Tins pxpes 1 etery even!. 8daji ex ecpted by j OS 11 T. JAMES iptIOSS rOSTAGB PAID: 8lvr.M ci w month. 12.00. Three One month, S3 cent. rir A the dir. At the above in wj , or LbcrtL A4. mrtmrandiU fall- 7 ..iye their paper regularly. r.rtW" i r ii i ri " H t, n ti B 7nwwrt C riraihiiUm, of any newspaper !,. in the ciiy oj Wilmington 'iH Henrietta II. Magruder. who i3 norence recently, was the of the famous General John B. pcr Mr. Spunreon recently wrote to ra frQaMcatone that, though he Uz sr'rilD' heis pr051" !- mn W. H. Vandcrbilt is out driv i3, fcj fall outfit, including team. cutter and clothing is estima ted lo be worth $20,000. .. lUroa de WaggstauVa Russian no njan. now in Chicago, has been sent u itli country by that government to :clv the Aracncanrailroad system. ..rutor Darid Davis' illness has not Lccti a serious as reported, being but 'Azll cold. He is out and about agaip. lAini noce the worse .'or hi3 confine ment. , Wendell Phillips, tho Abolitionist's Cvlin ikstoa on Saturday evening it r. o'clock, aged 73 years. Ho. was iLelaiiof the Iioaton School of Antt- Slavery Agitators. - - - "YV.'.y jcarj hence." says a Detroit laic ci;ta:o. "the sight oi bark, brig or KL xitrcatHc inland waters will draw a croi as a curiosity. Steam is LccLiR out the sail -crails by the core a. A Vbxizo journal modestly suggests that tie celebration of the fourth ccn ticc:a! of the discovery of America jicu.'J bts held in that city, because it -ii the pivot city of tho United Slates" and Leii suited to the purpose of such a cc.'eb ration. M tne. Pauline Lucca left Berlin feel iog iess happy than when she began her season there. Tho critics, even tho old ones, her friends of days gone by, wero tbary of their- compliments. Indeed, soce of them ventured to declare that her voico was failing. Mi Minnio Hauk tells a Buffalo re porter that she is not "going to travel around the country all her life 'singing id "Carmen1 "Faust" and Favorita.! She is ambitious whence comes a Eu ropean residence now about to begin. She ?oc to Berlin shortly. - Four cents & piece was the price proiabcd a sewing girl in Brooklyn for making eight dozen shirU, and then she had to bring suit to get tho money, hererjp.'aycral.eging that the sewing, was defective. Judgment for tho lull amount and $3 costs was rendered in her favor. At a microscopic exhibition In Boston lately, the sting ot a honey bee was thrown UDJn the screen- thn noint nf which was so sharp as to be hardly dis. liaguishab e. At the time the finest ot Cse teedlcs was shown under the samo rower of the microscope, and the end of the needle measured five inches acroi. Ivan Turguenifl suffered much during I the latter part of his life from a pai fui spinal trouble, lor which ho consult I many eminent physicians and tried tanataerabte remedies. It appears that he had not Implicit faith in tho medical lacu'.ty, and that when doctors failed to a'leviatc his sufferings ho sometimes apfc'.ted to empirics. Dr. Ildward .Warren, formerly of fca'.tiaiore. whose services in Egypt cained hiaa the title of By, and who some years has resided in Paris, arrived at New York last week, and is cow uniting his brother. Captain Har ry lose Warrea. at Fredericksburg. a; return to America Is lor rest and recreation. The Kepublican party ia St. lxuis. wa.chhiilonjteca dindetl into fac twss. is cow practically a unit. This o:on will be followed by efforts to con situate the organization throughout the State. The two State Committees are to be urged to agree upon one date cne place for the State Convention Q appoint delegates to Chicago. A reporter of the New York World ha beca looking in upon somo of the icg women of that city. They get from 7 to 10 cents a doun for making c-:ru, fo cents per dozen for women's ca.ico wrappers. 