1UIS PAPER JOSIIT. JA3IKS. suadays rTI,iS9 rOSTAGE PAIR sit month, 12.00. Three On month. 35 cent. t ,tctiTcrel uy earner trrc I rrV ' I i art of the city, at the above .tT J , . r. s.w and mm " . r-f i.i"r rcfuUrly, tr ' ' rHl'- --. T : ' I.'ct ictr has the laryctt , i " - " " - - ' , . . y , . . ." . ' 7 . - i . .. , ........ T t ! 0 -'5 ' VOL. VIII, W ELMINGTON. N. C., THURS DAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1884. NO. 44 r i r Archibald Forbes is eaitl to have Mtvn, of nny newspaper been very unfortunate in investing the t'y vf tlminori. -3 . nuney he h.is made by his corrcspon felt by u cmlell . , at vs. lonncrSy carried, vj-i.iht fti.d the other " V ' 4 III . ' - . .,-..: i I he treasury of , i .ii-crce imimsms o r. ''. !n.jriticn duties .1, irom .May lo . - Mj-'At';urc has recently a'.'.ac'k of bronchitis a idently :8 fact?. not speculations San Kkam isco, ; Cai.. The Demo' rrnt ot this city, the most inlluentiai and widely circulated (Icrman news paper west of the Hocky Mountains, states thtt alon the entire Pacific S!ope. jcoflc sny. that for the cure of Inxlily pains Si. Jacobs Oil has no cUal. ,:araan of ntccty-nine aiVW '.at he was bet cr. - - - r i ..-! Aury cut his wife's throat V., and then Jealously was the cause. mrneti auoui a LOCAL NEWS. IMDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dvvis A Sox Mc Mullets C W Yat Prans Valentines Hei.mseekgee WeMlng TrcMints . MCMs BROS. A DeIIosset Eureka Men Eobert LtL BoarJlDg Uoue Knlstits and LmUe of Honor Local al t a-, r. I r.iithcr of them was over -M. I .1. Mackay.cf Wahinton, has an a letter oi .n.uit'v hat the hero's birthplace idiv-a-vr. C .which corrects nu I .n rur.!y. The receipts ot cotton to-day foot up 9 bales. at this port hcri. who locale it in l: ;':tn Woo-J. the champion fly- cis ire f Atutrlea. dropped dead from Ua:: Inve a. Syracuse, 1., Si'.urJay n -M. He was a member ol !:.. Atr.caa i:a:Tal the international t...i et.J '-"oa iu IDndon in April '.ail. Mir. j Via .indt is sa'id to bo a ; u.Ieil cai'.J. H trst artist triumphs turu l itr teaJ, ami she has since tun : .c..:y the time ahe srhould Laic Jcri.:tJto:aJy. Henco she has n.aJe.'.:e i'any uuiical progress since ..i-r ar;'-ur Years ago. Ariui--aLop Frcehan returned to C-.ca- S:;sday Irom bis isit to Rome. JJc 3 welcomed at the railroad by Mayor Harrison and special n;n scatatives from Catholic bodies. ir.A wa escorted to the episcopal f i.'aoe by a procession numbering ' ivorcrons. Yellow fever is said to be propagated tl ibe ftlog of a mojuito. 011 the au lLot'tj if Dr. C rlos Fin lay, of Havana, w i La seen under microscope spores ac 1 rilaaenls of a particular nature on it? t:n; ot one ol these insects that ha! just bitten a patient suflerins from . Accurding to Longfellow "some days be dark aod dreary" everywhere; -t-: in Ikriia the cumber is large eauuU to dismay even a poet. By laiUUcal accounts kept for thirty years i: arars that there are on an average ascml.'y 113 raiay days in the German ca; .tai. T.C days of rain and snow, and d.iys of saow. - . . Ti5isefthc electric light on board ihcllenuan iron-clad squadron dis fosiiol the idea that the new illumi- cr.i :i any protection against the at avi of torptib boats. These miniature tiiricc warriorsjjotonlycouid approach ;-;:e unpereeived the huge fortress a:! jat. hut the ray ol the electric arc scrv ed as a guide to the aim ol the torpedo- tearing era!:. Schr. Paul II Keller, Nor bury, clear cdat New York, Feb. 10th, for this port. . Xor. barque Tclcns, Vealc, sailed Irom Liverpool, reb. 19:!i, lor tms port. German barque Apolhckcr Dccsinj, Stutts, hence, was off Prawlc Point Feb. loth. Schooner Mary L. Allen, Butler, from Bath, arrived at Ilockport, Me., Feb. 10th, to load for this port. Mr. Sol. Bear left this morning loi the Northern markets, and will be ab sent about two weeks. He will bo fol lowed in. a few days by others. - Mr. Alexander Johnson, Jr., was out to-day for a short time, lor the first time since he was injarcd. He is yet quite feeble but Is convalescent. We invito the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts arc being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tl. i The steamer Xorlh Stale. Capt. R. V. Paddison, put to sea from Smithyille a1 & o'clock this morn in jr. and there is every indication now that she will have a pleasant passage to her port of destination. The '.ory that Treasurer Spinner's ;-tr.eaiica!Iy crooked signaturo on k"."back j was made so by nervousness 2."