt W4 ciir;5 or color. ATCTw'CJUlt TZGOB b CiUrtJjIrea pfJTjit tUli!S?,pTTTC3 th half and prh:;ttf "II grorti, csrei and U . CiilZtl jZ Ui3 tllr to3 ii!p, and l5. at 'lis tise, rtfy ropcrior tad TSZXJZZD BT Dr.JiC.Aycr&Cfr,iWeIi,Mas. .' j5oUt7nDrCftteti. T t 1 i 1 lJlVery aim DUIC MftlllCS. Hollingsworth & Walker, .'oner of Mulberry an I Fourth Strt'cU. 1 ARTI Eft IS NKF.! OF HO!;E.S AND j 1 rh!rlfor i.n!n or iicMiro tvini r. fimno-UU-loD very rrjM.na.:c irrn... nor unti ci rarcfuiij tcn-.r... ;oo.uem.romr..rubvvn.ir!c-i.n.irr- - (iiioiivrrs. MiT The lnn!iHi.l IleirK !o Uic rltr. illV" iiiu fTvi:timTii ir 1 k m irnrpliTiot X' fnlfloT lttnc I IVCrciIIlLr iX UlULI I)IU w rilOMAl.F. I.KoCMh AXICtMMI.- I SIOS MtUCll ANT-i .r.-r for ... !. H.nr. .a lit I . t.h- 71 III I fcncir, 1 A C V I1UUU Ul. it i Ijir-I. I jic iotl.. ! lav oj.. l.T4rkrr. t'au'ir. TU4-i. Snill. Ta:"'''. II.?-. Twlnr. tr lc lr Ki:t)i.N.u .t :.M.ii.i: Furniture. lm rrl-.!i;cl "Utrinj lr it iml w." a rr hn!i .ti u r ll.;il-.i. laN tra A f r.!l f iti.. ai.l ii'r.lms' I'vrum:, h ampm:. f.u:;: m AM immm; i:mii iii.s. j ix ! t rrr TIIM C. Ky 1 A tut JU - 1 . Ledgers. Journals, uays, LANK I:h)K - iiF AM. -lr s AND j My r I'm l;n-. 5trraor.n t un !: -. b li 1 1 "- Itvjk. l.:jl Uw.V. L'lln-Kri'J'i' t .4-.nl C in !' k ul n--t.- l ir It k !l kin .!i.v .lift K.oiry Mtil:- r . A- , al I 1 t nti k-i j.ri-T V ATKS r.)iK UfiK. ll'i Mrn "int-l Pmtins;& Binding! Our I'rifnds !! plea rriiniuf r w li'ii hi uecl f anything ui our ltnr, wl.fllirr Printing, Ruling or Binding, aiiiroeMlll br doneifh pr.rnptin'-, and atIfactJon ruratittl. WeUoire to cU atti-ntiou ol ttjeho hare nrrtr favoml u ith tln ir patronage, to the fact that our Is the Lct niuipped UblLhment la the city, and none but com petent arel ktlleil workmrn emplvit!. JACKSON & BKLL. tan la Photographs. MAUK Itr "INSTANT A NEOUS" lroee. Have jtut reelvl a fine tot of Fancy and Plain Frames, which arc Ml!ln c hrap. Call anl let MK,'CEV)NKSHKn; make you a Ctirtstaxaa tl-tnre. mt VanOrwieirt oVt tun.i. lti 13 If IIOKTON FRJCKUAN. 'Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. M. SCMIX)SS Prop. IliYTCIJiS-H IS KVF.KY IUC5lECT. rirttla Bar a1 I'.W.M A UO A mm ATTACH If t n 5 and 10 cents Clears, HAVANA ttUJUiS. ltt in the city, arc oo Aalf. lru- ami MMlclaal prrparatloni of the li'.rfcr! jrra at JNUT.SCIIONWALU'S, jao 11 lrnjtnl ItrextpMoa Sior Wanted. JJY A COMPANT WHO rROPO?K Ttl tablUh a manufartorr thereoh. well-llaUr ol crvrc UiuU. ruCe who may hve much Uiiu to tiUpoM of are reqoetel to commoal rate, wtth tae at WaJeaboroor by letter with Mr. Jo4h T. Jamea. at vnimlnrwo in pcro FaUprTtcaUraaato exaet loeatloa of taada, ttaraber of area. probable yVM of Umber to the are aol lnweat price. ct he mart knownT JOHN T. 1'JkTIUCK. Suta ImmtraUoa Actat, . apt 17 tf Wa4CAlaro, N. si:xatk. Washington. Jau. S3. Mr Scivcll, Iruiu llu) committee 011 Military Aflairs, reported favorably a bill lor the relief of i- itz JoIiQ l'ortcr. Mr Harrison, in Mr Iocuu 5 absence. sat J tbero would be a minority rciort. Air Sherman offered some Ions-pre ambles and resolutions relative to al lezed election troubles in Mississippi auu Virginia, accomnanicu oy a uui instructing the committee on Privileges and KIcctions to investigate and report Mr Sherman askctl immediate con- si Jeratfon oflthcbill. On