Sunday ex . : . . . ?. .. ' - i rr ri i sw- ,, x . Turf -JJ U U ! U J 11 X ULJLJ JL M U J Li A T IA II it Y V 0 j ' 1 XH13 PAPKS ttrrr create. ceptM by JOSHT. JAMES, Mvt rasTAGK PAID: (hit month. 33 cents. .oe.- - ..-..-a by carter fre r. rr . of lhe cuy. at the above i" 1 oirtanyandall Oil- r-' rt-CTllXT.T. nir',-"a" , r.,;- n.netcJutstht largest , tr, :ilioa.cany newspaper frir""(,iii ie-.ter r.J telegrams Uti (Ireystone and it. T;Mn hU Uken UP Jcac iatiran,Crcy Vat. Ne York. ;rc tra a school examination e - i Y.i r r ft n 6ri:raiceJ Minnesota student. pe Inhibition "party ot Michigan iai" subscribed $10,000 toward the r.usi.r. of a newspaper for their in terest iu that State. Vesuvius is io eruption, and visitors la are entertained by the gor us spcciac.e ol ourning pumito wu lidiuoltea lava rejected on the clouds. Mr-. Gladstone." the wife of the Pre ttier, hitherto has not been noted for Czc i!re;o. but it is said that she now tiken to wearing tne ricnesi 1 duties aad the finest diamonds." Miss Georgia Wybee. who lately fig urcd ia the varle y theatres, under the ciuie ct Georgia Ia Tour, as tho cham pion dude, has been arrested in New York oa the complaint of her parents a incorrigible. Sbc is only seventeen years cl a. J C'arrinrtoa and the Duke of .Ary.V will introduce I)rd Tennyson iu the liuuico! Ix)rds on eomo day early ta ih.i seiiioa ot l'arliament. It is sit J e is writing a short poem to be clo on the assembled lords on that ccca:un, eulogistic of John Brown. ucar ildo. in his lecturo tour tiruuU Ireland, was accompanied by ihn Lloyd, the lady whom bo is to uirry. ' Ho is Riving her lessons' pre paring Lcr for tho stage. They are both Uupcarla Sevr Wrk next season in a i'.ij written by Father IVout just be Lrc tli death. The Kl Psso Herald speaks feelingly tf hard limes in Texas: "How time Ulci! The first month of the new year is nearly half gone, the Times busted, tte Loncikar is adrcrtised for sale, and rve hash houses closed up yesterday. U'hiiher are we Jrifling? In the midst ol life wc arc in debt." VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1884. NO. 39 PUcask Kfrnrrr W wiirbo sua to ncetre communication from our friends on any and all rub j ecu general Interest tmt " Tne name ot the writer must always U ia nlsned to the Editor. ; . jCommxinlcaUonamuat be written oa oal one side ot the paper. f " PersonaHtlea mnst be avoided. And It Is especially and particularly uod Btood that the Editor does not always cadot the views of correspondents unless so stata In the editorial columns. i LOCAL NEAVSt IRDirTO KEW AQVEBTISEMEITS. Hop Outers I OPEit.v IIousk Itcmenil j IIuxiBEKOSB- Vslentlses C Y Yates Prsns's Valenllnca. MlTXDS Bcos. A DeHosskt Barjcaics The receipts of cotton to-day foot up 1)0 bales. at this port Schr. Curtis Gocdicin. Abdell, clear. cd at Daltimoro Feb. 13th for this port. Tho rock-throwing nuisance was car ried on to an unlimited extent last night and there were none to hinder. The cold wave, the approach of which was warned from the storm signals yesterday, came last night with a vengeance. ! Brig C. S. Fackard. Harkness, cleared to-day for Ponce. P. R.. .with 228,224 feet of lumber, valued at $5,104.85, shipped by Messrs. E; Kid.der & Son. Tho Monroe Enquirer-Express comes to us this week in a new dress and greatly improved in other ways, which shows that tho people in that section of country know how to appreciate a good home newspaper. Keep a dish of meal on the toilet stand near the soap anil rub the meal freely on the hand3 alter soaping them for washing . It will ?surpriso you, if you have not tried it. to find how it will cleanse and soften tho .skin and prevent chapping. Samuel Steele, in the Chicago Times, in spcakingf Ilemcnyi, tho violinist, who is to appear at tho Opera Houso on the night of the 20th inst., says: ,4A most extraordinary genius. II is playing The steamship JicmiUUor. which sail ed hence for New York on Tuesday evening, arrived at that