xmsrArm wt' tpted by JOSH T. JA3IKS ; trrIo aDrsorsizToa. paij Tkrwi One mesth, 13 ccat. ... . 1 rerrlerm fire F ,rirtrxioKs rosTAOE pa. -' . . . :4 , ri5rJv ... ttSrrUr. ttba!rre la IT r 1 n H j PLSAS5 K0TTC2. We win to gUui lo receive communication from our friend on any and all subjects. - igtaeralfttcreetbot ' ' j 1 i 'iff r-r i trO " ' in II I 77 f fn-y ?ncr has lie larval j HYOL. VIII. WILMINGTON." N. C TUESDAY. JANUARY 29. 1884. NO. 24 LOCAL NEWS. ft,.. rrvTYcrk police captains , , . Jets, in all S3Aprron. bin cjV:IV;uiucicV ! i veck. Ar aurj banquet rnoug r iu--s 1 J . . . I Ir. MUlmrn nt Burlaw. ! Wc understand that Ucv. Dr. Milburn will lecture at tlurgawon next Saturday j and Monday. Subjects: "What a i Blind Mau Saw in England', for Salur etics ct: Etch iu dra.nk nr.arly ! of Nm" Yrk Nc YcrVi r'ar.' commissioner which tU avH bought to the .cut 3t j-.rjoaa jba: be retired to eaw the "JjcJ ia ltc rariou,i 1 .cblic cho'!, ctbrr tcatitatiosg. Cooiaaodorc K. W. Kctts-m: the vet fra:itarii:c of Mionwota. ii in ucb ; w,r health that he cm no looker pre In jrJ3at attention io hi sreat trct rz racin; stable s. aud Le fill W.Ver at a health icsortin this Stale. M ii Ctuin I lock wait, ol Dajtoo, :Ic dressing for her brothers The cewa reached the lnda. ?itty whi'e they were waitins her ar 5;n; i:i chcrch. The luarriasc ccrc- ;, r.-.v wa pronounced, but amid tears. . .. . , la ornaments, ait to imitate dia Bijisd. rubles. e!c. are now made in lir;. find they are illuminated by a incandescent lamp. vhoso power ,.,nunfrouasnall battery which la rcea'.edupon tho person. The bril 1 aacy cf the ornament can be easily I:i.ax:.r.el. u ..- A,itra,.icarri4 oil the palm in the pr&!u' ti n o! ueful triH. One fur Ti.iU il vabnitutc for butler, r,r:.w hxt et! from which a meal if ruj.nd wtrich i ff food, and ai iitf r iresi it pod prfnlueeift maw hbrr iWiich. like cotton, can be used :kuS mattresses and cushion . C C Yatl Scbool Books, 4c , lttyp Uh'js. & DcIiosaEi Onloo Set Jamc A rout. rrojr ifarritoo PUTiirjr jay oud cither "Stonewall JacksoaM or ' -'Aaron. Burr" on Monday.- The lcci J IUICJ will IBttl 4UIIUg .UVVijoj, j besinutos at 13 -o'clock. - full bouse on both oeciions are confidently cx pfctcd. ' - - " , For other lM!alj sco fourth page. M "" """""" " Korlli Carolina i per cent bouds are quded in New York at 82 cents on the doliar. ! Tho IArioso Pleasure Club hare Ihfcir Gcruinu at (jcruama Hall this crenio;. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Tho naaao of Ilia wrliertatBt aJwy t fu j Coamua!caKoca anst te wrltura ba onl oce M of the paper. rersotal'.tica toast M atcMM. Ae4UU epodaUj and farcoU?iy unl looa tfeat Uts Editor toes not alvaja eadei lis news of corrcfpon-iecU ualcia sV rate tntascdJtoilal eolumas. ! ... i ', NEW ADVERTISEMENTS STATEMENT ' ' - - . . "'j - -. -r ,- ' -.' ,.: of -- ! w: i . NEW ADVERTISEMENT THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO,, OF NEW YORK, i Jas. A. Fore, Propr'toiy narnson Planing Mills.' 1 P. S. WINSTON, Presldpiit. ASSETS...... Ton THE T VB KIDiyG DCCSMBEB 31st, 5-5. .. o .$101,148,248. So. We haro been blessed with tip-top North Carolina weather to-day, for which we hope everyone is duly thank ful. ' " There i plenty of inud and lo3h everywhere now, but fur pure. unaduN tcrated, well-mixed mnd. Chestnut street, between Second and Third, will : take the cake. Thu children, happy under tho influ ence! the genial snn, were iu the streets' in crowds this afternoon and added to the cheerfulnes which almost everywhere prevailed. J.ho F. daNavarro his lurntd hla a j-arluicnt houses in New York over apartmcQt asaociatioas that arc to be called, as the bui:dir;s thtuidve3 sre, Madrid. Lisbon, Salamanca. Ciranada, Velencta, Cordova. Toh not! IJarcc !.na. after towns in Mr. Navarro uaiive Spain A rr.