e .i t. n i 1 1 I-rrP writtK PAID i . W. - n ith i dU. carrier trf- it tn ixre ' 3 '--ivoL. VIII. mmw , - 1 - : -l-- . -- -- -- W ILMINGTON. N, C, THURSDAY; JANUAEY 31 1 1884. NO. 26 pueXsb kotxcz. L W will be clad to rccclro cocmIca Uoo from war friends on any ud ail subject ! ceral interest bt 't ,: j. :. h . ..." Tj name of the writer must tlwy be fo nlthed to the Editor.-; - I CommcnlcaUoas siut be wrttt3 on one stde of the paper. " ! I , Personalities tan t to avoided, i ! And It Is especially aed partlcuUuly ca stood that the Editor doc not always endoi tfcc vlcwa of correspondents talea to'iutt m taa editorial columns. . j t a i , tt: vnir :'lODSicurlloax. an enthuaia-t:c rrencu . Superior Court.' The case of Ucbecca Ana Ilobbs, T. ! luat c;iy, La been uurrtsonca lor a; rir vnrrau j tnonm lor aiiacktog me p;cuiscitum 01 E. Hobbi and A. J. Deal ct. als rs. Jolin. K. Wood. K. T. "Wood and 'Mi-raU';i,.-! to hir.om by W national vote tvblch abroad the I Sophia M. Blossom et als. which was - " ! temporal power of the Pope. "Il wueo "Po he F.ngtifli vorktc i the entire foienooa as consumed jiu ion. especially when ! liatoning to the testimony. After this I compulsory by law, hns . Iktcii much j had all ben board the Court at 1 o'- nthor ' tucc'c pfOKcutiou of some I clock p.m.. took a recces until 3. p. m. V ! por parent at Leicester, for refusion when the arguments in the case were - .TTvH I"'11-ho J'V ThoHi-itike of t lx xi x- . j, Conn . i r!ao to vart'inat v.9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS on I MISCELLANEOUS. JACOWET EMBROIDERY ! i Wotice. , , ' r -T I - . ; , , ( )CK BOOK KEEl'En, MR. DAVIS, A lot of these goods will bo placed oh our Job Counter and marked at io cents j is North on bu;-icess for us. mxV.as irr ODDS AND ENDS In such goods as we propose :l&iw ont bargains may 1 K.1 in jur'i.i. w r. v Col r I-, ,j.rr:bfia'ian .4;c- r f iV:c o;-iC .,;'if hi'-11-, in Kn;:ir.d t niuca uiucu anxjcij ; I poor parent at jeicejicr. nr reiusior wucn tuc arsumcois in toe case were j. to take thir children to the doctor, commenced and were ki progress when j They were imprisoned by tfic masis- four report closed. j lra1- ' . i Last Nibt s Fire, . le expected. A FEW WRAPS LEFT- At such prices j as will move them. ; " 1 " , -"-'. i o - BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS ! 'aiVPj3v".' c ii fund. t i l :i ..... cordioi (o the anun.il inventory just about half past 11 o'clock, in the. itere ile completed, contains 2.500.0OO vnlamef . of Mr. J. Stcrnbergcr. No. i I Market D flUiU hini. Uil MlUl'l IU VlUlUl'kUi lUilliiHilVl.' 4IC jinc4. A nidi 11. ( iuui(-"V " . Cc1'"rV(, 'jvi'i- k-;'.!-! to j vnc and 1 ...wo Frcuch and fir- j and the 6ro deparlment was quickly on 1j Thrt nrirt ihnw ml Vi v Ihrir nrnmnl rind rffir.ient i lonnuhrie PUIM15 POUTO KICO MOLASSES I llUST oatr to iho trade at rricc to tuit tho ttinj. W c guarantee tuis Jlolassc rure. f Two or three palternsof 'AS to 50 yards, good styles, special vricc to close, a i Jan 9 tf ,EDtard KTDDER'a,son. as these patterns arc not in loom I and cannot be duplicated. ; 1 - L TT tr1 n, : ,:.:,.. . ! o anrt 10, cents Cicdrii; Bebt !a the ritv. mri.u. , r ntf and MiMklnsl worn Vtlo; ,? S r- wool ami incn uramu uiotns.-very eneap. j-e ! -:iCLa:!