XHI3PJLPKB epie-i by JOSUT. JAJUKS. .PiioB ixorwriinoi. mrnoss rosTACK paid-. XSl Boathi. tl-OO. Tint. C ' , oo: a taonth. SS cent. .ia t deHyered by carriers free A!Trt:lrrrortnyand all Ik .-rlt 15 - i -- m r.tfiA- o anv newspaper r i nn mi - -v- - - - inr)rCorne:l 13 ntin a lite zra Cornell. rw CJS U;Tat.lhc neir bpeaker oi ,h, Ktitucky Hoase. it twcntj-WTcn mrsol a;?- . tV IUtIj H. Setter. -Forte Cra Iron the City of Metier in lUSpW- . ft -VlJt ia ia Washington, lace :jju4ir;:iitr.e statesmen whom he coi l u: i-'. caticatnre. Mr UVjTier Gillette ii the inventor C y uxphoue tbrouzh which he hopes .J'sk to people io InJon Irom lhis , the Atlantic. !ro:ciior Ixcz. of Xureoiburg. (icr xssy. hi rvrcivexl an order to cast a of the la!c President r,ir::-'u. which i to be erected irrSan ... d .via. the slater, wa rcccireU in Sin Kni clsco by C.COO enthusiastic ad la'rer. Hi ovation was more pros a lain the one tendered General llttck upon hit arriral on the coast c.en! netk a. r L.'rXj "Tho improveneent ia tie eonJilion of tneral trade, as riuctdiatbc inerracd movement of uurc:.iV.ieaodio moro firmness in I rkx rucnUoscd a week aeo, has Since l:t tuyiztiict!." liiJ :. Atchison, after whom tho Archisjn, Kansas, was named, ivr. a: the aje of eighty years on his lira n. ar Plattsbursb. Mo. Ho is rc- r !d as the most interesting charac m ia that neighborhood. Mr. Milu. onco preacher, and now a.:or. has in band a new play written tar him. Tho play Is entitled "Xapo mi I," and Mr. Miln Is to bo XapoJcon. lie wnots to o to Paris at the end of ibexnt season to get into French W3)l ... ... . - S.fiiua Cameron stayed a lew" weeks a: IK Springs, Arkansas, lately, and r,ow ilreadlul charges of corruption aue up friu the place. Somebody lai Wa stealing right and lclt down there, and Congress U to investigate. The ex-Senator and boa is on his way Texas .. .. .. . 11 I. Riai ball, of luttl foinc. has a wheme on hacd building a suburban t :j mar AtUnts Ilii idea is to get a iu.'I.'kui cap.Lal aa J epend half of it in piling tot VJO acres ot land and certain iaiproTcaicnts tbcreon. $S0,000 for a tirk. $looo lora mile or streets, l u J acd graded. $iO,000 for a central suni pip for water, works, electric Ijh: anj heater, and to build fifteen hounrs fwr $ 10.000 each. , M:?i Sheriff, who will be remember ed by very o!d New Vorkcra as mak i25as?ea: sensation half a century .ee a: the old National Theatre under tU management ct the cider Wallack. - jut died. She was the con tempor al of ilr. Wood and Miss Uomer, and ia 1:03. when the "Vision of the Bard'1 wae:upat Druty Ianein honor of s.r Walter Scott, she was selected to -aj the music of the "Spirit of the Moactaia mild is the weather in North Wales that primroses, honeysuckles, snow prcps acd roses are to be found bloom iag ia the valleys and on the hillsides. Vitiation ij the low lying districts is ajw fas: springing into life, and in tho 'c oj Llangollen fruit trees arc in t'.oom. Tourists are enabled to scale tU raouclaic without difUculty feaU h;cb. when pretiously attempted at -'oaodbjear, have been at- le3jl with loss cfUfe.. Wc have been expeciing to hear of ,e roraa m Cincinnati oU a union wrc.ee Inrincibles." to retaliate "Haceforthc exclusion ot Cincin i stan,; but the Queen City has pwed ar insignificant hamlet in lraaiatogetaheadofhcr. lcr.j screa Crecnsburgcrs who pro- to boycott France and all her " acd every body that nses them 1 1 LlTC thi courage of their con. n -aurc income of tho Unirertity cfc " 'v- Oxford hi t 1a i 1 rv- rw L,. ,:.t elwo t0Kcr make op flTZ-lh u hllf wtal 1rd vem- iilTeJlBoae ood colliery Dakea of Deronshlro J-l Northumberland together annually