! fri;ut oa an occasiou when a safe cu-.a.n;n millions ol money was left -kid over night is exploded by a tA.:.u:.re Ahicri'in correspondent, -o hi in his possession the general's wruieu nearly forty years K ar.J showing the same well known Itc-.lir.ties. Deputy Sheriff G. W. Murray this morning for Raleigh with prisoners who were sentenced to penitentiary at the recent term of left the the the Criminal Court. They were all colored and were as follows: Boyser Davis, larceny, 5 years; W. H. Gibson. larccncy, 5 years; and Gaston Davis, churches, besides many private dwell Fearlul Cyclone. The storm of Tuesday, of which' we appeared to be upon the verge, was learful in its force and terrible in its devastation. It seems to have been confined inainlv, so far as we have rev ceived information, to those counties lying on or near the South Carolina line, and to havo been terrible in that Slate-as well as in our own. Telegraph wires arc dowu in many places and the news comes in slowly, but every fresh intelligence add3 greater horror to the dire disasters. A gentleman who arrived in the city this morning from Rockingham says that the work of death and de strtuclion at that place was truly ap palling. There were eighteen persons killed outright, 1 of whom were white and 14 colored. Besides these, there arc about forty wounded, many of whom will die from the fearful injuries receiv cd. Dead horses, dogs, hogs , sheep and cattle could be seen in almost every dirction. Kvcry building, tree, fence or shrub in the track of the storm wss cither blown down or torn np by the fury of the wind. The rum was com plete. Yesterday thoso who escaped harm were working from morning unti night in' bringing in and caring for the wounded and in interring tho dead. I here was no distinction in kcolor or sex. but all who could worked faith" fully in behalf of suffering and helpless humanity In the Court House, where many ot tho wouDdcd were conveyed the scene was pitiable and the town was a place of mourning. Parents had lost their children and children had be come in a moment orphans, and among the wounded were those who had but a few short hours to live, and to whom death would have been a sweet relief, so intense were their sufferings. At Polkton the damage to property was very severe, although we have heard of but one fatal accident at that place, which was that of a colored man. who was blown into the fork of a tree, where he was found dead. The de struction of property, however, was fearful, estimated by many at fully $50,000. , There were other places in tho track of the storm that suffered more or less, but none of which we have heard were damaged as were the two we have named. At Chester, S. C, the storm of wind and hail was very severe. The roofs of the bank and many of the stores were blown off, and the Catawba Oil Mill, Baptist and Presbyterian -NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THAT NOW PREVAILS WE WILL OFFER ! CARPETS AT TELLING PRIGES x Ladies' and Children's Wraps I Would you secure a bargain, if so you may find it at these headquarters. CRUMB CLOTirS a few left very, very cheap. FURNITURE FRINGES, Plushes. Felt Cloths Damasks, Cretones, Silk Spikes, Plush Balls, &c CORNICE Ex tension and Pole. larceny, 1 year. We understand that Mr. A. II Morris, of Teachy's. proprietor of the well known hog cholera medicine, has received a letter from Hon. Wharton ings, were wholly or partially destroyed. 