PLEASS KOTICS. Sunday z r 1 W win be glad ta recclra eoBasalcaCca from our friends oa any and ' all sahjecta general Interest bat , i' 1 The name of the writer mat always Wtz alshed to the Editor. Conxmxmicattona must t written ca cal one side of the paper. L t .. -1 1 Personalities must be avoided,! 1 And it Is especially and particularly trad tood that the Editor does not always eadox the Tiews of correspondent! Vra to ttata In the editorial columns. IX ttpied by JOSUT. JAMES iPiroa aJ-nraoramoa. . Ztf"T10V3 rOSTAGE PAID: iiw; One month. S3 cent. ..Hiibt.kBveredby carriers free aS l U abOTt TtYecatt r week. M rr. will rfort and airUU- VOL. VIII. W ILMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1884. NO. 48 DAILY . , i . i KETIEW. . r;?,, Ktriew has the largest mT J fit ""V 7,. Wwn, p any newspaper t ' & - . 1 lirl is building In Chat- . a new incsuc. - - Coding h to be looking 1 ,4 health is, concerned. 7 i.. w for Mar.. ... r, W, candidacy w favorul by fw rVTcn2 tUc scfnlytbrcc .cUyrJ cf l nj;VL-r Tie f ro:s of the local insurance . f.e twrtra months . .n 4 r i ii cl & i i w cataxasnUomore iwn J-.- lateral I zs daughters. Miss Mary r iMiiJ Mildred were present at the t:;e;Ilosofthc statue in New Oriel- r . - Kltz Humbert has directed that hens t-tr a: the banquets ana couri uio .I, t.v.ian wines, with the exception cfcaaopssne, shall oo scrTctl. instead cf tsre;a. Bully for Humbert. Tie jroposed constitution for the ilofcraor shall ba raU $3,600 per year. lit dreary of Sta e $?,ax). and the titer execuute oGcers $2,000 each. Oit ibe wcslthiest firms' In the Sate of Mtxe is composed of two broilers of Aujuita. whoso orii'tnal capital was $3,000. which their lister recovered ia breach of promlso suit. 0 - U llxhinl iraiJia;ton,brothcr of the frtsch ubaiiaJorlo Eogland.has ac- CJffif ackd M. CIcmcnwaa on his Tisit to i.2;.'sr.J or tic purpose of study ins tr laws and cooperative system. QsaJiaa oHicial reports show that is Jsr.sary 2.350 Canadians left the Dcalaloa for this country in searck of ;Ijaent, and the Ottawa Free Dress nil that, it anything, the tignrcs are ci Jercsti mated. ! O nsrcasman John ;3. Wise, of Vir ginia, a degenerate son of a noble sire. appeared befora the Danville Investi gating Committee yesterday and was allowed to raako a long campaign speech, nearly all of which had but lits tic or no connection with the subject under investigation. It is likely enough that it was a put-up job between Wise and Senator Sherman, Ihe Chairman o1 the Committee. Senator Vance ap pears to have made a few futile efforts to check him in his remarks, but in these the distinguished Senator from this State does not appear to the best ad vantage. It is evident that the .Repub lican majority on the Committee is showiog its hand very plainly. Their object is not so much to investigate al leged outrages as to furnish cams paigu material for the Republicans in the next campaign. The bloody shirt is to be raised again and the He manu factory is to bo run to its fullest capac ity,lay and night. 1 ui 1 Still In Undisputed Possession. Sandusky, O.-nX&e Register says: A prominent Lorain county farmer, after subscribing for the Ilegisler for himself, and for his brothcr-m law in Iowa, stated, that wherever he travelled it was the opinion, that as a cure for pain. St. Jacobs Oil held the champion ship of the world, j LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO HEW AQVIBTISEMEHTS. ilEixsaasGEa New Books! K McDougall Beca for Sale C W Tates Prang's Valcatlncs. A W Bivex KAKK I Sell all Kinds j Gizo at. Crai-ox, Agt A Bonanza Muxds Bros. A DeBosset Eureka New moon this morning at 21 minutes past 12 o'clock. ! to- official reports from the Maine fe&ltn show that in the construction cf to Tie!s. aggregating 31,396 tans, tir was used 13.1C0.0T2 feet of South- in