BpiM -J- I JU3 1 1 it 1 1 u ii II in II II w i r ii i ' mi ii ii j a i -.-: i t I i i ' ' ' " 'i.i . m-m IB 1 ttK month, 33 ccaiA. t .1 tart of the city. lrti""S -::: n-rrt ny an i U fail- ct: ! r isjr rrgntirly. - ,Vr!r '.'Wtt mrye-ti r,t' Wibnington. .... ... - n. the Ohio b-cn very better ik. Mli'n rutlTtl n ' .)..::cr that his recovery ;,ex;cc:ca. ; A ,r,,rr-.'.VJ uriila irec over an I-i ia:j ::.a. Senator Anthony, Of iiotheueo! cigarette " . . . X e McthoJists have crown froia 13. ftvneiabcr ia ITcl to in all j tn-cLc3 at the present ume. ..'..jil celebration will occur this - It llawrcors Uicc aud Talbot, of jIilchuKt s. will spend the remainde r tf lit Whtcr and the early Spring in Ni w York society has issued invi-' ti: to their ball bearing these words : -Ai.ioa Hope, all Dudes who enter - - - - - Aivr .LU-a Victoria's book, it is vi !. U not detoM of literary merit: It : w'riucs ia flila. homelike language, TLe :v:c i r3re- Stfsiter VoorhceJ bags for the old Hat wiita ti ma who used money at catticcj to: t:i rank in society and bis tlace acos,: honest men. Tt Chicago Xttcs remarks Ibat no joc:rtaJ Mr. Hayes announced that t Xi bill of politics th&Q the Ohio rfur rje some forty feet (): l.yoo members of the New York ck Kxchange it is estimated 500 are wurth 500 and have mortgaged their cemUrsblps. which are worth $25,000, n ; ."jc of business depressions in f liCarJi company has recently been 1 . . . ti t..i urcuu a; ice nsguo wuu u suuxijwt-u car.iot l.xw.uwuorios to consiruci fii.waj in Java. ArchblihoD Gibbons is expected to n'.sra to this country soon, reaching N York about March I. Ho will bo r'.xtn rccertion bv the Catholic elerev fi-1 l.Uy of the Baltimore diocese. - - Scna'.or coric. tf Mississippi, is juoted by the Va$hinton corrcspoud c! c f the Iloston Journal as having iaiilof CVpiah investigation: "Sen ator Hoar is an honest man and will 1st a fair report of the facts." VOL. VIII. . WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1884. NO. 43 . LOCAL NEWS. . MS EX TO HEW ADYEKTI JEfcJIITS. J Kuhbicii -bJrts C W TATts Vrans'i Valcolluc UkiXABEUOKR WcMlng Presents U ii MclNTinE Durln t tha Qalct. tluxv Ckj. A DeIZosset Eu tka The storm signal was fljing to day. The receipts o( cotton ;nt this port t vday foot up 61 bales, j Nor. barque Gunn, Hansen, from this port, arrived at Hamburg on the 18lb in st. Nor. barquo Ducnt Andersen, sailed for this port on the 11th inst, from Port Alahon. - Mr. Irving said to an interviewer in IcJ.anajvlis: "In (act the most wcn&rfjj thing about this country is U krararJcess ia using new inventions ivi ia taking up new ideas. In Eng azj wc are equally forward in keep- :t.-lthincstothc front' -" - alAjy has been the victim of sartfiu practical jokes in California. utT.si nt cut 1 500 circulars to prom- iuVaiocrats asking their preference r t-a rresiJcacy. he received about ' " w v v waw ivi luj for Thurman and 5 for Such irequent and vivid flashes of lightning as illumined the heavens last night have been seldom seen in this section at this season. The Wilmington Light Infantry parade on the -2nd inst., at 4 o'clock p m.. instead of at 5 p. m. a3 has been in correctly announced. . i A called meeting of the Wilmington Light Infantry was held last night at which it was decided to 'adopt the helmets recommended by the Adjutant General, but tho matter of adopting the unilorm complete was held for further consideration. Wc have seen several copies of pic turcs in crayon work, enlarged from photographs which were really beauti ful in appearance and finish. They were the work of the Excelsior Copying Co., ol Harrisburg, i'a., ot which Mr. J. W. Miller is tho agent here, and we have seen nothing finer or nioro artistic in our city. The attention of our readers is invited to the advertisement in this issue of Mr. J. Elsbacb, shirt manufacturer, on the North side of Market