- 1 : ' . '. " : 1 " ' ! ' '"' " r - , . in 13 TAPER cevted by josn T. JAMKSt rsorxrTo. VAlDi Three frco at the above II ,.,a roSTAGE v- Oee month. 35 cents, rKi! ..... thcrltT. ' .. t.-r '" . ..1 !- al 1TL ''"" ifr-nt or "r -i, V:i'v :. rir r hn Utc largest j constable. The whole family were in .',, .f l'-t'i. nyy nevrvcr toxicated. j ' " - Hi" of Wilmington. j -'fJL TheRcr.T. Do Wilt Talma hai "77 TiiVrT" bo have bn j offered the usa of tbo Brooklyn " :n iKrir rrxxl tn i.homip f,ir Ihn far.pra! ceremonies ll7 -C 1 3 ' ' " LM . m , (: nj4:. -c hajrromiscdlodcrolo -j j-al'c t:a:c ami oaerjy ante !;'t-Vj ::xo( I'arli-iujcnt to the repeal ",.!.u.- nrobibitinr marriage with a e: ; i i,Vi iistcr. . . . . . ..r T..nn1;n.. cimn Min S 0? :: e r-vUbit pc3t. but they arc makiu . i.m tr cunnlvlntr Nashville - . "r;z: ' ... ' imn, ,h,t .; Mi llcrtha Von Ilillern has been oac:Ioactl by tho Pennsylvania Col' :.n:lon Society to paint for it a large jcrtraltof Jude Uushrod Washington, : :"r pre; Jen!. - Tic 1 tur interest In New York t'.ty .-i "ormizioi: to prevent the pass im oC a 'a which makes $500 the price i.i i Vtnwtosell all kinds ol liquor?, a-. I r to 11 ber aud ale. - - - Mr S ephea A. Walker, president of tLtv.irJ cfekcV.ion in the city of V Vrk. arue ibat a college etluca u: known preventive of I-..:.-.-aif foicriy. and cites aa proof : ,ir i nt a rol!ge graduate m Mr A. M i'aluier, lately manager of 're f'i;;o.iSiuiie Theatre, New York. iio. rrd at Stamford. Conn., recent f.iara VAlzx Shook.nhe divorced i ! Sheridan Shook, hi former i v.F.t-r in business. Mr. I'alnior had i j lecn divorccl. it 11 ;t-.er education i receiving ?tt-vM'. utarcmeut at present at . . , ...i i. i i::r..c:.ca a: n nominal fee resulted . . . ::r car in .i.ihii worKinmec !. . t. ot a population of lMOO ... I'.- .ir. iao:i wnoni tiaseri itiu fiii appointed Governor of Mjis- '. u n'i i (lonel Macoaib Mason, a i mtivtfuf Virginia and a graduate of the Viv.: Staler Naral Academy. IIu w",:h i.U State in the Confederate j sr. .-vuJ ;cce the c.'o.'e of the war hej , . . A trii.i a the I'oion Pacific met a cunun obstruction recently in a v( l.-Jv or 1..VM antclops. Those "ciaia; were ruauitg on the road-bed. lisJ.ni i; the easiest road for traveling, xad tq t a short distance aheai of the isi.!;e as i; stowed up. They deiayed train half or thrw-quartcrs of an II:.. Chinese laborers on the tugar pjsts::oci ot tne Sandwich Islands extract fur three years, and during that -xcarc visually stiTe?. They have to work eleven hours a day. and arc n:d a: the ri'.o ol S a month. The ritive aru rapidly decreasing, and the couatry will eventually fall under the two! of the Chintse, acd the Portu. will share it with them. Tie irisd jury of Philadelphia ou TcesXiy fouud true bills of iudictmeut tizi: Va. B. lircca and Alexander Arsitrocg far conspiracy to defraud tiic.ij by means ol fraudulent bills f-rri:sz. Armstrong was. also ia Mj tjr pcrjary lor baying woru to corrrctucwcf the bilb. Green is a aisis'aci comraissicoer of highways J Arsutoog a contractor. . u Vork papers ftubibh inter t:ews w;:haciSjonty of mcmbers of t- York I.e?U?aiiirfi touch inr t-e:r Pr:Jer.tUl preferences. A large J-Vontyol the Dcaocratic rncmbers wcaresrrocgly ia fiTor Qf tho old .TiMea and Htindncks. with the oc J choice divided between Govern or Cleveland. Gen. Siooum. Hon. Sam J Raadall and Hon. Wm. IU Mor-r;M2- Tte Republicaa members are 7ul e iny di vjdeJ between Arthur. Wauadj, Blaine and Sherman. " ... -.r -ii: i:ii;ratios to trance, which are to be held upon ineir arnrai :'",r' "Jl 