-fwSior in tho Unireriity ol lp- ala t-:Trs tu freeze any pcrou wiuj t'.: v.l mtcer, dfprivin,; them of all ;; iiance of vitality, and to Lrinj 'm aruind again at tha etpiralion of tTorar withouriojury. N one ha ransrulcnl to the experiment, and it is l-ropvetl to try i. upon $'mc condemn ed criminal. Albert (Irccn, colored, was before the Mayor this inorninz j charged with disorderiy conduct, but at the request of the defendant the henrin? in the caso was postponed until Thursday, the 31st in st. 'Twelfth Xigbt." with Motljeaka. to morrow night and "A Bunch of Keys" on Thur?day night, after which there is no engagement at th Opera House un til Feb. 7th. when Bart.ey Campbell's celebrated play of "Thf White Slave" l will be presented. corrcsptmdent and subscriber .for an Superior Court. Inth case of J. I. Melts vs. W. P, Oldham, which was oa trial when our j report closed yesterday, the jury re turned a verdict in favor of- the (ie fendaut. The case of Mildred A. Oldham, ad ministratrix of Carney W. Oldham, vs. the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, was then taken up and the examination of witnesses was proceeding when onr report closed. A Distltisrutelictl Visitor. Hon. John P. Linton, oi Pennsylva nia, Supreme Chancellor of the Order ofKuights of Pythias, is expected to arrivo in thi3 city on Thursday morning next. Stonewall Lodge, No. 1, and Gcrmania Lodge, No. 4, K. of P., of this city, havo appointed a committee, consisting of flvo from each Lodge, to make preparations for his reception here, and they will hold a joint.meeting to-night for the purpose ol perfecting the arrangements. He will remain here during the day and will be th guest of the Order while here. Hence ho will go to Charleston. S. C. , leaving hero on Friday morning to meet hi3 ap pointment there od Saturday next. ' Distinguished StranjreM. Hon. R. T. Lincoln. Secretary of War. accorapaioed by Genis. Wright and Park and Co!. Craighill, of the Engineer Department of the Us S. Army, Arrived in the city this mornUig from Washinclon. They were met at the depot by Capt. Pennypacker, Sheriff Manning, and Hon. A. II, VanBokkelon, T&arcurrr account. ' . v ..---So. Annuities J n force, Jan." 1st, 'S3. 55 Premium A unulttea. ............ Annuities iMued. .............. 7 An Pay's. $19 203 n 3,712 44 4.435 40 S27.S4G 75! f Ko. Annuitle ir. force, Jan. 1ft, 'SI, 61 Premium Annuities Annoitle Tcrmintci ..1 i 2 An: Pay's 23.13 i 1 537 43 t27,?l 75 . 1X8UKANCJI ACCOUNT. Policies la force, Jan. Ist. j 1S63. 10C,tH C!skaasumcl.... 11, Ml 117.745 Account. ! $129,534,174; 87.8' 0 537! f387,364,'.7li I . : " No. Policies iu iorco. Jan. 1st, is4 .iio,9?0 Elski Termtnato!.". 6,755 U7.745 Amount. , 21,413,733 Jj367,i564,'i71 IT sow iuvb iirT.r. irua witji I LJ? wpjetMt),. and OPERA HOUSE. EXTRA I EXTRA 1 One NJg oi Only T vrcns4ay, Janmrr sct. ; . . Farefvel! American Tour ! Ergagcmejit of the Eialaeat Polbh Actreis, MODJESKA I f - Supportetl br MaurlnollI- Earrvmore and a i. ktrong Dramatic Company. I On n-bicu cccasiou wiil H rreaentefl Sialics pearo'a - ,i i Twelfth Wiffht I ' Dr. H15.VEXUE ACCOUNT. Cn. To Balance from last accoaut. . . .$33,7S2,9?C 0S Premium received., 13,457, 92d 44 ' Interest and Uents.... ........ , 6,u4?,9t4 45! By pai'l Death Claims " " Matured Endowments.. Total el'ims $7,062,056. 