Thn r nlhi f?Auinif7 j his iucuiU'ucro! . j oac as re 01 oto as possible from satifiao ftboiVbUollouo"wM!ASieclt!cfor CJiauro of Lift.'.; r MISCELLAIiEOTJS JOSfl. T. JAM US. VVutr IV. p vviLMIMSTo' N C. tiwi aai comfjrt. nee! when ho left il be wouM Us very apt" l Tvc it wiibout cceAh or honor.! The oflico of President, We Arc In receipt letter frora J. j- - , rf DnHid nf har Tfiflih . Hamby. Esq.. of Floral. Ark.. 1 o LAuy nOoUOU QT ner ieUl. She was a beautiful young lady o MONDAY. JANUARY e. r.a:- a: :t rt At wiir-.iajvB, n. c. pleasant, so much I hat Was unsatisfying, itKiuttc;.- j tbal bcforc l0D5 Icitcad ot men of high Chicago hmakiuj ao . Sort to tay character and slatoimapabp bceUog for tho dee baud wife' n; . t,.e dncamoio think tr one roome-ot of resided in that Sui bat cio year. which tho writer says: r Aerriwc cures iemaie c'cciinc. and dur-1 j uw r u. i o I hi- J . , V. ' " iibat wa diCicult. ao rcuh that was un- ...wjr n? bo handed V gava the wio-tPma- "was years ago, wnen pny- . " - r i i . i: : j tldo of divorce smokers. Ity amcotfolWJOJO wouw pc w wauw wiu IiioaithbeM that where & ha,. to accept, 'o aaia no iiicoocuiro. 'a U aU-j. This, it rnaf alned. will th PIc4SC' a: lhcre ,l"a wn e ,DO dow curtain." takine tho office. The cCl:Ial s:a'.emrot t f tl-.c raJus o brtadilutljctpuunl in Iff3 fn" only 310.000.000 bchiud rinj rp..rt fcr B32, Rotwithslandln; th ilrca .o( $(5.-WJ.0- in ralae t.f experte!; for thcro wji an iriere." ul t6.VT0.0'0 in i'ltoush on CocIl., Knocks a Couh or Cold endwise. For children or adults. Troches. 15c. Liquid. 50c. Atdruzgits. tha raui-of rtiur. tJ,IC0.0C In rye, Miairrtlon. lexsi $100.0 jt1 tiX. ,,.4 7.3C0.COO In corn Ckt -nearly P.riV.CCO worth of crn ao.f ! nYkS; RHOltTS G aires' on, Tekss. has a bicycle price to 2.30 rer meal hti- j gece cu' year. Tsonets in which' the rretticat rih It is ctamKd that $10.CK has W-n ar!l n-boancU. . r ,.. t . , . Talinao church has 'J.OC.'J member, spent at non.l-ro. Ncn- ik. in ar !or 4li more than BeecherV ransic lor n.l-:z iiwa by a new pri-j Uadi.resth was formally constituted cc4i dcTiscd by a French ir.itator. 1 h the capital of Hungary in 1373. iron, instead oj bcin ruehed acd run j Chicago newsboys bare a debating oflriatopif. Ii healed to what ii called society 'connection with their rood that Is Poisoned teeth breed i dvsDCPSia Such, at loast. is the declared opinion of medical men. ucajeay im wu wuu partly ins. aromatic SOZODUM, which clcara away corrosive particles whkrb lodge in tho teeth and produce an acid ferment, that in timo destroys m;r pnnmel and ruina them, it Drerentathc unspeakable annoyanee caused oy aciecuvc ieviur u u is ujcu while they can yet be saTcd from the des tructiro effecta of tartar and other im purities. Tho farmer's wife should wear sros t grain silk. .. Ncrrousneas, Nervous Debility, Neuralgia, Nerrous Shock, St. Vitus Dance. Prostration, and alt diseases o( Nerro Generative Organs, arc all per manently and radically cured by Allen's Brain Food, tho great botanical remedy. $1 pkg.. 6 (or $5. At drussists. or by mail from J. H. Allon, 315 First Ave. ! New York City. , cod&w. ; stcians used to administer a linuid aipooo heat, and all itcpuritic arc then extracted. leaving the refintd pro duct so sort that It may be cut with a knife. It Is said that by thii uew pro cejs a savin j of $21 a tcu is clTcctcd. Stmni rays cfliht are ilay by day eatin- out wtro and more -f tho ink in tho original parchment draft of the Declaration f Independence, which is kepi in a class case in the S:a:o Do psrtmonl library. Few of tho names aro now legible. Near tho p trcbuient is tho original, on Uulcip paper. Tl.e ink is as fresh as it was when it dropped from Jefferson's quill. Tho many erasures and i.iterlineations by Frank. Un. John Adams and others arc still perfect as to color. The piper is yellow with age. and worn through where il has bcn folded. Home. t ; U.