TinsrxrEB PLEASE NOTICE. 1 ; , Tfa will bo g!aa to receive ccsiasalcaUoa SttBdayt r 1 crp'xl tT JUSIIT. JA3IE8, j from our friends oa 117 and all tubjecta staeral interest but H j Thaaaawof tha writer meat alwa'ri'tafa 1 Jlbe to th Editor. ' I - j- ' ! ; CotamwilcattoMinBat t , wtHvui s. onl Mex the parrl ';, ; ' " t FeTaonAEtlcamueibe avoIiM. ;j An It Is eepecUDy and'rcrtlculariy cad tood that the Erfltortioca not ahraja endot tho Tlcwaof correepoadco uzact so state In the editorial columns. " v r if -irnos ro stage rAii i. month. ti.. n ' 1 ' net: One taonth. cent. TCXC I: r . ,RT,itof thcrltr. M the alr I --.jr.ir . i vol. viii. r W ILMINGTON. N. C.,-SATURDAY: JANUARY, 26: .1884. ,NO. 22 lifiiii "7t nil to largtU J , -,r. ; it-vi. Jiy ncir.7-i;r j ritfc ay q" Wi7mtwjtoi. 3 1 LOCAL NEWS. I3IX 13 RtW raVIRTISimiTS. k Hot 'i -.Trtut c xraia.-U r. Joaroajs Mi 1- I5 VlZ t. . ! ro irsand 17 mtnu'es. rfifctre n iu'.cruients in Ikltpvne .. r .xtsofcutton at this port to I v3 b.V.cs ! i '. . to morrow atu-raoii at - : . j lit 5 o cock. t. mooii lo-uiorrow t! al 4-. a. II o'clock. . a..x almanac ?aj "lair and ) f.ir :j-morrov morning- 7 . ... I ,. :c- rc tour mt.rments iu Uak- : . . ( vu.ru ry Huh wcck, adadu!t.. I ;. tn inu'rmenis in 1 me i. uielcry this witk. two adnlts K-.'iV.cr of I)ttl issued five . t.;t.i:- ttovuc tveek, two of trc for while ami three for col- - . ...... t t 1 :.r. '...' Invn. IVrry. cleared to 1 t.T IV-cua 1 Prince. Ilajti. witlf t:.il lumber "and 33.550 - . a;J al .Q53.05, shipred . . ?. i;. Ksd k-r & Son. i . tft".cl that ilou. John P. L.;. j:;. it Pc:ii:ylvauia, "Supreme .irrc'.ior Ki:igbt ol Pythias ol the U"..r!.!.' ni.I U in Raleigh during tho :.?; the I rand I.ode li. of P.t f rl ri.iry IJ;h. .tru;stm New Richmond, o.. Mr. E J h.inbam. write us the ' "I coui!er Dr. JtuliH? i"jh bjrrup one of the very oest 1 iLnii made. I iho it altogether in my 'nit.u:iv Hnurati inerciufo iccmii: Mr Wa'.Vr Tayloh who waj acri 'r y. a iVr.liys iiicc. is proba. 'it l :i' ti w,''. a-.C3'iM be reasonably . ; n ..!. . .ni.J r;n. tlu nature t his i :i.::iu;;i lie u tiered a good ci .-i j ai:i Iat nijht and had but little I i-c iiieacc. ..r Lir.drol .ir.-l rmty-two :!iti.;:'; j.asen jer. srjil lor llorila, tr:u t;..- N'crt!. .; AVcst. passed riv..: :c :y i li.ur'lay. and wc .:u..Yr.:ao. m m iy a5 many so f ......u t.ui4.l.iy. The ?caon all r-..li . n r.: .t height.' ! H. r. W,:: Cuaibick. who wiil ipeak , era Hot. in thi. city 00 next - M -y r. :,;!.:. undor the a-;piceii of the r - ,r k- Aisov.a.tcn. ha neter been a tii naoiu woutU ?een to,js zi.zzw. U'earrery confident tht "ur ix-z'.c. however, will wan! him to v a;ain. He Dr. Ya.ts will resch at 11 c ca iu. to-tuorrow. a sermon "ie Fn-ut Street Methodist Church, in '.Ic ir.ie real of thc Chtistiau Association .ofthes iid charvh. Dr. Yates is an rct-.ing speaker and there will be s-J-ur.cdiy a largo congregation to ? . his instructive diicourse. The Weather. Tine Has a plenty of ice this morn -b-:i. thawed aooa after sunrise i:ul . t':.a disappeared. Wo arc in foruM :La: there were heavy rains on tU;.r.c,f tbc Carolina Central Kail. rha::er which it becamo intensely rc'.d w.:U iailcations ol saow last ntzht the train left Charlotte. - I'lrst Uaptlst Cliurcu. Ker. G.J. Johnson. D. D. Missionary cr.tarj ot the llaptist Publication, of J -1-: preach at 11 a. m. i .. J riu-aard wUlatnd the funeral of Mr. l..,!w al Mvrllc (;rove Sound a, - awetocr.but ui t w prescnl at Sunday Schoo! a! 3 p. m.. and will i t.Vtliird