-cr:a:: and the Puke , t wt'.l'iitru.! c- Mr. Tcnujon rcttc! cicatatiuaj at F.phcius. iu .r vce.U'C l ruJjhttoj:2ht some very s;.x:xe5i of i-u:plurc and pottery. tWharecaruutc lur Flos'.and. I tew I---cj of Wcstminslcr, f. iC erect lac richest men In Ea r(pr.viic;ir;iel - dr of white .4-s.irJ. cities :cvM.n yard. . - - ft eateries exhibition at Kcnsing a jro-rrl b:'.n a -eial nd Cnan- icrt. tii' -r?:c of receipts over x;tsd:atttxci;stlnz to over four ;iriasdjpo3fj. - - - - Jjx Vcrce hu ordereil the con 1 r.xi.:3 fcj ft firm at Xante, of a largo &Z:iTiic in which he Intends to siiscfcle ia the Antartic Sea. to aJVc: aileriil for faturo romances. cn coins of all bcriod. The print collection mtmbcrii upward of 2.tlt(0 examples kept in ll.3o volumes and 1.000 pmtfoiios. A ?p-p'l gallery 1 reserved for the m3l cosily books, which number some 80 000. s LPGA 1 j NEWS. IJIDli 10 NEW AOVERTISEMfHTS. IItisusRGt!i st!cff'i,riano C W Tate School Books, Ac It M McIstiue Jaconet oibroldcry Mrxw Bios. DuUo?t:Tl-Onloa Set.- Tt-4-iow Weed flames, a grandson of Ia.rt.ar Weed, li prepasm a volume cesoi'rs of his grandfather. It will hitherto unpublished letters ixriCy. U'cb!er, Lincoln. Seward isc t-ttsr. The receipts ofcotlon at this port to day fool up 172 bale j Without question Si. Jacobs Oil is the great pain-cure o! the age. The Fioia Moore , Bunch ol Keys" Troupe arrired here this morning and registered at tho rurceli House 1 , We are sorry to lean tiiat "Mr. and ritrs. IJerry Qleaves. contemplate ro turning to England, and' with the in lenlion of remaining thero perma nently. We have had thren days of masnifi cent weather, and we hope it may con tinuo longenough to mako up for: the tons spell of bad, cold weather with which we have recently been afflicted. . t Tin has been discovered at King's rYt...'er.t Arthur says ot his Lealtb: Mountain, in Cvplnd rnnntv. find "I i!n not even indisposed. Do I look iit vck man? I teel less like one. I U:ev!a:a Ikto in better health. I v.r.ut iniazir.e where or how the cr. :j:r; rnmor co'.;M have bad its ori 1 5.' - . -Mr. iluotictlon. the mso v( railway :r.'.f rpriscs ao4 oihcr LinJs -f business sdcieribjd by a correspondent as a Urzc r.nh.cr bard-facetl man. weighing li rounds, perhaps six feet hlh. of a tivC wiihou: yri.'.c ia h and without a-c:trter.:a:et:. - V-tta Victoria's book is announced ;U.e !2;hcf uexl moith, much to icU;r;acfl.cr son and daughters. McrcaJ tLc universal laughter at the iLKuoacf tho JoLn Brown craze." l .ocdoa corrcipuadent telegraphi. I" lrz:i rauiiing husice ol this 2t ii aid to have derived itsiucen- 3l:c3 viii: to Pompeii by a party Ctelssatiaas, who were there many Jfmra w-cn the cjtca vitioas were iust JVJ la tho paatry of a bouse were V-t WlJ ciVriftl aril f.uir A I... C U : - w .wuww J J4V3U i iocd. The hiat was taken, and the -3carcaaaiag was introduce-! into I t.:cj States. the State Chemist will make a careful investigation of the matte-. It is the ffr3l discovery of tin in North America. Several scutlemcn were seriously poisoned from eating hegs head cheese at Uockingham a few days ago. The vinegar which was eaten on the cheese had undergone some chemical change, hcuce the poisoning. By proper medi cal restoratives thev were soon relieved. i Dost thou love life?! Then do not squander valuable time. for that is the stuff life is madcof-but procure at once i bottle ol Dr. Bull- Cough Syrup for your cough and be cured. . Your drug gist keeps it. I Kzt st.tue ol" Geu Eobeit E. -:ch is to adorn the pc of the From llciusbergcr's "Live Book and Music Store'' wc have received a copy of -Orpheus Walt-" tor the piano forte, by Ida Ilcndrix. It is a One composition, with some I very odd but pleasant harmouies, and it will prove a c;ood study in fingering. t City Court. ' . Albert (Jreen, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, whose ca?e was continued from tho i):h iust-, was brought belore the Mayor this morning and the case dismissed. ) Virginia Brown, (colored, for disor derly conduct, was fined $5 in default of which she was .ent'bclow. hand and by their prompt and efficient action extinguished the flames before they had gained much headway, the greatest jimonnt of damage bavinc; been caused by the water with which the premises were tloodcd. It is not known how tho lire originated. Mr. Stern berger left tho store at about 11 o'ciock, at which time thero were no indications that there was anything wrong- O-fieiai Cliaiiffes. Mr. W. W. Allen, who has been agent ot the Southern Express Compa ny in this city tor several years past, has been appointed Route Superintend ent with headquarters at Columbia, S. C. Ho will be succeeded here by Mr. E. A. Brown, a Wilmington boy, who for the past 13 years has been agent ol the company at Columbia. Mr. Allen, while here, ha3 made many friends who will be sorry to part with him ) Mr. Brown is expected to arrive in the city to night and will at once enter upon the the discharge of his dutle3. When he arrives the entire family of brothers and sisters will meet together for the first time in 25 years. Hotel Brunswick. v We had the pleasure of,a call" to-day from Mr. J. D. Sublett, of New York, who is to take charge ot the "Hotel Brunswick, at Smithville. and arrived in the city yesterday en route for that place and for that purpose. Mr. Sublett has had many years experience in hotel life, having been connected with the Metropolitan Grand Union and New York Hotels, of New York city, be sides others in different localities nd is therefore entirely competent to cater to tho wants of the traveling public. Ex tensive alterations aro Ibeiog made in the accommodations of Hotel Bruns wick, and it is proposed to so arrange matters as to have it kept open, during the entire year. Froiu a short convcr- ! sation with him, wo were con vioced that! he would make tho house a permanent ; success. He left for Smithville thi3 after noon on a tour ol inspection, whence he will return to New York to make such further arrangements as he may deem ueces?ary for the comfiprt and conven ience of his guests. jan 31, 1S1 :! R-M. IVIeII!TIRE. ii Exports Foreltrn 1 - j 1 - . 'Ger. barque s Louise AVicETards, Ehmcke. cleared to-day lor Stettin with 3.250 barrels ot rosin. ValuecT:atUwrt t?ccn,aPprc- $4,600, shipped by Messrs. E Pcschau ! elated by them, both as to quality and price & Wcstermann, Schr. Irene E. Mescrvey, Meservey. cleared for St. .John's N- B.. with 202J66 feet of lumber, valued at $3.17.20. shipped by Messrs. J. II. Chadbourn & Co., making the total.exv oorts foreign for the day amount to $7.957.S6. j A Now Lodge Grand Master Robert Bingham, of the North Carolina Graud Lodge,; F. & A. M.. has granted a dispensation for the formation ot a new lodge of the order, to called . the 1 Orient, with the following as the officers: ( - - W M W R Kenan. S W W L DeRosset. J W-W W Allen. Treasurer II G Smallbones. Secretary J C Munds. j S D W A Williams. I J D Walter Smallbones. And W II Chadbourn J C Chase George Chadbourn, Sanuel Northrop and John D Tavlor. 'According to Masonic law, a Masonic lodge working under a dispensation cannot take members from other lodges, bntonust depend upon its increase , of membership by initiation and conferring degrees, which this new lodge expects to do. I ' " I.,-.- i To lie CorrnotPfl: ncZ iace h"? The colored boy who was arrested 'r ir J r t ew 0i eia5' b9 uil- uoarLumberton afew wetks ago. by rJrK.C.I. Ch. E. Mr.N.Gilhcan.for rocking the Vain" -:eCT;a ",c? ihc SnS bid a hearing in the Superior Court of W?- officer of Robeson county yesterday, p j account '-r .TCu Ilhcrn Vlr" oflhoextrtoe.outh"f the rascal he trt.