-lh tho cotton and feuar crops ul the South yielded better than wa3 antic ipated. I Eight Amcricau ladica arc amonj the hix subscribers for the season of Italian opera. Paris. During tho ruceatiy closed lumber seasoii.nt Uanjor. tbo unusually larje cat of 173 000.1)00 feet was made. There U a btaudinj; reward of 500 for the apprehension of train wreckers, or the aiders or abettors, in Texas. Nearly every bz town in Texas seems to cither bavu an opera houso iu fact, in cour.oe of con?truction. or In View, , j Arrangements, for a free collection o parcchiTor Parcel Post transmission in all tho larC English towns are being made. It is estimated that there aro bctweeu ?0o ooo and SOO.000 cattle on tho Blacf fill a ranges, and not loss than 25.000 I horse. Coats of arm3 Sleeves. Aycr's Sarsaparilla t b-ins concen trated requires a smaller dose, and is more efFctiro, dose for dose, than any other, blood mcdicino. It is the cheap est, because tho best. Quality and not quantity fchould be considered. A deer child A fawn Accept our Gratitude.' Dk. Rl V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y Dear Sir: Your "Golden Medical Discovery" has cured my boy of a fever sore of two years Mandiajj. Please ac cept our sratitnde. xourn truly, 1 HENRY WHITING. Boston, Maw Matthew Arnold td a Chicago reporter on Saturday: "I Hod or.o thins in America which impresses me. It is thi tendency of tho people to tlock to the cities and to reek nn education that will fit them for c' r.;cal rather than manual labor. This is bad and is to bo remitted, ti the demand) of the country aro more fur manual labor than for such dulivs u lha peupdo KnerIly aro auxicui Id prepare tJicui selres for. It Is a srent mistake that the teudenfy of the yoisn: ?ple ispecially is tr city life " MiM Kehrrca (irsy. an infmi. lilM-n month oM. and vc;hini flsht pounds, wast litigant in Phi'.adt phi fr th rcenverv if a iliatour.d ri: v.ilut-il at $ 0 frm !h noiti ! a htw ! ihni city. whiTt: a initial i.riMl II M Th antb on 'i:'. tion ! - . , advert i'l tliit the v .rr. ! i ! nidji f!iM I, iv..:j . :,n i hnt.y that r i!. M u :; :U:. ;I r if ir r;S! Iiaiid. !. ' ,iu im. fl. anl nc ::t ti l(iinr l .'iv.-1,. i ; -rinj, Ihf u:! wn iti! .!t.ti ;.-fu!. I.NVtn to j j la!.!'i , m ! n lucuntoniA I'rtavented. Ovstcr Bat. Qlek.n Cousrrr. New Vokk. April II. 1833. I believe I have been saved from a terrible illness by Ali.cock's Porous PUVSTER3. About a month ao I won attacked with a violent pain in tuy chest, accom panied by fever and urea: difficulty in breathing? I apprehended pneumonia, is so prevalent at present; I went to beiJ acd applieujoce Allcoeks Piaster between 1113 ttjoulder blades and two on my chest. In an hour my breathing was mneh easier, in two hours the pain had left mo. and the m-'Xl morning f awoko rrfectly ' free froji lever. I went about my business at uual. and at th end ot a week took Shi piastursoir. For the last ten 'years Alleock's Plas- i-r rave nevn u-eii uy my lamuy wun i t!n l.-efi -nVet in did, roughs and pain j in i!f and baek. , It.- -me to .Ltain f .'ie'-ck V Priins P.a-'fr. a hI." othen a worthies.