73 ; " Aunult es.... ! Diridends......... " Surrendered Policies and Additions Total paid Poliov-hold-T8 ?13,P59,360 51 " Commissions(paymentof current and extinguish ment of future) " Premium charged on on Securities 1 Purchased. " Taxs and Assessments. $111,2S3,S7S 97! - i Expenses. . Balance to New Account f 5.C95.795 01 2,SC,i(il 73 27,C61 SS 3,13491 69 2,S3lU55 71 SSG.126 90 415 472 22 2 6 057 CU 834,75i 70 94,97i 103 86 $111,233,87! 97 Dp. BALANCE SHEET. CR To Beeerve at f our per cent.... $95,571,877 00 .. .Tioima 1-kTT namn wtrtr tror nnn IV . ; in 22,794 35 3,479 tC 4.CSo.462 34 Claims by death not yet due " Premiums paid la advance.. " Agents' Balances.... " Hurplus and Contingent Guar antee Fund ii i; By Bonds Secured by Mortgages on Real Estate $4G 303 472 34 " United btatea and other Bonds 25.279.C40 00 Loans on Collaterals 15,037,910 0 4 JResl Kstate 8.C3J.971 89 casn m iJantsaca Truss com panies at Interest j...-. 3 403.249 63 " fntorest accrued. 1.310.BS3 23 I ' Premiums deferred, quarterly ouu scuii ounuu. ...... b .. . j,uoj,ii rremiums in iransii, princi- account of the recent leslival at Bur Raw, in aid of the Presbyterian Church of that town. He had, however, been anticipated by a friend who was., pres. J w,0 conducted the diatiugnished party KvporU Freltrn. ent and our report pubibhed leforo his j to the IT. S. Steamer Woodbury, which letter reached us. j was in waiting at the railroad wharf to receive them, and proceeded djrectly idown the river on a tour of inspection rrokor Fischer of Munich has ob tsiacd troai diftHIed coal a white irystAli:co powder, which seems to Pvwsess luaav -f tho t'rcrcrtiei of iu;o;ce, only it aio:i!atcs tuoro rcaddy nith tho stoniich. H remains to be cta whether it ia as effective ajainst tzalarU. and it leas iciurious in it in nrnca upon the head and hearing. Nor. barouenttue Himn-i. Lundc? gaard. vlearcd to-day lor Rotterdam with 1 harrc-U of rosiu, valued at 3,Ctx. shipjH;! by Messrs. Alex. Sprun; & Son. "Sclir. 1) D Kvcrilt. Mc-Lai-j. cleared for Barbadocs. W. I. with 123 350 feet of lumber aud 157,000 shingles, valued at $3.JSi.03, shipped hv Alegars. Northron : Lammini': ofthejvorks on the lower1 Cape Fear and at tho bar. They aro expected to return to-night .and -proceetT on to night's train to Washington, making no stop in the city. $101,liS,943 25 pally for December... 110,756 43 $101,143,243 25 NOTE lf the New York Standard of four and a half per cent Interest be used, the Surplus is over $12,100,000. ", Prom the Surplus, as it appears In the Balance Sheet, a dividend will be apportioned to each 'pan Icipating Policy which shall be in force at Its anniversary in - THE PREMIUM RATES CHARGED FOR Ks'SLRAXCE IX THIS COMPANY WERE REDI.'CED IV 1S79 I ABOUT 15 PER CENT XX ORDINARY LIFE POLICIES. ASSETS.... 4 ; New York, January!, 18S4. .$101,1 H.24S 25 Samuel E Sproulls, Lucius liODinson, Samuel D Babcock, Henry A Smythe, Georgo 8 Coe, John E Deyelin, Seymonr L Ilusled. OHvcr.JI Palmer, BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Fredericks. Winston,: Richard A McCurdy.j Oliver Harriniiu, ; James u uoiaen, i i nomas uicKson, i Hermann O von PostJHenry W Smith, George C Richardson, John It Sherwood, j Alexander H Bice, George If Andrews, ; Wilttam F Babcock, i Robert Olvphant, F Katchford Starr, George F Baker, j Frederick II Coesitt, Benj. B Sherman, . Lewis May, Jos Thompson, : Dudley Olcott, (Anson Stager, Frederick Cromwell, Julie n T Davies, ; Robert Sewell. Wm Bayard Cutting, S Van Ecnaselaer Cruder jCharles K Hcndci'soa, jGeorge Bliss. Seaf now on sale at. Dyer. ,rrt2f:"K,ese,e?,l-60-?l General Ac 6lon.fi, 55c., Gallery. 