f.ce and only 2.327,033 feet of North- era Ese, and 4,CcO,000 feet of whito oak. Cars lUrton, as President of the American IledCross Association, is ixsx cob!t work among the flood suf- The receipts of cotton at this port day loot up 23 bales. Stcamboatmen report that the recent rise in the river is receding rapidly. The steamship Benefactor, Tribon, arrived at her wharf in this city this forenoon. Norwegian barque La Flala, Andrea m ' a s-v . ft m son. sailed I rom uaujz ten. im. tor this port. Princess street dock was crowded i with flats, loaded with wood, this ! morning, and prices wero quite reason able i I The pavors at work on North Water ioir. and proposes to co from one end street an making rapid progress and weuaiolo the other in her skiu. tkh makes her a sort of modern Joan A Arc. Princess streets will soon be completed. of the in . . . , ajuc;pnia, wmca loriy vears ajro as the seat and centre of an acrid and ccomproaising hostility to citizens of rcia birth, oa Tucsdav luit pWtrH a sjor who was born in Irelacd. Mr. BalUs. the mayor-elect, took out ais iiraliiatloa pipers only a few vears "" - - - - i-e-:eaast ichwalka. the Arctic cx- orrr- no in Portland. Oregon, said -scucruaj toat in his opinion tho lj nrtj is afc. and that it its -lalcrs can keep the scurvcy of! they rived here last night, spent the day in rC& re.jctl during the coming visiting the several schools of the city Inspector General Cameron, North Carolina Stato Guard, went down tho river this afternoon on the steam yacht JAuisct to. inspect the newly or ganized company at Smithville. Iter. J. C. Scarborough, S u peri n ten dent of Public Instruction for tho Stato of North Carolina, arrived in the city last night and registered at the Purcell House. It is, wo believe, his first visit hero sinco his term bczan. Her. John C. Scarborough, Sapcrin tendant of l'uuiic instruction, wno ar- j Travel. The tide of travel is immense, and our note's arc crowded to their ut most capacity to accommodato the large number of guests who arrive uron nearly every train. Somo of thoso who have passed the Winter South of us. aro returning to the North, but wo think that they arc six weeks, at least, too early in the season. Others aro on their wav to the South, so that hotels m havo plenty of business. Mulish. . Tuero was quite a difference of opin iou between a mule and a couple of men who were attempting to drive him this moraine:. It occurred on Princess and again on Market street, and the mule wanted to travel on the sidewalk, while tho drivers preferred that he should occupy the street. Tne mule was opinionated and kept tho drivers quite busy in making him go as they wanted. O, obstinacy, thy name is mule. EfiTCTS and Oysters. A colored man from Onslow county was comine down Market street this noon in a cart drawn by a mule and laden with oysters and eggs. When at tho corner of Fourth street tho mule pretended to get frightened as an excuse for doinz mischief and ran away. He - j was stopped at tho corner of Second and Market streets, but the top of the cart was smashed and the eggs and oyss ters were wo full v mixed up and the former smashed all to "smithereens." Death of Mr. Henry Samson. Information was received, hero yess terday by telegraph of the death, at Nvack. N. Y.. on Sunday, of Mr. r ' Henry Samson, elder brother to Mr. Julius Samson, of this city, and former ly a member of the house here of J. & H.Samson. He will be remembered by many of the older generation of our citizens. j Mr. Samson died at an advanced ago. He was a gentleman of extensive means and had retired from business many years ago. City Court. i Joseph lingoes and Carl Dabbett. two denizens of tho 4Hollowt" were brought before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct. It seemed from the testimony of the officer who made tho arrest, that the two, while.not absolutely drunk, were so much under the influence of the "pizen" they had imbibed that they were " uproarious',' and had little respect for law and order. A fine of $3 in each case was imposed, which may have a solutary effect upon their future con duct. . 