1 Uppincott's Magazine. LippiiicolCs for March opens with an article ou "The Berlin of To Day " Legislature is The Miaehuselts va,.jr.a , a bi:. prohibiiing the leck 0 b .l;n of frirv pnfrintv tit it. 1 '-- r.turs the employes arc at r.turs the employes arc Ma3Y m LV tholr t!rnr in j 1 fcernieg and do not open them cTeis St so tIial lbe work people 4:'? i3 aaa oul wfacn they like. "Cacf a fe or panic, however. rta: raclicc. bet: b I Af-ik:sgfac: ia the river trade of .amti is that it has not materially jwua the growth or the city .;4:-ec :5'i trade. We Icarn from -e repcrt ol the Chamber of Commerce -r .ta: t,-V k . , . i . . . m.4. me Duiuoeroi steam ' ar finals acd dcartnm variixl l-.:e ia the pas; twenty eieht years. J.lh;U C.3I0 arrirU .ml o vo ove VvUreJ I!iowiQe. ia lact, a decrease - Jear 1553 ia Qich there were arriva!j nJ 'J.TS3 departurts. " uXV6 ? 1 4ha?s :a good Ua:r. CbusS Sjra?. e is the tine toive Smith' Worm lyd w J. (Jrecn requesting him to forward to "Across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec on Washington samples of his medicines. Horseback." gives a vivid description which Col. Green desires to submit to of a journey through some of the least thn !nmmiinnnr of Aprirailttirn who ""wu Kiaunoau uiwuuwiu soeucry will fairly test their merits. Mr. Morriss on lQC continent. "A Winter Cam sirKing picture 01 mo narusnips euaurea A gentleman who came down on the bv our soiaiers in defendinrr our Carolina Central this morning tells us western territory against the invasions that.in tho recent storm at Rockingham of tho uostne Indians. Tho author of he heard that a millstonc.wcighing per- study and Stimulants" describes the haps two tons, had been taken up by the career of "An American Father wind and carried twenty feet and that Matthew." Mr. Ilinhard T. Iiooth. thn . - ...1 . H w caickcns were stnppetl as complc'.ciy ica(ier Gf thc blue-ribbon movement, of their leathers as if they had been Mrs. Champncy's "Sebia's Tang'cd prepared for thc pot. We told him we Web," is brought to a conclusion and could swallow thc chickens but not the millstone. Knights and Ladies of Honor. Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve ning. Full attendance desired. It Madame Strong's Comfort Corset, f - ; : Combining health, comfort, ease and elegance,,. PLAIN AND BROCADE OTTOMAN SILKS-Wc have sold a quantity of these as the prices are remarkably low. j feb20, 1884 R. RSI. MclRJTIRE. Those seeking board would do well to call upon Mrs. Robert Lee, whose advertisement appears in thi3 issue. The situation is centrol and pleasant and she will spare no pains in making her guests feel at home. Let's tell vou about Shoes rpiIE BEST ABE CHEAPEST ! , Get them to fit easy and comfortable i i I et them be rather stout for winter. Don't get them too thin, or you will ruin your health. C117 them of Terpsiclioreaii. The closin 2 festivities ot yesterday's 28th anniversary of Howard Relief GeO. B. French & SODS, Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 1, consist ed of a grand ball at Germania Hall, at which there was one of the largest as semblages ever gathered there for the j purpose of dancing. It was a brilliant affair and the enjoyment was complete. Nothing occurred to mar the pleasures of the occasion : the ladies were beauti ful, the gentlemen gallant, and dancing , was kept up till a late hou r. feb 11 Tugr Breaking:. The people of Point Caswell had a good time on St. Valentine's night, (the 14th inst) at a social gathering for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay for the organ of the Presbyterian church of that place. It was a' success ful affair as was demonstrated by the fact that the receipts exceeded the re quirements, and after paying for the organ there will remain a balance in the treasury There were refreshments in abundance and the tables were pre sided over by Mrs. R. P. Paddison, to suit ail. Mrs. J. N. Henry, Mrs. J. G. Parker, Mrs. G. F. Lucas, and Mrs. J. L. Watson with much grace. Vocal and instrumental music, under the skillful direction ol Mrs. J. R. Paddison, did much to entrance thc pleasures of thc occasion, and added to this were quite a number of charades and dialogues given which reflected credit upon those who took parts therein as well as upon the teacher whose tireless patience had fitted them to act go well their parts. The entire 1 programme