THIS PAPER copied by uv AMES, nrro ax raorarrron. ,t .pccuirnosa rosTAGr. - 811 fill months. tZ. rAID: Six months, tiOO. Thrr .... fii' Qce month, 23 cmU. Si3 .. .irml Lr carriers free V-e pFr " , tK- . lh0 .bore .. :3f ratt low And liberal. ;r will report MfD4U falW tf.t fr"1 Xr has freest f U circti'-tiion, of nny newspaper ! . :.UJ. i city cmimtnu furniture manufacturers f Vt? frn ;.Crc uica and wood workers into tie S"-tth. .. , Tte lrc3u!cr.t cf the Keely Motor f f(af iny fcis notice that a public Sib:UonoCtbo motor In March will J chen. when the stockholder may prepared f.r greatest feat the . - ITi Vice 'President Colfax docs not l,y:Te that Democratic courage is e'.'aa! to the tak of putiin? tho words 1 lirirT lor revenue only" in its Nas :. .r.a! platform. Ho fi-cls suro they r.t least, leave out the -only." . Kcubcn Springer, of Cincinnati, has $iO,OOOto furnih the buildings t'.z il art school whic! has just been Orally endowed by Judge Nicholas Lii;w.V.b. Mr. Springer's gift will md to add two stories to the Cin r:r.t;a'i College bnildins for use of tho art school. . JuJ-e MrCrary, who has just ro Ijntd hi rhce on the IJench of the Ju Kchi Circuit to accept a rail way .v.:..rueys!ip, denies tbc report that t e U to have $33,000 in his posi tion HU ?a!ary is to bo $9,600 a year. 5,-.biaur.e-fourth the sum reported. w'.:hth prlvHege of private practice. Kri:z Kasett has beconac tho owner o: in; :hcr dog to replace tho St. Bar liir.I J Hijard. formerly appearing oi t.':,'?:3gf. The new purchase cost rjri; .uiaad dollars, atiiwers to the cauief Hector, and in height and wright ii claimed to be unexcelled in iSl country. Uc weighs 1C3 pounds. anJ stands 37 inches from tho centre of In .-boulders to the floor. A Calibrnia sheriff, despairing of success in his fiaht for re election by mnductinsr his canvass in tho usual way, has spread broadcast a card from lie prisoners under his care, cxtrolling Vu kiil in capturing them, calling auction to his official virtues, and aiMirinz the voters of the county that Le can certainly 1 'run well." The venerable Uishop Horatio Potter, r l New York, has issued a circular to the clergy of his diocese informing tlcm tint, being unable by reason of age and inurmity to discharge the duties ot his oftlcc. he has assigned to Assistant liishop II. C. Potter all tho du ties, and has capowcre I him to exer cise all the authorities which appertain to the cCice of bishop in that diocese. local news: HiCEX T3 HEW AOVIBTISCMEITS. Justus -A liir Notice urn unit .v soN-sb.i A D Ci.jii x, ARtnt XotJrc H C rsilMI l RT-tlt! A!iCd Ti i ii A Co To Uousckccrcr I I-AtU'otlou Ex Member C W TATX.S School Cooks, Ac N Y l ffll S S I-Slilag Daj Hum ukrg oi Vikntltc j for lal PiKkci: A Tailok Cbtmny rip X A Sn dmjuc, J c Attorney at Law Thi C.CRArr, Art Daby CarrUf s K!.;nr or Honor-KtguUr MeUnjc Mt Drds. A htRoMET Onion Set Kik ixlk A Calolr Bros Groceries 1 Wauacc. CaiVr-Annutl MeU?ff U Wallace, Cahr DlrMcnd Notice W KSrRiNor.K Jt Co SiHjruman Good r L Criiokis A Co Plum Pnjldin. Ac . 1Ut. Bailxt A Co Sab, Door. Bllndj ill A Bowdex-A Merciful Man Vor other locals see fourth pare. Daly $1.50 for a pair or shad in Sat, rdaj' market. The rvceipts of cotton at this port tonhy foot op 213 bales. All of the city churches were well &:cd yesterday, the beautiful, balmy dj hating a good deal to do with this uc:. Thcd.rcctortoftho Bank of New Ilasovcr have declared a semi-annual divides J cf i per cent. , payable on the i'ia inst. AtSatioa is invited to tho advertised Beat ol Messrs Tully & Co.. rcnova tcrs of feattcrs. mattresses. &c. as it Is kuad ia this issue. . r?f rirsl Baptf st Church was again , fJ lXi oiht by a large congregation hear Dr. Pritchard's sermon to young tca "John the