SHOICTSJ The Daily Review. "JoSH. Tl JAMES. Kditor & Vrnp. ! Roch'.ter. N. V.. has live aslronomi- WILMINGTON. N. C. FKIDAY. JASUAUY23. 1S3L Eatered at tho Poatoan at Wlknlrvtnn.N. C. as second -class matter. TUKN.TUK KASUAI.S OUT! It seems to as lhat some prominent men in the Democratic party arc work in with might and main to accomplish its defeat lforo the opposing hosts arc drawn up In ball! array, and ,tbcrc is every indication that they will be sac cessful in their efforts. They say that the tariff must lm made the main issue in the camptign. and the battle must be fought with that ai the ?Ioan ; that the tariff oaibt to be reformed aud materi ally rvdu cod, and as ihc Democratic party i a party l reform, it stands! mounted telescopes. Conuecticl's State receipts ; for the year ending Nor. 30, 1833. were $3, 333.603, and ex reuses 2.41)3,30. An Arkanssa who looked through tho car window while the train halted at little llck tho other day and saw General Hancock dressed in a dark, suit audibly ciprcssod hm opinion that lie "tlida t put on mncn sijic. A North Carolinian sent a liity dollar Confederate note to tho treasury ue partment tho other day. saying that he naa been tola tnai me uoiteu owics i Dating 10 Der . cent, for Confederate bills, to use in tne manufacture of bank note paper. A newspaper lie. Ghosts are about to enjoy a tremend ous boom in England, where a guide book to haunted houies is on tho eve of publication. "Iondon alone." sajB tho niobc, "it is becoming generally known, literally swarms with haunted houses. As for tne rest oi uic innguom, MISCELLANEOUS Tho Old-Fashloried Doctor. pledged t work persistently for a bcttcrj x jj doubtful whether even one of the ...... . . .. . t i :it...ft minv thousand parishes is without its ebost, though it is singular that few, if any, should enjoy the possession of mote than one. - MOONSUINK. method of collecting the revenues of the country, aud to make such reductions in the present tariff as will relieve the people from the immense burdens which they are now compelled to bear. They j Mark Twain's Kougliinir It. also claim that the paity would be re-i Lxapvillk, Colo. The Chronicle creant to its duty, to its underlying .'says: Of all hardships and privations principle U to ,M ,,, ,hoM , AS? ".illS it refuse to make land reform a promi-1 lne abcncc of St. Jacobs Oil, the great nent feature of the approaching cam-1 cure far pain. j. paisn. Now, we are entirely wiliing to ad-J mit that our present tariff laws stand iu ; , , , nPl or rctonuM.03 a, much a, SStl& feature of any department of the gov- "Then when shall youus people talk, i-rnment service. Possibly docs more, mammal Old people are never silent.' And we doubt it there is a Democrat 7sua &ifltrifs. Iietween Maine and Texas who is not . A society cillcd the "Son of Kev-olu . - , ... , I turn ha- been organized m New York, of the same optniuu. and ipt. to-i.j, ft Juorc hih.tonei name tlmn whether h be in lavor of a protective j oran grinders, but wo infer that tho tariff or whit U knovn a a free-trailer, j object i the same. XorriUown Herald. We are equally a positive thai there U I One boanty ol paying a man a bet ol not a Democrat in the entire cuulHryi a, l,at '?,f yo.i can buy the man a hat , , , . , . .. . , , . that will be as unbecoming as talking whu d not think it his bouuden duty pontics to a clergyman in tbe pulpit to do all that lie iu his power to turn j liosh.n Post, j the Republican party out of the control j Nearly three thousand bills have al ot the government and vest the atne in ! ready bfen introduced in Congress, the haud ol the Dcmw racy. 'Pi.- j is Lout the nuinber that will be . , . , ; presented to some ol the member be party has struggled Ut Him-? many , .,tTa (;4):i.