- inrxuttoo to was turned over to tho tender mercies TUttreaJaw? occasion.- 0f his tuoiher. who walked him out of Interesting to Fishermen : The cele brated "Fish" Brand Gilling thread is sold only at Jacobis. He is tho Im porter's Agent. t Hoa. Will Cum back lectured at 'Ral eigh on Tuesday evening-, the 29th inst to a largo j and admiring audience. While in Raleigh he met Judge Reade, with whom he was in Congress in 1855, and w-hom he had not since seen, j Silver Plated Spoous. Forks and Kbives of best quality, and at manu-1 facturer's prices, can be found at Ja COBi's Hardware Depot. ,f Appreciative. VITK I'EKll CONFIDENT THAT OUR KF- paW. We Phall be ' casblcd tbis wee- to offer qnlte a variety of NUW AND DESIUABLE ABTI CLES, to which your attcntlon li respectfully called. I i All pui-chascs promptly delivered free of charge. 1 JAS. IJ. 1IUGGINS & CO. jan 30 I . .- - I , Horses and Rfiules TWO CAR .LOADS OF HORSES AN1 MCTL.ES juat received, and for jsale at prices to suit all. Como and see them. t CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Ac, always In i readinees for the use of the public. TWO FINE ITEARSES.wIth NICE HORSES for Funerals. O. R. ROl!.LlNUSWORTIf i - Livery and Sale Stables, jan 2o Cor. 4th and Mulberry sta highest grade at van 11 TSO T. feCHOMVALLS, ' Dritgapd Prefrlptf on Store Yellow; White aijd Eed 1 Onipn Setsl f -w vuswjviiij. m. nicm leucines ica .i--rv "tlfnyj Haic, Articles. rresCilptiona filled d,ty and ntht. at r. C. MILLER'S Drug Store, S24 South Fourth. Corctr Nun 1 dec ?3 t QLD NOTH STA1 1; SALOON, uj South Front St , keep? on U;in'l Clcmraer's Puro Rto Whiskey, (uo flavored stuff) I'lc M WbUker, very tine.. As goot CENTS CIOAitts as the market aff.mb Finest OY-MER from New River. JOon't vax.t a fortiino at odc. :so ueauicnc tlicro.i J-&23 STIEPF'S PIANOS! 1 .-. - -i T) ECEIVED TO-DAY DIFFERENT Styles JLt of the celebrated Ohas. M. StieffsPianos. Square, Grand an d Upright. -. Elegant, rich, silvery onc, exquisite touch, superb fiulsh, finest quality. Call to ecc theee beautiful lustrnmcnts at HEINSBERGER'S, J jan 28 Live Book and Music Store Commissioner's Sale. TN PURSUANCE OF A DECREE Oli TIIeI X Superior Court of New Hanover County in dmr. of David betw P. S tween John E. St. George,- A anders, deceased, and Annie M? pierces by the terrible accident 4 c2 Mor.dsy ot last wWfc when rtlh,,Warwire hounds 'lU.Mi th, neighboring Tlr. In attemotln t .; ticked th m. -Lr;nL --4Mui several -Miatbeccest ad w? 1? s.tndh7, C- " Plclce1 P the Court House saying. "Yqs. Mass Jcdge.Tll lam him; ye I'll lam hira:, Palntal Intelllcnco. Inlelligence was received here last night that our townsman. Mr. Eugene Wiggins, brother of Mr. A. O Wirgins and ton ia law of Hon. jA. H. Van DokLclen. had met wi:h a very serious accident, while blasting stumps, near lcxington. S. C. No particulars hare been received uri to the present writing, bet his-anxioas wife left hero this morn ing ou tho first train to, hasten to tho bedside of her suffering husband, where .the, of all others, coald be the best nurse and solace. From the nature of the informaton it' was feared that Mr. Wiggins injuries might prove very se rious, but we hope and trust that the report was the exaggeration ot a first, alarm, and that in a few days we may hear that he is convalescent and ontof dinger. Twelttli Nisrlit. . Tho Opera House was crowded . last night almost to its utmost capacity to witness the rendition of this Shakes perean Comedy by Madame Modjeska and her company. The audience was not only large, but it was appreciative; drawn thither by the fame which had preceded the advent of the distinguish- j ed and titled