this rxrzx 9ftrJ treats. Sundays ax tcpted by JOSH T. JAMES.' tvvrox ad rmoranrroa. J - . in. jCCEiri nonlh4 fiOO. Three t rt "One month, S3 cent. "--n b dearered by carrleri 17" .nof thcltr. at the above r ...rlow and BberaL ii- ' -hi ort anr an J all taU- t.Vlr P!" regularly. ru rni!v Bevicw has Uu largest 71 1 in'M cUy of Wilmington. rt-.i.- - . ....... jti-.r.ia th ieved that several bodies Wet l'j-- favorite bok-, ac- i . .. niy "lawn was burn in the Cuurt ltJj; Lavmotebur,:. Ind.. recently. .":.Vca::c! Ohio fM Walling 1 legislature recently defeat e.V:: railing the fabrics of judges in In Stale front -000 to $3,000 per J- . . .... Aa ctcLicse says that when then this t .z-jj bcccnicj as tbitklj settled as ln-cci:wi contain 00,000,000 in- u. iib.ta - - Tto ice ra'.acc at Montreal is to re nva s'-isvl nj until it becomes unsafe authorities will have the sxicture uUn down and tho ice sold . - YUru.e oU baa driven cocoanut oil w:o. jc. cl uio in Zanzibar. Ffty thssssJ cases tf kerosene wcro 1m roreJ oj American houses in that ccunlrj in the year hM I'iiHhzri has bad twenty ircv thirteen of which oceuircd is the tt'inicr three tn December, four js Jiaaary sad six in February. Tho w.n: tare corae in February. Villi prominent Republicans of Ma izzej county, O., who were polled for frw Jential preferences, 370 pronounced Lt fraloe. and only 1 for Arthur. Lcpa cot 17 voles. Lincoln 19 and Gen. Strain 11. 1 r .. ' , . VOI VIII, VV ILMINGTOK N. G., THURS DAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1884. V F1XASS KQTICS. from our friends oa any and an aatjeeta Raetilatoestlmt Thenamoot tht writer must always U fa tiazaiitilcattou must bm wxlttes oa i mr one side of tho paper. Personalities must bo avoided. And It Is eepoclaUy and partJculaxJy xad stood tnat the Editor does not always endot NO. 50 016 TleWB of rrepondcaU! unless m tno editorial colnxins. -1 so stats LOCAL NEWS. IICEI TO IEW ADYCSTISEUEITS. ntiMSXBQO-Xew Mulc I B If MclJiTIRE New White OcoU KDIIall, Major Set led Proiosalt Ul-tids Bros. A BkEossct Eiutka C VT Yatxs Cheap 8Undanl Works (Jto. R. Fbkxcii & Eoxs Closing Out The storm signal was flying j to-day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day loot up 19 bales. Wc had a pleasant call this morning from Mr. L. K. Weed, of tho IJakcr & Fsrron Company. Schr. -!ice Borda, Dukes, from Wilmington. Del., for this port, was at Delaware Breakwater Feb. 251 h. Improvements. Workmen an ensazed in repairing, refitting, and we might say reconstruct ing the Commercial Hotel., and we learn that the work will proceed until the entire hotel will be completely over hauled and in ' many respects remodel ed. When completed - it will be a picture of convenience and comfort and will have every appliance of a first class house. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NE7 ADVERTISE irrs MISCELLANEOUS. JUST OPENED I Embroidery, White Lawns. Curtain Lace, Lace Curtains, &c &c. There are two letters in the Postofilce here, in small white envelopes, which arc unmauauie, as tney are not ad dressed . In consequent ot the storm the work of .paving on Jorth Water street was suspended during; the day. Tho payers have made good progress thus far. Our Little Ones. That charming publication, OurLMle Ones, is here ia the March number. As usual it is full of pretty things and pleasant things for the little folks. The matter is well suited to the comprehen- sion of the nurseryites and the illustra tions are pretty and pleasing and attractive to all eyes. Russell Publish ing Company, 3G Bromfield street, Bos- jsews iromuneraw is io ino euecc Speculative. that the two men murdered by