MISCELLANEOUS Fho Daily Review. Old Soldier's Saturday. February 9. issl EXPERIENCE, - . Calvert, Tex, mI visa to express toy arrreciaUoo of the valsaUa qnl'itot of Ayer s CherryPectoral u a eottga raaedy. 44 WliU vttH CbtuchOTB amy, Jt befon tho tattle of Vlcksburg. I contracted a ao vera coLI which UrmlnatM la a dangerous coagh. I found bo relief till oo oor march v cm to a coca try store, where, on asking for acme remedy, I tu urged to try Arrx't Cmzar rzCTOKAU -1 dU so, and vu rajldly cared. Since then X tare kept the PacroaaX eonsUntJy by dm, for family use, aod X hare found It to be aa lAT&Ioable remedy for throat and Ions dlscasoa. J. W. WzuriXT." Thousands of testimonials certify to the prompt core of all bronchial and Ions affection, by the cm of Avra's Cozur rxcTOULU Being very palatable, l&eyoos? est ehUlrtn take It readily. , TXZTJLXZD bt Dr.J.C.Ayer&CoLowelMass. Sold by all Druggists. Ual ly tr4pdaw QT The vauy Ueview has the largest 'uma fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington: d IN UONQUESS YESTERDAY! 3.5CO men. a third of whom are unarm ed. It is officially denied that the tribes beyond Korosko are in revolt: . A letter from Gen. Gordon has been made public, in which be says: "It Js no secret that England has abandoned all intention of guaranteeing the con tlnnaneeof ECTDtian supremacy over Soudan. It has decided that the task is ftftother too onerous and would be attended with no corresponding ad van. taes. It will, therefore allow the people now in rebellion to revert to their old sultans." uen. lioraon accepu mis decision as wise and just. For.' he says, "an f ess England shall secure the Soudan in the possession of a good SENATE. Washington ' Feb. 8. Tne Chair laid beforo the Senate a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting In romnliiincn withtha resolution of'tbe Ilth ultimo, a copy of government, it ought not to conquer.tbe tbereportof the Commissioner ot the country itself nor auowoinersujuo so General Land Office, relating to the rrmntof lends made by the United Slates to the Florida Railroad. Reler red to the committee on Public Lands. Mr Fry e reported the new shipping bill agreed upon by the commute on Commerce. It is entitled a bill to re move certain burndens Ironi tno Amer ican merchant marine and to encourage the foreign carrying trade. Mr Hale called up the conference re pot 1 00 tbo Grecly relict expedition. Tho Chair announced that the bill. from tho point of yiow ol parliamentary . . 1 f r law. was in possession 01 too uuuao of Representatives, ami no motion or remarks could De maue reiaung 10 u. By unanimous consent Mr Hale asked unanimous consent, owin? to tho emergency to take too bill up. Gen. Gordon's mission, therefore, is to trr and arrange with the people in a quiet way regarding their future affairs. STATE NEWS. Louisburg Times: We learn of tho sa!o of tho Arlington Gold Mine, which is located in Nash and Halifax counties'. It was sold on Friday last I by Mr. Arthur Arrington. of this county, to a Pittsbunr fPa.) Company, who will bein working the mi no in a short time. Scotland Neck Commonwealth: From a postal card from Dr J H White, we learn that a destructive fire broke out in Elizabeth City at 10:30 o'clock Sun day night last. Four buildings were bnrned : supposed to be work of an in 1 1 1 1 j 1 jljl,: For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis.Croup, Influ4 ,L1.4MAf A Will.., AlnjJllXll VVlUtjUj &.kit cipicnt Consumption and for the re- lief of consumptive persons in advan- ced stage? of the Disease. For Sale nor 15-ly Iclp d&w ins TEOUS. MISCELLANEQnQ The Overcoats ;that we Have been advertising at popular low prices are going rapidlv and cannot last mncn longer, oome people have even tho light it worth their while to buy them j to keep over for next Winter. sit Mr Inpll3 remarked that much had eendiarv. This is the fourth or fifth been said about 'emergency." when in I attempt to burn the town since the big Id leave before fim Inst Snrin?. when 35 buildinsrs were Horses and IVI u I e s y-; icl c ritj?ll destroyed. ; ; uacioi mo oiwcmmj vi mg mbij in 1 Aihevilie Citizen: mere is a cans Impertinently attempting. - as, .