- Inii TIIEMAILS. Tloruit!la ciose od arrlre at tbo City Pos Nortl.t.Tii thronirh matU. fast J.00 P. M. Northern tlironKi aal wj mall?.... $.00 A. M. lUlclgn H.15 i 31. ana .w a. an. iUlit for th N. O. UaliroaU an-l route 8unplH-.l thci-c-lrom luclivl- tng A. A S. C. lUllroai at 7.00 I M. an t 8.00 A. M Southern Malla rorali polnta South. dally fi li A. M. and S.00 P. M. Western m&Us (C. C. lUUway) daUy, (except Sunday) ...8.13 P. JL All nolnta totwean Itarrrlei and Rat- ftin cia p. it. atallfor Cr.eraTvand Darlmifton Roll road CIO A. M, and 8.00 P. M. alalia for points between Florence and Charleston 0.13 A. M and 3.00 P. M, Fayertevine tuni offices on Ca Fear Clvcr, TuoedAjs and Frldaya 1.00 P. M. VftyetterUlo, rta Lumberton, dally, except Sandars 6.13 P. M. Onslow C. II. and Intermediate oA- cm. Tueattays end Fridays COO A. M. Smith villa malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sunday) &S0 A. M. alia for Easy Hill. Town Creek. Shallotteand Little River. Tue- ri:isoNA i,. li-.i;a!'cu is it blew 1 h.r firt .ui:. !"ilv 1!'C!i is h brewer n' wcil n a( drinUer l in:r. ' Sii 1 1 s . k c- is it wiur dealer in.! iuiiiui-t::u'r. It -in it ik fci-N e tl.tin thai trichind !'$ 1 ho t;i - br lr. I.asker. days and Fridays 6.00 A. M. WrlhtaTtile, dally 8.30 A. M. 'OPEN FOR DEUVKEY. Northern throurh and war malla.... 7.30 A. M Sontttern Malls 7.S0 A. at. Carolina Central Railroad 9. 00A. M. Mali a couected from street toxea pualneeg iiortion of city at 3 A. M..11.S0 A.M. and 3 30 1' M. and from other polntr ot the city at 3 P. M. ! 1 Stamp Ofllee open from 7 A.M. to 6 P. Moner order and RprtBtr Department open irorn 6 A. M. to 5.30 P. 31. Oencrai delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6 P. M .n.t on 8un1-ix8 from 8.30 to 9.. A. M. Carr!e6, delrrcry oin on eco-lay fnin.?.;0 o .30 A. M. , y I 1 ,0 wf' Mother' s Spinning Wheei. CiMiccrtilug One Article tlmtj ws Not ForSalo, and An otlirr rrhiclt 1 Clinp nt 1 Any Price. "No, tr, I wool la't eU yon that for any j itmiCt; tliat Hpluulp wheel wai my tnothor' 1 j It was oao dty, when t.Ho wai tdnlnp; like a quills or glass tubes, so that it could v swallowed .without coming in con t with the teeth. This young lady iad been prostrated by a severe at tack of illness,' and iron was given tc her to restore her to something like her former condition of health. By some mismanagement, or possibly by her own carelessness, she. took the doses of iron in such a way that they touched her teeth. She thought her teeth were hard enough, and did not realize the power of the cherai- mIs contained in that preparation o: rou to eat through the enamel and honeycomb the teeth. The conse quence was that her teeth, which had Sofn ;in vcrntirnallv faultless . set were utterly ruined.' First the cnamd -ent. Then the substance of the :ccth Ix'came like chalk, and soon juV.hlr.g was left but a lot of unsightlv .... " ' ';. I lad -BroizvCs' Iron Bitters then ': it obtainable,- this young lady -'ht have saved her teeth. As il - s, she had to submit to the pain 1 mortification of having them ex- -i acted r.rA artificials inserted in .li'.ir place. j Hie beauty of the iron container 1 Brown's Jron Bitters is that itlis ' re preparation, free from every ii io'3 feature or ingredient. It can f.:t io harm, nor can it fail to -de -!. This' preparation of iron iz oniyone mat can be taken witlv 1 1 dainagc to the teeth. .1 j . To build up weiur, systems, to ck Toy dyspepsia, todrive put the ef fc of malaria, to regulate troublesji;. iyers, to alienate kidney distresses and to confei strength and health Brown's Iron Bitters . is 1 what the people want- -.Th?-dniprTist has it. ICAIIiKOAXS, Railroad Company. I - WUratoyton, N. aror 17,13. 1 ivholeeale email orders W110LESA.M: i.Plc;, S2T Tho following prices gcnmTir re higher prices hate to" dee 8- nrm tc d&-w cd First National Bank of iWil- mington,; CAPXTAISTOCK 8UKPLU3 FUND ...... .M. ........... VW!VW .J m.m AN AND AFTER NOVR 18, 1S33, AT 1.C3 UA. M., Passenger Trains on tho vuming- ton & Weidon Railroad win run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAII.T NOS. 47 NOXXn AXJ 48 SOUTH. Ixaro WlbHlnaton-Front St. Depet, 8-33 A. M Arrive at Weldoa.. ...... ....:..... 2.51 P. M Lprvo Weidon... 3.00 P. f M Arrire at WUm'fiton, Front SUD S- Y. U Fax Through Man. & passenger TKAQf Djjxt No. 40 south. Leave Weidon..............'