objection ol .Mr Ih krtll. it went over until to - mor r- ninl will be Printed. Mr Cockrc)! ifuitiht ilie ecntlcmau ofleriux it may b v to-morrow, deiire to aM a few more WJ?isa3rrom 'the' House rvpsalioz the tot tiuth and providing for an expcdi nun f ir the relici ut Lieutenant urcci, Mr Vance introduced a joint rcsolu tiou to provide fr the commemoration the lauuim: oil &ir auer ikaieizn a eIouv)n KoauoVc Island, N C. Ou JUr Vance's own sursestion. the reso.u t;.. .ro li.l r. flirt tiK1rti lw hfrrnffor nun ,m.v..v.-- called up. .Mr an uvck ouc w arwom iou calling lor full information from the Attorney (Jeneral as V the fees paid attorneys in the star route cases. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. IxMff. of Mississippi; introduced a joint resOiUiion ciViits me inanks 01 f,rr..t In Hintfttn I!nV Kabricfeen. I ,m!in tho IT. Rercnue Steamer -Dexter." and the ofiicers and men who manned the Gay Head life- boat, lor their brayc conduct in rescue invlU cnrviirnrsnrihA vrvL- nf thp Stcanier City ot Columbus and esin twice swam to the steamer, ami rescued twomni who were clinsinir to the n-- gtntf. I asMHI. T ft 1 L Mr. iurii., 1 rum me commiiiee on Aprro;riatkiis, reported a'.bill to supply deficiencies in regard to the rebate; tl ihetax o4i tobacco Referred to the com mi tec of the Whole. I Mr. Hnraa tated that he wou'd ak action on it tomorrow. It appropriates $3,T10.00o ; for the payment ol tobiiceo rebate. .Mr. Aikrn, orc. Iroin the com miitct on Agriculture. morUd a bill 'talili"i!ini a Department of Ami etihun. Keferrel to the Committee l the Whole. STATU NEWS, .Wit'xttinl O'rtcrccr: It appears that in thu 5lat this 111011th no less than five jT."fit were Im.rii U death The l"a-l iil uo ityu.i re-rd; as Mieb : cnuc of death in thi- t.ititielc is cer lainly phenomenal. Clitiioboro I'lttri.rf; ("aj.t Ficd StrJi. Ml 'riiotiuivilU'.lwas hero Mondav and report bavins piite. recently made .1 b? ol :n(ia!).i' epper aitd silver piojH-iiy in lViMii eotinty. mar the Yaneev mim:. lid j- Captain Slitfi'b i,'vrMii'ii Mime prospecting wan done. i4tl in rdT to establish the true value I ib pi'oiKTtV !i?e'wied .son: j-hafl' !eiC'ii;ik wlmii lii-l.tl very rieh ri-nlifeTolis r:i inpM-r e. Upon j'.. - nio!l:ll.ll.i.:li; jaom puutoro. 1 jlt. j.fj.j.J.ny whicli 1 1 1 1 i y ontimn d the 'frulii ot his rriire.-eiilAl huiv 1 Kinslon Journal: McF.srs. Smith 1 4- :. .i lil'i . 1 villi?) i .linn, ;uiiirii lirrc Saturday on : binl iiuiii. l'lu lirs!. Iiliikt 1 tliiti'it in Sinilii !ii-i-ii'i-n! I iy h'. in t.'l.iv : om b it entcre'l jilit j aloT- theeyr ball, another IwMween lln- '. a ibird in tin; Irll Vhei'k, a loui'tb in ta ru ear and a 111 the hand ll i le.iirtl tlml the leltleyi i-4 dstro"cil It sai.l thai Col. Maj claims to havi !.Ken in i-oniiunud ol tlitr iczinient that Imincd the bridge at While Hall in IVccin!cr. IStii. Jte; Davi.-. a colored man cmployetl to with the bird huulcr received a .