-wir 0fICoundrels in and about AshetUIe. mffo x 4(71X3 jntl retire J, sol CAB LOADS Or HOUSES ASD for .lie at irlcee to roll all. Come anl tee them. CARRIAGES, CUGCilt-S. Ac. always la re41oe for the u of the public TWO riNEIIE.RSES.wUh NICE IIoRSES, for Funeral. U. I'w IIOLL1NGSWORTH. Llrery and Sale SLabk., Jan SO Cor. 4th awl Malberrr.U Steam Yacht Louise! paSSCKGClt AND rSEUJIIT STEAMER for SmtUatrllle dally. itate Uw ami aocom. molaUosa floe. The LJUISK U a w boat aa4 U ruaraauil aaf. Will lea re Sralthrllle 9 A. U Leave WilmtafUo i Ju o'clock P. M. Wharf foot of DockhireeL WM. WEEKS. Jaa 19 Areat and owner. "PTJfiOELL E0SE. -TJKDEK NEW MANAQEMENT. WILMINCJION, K. C B. I PERRT. rrrtprlctor. Ijite rroinletor AllaTiiVe IloteL rtraUnaas la all mxiumu iw e. 1 1 u f ISC a Yellow, White and Eed Onion Sets. WILMINGTON MARKET. i February 9 4 P. M. SPIUITS TURPENTINE Qufited quiet at 33-i cents per gallon. Sales of 100 casks at these figures. 1 KU3IN Quoted firm at $1.10 for Strained and $1.15 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.35 per bbl of 280 pounds. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $2 for-Virgin and Yellow Dip Wis aro bound to close out before our Spring Stock comes to make rooia a. ? a 1 . a V . . a iuu&i giannc purcnase 01 loining ever Drougnt to North Carolina ! . by any ono house. I , s We Diust have room and we can onlv imm in sending off bur Winter Stock on the fly We are doing the Clothing business of this city by hard work W L l , 1 ; - - ' r m aoapat endeavor to merit and gain the confidence of all classes. ( We havp reached th position we now claim of being the leading clothier In Wilmington. We guarantee, to save you fully from IO to 33 per cent on yoQr pQrchM. J yon t tako our vrord for it. but call and convince yourself at 1 es 1 Tar feb 4 THE OLD RELIABLE" CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. T - 1 1 . n.M - inlnrfn r-r with t h l 7. I. . ,m . I r I imam ea.u, w w largely 1 1 not aitogeioer coaipuieu ui i Rnf et 05 fnr rran3 i!aion of Conirressi by sending a com- :t hn HVnt thprnsAlvcs to aau Ior liara munication to a member of one Home trirksand .'at times, open highway COTTON Quoted I . . - mi - ok up the Mexican land grant Iih1K Spirits TurpenUne and passedit. otter which measured nearly 5 feet , in Rosin..,.......: ,J npPRPQPVTiTrvpQ length. The traps were very small Tar........ ilORS. KJ Che PKAS. I1KAXA. Ac. DUUtiS. ChctalcU. PaUnt UcUclne ant Faey Artie. rreailpiUins fllkl at any time. day aod n'stit, at f. C Hit. LEU'S Drue Store, Uec53 JJI South Fourth. Correr Nun at 5 and 10 cents Cigars, TTAVlXi riLLKES. JtjL Beat la Ihidly, are on aale. Dror anl MeUclail preparat'-oaj oftbe hlxttat grade at JNO.T.8ClIONWALDS, -)aa 11 Onurand Prrerlptvn Store N. A. STEDMAN, Jr., ATTOUNET-AT-LAW. Odoe on Prl between Front ami Seo oo4 atreeta, la the llaaement of Bolldinr No. 1U. next to old Jcmrai BUllng, WILallNO- PraeUcea la ell I be Crlmlaal and Clrll Court of New HanoTcr, Blalen. Columbus. PeleT aa4 Bruaawlek Counties, fab S-lAw-lBa Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. TTAIKG ENdACJED TUB SERVICES OF Ua, G. II. ALTAPFEB (Ute or Allaffcr A Price), aa4 arraaxeU for the vnrchae ot new pedal Baachlacry, we dealre to notify our frUnda lae pubUc that we aha 11 at an early day be freparcd to fill ordcre for SASI1. Tvnn Dltvni RDIPV'ITI VCrlll Tt MOULOXNU. and OKNAMKNTAL WOOD WORK of all deacrlpUoaa eovape eUiclt order from reT Wa expect to aalble pare. ta wlia Northern taannfaelurera, and PMPO UA&T. BAIIJCT AO)., Opper, lroo aad Wood Worker. 19 and tl Sonth Front St., feb S If WU mien on, N. C AT BOATWRICHT'S FAMILY GROCERIES. OUR GOODS ARE NOT SURPASSED Qnalityand Cheapness ! Everything Guaranteed as Bepresented. . BBianBa John L. Boatyrrlght. 