....".... 3.50 P. M ArrlToat Wltai'gton.Frcmt St. D'p't 10.55 P.JH MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS DAU.T i No. 45 North. - - ' . . Ioare WilmlnfftoB. . R 8.00 P. M. Arrive. at Weidon................. 2.V0 A. M. Mail ax Passestioes Tbaixs Nos 1$ and 43 Leave WUnilneton. CSnndavB ex ccpted).....................lS0 A M Amre at eiQon.... ........ .....i. r so a m ixave wcKion, (iionaaya excepted)!. 03 A M Arrive at WllEilngton.- 6.53 A M Train No. 40 South will elon onlr at Wilsmv. Goldjboro and ilagnolia. Trains en Tarboro Branch Road Icsvo Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 1.S0 A; M. and 4.30 P. M... Dally, (Sundays excepted). Heturnlnz. lc ve Tarboro at 10.0C A. M and 3 P. M. Daiir! Trabas on Scotland Neck Branch Road In ic Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.2a-1. m . r. leave Scotland Neck ats.a aL dally except Sunday. , lxamiKO. 4. mate close connection at H don for all oliit3 North Dallr. All rail wcawn'i, anu any except sunday via Ba Line. Train Na. 43 runs dallr and mnkrMr.lnkrlnn ncclton for all Points North via Ktchraond aud All trains mil tSOlld betWCOn Wl'mburtnn an Washlncton. and have Pullman Palais era attached , For accommodallon of local travol a paseen ger coacn win do attached to local freight leav ing wuoiing-ion at 7.00 A. M. Dally - .13 i 1 IS AQG1NG Standard........ if. fK . BACON Ncrth CaroHni: Jlams. k fh.. . WESTEUN SMOKED- Hams......... Sides. V Ib..............V.V" ? Shoulders.. j PSa DRY SALTED 08 ;, .Sides, V lb.. Shoulders, V Vs. I!v BAIiRELS Spbrlts Turrnt": w. t beeswax v ft.:.:.;::::: BRICKS, y M BUTTER, V By orth Carolina..... Northern.. ...... CANDLES, fi Sperm... .., Tat low.. AdarnjuiUac.. CUEESE, fi ; , , Northern Factory... Dairy, Cream.... State . COFFEE, V lh Java....r..........'.....j... Lagnrra. ..........."....,;.,.. tuo.. .......... ........ ! i ' ! t r 1 9 I 13 I JO;!1 U s J CORn'meai" b-us!,' in sacks ru2 c Sunday. Dally except JOHNT. DIVINE. I General Superintendent. . T. M. E31KSSON, enera ?assoncr Aeot. -nov J7 , i Wilmlngtcin, - Columbid & Augnsta IL II. Co. OrVICK OF GSMKSAL SUFSXUXTJEWPliirT. WUmlnsrtMs, N. C. Nor 17,133. Change of Schedule, r ON AND AFTER NOV'K lhih" i3, at 4.53 A. M., the following Paawnser asenco u c wilt bo run on this iV?ad : y. No.42 Leave WilmIngton,(Mondavs- i c xrepted) 7.15 AM I" Arrive at Florence.... .....11.40 AIM No. 45 -Leave Ft rence, (Sundays I excepted).. 4. ....... ...... 7.40 P M " Arrive at Wilmington...... tt lu P it NIGHT KX PRESS DRAINS, DAJX.7 Noa. Weetand47 East. . Iieave Wilmington..". P. Ai Leave Florence........ S.4 A. &w Depoelta received aad collections; nade on all aecesslble polnfaln the United States. Dl RECTO Kt K. E. aURRUSS, I). . WORTOi i I A. MARTIN. JAS. SPEUNT, I' GKOKGK CHADtSOUlW. I Pa titmu n4 4') . ('ioxemment u t book 11 t;:i- i;".i r- 5 a tl - -eii i Ink hivI rualtn; tbU oM wheel Ijuti, Hint my Mr- l'i"t wrilien n i-m to ; tibrr, Uxn jonxu me-I'cil st.t nt, after li.- .!!! h ipay- notaati i n"arsi4 a fanner, fell In Uo hh her aom i.'t.i. I )-.r !. u:i t th' !-ly 1 U li.-vu tt.e I" ,. ipsuaiil fi'ttun us Nptr York hip. t. b Khp. tJfTy y.-nrs aje.' No rolto the irorrletr of a nju-zb bit of firm hin'l la Ufctcr Cwnty, N. v., t a relic ; hunter. ai1 "uio'ticrV ej''.nrtor-whX:l rc- m:i'nel awonjr tcr rni!!Tn ana j?ranKbiM mauul.tct'UU'j tvi. r..w. iu The .larju:i of IMHlu:;iIcrrv b a coal ren. ! . rrppnMtion U th-,: i!,h (;uvrin..,,.n:;nKTcl.?n!.tr.Y.rortii.BC Iroai roi, ';Mj '"iS ? hali ' -a.lo:t nl pul! :i i ,a Durham nu.1 Ja:du tl :it M. v. paiiucb's TONIC and vr!sh-s me to , V , . , ! Jonu & what I, Lonl nil h; I liu -. ti ibe h is fjun'J H mere efforti than eleQientnry bixk tor ? rartior '!ot I'arliamer.t ' j anythii;-? sheerer uscl for lnvlgoratlo? and rtr4CtlvmflU ,upii, ,a ..r ruWoj' -i;, 3SS , cblc30 .WiES.'Ka school.i. tvhlch ha'l oh'aiti in all i.iirt Avnw. ,,nh( t wr!l kuon In mil- the rcrtatuty with which It Wt dirrtl.ii and orFlCKRS : E. K. UURRUVS A. K. WALKER. Arrive at C. C- A A. Junction i GJiS A. M. Arrive at Colnmbla I .40 A. M. Ieave Columbia.. S. 55P. M, Leave C; C. & A. Junction.....;... 