street, just West of Front. The articles manufactured by Mr. KIsbach have attained a standard Tep.utatiou. They aroj well made, of the best material, and arc sold at lo.v prices. t Very Prudcut. It was intended .that the steamer Xorth Stale should leave Smithville, for Georgia, yesterday morning, but when the time arrived which was fixed for her departure the approach of a cale was apparent and Capt. Paddison very wisely concluded to remain in the harbor. It would have been rough for he steamer last night on tho ocean, and bad she ventured out thero would probably have been but little of her left his morning. The Xorth Stale was at her wharf at Smithville at 7 o'clock s morning, where she will remain until tho wind and sea subsides. Tho Anniversary. In accordance with previous an nouncement the Howard Relief Fire Engine Co.. No. 1, celebrated its 28th anniversary to day. At 10 o'clock this morning the engine was taken out to the rear of the engine house and about an hour was devoted to practice, the water being taken from a hydrant in the yard and the hose led out to Dock street, tbencc to Fourth, op Fourth to Market street and up the latter street until 1.050 feet of hose j were reeled off. The engine did very well notwithstand ing the great distance of hose , through which the water was forced. The greatest force of steam used was 80 pounds to the inch. At 11 o'clock the company marched into the hall, where had already as- serabled a throng of beautiful ladies. prepared, and of which all partook with a nearty rcusn. Hanger being appeas ed and the appetite satisGed. the j party soon began to leave lor their several homes or different avocations, to meet again to-night at Germania Hall where many of them will indulge in the merry dance for a few happy hours. The occasion was throughout a com plete success and there was neither rude mirth nor unpleasant jar - to dis,- turb the innocent hour ot the celebra tion. The committee had' worked asssiduously and successfully in per leciing tne arrangements ana everv leamre oi me uay was a pleasant sur prise, for which they deserve much credit. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS f ; , ; , FLEASS KOTOWS. . . ;i j -1 . We win be glad to receive eoouatailcatJoa trom'onr friend on any txA aH tubjecli several Interest tmt . iTrv- .... I M name oi me writer must always be fv akaed to the Editor. .j j CommmrtcatloM mtut be written cn cnl one side of the paper. Personalities most be avoided I j i ' And It la especially and particularly and etood that the Editor does not always eadot F It A . M . . ' ' 1 vrcw ux correspondents cniosa so state xn tne editorial coJuains. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THAT NOW PREVAILS WE WILL OFFER ! CARPETS AT TELLING PRICES. Ladies' and Children's Wraps I V j Would you secure a bargain, if so you may find it at these headquarters J CRUMB CLOTHS a few left very, very cheap. FURNITURE FRINGES. flushes. Felt Cloths, Damasks, Crctohc?! Silk Spikes, Plush Balls, &c. CORNICE Extension and VSl Entertainment, Literary Musical. and Madame Strong's. Comfort Corset, Combining health, comfort c. ease and elegance. a number of -entlemen. An entertainment j was given last PLAIN AND BROCADE OTTOMAN SILKS-We have sold.a quantity " ' . .. i I these .15? thn nrirns nra rumnrl-nMir lr kJ Mr. John Oldetibuttel pre- evening at Rankin Hall, by the j Young s master of ceremonies and People'e Association of St. Paul's Ev. besides guests. nrpsided as on the rostrum with him wero Rev, F. Lutheran Church, and in every way it w r ihnn Mvnr fTftll. CaDt. C. was a signal success. The Hall was D. Myers. Chief of the Fire Depart- crowded to its utmost capacity, many ment: Mr. A. Adrian. Foreman of Howard Relief ; Mr. M. Ratbjen, As- Pelled to stand The Programme was aistant Foreman, and Capt. E. W. weu arrangeu auu juuy carriea oul. ht-.,: r