-liht wouud with one shot at the lime Col. Clay wa? wounded. , . Charlotte 06tmr: In this city yes tcrday at noon, at the loiideucc of Mrs Jane Fink. on II trcct. I. W. E Motlatt, of Chester. S ! C was married to Miss flattie Motley, ot 1 this city. Rev. J. T. Bajwcll, of Tryon Street MethodUt Churcb, performed the ceremony, and the happy pir de parted for their future borne in Chester. In front of yaumgartcn's photo- grapn gallery, two pictures of two good citizens ot this county are displayed. one of which is labeled 'before the war." They are pictures ol Dr. II. J. Walker and Mr. L J. Walker, one ol whom is now a prominent physician of Mecklenburg, and the other of whom i prominent merchant of Charlotte. The picture taken before the war repre sents them as two beardless youths, with clasr td hands wearing Confeder ate uniform. In the picture taken after the war. thej appear just the same, except that both have beards and the Iclt leg of each is gone. In the bauttle of Gettysburg: Mr. L. J. Walker had his left les shot off at the knee, and on the retreat from Gettysburg, his brother, Pr II J Walker, bad his left leirshot oil in cxactiy the sime manner, so identically that one brother can wear the other's artificial lejr. Thi3 coinci dence of legs Is noiwithout its advant ages, as will be Illustrated by this inci dent: A few days previous to Mr L J Walker's marriago. he had the misfor tune to break his wooden leg and was thus placed in an awkward dilemma, but found bis way out of it by calling on Dr Walker, whose leg be borroweu, and the wedding passed happily. Brave soldiers they were, these Walker broth ers. - They are good citizens, too, and our county people hold both ot them in warm esteem.- j It Don't Clatter jr THE OLD TEAR IS CONK AD THE New Tear has came. UUMPinuCT, JKN KINS Jt CO., are still recelTlnx at tnelr Oys ter Iloue, No. 113 South rroat Street, a freea supply errrr day of New Rler O raters. Oys ters shipped C. O. D. Fresh Shell Oysters always on hand. Ac ; jaa? For thc Cure of Coughs, Colds. Hoar?cncs, Ironchitis,Croup, Inilu- enui. Asthma, Whooping Cough, In cipient Consumption and for the re j 1 ic f o f consum pt i ve iersons i n ad van-J 'red rtacs of the Disease, rorbale ,iiy all UrJggisis. race 25 cnis. - 1 .ina4.-'Lrrii-.. novMiy telp UAw COAlMKltClA L W. WILMINGTON MARKET - January 21 1 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted - 1 HulCh wuls fc.v. xw... I reported. dmctv nnn ctu ni ei 101 r. ,nr ci OUBiaw I TAR Onntnn firm at S 1.40 DCr bbl -I- of280pounds. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $2 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1.15 for Hard, COTTON Quoted firm. Sales of 50 baics on a basis oi 10 1-1G cents per pound for Middlicg. The following are . m . , . . iDeoniCial quotations. Ordinary 7 13-1G cents pgS J j16ft Middling. U 11 16 Miaaimg. ,iu i-io Good MlddlinS 10 5-l( 14 it OAli.T RECKiPTS. Cotton..... Spirits Turpeutine Rosin Tar Crude Turpentine 192 bales 1G5 casks 1485? bbls 107 ' bbls 103 bbls iUAttINC NKW.! - ARR1VF.O. Steam yacht Iouis Weeks, Smith ville, Mater U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bi bey, Smithvillc, Master. Steamer Wave. Robeson, Fayette i ville, Geo W Williams & Co. Steamer Xorth State, Robinson, Fay ctteville. Worth &. Worth. Schr Alice Ilcarn. Pennewill. Balti more. Geo Harriss & Co, with guano to C C R R CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise, Weeks. Smith ville. Master U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha. Bis boy. Smilhviilc, Master. Steamer Johu Dawson, Colvin, Point Caswell. R P Paddi.son Steamer Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville. Geo. W. Williams & Co. Steamer North State, Robinson, Fav