-ress adjourn Xorr. JhrahU years to obtain the reinsol -oYcriinient The backbone of Winter is broken. Iij. have al.vay twtru At : We have this upon the authority of th lat oreidential civrii no hud ' ccrul well known liars Thcrlore it . fan oh ucpenu"!! upon, .novv h the time .t . . . i .. i. ,. . i . . t .. . i Aycr's Sarsaparilla, bing coocen l rated requires a smaller dose, and is more effctire, dose lor dose, than any other, blood medicine. It is the cheap CSX. DeCauSB lilo auu saw: -, . . , . . quantity saouiu oe conaiaereo. v-w..a The larrest and best stock of ui.fiaia.HCuHtu Windows. Doow. Blinds &c., and' at oiaen time, ana see now modern saence nd recent discoveries have knocked to pieces many of their old theories. These good men were doing their best to relieve human distress. Many of them were work KAILUOAD8, &c WHOLESALE FurrtorT nricca is at N. J acobi's Hard ware Depot. - t THE MAIM. Tbcualis ctot and axxtro at the City Tu office aa iQUovrt i Northern thronAh maUa. xat... 7.00 p. M. Wilmincrton & Weldon Railroad Compsiiiy. OrncB of Gkke&ae. SurERnrriKDENT, Wllmlnt-ton, N. C, Nov 17.18S3. ITThe wholesale ' am all orders M . 1 rahlher prices fiaveiotvt Standard. .....i.... " IN.......... i BACON North Carolina- V" Haioa,' fi Shooldcrs, V ft... ; v Sides, -V ft.. ....... ...... WESTERN SMOKED- Hams....;... j... I Sides. V ft L...""'? Shoulders. DRY SALTED "V Sides, Vlb.. TH. KSShcStKhd ing in the dark. ; Almost all of them S-rl-Ra were in bondage to some inherited theory as to disease and its cure. It is evident that the best of them did al Great deal of guess-work. Still, they looked wise, and much of their guess-work passed for .solid wisdom. As late as twcnty-fiVc years ago it and Charleston G.15 A.M. and 8.00 J. M. I ,vnc fhr nmrtirn nfmanv nf the bcil Fayeltevlllc and office on Cape Fear 1 I uiTcr, Tuesdays and naaya......i.w i . physicians to Dieea tncir patients a riJxersuC p. m. creat deal. Sometimes an enfeebled Onslow C. U. and IntcrmcdUU oftl- I nationt would be bled hearlv to death in pursuance of this wild old custom. After a while the doctors iound out that blood was" just what a sick man needed, and that he needed it pure and rich. Modern science has found that iron gives the blood its rich red color, and that if there is not it.'U for tbe N. C B&Uroau and routes auppEed therefrom lnclud ia v.c. Railroad at " 7.00 P. St. and.00 A. M m . fl 1 all nyL I . CiWtk dally -15 A. M. and 8.00 P. U, Western malls (C. C EaUway) dally, (except Sunday) 6.15 P. M. All polnta between llamlct and Bal- clih '. 6.15 P. M. Mill for Chera w &nd Darltnjrton Iilll- road C.15 A. M, and 8.00 P. M Halla for TXlnta nctween Jorence rrA. TncadaTS and Krldavs G.00 A. If. Smith vlUc malls, bv steamboat, dally fexoeDt Sundays). a. m Kails for Kaar II 111, Town Creek, Shallottcand Little layer. Tues days and Fridays 6.00 A.M. rrlzhtavUlc. dally 8.30 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY Northern thronsrh and war malls.... 7.30 A. &I Southern Malls 70 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 9. 00A. M. Malls collected from street boxes business poruon or city at o a. j, ia.ou -..ju. anu o &u enouen iron in tne Diooa, ine vmu P M. and from other point of the city at 5 j a..: a i u-' l JJ, ! I I1U1U 113 LMJC UilU LIULI dUa pUUI. 13 io ; 17 00 Change of Schedule. w i - ) ZlXJ?''' 4.. liL- ON AND AFTER NOVR 18, 1SS3, AT 1.05 n ? cZ''Zt- CO a A. M.. Passemrer Trains on the WUmlnir BII-Splrits.TurpentIi!e. w X r. a. ry i r in .r-n . l occonu iina. cacn I i New Ctry,eacb.. j 5 ! eeswax. r ib..i S ;u RICKS, VM- j ' K ft BEESW. BRICKS BUTTER. V ft North Carolina.. Northern. . ! i. - iil r .1 i. 12 St 10 L A Stamp Office open from 7 A. 3LTo6P. M., I WTU rn tlijc ?a fl-ir r-'t Qf tlir vKrIf Money order aid Register Department open r " . ' y jrom 8 a. m. to 5.30 p. m. system is emeebied. General delivery open from 7 A.M. toCP.M Thn Hnrfnns nnd tho rVmists fv and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. 