10.20 P. SJ. Iave Florence... ..4... ". ... 4.33 A. M. Arrive at WilmJgton....1.. ,8.23 A. M. Niqiit MAn. ard PAsssOEBTAnf, Dan.T SO. A't WEST. , Leave Wllralhgton... 10.40 V. il Arrlcat Florence .j.,.. 145 A. &J MAfL AND PASSKNGSR TRAIN Dailt . I- j . No. 43 East. - Fleroneo at....... P. M Arrive at Wilmington. ?. I. M Train stops at all Stations. V 3 No. 40 stops only at Flomlngtoy.. and Slarlon P avengers for Columbia and all llnu un u c. R. it., C, & U. R. Stations: Allien .Jt?ne Uon. and all points beyond, should take the Night Express. - isparate Pubnan SIecpert for Charlcsto: and August on Train ti. All trains run solid between Charleston snd Wilmington. ! i . - 1 Local freight loaves Wilmington -dally ex cept Sunday at 6,10 A. M. 1 - 1 i i ' JOHN F. DIVINE, 1 " 1 tteneral Superintendent T. 31. EMERSON, tieaeral Passenger Agent nov 17 i . Sheeting, 4 4. V yd. ' fi. A Yarns. -V bunch. ........ " J , . EGGS, dozen....,.; .. ' FIS11 - v--; : .. f3 Mackerel, No. 1, f bbl..'.:.u'u ft,1 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.. s ao ei ! Mackerel, No. C, V bbl..,. .. 9 00 t.,' Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.. & 00 1 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl 7 :j 15; Blutlets, bbl....... ......... 1 00 V1 Mullets, Pork bbls.. ........ 700 (. Zi&nKentog, kejf,.;. 3 00 lIV lWI. TTV. I m. FERTILIZERS, V t.000 1' v i ji'cnivwin liuano. No. l.....Mfi7 M Baugb's Phosphate.... ....... 00 0 tt 4 CarolbiaFeruler ......45 00 cxt Ground Bono- ...........00 00 c Bono Meal.... ..00 f ru Bone Flour. .,00 00 ij Navassa Guauo....f. ....... ..40 00 cut Complcto Manure.. I...... ..00 00 4!t Whann's Phosphate. ......... 00 00 ext Wando Phosphate. ..00 00 rfttt Bergcr & Ruiz's Phosphate. 00 00 Excellcnza Cotton Fertlllzer.M 00 47?! French's Carlonate of Lime... 7 W French's Agricultural Lime.... 8 '60, ou FLOUR, V bbl ' t Fine.............:.:....:;; 0 w i ruriucfu cuivr. ........ ...... u en) Extra.. ..' 6 00 t,v ; Family.............. 7 00 ttitl ntv Miiiftv.xtm .... cm t " : , Family 5Ts nta Extra Family.... 8 K a GLUE V lb. ..L. li t u GRAIN, V bushel ' Corn, from store, bags, white.'" ( a t Corn, cargo, In hulk, white.. " 4 I c - Com, cargo, mixed. In bags.. - a I i Oats, from store.. ' , a ,a c Cow Pcaj. .................... w a HIDES, -Ib- V Green ft lv -Dry j1 11 o l SAY, 100 lbs- . . 1 j Eastern...... ........ .....v.... 1 so a IV -Western 1 15 ft)t! North River....... 75 o 1! HOOPilRON. VIb.........;... ": 10 I ; ..... , . I j ... Northern...... J...... 1040 1 North Carolina......;..!...... 00 a LIME, & barrel... ..140 0 LUMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. . SbipStnn. rcsawod 18 00 trx twiign ioge rianx.... is 00 citl rWe8tIndlaCargoes,accorlSng - tequcMtv... ....IS 00 4tli Dressed Floorinar. seasoned. .18 00 4r3 1 ScautJlcg and Board. com'n..l2 00 i CU I, MOLASSES, V gallon i Vvw 1.!.. LL J. a. . ' iiCH VIVUUUUBiUl UUUImli i vu m JL . in bbls - Porto Rico, In bads.. (A ft IS " . in DDIS.. ........ won usar Houso. In hhds... V . " tcbbls.... Syrup.Inbbla 40 a I B O tt Oft A N v mm tm NAILS. V K eg. Cut. lOd basis.. 