was successfully carried out and elicited the warmest commendations of the throng of visitors present. lOS NORTH FRONT ST. i Vho can suit you In any grade, quality or price, Prang's Valentines, rjlHESE POPULAR VALENTINE 3 ARE fast taking the place of those outrageous "hit 'em harUa" or comic valentines of a few years ago. Call and see the BEAUTIFUL ASSORT MENT we haye on hand. ! j Headquarters for everything in the BOOK and STATIONERY LINK. LOW PRICES and polite attention. C W. Y A T E S, 111 MARKET ST. FLSAJSS -KOTICS. ' j " : V: f Wa will be glad to rooelra coeuaaalcaUca from cur trtencLioa any aad all aatjeeft ttacral l&serest bat -Vv. '. !j The name ol the writer most always U fa lhed to the Editor. v ' .-! , Cojnmualcationa mutt be wrlttea 01 oil one side of the paper. j PenoaaUtles must be avoided ; J And It Is especially and particularly sad tood that the Editor does not always eadox the views of correspondents unless so state In the editorial columns. I JUST OPENED I AT Rid IV (ML 'Me Twlarket St. FRENCH NAINSOOKS, Victoria and Persian Lawns, Pique, Marseilles, 'Checks, . m 20,000 Yards EMBROIDERIES I A FULL ASSORTMENT IN ALL STYLES AND DESIGNS. NEW BALANCE OF WINTER G0ODS ! SELLING OUT VERY CHEAP, J . TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. Horses and Mules HPWO CAR LOADS OF HORSES AND L MULES just received, and for sale at prices i . Come and see them. ! CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c, always in readiness for the use of the public. ' TWO FINE HEARSES, with NICE HORSES, for Funerals. O. R. HOLLINGS WORTH, Livery and Sale Stables, , - j janSO Cor. 4th and Mulberry sts Everything Necessary IOR A GOOD MEAL-BREAKFAST, JL' M. M. KATZ't 116 rjlarfcet St. jan 21 s j Shirts Twlade i 1 rilO ORDER OF BEST WAMSUTTA Shirt .L ing and No. 2100 Linen for the low Price of J $l-OOj ! . J- rusr- InTlt A perfect fit and good substantial work i an teed. Our patrons and customera'iiw ed to call and leave their measures at the above remarkably low price at the Wilmlnarton Shirt Factory. . I J. ELS BACH. Proi feb 2?t t iri unifiu! b. 27 Market St. Wedding Presents!! For Pure White Lead & Faints, and biggest stock of Window Glass and owes t prices for good articles be sur o go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t A GOOD Dinner and Supper, can be had of us. We do not deem it necessary to mention every article that can be procured. Heads of Families arc respectfully invited to call, examine and order any thing they may need. Your commands will receive prompt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. attention. Our country friends will please bear in mind that every attention to their wants will be given as formerly, and that their trade is still SOJICUCtt. City Court. Eli Herring was brought before thc Mayor this morniug charged with an assualt with a deadly weapon uoon another, "The Perfect Treasure." des picts in a very aniusirjg manner thc experiences of an American family in England. 'The Brown Lady" is a well managed ghost story, by an English writer, and "Washington's Head quarters," by Hop Ledyaru, is an amusing sketch, not without a moral. There arc some good things in thc 'Monthly Gossip," and tho number is Henderson Hayes, colored. Thc charge hv a snnniPmpnt ninin, n was sustained and the defendant was - , f ,imm required to give a bond in the sum of $100 lor his appearance at the next term of tho Criminal Court. Badly Burned. Mr. John Shcchari. watchman at Mr. A. Johnson's distillery, on the West 'Place aux Dames; or Thc Ladies Speak at Last." J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, at $3 a year. Pavers at Work. This morning four experienced pavers had the misfortune arrivcd from Yo.rk to pav0 side ot the river. to have his hands badly burned at the fire on Tuesday night, while working to prevent tho spread of the flames. His injuries are quite severe, from tho effects of which he ha3 been confined to his house ever since. A New Position. Mr W. W. Barnes, formerly clerk with Messrs. Parker & Taylor.' has en tered into an engagement with j Messrs. Swisher & Con row, fruit