1 ne OOCtors ana ine cnemibis ex- Carriers' delivery open on Sunday rrom 8.3 penmentea and tinkered a great deal OS.30A.M. .:u : r r : Ar MntllPr R SninninP' Whppl the early preparations of iron for the jyioiner s spinning vvneei. blood di(f much harm as good. Concernio One : Article that sometimes : more. They hurt the wo.s Not ForSale, and An- teeth and injured the stomach, and other which in Cheap at worked other mischiefs. But now Any Price. we have a preparation oi iron m No. sir, i wouldn't sell you tiwit for any which chemical science has made a money; that splnuins-wheel was my mother's maiestic triumph. It IS " Brown S Iron Bitters." This carries the iron right to the spot where it is needed. It invigorates the stomach, enters into the circulation, enriches the blood, refreshes the liver, tones the nerves, and puts the whole system m healthy condition for work. The triumphs this remedy has wrought It was one day, when she was singing like a Uric and making this old wheel hum, that my father, then a yonnr med'cil student, after ward a farmer, fell. In love wi-h her some rtfty rears aff." So pokc Ue proprietor of a roiijjh bit of larni wim m i. iter county, . i ., tv a reiic hunter, and ' nio herV splnnln wheel re matnod auion hr childr it and grandclrld- I rn. My mAtiitr." wriUo Kcv .1. w. l'helps, paster of M. I am m v. ouurrn, LLicgo DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAILT NOS. 47 NOBTH AJtSV 48 SODTH. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Dcpt, 8.63 A. M Arrive at Weldon 2.31 P. M Leave WeldonJ ..I.... 3.00 P. M Arrive at Wllm'gton, Front St. D'pt, 8.40 P. M C AND LES," ft '" linr JLHKUUOU ALAII. A PA8BKGEa TSAQi' j pClTBli j Dailt No. 40 south. Lea vo We Won..... ...L... 5.S0 P. M Arrive at Wilm'frton.FrontSt.D'p't lO.sSP.JJi MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS DAILY No. 43 North. I jueavc WIImlnron.,.. 8.00 P. M aitivu ui ireiuon.... .i..... 2.i0 A. M Mail and Passexqek TraIks Nos 45 and 4 Leave Wilmlnjrton, (Sundays ex- V -cepieu; ......12 SO A M Arrive at Weldon........ qsq a Leave Weldon, (Mondays excepted)!. 1)5 a m Arrive at Wilmington... ..... 6 55 AM Train No. 40 South will ston nnW t r!laA vTaii -1 j m. ... " I i;x uVHvu.l,uru H1 agnoiia. , M3f ,vprp, , ... -xraina on xar&oro Branch RoadLcave Rocky MAekmvi KtZ i hif i.i.i Z it Mount forTarboro at 1.20 A. M. and 4.30 p! Marilr? ,' So ? bbl ? I m M. Daily. Sundays e3crit.tfrtv r?fn, rJrre-irt' X .DD.1-:.' .' 60 leave Tarbbrb at 10.00 A.M and 3 : M. ball: Slrl 'no f'f bbl ? ? Trains on Scotland Npo Itranh ' fjrk??.3 bbl....... 7 .5 i. " ;:r i" .". f aiuuets. port bbis.. ...... daily except Sunday. A M" Srrli flf efi 3 2 41 Train No. 47 make clnu rlon fri. oil V-T-Tu r:. . ' V S.OUU IDS 1 Bd. and daily except Sunday via Ba -u. ..... Tatlow..... Adamantlae..... CIIEESlS, ft L Northern Factory...... Dairy, Cream State..... COFFEE, V ft Java. ............ .... .. .' wo.,.....;. J; DoMESTXCS ouDfije. ... i u Sheetlmr.44, Vyd. Tarns. V bnnch.. 2 EGGS, dozen.... : S 2 ii 3il ric Ail Ait ... w n ... 7 oo en Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Ba Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all Points North via Richmond aud Washington. All trains run solid between Wi'mlngton aa Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleet' ers attached. For accommodation of local travel a passen ger coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at 7.00 AL M. DaUy except Sunday. j JOIIN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON, Genera Passenger Agent. nov 17 i nt-rv atur.iiHf of i- jiyi?