0 00, OU OJLS, 4 gallon s H , . Kcroscue.. . ................. i lr O l&rd...... 1 10 Ol4 w a 1 1 1 so on co a 1 00 at rresident. Oaehlor W. LARKIN8... A'wt Cashier sc'aooU " Tbuooly rea ! j:vc f .r wa uus:ncsi circ.e in Uucao, ft.t. ..v,... th ,r.. ... w rtfi where he reside J for a number of j cars ihjs icbeuia i that iho ront oosl whHe lie wono oftho chief ofTicera rf chooi books, greatly AujiucnuJ by tho th Chicd-o. Iturilniton and iQuincy .frtnacal chants that are esonUal to j Railroad. ; is admirably qualified to tho profits of the school-book rv,z sn"i0,.th prt'f idcDCi" ot tho Kortbern r- .ni f .1.1 .0- I Pacfic wv.lroad. to wbich.he has been readers tho sjcsI.eJ freo-chor.l j u. tt . i.,t , both as a railrond ciauaer ami on gen eral principle, conferva tire, practical, intelligent and cnergttic, bo poss3Ees the very quail ics that appear to bo in urgent demand at rrci?cnt in tho North ern Pacific management. His elect-on to tho head ot ila aOTatrs will go tar tow ards straightening out its ;tinanccii and restorioj confidenco io its future." tern qnitolhc revcrso of free. - - - A U'ailiinitoa letter of Tuesday aYs: Gcn. Sherman Itlt for S; !ouis last ntht. While here he. saw most of his Intimate friend and con verse! Trvely as Us himself aud his rlan for the future. To a personal frianJ, who saw him lit night y.a' before bis ilepartnrc, Lo said i;t the- most positive manner, that he could only rcUcrato nbat bo had prcriouly uttered as to tho mention of h:s name for tbo Presidency. lie said if Le was nominated by acclamation in the con vontioa and received the electoral vote ot every StA'o in the Union he would sUll decline. Ho looked fnward for tho remnant of bis days 'to a life of comfort and case and aa entire freedom from earn or worry of any kind. Ha thought it would be the supremest kind of foHjr lor hi oi to be tempted by tho bvable of tho Presidency to enter tho Wblto House and have four jeara of strife, contention, irritation and criticism to encounter. To accept tbo Presidency would necessitate bisro tiring from tho army and at the end ot lour years bo would be remanded to private life, j an lito Grant, who was trying to earn a living in tbo precarious occupation 'ol a broker la Wall street i)oatteopla might eavy Arthur, but nvon-otneh exhaustion. fcrr O.nco the first household was oetabTiob cl 'mottovrV oplhlon has been more poteut lo ihU flioiM than that of jugo. jurist or f'hyn'.claii. Ilcrhand has always cooled the over an-1 her 'dec has been tilled with hope With each day' decline. PARKER'S TONIC Is becomtn tcore deservedly popular with the women who guard all Wo hut band and child ren. It eradicates malarial poison from the blood, from which there Is now such wide spread buffering. Please observe: Dr. PARKER'S TO NIC Is not nn intoxicant. , UUa combination ot tcv cmI Intcredh-nts, of which none slsgly can prudaco aujthbig like Its fcfl'cct. For Kidney, stomach and Liver troubles. It Is tbo standard and nafaUlo remedy. In two sizes; 10 cents and St. The Utter the cheaper. Hiscox A Co , Chemlttts. New York. jan ll-lmdw A fViairt tint ltvrnfl llnln I Dr. M. H. Hinsdale, Keuawec, 111., advises us of a rcmarkablo euro of consumption. He says: "'d wifewai attacked with lung disease, aud pronounced beyond help from Quick Consumption. At a last resort the faruilv was persuaded to try DR. WM.HAUS BALSAM ''FOR THE LUNG!?. To tho astonishment of all, by tbo timo she had used one half dozen bottles sho was about tho house doing bcr own work. I saw her at her worst andhad no idea sho could recover. ' . ' A school girl on bangs 'with all they are falso I love them sUll. Washington, D. C, May 15th, IbSO. Having been a sufferer lor a long timo from nervous prostration and reneral debility, I was advised to try Hop Bitters. I havo taken one bottle, and I have been rapidly getting better ever since, aud I think it tbo best med icine I ever used. I am now calninz strength and appetite, which was all gone, and I was in despair until I tried your Bitters. I am &ow well, able to go about and do ay own