port this morn ing, having made a remarkably quick triD. She wil'. as a consequence, bc- enabled to leave New York to-morrow afternoon, on regular schedule time. William Haywood and Charles Lowe, two colored boys, for disorderly con I duct in front ot the Purcell House last night, were brought before the -Mayor this morning, who sentenced them to tho city prison, the former for 20 idays and the latter for 10 days. ! The Sociable. The family sociable, given last night by the Hibernian Association, was large ly attended and the party was in all respects an extremely pleasant afs fair. There was an abundance of refreshments, good music and tho young people danced to their hearts' content. During the evening the occas ion was made 1 more enjoyable ' by a true Irish jig danced by Mr. M. Judge. It was finely done, in our opinion, but then we were not the Judge. DanciDg was continued until about 2 o'clock this morning, when the party broke up. Great enjoyment was manifested by ill and there was nothing to mar the pleasure of the happy occasion. The Modern Ago. The Story of a Genius." the first half of which is given in The Modera Age lor March, is certainly a very pow erful piece of fiction. That powerful secret confederation known as the Fchmgericht is written of in an enter taining way by Louis Barbe; and Lady By Kail to Fayettevllle!' There Ate many, persons here who believe that the Cape "Fear & -Yadkin Valley R. H. will be continued on to Wilmington," lint wo must confess that wo are not of the number, j This is the natural outlet of the road, beyond a doubt, but yet it haslscemed to usVfor some lime past that the management of that road - are determined hot to make a - direct. - connection , ;i with WiUuinufon if ; it; can. The. avoided.-?- Still, there yJs na, reason why an attempt at cocr,lion should not be made by our peoplefand it is' possible that such an attempt may yet succeed The Wilmington, Clinton & Point Cas well R. R. will probably be the medium of this connection, if it i3 ever made, and with this view of the matter we submit here some remarks, very 'pertis nent to the subject, which we clip from the Clinton Caucasian: The Caucasian has time and again called attention to the necessity of this extension. It is of vital interest to both Fayetteville and Wilm ington , for the extension to be built to Wilmington, because it would pour into her lap the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rPERA HOUSE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, w iJUiuuAiti 2u, xae ureas 1011mst. MISCELLANEOUS. REMENYI, In GRAND CONCERT, supported by Miss ELI A WAIXACEJ Soprano, Mr. EDMOND ir.on.jui,is., -xenor, ; air. isiuuku Ltw& STONE, Pianist. Reserved Seats $1.25. Admission $1, 0c, 25c.- Sa'e opens Monday, Feb. IS. at Dyers. ftb 15 5t j ANOTHER! MARK DOWN IN LACES. IN SPANISH B LACKLAND CREAM, . ;; ALL 8 ILK, V Hardy is the author of "Under the Palmetto Flaer " a descriDtion of travel rich products of the West and greatly in South Carolina. "Nissa" is a thril- liiSrHii&nSJS irh!SS5SS . o . . i . i point to iayettille because it would lmg bit of Oriental experience; and giy facilitate her shipments and 'Frau Autjo" is a Dutch story. "Seven render her position as a railroad centre Year Sleepers" deals a death blow to a and head of navigation on the most im- tiini. v ami HTho IT nr!nT. portant river in the State, especially w" ' . . favorable to commerce and manulac Home" treats it3 subject m an inters ture. now iet ns be heard as to the es tin z way. The prizes for the first of route. Why not locate., the ex tho "Examination Papers" are award- tension via unntonr vve are ed in this issue, tho best set of answers trreofor fn OTriA hv niinfnn than being sent by a Maryland lady. Bos it is by any other practicable route. ton. Chicago. Denver and Buffalo are This, of course, is an objection, but tho other prize winners Mr. CrofTut writes from New York Wo notice that a number of our State exchanges aro publishing a doublo col umu advertisement of the Rochester The same as refused it because xaan. and etca expresses a doubt that Wfl had rood reason to believe that no he will ever go out of the house again. 