ufa scrie cf sermons ic;-. men at night, on "Samson." Personal . VV' talker. t,t this city, but and fr sometime past en- U athcronstruciioiiof the Wesf " i"cAIum. at Morgantc.n. is r" v : oa iUlttfa lew weeks. : I K oor.ee. Ki-.ot IUchlands. o juty. was in the city jester Avored us with a visit last t Tfp h. , the tl K""ur Spoons. Forks am r'0-lbe:.rualilT. ml m.nn !lc:u.r"'a pric". caa be found ax JX s Hardware Depot. t Cotton. he rcccints of cotton at thii nort tor the wccJc cnjiDjr h, jjav loot UD j 1.5 1C ba!cs, as compared i with 33 1 I bales for same week .last (year, a de i - - ... j crease this wfrck of 1.515 bales Tholdriuk nothing stronger than malt ; receipts of the crop year to date loot up j liquors and the first thing I knew I was 52.551 bales, as arainst 14J.1J6 bale3 to faauic dato last year, a decrcaso this i year of 19,505 bales. Sunday School. Itev. A Shepherd, a colored Uaptist ! clergyman and Sunday School Mis sionary, appointed by the American Baptist Publication Society, for this , State, is in the city working in the in I .. ... ...! terest of the colored Sunday school icanse. tic u inc guesi 01 uev. a. m. Conwav and will n reach at the First Baplist Church, colored, corner of Fifth and Campbell strccu. st 11 o'clock lo. monow morning. Mass Meeting. Rev. G. J. Johnson. 1). I) , Secretary of the American Baptist Missionary .. ... Society, arrived in l he city this morn . Jc wl a School mass meeting at Ebcnezcr Baptist j Church, colored, on Seventh between; Orange and Ann streets at: 3 o'clock j to-morrow afierncKi and wilt preach althe Fir Baptist Church, colored corner ;ih and Campbell street., at . :30 o'clock to-morrow night. Sluldeu Death. At about 10 o'clock last nUl;t Ciaa Dtvis. colored, called at the house of William Jackson, colored. 011, Princess, between Seventh nnd Eighth streets, apparently in i;reat distress. She was taken into the house and a physician ' sent for, but before-he arrived she had j expired, tlcart dUcasu was pronounc ed to be the cau?e of her death. She wai a widow, about 30 years of ae and was a member ol the I. O. of . S . i ami n. 01 ?., hy wima. .ne vva. taicen m charge for intrrmenr. TI10 fecuirc. ; Hon. WiJl Cum back, of Indiana, who wilt lecture at tho Opera House, 1 next Monday night, is expected to arrive tin the city to-night. His lecture will be given ui.der the auspices of tho Li- I brary Association, ami his subject will be ..Thc invisible Some People." It ,nade humor jy te diixzu morons nnil very interesting ished 5p.'kk,r. aud we uiviuvinuttmwuunueu un an 1 1 1 1 1 audience anxious to emoy thc rich Ht- crary treat. Mr Cum back will be in j troduced to the audience by Hon. A. ". ! M. u addcll. of thi5 city. ' ;. ! . Hunch of Kovs. ' ; In -peaking of theabovcMiamcd play, which will bo presenle.l at the Opera House oa the night of thc 3I?t int.. the cw 1 orK rayiic says : : i , At f b5 Saa Francisco Opera House JIast n,kt an amusing absurdity called j Bunca 0f Keye" was produced. it & satire oa hotel, aud the play hinge on the will of a hotel-keeper named Keya. who wills all his property to the ; ;n one 01 nia inrer nieces wno eaau ce j pronounced the ugliest by such an au Chority aa a commercial drummer. All cf thc company acquitted themselves the bado or medal as may be deter to tho perfwt satisfaction of the audi seined upon, will bc.ready as ?ood as euce which mauifestetl its aparoral bv . ' . . . , . .. repeated and enthusiastic applause. -,AOUJl-JUJ The appearance in Wilmington of tho celebrated