7- . .jorcrlhe remains of Ltcut. JPe Lon? Wu ara 1) U.ul net ' ll,cd aoa Lii companioos Who perished in . , 'c ;otl. K? Tci by. Jcjt ,a foitunc fae Jcaniicllc Arctic expedition. -ioJloi'.r-,-r,tb,!drcnrroml 1 I ' rftfl ,,.d. He had r.o The recognition which waa accorded cea an undertaker was putting into tt-mhebodyol Cjtherlne Malone '8un.OaLCwho died during a j f Monday, he askeU the daughter tf deceased, Mrs. Cray, if she de i0 tave the corpse redressed. iln ;raI Id: "No. chuck her in the she is." When the lid was screwed , cf lped upon tho coffin and &d hkc a maniac, and only ceased "ra&iscs whea compeUeii to by the I r 1 1 VOL. VIII. I W ILMINGTON. N. C; FRIDAY; JANUARY' -.. ..-w.- I... .... ... 1 hv f!on?rMs to the officers and men of - 4 i.L- f'.iltar rirr.'r in ttlPir I ' heroic cCwrts at rescuing tho pour souls who were lost; ia tho ill fated Uty nf Cehnabus. and tho especial mention- made of tho valiant darinz ,T..vM - 1 0f the noble Rhodes is appropriate and r f..r n a tt liia nno: IF lhf f.ir n a ! liia innp .- ...... -w...iin whiMi hnvn hern nublthcd aimuuu . w. .. - , . t anr1 thorn i x nn rfn ;nn In doubt that they aro. then . 1 I . inn nprnitni r aveu dv ia. uuoucs Diacca nun in tho van among the nobla spirits of this -. - s or of any preceding age: c would be glad to seethe Congress co farther in this matter than it has done in tbis instance and to knowj that they had voted him some handsome testimonial in token o! the appreciation which tho entire country feels for his heroic conduct.. LOCAL' NEWS. IMOU TO HEW ADYE BTISEMINTX. Aiucricau Lccion of Honor , IIOSSBKHGER Hlank Itook j C W Y AT ts Ledgers, Journals, &! Mcnu Br:. A Of.Roshet Onion Set John L Uoatwhigiit Cholre Hrorerlc " The receipts of cotton to-day foot up 213 bak. at this port There were no cases or the Mayor's consideration this morning. ' Clarendon Council, No. r7, A. L. of Honor, will meet to-nir.ht. at 7A o'clock. i five tramps applied lur Itnlgings at Uhe guard housrTast nisht, and they wore accommodated. The market was bound fully supplied with meats of diflcren: varieties ajid fin, in nntlitv lhi mnriliniT fine in quality this morning. Tho weather was such to day that iiv jcrsons were in ;the streets, and those only such as necessity or duty ' compelled to be out. I he maximum velocity ot wind in this city yesterday was 32 miles j ier hour. At Smithvillo tho niajcimum velocity was 20 miles ier hour, i . " "T ' A i no rain pnurcu tiown iu lurn'ins during the night and in the early inorn- ing, out at about 0 a. m , the wind shifted to the Northwest and it became decidedly cooler. Ucv. Dr. Mcudclsou. ot this city, was in Raleigh yesterday morning and united in marriage there Mr. Samuel B. Io?b, of Harrissonburgt Va., and Miss Bella Rosenthal, of Ralegh. Silver Prated Spoons. Forks and Kuivcs of best quality, and at manu facturer' pricescan be found at ;.Ja com"? Hardware Depot. t Never try to raise a family without i good newspaper, provided it contains the advertisement ot Dr. Bull's Coush Syrup; lor this valuable medicine is necessary to keep your children in good health. Superior Court. The entire day, up to the hour of ad. iuv yt. . . .,rnm.m ,,.Vn.,! hv thi J lo Iliyna. where, disguised in tribunal in bearing tb testimony m lho case ot Annie Lawton vs. isorwooa Giles & Co.. which was commenced yesterday. The case calls for a great number of witnesses, and there is but littlej ik el i hood that their examination willjbc completed to night. Persoual. Mr. Jamcd A. Willard , formerly of this city but now ot Baltimore, is ia the city on a brief