-. hal. '.icre vi;rc. i s.ic .inp:; ami npji:irrciit. !,..!. .V, Trans-. riv'.. iiarmi wur.U vm !:! i i p at- j A Vi-ry it-rtlsilt!i ucckUcv coiuus in '.4iu the i:irt3 I r taut campaign wiili iiu yi.-r. I: U iuale l new , , ... riavi iK-ru a ;mi preMMii lor 4!CKPl- h-iil vt ry i.ruMi. i.t Ii luinph t . . ... . . i... .u.. I has ued Pakkkh's TONIC aiv! wishes me io arf matter ot nubhc record tnrouen say tiiit sue u4 tonnu ic more tmK-iic than tt.:.i Rmwn'c Trnn I I (JUL IHC UUlLCUtJUtltDt UJVii -.w.. n vthlntr ! ever iiul fur lnvlcror9linr n firengihcnlug the aystcm iteblliuted by mala Ritters is sold bv 11 the respectable ! Ha. ?iic desires me als ruwlally to mention V , A . druffeists, and tne peopie hkc iu the Trtalnty with whlrh it aids digestion and ocroonc exuausuou Krfr'lnr llin llrl hmiBihnlil w. cstjilillali. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. Co. Offick of General superintendent. Wilmington, N. C. Nov 17,1883. V if W I " No. 2 36 oo rri Baugb's Phosphate J . .00 00 Carolina Fcrwilzer .... .45 00 a 1 Ground Bone .j.,00 00 e Bone Meal J..CO 00 W ; Bone Flour..... i oo no Navassa Guano j..40 00 cr Complete Manure J. .00 00 ' -i Whann's Phosphate ..i.00 00 i iiauuu j nucpimie , uu Ml Berger A Butz's Phosphate.. 00 00 ti French's Carbonate of Ume. . . 7 W French's Agricultural Lime.... 0 50 si FLOUR, bbl T i Fine 0 00 an furumrn c-uper........ ...... o so a " Extra 6 00 oti Family 7 00 0lr City MUls-Extra.. .. 6 W q " ; family...... 5 73 Oil &xrra r amny.... k 50 n GLUE ft.................... I ii n UKA1S, V DU8UCJ Corn, from store, bags.whlte dec S- nrm tc d&w cd mo'hrrV .... - i i a uiu in i ! uiFiuiiiii a 7 iircii iiiiiic uiiLrii i. , h.ivi-Ik-ou a ..l preMit lor Ni. .!CkPl- j in this woild than that of judge, jurist or Fire Mnilnnol Rnnl nflWi- ii ui iiuiiuiiui uunn vri u tiv. bill il a Unt lutij for that now physician. Ilcr hand has always cooled the s'aiulanl biicr man whom m.:. -ou.l . J,tfroH Vtr lVis. - I ever ami her olrc has J1. "USl.'ill PJ . , ... , , ,i . ,...1. . Ith day's decline, PARKER S TONIC 1 It ivc I) cn hctter. Hie him" :ii-url 4ti i ty nioloical authority s-avs tliat lieeomlu more deservedly populur with the tru! ativio'H 1 .r !he ili:ui :uh! it i ZmipiUrarot.onilM "H lh rnr I ho suanl alike husband and chl d- isiu .i.'nm. i ..... ......i., ,. .it..- ci n,' i, v. It eradicates malarial poison from the vt'uicl I -r a tiaur that wc wcic It u:.iim lo hp dV Io .t Ul.i.r-ftk.ilr. It i,.K,.j. fn.,u XVhleh there is now such wide iu on to ivrt.'iinlV IiMik- like t liat.;Wluii voti not Miread snfferitir. : iimmiUR-citl viil r. n.i; ( M i.-w,,. t arlml n l,nl i!.irilv un. i Please observe: 1 lio Ivtir ullle v,.rN ip- nrkm- .-rt:ml llm htiiii-.s.-:, J'tyc ' "Si iVgreScSu. which0" tiriwin -jrjil I'tr.lvi'ui tii.iil woi 'fk- iiti- ; produce anything like lis eflV a Iu. PARKER'S TONIC Ih It Ik a counbinatlou o! t-cv- none einprly can ict. tor Kidney. . AAt. ...... I V t.-jkM .1. fA. S nb.,K Itl Ui?A'.4r an! iIm:i'- i unr. uftioniii lr.i Piitril : and unUUing rewedy In two sizes; !Q cnts i.... ..-i. -i i i ii tniuii ImiwISL The Utter the heaner. lfi ox . , , , ' M.-TKU AV. tl KKN Cor.NTV. lccu oHiuti.I iron, Ji.. i . ri i M. ; . v Vouk. April U. 18h,'. tittf .trty ousil U;: luu ti i:i.iiiii i.: t j tli.t have lifn snvnl fnun witl.uu; l!i? "lirt'low a tl.ot i;t . i i..-f . u ri ilri iiliu s iy I'n:r.s ri.AMI.KS. I .Mm. m ; poontii :io I vs Httarkcil .vi:li a vi-!