wnrvintrfrtn Rtpstm p.rA Mr. C. W. Poivogt, President of the of feb 20, 1884 R- n3. aiclPJTIREi Engine Co., No. 1. Y.P. Association deliyered. a neat and well prepared address of welcome in : Personal. Dr. Jl M. Hartsfield, who has for some time past been Assistant Physi cian at tho Western Insane Asylum, at Morganton. has returned to the city. He has resigned the position he held at Morganton and may locate in Wilmin iiri .i "i . : .1 : i n nen iac VyOuiuauY arri uu iu iiuui - i r . , . . . c . . e . of the rostrum it was brought to a halt English, which was well received and t0Q fof Praiee of his profession when Mr. Oldenbuttei made a few retlected much credit upon that young A Good Cause. Dlcaaant remarks of welcome and con- gentleman. , Rev. F, V. E. Peschau will lecture gratulation in which he stated that no After music by the orchestra Miss at St. PauPs Evangelical i, Lutheran death had occurred in the membership Katie I; ndemann delivered an ( address Church at 8 o'clock to-morrow (Thurss of the company during the last' year, ot welcome m German. There was then day) night on the recent terrible floods and at the conclusion of which ranks singing Dy tne association auer wmcn in the West, at the conclusion1 of which were broken and the members became Miss Katie Bremer read an essay on a'contribution will be jtaken up for the The regular Drozramme Woman's Influence, whicli was received relief of the sufferers. thpn with hearty applause. Miss Louise introduced by music from- Fasquall's Glameycr rendered, with excellent band. Then followed a vocal duet by ucautuui pucui iu ucimau. Mrs. John Haar, Jr. and Mrs. F. C. Mlss J'"0 Atus ,tben. m recited a beautiful poem in English on the Pilgrim Fathers. Mr. II. F. Otten made an excellent I' i Uwiiiyi that "it Vanderbilt. twu hundred million dollars. 'c a hr?y in proportion to his ..aLe would c imb to tha too of lr - "y t.arca siccdIc lace Wall street ' -neii nti tumultuous emth '1? iiJia ttc maJaws of his joy leap Ki:r.;o Frcire. the Brariiian pbysi a--t.lkcowa among medical me: men caa ot hi theory of inoculation as a . ,"Teof Jow fever, writes from thi; all hiA CTorrimnts L3 Icrinrt 1: L! A decree has 3 Hrazihan rovern. 1- Jan wued bj th ca. 3rii;D him to practice vacci. -wo perished with him will f ia f S ... .... f .v " vwauiry aooui ine mida.e i v, t- i wguisbed graduate . i . r u niversiLV. : . lamni cf lhat lotion t r&ral tibli t tw t. - .u i.Aic universiiy life ' tOO ihnrt t . h-crtr.t kind r r lA uw aoxen N KZtn l;,, f arci;n when U i::?li?llh coh or cold itlckS b. it will mS6 "r Balr oa Sjr- City Court. Oue case of drunk and down was brought bclorc the Mayor this morning which was discharged. 1 Thomas Morris, a tramp, who ap pHccd for lodging last night, t his being the second time within a few weeks, was required to leave the city forth with. Reuben Thompson, colored, charged with larceny, an account of which we published vesterday. was required to give a bond in the sum of $100 for bis appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, tailing in which he was committed. 1 Important Mcctiusr. A special meeting of the Produce Ex change and other business men was held at the rooms of the former at 12:39 p.m. tday, at which were Messrs. II. C. Stitson. J. A. Ashley and R. J. Dixon who are engaged in getting up a histori cal and industrial narrative of the city. with its advantages and prospects. The meeting was well attended and was extremely interesting. Mr. Stitson ex plained the objects, price &c, of the proposed book, and Mr. Dixon read an interesting article upor our river and harbor. j A committee, consisting oi Messrs. C. P. Mebane, G. J. Boney. R. W. Hicks, J. A. Springer, to which- Col. R. Moore was added, was appointed to see what amount could be raised to pub- liih and distribute the work. A committee was also appointed to revise tho article oa