cttcville. Worth & Worth. Swrd barqnentine Brltlania, Larson. Marburg. Ger. Paterson. Downing & Co Imports. FOKKK1N. Ilarbnrg. C!er Swcd bariiuentine Hi iitania iU0 bblsrtsin . Vcs-c1h lor this lort from For eign lorts. i:ari6. N'r A'irr, toiii, FliidLi'lt, sallcl from llmul'iinr, h-t. II. Nr At, IHi tonn, Alakmn, aaiiol fruni Hh-iiJm, Nov SS i Nr A 1 1 a to ,.": torts, d, at Jlarn'ilJeo or A11. tons, Mcloi, siikil iroui ljulon, Nov - Nor Aei.ona, 51. tons, .IoIiiikcii, at I.lrcr- I'ool, Nor .J Rue's Atlanta, :ll tonn, Nyborg, pallet from Mary port, .Nov li Uan LJcuct 4S tone, Dahl, ailcl from I'alUi: lT Ktoh, .til loit, BurtucUicr. t-atlcc frout Hull, Dcc.'Z Nor tins, loos. AU'lcir.ii, Failed liom bWuUwar, Aug 3 Ia Taliua, at i'ljmoutb epl 11 Kroulfii AuUiU, tous, Wilde, clcarcl from hlctlln. lev.'t (Jer WlcliarilH, 3T0 tons, Klirackc. aaucairom 'icnerine. ?ov 17 tier Lucy X l'aul, 577 tons, , sailed from Auistcniatn. ucc o Gcr Marie, &! tons, rcrmlco, sailed from llamljttrr, Dec It Gcr Orion, Zii tons, Clausen, sailed from ii am uu nr. rov 4 Nor rmdcntla, , , sailed from Mar seilles, Dec 13 Nor llauma. 224 tons, Lundegaard, sailed fro. Ifaaaburr, Not 8 Sor San, 415 tons, Larsen, sailed from Ply month, Not 13 Nor Telemacb, 23 tons, , Andersen, sailed irom vajencia. hoy io . Ger Texas. 591 tons. Loot, sailed from nam burs:, sow 16 i Br Vlck Jt Mebane, 506 tons, Ilenske, sailed uvdi ij amour;, wi xi Swd Vulcan. 371 tons, Iinander, sailed from Lendoo. Dec 4 - Nor Ztppora. , . sailed from Seville, Nov 13 UIUGS. Daa Loulae. 179 tona. II&ntn mIIm) from Antwerp, Deo 17. Ger Pleole,? 7 tan. Straasen. saile.1 from TTarnhviw. W WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS OX HAND JAN. 19, 1884. Cotton ashore, 7,412; afloat, 025; total, 8.3G7. Spirits ashore, 3,933; afloat, 655 ; total 4,593. . - Rosin ashore, 70,293, afloat, 14.414; total, 84.707. V Tar ashore, 7,032; ashore, 670; total, 7,702. . Crude ashore, 1,425; afloat, 100; total, 1.525. . RECEIPTS FROM JAN. 12 TO JAN. 19. Cotton. 1 828; spirits, CS2;.rosin. 9.214; tar, 1.445 ; crude, 373. EXTORTS FROM JAN. 12 TO JAN. 19, DOMESTIC. ' CoUoa. 1,353; spirits.. 226; rosin, 305; tar, 599; crude, 5S6. t roranas. Spirits, ' 1,320 ; rosin, 6,847. DPI (I lul KfeMSS I Ira U. U. k .E, AJU M.Bl. 4S W. HU M. Urn lark. norX?7.1reo44i t this ' 116 Twlarket St. FRENCH NAINSOOKS, I Victoriaand Persian Lawns. Pique, Marseilles, Checks, 20,000 Yards EM BROIDERIES I JLm o li I A FULL ASSORTMENT IN ALL NEW STYT.KS AND DESKiSS. I BALANCE OF WINTER GOODS ! ii SELLING OUT VERY CHEAP. TO MAKE ROOM KOR SPRING STOCK. M. fl3. K-ATZ'J 116 (llarlcet St. jan jyCapital Prize $75,OOOjS Tickets orl3r $5. Shares in pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. ' Wt do hereby certify tluit we sujttnise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawing of Te Louisiana State Lot tery Company, ami in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, und in good faith totpard all parties, and we author ize the Company to we this certificate, toithfac- similes or our signatures attached, tn us adtu ver Usements. Commissioners. Incorporated In 1XC8 for 25 years by the Left lalaturc for Educational and Charitable pur poses with a capital of fl ,000,000 to wh.rh a reserve fund of $500,000 has since lcen added. By an OTcrwhelmlne nonulai rote its f ran chlse was made a part of the present State uonsutuuon adopted Doccmbcr 2d, A. v., 1S79, The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed oy the people of any State. Jt never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take piace monwiy. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. First Grand Drawlnsr. Class A at New Orleans, Tuesday, Fpbrnary 12, ISSt loom Aiouimy urawuig. Capital FrizejSjOOO. lOO.OOO Tickets at Five Dol larsEach. Fractions in Fifths In proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. , 1 Capital Prize of....... 75,000 1 Capital Prize of 25,000 1 Capital Prize of 10,000 a mzes oi vo.uuu.. iz.GOC 5 -Prize of 2,000...... 10,000 iu x-nzes oi j.iaju... 10,000 20 Prizes Of 500 10!000 100 Prizes of 200 20,000 500 Prizes of 100 30,000 nw M'nzcst or su. 25.000 1000 Prizes of 25 25.000 arpRoxntATioK prizes. 9 Approxlmatloa Prizes of $75o. 9 500. 9 .. jj 6,750 4,HJ0 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $2G5,500 AppllcaUom for rates to crabs should be made oniy u tne oaice or the company in New Or leans. For farther Information, write clearlT. rlv- Inr full address. Hike P.O. MmxrOr. ders payable and address Registered Letters to 1 KTT UttUJINS NATIONAL BANK. New Okleass. La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mil vr cxpresa ian Bams 01 3 ana upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, . . Sew Orleans, La. or If. A. DAUPHIN, 607 SeTcnth St., Washington. O. C. jan 16wed4at4w-1w "Dyed." TMONACirS. lW SECOND STREET.be- tweea llaxlet and Princeaa, Ladles and Gen Uemen's goods of erery description, any color. Also, cleaning, scoarior and bleaching. Send me a pair of your old Kid Glove. " SOTS&tf ;. h it iiiivi uvuuj uiubvi.v rvvu "vrtv oiviu arc satlsf auu ucncu iuc iaru LACE CURTAINS AND CARPETS I A first rate assortment and it is a pleasure to show these goodj 1 A FEW CRUMB CLOTHS jan 22, 1884 JUST RECEIVED PER EXPRESS Plain and Brocaded, In all Also, 12and20 buftons length These goods were purchased them very much under the regular I i"" 31 I Lime! Lime ! f ' ISO BARRELS FRUSIE ROCKrORT LIME, ! NOW LANDING j. ORDERS SOLICITED. .: WORTH & WORTH. ianl7 i Ox Tail Soup. DY FOR USE ON TABLE, CONVE NIK NT TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND ECON- i ... OMICAL. I ' j - : WE HAVE ALSO CANNED OKR A AND Canned Tomatoes & Okra. Makes elegant Soup.; Receipt for making ' 1 Soup thrown Inl I SUGAR CURED HAMS AND . j . SUUAR-CURKD STHIP& & SHOULDERS. t i i Cail early before the rush. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. ' 11 0 North Front St. ian li Sportsman's Goods. WE HAVE! THE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f English and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also a lirnt class stock of Shells, Wadding, Primcrs.Cart rldgoBags, Gun. Caps, Game JBags, &c. In fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., Successors to John Dawson & Co., jan 21 19. 21 and 23 Market Street For Saturday. JJRESSED POULTRY, DUPLIN COUNTY SAUSAGE AND LIVER PUDDING, N. C. Sides and a full stock of I Choice Family Gro ceries. Prices reasonable. Respectfully. j . A. W. BIVENBARK. The Live Grocer and Produce Com. Mer chant 114 North Water St., Wilmington. N.C. jnn 11 1 ; 1 Special Inducements. 