eoaaa average, while Mr. Van- T 1 E VOL. VIII. i WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY derbili's income would pretty nearly cover the receipts of Oxford; Cam bridge. Dabllo. Durham. Yale. liar rard and Princeton combined. Col. Oliver II. Payne served in a brigade under Gen. Darbin Ward, who was his father's leading competitor for the Ohio Scnatorshlp. Gen. Ward de scribes tho Colonel as "a good soldier, a line gentleman, but a damnable pclK tician." Charleston is becoming j a trysting place for the English nobility. The Princess Louise tarried there a while, and now the Earl of Huntingdon has driven about the place. The noble Earl is prospecting Floridawardj, where he has large interests. A man is wiser tor h;s learning, and tho sooner he learns that tho only prop er way to cure a cough or cold is to use Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, tho better ho is off. r LOCAL NEWS. UOU TO HEW ADVERTISEMEXTS. C W Yatej School BooksL Ac X Y aod WI1 R 8 lr-SIUnff Daj IIkuhibeboej: Vlcntlcei far 1S1 N A EiXDMJijr, Jr Aitornej at Law iitrsDS Bros. A DEllossrr Onton Sela - " Day's length 10 hours and 30 min utes. New River oysters arc now at their best. There was a heavy frost this morning i in this section. , ! Sunset to-morrow afternoon at -30 minutes past 5 o'clcok. There were three interments in Oak- dalo during tho week, all adults. There has been but one interment an adult, in Bcllevuo Cemetery during the week. Tho Hoard of County Commissioners meet on Monday In resular monthly session. ' The regular monthly mectinff of the Board of Aldermen Monday. is to be held on There is now about 15 feet on the shoals in tho river and the water is slowly falling off. There have been three interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, two adults and one child. The Ucgistcr of Deeds has issued three marriage licenses this week all ol which were for colored couplos. The Valentine season is near at hand and the book stores arc already shows ing many new and beautiful designs. The subject of Dr. Pritchard's ser mon to young men in tho First Baptist Church to-morrow evening, will be : John tho Baptist. This has been a remarkably pleasant day for February and a week of such weather would start the buds on tho fruit trees. There arc still a number ot timber rafts in the river between this city and Faycttcville, all of which may bo ex pected to arrive here whhin the com ing week. j Mrs. M. F. Duram, ol' Philadelphia, a lady about 75 years of age. died day before yesterday on the train between this city and Magnolia. .She was a consumptive and bad been South with hopes ot relief and was on her return home when she died. 1 We invite attention to the , advertise ment ot Mr. N. A. StcdmanJ Jr., as it appears in this issue. Mr. Stedman has recently removed from iBladen county to this city and has opened a law office on Princess street, between Front and Second, where ho promises prompt at tention to all business intrusted to him. i I Unniallablo. ! The following unmailable matter re mains in the Postofllce in this city: Euno Vesle, Garmle Jasps Gautc. in care of Mr. Herl Furten, Saut, C L, James Ilary. S. C ; Bebccca Read. Wayne Co., N. C. ; package containing plaid shawl to Eliza Grant. Amusements. As we have stated, tho next engages meat at the Opera House if for Bartlcy Campbell's White Slave Company, on Thursday next, the 7lh Inst., and this is to bo followed by the Boston Concert Company, with Mrs. Humphrey Allen and the Temple Quartette, oc the j 12th. There are also other engagements for the month not yet made known. Interesting to Fishermen: The cele brated Fish" Brana Uiliing