11 A 14 SOUTH FBOXT 8TRTCT. laa ts ; Old Norspapors TX)E SA1.K TEST CHEAP. aja.stvtt TOTSrOTTXCa on a subject ot legislation while tbal subject was under consideration by He other House, and with a view to pre venting an agreement between tho two Houses. i ' Mr Ingalls also referred to reports which he had read in tho public prints to tho effect that already and before any bill on this subject of the expedition had been passed, by Congress a ship bad been bought by tho Secretary of the Navy tor the purpose. The matter was dropped and tho Senate took titles bill HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Shelley, of Ala., offered a reso lution calling on the j Secretary of the Treasury for information as to whethor any consul general, consul agent, or other consular oflicer. is indebted to the government on account of fees received from trust funds, or from other sources. Referred. Mr. Ilelmout. of N. Y, offered a resolution ilirccliug tho committee oo tbo Judiciary to inquire and report as to whether Coupes has power in n-fir-nlate commerce between the United. States and a foreign nation by tho im position, in the torm of Federal in s pec t ion laws, of any prohibition, hin drance, burden or lax on American pork destined for exportation from any State. 1 j Mr. Randall submitted the conference report on the Urcely relief bill an nouncing a further rii&izrccructft Tho report was asreed to.1 Air. Turner, of Ga.. chairman ol the committee on Elections.) reported a resolution in tho Mississippi election case of Chalmers vs. Manning, dis charging tho com mil tec from lurther consideration of tho ! prima facie case and awarding the seat to neither of the contestants. Ordered printed. Mr. Bayne. of Pa., introduced a bill repealing all internal taxes on domestic tobacco. Referred. 1 Mr. Randall, from the committee on Appropriations, reported tbo NaT at robberv. as a means of living. Ihei Citizen has rather frequently, of late. alluded to outrages by this party. Three of the crowd. Ben Jones. Erwin Cummins, and John Campbell, all negroes . and ex-convicts, were arraign ed last week before the Inferior Court! for an assault and robbery of another nezro. tried and .convicted, and sen tenced to the penitentiary. Kernersville News:.. T. C. StarbuckJ living about four miles Nortn of town, dull at I0J cents per pound fur Middling. No sales reported. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary T..... 8 Good Ordinary... 91 Low Middling 91 Middliug loj Good Middling 10 JACONET EMBROIDERY I A lot of these good3 will be placed on our Job Counter i 1 : on the dollar. and marked at 50 cents cents ODDS AND ENDS In such goods as we propose closing out bar Ins j , do expect ea. - FEW WRAPS LEFT At such, prices as will move tucmi maj DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton. but fortunately two were so close togeth er that the otter was caught in both and held fast. Mr. Sta'buck informs us that he hasn't sren.an otter's track along-Reedy Fork for over ten years. This ono had evidently been caueht be fore as three of hi3 toes on his fore paw were gone. I , Lincolnlon rrcss: Mr Abel C Hart? ore, who has charge of the well-known Champion Mills of Hon A 'Costner, in this county, has just secured lotters patent for a valuable machine. The patent is No 291 593, and is dated Jan uary, lbtu, and is granted ior seventeen years for a ''Flour Packing Machine." Mrs Eva .$niith. one of the oldest ladies in this county, died last Saturday. Mrs Smith was born March 12th. 1793, and died oh the premises on which she was born, at the ago of nearly 91 years. Up to within about two months, of her death. Mrs Smith enjoyed good health and was very active for her age; For tho last two months, however, she was helpless. ! Rockingham Spirit: About 350 Scotch people are, it is understood, to sail for America from Liverpool -to-day and will arrive at Laurinburg in this county about the last of tbo month. We learn that a public reception is being arranged to be given them on their arrival at Laurinburg. which will end with an old-timo Scotch dinner the exercises to open with prayer in Gaelic Crude Turrentine. . 