43 cents a dozen for oea's drawers, 30 cents & dozen for woolen overshirts "Scents a piece for linen dusters ;ol these latter it Is said that the smartest woman working on. a machine cannot finUh more than Urtcaday. It Is terrible to read of. r VOL. VIII. W ELMINGTON. N. C, TTJES DAY. FEBRUARY LOCAL NEWS. IKDEX TO IEW AayESTISEMENTS. J II Jo5Es Urcry S tables CJW Yates School Books, Ac IlE3!f RBEBOKB ValcntloCJ tOT lSil Jas 15 II logins & Co This Week , Muxds Bros. & DeRosset Onion Set . Uixj II. Crapox, Agt The Place to Buy Groceries The receipts ot cotton to-day foot op 231 bales. at this port There is a plaid shawl in the Post oflice, in this city, addressed to Eliza Grant. I- Workmen were busily engaged in laying curb stones on North Water street, between Princess and Chestnut, to-day. There were no cases for the Mayor's consideration this morning, and only one tramp furnished with lodgings a the guard houso last night. We aro g'.ad to sec that Mr O. G Parsley, who has been quite sick for some weeks past, has so far recovered as to appear on tho streets again. For some cause, the nature, of which weuouotknow, mere is some uncer tainty abuut the appcaranco of the "White Slave" Co., as wa3 expected. i i Wc are having beautiful weather and the farmers in the country are prcpar inz for their season s crops, and some of them have already begun ploughing. Fishermen ar J catching but few shad thus far, but they hopo and expect that if this sort of weather continues, they will begin to come in more plentifully. St. Jacob? Oil, an honored name, A charm that lulls to 6lecp, A cure for pain in wealth or lame, And helps the wretch to creep. The strong Southerly wind this after noon soon made the streets dry. and th dust flew lively, much to the annoy ance of those wliose business called them into the streets. 1 Quite a number of young men from the surrounding counties are migrating to Texas, but we shall expect them to return iu about a year convinced of the fact .that North Carolinac's good enough for them for the future. , The Clinton Cattcasicui says; '"Dr, Dabney, State chemist, is expected soon to visit ana examine the various phosphate beds recently discovered in Sampson county, wun a view to as certaining the quantity and value of tho rocks." 1 M'lle Ilhea, the celebrated French actress, is coming. He repertoire con sists ofAdriennc Lccouvrcr, Camille, Scliool for Scandal, Much Ado about XoUiinrj, Diane dc Luys. Caprice and Mary Siuart, in either of which she Is Ubcally excellent.' Barlley Campbell's White Slave Company, who wero to have appeared in this city on Thursday, will jump the town. They go from 'Richmond to Charleston without a break playing in the Utter city on Friday and Saturday nights. They have acted badly about their engagement here, i Saturday was ground hog day, and according to the old superstition, Win ter is still to be with u. In ground hog: ology, il the day is cloudy, be will know that the Winter is broken. Il the day is fair, tho hog will return .lo his hybernation and appear no more until tho latter part oi March for the .Winter is not over yet. Forclsrn Eacports. During tho month of January, 1SSI. the exports fotign from thisport were as follows : Cotton, 8 ,439 balc3. $390, 731; spirits ot turpentine. 115.239 gallons,- $1G,IS2; rosin. 52,574 barrels. $78,333; Ur. 12 barrels, $24; pitch 22 barrels, $39; lumber 1 lil35, 000 feet, $22,678; shingles 010.000, $3S59, mak ing tho total valuo of exports for the month aggregate $521,669. Attempted Burglary. The chicken thieves and other kinds ot midnight marauders seem ; to -have taken quite a fancy to the vicinity of Seventh and Mulberry streets. On Sunday night some ono of the gang made an attempt to break into - the dwelling house of Mr! J. J. Hopkins, near the corner of these two) streets, and camo near being successful The sash las ten cr was forced, but there happened to be a nail in i tho window which the thief could not 'get at, and by this means the attempt was frus trated. The appearance of the tracks beneath the window Indicated almost positively that tho would-be burglar was a woman.