Daptlst." Acother beautiful Spring day ia Feb TZiTy- U Is unseasonable, although e generally havo a spell of nice vreath tfjast about this time. The annual meeting ol tho stockhold ers of theliAnk of Nw Hanover will U U.d a: the Banking House, ia this wy.oaTtsrsday, the 14th Inst. r H ! VOL. VIII., W ILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. FEBRUARY Schr. J. P. II iwan, Forrey, cleared nt this port for Port-aa-Prince, Hayti. with 123.050 feet lumber and 63.150 shingles, valued at $1,975.57, shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Cam ming;. t , Messrs W K. Davis & Son ship to- dty. to Daltimore.1 the first barrel of shad which has been shipped from North Carolina this season. This is eight days earlier than last year. Wo are glad to; hear that the prospects are good for a tine run of shad this season. Mr. Norwood Huske. of this city, has removed to Ocala. Fla., where he will take charge of an orange grove iu that neighborhood belonging to Mr. T. W. Strange, Air. Iluskc and 'other Wil mingtonians. Mrs. Iluskc will leave hcrejiaa few days to join her husband at Ocala. The roost robbers were around Saturday night in force. They visited tho premises of Maj. II. II. Foster aud Mr. David White, on Mulberry between Seventh and Mcllae streets, and lifted every fowl they could Jlnd. there. Mr. White's chickens were all of, a fine breed. Plymouth Ilock. Messrs F. L. Mcares and W. C. Jones, tho Uniform Committee of the Wilmington Light Infantry, advertise in this issue that uniforms, portions of uniforms and equipments in the pos session of ex-members of the company or others, cari bo disposed of ad vans tagcously on applying to them. Knights of Honor. Carolina Ixidge No. 131. Regular meeting: this evening at 7 o'clock. Full attendance desired. I It. Unmallable. There is unmailablc matter rcm.'Hii tng in tho postoflice addressed to James flarpy, S. C; Kcbecea Keed. Wayne co., N.-C. ; and a package containiug a shawl addressed to Eliza Grant. An Unvarnished Fact. Saturday's Xctvs and Observer says: Col. John D. TayIo-rJof Wilmington, is in town and will remain here proba bly a day or two. He is one of thcs3 who wore the gray with1 distinction aud since tho dawn of peace he has been a leading citizen of his section. No man is hold iu higher esteem by those' who know him than is Col. Taylor." . 1 City Court. The following cases were disposed of by tho Mayor this morning:) Jacob Bell, for disorderly conduct. was fined $5, which he paid. uoDcri iiowuen. also disorderly, was fined $1, which was paid. Henry Batson, disorderly, judgment suspended. Victoria Collins, drunk and disorder ly, fine $5 or 20 days. She went below Harbor Master's .Report. CapL Joseph Price, Harbor Master at this port, reports as follows for the month of January : American 0 steamers, 7,051 tons; 1 brig. 312 tons; 10 schooners, JI.C 15 tons Toiul 20 arrivals, 11.078 tous. Foreten 15 barque?, 5,5 lit tons; -5 brigs, 1,051 tons;3 schooners, 511 tons; Total, 23 arrivals, 7,102 tons. Total during tho month, 43 arrivals, aggregating 19.0S0 tons. . Another New Kuterpriso. Messrs. Hart, Bailey Co. arc about to make some notable additions and im provements to their business. They have ordered new and -improved machinery for the purpose of restab lishiog a sash, blind and door factory in connection with their machine works on South Front street and have been so fortunate as to engage for this purpose the services of Mr. G. M. Altafler, whose experience and thorough knowl edge of the business arc known of all men. Tho proprietors will compete with Northern bouses and in a card published in this issue they solicit the patronage of the public. Fatal Accident. Oa Saturday altcrnoon last a colored boy about 10 years of age, by the name