Cash The Fayctteville Sun has announced are yet alive and with some chance of SPLENDID VALUE In White Flannel, Emb'd Flannel and Flannel Sacquing. BLACK CRAPE for Trimming and JVeils; these gqod3 have been pronounced very cheap. " j ' - CARPETS AND MATTINGS. ' Can suit you in this line to almost anything desired. A FEW WRAPS, very cheap, for Ladies and Children. R. M. McliUTIRE. feb 28, 1884 j n 2' 116 Market St. FRENCH NAINSOOKS, Victoria and Persian Lawns, Notwithstanding the windy, threaten ing weather last night, there was but very little rainfall, tho amount for the ast2l hours reaching only 3400 of an inch. German barque Providcntia, Holg, cleared to-day for Stettin, barrels of rosin, valued shipped by Messrs. Taterson. Downing & Co. a problem which will prove one of in tcrcst to the speculative mind. It wants to know something about the mo mentura and velocity of a cannon ball fired from the rear platform of a train running forward at the rate of a mile a minute; what effect, it any, the move ment of tho train in one' direction will have upon the ball discharged in the with 2,3bO contrarv direction. i - at $3,033, recovering, heard from. Cash has not yeti been Thieves at Work. Mr. T. Donlan. SuDerintendent of Oakdale Cemetery, informs us that We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf . We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Da vis, the aged widow of the lato Bishop Davis, of South Carolina, has been stricken with paralysis The afflicted lady has many friends and relatives here who will be grieved td hear this. 1 ? if The sav 'a word to the wise is sufii -? I ,L't !i i.l 1 j The Gale, were a ereat many people in 5 i M.i. Logan's second choice forPresi iaxs laid to bo Mr. BJaine. but Mr. l i.ze Us one of the brightest feminine j a.zdi that ever cared for politics c;pcicd to him until there is no chance Icr rst choice, - Here is an old man in Clay county. S.C, who has borne through ninety two j cars the barren of the came of ixander Gucab'.cton Ruflletoa Scuf aObcrda Whittlcton Southenball Iicnjirava Franklin Squires. ;n T?a1 I 1 1.7 a a tnf Virt f rrl hmiGA Ar ThA I .... . . . ... . i i r !rh nn nPxt Mondav nd Tuesday ev- r.""r cient," out we tninic it taxes aDouu nye. C - I Ifnnirn irh onrt cfrtlO I "T Ton TVto T3.,11'r. f.. r.U 11 Vnrt rarlina lUCLUCMJlJT UU 1UUUUOJ Uiuu mum uvw.w - I usg i7k. UUil O VUUKU UJtUa A wu spades, an axe. about i.'oo ieec 01 line, wu &m mw omuo m mug wi-o besides several other articles. An en- SmSSil78 cents . Physicians res trance was gained to tho tool house by I , prying open one of the windows. The For Pure White Lead & Paints, and spades and axe were branded with the biggest stock of Window Glass and letters O. D. C, burned in the handles, lowest prices for good articles be surs which may lead to their discovery and o fco to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t the detection of the thief. I i Parson at I Supreme Court. The Jb ayetteville bun says: ueorge Tn this fVmrt nn TWsdav. annuals Zeiglett LSQ.. Ol Wilmington, the V. from this dit rirt wpro and Hx. Incohonee Ot the btate Ot JNOrtn m m .ft f . t cnm?s lor me oeneuc 01 mo ijiuiesi Aid Society of tho Edenion Street M. E. Church. The Baker & larron Company arrived on this moraine's train and a part of them registered at the Purcell , I Iouso and tho remainder at the Com mercial Hotel. The Baker & Farron Company, with a band of music, paraded ths streets at 3 o'clock this afternoon, in carriages, and made a very creditable and attract ive appearance. f disposed of, as follows; J. A. Walker vs. C P. Mebane, et j Carolina, paid a visit to Matchapungo Tribe, No. b, on