Polish actress. Helena ' of conversation In our social circles. ; ... , Ever since it was first announced that thts lamous historienne was to visit our city a genuine feeling of pleasure pos sessed everyone, and as tho time for her appearance draws ' nearer tho ex pectations o: lho public, and the desire to whj tho great Modjeska. arc more and more intensified. Judging from present indications there remains no doubt as lo tho reception in store . for her- Sho will receive an ovatiou. and it is a matter o! sincere regret that her j engagement is limited to ono pcrfor-j mance. Tho play to be presented has i never before been given in Wilmington, and no better selection could have been made. It is the ever charming and en chanting comedy ol -Twelfth Night." in which Modjcska will interpret th&t j bralca vKIsli- Brand GlUins thread is beautiful character conceived by!soMonl yatjACOBlV. He is lho Ira. the prolitx uram ot b&aKupcare. viz: Viola. In this character the conv. nmitPirtnu i admitted to be with out a rivrri, and bcyo'nd the pale of crit icism. In it she has compelled our most eminent cities lo acknowledge her unrivaled genius in comedy. Thc au dience that will assemble to witness thc j performance al Aloojeajca and ner snrerb company will bo limited only by : utmost capacity ol our Opera House. ! i i t j So City Court and no tramps at the KUjllU UUUV IUKUU MV I mil A Ul J 1 place for news this morning. A Good Heason. S " No." said a fricad ot ours, a day or ; lwo since. "I do raot drink any kind of j intoxicating liquors. I mcd .'to drink, but finally concluded that I would 1. ) drunk as a lord on beer and was sober- , ing off on alcohol and pepper vinegar! I Then Ilelt off all kinds of liquor and have stuck to it ever since!" ' Superior Court j The arguments in the case of Annie j were beguu yeaterday afternoon "by Judge llusseli for the plaintiff. When I I 1 1 .1 4 t. A ltt r j u au couuiuuou uiu v,uuii '" Davis spoke for the defense and Col. D. ' K- McRae made the concluding argu ; mcnt for the plaintiff . Tho Court then cuargca me jury, auer wiucu a rcccoa ' was taken until 3 30 p. m. t If you need a real good first class cooking stove, oon t lau to see me r.x I i : n A wtA XTr. ceisior KmemK be fjum Id, besides others. They are to und at factory prices at Jacobi's, who is the manufacturers' agent, t AtKurjjaw. j a fegUvftl heM aJ Bq laat ni(?ht in nld of lho Pre! churc,rof that place, and we.le nnfhha,nniV,nv un mni wh; resbyterian learu that notwithstanding the mud which made the' streets almost impassable for man or beast, there was a large attendance and it proved a complete success. Some of the young men ot this city were present ly accident, and they were high ly pleased with the measures ot the oc casion. Unsuccessful Attempt. t Some one paid the Daily Review oftice a visit this morning in tho very early hours nnd our regret is that we were not in at the lime so as to tender 1 kn infliriMux) i tirnnar rrrttnri Ma 1 , d himg,fiQata rear wioJow and the.i got through into the passage with ultimate desigus it is j probable, ou Mr. I. Shrier's clothing store, which is in tho building occupied by u. Fortunately hewasoncountered by a young man employed in the office who came down at that early hour to open and clean up. The fellow dashed by this youth ou the stairs and bade his escape but did not carry anythincr ofT with him. fho largest and best stock of i Windows. Doors. Blinds &c!: and at Factory prices is nt X. Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. Honors t'nr Horn Wo undeHtaud ibat the Germao cit- izens of this place havo determined to sow their appreciation of Lieut. Rhodes' gallant coaduct in the rescue 0f tj10 survivors from the wreck of tho steamer City of r . , end have raised Columbus and to this a fun3 among them selves wherewith to purchase a beauti- ful gold medal V) be presented to hira commemoration .of the evcut. The order is now in tbv. bunds of Mr M. J - Diugiehoel . jeweler, ot tbis city, and - . . .... it, III I'C lUiUUISVtUiVW. v IP 11 tn- ! tntion of the donors to invite Lieut. Rhodes to vhit the city and if he comes thea a br.caaet and reception will bo tendered him aud the testimonial will be presented on that occasion, r,.,. 0,,; n) .k. r.. mans here is born simply of their ad miration for Lieut. Rhodes and the gallantry ho has display. There j is perhaps no people in the world who appreciate more thoroughly than they do a heroic deed and tho manner in ! which they propose to give expression to their admiration in this instance is honorable and creditablo alike to their heads and thcirthearts. Keep your front doors locked for the city is fali of sneak thieves! Deprcda tions'aro being made daily and any articles left in the hallways of dwellings are liable to confiscation by these ille gally industrious ecampps. Intorpsiin to Fishprmon The paIa. A . . j The man who swear? at cold weatli- er may finally io where it i a trifle too hot for him. Fancy Goods. ULL LINK AT t GILES A MURCIIISON'S. Morchlson Block. Old Newspapers j putt.SAUS VKRT CHEAP. ArptTtu I aei.ttw ruia OfglcB . The Weather Tp-morrpu " CLETEL2fD. 0rtThVr i?ai 'Dealer says the indications , point; to-seTero changes id the -weather, and that in conseqience. drujUta; placocn the.' Jacobs Oil,' the sovereign Temedy for pains, induced by the inclement weather.- , i . , . - ! For Pure White Lead & Paints,5 and oiggesi srocic ot window ixiass and ! lowest prices for good-articles" be snr to co to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f 1 - ' A Fair Offer Tnt Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall Mich , offer to send Dr. Dye's CeleLat cd Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances oil trial, for thirLy days, to men, old and" young, aflliclcd with nervous debility, lost vitality ,-and many other diseases. j See advertisement ia this paper. t th s cow&w ; NEW j ADVERTISEMENTS OPERA HOUSE EXTRA 1 EXTRA ! One Night Only ! Wednesday, January 3Cth. Farewell American Tour ! Eugagement of the Eminent Polish Actress, MODJESKA! Supported by Maurice II- Barrvmore and a strong Dramatic Company. On which occasion wlJl be, presented Shakes r care's Twelfth Night ! Sale of Beats will begin at Dyer's Monday m rnlng, Jan. 23, at 8 o'clock. I PriceKcserved $1.50, $1. Generalj Admfa ilon, $1, sc. Gallery, -2c I j.in 2G 6h 99 OPERA HOUSE. One Night Only!!. TflURSDAY, XSiUAKY 31st Th latest N. Y. Success, A BUNCHOF KEYS; OR, THE HOTEL, By Chaa. H. Iloyt andAVlllic Kdouin. With a racontof over WNE HUNDRED CONSECU TIVE NiGIirSat tboSan Francisco Opera Houie. N. Y. IntioduciDg the unapproach able character comedienuo. MISS FLORA MOORK, supported by a GREAT CAST. Tho celebrated Grand View Uotel Set car ried In Its entirety. Oriclnal Mu?ie: clecant co8tomlDK'. Sftfo opeu9 Tuesday, Jan. 29, at Dyfr'a liescrred $1. Admlselon, ?5, 50. 