of Hayes, was caught between two freight cars on the W & W. It. B.. near the old Union Depot and was, ins stantly killed, his bead having been crushed between tho cars. It was at tho time when the shifting engine was about to couple on to tho rear of the freight train, to push it into the depot, when tho accident occurred. Tho boy was attempting to get on between two ot the cars at the time. . No inquest was deemed necessary. The lather or the unfortunate lad is named Sam Hayes and is employed as a switchman oa the road. ; Intcrcslinz to. Fishermen : The cele brated Fish" Brand Gilling thread is sold only at Jacodi's. He is the Im porter's Agent. , J t North Carolina Conference. From the Journal of the North Cards lma AnnualConference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. 47th session, held at Statesville in November last, we gather some interesting statistics. This conference does not extend over tho entire State. Tho extreme Western counties, including Buncombe, are in the Ilolslon conference, and the North eastern counties are in the. Virginia conference. There are within the tcrs ritory of the North Carolina conference proper twelve presiding elder3 districts, embracing 132 pastoral charges. The membership (white) numbers 72,256, being an increase of 2,126 during the last year. The numncr of Sunday schools is 813; officers and teachers 5,007; scholars 45,397; an increase of scholars of 3,191; number of parsonages 91; value $121,031; increase in valne $13,795; number of churches 830; in crease 25; value of churches $880,513; increase in value of churches $47579. Tho sum of $76,3G5.08 was spent in building and repairing churches atfd parsonages during the year. The aa nual paid salaries of preachers was $107,24G, being an average of i more than $500. Raised for foreign missions during the year $9,830.42, and domestic and home missions $5,080.79; total raised for missions. $14,901,21. ' All Wilmitixtoiiiaus. Wiimiugton is well represented iu tho vast railroad enterprises now on foot in Florida. In fact, our city has turned out some of the best railroad men to bo found in the South. ' The late Gen. Win. MacRae, whoso reputation in railroad circles was national, Col Henry S. Haiucs, now GenT Manage of tho Savannah, Fla. & Western R. 11 aud the Charleston and Savannah R R., and Capt. II. M. Drano, who also fills a high positiou ou these lines and in tho Plant InvcotmcntCompany, a well known railway building company, may bo cited as chief among these There aro also other Wilmiugtouians in Florida engaged in railroading among whom wo recall the names o Messrs. David S. Cowan R. E Lloyd, John B. Ltyd and E. M. Cush ing. Thoso reflections have' occurred to us as the result of a little paragraph from the Tampa (Fla) Tribime which has caught our eye and which says: Oa the 23d day of January. 1855. Colonel II. M. Drano commenced work as a contractor on the old Florida rail road, now tho Transit and Peninsular. to build to Tarn pa. That road did not reach lam pa, and nobody knows when it will, if it ever does. On the 23d day or wanuary, lbsi. Colonel Drane, as agent for tho Plant Investment Com pany, was in Tampa and witnessed the completion of the South Honda rail road, built under his supervision and the first line to reach our town. Owners of Fast Trotters. New Yokk. Messrs Gordon & Chase, proprietors of fhe well known Phccnix Stables, state, that in their forty years experience, they have feund nothing that can compare with St. Jacobs Oil as a cure. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RANK OF NEW IIANOVEB, Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 1st, 1SS4. I riWK DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OF X NEW HANOVER have declared a semi annual Urldend of (4) Four Per Cent., pay ble on the !lh Inst,, to stockholders of record or tnu date. a. v. w uk, feb 4 It Cashier Annual Meeting. fpiIE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock holders of the BANK OF NEW IIANOVEB will be held at the Banking House, In this city, on THURSDAY, 14th inst., at 12 noon. feb 4 St Cashier Fire Clay Chimney Pipes. "1TTE HAVE THEM. ALSO BISCUIT Boards. Lap Boardj. Ironinz Boards, Meat Boards. Beautiful Tin Sets. Granite iron Ware. Cake Boxe and Closets: Lamps of various style. Bird Cases, Cheese Boxes, flatcd Spoons, rors and Knives, A no. i Cook Stores, &c. j TAMES & TAX1AJK. PURE WHITE OIL. feb 4 To Housekeepers. T 1ULLY Jt CO., WHO ABE LOCATED hero for a short time In the buslnc&s of reno vating Feathers and Hair Mattro6CS, . arctpT- lng enttre satltfacUon. Below we furnish references who recom mend the work to give entire satisfaction. Mrs. IL Iw Brldgers. Mrs. II II. Mnnson, L. voliers, . L. Hansen, " 1L Voliers, and many others, feb 4 lt Baltimore & Wilmington i ! . Steamship Line. Notice. N FUTURE ALL FREIGHT BILLS hall be paid before delivery of Goods. feb 4 lwk A.D. CAZAUX, Agent - - - - .". .- - NEW AXVXTISEMENTS The Overcoats that we have been advertising at such popular low prices are going rapidly and cannot last piuch longer. Some people have even ' i thought it worth their while to buy them " to keep over for next Winter. ' . i '.in Wxi are bound to close out before our-Spring Stock comes to make room for the most gigantic purchase of Clothing ever brought to orth Carolina . 1 by any one house. We must have room and we can only have it by sending off our Winter Stock on the fly. - - We are doing the Clothing business of this city by hard work and an honest endeavor to merit and gain the confidence of all classes. We have reached the "'")' . i position we now claim of being the leading clothier in Wilmington . ' We guarantee to save you fully from 1 0 to 33 per cent, on your purchal es. Don't take our vrord for it, but call and convince yourself at! 1 J THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 V3ARICET ST. feb 4 A Merciful PJan JS MERCIFUL TO HIS BEAST. TIHS S a gentle Lint to owners of "unblankcted" horses. The place to buy any price Blanket you want, together with Lap-robes, Carriages, Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Satchels, Bags, Ac, is at j McDOUGALL & EOWDEN'S, feb 4 No. 114 North Front St SHAD. W ITU OTHER SPRING FISH CAN BE found at our Fish Market the season through, feb 4 . DAVIS SON. Still Ahead ! I JJENRY C. PREMPERT, FIRST CLASS SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND SnAM POOING SALOON. For any first-class work call at No. 7. South Front Street, where you will always be served In style. 1 itespectruuy, feb 4 H. C. PREMPERT. Groceries. Groceries. BACON, COFFEE, HAY, SOAP, SODA, TOBACCO, FLOUR, MOLASSES, CORN, LYE, CRACKERS, SNUFF. SUGAR, SALT, OATS. POTASH, CANDY, CANDLES, AXLEGKEASE, TWINE, RIVETS. MATCHES, BUCKETS, PAPER, BAGS, GLUE, BUNGS, I For sale by feb 4 KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. BABY CARRIAGES A NEW INVOICE RECEIVED THIS past week, and silling at close prices. Our stock of FURNITURE is complete and of the most stylish patterns. WOOD TOP CENTRE TABLES, received Saturday, in very pretty patterns BPRING BEDS and MATTRESSES of every description. THOMAS C. CRAFT, Asrent. Furniture Dealer. 20 So. Front St feb 4 Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. H AVING ENGAGED THE SERVICES OF ALU. G. M. ALTAFFER (late of Altaffer & i Price), and arranged for the purchase of new special machinery, we desire to notify our friends the public that we shall at an early i ! day be prepared to fill orders for SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BRACKETS, I WOOD MOULDING, and ORNAMENTAL I WOOD WORK of all descriptions. We expect to compete with Northern manufacturers, and solicit orders from responsible par.les. II ART, ttAILKX Copper, Iron and Wood Workers, 119 and 21 8outh Front St;. feb 3-tf ' Wilmington, NTC: Attention Ex-Members. ! 