25c , tat AdmU- Jan20 6& ?7 OPERA HOUSE, One Night Only Th lat-st N. Y. Success, ' . A BUNCH OF KEYS; OR, THE HOTU, j By Chas. h fioyt and Willie Edoula. Vtth a record of over wNK HUNDHEU ONECU TIVK NiGIirs at the San Francisco pera House. N. Y. Introducing the uuapproch able charcter comedienne. MISs FLO it A MOOKK, supported by a GREAT CAT.i Tho celebrated Grand View Hotel et car rlei In its entirety- Original Music; clerant costuming. Sale opeus Tuesday, Jao 2d. at Dyfr'a. Jfeserved U Admlsltn, 5. 50.25 cents. ' - -. . ,j "jmS. Copartnership Notice! SIN'CE THE 8 AD DEATH OF MY Dfiiu Brother and Business Partner, Willie J. Gordon, on the 8th lnst., th shokkig dtaUs of f bich are known to most of our patrons. 1 haTe associated in business with myself. Mr. J03EPH i). SMITH, of this city, who ha had several years' experience in the Insurance Business, and who needs m introduction to this cornmuDity. Under tho firm name of JOHN W. GORDON & SMITH wo IJ1 con . tiouo to transact the business of Insurance iu all its branches, at the same cllico i heretofore occupied by Johu W, Gordon & Bro.. So. Ill North Water Street.- j 1 bes-to express to our natron mv ulnrr,. -naDKBior meir patronage so liberally bestow ed for a nnmber or years past upon my broth er and self, and to promise that tho firm of John W. Gordon & Smith will strive in eve rv Oi a'.l Oriental carpets the Fcrian are ty fir the best, and t?M lest of a true 1'ersiaa carpet is that uscd by the si:iTC4 thcunclrc. nanie'y. :o drop a riecc of red-hot charcoal upou it. This leaf ca a linked round spot. If tho car pt U a iooJ ono of the flrt quality, the . Prosperous lAto Insuranco Company. The attention of our readers is direct- makiugau agresate value ofxportH I cd to the annual statement of the Ma fcr the day of $G.8S1.03. 1 jtual Life Insuraucc Company of Kew : York, presented in another column. e Mlnnlo Ilatik. 'This great institution now has assets This superb vocalist, with her com pany, will. attend the New Orleaus Mardi Gras. and will pass through Gold5b3ro for that city on or about Feb- 1-ih. An cflort is being made to havo them stop and iro an entertain ment at Goldsboro and wo hope, that our friends iu the latter city may be successful for they would enjoy rare musical treat. And why may we not get her to como again to Wilmington? Sho would receive a reception from olt muftc-loTtng pcopiC. equal u not sup hind cau then brush off the si3td WMOl without the least traca ol the bum I rlnr tn tkn rrtrnial rreelinr ertended bv ii to nerstiarift huiincs.H men to setanart amounting to $l0l.li3,21S 25, and a Isaroius of more than $12,000,000. It paid on policies lust year $13,950,360.51, a considerable oortion of which went directly to widows and orphans, in many instauces redeeming houses from absolute destitution. Tho Mutual dif fers from most other Life Compauics in that it never encourages speculation in iusurance. and never solicits the in sured to take a larger policy than he can afford to carry. It dota believe in moderate policies, however, end jta aim jau 20 It 3I.IS WILL ARD, Agent. O. F. BRESEE & SONS, General Agents, Baltimore,1 Mil. it its afterward discernible. Ittvems lacrcdible, but the micro cope has revealed upoa the 'coated" baaiu toug--c soch a wonderful variety of sabrncca as the following: Fibros of wood, linca. cotton, spiral reseels acd of muscle, in ont caae eight houti aiur eating ; starch grains, tfceco mold Potato skios. acaleA. moths, etc . hairs frcci the legs of bees ind spiders, pollen cf fiowcrs aad stamens, hairs o cats aai. ia oe instance of mfce. hairs from various leave?, the wing of a raovpiito, fragments of tobacco and eamcmile Cower, etc. VOH Dlsl-U-SIA, iNDIGEiTIO.V. I)e pmiion oc Spirits and General Dcbili iy.to their arious forms; also aa a fTi rB,iIe t1 Fcrer and Ague, lnlenaiwent Fevers, tho Caijjata.m made by Caswelu Haz- nS?J?