the 14th and 15th inst,, Oar citizens will be clad to learn that als., from New Hanover: argued by ana exempimea tne secret worss 01 Mr. J. C. Scarborough. Superintendent George Davis for the plaintiff, and C. this Order, and initiated about twenty ol Public Instruction, has succeeded in M. Stedman for tho defendants. members, we near tnat the jaemoers securing the sum. of $600 from the Wm. Strickland vs. II. ILDraughan; were very much pleased with the graud Peabodv Fund, for the benefit of our petition to rehear: from Sampson; put otneer, ana mat ino uraer is in a nour the city last night who were alarmed at r IUe, lYIarSeilleS, 'CheCKSj the violence of ; the wuid and passed a sleepless night in consequence. This is not to be wondered at in view of the recent terrible cyclone which visited other portions of the State and left des olation and death in its track. The gale last night was not remarkably se vero, its maximum velocity reaching only 32 miles per hour, between 3 and 4 o'clock this morning. 20,000 Yards EMBKOIDEItlESl The Raleigh Register. The first number of Mr. P. M. Hale's new paper, the Raleigh Register, has been received. It is a weekly publica tion, 32 pages, and the number before us is really a . magnificent issue. We uo not Know wnemer mere is room in ivaieign lor a new paper out, room or no room, if the merit of the number before us is a criterion, then it will surely succeed. Among other things good to read we notice a very mterest- A FULL ASSORTMENT IN ALL STYLES AND DESIGNS.! NEW BALANCE gOF WINTER GOODS I SELLING OUT VERY CHEAP, . TO MAKE ROOM FOR ! to Hon. A. which M. we ing article relative vv aaaeirs me ana services may publish hereafter. new Advertisements, SPRING STOCK 4 t CLOSING OUT; M. M. KATZ', ' .L iknor Castclsr has been challeaged graded schools to ght a duel by a Servian because , in recent spoeca. he referred to King Slilaa as a ralcrof a kingdom of bar barlass. IJke a wise man, he declined 'It ccabit ana modified his language. The farmers in the country trc busy in preparing the ground for the season's crops, and in some instances have be gun planting. It will be a busy time with them from now until tho crops aro ishing condition. We had tho pleasure of meeting this Tie "Hi" of the hour in New York Uid bY ia Ju' to the end of the district. State vs. Edward Bryson, irom New Hanover: argued by Attorney General morning, after a lapse of ten years Kenan for the State; no counsel for the with an old and esteemed friend in the defendant. person oLMr. A. M. Noble, of Johnston Mav Mnrriil ot a1 vs. A. j. Murrill countVi who i3 in the city on a brief et als,. from Onslow; put to the end of visit to his son. Trot. JNoDie, pnnci- the district. Elisha Porter pal of our graded schools. vs. D. T. Durham j ir ilea r theatricals. Peoplo have Afier a stormy night and forenoon fjeU!f crazy over them, a writer I the weather cleared off to bo pleasant from Pender; argued by Bruce jjs. iaJ a surer passport to fashions- hhis afternoon, although there has been Williams for the plaintiff and DuBrutz -e arccj cannot bo found now than a strong Northwest wjnd blowing aU Cutlar (by brief) for the defendant. &V.:tr to art. or at least the inclina-1 A v which ha niado out door exercise 03- I rat VfT fefrrVlhlA ! ww.