1 U NI FORMS, PORTIONS OF UNIFORMS, OR EQUIPMOTS OF THE WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY, ia posses tlo of ex members or others, can be disposed of advan tageously by applying to cither of the under signed. , F. L. M EARLS, ... !'-r" W. C JONES, 1 1 - , j feb 4 It Uniform Committee The largest and . best stock of Winflowai Doors, Blinds T&c, and at Factory prices is at N.-Jacbbi's Hard ware Depot. " t NO. 29 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Plum Pudding, ' l - -: Mince Meat, i I 1 Preserves, Selling at Low Figures I PRESERVES and JAMS, In 2 pound Palls very convenient. I Preserved Strawberries bottled by Cros3e & Blackwell, London, some thing ueW and nice. ' CUCUMBER SAUCE, I for Oysters, Meats, &c. P. L. BBIDGERS &i 00. HO North Front St. feb 4 I Sportsman's Goods. IXrE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT f T of English and Belgium Breech Loaders .1 C. ill m. m a. 1 a, iiUKuou cas i A'jfAuiu syivLvuiaivauvis ever prouKfli xo inia xuarKei. Aira a nrst - Auk a first- r L' rll? ii flf S t?!. t .m?o ?0V0 r nl fact .we can show a stock of Hardware. Good gooua anu guaraniee pnees. Successors to John Dawson & Co.. IV T NMtl liM'lf XT. '! feb 4 19. 21 and 23 Market 8treet i Onion Sets, White and Red. AFRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. j j . ' Also, a iau assortment or FRESH GARDEN SEED, PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, CIGARS in great variety, &c , Ac. ' Munds Bros. & DeRosset, ; New Drug Store, jan 14 Market and Seeond Streets. GREENVILLE SOUND. I WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN ONE of the most Desirable Summer Places on the A t lan tic coast, situateu on Greenville I Sound, miles from Wilmington, on Shell Road. The land Is In a niGU STATE OF I CULTI ATION and will support an ordinary f , w , .u , . es. Apples, Cherries, Flga and Grapes IN ABUNDANCE. Oysters. Flsli, Crabs and Shrimp to bo had at the door every dav. - I nor2o-law3ni! m I WM. A. CUM MING James A. Lowrey,1 HEELWRIGUT, BLACKSMITH AND Genera! Repairer of Carriages and Vehicles. Work ojT all kinds attended to without delay. Thanking my friends for favors extended to me in the pat, I solicit their kind favors and th;lr patronage a future. After an expert- ence of forty-four years as a Mechanic under Capt W. IL Bobbitt, of Warrenton, an. I la Wiistington, 1 am now prepared to conduct the work in all its branches in a good and workmanlike manner. Place of business, on Princess, between 3rd and 4th streets. nor 30-w-tf 4. 1884: rXEASS KOTIC3. Wt win be glad to receive eoenmcslcaUcn from oty friends oa any and an sabjeel general latercat bet ' The name of the writer xcrst always ts fa alsfced to the Editor. " ! ! Ctommnnic&Uonsnmat be wrlttsa in ral one aide of the paper. . j"' : ; PerBonaiuieaanstbe aTolded. j -AndltlaespecUDy and parttcnlarly end tood that the EdltoV does tiot alwaji endot tne views cf correspondents tinlese so utc la the editorial eolunans. ' MISCELLANEOUS. N. A. STEDHAN, Jr., ATTORNET-AT-LAW. I ' Office on Prlnceaa. between Front and Wc ond Btrects. in the Basement of Building No. SuM" old Jwrxal Bulldlny, WHjflSQ- Y. '.i'l-i i- PracUcea In all the Criminal and Civil Courts of New Hanover,- Bladen, Columbus. P?tri,2l BruMvick (JounUes. I i feb 2-d&wlm s ' A Timely Suggestion. FRIEND STATES PEOPLE GET COLD by wcailcg old and worn shoes and thereby either lose their lires or hayi to' pay