-90,,.Jf!r Vrk and wld by all nrcgtista, is the best ionic; and for r??TcriD from, w or other eknei. n has no equal. tu t Noactloo willb considered blame .ess inalcsj the will was so. for by the !1 the act wis dictated. 7 Stop that coach by the os of Ayer'i 7;: rectorai-the best specific ever ?axs It will soctho the rough feeling ?.3rS?r.lhro clro lb vocal organs to breathe and speak clearly. Fur Pure White Lead & rjlint5f aml bigiest stock or Window Glass and lowest prices for good articles be sur to o to Jaccbi't Hard wars Dpot. f our people ou the occasion of her recent visilherc We hope an effort will be mado to secure her for a night at the Opera House, providing it may not in. terlcro with other attractions which 1 will occupy the boards at that time. a small share of their profits yearly to provide for their families in the event of death or financial disaster. The rc port will repay perusal. It A Stiojry Man. Hare is an item, which wo clip from tho Statesville Landmark, which is not only interesting in itself, but which betrays the fact of the continued exis tence of ono whom uiauy of our readers once knew well and whom all esteemed and who we thought had long since passed over tho river: lr. J. X. Andrews was making some chin re in the landmark oflico, a few diva ao. and fished out of his parse one-ball otoneoi inose i Dig oiu copper cent pieces and told tho history of iu lie l ore tho war. wncn no was a coipor- tpnr ajia uvea ia t limiociuu, co offered, one day. to sella' man a book tne price oiwnica wa w iu. a uo mnn wanted it for CO cents but Mr. An- draws would not come down. Finally the bargainer offered htm trij cents lor it and Air. Andrews toid him he could h& it at that if ho would make the change The fellow paid him C2 cents and Lbeu got a cold chisel and cut a copper cent in two, giving one half of it to tne colporteur ana seeping " oiu half tho larger half, by the way for himself. Mr. Andrews has held on to his halt ever since anu always win. A Great TraTellor. Baltimore. Md. Hon. George Col ton. Police Commissioner, writes: Wherever I have travelled, in England. France, Germany, Egypt or the Holy Ind. St. Jacobs Oil is recognized as a blessing to humanity. - Salt for aiedlciue. Tbo Shaker Manifesto has the follow uug: "Half a tcaspoonful of common table salt dissolved in a little cold water and drank, wiil instantly relieve hearts burn or dyspepsia. If taken every morniug before breakfast, increasing the quantity gradually to a teaspoonful toa glass of water, it will euro any ordi nary case of dyspepsia, if at the same time due attention is paid to the diet. There is no better remedy than the abovo for constipation; no better gargle for sore throaf. It is equal to chlorate of potash, and is entirely sale. It may be used as often as desired, and If a lit tie Is swallowed each time it will have a beneficial effect on the throat by cleansing it and allaying the irritation In doves of one to four teaspoonfuls in halt a pint to a pint of water It acts promptly as an emetic, and in cases of poisoning It Is always at hand. It is an encellent remedy for bites and stings of insects. It is a valuable astringent lor hemorrhages, particularly for bleeding after the extraction of a tooth. It has both cleansing and healing properties. It U. therefore, a most excellent applN cation for superficial ulceration.' Interesting to Fishermen : The cele brated "Fish" Brand Giillng thread U told only at Jacobi's. He Is the Im porter's Agent. . ' t That our efforts to place before our patrons the best goods for the least money are appreciated ! j o OUR GREAT SUCCESS . We atiribut3 largely to the splendid bargains wo have been and still are able j to give our customers. It appears that our extremely low prices have caused j the impression that there is something mysterious about our system of . doing . - 1 . 