tnreaa is sold only at Jacobi's. lie isthclm- porter's Agent. T ho Greensboro Patriot. We regret to learn that, the daily edition of the Greensboro Patriot has been suspended. Capt. Hussey alleges insufficient support, failing health and his temporary absence. It quits with a clean balance sheet and may be revived atsome future time should a demand arise for it. The weekly issue will be continued. Bit by a Doer. We learn of a very serious attack made this afternoon by a dog on a lad by the name of Walter Sylva, son of Mr. JoseDh Sylva. The young fellow was sailing a kite in the street, over in Brooklyn, when he was attacked by the dog, a large and fierce animal, and was badly bitten on the right ear, which was I much torn. A physician was summoned and the necessary surtfcal attention was rendered. Increased Fact 1 tics. We are glad to learn that a daily mail service is to be placed on the star route between Rocky Point and Point Caswell via Long Creek. This is due. it is said, to the exertions of our very clever and able Congressman. Hons Wharton J Green. Thi3 will result we hope, in a large accession of snbt scribers to the Daily Review, which has now, wc make bold to assert. larger list at each of ' tho threo points Point Caswell , Long Creek and Rocky Point, than any other daily in the State can boast. Caro for Your Feet. Much food for thought i3 suggested in the advertisement ot Messrs Geo. JEt French & Sons, as published in this is sue. The old saying that to keep wel you must keep the head cool and tho feet warm. i3 true enough as far as it goes. But yoa must not only keep the feet warm but you must keep them dry Shoe dealers tells us that it is astonish ing how long some people will go with the soles of their shoes worn almost through, in damp weather as well as in dry weather. So long as the uppers hold out appearances are preserved and the foot is allowed to become. wet and to keep wet because the worn out sole is not visible to the casual eye. In all kinds ot weather the feet should receive tho utmost care and attention for it is throush them that many of the ills with which frail humanity-is afflicted enter into tho body. Tho feet should always be kept dry and kept warm. Tho Art Amateur for February contains a strikingly fine ideal portrait for oil painting, said to greatly resemble the famous American beauty, Miss Chamberlain. Other designs are a child's head, snow balls and hcpatlca for china painting; doilies and a portfolio cover for embroidery; marigolds for wood-carving, and. some charming figures for Valentino cards and sketching on linen. . Ulyscc Butin, a capital French painter of fishermen, receives biographical notice, and inter esting samples ot his work arc given. Specially attractive features .are the page of "rapid sketches" by theKiUKat Ciub, and the' illfistratcd articles on Alnia-Tadema's house and Cincinnati pottery. Montezuma's "Note Book," he musical and dramatic fcuillctons and Clarence Cook's criticism of the Thomas B. Clarke ricturcs are vigorous and entertaining. The practical depart ments are well filled, and the number ully maintains The Art Amateur's high standard of excellence. Price. 35 cents ; $4 a year. Montaguo Marks, Publish er, 23 Union Square, New York. Wake Forest Seml-Centennial. i Rev. W, L. Poteat writes as follows: "The exercises of Wake Forest In stitute" wero opened on the -first Mon day in February. 