and produce commission mcrcnants oi no. jo North Delaware street, Philadelphia, and will leave on Monday next for Florida where ho will solicit consign menu ot fruit and vegetables for the house he represents Water street. They began work this ailernoon, and from the way they have already progressed it will not bo long before the street will bo completed. They proposc to pave 50 yards each, or 200 years in all, -per day, and it is cstr myted that, if they accomplish that amount daily, they will complete the work in about nine days. We learn from tho Richmond Dis palcli that a controlling interest in the Petersburg 11. R. has been purchas ed by gentlemen interested in the At lantic Coast Line. This will giro Col. B ridge rs, as President of the Coast Lino, an unbroken control all of the way from Richmond to Charleston. "Mess Mullets," t ND "FLORIDA FISH ROE" at retail. feb 14 JSEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL, jOF EVERY DESCRIPlON. PLEASE CALL AT j' I ' If HEINSBERGER'S; feb 20 Lire Book and Music Store JAS. B. HUGGINS & CO. SELLING OUT I Tobacco ! Tobacco I "BUCK AND ROE SHAD" can be found at JJ ATS & FEATHERS our Flah Market thc season through, and ON CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BE 80 LI) QUICKLY. other Spring FIh as they come in. feb 21 DAVIS & SON. ING BOARDING HOUSE. i I HAVE ESTABLISHED A NEW BOARD- AT REDUCED PRICES.; MRS. KATE C WINES, j : i No. 119 N Second Street, next Post Office jan 5 500 Boxes and Caddies Chewing Tobacco. CAR, feb 1C FROM 20 C1NTS UP, SAM'L BEJ 8r. Knickerbocker Rein Holders! 25 CENTS A BOX I HOUSE at No. 113! '. Market Street for between Front and Second Streets, regular boarders, with or without rooms Thc rooms have becu newly furnished ami i will be nicely kept. A good table guaranteed at reasonable prices. For further informa tion, address as above, j I feb 21 lw MRS. ROBERT LEE. ptUECK EASE, PATENT BREAST COL- W f i lars, Trunks. Bags, Saddles, Harness, C'arrla- ges ot all kinds. Repairing In all Its branches by skilled workmen. i McDOUGALL 4 BOWDEN'S, feb 18 No. 114 North Front 6t n; A. STEDMAN, Jr., i ATTORNEY-AT-lLAW. Office on Princess, between Front and Sec ond btrects, in the Basement of Building No. 1U. next to old Journal Building, WILMING TON N. C. , Practices In! all thc Criminal and Civil Courts of New ILanover, Bladen, Columbus, Pender and Brunswick Counties. feb 2-&w-lni NOTHER INVOICE OF OUR SPLENDID ' i i 1 "i TOILET SOAP. 25 cents for box of 12 cikes. this day received. This 13 a perfumed Toilet l 1 ,, Soap which L really good and cheapt supply ing a want which has always existed exhibiting a We arc t tl- magniflccst line of Toilet tod CasUle Soaps, all grades, and equally as cheap in as onr big drive. Please call If only to Inspect. Respectfully, feb IS MUND3 BROS. A DtROSSET. KAINIT I KAINIT ! ncider 1 Cider I I Cidirl WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER PURE GERMAN KAINIT IMPORTED DIRECT. TOR SALS IN LOTS TO SUIT. JLURE APPLE CIDER, ! JUST FROM THE PRESS ! Call and leave your orders and jugs at i Ri McDOCGALL'S, No. 11 Chestnut St, bet. Front and Water Ian 22 Wilmington. N. C Yellow White and Ked Onion Sets. Pure Whiskey.! j QLD NORTH STATE SALOON, 6 Sooth roatL, keeps oa hanl Clemmer's Pure Rrc Whbikey, (no flavored stuff) Pic Ms WL'. very fine, As good FIVK CENTd CI';.H as the market affords- Floes t O YsTES-4 from New River. Don't want a fortune at: once. No headaches tiere. . ( jan 23 Sportsman's Goods. J, ffE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT IT CORN, PEAS, BEANS, 4c, DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent Medicines and Fancy Kerchner & Calder Bros. m febis decs 1 South rooxth. corcex Knji at o f English and Belzlma Breech LoXcrs ever Lrougtit to this market. Abo a ar.t' c ass stock of BhcUd. WatUn2. Prtraer.Crl ! Tldxe Hag. Gun Caps. Gime Bigs, Ac In lact we cm snow s stocs or iiaraware. gocds asd guarantee prices. Snacaasors to John Dawson A Co.. feb lit 13.21 and 23 Market auetl ifclgS, &C JO rdwarc Goodj CO, . aim A i j 1 . 1

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