work. Before Lakloe iL I was completely prostrated. . MRS. MARY STUART. J Ealeigh Register. J5JARLY IN FERRUAnr-as soon a the piioters receive the necessary tnaterlil-the publication or the RALE1GU RfcGISTEK, as North Carodna DcraocTittc TDcwepapc,, .will be commenced. TJ Rcgisteb win be printed weekly until the great political campaign of US1 begins. It will then bo if rued twice a week, or as often as may be useful or neceeary to the Demo cratic rarty La North Carolina. It will be printed from new and beautiful type on good white paper, and though lc tnav not be largo enough to hold all at onca aU the good things to hkwi3k proapeciafeee sometimes promise, yet toe applieallcn of a thorough knowledge or how to use them will pat Into iu thirty two broad colamaa all the news, much good reading, and a complete history of what is dose la North Carolina. Mr Hate will be eel tor ot the Register. The price of the Register will be $2 a rear, tl for six months, ray for your home paper, and then remit foe the RegUtcr. Thosewho remit J to this oCice win receive asapreml nn either volume ordered of "Hale's Indus trial ferW 1 wo jroiumca are now ready : The woods A5t Tubus or Nouth cxb-CLW4- CvnU, Emmons and Kerr's Bo tanical Eepor s; supplemented by accurate Couaiy Reporu of fcUUlic Forests and il lustrated by an excellent lisp of tho SUte. 1 volume. mo. loth. 274 p ft I Drs hues or Nosrn Cxkoixsta-i the Cojo. A5D Ikox Corvrncs. Kajmn'. Kerr's. LalcUev's. Wlikea. and tho Ceneaa Reports; cupplcmected by full aod accurato aketcnes ot the Fllty six Countis and Map - of tho BUte. 1 volunelSmo. Cloth. IZSvvL ILW. Address RAIXIGU ETGLaTZR, J 1 1 Ralstgh, X. C ' New Buckwheat I New Buckwheat JEW RUCKWIIEAT AND WHITE Syrn to suit, received by New York Steamer to-diay Also, Cakes and Crackers of every variety, fresh and crisp, and a geucral stock of Fresh Groceries usually found In a flrst class Gro eery at Crapon's Family Grocery, GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, Oct 29 ! South Front St , 1884. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 Pages, j rCTTED TO BOTF XXV . OIKLS OF FXOX Sn TO 8IXTEEX TEi.ES OF AGE. 1 Vol V. commences November 6, 18S3.j Habtek's YOcng People Is the best week ly for children la America Southwestern Christian Advocate - All that the artists ekul can accomplish in tho war ot Illustration has been done, and the best talent of the country has contributed to its text ew England Journal of txlucauon, Boston. In its special field there is nothing that can be coraparca wxtn it Hartlom Evening Post. i - TERMS : I HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. I . Per Year, Postage Prepaid, ,I sa blKGLE NrxCESS. FourCenU each. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cts. The Volumes of Harper's Young People for ca s. ana imsi, nanasomejy Doana m iiiunuaa ted Cloth, will be sent by mall, postage pre paid, on receipt of 3 00 each. Cloth Cases tor caen -volume, suitable lor binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of so cents Remittances should be made by Post Office Monciy Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Uakpeb Jk BXOTHXXS. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, ,noTt4 , ... - New York." Old Newspapers JJOB SAXX VERT CUSAP. apt.t is . ; Tiiia orrioB Carolina Central It. R; Company.: OSriCS or OKKEBAl. BUPERlKTEKPistrr, i WllmingtonjN. C June'lSth. 1S8S. i M 0 10 a r 75 1 1 10 O ll 3L JS. Change of Schedule. u N AND AFTER JUNE 13th, 1883, THE O No. I, i following bcneauie will be operated on thlr RaUroad : j PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sundays. " ' Leave Wilmington at....... .7.00 P, M Leave Raleigh at. ....7.35P. M Arrive at Charlotte at 7.00 A. M ) Leave Charlotte at.. ...... ..8.I5.P. M No. 3.J ArrtveRalelghatii.. ..80 A. M ) Arrive at Wilmington at....S.23 AT M Passecger Trains stop at regubir stations only, and points designated in the Company's Time Table. . . --1 - : ,:y. J SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. i Leave Charlotte. fl.j p. Arrive at Shelby 9.00 P.M. Leave Shelbv.i 7.00 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte. ....10.30 A. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Ral Through SlceplnrCars between Wllmlngtos and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. 1 asks xL.Ior etatcsvllle, stations Western N C R R, AsherUle and points West I Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens Atlanta and all polpts Southwost.- i L. C. JONES, ' . Superintendent.. r. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent tune 13 t t i.iurvM.. ...... .... . Dim). MWill .. a. ....... Tar...... t . I - - J. A i iitxs iiii;pai,M... pni.Tiv 1 Chickens, lire, grown... i.;. spring Turkey's ws- TE AN UT8 T bushel.'. ........ POTATOES, V bnshel- Sweet. Irish, V bbl................;.. t'uiui, v barrel 1 . City Meee.............. .3 CC cXll Prime.'.;.. ...looo ei'.t Rump.......... ........17 00 sT'JI Kicis Carolina. V lb... Rough, V bushel ." RAGS, V ft Country... 4 City. ........... ............... rope, r it; SALT, V sack, Alum..r... Ltverpoo - Llfibon.. Amcrlean SUGAR, V ft Cuba.. Porto Rico...., A CWec.. , B ...4 C j Ex C Crushed.........: wv. , V IU i'Hi tUtl U. ........ IB. W SHINGLES, 7 In. M.... 10 M . LKmmon... .............. 2 I Cypress Saps 4WiMw i Cyprees Hearts 0 00 1 0 1 M STAVES tf- M-W. O. Baml..l 00 011 R. O. Hogshead. .........00 00 010 TALLOW, ft 4 C TIMBER, V M feet Shlppug.13 00 14 FlneMlU. ........11 15 Mill Prime..... 7 M 01 I'MUlFatr.'.......- SOO0I Common Mill... 5 00 0J - Inferior to Ordhiary.. J 0 00 0 W1USKEY, gal Northern.. 1 00 0 I North Carolina.;. ,.1 00 0 ,5 1 WOOL. ft-Wasnea.......i.. 15 ..Unwashed... , I. 0 Burrv ...,U 11 0 4ua 1 w lilt Uft0 00 0 j 00 0 ! 00 0 loo a 00 a 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 mo 0 a 1 t 5 ft M 2? Y Slate & Uonre CUiciqa. y- f ' 1 BAND CAT ALOiixC mrm tl jJJbU , r postage, a-d wj "M mall von free, a royal, tHo box of sample good that-will pot yoo tt i way of making more money In a few r- you ever thought possible at anr" Capital not required. We will start foo. J ran work all the time or la eparo llnseo; Tfce work Is universally adapted tobotiKi' young and old. Yon can easily earn p"! cents to $5 every evening. ThataJ! work may test the business, we make ! paralleled oCcr; to ail who are not w.r: fled we will send $1 to pay for the tros-f; , trrKlnivfi. TT It . I . lM'nEL - sent free. Fortunes wlM be bads by who give their whole time to the work. success absolutely sure. Don't delay. t now. Address Srnrsox & Co.. fff, Maine., 4 - , - j aorSOdW' best book ever sold for less than rsUi price. The fastest selling book In ap: Immense profits to agents. All 1 -TV-people want it. Any one can becoas cessful acnt. Term free. UAtxerf ' J Co., Portland. Maine, v cot t04s& H. O. Premfiert PERSONALLY IN ATTENDANCE at bis FashltsnableSharufand rrfprHufntvi. at NO. 7 SOUlh Front Htrmet VnfiTTi.t hMt . .vT .ulTi. . ,U9 1 wor, wiui aoRoxute certainty. wn - pWci1: A PPT1?!? Beed slx cents forrJ XA. . J. ADX4UXJ ; lf7 "f?.1 aira7 thvi anything f " W. Iu. of cftber sex, succeed frofl and receive s free. box of goods which will helD 100 V moncnr rl-ht mxrn-w Ih.n ...ihn. e'SS world. All W IV1 WJSf hour The broad road to fortune ores Jrw vhj.,: Auguetav,uv wv -.-vtau jyw Cfi week at home, iC0 cntf J yy O Pay absolutely sure g Capital not required. Reader, if 7 Js btwicess at which persons of either 'JvZ or okl, can make great pay all tfce work, wltfi absolute certainty, writs

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