1831. It has been determined to celebrate this interesting and important event by the suspension of college work and by appropriate public addresses at the college, Monday, February 4, 1881. These fifty years have been, for the most part, years of struggle, but no less of permanent ad vancement, and, seen in the light of this development, the humble begin nings of half a century ago are worthy of the honor wo propose to put upon them. The semi centennial exercises will begin at 11 a. m., February 4th. You have already published the names of the gentlemen who are expected to take part. Tho programme speaks for itself, and, if it will not draw together a large number of the friends ot the college, we hope that the otherwise in (t resting occasion will." The largest and best stock of Windows. Doors, Blinds &c and at Factory prices is at N. Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. " i f NEW ADVJEirriSEMENTS JACONET EMBROIDERY I A lot of these goods will bo placed on our Job Counter and marked at 50 cents - j- on the dollar. ODDS AND ENDS In such goods as we propose closing out bargains may be expected. i -L . - A FEW WRAPS LEFT At such prices as will move them. BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS ! Two or three patterns of 49 to 50 yards, good styles, special price to close, as as these patterns are not in loom and cannot be duplicated. j Blankets, Crib Blankets, Spreads, Comforters, &c.m will be sold very low. FINE EMBROIDERY We have in choice styles, Toichon and Vol Laces, &c. ST Wool and Liner! Crumb Cloths, very cheap. I R. Rfl. rJiclIUTIRE. jan 31, 1884 j - Superior Court. In this court yesterday a verdict in the case of Rebecca Ann Hobbs, which was on trial when our report closed, i was rendered for the defendant late in ! the afternoon. j The court was then formally adjourn ed, after a session of three weeks. , Mr. Wifffflns Condition . It is distressing to learn that the lat est reports as to air. Eugene Wiggins condition are not encouraging. Capt O A. Wiggins returned here this morn ing from South Carolina, where he was summoned by the news of the acciden to his brother, and he reports his con dition as pot only serious, but alarming. The unfortunate gentleman still keeps in good spirits, but his wounds are simply fearful. The surgeons are stil hopeful,' however, that his good con stitution and excellent habits may serve to pull him through, and it 13 the earnest prayer of every one here, that their hopes may be fulfilled. Tho New Standard. The Revised Code,-has changed the standard of weights and measures. For the benefit of our readers we publish the law relating to them which it wil be well for our farmers and merchants to copy into their memorandums:. Section 3850. The bushel of wheat shall be sixty pounds, of rice forty four pounds, of rye, fifty six pounds, of Indian corn Jiity pounds, of buckwheat fifty pounds, barley forty eight: pounds. of oats thirty pounds : of flax seed fiftv five pounds, of clover seed sixty four pounds, peas fifty pouuds, ot corn meal forty six pounds, and u any person shall take any greater quantity by weight, for one bushel of the several articles mentioned in this section than the weight prescribed, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars to any Dcrson who may sue lor the same. Some of the cures by St.1 Jacobs Oil, are almost beyond belief. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N. A. STEDMAN, Jr-, ATTORNEY-AT-L A W. Ol'llcc on Princess, between Front and Sec on-1 elrcets, in the Uascment of Building Mo. ill. next to old Journal isuiiumg, v lLiMiu TON. Si. C. Practices la an Uic criminal and Civil Courts of New Hanover, Biauen, Columbus, Pender and Brunswick Counties. feb 2 dAw-liu Valentines for 1881. ! i I ! SO EAPIDLiXMlAV; THESIS UIIOWN IN favor, that crcn the more conservative portion of the community ha3 become accus tomed to the frequent sending and exchange of Sentimental Cards, and this culminated in the observance or saint VALENTINE'S DAY with more than usual fervor last season. CHEAP FANCY VALENTINES,' RICH AND CHASTE EASEL VALENTINES, ! i ELABORATE BOX VALENTINES, and I ' - I ELEGANT FRINGED CARD VALENTINES. i r Our New and Lcadinjr Feature for 1S84 Js a beautiful line of H AND-PA I NTE D NOVEL TIES, surpassing any thing previously made n vaicnuncs. , . In view of the trrowlnjr popularity of Valen tine's Day, we suggest t our patrons to send ineir oruers jkakliX to HEINSBERGEH'S, f cb 2 j Live Book and Music Store Onion Sets, White and Red. FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. Alsoi a fall assortment of FRESH GARDEN SEED, PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, CIGARS in rreat variety, Ac , Ac. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Ntw Drug8tore, Market and Seeon 1 Streets. jan 14 SELLIfJC OUT! HATS &PEATHERS j AT REDUCED PRICES. MRS. KATE C. WINES, 41 No. 115 H Second Street, next Post Ofilce Jobs . . .- 2. 1884. NO. 28 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New'YorK & Wilmington ' Steamship Line. STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock, P.-M. BENEFACTOR. . . . REGULATOR.!.... BENEFACTOR.... ....Saturday, Feb 9 Saturday, Feb 1 Saturday, Feb S8 Through Bills Ladlns? and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to JH. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wllml llngton, N. C. THEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, 35 Broadway, New York. - i WM. P. CLVDTC CO.. fiftrwr! Asrents. f eb f - ' n A Timely Suggestion. FRIEND STATES PEOPLE GET COLD by wearing old and worn ehoes and thereby either lose their lives or have to pay Doctors i - i anJ; drug men. Wc can furnish BOOTS AND I . i SHOES to keep your feet dry ! and warm and i preserve your health, besides giving solid com fort at much less price. Try it and call on us. GEO. R. FRENCH & SON3, feb 1 tf . 108 North! Front St Appreciative. w E FEEL CONFIDENT THAT OUR EF forts to please our patrons jhavo ocen appro I ! i cialcd by them, both as to quality and price paid. ; We shall bo enabled this week to offer quite variety of NEW AND DESIRABLE ART I CLES, to which your attention Is respectfully called. All purchases promptly delivered free 61 chirge. JAS. B. HUGGINS & CO jan 30 Horses and i RIules rjlWO CAR LOADS OF HORSES AND MULES just received, and for sale at prices to suit all. Come and see them. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c, always in readiness for the use of the public. I! - ! f TWO FINE HEARSES, with NICE HOUSES, i for Funerals. O. K. HOLL1NGS WORTH, Livery and Sale Stables, ' jan 30 Cor. 4th and Mulberry Bts C. W, YATES, 1111 MAltKET ST. gCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER BAGS, STRAW WRAPPING PAPER, . TWINE, Ac, AC. Liberal discount to merchants. Let us quote you prices on above before buying elsewhere. jan 23 Special Inducements. AM OFFERING A SPECIAL 1NDUCE- ment In ZEPHYRS, having a very large lot of It, and wishing to reduce stock before Spring, I will sell all colors at 11c and black and white at 10 cents per ounce, FOR CASH. A alee lot of Handkerchiefs. Linen and SUk. I will sell at reasonable prices and st imp Initials free of I charge. . ... . ! enrochet Goods, such as ShawU, Fasdnar tcrs. Caps, basques, Ac,, at low pi ices. 1I&U trlmmeu and ud trimmed as low as can be bought anywhere, and a large stock e to select from. ; Respectfolly, ' " MISS E. KABRER, ; Jaa 10- " - "KTrnawge Corner, - PLBAST8 NOTICS. jj , We win be giaj to receive caoaaalcitloa froa our fricnij on any ana i2 ' rctjecU SCEeraltetcreatbtit ' The nams ot tho writer mast always be fa . daned to tab Editor." -' ; CommualcaGoiia must t written cm otil one aide of the paper. . " Personalities must be avoided. 