-ww The Petersburg 11, R. We have endeavorrd to gain some in Tie Montreal papers mention as one To day is tho 37th anniversary of the formation hero about tho rumored pur- tie h?py results of the carnival tho battle of Sacramento, Mexico, which chase by tho Atlantic Coast Line syn iiUrcst ia 'outdoor sports that it has was fought February 28th, 1817. Proba dicale of a controlling interest in the mieatrJ among men of business. bly some of the veterans of this city, Petersburg R. R. but without success. "i3Tcftic&h.rnft.Mi1i!n1v riiarvkv-rrfvl I who Bern in tho Mexican war. will Tho following in this correction, taken j . , - - - - i - ' :tlej ntver had anv bovhood. and have cood reason to remember tho day. from tho Baltimore Sun, will be read . w I -Ate UOSLCd tunu and hurrahnl ( . tV... v . . L . iiuarsc lODOgganing. Ti MihJi is not an Arab by birth. -Jucia black hue. which is unac UetOthe Semitia Mmtlmv lift Thanks to Mr. F. W. Clark. General Frcirrht and Passeccer Acent of the! Seaboard Air Line system, for a copy of a very neat publication issued by him descriptive of the country through j which his roads pass. It is hand- The Lenten Season. On Wednesday last began the. season of Lent; a season observed in the Roman Catholic and Episcopal churches as a time of special devotion. It will be marked by special services in those churches, and by more or. less of self denial on tho part of their niemjpers. In the Roman Catholic church special directions are issued, regulating the matters from which the faith fnl are to abstain. In. the Episcopal church the details of their seli-denial are left to the conscience of each member, but the jan2l 116 Market St. ? : 1 'vuj WTE ARE CLOSING OUT CERTAIN lines Of MEN'S BOOTS AT COST AND LESS THAN COST. It will pay to look at them before purchas ing elsewhere. j WE OFFER BARGAINS OV TFTKAf. I I exhibiting a macmlflccBt line of .Toilet and Geo. K. French & Sons, Castile Soaps, all grades, and equally as cheap 108 NORTH FRONT ST. 25 CENTS A BOX ! NOTUER INVOICE OF OUR SPLENDID TOILET, SOAP, 25 cents for box of 12 cikes, this day received. This Is a perfumed Toilet Soap which Is really good and cheap, supply ing a want which has always existed i We are fcl) 2S cc however, tn Ihm Karirirnh which is held in very high vener- melj "ttcd and maybe had free with ictercst: The statement from Virginia that the SvSS55f fflteSS Md fS-5hSbSK Prescribes that the :orty of hands of either the Wilmington & Lent are to De Kept as uays oi iasung Weldon or the Pennsylvania Railroad and abstinence. I uompany inaicates mat mere is a The name "Lent" is from an old siretcuiux uui vwimy kuiuk uu iuc lue i .i . ,1: : r 11 aia L'trt on application at his office in this city, is said tor contemplate the construction no religious significance, being applied Ctle Btf: f3 : t v of a line to City Point to give the to this fast simply as denoting the time - pana supcrsuuons. including The signal service observer at lort Wilmington. Weldon its own termi- rtfh,rin B7i,hUmmM Thnld : r,lcc giganue snoeoimeir Macon reports that tne be nr. Myers, iwu wnicn awjpwo ce Onadrasima I1H " A pant of l.o:-- who visited took occasion to go tlehotti ofv . Tdnmt r. "3tUloorof tho house which s CapL Ralph Pigott.of New River, with rosin and turpentine for New be rue, put into Ocracoke harbor at 7 o'clock this morning with her sails badly torn and unservicable and her boat gone. Frances Herring, colored. was to be a good movo lor Richmond. Casat-Scott road, down the Delaware the forty days. This season has been and Maryland peninsular, through the for a very long time observed in the two Eastern Shore counties ot Virginia, P. n .,,.,, oa wa which is to be connected bv stealers Christian church. As far back as we with Norfolt, promises to make some can traee clearly, we find evidences that important changes in Northern and before the Easter Feast of the Resurs Southern connections. At Norfolk the Seaboard railroad svstem. wfiich coiS i nects at Weldon with the W. & W. and -. w u-c Historic mansion wa PaUrd bearing the pathetic brought before the Mayor this morning forms 0f the AtlanUc Coast line, is I charred with disorderly conduct. Not the route into the South. It is under Jawercdfc. im t... .Lm hr;nfio thn amount of the fine, she stood the Pennsylvania railroad, which v. & IVOOO UUU b 1 1U . I v-i - " T. was sent below for 30 days. tho Philadel One case of disorderly; conduct was Senator Sher-lonntinnM until to-morrow at the re with his v irgmia nnLnrthA ffafondant. a - - '-xo.rtx.that when - wuga sa;rfc will nwnl ,T:.i..: Tk Not Appointed Yet. rection, Christians commemorated' our Lord's sufierings by a solemn fast of forty hours, from the forenoon of Good Friday to the morning of Easter jSun- will operate tho Cossatt-Scott peninsula L . . I , - t . -' line, will have traffic arrangements ana ana ieu anony uays. a um- with the Seaboard system and through ber which uo doubt was determined that have a complete Southern connec opon in memory of the forty days mpre by way of the Bay line remains to 1 computing the forty days of Lent the Praaa put iU We notice that some oi our exchanges be seen. That the Peninsula road will Sundays are to be omitted, as each Hran day. March fci? 1 O. Mr T.k-r. . Dth. as the date Of the consecration OI hnt it i nlafmf! that Raltimor will WCUiW1"u .ibuiibuuw wt uul continue to be an important dlstribut Lora xne most solemn aays oi Lens ing point for those commodities. m - t are Ash Wednesday, with which it bo Tn itnAalrinr nf tho nimnml transfer- wins, flood Frirfav. whirh mmmpmn conclnde laiarcayin is aa impctxiiuutfcj. w . b , . - matter stands now. vwuen mo ap- w m fcwtkut5 tavM uuuujuui auu . juauuuj Skedaddled UkeaThlef. pointment is made tho Secretary of the says: ! Thursday, which" commemorates bur tiTi!;1;111' Vx A correspondent Standing Committee of this diocese will It is also reported that the Richmond Lord's last Passover and the institution tUdabrfR.Ah" whUeut t rira due notlbe of the time and place. ??0f batf h" JST of the LordM Supper. The whole of the I? ? contract- 7 -n rnr ihnt narra which VTX 1- "u' , closing week of Lent, called Passover Xh HUUtU W r l ' WUUU tb UvUwiM 1UUU1 WUiD lJkBIJt . m - . have fallen into the error to note this if such a purchase has been made, that week, is marked by services of especial correction as it may prevent disap- Mr. Moncure Robinson is the party in solemnity. Ash Wednesday was so colntmcnton the part ol some who terestcd " - called by reason of the old 'custom of av crT5ect to attend at the cansecra- Now is the time to give Smith' Worn sprinkling ashes ca the heads of peni- Pb,;!oaioiofhijca Bi,hopWUo0. ThiU au-error, m I viince to dar a MTr iici? vi-7;rv. rneamaUsm. f itol. household friauL aa min can New IVIusic. gUPERB SONGS," THE LATEST Song Folio published. Contains over 200 tasrea Choicest Songs. Fancy paper cover. 50c: handsomely bound cloth, $1. The "SONG WORLD." No. 1 and No. 2. the osstocuooK published; entirely new: illus trated paper covers; each number, price 25c. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY. New and beautiful pieces received every day. " When the Robins Nest Acraln." "Sweet Violets" Scanlan's SoDgs and all the popular p'eces al ways on hand. As a special Inducement I will offer to my customers the following three 30c pieces or Music for 50c : "Little Rosebud Lips ho Fair," "Only a Rose Bud,5' and "Sweet Face Waltz." Entire lot only Fifty Cents. ; Just think of : Every one pleasing and attractive. Call early and often at HEINSBEKGER'S, feb 28 Live Book and Music Store. 