0Dc who publishes the advertisement He sufferj great pain, which preyents wm ever receive a cent of money for it to the Boston Globe his prophecy that Publishing Company. Gen. Grant will never aain be a well offered to us and wo r Persoual. Air. A. C. Hugsins. Clerk of the Su uenor Court ot Onslow county, was in the city to day. Mr. Hazel W. liurcwin is now in Wadesboro on a visit to his brother iu law. Judge Ashe. 1 ! Mr. M. C. Toms and family, of Hen- dcrsonsville, are in tho city, the guests there are reasons in lavor of the route by Clinton which far outweigh the in signflcant increase in distance. First : The cost of the construction per mile from Clinton to Fayetteville, on account of the level nature of the country and the absence of large swamp3 and rivers would be much less than by any other route. Second: From Clinton to Wilmington will soon be a road way already i graded S and f no doubt an arrangement to use the same tract, mutually advanta gcous, could be made with the Clinton & Caswell Railroad Company. Third : OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS. ...... reo. jsiuanaAsm. ' : f A1K. U. M CAUGHT, A. M., has the pleas ure ' to announce nis great illustrations or i ITALY. LONDON AND PABI3. With full explanations as they appear upon me canvas, giving an an opportunity to enjoy this beautiful and Instructive exhibition. Reserved Ceats 50cv School Pupils do, 25c. Nineteen cents for Inches wid i The P ace to Buy Groceries! ' WHERE ? AT CRAPOW'S. WHY ? TvrciitT-nTO cents for S Inches Wl!e 31c. Thirty one ccntg for Sj Inches wide. ' !. 43c. ' Forty-three cents for 4 Inches wife. &c.t &c, Ac. i " A full line of Valenccnlnes, Toihon,IJrcUn, Oriental, In Cream and White! at exceedingly HIS SUPPLIES J reiucei prices. An early call wW avoid the I3U.UAUS1S 11 rj KEJEWS HIS SUPPLIES reuucea prices. An cany call w by every Steamer. He keeps nothing but the aa thc goods arc too cheap Jto last long. best and his prices are as low aslthe lowest for same quality of goods. Call and see his GRATED PINE APPLE put up where It Is grown and the most delicious article for Pies out. GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, feb 5 22 South Front St ucaded Laces and Crowns at forty tbrcc cents and upwards. HAMBURG EMBROIDERY. Munds Bros. &DeRosset, "VFFER THIS DAY BARGAINS IN THE following articles: 2 inches wide, 7 cents per yard 2h 10 . ' 3 15 4 ! 23 5 . 31 6 " 35 6i,6 " 43 8 5J ( &c. Extract VANILLA, pure and strong, - I 25 cents per bottle. Exiract LEMON, double strength, . 20 cents per bottle. TOILET PAPER, fine quality, I 25 cents for two packages. ENGLISH TOOTH RBUSHES, finest quality, 25 cents each, usually 4(j cents. In fact they are sclline and shall continue to sell a fine line of goods cheaper than ever &c, AT Ac Ac TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. feb 13 WILMINQTON.I N. C. before offered in this market. They hope a (n iplprh nplPT Roi n HnlfJore generous public will continue Its liberal pat- 1X1 1 vlUI UUUrvCI IICIII HUlUUlb generous public will continue Its liberal pat ronage. leua piIIECE EASE, PATENT BREAST COL- Let'S tell V0U abOUt ShOeS Mars, Trunks. Bags, Saddles, Harness tarrla rjnE BEST ARE CHEAPEST ! Get them to fi t easy and comf or table of Mr. Georgo K. French. We arc sorry to learn that Mr. Harry The people of Sampson, collectively and Loeb. wbo has bcn ill for some time, individually. will give liberal aid to such I - i nr l i .ii - contiDU03 quite sick and is still confined "- " ' " 0a tu uuusc. glv0 enough aid to more than counter i no latest report irom air. jugene oaianco tne increase in distance, it is Witro-ins is that hortontinuea to imnrnvn plain to any one that the Yadkin Vals and every indication is favorablo lor I ct them be rather stout for winter. Don't get thcai too tliln or you will ruin your health. ges ot all kinds. Repairing in all Its branches byj skilled workmen. i ri ! McDOUGALL & BOWDEN'S, I feb 11 No. 114 Norh Front St We Hereby Promise 'arid Buy them of -o- 1 f 13 T1.. 