naval stores, &c. consisting of Messrs A. Martin. B. F Hall and II. C. McQueen. , A committee was appointed to re view the article on cotton, consisting of Messrs A. H. Greene, D. G. Worth and James Sprnnt. I . . I A committee was appointed to review the article on shipping.' consisting of Messrs C. P. Mebans. E. Peschau and E.G. Barker. ! Adjourned. " . companist on the piano, lne piece was well rendered, both vocally and instrumcntilly,and was a fino selection This was followed by an appropriate aud impcrssivo prayer by Rev. F. W. i'escnau. flavor nail was men in troduced who made a brief, but verv various addresses and by instrumental nnnrnnriotn snwvh nt. thn nnnolnslnn nf niUSic by the Orchestra which thero was music bv the band. Tho second part of the programme Capt. C. D. Myers was the next speech- was opened by dialogues, one between maker atid his effort was good, in parts Messrs. J. H. Rehder and E. Schulken, Jr., "which was in German, and the had been that of Mavor Hall, with Pther. m Englislr, entitled Lord iDun applause. The Last Kiss" a waltz dreary's Visit, in which the parts were for four hands, was then rendered by sustained by Messrs. w. roivogc, as Opera House. A rather small audience greeted Prof. uaugny last mgnt in nis second and last appearance here The enteitain menu was a reany ueiigntiui one and those who accompanied the lecturer on his journey to London were amply impression upon thoaudieneo by the repaid in theBligut outlay they had mole mauuer iu wmcn ne uenverea an ora tion upon the famous and unfortunate Joan of Arc. This was followed by for the trip. Mrs. F. C. Miller and Mrs. John Haar Jr., with much taste and expression. (It is to be supposed that The Last Kiss" would have considerable lastc and a good deal ot expression whether 1 It is done in common, quick or waltz time.) Rev. F. W. E. Peschau was tne next Lord Dundreary, Mr. II. F. Otten and Misses Katie Ganzer and Caroline Ba ker. This was the amusing piece of the evening and kept the audience in laugh ter throughout its rendition. This was followed by a duet, entitled O'er the Hill, and charmingly sung by Misses i nMr..ri w,a Mmi-a Lizzie Grotiren and Marv Blomme. sucatkUi uuu uc uiciocu uio ituiaiaj i hv Ravinp- that he never had been a fire -lne address OI tnanKS Dy MISS Annie " n . t il 1 . f n man. but a Drofano reDorter suseested. uremer, wnicn was tue lasi oi ice - - ' t . 1.1. t ' M 1 J I l tVJ U . . .. . I aTrnrt mr nrotf Holitrorofl in a mill Tn I ann socio voce, tnai ne naa aevocea nis me to " : Z they are established. the effort to keep people out ot the lire, ""i u y1411- Ilia nn.ooh hnwAVPr urn trnrul nnm. PCaranCe. 1D8. UlUSie, JUIUI3UUU U V I i nr;An .n,i woii rDQfi kv lit a Uornro . aiessrs. bmitnueai, unmanu, ocmoss 'I : i J it l and iu this connection we must not ana reeneY 3 ' omit to mention that all the speakers The violin solo by Prof. Smithdeal was Adjutant Oencral's Report. The report of Adjutant General Jonnstone Jones, lor tne past year, is distributed among the State Guard. It shows that there were in the Guard December 31st, 1883, twenty-five companies of infantry and a company of cavalry- The .force is formed into two brigades and flye regiments or battalions. The force numbers 962 men. lne report says: "lhi is a large falling off from 1882, The de crease was caused by the disbandment of feeble companies. The companies that remain, classed as effective (21), all i stand upon a solid basis add may be relied upon in any emergency." What they require in addition to the present aid from the public treasury is the substantial sympathy and encour agement of the communities in which The services of : i the Inspector General during the year are specially complimented. A Terriffic Storm. The wind which blewj so fiercely last paid a tender and glowing tribute to superb and fully up to any that we ever night was