2;cr. He regards the lack of fresh pi a lie greatest danger likelv to bo . r- DJ Ultra. and expressed himself as highly gratified at what ko heard and saw. AshWcdncsday lalU due to-mor- The Government House. Those who had the good fortune to see Messrs. Baker & Farron In "Chris and Icna," when they were heye last year will have somo idea of the happy treat in store for them on Thursday night, when these gentlemen will appear in tho above cn ti tied play. . This latter is a comedy in every sense of tho term and has been received in every place where it has been presented with un bounded delight. They will undoubt edly havo a good house, as they are known here as the very incarnation of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bees for Sale. cheap for cash. feb2G B. McDOUGAUj. 11 Cheatnnt Street. I Sell all Kinds QOUNTRY PRODUCE OX COMMISSION. Highest market prices smar&ntecd and prompt returns. A. W. juvkmuauk. Produce Commit sion Merchant and Grocer, ai nonn w aver os., w limmgion. w.u. MST Refers to Bank of New 13 an over, fob ?G Wew Books. rjlHE BREAD WINNERS. The Woods and Timber of North Carolina. In the Coal and Iron Counties of North Car olina, by P. M Hale. ! j A Book About Roses. How to Grow and Show Them. ! To Lee ward! By Marion Crawford. For sale at HEINSBERGER'Sj fob 26 i Live Book and Music Stoie Caught In the Act. Cornelius Moore, colored, .attempted to steal some money from tho store o Mr. Li. il. Cherry, on the corner ot T nAVE twelve colonies of ital Market and Second streets, this after- iaN bees, m patent hives, which i win sell noon, but was detected in! tho act and was turned over to the police who took him to the guard house It seems that ir ri i i !. . mi. vueirjr uau lost money ironinis bar drawer before and suspicion pointed very strongly to Mooro as the thief! and to-day a trap was set to catch him. Whilo the other attendants were in tho front part of the store one of the clerks bid behind the end of the bar and had not waited long before Moore came in, and jumping upon the bar, reached over and drew out the drawer and had got the money jn his hand?, when the clerk caught him. "One must be poor to know the luxs ury of giving." That -may be so, but we think anybody can enjoy the luxury of givinz his fellowsufferer a bottle of Dr. Bull s Cough byrup to euro his cough. j. A Lothario in Trouble. Something more than a ripple of ex citement spredd on the streets this morning, when it became kuown that a serious misadventure had last night befallen a certain knight of the club in this city, an officer of the police force. It seems tnat this gay Adonis had be come smitten witn tne cnarms ot a certain lady, the wife of an ex-member of the force, against whose fair fame by the way, we havo never heard a whisper of reproach. The advances made by him were odious to the lady. who did not inform her husband of the fact, however, because she feared that a a . ji s a m i irageay migm ensue, one aia, nowev er, take counsel with her sister and her sister's husband, and a line of conduct was determined upon Yesterday after noon the gay policeman sent word to the lady that be wonld call to see her last night and thereupon she confided this fact to her sister who, in turn, in formed her husband of it. This latter then came down town and bought two cowhides and gaye then to his wife for use. Last night the Lothario called and was oolitely received, and when asked by the lady ot the house what ho wish ed to see her about replied by throwing his arms around her