1. CV 43 TVO SELL ALL ARTICLES IN UR iJiNE 108 NORTH FKONT ST. hi cettiog a necessary amount of sleep. lltk diet Is rigidly simple. Bettor Usrlits. The new system of lighting the First Mm Qaiccy Shaw, of Boston, spends Baptist Church is admirable, so far as W,C00 annually out of her pri?ate in the central portion of tho building is cocie in snpport of 30 kindergartens concerned, but there ': is not sufficient isd 20 nurseries which she has estab- light for the seats beneath the galleries. I jhed in those parts of the city where To remedy this a committee has been t-e roughen and most squalid features appointed who will have lights arrang rt.'jo. In addition to this she spends ed around thc sides of the building, by coo & year in other charities. Mr. Y. W. Corcoran, of Washlng- tC2. has presented to the Southern Historical Society, of Richmond, Va.f original Constitution of the Cooled ente Statej, signed by tho represcnta- tT of South Carolina, Georgia. Hor- which means tho entire church may bo well illuminated. Thc committee will proceed at once witl tho work and prqbably havo it completed in a few days. Tlio Ixisano Asylum. We have before us a copy of the An idj. Alabama. Mississippi. Ixuistana nual Report of the Board ol Directors and Texas. ofthoNoith Carolina Insane Asylum for the year ending November 30th 1SS3. it presents tho carefully coai piled report of Dr. Grissom. tho Super intendent and from this we, j learn tha there wcro on iSovcruDer JOth l'JJ pa. tients, 9G males. 103 females, The number of patients January 1, lSSTj was 278, so there is a railing; oil or 77; 132 patients were discharged and 53 received. Foiled. Last night, while one of tho police- vicinity of Fifth and heard some thief trying to effect an entrance to tho small store on the corner pi the same. He at onco started to effect the capture of . Methodist II rhn, ck tho thief, but the latter took the alarm iJ Meeting. Uud fled in his speedy recovery. Wo bad a very pleasant call this morning from Mr. R. J. Dixon, who has editorial charge of tho work soon to be published, entitled, "Wilmington; Past, Present and Future." lie reports very favorable progress in thc work. Tli o Vagrant Law. , iho law in this biato is now very strict as regards vagrants and tramps, and it seems to bo pretty generally put into forco in all of the cities and larger towns. Here is the provision of the Jaw as set forth in the new Code, Sec. 3,831: j "Any person who may be able to la ley railroad must have a deep water terminus somewhere in the State and Wilmington is the natural outlet. We Who can suit you In any grade, quality or price. icu is I quality considered as low in price as ' any I J 5 grocer in Wilmington.! WE DO NOT SELL ADULTERATED SUGARS, special pare invite the railroad authorities to consid- ConsiffniTientS from Maine erthis matter. I r-ti . to norma. Penetrated to the Bone. Alderman John Baxter, Toronto, Chnada, avers that St Jacobs Oil will as CHEAP FOE C ASIIJ Ohio Gillilowcr Apples, Boston Butter, New YorkGiltedge Butter, New York Creamery Butter.New York Cheese, puuuiiciwj o cue uuuo. j. miucu i(,,jur jt i yieo. isutter, r Jonaa uranges. being taken toproeurea pure article of thl every aay neccsbiiv. - i We guarantee every artlclo sold to be represented. i j I Flcase call, examine and Inquire, and If you are not satisfied with our sroods. we Willi not be offended if you do not purchase. 