visit and favored us with a call this morning. Mr. Bell, tho General Agent of the Southern Telegraph Company, acd Mr. C. A. Taylor. General Freight and Passenger Agent of tho Richmond. Fredericksburg & Potomac R. R., are both m tho city to-day. Dr. W. G, Curtis, of SmithviUe, was here yesterday. From him we learn lhat Mr. Sublett. of Now Vork, who is to be the Manager daring the easuing season of the Hotel Brunswick1, is ex pec ted here next week for the! purpose of making some arrangements relative to the opening of tho house. If you need a real good first class cooking stove, do'a't fail to see the Ex celsior Penn.. Zeb. Vance and New .Emerald, besides others. They are to be found at factory prices at J(acobi's. who is the manufacturers arent. f The Comet. L We have seen it stated that there is a comet somewhere in the heavens, which is visible to the uaked eye. pro. viding oue kuows wberc to look for it. Wo arc also gravely informed that this comet has a Uil, ye5. three of them! a lact we give our readers in coose-iuenw of its- -reat importauco. If a comet ever comes "slosning" about tnc ncav- ens where wc can aec it. and u suouiu navo tnree tans, wc are oounu to lei our . I t m T ( rcaccrs Know it. un tue ura last. me .... ,.., . . . ;, ... tk'JUllb. VII klJU Uljb lliJfc . lb M III VJ about 76.610,000 miles from tho earlh, so that the old traveller is leaving the carlh at something more than a million miles a day, which would indicate that it is more of a "go it" than a comet. X 1119 13 ' O .t fill dStlUUUIUIkaiiT " rT kia 10 All wrr r n a . ncllnnntnifolllf to clay. j Husiuess Cltausre. j Wo uudersland that the old aud wcn known lirm ot Messrs. AVarren! ; Johnson & Son. of Clinton, 1 Sampson Co., ha"s been dissolved, Mr. Warren Johnson, the senior member of the firm, retires from the business affer an active, honorable and successful mer cantile life of many years, to enjoy in his declining days the comforts to be derived from his well earned and richly deserved competency. Mr. William A. .Tohnson, the junior member of .the old firm, will continue the business with which forquite a number of years he has been intimately connected. lie is young in years, but has had much experience, which, together with a decided bnsiness capacity, an active mind and a driving, go-ahcad disposi tion, makes success a foregone con clusion. Private Kailroads. There are three railroads in this sec tion of the State which are owned and operated by private individuals in the transaction of their business. Of two of these, viz: the road at Chadbourn, in Columbus county, which is owned by Messrs J. II. Chadbourn & Co., of this city, and the road at Bogue, which is owned and operated by Col. II. B. Short, of Lake Waccamaw. Columbus county, we have spoken at length and in detail on several occasions. The third road is from Alma, Rob eson county, to Alfordsvillc, -Robeson county, and is about twelve miles in length. It is called the Alma & Little Rock Railroad, and has been in opera tion about two years. It was built aud is owned by Messrs Wilkinson & Fore, now of this city. It was constructed as a tram road for the transportation oi timber and himber, but after a short time iron rails were put in and an en gine, passeugcr and freight cars added so that it now docs quite a- business in passenger and froight, aside from the particular purpose for which it was built. The owners arc extending the road, by degrees, towards South Caro lina, aud will probably ultimately" strike the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta railroad. Twelfth Night. The scene of Ibis Shakespearean com edy was laid in Illyria. and the seacoast near it. 