but a zephyr in comparison ,u i: j . iDt- l neara ana ine eornet &uiu, oy iur. is iae reports oi us violence nr.ssed the hnnn that nil the cW ScHIoss. was equal io mo euons oi ea nere irom omer points. Mr. to tne reports ot its violence receiv tho efforts of ed here from other points. Accu- I g i L a MirABaiAnnla itr nr r o I unfn lnrArmnfiAti i a v r.i" t Its Via1 vrf rrentnreq vohn were nnmirripd wnnlrl I LUaUV Ol luu piuiwsiwuaia nuw uaic juuaiuaiiuu uvk w uu uau jtt avail themselves oi the lea p year privi- performed here. Miss Ulrich accoru- as the wires were down to-day in vari- i t ...?. r .u t Darned on tne piano, in a precise ous airecuona. irassengers wno arnvs -ii it,. :nm i manner, an me songs oi me evening, i eu nere mis morning i on me Carolina uuiu . uii ku& uiiiiv4unovi uiu i -- i . . .. . Miss Rulfs' solo, bmg, b weet Bird, and Central tram tell us tnat tne gale was Mis3 Kine s Danish song were j the perfectly fearful on the upper end of beautifully rendered. It is the first I road. It seems to have had its centre time that Miss Kine has appeared in about Monroe. Between that place and conquer bachelors had been made captives and trained to work double in the matri monial harness. Several other very able speeehes would have been delivered, but the speakers were not fully prepared. The next on the programme was a .song and chorus entitled "God Bless Our Noble Firemen," composed for the occasion by Rev. F. W. E. Peschau. This was rendered by Messrs. John Haar. Jr.. and F. C Miller and their wives in fine time and voice. The I Shirts Made .i T? ORDFS 0F BEST WAMSDTTA hurt L Ing and No. 2100 Linen for tho lo price ot A perfect fit and good substantial work s niiweu. kjut patrons ana customers'are ed to call and leave their measures at the (mar in vlt remarkably low price at the Wilmington Shirt ri Factory. feb 20 tf -ciiiAuiij rron. 1 i 27 Market St. Wedding Presents I TTSEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PLEASE CALL AT HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book and Music Store fob 20 OPERA HOUSE. WEDNESDAY EV BNING. FEBRUARY 20. The Great Violinist, .' " REMENYI, ' f , In GRAND CONCERT, supported by Miss ELIA WA'LACE, Soprano. Mr. KDMONI) DeCKLLE Tenor, Mr. ISIDORE, LUCK STONE, Pianist. 1 Reserved Scats $1.25 and $1. Admlsolon ?1. 50c, 25c. Sale now open at Dyer's, i , ftb 15 5t Executor's Notice: HAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTORY the last will an1 testament of Rachael A. Lazarus, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims a&ralnst her estate to nrcaenttha same 1 1 me on or before the 19th February, t8t3. I B. E. CALDERtf! icuxv iavuw iucs . iSXCCUtOr1 Administrator's Notice.; HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTB A tor of the estate of Mrs. Louisa Nutt, I hereby noti f y all persons havlnar claims against her to present the same to me on or before the 7th February. 1885. All oersona indebted tn said decedent will make payment to me. I . X'Atl.KY, Jr. feb 0 lawGw wed j 1 "Dinner Fish," FINE LOT OF SMALL BED DRUM, i i i- lor TUESDAY'S narkcL No better jflsh at thlseeason; weigh 3, 5 and 7 pounds. Also. BUCK SHAD. 80c per pair: Roe 8had 1.6cL Send early and get a GOOD DINNER F1S1X. ieois DAVIS ! SON .1 Tobacco ! Tobacco I ON CONSIGNMENT AND MOST ! BE SOLD QUICKLY. 