1 1 vve aeJiver purchases promptly. . I , have tried time. it; it hits the mark every , Knights of Pythias. ! ! Messrs. John L. Dudley and W. L. Jewett of Stonewall Lodge No. 1, K. of P. and J. W.Gcrdts of Germania Lodge No. 4. , who left here on Monday last to attend the meeting of the Grand. Call and see them. E. G. BLAIR. No. 19 N. Second St., Wilmington, N. C. feb U Valentines. Valentines. feb 11 JAS. B. UUGGINS A CO. FJ3BKUAKY 14 Is thc day when everybody exicct8 to receive A VALENTINE. Pacific Guano. WE 1IAVE JUST RECEIVED j - 400 TO 500 TONS ; OF THIS INVALUABLE FERTILIZES, . j. .... which has never failed, and will have It for i . i sale throughout thc season; as also DI530LV- Lodce K. of P., which convened at bor and who has no apparent means of Raleigh on the 12thinst.i have returned subsistence, and who neglects to apply Mr. Dudley informs us that; outside of Young and old, lirge and small, come one and j ed bone phosphate himsell to some honest occupation lor what was contained in our yesterday's all to or! itfnTS "founVspenfc "port of the proceedings, very little was inr hi tinm in rl?SQ? nation, or iraminor done oxceDt the ordinary routine busi- ot sauntering about without employment, ness and the election of officers The BUIply Jit trom the Large and Beau- or endeavoring to maintain himself or fniinwino. ore the officers nier.teii to tiful stock of valentines. febi4 ui3 lamuy oy any uuuuo or umawiui HEINSBERGER'S LIVE BOOK STORE, At Last Year's Prices. fan 21 2mdAw ALEX. SIRUNT A SON. Furniture. I ite MiJtcal Kccord estimates that aaosg 1.C00 doctors tho annual death rue rashes between 17 and 25. making a Jarlj of 1.600 phjsiclans ont of ocr JJCw. Rat the supply U such as to reaote all cause ol rtDrchension. for l-a caber of oar mcuacal graduates in was more than double i& estimated caabcrof deaths. jJtooaioDiliko magic but IT. 1U.I Cou,K C(nin t- Wilmlnston District. . nwD'V Feb. CKC'rc &l Ikthlchem.Feb. 23-21 wbury Circuit, at Beth- aar .Caswell Mission at Dry- I3fW Circuit.' Villi . . at a hurry, and. although the policeman gave a hot chase, managed to escape. Tho Injured. Wc aro glad to learn that tho condi tion of Mr. C. N. Collins, the wounded engineer, continues to improve .and is . . Mar. 8- 9 entirely satisfactory. Kenans- I rfl &ra also clcascd to be able to ...Mar. 15-1C ..f nr, aw.. i .....Aiar. vi . . , ;t.i i . doing as weu aa couiu posaiuiy wo Mar. Mar. 5 iWiV;;; 23 pected and that his speedy ; recovery is tfoa Circuit, at Flem- hoped for with every) indication thattho "1 MarO-CO .. ... to craUCei i W.II BOBBITT, P. E. llnrithmicai The'cele- wish will be gratiGei SUvcr Plated Spoons. Forks and Knives of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can-be found at Ja cobi's nardwaro DcpoU f- mcans. such person shall be a vaerant and guilty ot a misdemeanor, and pun ished by a line not to exceed lifty dol lars. or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty days ;and tho offence shall be cog nizable before a justice of the peace, who may release the party on his giving recognizance, with or without security, for his industrious and peaceful deport ment for one year or less from the dato thereof, or may also impose on him a punishment not to exceed that above mentioned. serve for the ensuing year : P. G. C E. G. Harreli. Raleigh. G. C W. T. Hollowell, Goldsboro. G. V. C J. W. Moore, New Berne" G. P.J. C. Brewster, Raleigh. G. M. of E. R. T. Scanlan, Fayette ville: ; r ' J f i iM"' I G. K. of R. & S. John L. Dudley, Wilmington. ' G. M. at A.W. L. Jewett, Wil mington. G. I. G. G. M. Pavie, New Berne. G. O. G. E. B. Neave.' Salisbury. 1,000 Hhds 1 1 PRIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES JUST landed direct from the Island, which we offer to the trade at prices to suit the timet. We guarantee this Molasses pure. tan 9 tf EDWARD KIDDER & SON. Cider! Cider ! Cider! pURB APPLE CIDER, JUST If HUM TUB PRESS ! Call and leave your orders and Jugs at T R. MCDOUGALL'S, No. 14 Chestnut St. bet. Front and Water fan 22 j Wilmington. N. C. GO TO CRAFT'S your Furniture buy; Hla prices are right, no onewlll deny. . There are Bureaus.yjeds leads, andnlco Win. dow 8hades, Washstands, Tables and Chairs of all grades; Oil Cloth forf Tables ditto, for floor, ! Ma