Doctors and drug men. We can f Ornish BOOTS AND SHOES to keep your feet dry and warm and preserve your health, besides giving solid com fort at much less price. I N r j Try it aid cad on us. . geo. r. French! son3. r. ' feb 1 tf I 108 North Front St . Valentines for 1884. SO RAPIDLY HAVE THESE GROWN IN favor, that even the more conservaUvc portion of the community has become accus tomed to the frequent sending and exchango of Sentimental Cards, and this culminated In the observance of SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY with more than usual fervor last season. CHEAP FANCY VALENTINES, RICH AND CHASTE EASEL VALENTINES. ELABORATE BOX VALENTINES, and ELEGANT FRINGED CARD VAlNTINES. Our New and Leading Feature for 184 Is a beautiful line of HAND-PAINTED NOVEL TIES, surpassing any ihlng previously made In Valentines. I j ! ' ' ' In view of the growing popularity of Vtlcn tine's Day, wo suggest to our ratrons to send their orders EARLY to . I HEINSBERGEE'Sl .... . . . L. T feb 2 Live Book and Music Store Appreciative. liyE FEEL CONFIDENT THAT OUR EF- forts to please our patrons have been appro? elated by them, both as to jquality and price paid. :. ; . , We shall be enabled this week to offer quite i a variety of NEW AND DESIRABLE ARTI- CLES, to which your attention lj respectfully called. "r'" -A""f: ,v"' -" All purchases promptly delivered free Of i l - j T charge. JAS. B. UUGGINS & CO. Jan 30 , ih - 5 ami 10 cents Clgarfe,, HAVANA FILLERS, - I j ' ) Best in tho city, are on sale. Drusrs and Medicinal prcnaratlons of tha highest grade at ' -4 . . JNO. T. SCHONWALD'S, jan 11 ' Drug and Precriptlon Store . ; . . Yellow, White and) Ked Onion Sets. . CORN, PEAS, BEANS, &c DRUGS, Chemicals. Patent Medicines and Facer Articles. Prescriptions filled at any Hire, day and night, at .. i f . c. miuLlKU S Drug Store, dec 23 324 South Fourth, Corner Nunst Pure I Whiskey.) LD NORTH STATE SALOON, 0 South m 1 vwf c- vAA. M riAMvAM. x - t. Whiskey! (no fiavored stuff) Pic Mo Whisker, ry fine. As good FIVE CENTS CIOARfS aa the market affords. Finest OYSTERS from v ew; mver. Don't want a fortiraa at 1 - . " T " . oce. oneaaacnes there. f , jan jaj 1 , . , I . h L MDDies i MDDies I add es syS CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BE SOLD. N. Y. Baldwin Apples, Ohio Red Apples! N. I Y. Creamery Butt ;r, N. C. Roll Butter; Ohio I ' , I Butter. Va. Meal, car load or small order; so. licited. , , . I ' E. G. BLAIR. Commission Merchant, 19 N. Second St. dec 31 ! i For Saturday. RESSED POULTRY, DUPLIN COUNTY SAUSAGE AND LIVER PUDDING, N. C. Sides and a full stock of Choice Family Gro ceries, races reasonable. Respectfully, A. W. RIVENBARK. I xne rive urocer and lTonnce com. er- chant 114 North Water St, Wilmington. N.C. slV' . 1" . . Cider! Cider ! Cider! pUBE APPLE CIDER, . i j j JUST FROM THE PRESS ! i - I I I Call and leave your oHers and Jags'at i K.MCUOUUAL.Ig, No. 14 Chestnut St. bet. Front and Water Jan 22 Wilmington! NjC. Jolm C, Davis, s TTORNEY AND XL I COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WiLiasrcTOJi- X. 1 Office orer the Bank of New Hanover. Practices in all the Courts of tie State. i t Special attention pal j to the collectioa Of r.UfntA. nnvT4tf Printingfe Binding! Our friends will pleaie remember us when In need of anything: in our line, whether Printing, Ruling or Binding,' a same will be done with promptness, and satisfaction guaranteed. - I j I I . We desire to call attention of jthose who hare never favored us with their hatronag'e, to I thc.fa.ct that ours is the best equipped establUhment in the city, and conic but com' potent and skilled workmen employed. ! . I JACK60X & BELL, j : jan 19 'Ski. - ;.. ( if

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