-nl j .i i i in in) clnsl. ncuoin- j' inu .1 i icf r :mi ivh: lt tticiiil v in hi v. I ppi lifioN il pitcuniouta. j hu!ii s pri-vi!ui :tt present; I; 'vontto fif l SppiM 'l urn AilciM-k'sJ r j.NK P.ih)1v CASKS, SiDKIMJAKUS. I'.nit r btdvMri my ImmiIIi'I hlmlts ami two on in v i lirt. In nn lioiirinv! ?KCUKTAkIES, WAKPBOUKS, in':ilhu w:n nmcli r:i:r. in two lpui -i ' h' p I a a IimI loft inc. :tnl Ihc in, t itior ii I iiUuLi' ni'i di-l I v lift ..... . . ... - .... tail. I llciliv:i. ;u..i lin-i. iipii.:i ill worU K1 the ni:- !.ft tl jC. tJ.i ii- :irt I h.t wh' w :"! in-i.-l lit- ': im; w i i 1 " l .l it!" : i viiii ho..M ti !! ! : th li'M :'' I'orui ; rk:i! ti ll is lo- p: :i.r...; piAuk. IitH u.r i.l"r . N: .! .. :!! lhy pu: !ri .i ! ..'.. t o .iul4t ,'.uUi- p!jt:ik iii Uic p!.ttli in, h it t!. '.v.uM iniwc tin iM"-'ii' v jn " ii": wi;:i .i Ct , tbumlstH. New York jan ll-lni'I.tvv Furniture. C,fAMBER AIlPARLOR Suits fmm ilo)l.'i). New style and first-class Kixnli ;it (IKE AT BARGAINS J. mington.i capital;stx)ck surplus fund........ $250,000 66.0CI Deposits received and collections; made oe all accessible polnfsTln the United States. Change of Schedule, ON AND AFTER NOV'It ISth. ltifc3. at 4. S3 . M., the following Passftns-er Sr-neii n will be run on this road : - S'o.4-2 Leave Wilmington, (Holidays excepted) 1 7. 1-5 A M " Arrive at Florence 11.40 A M No. 45 Ieavc FJ rc-nce, (Sundays excepted)...... ...i. ... 7.40 P M Arrive at Wilmington . . J. . J . 12 10 P.M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nos. 4S Wee t and 47 East. Leave Wilmlmrton 9.10 P. at. Ixave Florence 2.40 A. to. Arrive at C. C- A. Junction 8.3-VA. M. Arrive at Columbia r. ......... h.40 A. Al. Leave Columbia 9. 55P. M. Leave C.,C. & A. Junction P. M. Leave Florence 4 33 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8.23 A. it. Night Mail ani Passenger Train, daily -V Tl X.O A Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. LU.1U UVKS.i Oats, from store...... v c wmie.i i n Corn, cargo, In bags, white. 1 66 tt U, 111 UHKB. Corn, cargo, mixci O 1 CO 0 ... J II 0 Leave Wilmington. - Arrive at Florence. . .10.40 P. Ai. I. 1 15 A. M. N Daily DIRECTORS, li.. i i. vor. I ui-iil shout my busing I "7. '"rc nn miv ."?ioii. civ tr'njt!i io i lu i':ifo:. ,ujm-i!. ami at Ihi? i-ml ol a week Dok ! wenrv .mil t,?nt pe .!!. and si ' hn pl-i-t.-r ott , , ..... . . ' . . .. : l .-r Hit- l.-it Ipii vrars AllnH-kV I'l.ti bulimy iiu i..r pi.T.r.iiiou ..r tr, ,Vn l,en uh-I by my family mlh important -tru;s! whu li i-. tonu-. ij, .,.t ellVrt incold. i-oii2h ami p.tin in Ui ;'. ami b.tck. LI UK ART TABLES. Ac. CitgB itcdstcad. Mattresses, Chairs, Ta in, c, &c , at big bargains vJ.m and tee 1 It. A. b31l I II, Viintiifuro lionlir lto lt,tii tb 1 .-mo r.tif l!un .ihouNl sucwet! i' p-iiu a I.i!: ii'inU'. in the tarift. ami b'ul nhuM ix lramc! vrilli such vifloin a to .wop table to the people, there au two rh5t-. clea to prcrcut ils becumin; -a law. I ho Senate wou'.J rrjeet i'. but should it by any baru possibility rcccitcthu ancliuu of the latter boJy, il would be ve'.oeil by tho irtdcat, aad the labor would bo waited to the dUcredit of tbe party. Some hare said that tho tariQ ii the oolyCmattcr wecaa fisbtthe llepublicaa9 opoo, bat it would seem that SQch have not kept a record or that party pro ccdioss for the last twenty year. We think that there is aa abundance ol material, a super abundant of crime, outrage, usurpations and unwise and onjast law to charce the party with before tho people of these United States, to make all the capital nccess ry to oondnct the campaign to a nccvsf al result. To us it teems the height of folly to attempt to legislate where we cannot control, when it is the pam-t mount daty ol every Democrat to turn Ui4 rascals out o that we may contrcl whore we legislate. We want as little l2islation on the tariff as possible at this session ol