207 bales 113 casks 1122 bbls 286 bbls 148 bbls MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. , Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith ville. Master ' U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, W i lk in ? on, Smithville, Master BODY BRUSSELS OA lPP,TS i V Two or three patterns of 48 to 50 yards, good styles, soecial nrice tn nln .. as these patterns are not in loom and cannot be duplicated. ' Blankets, Crib Blankets. Spreads, Comforters, &c, will bo sold very Iqw FINE (EMBROIDERY We have in choice styles, Toichon and Val Laces, 4c BT-Wool and Linen Crumb Cloths, very cheap. ' , 1 i T 1 R. IUIcIWTIRE. jan31, 188 Steamer D.-Murehison, Smith, Fav- A 111111 a UUUiHg, ettcville. G W WilUams & Co. i f CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith ville. Master -? ' U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Wilkinson, Smithviile, Master, j Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fa v ettevilie, G. A7. Williams & Co.i - Steamer John Dawson, Colvin, Point , Casweh. R P Paddison I : i Appropriation bill and gave notice that by Rev John Monroe of Spring Hill - - j.. w a a ni i tl l ar .a a it would be called up next lucsday. It appropriates $14,261,000; being $8 392 -000 less than amount appropriated for tbo current fiscal year. Mr. Davidson, of Florida, offered a resolution requesting tho President to prevent tho delivery of Scnorf Cortes Oguero. now in prison at Key West, and held fo extradition or demand of tho government of SpalD.uotil it shall be as ccrtaiccd that the charges against bim are true, and that bo is not held for political offences. Referred. Tho Speaker announced tho appoint mcnt of Messrs. Hopkins, Ward, Adams of N. Y.. Poland, and Wilson of Iowa, as the committee to investi gate charges against II. . Boynton, the Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. Mr. Goff. of W. Va.. introduced - a ioinl resolution appropriating 100.000 for tho Ohio river and its tributaries. EL MAiIDl'8 SWAY. Baker Helpless Behind tbo Trenches and Suakliu Threat ened. CAino. Feb. 7. Baker Pasha tele graphs that bis men will be able to hold out for only a short time behind the trenches. Spies report that tho rebels intend to attrck Saakim. It is estimated that COO rebels were killed in the late fight. The Kbedivo has sent a message ol sympathy to Baker Pasha. The Governor of Dpngola telegraphs that Berber and Don cola are quiet. It is cxpec.ed nero that Gen. Sir Evelyn Wood's army will go to Suakin. Travellers coming down the Nile report I E that the news of Gen. Gordon's mission was universally- welcomed along the river. Luakim. Feb. A steamer from Massowah reports that the revolt is ex tending from Kassala towards the Red Sea. Everything is quiet in Abyssinia. but the natives of the territory on the frontier are declaring for the rebels, with whom the so called friendly tribes are co-operating. A prefect of police ill be appointed over the natives as many ot them are regularly informing Osman Digma ot what is being done. LjhdOX. reb. 7. A despatcn from Alexandria to the Daily Xetcs ass that the rebels have captured Gen. Gordon. .No news has been received at the War Office regarding Gea Gordon's capture. QThe trans poit Poonah. now at Ports mouth, has been ordered to bo put in readines to sail forthwith. It will take 500 marines to Scakfin. ' Oillaal advices from Cairo announce that the total number killed near Tokar was 2.250, This includes ninety-six officers, sixteen ol whom where stan officers. Baker Pasha i telegraphs ho has at present under bis cosixnasd Baptist Churcn. Several ot tne repre sentative Scotch gentlemen ot our county will deliver addresses . of wel come, which will be