actress. Modjeska. as Viola, interpreted the part charming. y and in the more Im passioned scencs'shc spoke her- lines superbly and with a grace ot action and depfh of feeling perfectly enchautiri: In the lighter lines she appeared to Jess advantage,' showing in our inind tha tho" piece was not in all respects suited to her great dramatic geuius. Mr. M.urico Barryuiore. as Orsino, was good, bat at times his effort seemed to be too mechanical. It is not a part which calls forth the great est qualities of au actor. Mr. Clem ents, as Malvolio, rendered bis rather difficult , part very finely. Mr. Owen, as Sir Toby Belch, wss superb, and, acted tho part to perfection, , and bnt little inferior to him was Mr. Robert son as Sir Andrew 'Jjucchcek. Mr. Dawson, as Sebastian, was also excel lent, while Mr. Mc Manns, as Aniooio, Was at times too mechanical in tho rendition of his lines. Miss Drew, as Olivia, and MUs Shaw, as Maria, were both remarkably good. As a whole, howercr, the jUsy went off remarkably well and 1 the rich . and wonderful thoughts of the great dramatist wer well Interpreted. NEW AD.VERTISBMBXTS. OUR BARGAINS ARK , 1 Always Appreciated ! . 39c. Thirty -Nine Celts for a Seven ty.Tl.ree Cents CORSET. l'tttewayi et al., being a proceeding for the kiIc of real estate to make assets, ihe under fcitr&cd, Commissioner appointed by said de cree, will sell at public auction for 'ash, to the hUUest bidder at the Court House door in Wilmington, N..C, on -Monday, thotth day of February, tho following several tracts of land belong'ngto tho estate iof 6ftld David S. Sanders. I'lrst tract Containing about 153 acres of Juniper Swamp Land adjoining the Rocky Run Plantation near Ca;t!c JJayue in New Hanover county, second tract tying and being in Pender county, near Tbpaall Sound, betwe'en said Sound an 1 the Atlantic Ocean, and constituting tho etTip of! land that separates the Soundj from the Ocean. Third tract Containing SIO acres of woodland and being a part of the land -comprising the eaid Rocky Run Plantation near Castle ll&ync and lving on the east side of1 the Holly Shelter or Duplla Road and between said road and the- WiImi2ton Weldon R. R. jan iawlw th , Commissioner. Furniture. c. Seventy Three Cents for a Muetv Eight Cents COKSET. i Apples! Apples p Apples 1 QN CONSIGNMENT ANDMUSTBBSOLD. N T. Baldwin Apples, o'hlo Red Apples. K. Y. Creamery Butt , N. J. RoU Butter, Ohio Butter, Va. Meal, car load or Small order so licited. i E G. BLAIR. Commission Merchant, 19 N PeconoSt. dec 31 . .- For Saturday. JQRESSED POULTRY, DUPLtJ COUNTY SAUSAGE AND LIVER PUDDING, N't C. Sides and a fuU stock of Choice Family Gro ceries. lric3 reasonable. RcspectfuLly, , A. W. BlVENBAUE, The Lire Grocer and Produce Com. lAfer chant lHNorth Water St., WUmlngtonJ N.C. fnn 11. I Cider! Cider I Cider! jpURE APPLE CIDliR, j ( JUST FROM THE PRESS J Call and lea re your orders andjugs'at R. MCDOUUALL'S, Vrt 11 7T n jf Cf lr 13wv.i .! tlf- .. v - - v- tQbiiu wb n a' 1VUI CU1U f t abrr ian Wilmington, N. C. A TTOR? n. MoetyElbt CenU for a Dollar and (Thirty , MoeCcntu CORSET. For Pure White Lead & Paints, and biggest stock of Window Glass and lowea t prices for good articles be sur to go to Jtoobl's Hardware Depot, f S1.39. i One Doil-r and Thirty Nine Cents for a Dol lar and Sercnty-Thrco Cnts CORSKT. HAMBURG EM BROIDERY, .inches wide, 7 centg ijeryard. S " 15 " " & " 31 8 - " S3 til.T 43 1 9 F Si "IRISH POINT. 4 Inches wide. 63 cent per yard. si 10 w larsre stock to select from. A LARGE STOCK OP CRAPES for Mourn in Bon ta. Veiling and Dres Trimmln.s, at B-MAEKABi.Y LOW PitltES. RIBBONS! RIBBONS! RIBBONS ! in every Shade nd Wldtn, will be sold at TKBUEis DOCH REDUCTIONS, AT , i ' Jins WEEK WE HAVE PLACED in stock New and Stylish PARLOR SUITS, LADIES T ' ' DESKS AND SECRETARIES, 'Wardrobes, ' i. Jrdinere Stand (in Walnut and Ebony). 