Congress, and we want I H5 III Ore I aim lur i;iuiii; wtj plankf io the next plattorm of the party. A Case not Ileyoud Help. Dr. M. U. Hinsdale, Kenawec. III., ul vises us of av remarkablo euro of consumption. He aayi: "A Deichbor's ivifc was attacked with. Inns disease, and pronounced beyond help from Ouick Consumption. Al a iau rewrt tr.efamllr was persuaded to try Hit. WM. HALL'S BAIAM FOR THE LUNGS. To tho astonishment ol all, by the time she had used ona half dozen bottler sha was about tha house doing her own work. I saw her at her worst andhad no idea sha conld reooTer.' When is a girl Ilka a mirror? When she's a rood looking (sMsss. : He urc to obtain AllcockV 1'orous Pia-ilrr. hs all tdher.s ariworlhlcss imi talionx. j -- '. - On one of the creat trued farms ucar Morwhcad -JOOXX) cabbajrs are srow- l ood that la Poisoned by uucleau Icelh breeds dysuensia Such, a lesjt. is the declared opinion of i: i ... i inouicai men. . xwcmeuy lue eyu wuu punlyiu. aromatic SOZODONT. which clears away cor rot ire particles which lodge in the teeth and prodaco aa acid ferment, lhat in Umo destroys their enamel and rums them. It prevents tho unspeakable annoyance caused by tie.ectue teeth. II it is used while they can yet bo saved from the des tructive effects ol tartar and other im parities. C. D. Morrill. JJNDKItTAKF.i;, CAHINKT MAK.EK AM UARPKNTKR. Office and Work Shop on 6ee ffltwf m ImuII iimitiTta Mimllni 1 ii atlU RcpcctuJiy aolicHi orders and irnarantee KOOt or, promrt nnrT inn a unractlon 1 rrv 1 i E. E.(KURKUSS. A. MARTIN. D. G. WOUTH; 1A.. SPItUNT. (JKOUGE CHADBOURN. It is thought that farmers have seen the worst ot tho potato bag. "Hough on Coron." Ask for Wells' "Kough ou Corns." ic. taick complete, permanent cure Corns, warts, bunions. Tiay tonic affection : Going out be tween the acts at the theatre. Almost Insane and Cured. "Most ol the eminent doctors in the Hast, as well as several of the medical faculty ia New York Citv," writes Rer. 1 1. Shirley, or Chicago, "lailed to help our daughter's epilepsy, which began to show signs of turning into In. sanity. By the good providence of Cod we tried SiimariJan Kervine, and it cured her.n Your druggist keeps it. " Society is very queer. Tho people most sought after are those who do not pay thezr debts. Did 8ho DIo? "No ; sho lingered and suffered along, pining away all tho ttme lop years, the doctors doing he? no good; and at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the Jpa pcrs say so much, about. Indeed! in deed! how thankful wo shooJd be for that medicine." . 1884. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTItATED WKEKLT 16 Pages aciT i TU4 bots ajfD oibls or FROM BU TO SIZT2V TEAM OF AGE. Vol V. commences November 6, 1883. II akteu's Young PeoVle is the best week ly for children la America Southwestern Chrutlan Advocate. All that the artlata aklll can accomplish in tho war of Illustration has been done, aad the beat talent of the country has contributed to iu text .-cw England Journal or Education, Dostoo. In lu special field there Is i nothing that can c comparcn wnn u liartlortl Evening- rosu TERMS:! MARPEK 5 OUN(J PEOPLE. Ter Year. Postage l'TepaldP I Srjrou NL'MSK&S. FourOnU tirh. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cta. The oiumee of uarpers Young People for oi oj uu i, (uuiaaomery Dounu m illumina ted Cloth, will be sent bymail. postage pra paid, on receipt of fS 00 each. Cloth C&cs toreaca volume, suiublei or binding, will be eat by mall, postpaid, on receipt ol 60 cents a eh. Jumiitances should be mad pMt Oflei aiooey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loec. newspapers are not to copy this adrertlse- anens wuaont ue exprea order of Bajtru naoraus. Aaare UAKPEfi A HROTnER3, o U . w York T HATE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE Agent for the TANNER A DELAXEY ENGINE COS ENGINES AND BO ILEUS from 4 to ISO horsepower; also Tramway or Narr f - ! Locomotives. j Eagtaea adapted to rana use a specialty. ' Ar-Oahaad aal for sale very low, TIVK SECOND II AND POETABLE ENGINES, from 5 to 15 horse power, acx U-Cra , S. TT. SSINNnt. MAIL AND PASSENKKR TRA No. 43 Hast. Icave Fldrems at a .35 P. ,M An-lve at Wilmington 7.4 V. M Train 43 steps at all Stations. No. 40 stops only a t Flcralngn. and Marion rHBsengers for Columbia and all points n i ... ... ) v ... .... UiaktMIWa 4X.llkiU lift tion, and all points beyond, ahould tate the rifini Kipress. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and August on Train 43. f - All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. t Local fi-elght loaves Wilmington dally ex cept Sunday at 6.W A. M. JOHN T. DIVINE, General Superintendent T. il. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent nov 17 OFTICER3 K. E. BCRItUS A. K. WALKKR..J President. Cashier ! Cow Peas. . . . HIDES. V!b ! Green.. Dry fJAY. & 100 Us Kastem 1 20 mi Western 1 15 mi xoi lii iwivcr. ................ .j 0 HOOP IIItON, V It ...J. i9 LARD. tf- in i .- I Northern.... .,';.... i0a North Carolina. . ....... . .1. . . 00 tt ' LIME, If barrel.. 1 40 e LUM BER. City Sawed, p M ft. I Ship btn (T. resawed oo mi Rough Edge Plauk.. ....15 M mtb. YTesnnuia cargoes, accorunig m to quality 13 DC tta Dressed Flooring, seasoned . . 1 8 00 ff Scantling ami Board, com'n.. 12,00 fll5 MOLASSES, "if gallon a-v vy t "ir saa iiaiuiaa j vi a t " " " in bbls t" I Porto Itlco, In h ads.......... 00 a :f In I.IJa M il 1 Met: Sugar House, in hhds 7 " ic bbls 8yrup, Iu I'Lls...... NAILS, 4f Kcg.Cut.10d basis.. OILS, V gallon- Kerosene... Lard.; "... Linseed.'... lio&la Tar..... ... Dek and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown... Tnrkevs...1. PEANUTSV bushel... Y bnshel 2C a 0 (0 ffl 1 t. n e l io air 'JO 6 IK 00 a !; oo a : ! Il a: m I' IU H I 75 al: 90 .'0 6 2 00 tfl W. LARJHNS. apst . A'nt Cashier New Buckwheat I New Buckwheat J-EW BUCKWHEAT AND WHITE Syru to suit, received by New York Steamer to-day Also. Cakes and Crackers of every variety fresh and crisp, and a general stock of Fresh Groceries usually found in a flrst-class Grp eery at Crapon's Family.Groccry. GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, Oct 29 Sooth Front St Fine Portraits in Crayon or Pastel.. rBDER? PROMPTLY EXECUTED IN the finest style. In order to more f ullv Intro duce the work my prices are to the lowest cent xor nrst ciass wora. rrienda are lav lieu to call and examine lor themselves. ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist, decg H9Mrke at.. Wilmington. N. C. FemaleJSchool. MISSES BURR A JAMES. Principals. MRS. M. S. CUSIIING, Musical Instructress. rpiIE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this School will commence on1 Thursday, the in ox ucioDer. ists. am ciose unnnr the third week In June, The course of Instruction Is thorough and systematic. Terms reasonable. ! Le&aona in painang in Ult, water Colors and Pastel, with ocpu uu uiua auk arawin, ana Cray on and pencil akctchlng. at moderate raxe. Where a claaa of tea or twelve Is formed for the school of rain tier, the nrice will n. Pupils OUtSide Of the achool who itn1rmn. slcal instruction, will do well to apply early. For further particulars lnonire of or caU for Circular. , V " aeptlS iLYOK&HSALY Stale & Uoaroe St Chicago. 