2o cent. j an 26-1 1 Invisible iSome People. " LECTURE BY Hon, Will. Oumback. OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, JANUARY i!8. For bescflt WUmingto.' Library Aeeocaitlon. Admlsfclon keen's. No reserved seats, jan 2ti 21 j JAS. B. HUGGINS & CO. OLD STAND-MARKET STREET. -yyX HAVE JU3T RECEIVED AND will keep constantly on hand an excellent supply of choice Domestic Groceries among which may be, found Sugars of all grades, Canned Good?, consisting of Teaches, Oysters, Com, Tomatoes, Lobsters, Salmon and Sardines, Majolica Jellies, Mustard of all kinda, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Sauces,! Potted Ham and Tux key, Maccaroni, all grades of Baking Por-j ders. Crackers of all grades, genuine Boneless Codflsb, Garden Seed of all varieties. North Carolina and Northern Hams, 'Barley and Oat Meal, besides ao endless variety of all other desirable articles to be found in a first class grocery houss, all of -which win bo sold at the j very laweat prices. . ttW" Frc delivery to any part of the tit. I Un '1 -l. - i ' ' AT '. BOATWRICHT'S CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. OUR GOODS'1 V abe not sijepassed ! Quality and Cheapness t Everything Guaranteed as Represented. ! v - John L. Boatwriglit 1114 NORTH FRONT STREET.. iao2S . , - . i For. Saturday. II TVRESSED POULTRY. DCPLIX COUNTY j h A US AGE AND LIVER PUDDING, N.- C cerVe.-. Price reaaosable ltepectfulJj A. W. HI V E.N 11 A a The Lira Grocer and. Prodnca Conx. Mer chant 111 North Water St.. Wilmington. N.C. NEW'-ADVERTISEMKNTS, Guano. AVE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 400 TO 500 TONS OF THIS ' INV 1LUABLE " VERTIL1ZEB. Vfhlch has nevct (ailed, and .trill, have It for kale throughont the season ; as also DISSOLV -ED IK)'E PUOSPHATE j At Last Tear's Prices . !an 24 2md4w j ALEX. SPRUNT & SON. miURTr NINE CENTS FOR Aj KINK Black JL S1CVEN-HOOK FOSTER KID GIJVE-Itc- duced from One Dollar. j Til REE AND FOUR-BUTTON BLACK an COLORED KID GLOVES, for ladles an Misses, reduced Irom One Dollar to THIRTT NINE CENTS A PAIR. ! -0- ALAKGK STOCK OF CRAPED, for Mouru Ing Boinneis, Veiling and Dresi Trimmlnga, at I ! REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. RIBBONS : RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! in every i -! J Shade and Width, will be sold at TUBMEN- DQU REDUCTIONS, i . i' AT P TAYLOR'S I BAZAAR, 11S Market St. ! J.in it WILMINGTON, N. C. Onion Sets, White and Red. FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. Alao a full assortment of FRESH GARDEN SEED, j PATENT MEDICINES, ! FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, i 1 CIGARS lutrreat variety, &c ,'&c. Munds Bros. & DeRossef, New Drug Store, jan 14 " i Market and Second Streets. Ox Tail Soup. I l JEADY FOR USE ON TABLE, CONVE N1ENT T0 HOUSEKEEPERS AND ECON- OMICAL. VTZ HAVE ALSO CANNED O KRA AND Oannefi Tomatoes & Okra. t Makes elegant Soup, toup thrown in, Receipt for making SUGAR CURED HAMS AND SUGAR CURED STSIPa & SHOULDEBS. Call early before the rtieh. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. HO North Front St. Ian U . JgQ BARRELS FRESn ROCKPORT JJIIE, IxOW liXDISO. ORDERS SOLICITED. WORTH & WORTH. I fan 17 i . .'...j ' .- ! It Don't rJlatter V THE OLDIyEAR IS GONE AND THE New Year baa come. HUMPHREY. JEN KINS A CO.. are etlll receiving at their Or- ter Houe, No. 112 f outh front Street, a freU ! supply everr day of New RJrer Oyatr. Oya ! ter n pped C. O. 1. fresh Shell Oytrs VLonJ5S5rJS5: ' - . Jans i tir c. 13 L3 ti i mnrriTi IF CV Xi. XliVXXiULX4lK Attornevs-at-Law. OflM S. E. Cor. Pruteesa and Watar St. iaa 7ua MISCELLANEOUS 1 Yellow, Whito and Bed Onion Sets. ; J . . 