1 1 as our big drive. Please call if only to Inspect. i ' ! j Respectfully, i j . fcblS MUNpS BROS. & DEROSSET. Cheap Standard Works.1 G CUNTS EACH, j f JJANDSOMELY BOUND JN CLOTH i Shakespeare. Byron, Scott, Burns, Tenny- son, Owen Meredith, Macaulcy, Jean Ingelow, Household Poems. 1001 Gems of Poetry, Green's History of tho English People, 2 vols. Life of Napoleon, Battles of the Republic, Strickland's History of England, Dfcken's Child's History of England, ; Grime's Housov hold Stories, Robinson Crusoe. Swiss Family Robinson, Tom Brown at Rugby, Scottish Chiefs, Tbaddeus of Warsaw, Children of the Abbey, Arabian Nights, 20JX.0 Leagues Under the Sea, Tour of the World in SO Days, Myste rious Island, Paul and Virginia, Fox's Book of . Martyrs, Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress, Ac, Ac. Any of the above sent post paid trpon the receipt of the nrlce. C W. YATES, , feb 251 119 Market St., Wilmington, N O. Sealed Proposals yyilL BE RECEIVED FOR FURNISH ing the City of Wilmington with Labor and Materials, "specified below, contract to eom. mence April 1st, 1SS1, and continue until April 1st, 1S$3. Said Bids to be opened at a meeting of the Board of Aldermen to be held on Mon day, March 31st, 188 , at 8 o'clock, p. m. 1st For garnishing Drivers, Feeding and i . Shoeing Moles and keeping Carts and Harness ia trood order, for any number of carts the city my employ. TERRIBLE j i INDEED IT IS TO HAVE TO EAT FOOD COOKED IN AV OLD DILAPIDATED STOVE. Indigestion, dead liver, bad tenroer. bad blood, an ugly face, . all from that old Stove. Goto our House and ret the CURE I for all these Ills by buying one of our "Barley Sheafs," "Golden Harvests," "Farmer", or "ftrhTirHn-m fla Ira" all vaaI mHII .mAaIK out that face at the head of the table. Only I PUEI tE WHITE OIL. febfS Home's. Garden Oysters ARE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST. They are to be had only at the Old North - btate Saloon, No. 6, South Front 8C Ice coelLager Beer a specialty. The best Whiskey and purest Wines sokl lu the city. Clgrs as good as the best. Call and be eon yllibed. : - --..- febM Shirts Made rK ORDER OF BEST WAM3UTT A Shirt. ' X Ing and No. 3100 Linen for the ow price of ;si.oa A perfect fit and good substantial work guar anteed Our patrons and customers are In vlt -ed to call and leave their me&snrea at tha a. bora 2nd For furnishing material and Keeping in 1 remarkably low price at the Wilmington Shirt repair the City Street Lamps; also, for Light ing. Extinguishing and cleaning an City Lamps, and fillina Lamps when oil is used; also, for furnishing uu. wicks ana Chimneys r furnlahlnx Oil. Wic for all Lamps not supplied with Gas; also, for Factory". feb 20 tf J. ELS BACH Ctt, Prop., 7 Market St. furnishiBa: any Lamps ordced. of sire and oualitv known as standard Street Lottos. 3ro ror rurnismng xmprovea xuuuiar uu Lamps, to replace tnose now in use. n ror X4goong inemy wiinuasorotner wise.- - "j 5th For Lumber per jooo feet of xnerchan ta ble quality; and in quantities as required by! the city. i 6th For scavenger wore. j 7th or Printing and Advertising. I feb 2S-lt i E. D. If ALL, Mayor W. & E. S. LATDIEK, Attorneys-at-Iaw. Ofic-S. E. Cor. Priscces ana Water Sts. We Weglected rpo publish our usual ad vrrrnsr- ment on Monday evening', but we did net 5eolect our friends. This week we offer ocr - ! . ' j ... ! ' ' l"; usual assortment at prices equally as low as l ----- .- - - ' i h' heretofore and in some articles perhaps a lit tle lower. ' ' I 1 1 , , , WJ5 DO NOT SELL ADULTERATED SUGARS, but the purest goods that can be obtained AH otxr roods will be sold t the very lowr it V 'i 1 -2 r 1 . inn t?

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