and endeayoring to kiss her. She managed, however, to extricate herself from his embrace and ran to the door of an inner room, i which she opened and admitted her sister. This latter was provided with two whips and she handed one of them to her sister, when the two infuriated women turned upon tho offender .and lashed him severely. It is said that they whipped him until their arms ached and that he had to take it all . When tnrougn it is saiu tney toiu mm to go home and tell his wife who had whip, ped him and what for. For Pure White Lead & Paints, and biggest stock of Window Glass and A Bonanza. GOLD BAND TRANSPARENT CHINA CUP AND SAUCER AND A POUND OF BEST MIXED TEA eo CEisrars i A Cup and Saucer given with every pound of : I t I Tea sold, j Call at CRAPON'3 Grocery and examine. ' THIS TEA IS UNDER A G U ARANTEE. GEO. M. CEAPON, Ag't, feb 2C lw 22 South Front St. OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY NIGHT, FEB. 28 Engagement ot the Universal Favorites, BAKER and FARRON, Producing for the first time In this cily . their NEW PLAY, a Farcial Com edy L-. three acts, entitled The Government House.'' Replete 1 MISCELLANEOUS. JUST OPENED 1 AT nn 11 nn nz UUouUUnbASttC 116 Market St. E FRENCH NAINSOOKS, Victoria and Persian Lawns, il Pique,' Marseilles Checks, 20,000 Yards EMBROIDERIESI A FULL ASSORTMENT IN ALL NEW STYLES AND DESIGNS. BALANCE aOF WINTER GOODS ! t i j ' ! SELLING OUT VERY CHEAP. TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK; and with New fiongs, New Jokes Elegant New Costumes. Reserved Seats 75c and $1. Sale opens Tues day, irebrnary 26.1 feb 25 3t Executor's Notice. HAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR of the last will and testament of Rachael A. Lazarus, notice Is hereby given to all persons naving ciauns against ner estate to present tne same me on or uerore tne mn Jfeuruary, lsso. It. JU. UAJUUISU, feb 10 la w6w tues Executor Knickerbocker Rein Holders HECK EASE, PATENT BREAST COL- lars. Trunks. Bags, Saddles, Harness, ""Carria ges ot all kinds. Repairing In all its branches by ssiuea worKmcn. AlCXHJUUAIili A BOWDEN'S, feb 18 i No. 114 North Front 8t M. fi3. ICATZ', 116 Market St.; jan 21 ! First of the Season ! ... I - ; "DECEIVED THIS MORNING THE FliiST fPRING HATS of tho seasori. Straws. Black and Colors, for Ladies and MIeses. Courtanld's Crape fer Veils and Trlmmluir. 11 -1 1 1 . o. su wmiiis anu prices. .Superior Court. Stato of North Carolina, ) New Hanover County, j ' i W. R. Kenan and others, Plaintiffs, vs. Assignee of T. H. McKoy, and others, Defendants. i Notice to Creditors to file claims. lpcrior Court mow. it H the first uay ot the lentcn kwu, wuuieoumo iuu auu uicm fast which continues for fortv davs ex mcnt. ciusivo oi isunaajs, ic win cioso wun Personal r...i.. ..u:-.u a t !, I ' w. Nu iu.VuAp .Mi, . Mr j G. Bromell. formerly of tho not on April I5tn. as wo saiu yesteraay. w:. . - MTra aa . ha ,na. i. i Ti, I,,, i i. i iv iiiiMiudWU jl. eve f wmw iy Three new speaking trumpets for tho ure of a call to-day. Ho has recently l celebrated last.Wcdncsday. 110 i III. . ... . . p aauiTcrsary or bis ascent to - rof St. Tctcr. Tho Cardinals "ca oceajlans present an address. --aiae iw replies, reviewing r C-3fch t position. The ronnlttmn I H ff':wcJ 011 Ibis occasion. beJusoofthe Foreman, First and Second purchased tho material of tho Tarboro Li vuiu, IS MIU f Uco gratifying as showing tho -irtmjof church interests. Mjra Ua7k Cainr. nnhl -iad tow very old woman, afler'.forthereabouu of New kZSFZT" ,up Assistants arrived here on the New Guide and moved it to Shoo Heel, at York steamer today. They aro which.placo ho will publish the Shoe nicklcplated, plain and serviceable and Heel Print, the first number of which aro intended for service and not show. Wo invito tho attention of our citizens to tho