500 Boxes arid Caddies Chewing Tobacco, '' FROM 20 CKNTS UP, - ' public. Charlotte, early in the night, heavy hail storm passed over the line of the road and some of the stones which fell measured nearly an inch in diameter The wire3 were blown down in many places and in one instance they tell across tnef track: and were cut by tne train. It is reported that a colored boy at Roekioham was killed; by the hail. the W. & W. feb 13 SAM'L BEAR. 8n. Tlio Fire Last Night. The alarm ol fire last night, which was sounded about 11 :40 o'clockj came in the midst of the severe storm which was prevailing at that time and caused the hearts of all who heard it to .beat with apprehension. A sudden glare lit nn tha entire eitv and then it was seen I At Rookv MonnL on piece was dedicated to Mr. A. Adrian, L. t th flamea were located on the R. R.. it seems there was another storm c r .1 1 1 ... I loremaaoi iuucuuipaujr.uuuwci.uuYr . and men made up their-minds centre. It is said that there has been of no one upon whom, such an honor f A fierce fifrtlt ti.e hast;iv st . mnch devastation at that nlahnd it couia be more appropriately conierrea. gIed into their clothes. Happily, these reported that a number of buildings' Next in order, although not on the fear3 were ai:ayed wnea it wa3 found among them1 two churches, were blown published programme, was the presen- that the fire wa3 located on the West down by the! gale and that two children tauon to air. a. Aunw ui luo bong f th . . t the flames were killed J Other disasters to nron- , i r i : v. i i t aeuicaieuto nim, o wuicu we awere there con fined to a pile ot rosin erty are reported above and below that sposen. xne presentation was maue mm a ft I oy Mr. uiuenDuiiei in a lew weu-umeu disUuCry. on the South side of the cause as we have been able to learn . - i i i remarks anu was appropnateiy jx- way on j, Island The fire de- To the South of us the storm was also spondedtoby the recipient. A: silver partment were promptly on hand, but very severe. At Darlington, S.t'C. it speaking trumpet was then presented Qwi DgtothQ fierc8 wind which prevail- is said that six persons werd killed and Dyjvir.uiaenDuweiiojur.fli. liaxnjen, edit waa some time before an engine that a distilllery. miU and stable were 1st Assistant foreman, ana anomerto d tak tiCTOS3 : and destroyed. Lr. if. u. Miner, na Assistant j; ore- oaly the LUUc Giant Tte I From the Signal Office here we learn man, both of rfhich were gratefully firawaa haonilv 'confined to he vard I that the most of the storm was inland. receivea anu appropriauaj cuwwi- -here it oriirinated and the loss is bnt The wind blew hero at the rate of 31 . . i . i ? I eogea in onex speecnes nv tmo recipi Bmrht. , . . - miles an hour and at Fort Macon at 45 ents. I ,1 ImilAs&n honr. 25 CENTS A BOX I jNOTHER INVOICE OF OUR SPLENDID TOILET SOAP. 25 cents for box of j 12 cikeaj this day recelvjed. Thla la a perfumed Toilet Sosp which Is really good and cheapj wpIj Inar a want which haa always existed We arc exhibiting a magnlUceat line if Tollei arid i i r i i Caatlle Soap.-i, all grades, and eqtullyaa cheep a3 onr b!g drive. Please call if inly, to Inspect.. feb 13 II- Rcfp:ctfallil, MUND3 BRO. & DEROSSET. The benediction was then pronounced I For Pore White Lead & Faints, and and the com nan v with their ruests ads bircest stock of Window Glass and Cleveland, . Ohio - Chief Sunt. Schmitt, of the Police Force, recom- journed to the floor below to partake of lowcs t prices for good articles be sur mend3 st. Jacobs OU for the cure- of a bountiful collalioa TMch had been loga to Jacobi's HaidwaxDcpot. t Ipain. ' QLD NORTH STATE SALOON, C Bonth ' Front St, kecpa on hanjl Clemmer'i PureRre - Whiskey, (no flavored staff) Pie Kle WbUker, very fine. A good FIVE CENTS CIGARS aa the market afford. JTloeat OYSTERS from ew Klrer. Don't want a fortune at once. No headaches there. i Jan 23 FQOMETHJNG VERT NICE- " FOE SALE BY GILKd MURCIU90NS. feb IS Uorcblnoo Block. Sportsman's Goods. WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f English and Belgians Breech Loaders ever broognt to this market. Also a first class stock of Shells, Wadding Primers, Cart ridge Bags. Gun Caps, Came Bags, Ac In fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Good roods aad guarantee prices, j W. E. SPRINGER CO., I Successors to John Dawson St cov, feb is, w, a aaa 23 tiict tacct

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