1 i ' business. A few words Aviil clear aw3v tho mystery- We sell! low because our system of buying enables us to procure the largest bulk of good's lower thaDcau be manufactured ; next, the low expense in proportion to the vast amount of business we do allows us to sell at a very small trills above what the goods cost. Our system i very simple, aud these words explain all. We wish the public to understand tb3t we do not advertise goods in a fictitious way, telling you that our goods aie worth double what we 3skfot them ; but we claim what we do and do what we claim ; and we do most decidedly claim that the "gebds we are offering tire below the prices asked elsewhere. If you purchase any goods from us and dont find that they aro in every particular as represented, bring tbem back" and.we will refund the money. i way to merit a continuance of tho same, j icspEciiuy, ii v. - JNQ. W. GORDON. J01i2.W.aOi5DO'Ns& jSMITII, GENKBAI. INSURANCE AOKNT8, ";. FmK- IAE MARINE, . , . WlimiBBton, N.C. Pledging our best efforts to protect tho In tercsts of our custoasejs, and promising strict attention to all business entrusted to us, wo respectfully solicit the patronsge of tho public, jan aUw JNO. W. GORDON SMITH. Pacific Guano. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 400 TO 500 TONS OF THIS INVALUABLE FERTILIZER, which has never failed, and wilj have it for ' i sale throughout the season ; as alsl DI8SOLVv s ED BONE PHOSPHATE ' I At Last Year's Prices. 1aa24 2mdAw ALEX. 8PRUNT A SON. Pure Whiskey! LD OBTH, STATE SALOON, 6 Couth Front St, keeps on hand Clcmmer's Pure Ere Whiskey, (no JUvored stuff) Plo Mo Whisker, very fine. As good riVis CENTS CIO AILS as tho market ( afford, rioost OYSTERS from Jsew River. Don't want a fortune at once. No headaohes there. jac23 RECEtVEP. - We can suit all and offer bargains that xannofr; be bad elsewhere; in order to rush them off quickly, we have cut down prices to the lowest point. At these re dnced prices it will pay to buy them tor next. Winter's wear. Callat once at i TJLE RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 IV3ARICET ST. janS3 NEW CROP. 8TIEFFS PIANOS ! WC ASS NOW LANDING 372 mias. and 100 BWs. .Very Prime, Bright NEW CEOP CUBA MOL-ASSES. j IT WILL BE SOLD PBOilPTLY. WORTH h WORTH; JECXIVCD TO-DAT DIFFERKNT Styles of the celebrated . j Ghas. M. Stiefs Pianos. Square, Grand and Upright. . Elegant, rich, silycry tone, cxqulsl'c touch .. " f -'- . i aupero flnUh, finest quality. Call to fee theta beautiful InstrumenU at y HEINSBERGER'S, t Jan S3 Llru Book sad lloate Store Onion Sots, White and Red.- A FRESH SUPPLY JUST AUo, a ftifl assortment of FEESH GARDEN SEED, ' PATENT MEDICINES, i FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, CIGARS in sreat rarity, 4c , 4. ' MundsBrosr & DeRosset, j Jew Drugstore, I jan 14 1 Market and Hwirni 8iwcf . Steam Yacht Louise.1 PASSENGER, AND FREIGHT STEAMES lor Smith rllle dally, u&tes low and aeoom modationa fine. Iho LOUISE Is a ntto boat and Is guaranteed safe. Will learn Smith r)Ue 8A.il Leave Wilmingtan 2.30 o'clock P. IX. WharfJfoot of Dock Street - ' i t , tft - WM. WEEKS.! JaalO - Ageat and owner. W. & E. I S. LATIMER, Attorneys-at-Iaw. om.ee -8. E. Cori Princess and Water Su. Jao 7-1 m - SELLITJC OUT! HATS & PEATHERS ' AT BEDUCED PBICXsJ ' MBS. KATE C. WINES. - Vrt. 110 w fUwvmd Sireat. txt PostUfl'" Jan 5 -1- , j Fancy Goo do. T?ULL LINE AT ' - L jaaSB Girx a AfCE.cmsox'3. Afarcltsoa Block.

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