1BAMD CATALOCUE, I far isaS, sOw f. .14 lnoi I if. Dr.. Xmm Cs. 4 ml AT t V J i Carolina Central R. II. Company, i J OIFICB OF GEirXBAL SurEKITKNlrrT, Wilmington, N. C. June 13th, 1SS3 I No. 1. Change of Schedule. v QN AND AFTER JUNE 13th, 1833, THE following iscnoauie will be operated on tab Railroad: - PASSENGER MAIL AND KXPBE8S TRAIN Daily except 8un da js. ' ) Leave Wilmington at T OO P. M J Leave Raleigh at.... 7.35 P. M J Arrive at Charlotte at... ....7.00 A. M I 1 -Leave Charlotte at.........-.8?43 P. M o.z. Arnvc Kaieign at 8.30 A. M ! ) Arrive at Wilmington at... .8.25 A. M Passenger Trains stop at regular station only, and points designated in the Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. u Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte 5JJ0 P. M. Arrive at Shelby 9.00 P. M. Leave Shelbr .......iu.. 7 00 A. IL Arrive at Charlotte ..lo!30 A. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection Hamlet with R. A A. Tralna to Mt fmn, i.i eigh. i - .r Through SleeplngCars between Wllmlnrtoa and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. .3 ia.iu v, i lor b laieavuie. Stations Western N C R It, Asheville and polnta Wt Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens Atlanta and all points Southwesti , , . I - r f L. C. JONES, r w r At7tr ' Superintendent. jLABK, General Passenger Agent POTATOES. Sweet..... J IrlAi. W l.h PORK. V barrel- City Mess .....23 K ti Prime.... i oo u Rump ;..17 00 ffi RICE-Carollna. 4 jfc 444 Rough. f bushel 95 I RAGS, tj lb Country City ........ ROPE, 4f Jh ,... SALTj sacki Alum J.... Llverpoo Lisbon. AmcritTan.. SUGAR, V lb Cuba. 1U 00 a 00 0 00 a ' 00 o Porto Rico. 1 ... loo 0 x a oo B 00 o Ta v 0 WVjO A Coffee.. B c 1 . . . . Kx C j .... Crushed..... BO A T M I XT IO HVIlUtlU. ........ - SHINGLlCS.71n VM 10 50 Common... 2 40 2 - It.'-.. AAA s; STAVES. V M W 0 Barrel. 1 Ort R. O. Hogshead W 00 g TALLOW, V lb........ I TIMBER, V M fcet-Shlpplug.U Fine Mill 11 Mill Prime... I 50 Mill Fair.. fO0aj Common MU1... 3 g f !. Jolin C, Davis, A TTORXEY AND i -CLi COCNSETJX1R AT T.AW ' VVlLMUfCTOa. N. 221?; kof New Hanover, roctlcea in all tbe Courts of the Hate opccuii attention paij tn tbe collection WHISKEY, V gal-Northern.. 1 00 . worth Carolina tw WOOL. ft Washed Ti "1? '.'Il of IaIin. nov t f Steam TacHt Louise. p ASS ENG ER AND FREIC HT STEAM E R for Smithvllle dally. Rates low and accoro modatlons fine. The titik i . MM and Uruarantredsafe. WilHeaveSmithTllle 8 AJuML. J VnimlDgtan 2.30 o'clock P.M. i wi jtoi oi kocs. isireet. t,Q , vvm. weeks; ; Jn 19 . Agent and Owner. r AT Tk for the working elasi jULU?.V -Postage. 5, box of sample goodi that will put J -way of making more money In w you ever thought possible st sdt b, Capital not required. We will sUrtT can work all the time or In spsw.0..' The work Is universally adapted wi young and old. You can easily esrs cents to $i every evening. Tbtaljf work may test the business, we ak paralleled offer; to all who are do fled we will send $1 to pay for tbe writing us. Full particulars, direct sent free. Fortunes will be mJ who give their whole time lo the J jc success absolutely sure. Don't vtfo now. Address STrxsoir A Co... -Malne.-, - MT5f!M - i im vantfd for a dc '!.- tbe Presidents best book ever sold for lees thn jt price. The fastest selling book people want it. Anv one can beow?:i cessful agent. - Terms free; H-ifi4r Co., Portland, Maine. , . I novjo-" A PRIZE box of goods which will help joo t mOMVrl!rht,thii anvthtnff t'm -'. world. All, of either ci, succecdj hour The broad road to fortune oifr the workers, absolutely sure dress, Tkub A Co., AugusU, Ji1bC' nov20-f.mri Ivw i L C CC week at borne. 5 CO oJr OO O Pay absolutely . sure I ' , Capital not required. Reader, 11 IT buslneas at which persons of fl or old. can make great pay woTk, with absolute ceruinty, wrti Uculara to IL Haixett Co.. Port" noT 20-Cnd lyw if

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