'Sebastian and his sister Viola were twins of remarkable resemblance to each other. They were shipwrecked male attire and under the name of.Ca rio, she entered the service of Duke Orsino, with whom she fell ia love But the Duko Juvcd Olivia, who, ou ac count of the death of a brother, had foresworn tho society of men for seven years. Viola, as Ccsario. carries mes- ' sages from the Duke to Olivia, and tho ! latter falls iu lovo with the disguised uic?seugcr, and declares her affection, which Ccsario (Viola) cannot return, being of tho same sex and also in love with the Duko. ' Iu tho meantime her brother. Sebastian, had been rescued by another vessel and was brought to Illy ria. Olivia seeing Sebastian, mistakes him for Cesaria and loads hi in with caresses, which were promptly returned and the two wero married. Viola then makes herself known as the sister of Sebastian, and by her womanly charm, spirit and faithful love, wins the heart of the Duke and on the same day be comes his bride. The foregoing is a very brief synop sis of the leading characters and inci dents in the play which is to be present ed at the Opera House on Wednesday night, tho 30th inst. in which Modjeska assumes the role of Viola. She will be supported by an excellent company and we hope that a house crowded to reple tion may greet this gi I ted woman in one of Shakespeare' greatest comedies. Kxports Foreign; : Dr. barqucntinc Vide t Mcbunc , Ilenske,-cleared to day. for . Bristol. Edz. with 300 casks spirits" turpentine and 2.y)l barrels rosin, valued fit $7, - 515. shipped by Messrs Alex. Spruut Son. Nor. bafnuc Camilla. 6orenscn. , ccared for rinmbur- with 3,700 barrels! ro3in vaiucu at $5.310.. shipped by iessrs rvU- Murchison & Co.. makio- 1 jy, ' azfegate amou nt of shipments . ci2,fifi., Hear It The Library Association presents in Hou.l Will Cumback, wbajccture3 here on Monday night at ''Tiles ton Hall, a gentleman of distinguished ' and rare ability,: and; it is hoped that..", he will meet with a flattering house. We take from the Odd Fellows Talisman, pub lished at Princeton. Indiana, the follow ing notice of the man and the lecturer: This.didtinguishcd brother and Odd fellow recently visited Princeton on in vitation of the Library Association, and delivod his famous lecture entitled "In visible Some People." It is a lecture that cannot fail to interest all that hear it. There are sublime passages in it that will stir to admiration the soul 1 ot any one who has a love lor the beautiful. It aboujds with wit, and is full of home thrusts at the enemies of mankind . Attempted Robbery, A little alter 4 toVlock j yesterday morning some thief attempted to steal an overcoat from the residence of Police Officer Samuel Howland. on Seventh, between Princess and Chestnut streets. Officer Howland had juat come off duty and laid down for a nap. his overcoat hanging upon the back of a chair, near one of the windows, lie heard some one come on the piazza and soon after heard one ot the windows raised. It was soon lowered, but in a few moi menu it was raised again and a stick put under it to hold it up. In the mean time Mr. Rowland had gotten his pistol ready, and pretty soon he saw a stick reaching out for the overcoat and fas ten into tho collar- when he jumped up and the would-be thief dropped the stick and ran, pursued by two shots from tho "officer's revolver, which. however, had no further effect than to hasten the scoundrel's speed. For Pure White Lead & Paints, and biggest stock of Window Glass and lowest prices for good articles be sur to go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, f Mother Swan's Worm Syrup.' Infallible, tasteles, harmless, cathar tic; lor feverishness, restlessness, worms, constipation. 