1 t cuicioes aca fct ; Pure Whiskey. 1 OlDSOBTU STATE BiLods. 0 8utl. ?lSt kec ca hln4 Clemmed Pare Rri WliUkey. (no flavored Btuff) Pic Ma Wnlker! very toe. As good FIVE CENTS CIOARb aa tte market affords. Finest OYSTERS from hew lUror. Don't want a fortune i onoc. No headaches there. j Jun 21 ts-ank Books, JpAPER AND ENVELOPES, INKS, THE VERY BEST j BLACK AND RED, ALL KINDS OF ' l PLAIN AND FANCY If OFFICE STATIONERY, ALMANACS AND DIARIES FOR l-k For gale very cheap at j HEINSBERGEE'S, jan 23 . UveBook and Mnote Store! Cider ! Cider ! pt'RE APPLE CIDER, Cider ! JUST FROM THE PRESS : Call and loave your or ers and W"'at v- t McDOWJAllS. No. H Chestnut St, bet. Front and Water -JLLa , . .. Wllmlnjrton. N. C. 1,000 Hhds j TR1ME PORTO RICO MOLASSES JlUST X lauded direct from the lalaml. vhh tr- offer to the trade at prices to suit the timet m c o'uiraatce mis Aioiassos pure. j A Jo." jan . tf EDWARD KIDDER I WOOD! WOOD ! 1 ; FEW CORDS OF NO. J SPLIT OAK, Ash, Iilack Jack and Pine, full Icugth and well seasoncKl, ron sale cheap, just to koep our drays at work. A FULL LOAD EVKItr TIME. W. E. DAVIS A SON. tan i 1 Apples ! Apples ! Apples AN CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BESOU I l j N. Y. Baldwin Apples. Ohio Red Anolen. N Y. Creamery Butt ;r. N. C. Roll Kntter nhi.i! Butter, Va. Meal, dnr load or small order so llcltcd. " 1 ' E. G. BLAIR, f Cominleslou Merchant. 19 N. Second 8t. dec 31 1 . PUR0ELL HOUSE. 1 rjNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C B. u PERRY, Proprietor. I Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. Flrt-Clas n all U auTKlTtmnt. Tftrm. $2. II H Si. 00 a WILL 'If EVER FORGET rpHERE ARE PARTIES WHO ARE AND have been taking advantags of the! bjantalns ; to be had from SHRIER'S. The Salts and ' 1 1 Overcoats for Men, Boys and Children that ; are being slaughtered at the lowered, figure' i N j' 1 - ; you cannot buy the lnw material for. It Is ; our aim and intention to clean out air Winder i i r . . i Goods before our mammoth ttock of . rlag Clothing commences jroailng In, and will therefore dispose of our goods at prices bear lag little or no relation to their rrue or actnal value, and consequently will sell j J I Some O per cent, iess than vaiaei - - - i Some 30 per effnt. less than valae. Some 40 par cent, less than value. ,' - j It seem aecdlesa to comment an tho abor " ' , 'I unraTtuahed facts, but we desire tut to add that the inducements we offer daring this Jan !--. i i - . - uary tale are not only extraordinary but we beliere unprecedented and scaxoelj tojibare-, , . : i -i pealed in the fature. Monty ba rafandeif . . .... . i . Ml ' you can equai our gooas at toe ivw pnef s. I - i Convince yourself and call y ttTn rierP THE Jan 21, OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, lit MAR SET ST. John C. Davis, 1 ATTORNEY AND I, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ' .1 Wruoworoji, N. ! Office oer the Bank of cw Hanover. Practice tc all l he Courts of i;o Ut. ! Special atteotUn paid to the collection Steam Yacht Louise, 1 pASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEALER lor Smlthvillo dally. icat Vvr and acrota modaUona fine. The LOUISE 14 a mm j boat and la guaranteed safe. Wll! leave 8miibTl)l 8 A. H Jxave WllmlngUn 1 20 o'clock P. it. Wharf foot of Dock Street. j WM. WEEKS.. jan Id : Agent and Owner. SELLIfJC auTi HATS & FEATHERS 1 '; AT REDUCED PRICES. j ' URS. KATE C. flNES. i No- 119 N Sacoud 6trtt, nxt l'04t 0

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