- I " " Board of Aldermen. i - i be Board of Aldermen met in regu lar session last night. A resolution was adopted that fhe City Attorney be instructed to take the nccessarv Rfn tn rnTorPA the collection of monevs due on Dronerty that has been sold for taxes, the time for the re demption ot the same .having expired. The City Treasurer and Tax Collec tor was instructed hereafter to enforce I the penalty of 25 per cent, upon all property sold lor taxes unless excused by the Board, or by the Mayor, when sumcieni legal eviuencc is prouueeu aa . . 1 A - - I .1 win saow mai jusuce ueuiauus iu . ... , , .. . The Finance Committee, in conjunc tion wjth tho Board of Audit and Fi nance, were empowered to effect a loan to cover the expense of the improve ments on Water street, on such terms and time as may bo deemed most de sirable ; interest not to exceed eight per cent, per annum A resolution was adopted that the Mayor bo authorized to sign one note for $4,000. and two notes for $3,500 each, to cover the cost of North Water stccet improvements. Apnlication of the Wilmington Turn Dike Company for the remission . of taxes 'paid in 1882, was referred to the Finance Committee, with power to act. 1 S H Terry was elected policeman to fill a vacancy on the force. Recommendation of the committee on Fire Department, that Brooklyn Engine Co No 4 be disbanded, was adopted. Petition of L Vollers to erect a wood- rn hnildinir on Orange street, between Front and Second, was granted. Petition of L Stemmerman to erect a wooden building was not granted. The matter oi neglect in the lighting oi lamps wm u - r On llgniS, lOf iuwne"uu uv power to act. Tho Sanitary Committee were In structed to inquire into the odorless excavating system for emptying cess pools, vaults. &c.. and report to the next meeting of the Board. County Commissioners. The Board met in regular monthly session yesterday afternoon. The Treasurer submitted his. report for tho month of January, as follows : General Fund, balance on , hand $16,873.85 Educational tund. balance - UU UUUU U,1Ui i i nr Acs. re nr.i. ii.. c : tu - shapo or a certincate oi ueposu in me First Xi ational Bank. m it foil hi report for tho monttt of January, show- ! inir tne auiouni oi ices receivea ior marriarro licenses to be $22.80. and exhibited the Treasurer's receipt for the same. Report received and ordered on fije ! Commissioner Mooro. Chairman of Manairersoftbe City Hospital, submit- .,H:..nn.i nnrr whinh q r-r. wCM uia t&iiuuai sv'vi V w- ceived and ordered registered and filed, E II McGuter made his annual re- port of fines and forfeitures, which was received and ordered entered on the record of oflicial reports and filed. Tho fnllrtvcinn- nart?M wero mr.intpd licenses to retail spirituous liquors in he citv of Wilminston: Holmes & Hodses. JoscDh Haes. B Bollois. Alex G Conolcy. John G L Grieschen. - i in a itn nv miTATiov Thu Roard of County Commissioners, upon adjournment, resolved itself into a Board ol Education, and proceeded to canvass tne census retnrns ' oi tne i . i .... . several school committees, and to make he apportionment ol tho school fund for tho year 1684, at the rate ol $2.00 per capita, as follows : District lo 1. unite children, i. 009, colored. 1,606. Total. 3,Gld. Whites. S3.018; colored, $3.12. District No. 2. White children, 913; colored, 1.510. Total, 2,153. Whites, $l.SS6; colored. $3,020. District No. 3. White children. 