1 And It Is especially j and particularly and tood that the Editor does not always endot the views of correspondents unless so jitate la the editorial columns. t MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Notice. QUR BOOK KEEPEB, MU. B. W. DAVIS, Is Ncrth on butlccss for us. maklnsr irran m menu fer our Spring shipments of CshV 56 c wish to state that there Is no truth In the janMt nac W. E. DAVIS SON 1 i 1,000 Hhds TRIME POBTO EiCO Mnt iwwj ttto. landed direct from the IslandT Vhicli we offer to the trade at prices to suit tSeStoJ. Wc guarantee this Molasses pure. ' jan 9 tf EDWARD KIDDER Jfc SON, 5 and 10 cents Cigad, HAVANA FILLERS, i " I . Best in the city, are on sale. JNO. T. SCHONWALD'S. Drug and Precrlptton Store jan 11 Yellow, White and Red i( Onion Sets. CORN, PEAS, BEANS, &c, DRUGS, . C,hemical8 Patart Medicines and Fancy Articles. PreserlDtlonii filled t n. mJ day and night, at F. C. MILLER'S T)mr Rtn dec 23 324 South Fourth. Corner NunYt Pure Whiskey T7- QLD NORTH STATE SALOON, 0 South Front St, keeps on hand Clemmer's Pnre'Rte Whiskey, (no. flavored stuff! Pic K! WhUko -very fine. As good FIVE CENTS CIOARsV as the market affords. Finest OYSTERS from New River. Don't want a .fortune at once. No headaches there. . jan 23 ; A I A I : a . ! Mppiesi ADDies ! ADD es QN CONSIGNMENT ANDMUSTbIe SOLDt N. Y.Baldwin Apples, Ohio Red Apples. NT: liuiier. va. Aieai. car loador RTnn.il nn Avon. liCltCd. j : :! " . . ; E. G. BLAIR. I ! Commission Merchant, 19 NJ Second St. dec 31 , . For Saturday. JRESSED POULTRY, DUPLIN COUNTY SAUSAGE AND LIVER PUDDING, N. C. Sides and a full stock of Choice Family Gro cerles. Prices reasonable. Respectfully. ..AW TTV7U KII nfr t. The Live Grocer and Produca Com. Mer chantlH North Water St, Wilmington. N.C. j jnn II ' , . .. .. ; j; Cider! Cider I Cider! . - f pUEE APPLE CIDER, JUST FROM THE PRESS t Call and leave your orders and jugs 'at L J R. McDOUGALL'S, ' 1 No. 14 Chestnut St, bet Front and Water il fan 2-2 Wlmnltnn xr r J , ' A. . Asm John C, Dayis, A TTORNEY ANQ 11 J. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WlLMINOTOW. N. Office over tho Bank of New Hanover. i Practices in all tho Courts of the State, i I 49r Special attention paid to tho collection of claim. nov 4 1 Steam Yacht Louise, PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER ' I. i . . for Smithvlllo dally. lCatcs low and accom. modatlons line. Tho LOUISE Is a new boat and is guaranteed safe. Will leave Smlthyillo 8 A. M. Leave Wllmlngtsn 2.30 o'clock P, M, Wharf foot of Dock Street. I - WM. WEEKS, j jan 19 Agent and Owner. W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attorneys-at-Law. I- Oilicc-S. E. Cor. Princess and Water Sts. jan 7lm , OUR BARGAINS ARE Always Appreciate 39c. Thirty -Nine Cc&ts for a Seventy-Tiireo Cents Seventy Three Cents fora Ninety Eight Ccnf s ViOAwA. i 98c. Nuicty-tight cents for a Dollar and ThirtJ SI. 39. One Dollar and Thirty-Nine Cents for a Dal. lar and Seventjr-Tbree Cents CORSET. ; HAMBURG EMBROIDERY. 2 inches wide, 7 'eents per yard, i 2' 3 4- 5 6 8 15 ZJ 31 35 IRISH POINT. 4 inches wIde,C3 ceoU per yanL ' 10 V " Hi : " I i ! ! A large stock to select from. J ' A LARGE STOCK OF CRAPE&fbr Ifoorn Ing Bonnets. Veiling and Dres Tiimmlox. at REMARKABLY LOW PKlCES. RIuBUNS! RIBBONS ! RIBBONS f fa rtrr Shade and Wldxn, will be gold at TKKMEN DOC REDUCTIONS, ( ., .. .. ' at - . ' r. TAYLOR'C 73c. BAZAAR, 118 Market St. j ' wiiaisgioy. h. c.

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