1AM OFFERING A SPECIAL INDUCE. ment In ZEPHYRS, having a very large lot of It, and wishing to reduce stock before Spring. I will sell all colors at He and black and white at 10 centa per ounce, FOR CASH. A nice lot of Handkerchiefs, Linen'and Silk, I will sell at reasonable prices and stamp initials free of charge. I - I chrochet Goods, such as Shawls, Fascina- icru, caps, Basques. &c,, at 10 w pi ices. Hats trimmed and untrimmed & lnw a is can dc uougnt anywhere, and a select from. large stock to Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER. J""10 Kxchanfire coram-: A Merciful Man JS MERCIFUL TO HIS BEAST. ! THIS 13 a gentle hint to owners of Vunblankelcd" horses. The place to buy any price Blanket you want, toc-etber with iAn-mVi r.. Saddle, Harness, Trunks Satchel; Bigsl Ac, la at MCDOUGALL BOWDEN'3. No. 114 North Front St jan 21 Economy. Economy. -piNE CLAY PIPE CHIMNEYS FOR COT tajres. Schoal Hatiaaa v.,a- w..nJ S?U!P Jf ul,.fui draft Pcrteetly tafe, and In every way satisfactory and ebeap. PURK WniTE OIL. , jan 21' Fancy Goods. 'PULL TANK AT GILES A MUECHISON'S. Mnrchlson Block. dec SI amouub ui guuiw we are seiliu"-." on band at less than value. 3 j o A FULL LINE OF thejevening shades Jersey Silk Mills, all colors for evening from , a large Bankrupt Sale aad wilU price. ' ', - JULIUS SAMSON, , 111 MARKET STREET Baltimore' TFIlmlnste: Steamship Line. he: llalcigh and Vide O a anI afteraturday, January rth, a st. . . .-. .! j j cr of this line will sail from J "-'.'.. . -i . .in, , BALTIMORE, Every. VTURDAY,! atf. P. M. From ' i F ' SATURDAY, unless sobner loaUit Through Rills of Lading and lowest thirJ javca guaranweu IO ami iromf points fc rwii iwans ami uape rear silver. i 1 ALSO, To ami from Boston, ' Provictenc4 ! pnia ana an western For Freight Engagements, lpply , :-'U A, o: CAZA0X.At., I Wllmlflvton, 5. t ANDKEWS. & CO., Agt ' i - i i l i" I 3. rr. Corner Llpht and (ierman 8a.. dec-20 - IUItiDW Now York & Wilminj Steamship Line. . STEAMERS WILt SAIL FROM NEW ,T0BK ITt, SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock, P.'Mj BENEFACTOR. .... J ... Jt . . Saturday. REGULATOR........ .v...SatnrJ4f, " BENEFACTOR 1 ...... Saturday m REGULATOR. ....... j. . . .Saturday, 3 Thronrh : miii r.ri!n. and Through Kates guaranteed to and from f In North aad8outh Carolina. I , Ml I For Freight or Passage apply to " M I H. G. 8MALLBONES,bnperlntciiJ. " wilinlngtoB,t TUEO. G. EGEB, Freight Agent. ' 35 Broaawsy, e W1L P. CLVDK Jk CO- ttwrs I k jan vtf . Notice. rTHE COPARTNERSHIP flBBtT existing between W. U. &J. a. MOJ' t ? " J. A MONTGOJII January 12, 1881 : ' :. : j rjlHE UNDERSIGNED ATILL C0S?' ttw business of the late firm f W. H l - 1 - - 1 w Monteomery and sollclta the general of bla friends. v j. a. MONTGOHi , jan 12-tf 4 , , i J AS. B. HUG GINS & P OLD STAND MARKET STE1' In vke attention to their t Family Grocery Supply 1 - and solicit patronage-1 j Everything sold : on the princtMf j and Let 1 Ire," with a guarantee ot f tion to purchaser. - j (' Good delivered promptly charge " ' : if 19 mm MM PERSONALLY IS ATTEXDAXC- f Fashionable Shaving and Hair Dr A! Jf o. 7 South Front Street ' I 1 . 1 uuus aay ausoived by muttuu f J. A. Montgomery assumes all lUb111 , is alone authorized tA rnUet .ndreeci'. r 1 : rlP.fi d be3t work done and the "beat wor'. plojc t. Giro us a can.

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