25c NEW ADVERTISEMENTS AT BOATWRIGHT'S CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. t OUR GOODS ABE NOT SURPASSED Quality and Cheapness Everything Guaranteed as i - - i Represented. John L. Boatwriglit 12 A 14 NORTH FRONT STREET, jan S3 John C, Davis, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WlUtlWOTOU, N. Office over the Bank of New Hanover. Practice In all the Courts of tne State. Special attention paid o the collection of claim, i w t f Steam Yacht Louise, . pAS5ENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER for Smithvllle dally. Katea low and accom modatlona fine. The LOU18E ia a new boat and is guaranteed safe. Will leave SmithviUe 8 A. M Leave Wllmlngtan 130 o'clock P. M. Wharf foot oi Dock Street. WM.WEf.Ktt, jan 19 ' Agent and Owner. SELLITJC OUT! HATS &EEATHERS AT REDUCED PRICES. MRS. KATE C. W1NK5. ! Xo. 119 N Second Street, next Post Office jams . . - m 1884. NO. 1 21 ! NEW ADVEUTISEMETS. . I 1 1 ! Pacific Guano. - I WE II A VIS .TITST KECEITKD-- -100 TO oOO TONS Or THIS. IN V ALU A1IU5 FKUTllrlZEP, . i -''- t ,. - -... i which his never fAUcl, jinl will have it for ' 5010 throughout the season ; as alto DlSSOLV- j ED BOSK I'lIOSrilATE " ! At Last Year's Prices. i - , ' ! ; , 1ai:i2ml&w ALEX. SPKUNT & SON rjlllIRTY KIKE Cb.NTa iOK A JflNE Black SEVEN UOOK FOSTER KID ULOVE Re duced from One Dollar. THUEK AKD FOUR-BUTTON BLACK an ! COLORED KID GLOVES, for Ladies an -! I Misses, reduced irom One Dollar to THIRTY j NINE cents; a pair. ' A LARGE STOCK OF CRAPES, for Mourn ing Bonncis, Veiling and Drea Trimmings, at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. , RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! In evevy Shade and Width, will he sold at TRKMEN DOUS REDUCTIONS, AT t I . TAYLOR'S BAZIAR) lis Market St. ! i jan 24' WILMINGTON, N. C. Onion Sets, White and Red, FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. Also, a full assortment of FRESH GARDEN SEED, ' PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, CNJARS in creat variety, &c , etc. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, New Drug Store, -jan U Market and Second StreetB, Ox Tail Soup. R EADY FOR USE ON TABLE, CONVE NIENT TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND ECON OMICAL. WE HAVE ALSO CANNED OKRA AND Canned Tomatoes & Okra. Makes elegant Soup t'rown ln Sonp.--Receipt' for making SUGAR CURED HAMS AND SUGAR-CURED STBIPto SHOULDERS. Call e3rly before the rush. P. L. i BRIDQERS & CO. HO North Front St. ' ian 14 Lime! Lime! jgQ BARBELL FRESH ROCKPORT LIME, NOW LANDING. i .! ' ' ! ORDERS SOLICITED. WORTH & WORTH. fan 17 ' - i - It Don't rJatter, THE OLD YEAR IS GONE AND THE I - - s New Year has come, HUMPHREY, JEN KINS A CO., are still receiving at weir vy ter Hoae, No. 112 mth Front Street, afresh supply every day of New Rre Oysters. Oys ten shipped C. O. D. Fresh Shell Oysters always on hand. Ac. .. -. jaaS Intereatinar to Fiibermca : The cele brated FishH Brand Gillinr thread Is sol4on!y at Jacobi's. - He is tbe Im porter's Aceat. - it We win bo cUd to" receive eoinaiaalcatioa firoa our friend on any and all anbjeeU r geaerU Interest bat . jCvv:- ( Thename of the writer mmt always Uefu " BUhe4 tO the Editm- ' r Commualcatlons must be written oi oih I one tide of the rarer. ' rcraooalHlea maatbc avoided, j! And It Is espcclaUy and particularly ud tVit that k . ' 4. . . I ' wuwrooei not aiwaja endot - the views of correspondents unless so state U the editorial column. ; - MISCELLANEOUS O PER A HO US Ef. EXTRA I EXTRA l Pae Niiu Only ; "Wednesday.