106; colored, 101. , Total, 210 Whites, $2Il.chlored,$J08. District No. 4. White children, 95; colored. 80. Total 175, Whites, $271;. colored, $160. colored. 221. Total, 361. Whites $274: colored, $118. District No. 6. White children. 11. Colored, 463. i Total, 509. Whiles. $82; colored, $930. Grand total, 6, 323 children. , Uairs VegcUblo Sicilian Hair Re newer imparts a fine gloss and freshness to the hair, and is highly recommended by physicians, clergymen and scientists as a preparation accomplishing won- dedal results. It is & certain remedy lor removing dandruff, making the scalp white and clean, and restoring J they are now so frequently, but so crro gray hair to its youthful color. a ncously designated. NEW ADVEKTKEaiEKTS The nvflrr.rmts thn t WP Kavfi honn QflATtiQinVof ennh I popular low prices are last much longer. thought it worth their while to buy them ; to keep ,over for next Winter. ' Vo are bound to nnt. hoforp' n, r I . . . v. i . most gigantic purchase ot Ulothmg ever brought to North Carolina by any We must have room arid sending off our Winter Stock on the fly. j We are doing the Clothing business of this city by hard work and an honest endeavor to merit and gain the confidence of all classes. We have reached the position we now claim of being the leading clothier in Wilmington . We guarantee to save you fully from lO to 33 per cent, on your purchas . Don't take our vrord for it, but call and convince yourself & ICS i i . THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. j feb 1 1 Our Little Ones. I The February number of this beauti ful juvenile gem is at hand and it Is replete with beautiful things. It can not be too highly commended. Itisfor tho little ones, those whose minds arc just awakening to the need of entertain mentand instruction, and it is most prettily adapted to the requirements of Publishing Company. 36 Rrrmfi Brom field street. Boston. 0 New Music. We have received from Rev. F. W. E. Peschau two pieces of vocal music entitled "I'm growing! old quite willingly." and "There is no home but whjch WcompMed by him. We have had lime only to notice that the melodies are quite simple and appro-; priate to the words to which they are I wedded. The harmonies are correct ana in tne most simple iorm, ana wen rendered must have a rather pleasing uflTpM. I --- j l We have heard both Democrats and Detter for a cougb than rr. buh's Cough Syrup : this old reliable remedy , never fails to core a cough or cold at once, and I rviAir Iaa nhfainni af onu I tnff ornra lrr . tTiT w J - Anniversary Exercises. A he Howard iteiiei bteam i? ire J!.n give Co.. No. 1, will celebrate its 29th anniversary on the 20th inst. lhe celebration will take place at the engine houseduring the morning hours and I 1 . M . J 1 t , W I will DC auenuea dy memocrs oi une company, their lady friends and invited Saests. Speeches will be made and the entertainment interspersed with vocal na lnsiruineuuu music, conspicuous among wnicn win no a vocal quartette, the WOrdS ana mUSIC Ot WhlCh Will be composed by Rev. F. ' Yf. E. Peschau. of St. Paul's iuvaogelical Lutheran Churcn, ana aeaicatea to a very prom- ment memocr ot tne company, t tne . . ... .... conclusion a cola collation will be served to tnose present. Eagles' Island. ' A friend.who is one of the grey breads ot the city, remarking upon our article Dt vesterday in regard to Castle Ilavnes. naa called our attention to another error of frequent occurrence in regard to the name of a certain locality in this vicini Uy. which we hasten to correct. He that the island immediately in front of the city and which of late years has been persistently called "Eagle1 Island should bo "Eagles' " Island. It was formerly the i property of Mr. Joseph Eagles and derives its name from