tresses; 4 Spring Beds, what ask you more The patrons !of CRAFT say plete. his stock Is com- Important to Hunters. From now until the 15th day of August next it will be unlawful to shoot Criminal Court. or hunt deer in this State as section 2. Ia the case of the State ; vs. W. H 832 of tho Coda will show: The follow-1 Howe. Cass HooDer. and Bovser Davis. ing is tho section alluded to : charged with larcen V. .Which was OH of various styles. Bird Cages, Cheese Boxes. rpUESE POPULAR VALENTINES ARE . . . , . ' . ,41 Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives, A ao. 1 1 ' , : I f Fire Clay Chimney Pipes. Tojore this assertion go to 20 Front street Prang's Valentines. ALSO BISCUIT Ironing Boards, j Meat Boards. Beautiful Tin Sets. Granite Iron Ware, Cake Boxe and Closets; Lamps TTTE HAVE THEM. T f Boards, Lap Boards, Srctlon 2332. Any person shall hunt with gucs or chase with a doer, or shall kill or who trial when our report closed yesterday, cook stoves. c the arguments were ooncladedand it i destroy any deer remaining wild in tho was given to the ' jury " this afternoon , 1 .1 1V . . fit ft. 1 . 1 1 . 1 i J PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. j feb 11 woods between the fifteenth day of February and the fifteenth day of August next thereafter ensuing, unless in an inclosure surrounded by a sufficient fence at least five feet high. and where such person shall have a lawlul nznt so to ao. snail pay a bat a verdict had not been when oar reoort closed. rehear SELLING OUT I Unmailablc- There is un mailable matter at the PostofUce in this city addressed as fol- penalty of filty dollars for each offence lows : J ' ' W Mclnnernay : Henry toanyperson suing lor the same, one BarEhimer. care of Sol Bear; JamesL UAiA iwt iuc auu tug UUICk tKJL IUU nse of the public school of the school district wherein the offence is com mitted, and shall be guilty ot a mis demeanor. Section 2333 makes it the dnty of the School Committee to prosecute, in the event that no one has' brought a prior suit, and they shall cause any person so offending to be prosecuted by indictment for such offence. Schrs. J. X. Huddell, Henderson, and Alice Borda, Dukes, cleared at ' Phila delphia Feb. 13th for this port. Yopp; Miss Annie Cannon,- No 1,500 Anthony: Miss. Minnie McHusb. 817 Jackson street, Oakland, Cal; Miss Hannah Taylyr. No 393 Cumberland HATS & FEATHERS AT reduced PRICES. MRS. KATE C. WINES, j i - Nn. 11 a N Second Street, next Post Office janS It Don't Matter F THE OLD TEAR IS GONE AND THE i ... j .... i , . New Tear has come, HUMPHREY, JEN i jllss A uo., are sun receiving at their ors-i fast taking the place of those toktragcous "hit em hards" or comic valentines of a few years - ! . ' I i 'III" ago. Call and see the BEAUTIjrXL ASSOET- JIENT we have on hand. ' j Headquarters for everything In the BOOK and STATIONERY LINE. LOW PRICES and polite attention. feb 11 W. Y A T E S, 1111 MAKKCT ST. j Strect. 4 between h nltoil! and f Atlantic I ter Uoue, No. IU South Front Street, a fresh .ave : one laree yellow envelope, two stamps on it and no address'. If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the Ex celsior Pcnn., Zeb. Vance and New supply every day of New Rler Oysters. Oys ters snippca u. u. l always on band. Ac D. Fresh Shell Oysters jaaS 6t Dyed." A TMONACIPS, 16ii SECOND Emerald, besides others; jThey are to "tT. be found &t factory prices at JaCODI'S, Abo, cleaning; courto and bleaching. Send l !. .i.. .-r.L. .mmf I me a pair el your old Kid Glove. who is tho maninictnrcTs agent, t , I noVss-tf i o Pure Whiskey. I LD NORTH STATE SALOON, 6 South Front St., keeps on hand ClcBimer Pore Rre Whlsfcey, (no flavored staff) ncMe w nuscv, very fine. As good FIVE CENTS CIOAIU as the market affords.' Finest OYSTERS from Sew River. Don't want a fortune at once. No headache there. Jan n Fancy Goods. T7ULL LINE AT i feb 11 GILE3 ft MUECIIISOX'S,

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