fact that first quality shirts aro being made to order at one dollar at tho Wilmington Shirt Factory. tt. (-X . feaoa a month tho widow of wr? w if. ... tror..:. .. a promineni t fr, arer, has retnrned will bo issued on Tuesday, tho 4th day of March next Messrs. Martin Newman ! and Sam uel Bear, Jr., (Alderman Bear) return ed to tho city last night from their uiu al triD North in search of new roods. we saw tnis morning a suae about 4 They went together and returned to- feet long, which grew in tho track of ccther. They penetrated as far North tne recent storm near liockingham, ana ttmj as Boston. upon the sido exposed to the fury of tho blast tho bark had been all cut off. al most as smoothly as it could bo cut with a knlfo, by the sharp sand which was carried along by tho power-of the wind. i We,:. whXtecsiTe tour through Mr. George M. Crapon irccL ?W4y he 01018 iato" Front street, has in stock n wo leading iAmAMj:: -m wutuviatiu t lits that Til s- - J tie fr, -I..- . . -' vauice oi ihe party uh.TiaUea the old VotLr, " ,UUU5ln Prelcrenco to ing o Cow mnfift. .. beaUaformed Democfati .5W U Uac Sraith't Worm , on South now a lot oi tea to which the attention of housekeep ers is invited in this issuo in a special advertisement. This tea has been tned by experienced housekeepers here and pronounced excellent. It is sold for CO cents a pound and a china cup and saucer goes with every pound sold. Inspection. The Wilmington Light Infantry. Capt B. U. Beery, paraded at A o'clock yes terday afternoon for annual inspection and review by Inspector General F. 11. Cameron, of tho North Carolina State Guard., who was present to perform that duty. There were about 40 men in tho ranks, whose drill was very creditable and satisfactory, considering that many of them were making their first appearance in uniform. There were 18 absent and 6 present who wero unable to do duty on account of sickness. The armory presented a neat The larrest and best! stock of and tidy appearance and the company Windows. Doors. Blinds &c and at I was commended for tho handsome and Faetorv nrW ii at N. Jirobi'a Hard-1 rionvenient manner in Which it TfaS Pursuant to an order of the Sui of New Hanover County, made In the above entitled action, which is a creditor's bUl bv Plaintiffs in behalf of themselves and all other! creditors of Thomas U. McEoy, who shall come in and contribute to the expenses of the action, tne undersigned. Referee appointed for the purpose, hereby notifies all creditors of Thomas IL McKoy to appear before him at msomcem tne city ox Wilmington and me evidences of their respective claims on or be fore the 14th day of April. 1884. or they will be iorever oarrea from any ana all claim upon tne estate ox tne saia x. ii. flicnoy. A. U. IUU AUU. feb 19-6 w tues Referee. owest prices for good articles be surs o go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t W. B. McKoy, Well Said! Tho Washington City Critic pays the olio wing handsome compliment to our distinguished townsman, Hon. R. R. Bridgers: non. Robert R. Bridgers, President of the Atlantic Coast Line, was born in Edgecombe county. N. C, was educa ted at the University of that State, and chose law as bis profession, and com menced its practice in his native coun ty. Ho soon rose to distinction in his profession, and became a leading mem ber of tho bar of his State. He served several uuiea iu iuo ctaiaLuic ui me n44. x th.. State. He was the largest cotton plan- UlieStiOllS OI LCOnOLliy term toe om jMenn ciaio oeioro tne war. and was one of the first farmers that grasped the progressive idea of fertilizing the wornout farm lands and bringing them back to a stato of origin al productiveness. At the close of the war he became interested with W. T. Walters, ot Baltimore, and other capl talists in the Wilmington I & Weldon Railway. The