that gentleman. We plead guilty of the fac: ol having ourselves unwit tingly aided in extending the error through the columns of the Review, but we will endeavor to be more care ful in the luture. Our friend says that to call it "Eagle" Island indicates it as a roosting place for that fabled bird ot Jove whereas not one of that species has eycr been known to build a nest within its limits. It derives its name from its former proprietor, as stated, and should be called Eagles' Island and never Eagle. The war has swept away nearly everything connected with the past ; let ns. at least, try to keen the old nitrnMnrnid infr nnd nnt let - , ... , hWiUl 4Utu J NO. 30 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . a going rapidly and cannot Some people have even f . " w .vw a wvuAd i.w l or the one house. we can only have it by 7 l New Hanover JtSible Society. An Interesting meeting of this society was j held "at the Front Street M. E. Church last night. The President, Mr. John McLaurin, ot the North Carolina Presbyterian, stated the ' object of the meeting, which was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Yates. Rev. Mr. Bailey, who is engaged jn selling and distribut ing the books of the society, made an interesting statement of hi3 work A meeting was appointed to be held at the First Presbyterian Church qext Sunday night, to consider the interests .of the society and devise ways and means for defray ing tho expense of canvassing the city; and the President, was authorized to arrange a programme for the meets "t aicci. wuiuu mo mcciiug uuai'u wim prayer by Rev. Dr. Wilson. i NEyV ADVERTISEMENTS, J. H. J ONES,1 T I VERY", SALE, BOARDING- AND EX- CHANGE STABLES. Horses, , Mules, Bug gies and Carriages for sale or hire. 4"trict attention paid to boarding horse3. Terms Cash. Princess, between Third'and a ourin streets, opposite xueatre feb 5-lt , The Place to Buy Groceries! J . WHERE?', AT CRAPOPJ'S. WHY ? T3ECAUSE HE RENEWS HIS SUPPLIES JJ by every Steamer. He keeps nothing but the best and his prices are as . low as the lowest for same an&lltv of sroods. Call and see hl3 for same quality of srooda. GRATED PINE APPLE put up where It Is gvos out. crown n.n1 th tnoat ilpllelrma ftrHr.lo fnr P(p GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, i 22 South Front St feb 5 This Week TB ADD, AND SHALL CONTINUE TO DO SO, CHOICE ARTICLES OF GROCER I ES suited to our trade, both city and country. We have a better and larger stock to select from, and will be pleased to have a call or cn- qulry from purchasers either in city or country. i Inquiries as to prices and quality solicited. ana samples xumisneq wnen uesirca. Remember that we make no charge for de- iiTery or uooas anywnere in tne city, i feb 5 JA. B. JUGGINS & CO. A Merciful Man JS MERCIFUL TO HIS BEAST. THIS IS ! a gemic rant to owners of "unblankcted" horses The place to buy any price Blanket you want, logeiner wnn Lp-robes. carnages, Saddles, Harness, i Trunks, Satchels, Bags, ac, is at McDOUGALL BOWDEN'S, , feb 4 No. 114 North Front St SHAD w ITH OTHER SPRING FISH CAN BE found at our Fish Market ih . i the season throuah. f feb DAVIS A SON. Still Ahead ! TTENRY c. PREMPERT, first class SUA VINGr HAIR CUTTING AND SHAM POOING SALOON. For any first-class work call at No. 7, South Front Street, where you will always be Mired In style. Respectfully, feb 4 .. . . , II. C. PREMPERT. Annual Meeting. T WIS ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock holders of the BANK OF NEW HANOVER will be beld at the 'Banking Uonse.in this dty, on THURSDAY, 11th Inst., at 12 noon. I - 8. V. WALLACE. XcbiSt Cashier 5. 1884. rLEASE NOTICE. 