-JjtBusrr tttL - j Farewell American Tour j Snsagcmenl of ttio Emincat PoUh AeU-ewi MODJESKA! Supporlcd br Maurlco U- Bairrmore and a Wwf tron? Drmtlc Company, i f On vrhlch occasion will bo presented Shale' carc'a Twelfth Wight 1 1 Yellow, White1 and Rd Onion Sets. tWJir.,1 icas, BEANS, Ac.. DKUGb. Chemical,- Patent Medicine and raey Articles. Prescriptions filled at any lime, day and night, at , s r. C MILLER'S Drugstore. 324 South Fourth. Comer Nun it dcc?3 Pure WhlG key L QLD KOBT1I STATE SALOON, 6 8ouU Front St., keep ou hand Clcmmer'a Pure Rvi Wniskey. (no flavored stuff) Plo io WhUkeri very line. Ab good FIVJC CENTS C1GAK& as the market affords. Finest OYSTERS from New River. Don't waxiti a fortune at onceNodjeadachea ttiei-c. ) jan 23 i Blank Books, JpAPER AND ENVELOPES, INKS, THE VERY BEST, - 1 ' ! .1 BLACK AND RED ALL KINDS OF ! PLAIN AND FANCY ! OFFICE: STATION ERjf, I ALMANACS AND DIARIES FOR Ifcjij. . ( i For sale very cheap at 1 i heinsbergerIs! Jao 23 Llvo Book and Music Store Cider! Cider! Cider! jpURE APPLE CIDER, ! JUST FROM THE PRESS;! Call and leave yotiror 'era and jugs at j L R. mcdougal.s No. 14 Chestnut St, bet. Front and Water ian 22 Wilmington.' N. C. 1fOOO Hhds PRIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES JUST landed direct from the Island, which We offer to the trade at prices to suit the times . We guarantee this Molasses pure j , i jan 9 tf EDWARD KIDDER A SON. WOOD ! WOOD ! 1 1- I A FEW CORDS OF NO. 1 SPLIT OAK." Ash, Black Jack anl PlDe, full length and .i 'i - I - l!r: well seasoned, rois salU ciieai, just to keev our drays at work. A FULL LOAD EVERY TIME. W. E. DAVIS 4 SON. ian 17 .-. j : . Apples ! Apples I: Apples!! ON CONSIGNMENT AND JIUST BE SOLD! i- - m 1 ' j N. Y. Baldwin Apples, Ohio Red Apples, Ni Y. Creamery Butt ir, N. C. Roll Batter, Ohld Butter, Va. Meal, car load or small order so netted. E. . BLAIR, Commission Merchant, 10 N. Second St. dec 31 i PUflOELL HOUSE. "JJNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, j WILMINGTON, N. C B. L. PERRY. Proprietor, i i Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. rtrsUJlasi In all Ra apTtolntmenta. Terms t2. M U 92.00 a v WILL NEVER FORGET fflHERE ARE PARTIES WHO ABET AND A. ! have bren taking advantagi of the bargains to be had from SHRIEK'S. Tbe Suits an'P Overcoats for Men, Boys and Children that ate boing slaughtered at the loivered figure -you csnoot buy the low material for. litis our aim and ioteation to clean out all Winter Goods before our mammoth sto:k of Spring i - t Clothing comoseocer coming in, and W01 therefore dispose of jur goods a) prices bear ; " i i ; in-little or do rclatloa to their true or actual value, and consequently will sell j Some 120 per cent. Jess tbaa r&lav. Some 30 per cent, ess baa value. Some 10 per ceot. less than value. i -. . It seems needless to comment on the above unvarnished facts, init we desire Just to add that the Inducements we offer daring this Jan uary sale ere not only extraordinary but we believe unprecedented and scarcely to be re pealed in the future. Monty to be refunded H you can equal our goods at the low prtas. Convince yourself and call at '9 TOE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, jan 21 III MARKET ST. W. & E. S. LATDIER, Attorneys-at-Law. Ofiee-S. C Cor. Priaceas and Water Sis. jan, 7-lm ; i