syndicate elected him president of the road, which position he had held continuously since his first election, in rough his financial man agement the company has built up this great coast line, which will ever be a fitting monument to his memory as a successful manager of railways. He is personally popular throughout the State i . ana bis name is oeing menuonea as me next Democratic Governor of North Carolina, but ho has no political aspir ations whatever. A largo stock of Linen Goods for Embroid ery, Tiaies, Splashers, Ac, and materials for xancy wont. ' Stamping and Hair Work; done at low prices. A nice lot of Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs. 1- A. .3 A ... w wiuiu auu lancy. . Respectfully, MISS K JKAltKEll, feb 25 Exchange Corner,' Home's Garden Oysters ARE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST. They are to le had only at the Old North State Saloon, No. (i. South Front! St. ice cool Lager Beer a specialty. The best Whiskey and purest Wines sold iu the city. Cigars as good as the best, i Call and be con vinced. f feb 22 Shirts TJade WO ORDER OP BEST WAMSUTTA Shirt X Ing and No. 2100 Linen for the low price of - :$l.oo. lal work ed to call and leave their measures at the above A perfect fit and good substantial work guar anteed. Our patrons and customers!are fh ylt - remrkably low price at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. J. ELSBACII. Prop.,! so tr feb: jGITATE THE MIND OF OUR AVEB- ACH. Prop.,n 27 Market St. Furniture. ! 200 cnAMBEE enlu from $25 to $153.! New styles and firit-elsaa goods at . " ; j - :. I GREAT BARGAINS . age citizen, and are perplexing the brains of I FINE BOOK CASES, SIDEBOARDS, SECRETARIES, WARDROBES, ye great statesman. Without going into much discussion, we wish ! i to quote a few "points below the market,and keep our friends from being cornered.' i The gentlemen on the. other side seem dis posed to answer these questions of economy i LIBRARY TABLES. C. I Cottage Bedsteads. Mattresses, Chairs, Ta bles, kc., Ac, at bigf bargains. Call and im me before youjbay. - , D. A. SMITH, 25 CENTS A BOX I i t k NOTHER INVOICE OF OUR SPLENDID TOILET SOAP, 25 cents for box of 12 ekef , This is a perfumed Toilet 1 this day received. Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives of best quality, and at manu- j facturer's prices, can be found at Ja- cobis Hardware Depot, i f TCKIUBLE INDEED IT IS TO HAVE TOB4T FOOD COOKED IN AS OLD DILAPIDATED &TOVE. Indigestion, dead nvcr. bad temper, bad blood, an ugly face, all from that out Stove. Goto our Ilouse and get the CURE for all these ills by buying one of our "Barley Sheafs." KSoklen Hair eats, Farmer" or Southern Oak" all rood, and will smooth oat that face at the head of the table. - Only bysoUculng your patronage on sataU things 1 gQp which Is really good and cheap, ttpply Ing a want which has always existed. We are exalblUng a xoagnificcat line of Toilet ami ! - : ! r CaetUe Soaps, til grades, and equally as cheap - ':...)'.. as onr b!g drive. Please call If only to inspect. .r Repectfully, 1 feb IS 3IUND3 BROi. A DeROSSET. .1 i . I! Sportsman's Goods, -1TTJ5 HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT If o f English and Belgium Broecn loaocrs therhby enabling yon to save a few ctnts each week or month. Now we propose to do as we have always done, i STUDY THE IMTEEEXTS OF OUR CUSTOMERS, i ... ... and save them A FEW DOLLARS EACH WEEK, providing them, at the same time, with the BEST AETICLYS OF FOOD obtain able. ever brought to this market. A uo a first class stock of Shells, Wadding. Prtmcrs,Cart P. L. BRIDGEBS & 00. S-SS?:3 HO North Front Ot. RnrjiAiMOT ta John Dawson to Co.. I lydw ware Depot. t I famished. by PARK rat TAIXXJU. eb a I feb 23 13. xl and 2i Ilazktt set

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