1 1 . We wia be glad to rocelvo eoasuaialcatloii tromom Meads on any and all 'sctj ecta RCTral Interest tmt --V-.' j , ..j ' .' : The name- of the wrttex must always t fa Bflhed to the Editor. ConmiunicattoM must be wttttea oa 1 oal ono aide of the paper.- I - Person&ntlesi&nstbe aTolded.) ' I ' ' And It la especially and particularly und stood that the Editor doea not ahraya eadoi the views of correspondent cnleaa so state In the editorial colxunna. i r aUSCELLANEOUS. Onion Sets; White and Red. FKESU SUPPMT JUST ' UKCEIVED, Also, a full assortment of j I .i FKESII OAEDEN SEED. , PATENT MEDICIKE3, ' FANCY AND TOILET ABTICLES, CIGARS in reat varUty, Ac I &c Munds Bros. OeRosset. New Drug Store, 1 ' 1 Jan H Market ; nd Second Street Groceries. I Groceries. BACON, COFFEE, II AY. ' SOAP, SODA, TOBACCO, FLOUlt. MOIVSSES, CORN, I.YK, CRACKEUS, SNUFF. SUGA SALT. 1 J ' . .v OATS, . POTAIT, CANDT CANDLES, MATCHES, BUCKETS, PAPER, BAGS, GLUE, BUNGS, ! j For sale by AXLEGkease, TWINE, RIVETS. feb 4 KE1ICIINER A CALDER BROS BABY CARRIAGES NEW INVOICE RECEIVED1 THE past week, and selling at close prices, j Our stock of FURNITURE Is complete and I . i of the most stylish patterns. i I . !: WOOD TOP CENTRE TABLES, received Saturday, in very pretty patterns SPRING BEDS and MATTRESSES of every '..-'-..V I I I v - , description. THOMAS C. CRAFT, A tent. ! I.'l-.. Furnituro Dealer, 80 So. Front St Sash, Doors, Blinds: &c i i ' I JJAVING ENGAGED THE SERVICES OF MR. G. M. ALTAFFER jlato of Altaffer 4 Price), and arranged for the purchase of new special machinery, we desire to notify onr friends tho public that ,wq shall at an e arly day be rrepared to W orders for SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. BRACKKTA. wnrtii WUUJjUIJSW, ana ORNAMENTAL ,Yuittt. or an descriptions. We expect to compete with Northern manufacturers, and solicit orders from responsible parties. . i "Alii, J30.1UXLX CO., Copper, Iron and Wood Workers, j 19 and 21 8outh Front 8t., eb3-tf! Wilmington, N. C. N. A. STEDMAN, Jr., ATTORNPY-AT-LAW. r I f Ofllco on Prlncecs. between Front nnrl P. ond streets, in tho Basement of Balldlng Not 114. next to old Journal Building, WILM1NG- Practices In all the Criminal and Chll Sffi&Stfsr&Sffir feb 2-d&w-lm ' vommuus, r A Timely Swggestioii. i - ' i - - FRIEND STATES PEOPLE GET COLD by wearing old and worn shoes and thereby cither lose their lives or have to pay Doctors and drug men. We can furnish iBOOTS AND SHOES to jkeep your feet dry and warm and 1 I A preserve your health, besides Biviiwraolldcom. I " fort at much less price. Try it and call on us. GEO. R. FRENCH SONS, - -I " u - 108 North Front St febl tf Valentines for 18SH. SO RAPIDLY HAVE THESE GROWN IN favor, that even the more conservaUvc portion of the community has become, accus tomed to the frequent sendinr anr! vhnr of Sentimental Cards, and f his culminated in the observance of SAINT valkvtive'h DAY with more than usual fervor last season. CHEAP FANCY VALENTINES, RICH AND CHASTE EASEL VALENTINES, ELABORATE BOX VALENjriNEsJ and - ' ELEGANT FRINGED CARD VALENTINES. Our New and Ixadinar Fcstnra for ltfU la m. beautiful line of HAND-PAINTED NOVEL. I'riti'U cuvnoelno . V.I a . L in Va ten tines! irewjy niio In view of the growing popularity of Valtn- tt - r . - - HEINSBERGER'S, feb 2 Live Book and Music store Fire Clay Chimney Pjpes. WE HAVE; THEM. ALSO BISCUIT Boards, Lap Boards. Ironinz Partis. Meat Boards. Bvantifuiyrin t Ecu, G lron Ware, Cake Boxc- l Closets; J of various stvlcz. Kirrl c.ri rhm i Granlta of various stTlcs, Bird Casj Cheese Boxes. tlatcd Spoona. Forks and Knives, A No. I Cook Stoves, Ac - i . n m , PARKER A TAYLOR-. PURE WHITE OIL. ; ttb I T - ii! - n I i iMuuiiiorctf iviiminirion Stcamsliii) LincL 1 -1 fJotice, r N FUTURE ALL FREIGHT BILLS shall Ie paid before-dellvery of Good. fcbilwk X P. CAZAUI, Agcat

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