300 COMMON BEDSTEADS. MATTRESSES all kinds and a uperb as sortment of WINDOW SHADES. Give us a call; wo can cult yoa. ' ' jan -s THOMAS C CRAFT. Affcnt Furnituro Dealer. ?0So. Front et A Merciful Man JS MERCIFUL TO HIS BEAST. THIS IS a gentle Lint to .owners of "ucbUntete'l, borecs. The place to bny any price Blanket you want, together wltn Lap-robes. Caninges, saddles, Hamees, Trunks, Satchels, Bags. tc. Ut ., , - jan 58 t No. 114 Nortb Front St TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. jaaSO . WIL-IINGTON, K. C Sportsman's Goods. LlTfE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT f u of English and Belgium Breech Loadei a ever broagnt to cnu ma r-ct. aim i nnv c ass stock of Shells, Warding, Prtmers.Cart rldgo Bags. Gun Caps, Gamo Bags, Ac. Jo fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Gocd goods and guarantee prices. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., Sucoetsors to John Dawson. Co Jan -8 W.il and 23 Market Paect . P0ELL HOUSE. -rjjwxni KSvr iaagement, J ' WII-IIKGTOl, K. C B. L. PERRY. Proprlevar. Lta Proprtetor Atlantic Hobcx. FtrsCL-u to all Its appcUtmesu. Terms 12. 1 1 u a AT. John C, Davis,) iNKY AND I I. COUNSELOR AT LAW, WILMXKOTON, H. Office over the Bank of New Hanover., Practices in all the Courts of the State, 4ar Special attention rald t tha collection of rial m. i nnv2ttf Copilrtnersliip Notice. SINCE THE SAD DEATH OF MY DEAR Brother and Business Partner. WlllJo J. Gordon, on the 8th Inst., th shocking details of which aro known to most of our patrons, 1 have associated in business with myself. Mr. JOSEPH 1. SMITH, of this City, who has lud 9 everal years'cxDCrtenco in llio Insurance Business, and who needs n lntrndnninn t this coramunitv. I Under tho ilrm JOHN W. GORDON & SMITH wc will con tinue 10 transact tue business of Insurance la all its branches, at tho tamo Ofiico heretofore occupied by John W. Gordon & Bro.', No. Ill North Water Street. - j I beg to express to our patrons my sincere thanks for their nati'on:rtMnlth(r.iii. hoin. ed for a Bnmbcr ot vcara rat nnnn mv hmth. er and self, and to pronilse that tho Arm, of John W. Gordon & Smith will strive In every ttespeciruu7. i JNO. W. (JORDON. JOHN W. GORDON & S3IITII. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS FI8E. LIFE AND MARfVK Oulcjo No. Ill North Water St.. , ,.' .1 Wllaiincton, N.jC. Pledging our best efforts, to nroter.t the In. tcreat of our cutoea. and rimml-lntr utrirt attention to all business entrustcJ to us, we respectfully solicit the patronage of thepnblic. jan 231w JNO. W. GORDON A SMITH. Onjon( Sets, White and Red. FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. Also, a oU aormeiit of '. I j( ' FRESH GARDEN SEED, , ''i. PATENT MEDICINES, 1 FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, CIGAR 3 in sreat vartity. -f i Ac.1' Munds Bros, DeRosset, Nw Drui Store, , I jan 14 Market and Scconi Strata. Steam Yacht Louise, mASSENGER AND FIJLEIGHT 6TEAMEB i or amuniuie daily. Rates low i and ;accohJ. modatlons fine. Ihe LOUISE Is - neW boat and 1 guariaotced safe. Will leave SmlthrU' 8 ;-c WRnipgtn .30oclock P. II. uaj a. v iAii aptrvx. Jan IP WM. WEEKS. Agent and owner. TV. & E. S. LATIMER, ; Attorney s- a t-Larl . f Ofiicc-S. E. Cor. Princes and Water Su. jaa 7-1 ro SELLITJG OUT I HATS & FEATHERS AT REDUCED PRICES. i MRS. KATE C. WJfCS, No- 119 H vynt Ntret, t Post OSto. Jin a

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