responded to on behalf of the strangers by D. P. Mc- Eacbern, Esq., of Robeson county. . Charlotte Observer: Mr John Glenn, a mechanic of this city, met with a very painful accident at Asbury's machine shops yesterday, having all tbo fingers on his right hard cut off by a buzz saw. The thumb alone was saved. Mr Glenn was sawing some short plank, when by some unfortunate means hi hand came in contact with the saw, with tho above result. -Speaking with the propriotor of a supply house in tnlscrty yesterday, tne reporter was informed that the farmers of the county are this year going largely into the grass growing business. He had just sold ono farmer $240 worth .of clover and orchard grass, enough to sow on seventy-five acres, and to another far merhcsold$75 worth. The farmers, he states, are now buying bushels of seeds where they only bought pounds a few years ago. MO N THL Y STATEMJBN T. STOCKS ON HAND FEB. 9, 1884. Cotton ashore, 7,572 ; afloat, 940 ; total, 8.512. I i Spirits-r-ashore, 5,015; afloat, 50: total. 5,065. Rosin ashore, 72,334, afloat, 5 32C; total, 77,660. i Tar ashore, 9,657 ; ashore, 170; total, 9.727. : ' '! Crude ashore, 3,879; afloat, 25; total, 3.904. '- I RECEIPTS FROM FEB. 1 TO FEB. 9. Cotton, 1,736; spirits, 754;; rosin, 15,- 354; tar, 2.753; crude, I.C06. EXPORTS FROM FEB- 1 TO FEBj. 9. DOMESTIC. 1 Cotton, 1,599; spirits, 480; rosin, 141; tar, 241; crude, 801. FOREIGN. Rosin. 17,653; tar. 2,293; crude. 277. 1 Mince Meat, 1 Preserves, Selling at Low Figures I PRESERVES and JAMS, In 2 pound Palls-very convenient. Preserved Strawberries, bottled by Crosje & Blackwell, London, gome thing new and nice. ' i CUCUMBER SAUCE, ! for Oysters, Meats, Jfcc. Bal timore & Wilmington Steamship Line. 8TEAMER3 JlaleigUand Tlflette, O i and after;3aturday, January ih, a 8tci er of this lino will sail from 3m Eyery SATURDAY, at 3 P. M. - " From I j "W"itLiawdiasrc3-TOXT, i - r -1 1 . - 8ATURDAY, unless topner loaded. xnromrn Bills of Ladlnar and lowest thronrh rate a guaranteed to and from points on ua nau itoaas ana cape Jear JUjer. ALSO, u. I MISCELLANEOUS P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. HO North Front St. John C, Davis, A TTORNEY AND i - -TX1 COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ! WlLaONOTOJI, N. Office over tho Bank of New Ilanover. Practices la all the Courts of the State. W Special attention paid to the coUectlon or nlalm. nn-vU tt SELLING OUT! feb I J Notice. k.p. m. ETenlnrraytr rpUE COPABTNERSIUP HERETOFORE existing between W. U. A J. A. MONTGOM- Church Services To-Morrow. SL James' Church, corncrIarket and Third streets. Rer. A. A. Watson. D. D. Hector. Sepuuascslma. Feb. 10. 1884. Celebration at 7 30 a. ra. Mornlnr Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sun day School at 3 o'clock. i at 4 o'clock. St. John's Church, corner Third and 'IZcd Cross streets. Rer. James Carmlcbael. D. D. Rertor. Septauaeslma Snsday, February 10, 1884. Holy Communion at 7.30 a m. Morning PraTcratll o'clock. Litany and Holy Bap tiara at 4 a'cloek, p.m. Evanlng Prartrat 7.1) p. m. Sunday School at 30 o'clock, p. m. First Baptlit Church, corner of Market and nrm streets, bst. t. tt. Prltchanl. l. n.. tor.- Serrlees at 11 a. m. and 7.30 n. m. sermon at nbrht will relate to temnerance addressed to young men. Sunday School at 3 p. ta. Prarer meeting Thursdarnlrht at zu. o'clock. St. Panrs Eran. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets, Rer. F. W. E. Pea chau. Pastor. English acrflccs at 11 o'clock. German services at 7-30 p. m. Sunday School at Sp.m. W. II. Strauss. Superintendent. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Rer. W. I. HuU. Pastor. Scrrtees at 11 a. m. and 7H p. m. ; Class meet ng at 3 p. tm. ; Prayer meeting Thursday eren ng at 7Vt o'clock. i Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of Front and Walnut streets. Rer. Dr. K. a. Yatea, Pastor. Serriees at 11 a. m. and 7U p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m.. W. M. Parker, svperlntendrnt. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday erenlng at 8 o'clock. Christian AasodaUoa Tuesday erenlng after first and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock, beau free and strangers and visitors cordially tnrited. Sportsman's Goods. HATS & FE ATHERS AT REDUCED PRICES. MRS. KATE C. WINES, No. H9 N Second Street, next Post Office Xan5 . i BABY CARRIAGES 1 NEW INVOICE RECEIVED THE past, JLX. , week, and selling at close prices.' ...... Our stock of FURNITURE Is complete and. of the most stylish patterns. I WOOD TOP CENTRE TABLES, received Saturday, In very pretty patterns. SPRING BEDS and MATTRESSES of every descjfptlon. THOMAS C. CRAFT. Agent. To and from Boston. I Providence. Philafet phla and all Western cities. For Freight Engagementajappjyjco A. O. CAZATJX.ABt,, ' Wilmington, N. C. MDREWS.& CO., AsU.9 5LVf Cornr Llnt and German 8U. , , de-29 BalUmore. : : - j 1 Steamship Line. feb 4 Furniture Dealer, 20 So. Front St Cider ! i ERY Is this day dissolved br mutual consent. J. A. aionuromery assumes an liabilities ai Is alone authorized to collect andrecelpt.fi any and all debts due the said firm. W. U. MONTGOMERY, J. A MONTGOMERY. I January 15, 1S81 npHE UNDERSIGNED A. . . the business of the late firm of W. II. A J. A. Montgomery and solicits the general support Of bis friends. J. A. MONTGOMERY. JanK4f , , The Place to Buy Groceries! WHERE? AT CRAPOri'S. WHY ? Cider ! Cider ! pURE APPLE CIDER, . JUST FROM THE PRESS I Call and leave your orders and jugs at ' R. MCDOUGALL'S, No. 14 Chestnut St. bet. Front ami Water ian 22 Wilmington. N. C It Don't Clatter . 1 M ' JF THE OLD YEAR IS GONE AND THE WILL CONTINUE I New Year has come. HUMPHREY. JEN KINS & CO., are still receiving at their Oys ter Uoue. No. 112 South Front Street, a freith snpplv every day of New Rlwer Oysters. Oys vers snippca v. v. rresn Shell Oysters always on hand. Ae. i u t Furn 200 CIIAMBEB ANDfPARLOR 8olU from 23 to $120. New styles and first-class goods at . - STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW rnnv virrsT SATURDAY, at J o'clock, P. M 1 i . BENEFACTOR. 1.. . rh f KEGULATOB....... ......Saturday, Teb BENEFACTOR...... ......Saturday, Teh 3 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Sfn ii fftcn(l turn fott xa North and South Carolina, ! . For Freight or Paasage apply to . H. G. SMALLBONES, Snperlatendeat, Wllmlngtoa,N. C THEO. Q. EGEBL Freight AenL 33 Broad wsyVNew Ycrk, WM. P. CI.TT1B A Y1 aJ A LmtA. feb f - " , Groceries. Groceries. WE nATK THE FINEST ASSORTMENT of EngHsa aad Belgium Breech Loaders ever broeght to this market. Also a first class stock of Shells. Wadding. PrtmeraXart ridge Bags. Gun Caps, Game Bags, Ac la fact we cam show a s;oek of Hard ware. Good cooGS ana guarantee rnees. W. K. SlIiINGSR CO., Scoeosors to Joha Dawaoa Co, feb 4 l,a aadaxiartstsactt "DECAUSE HE RENEWS by every Steamer. He keeps nothing but the best and his prices are as low as the lowest for same quality of goods. Call and see his GRATED PINE APPLE put up where It la grown and the most delicious article for Pies out.- - I " GEO. M. CEAPON, Agent, febS 22 Soath Front St Fancy Goods. pUXLLINXAT f . " GILE3 A MURCHISOV'S. jaa S3 . UcrcUwn Block. GREAT BARGAINS ! HIS SUPPLIES rxJtJS JJOOlfc CASES, SIDEBOARDS. SECRETARIES, WARDROBES, IiBSARVTinrvo a.- Cottage Bedsteads. Mattresses, ChaTa blcs, Ax., lg.bargalna Calland ice mo before you bur. . D. A. BMiTrr. WAV 1J "Dyed." AT MONACirS, 1H 8ECOXD STRZET.be- tweea Market and Prinu TAf tlemen's roods of I Also, clsaulu-. acourhir and bleaching. Send meapaireivoaroMKldGiovM . BOVSS-tf V i BACON, COFFEE, HAY. : 80AP, SODA, TOBACCO, FLOUR, MOLASSES. CORN, LYE, 1 CRACKERS, SNUFF. - HATCHES, BUCKETS, PAPER, BAGS, GLUE, BUNG3, , f For sale by ; feb 4 - KECHEi; & CALDEB JbCOS. SUGAR. t . SALT,' OATS. . POTASH, . .CANDY, : CANDLES, AILEGsrxir, TWINE. 'bivets.

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