" rr -r " 1 ' " " " . i '--'. ; ' " "J -" . ;i- t . . - - .,osii t. JAJiua. ' Ji ... ,A'- '. II .; 7-'-. - -U- - -iV WW'. ,,t,. ..ir... .ob AontorKixTom. . 1 . . - IV i' L H mr - v mm m. tr mm mm m w m mm i - - max b v am PAID: C Oo month. oe&U. cz j' - l m iliHTfrfi bj onVri free . r..'w Hsi-irui has Uu lamtxl w tic ciraiteion tf anV newspaper -wir.C J""jr ----- - cVrli-'.c receives the largest a ay member ol Congrcsj Mr. yX'n. Mr. Kendall and Ferry Bel- in the onlcr named. Mr- K Xc. Ibo nc editor of tbc appointroeDi, owes his 4 f Oxford friendship with joc; Mr. Walter, a son of tho propic VT . Oflcan has just had a baby ,-m- with ninety-nine infants on ex- Jv..:c3 Thi first prize waa won by a Kves-coatbs-oM baby that weighed 0ir:j-03epoands He Prince Wales has never been a as aa orator, though be is al iwrcady to make a speech at a ban- Hit rhetoric is peculiar. Htf sjUfcs with a heavy guttarai accent. vosator Sherman home is in Mans- U'A. Ohio, Use town in which hs wifo wii V.w a native. The Senator spends ca! j a Fart of the Summer there, but tii wife itajs there at least six months ia lU jcar. acd U quite popular among the townspeople. Coloael W. C. P.Breckinridge tone of - .etcsercas orators locally labelled 'Us -m toasued,"' is a leading can- d:Jau:lbrUi8ieat in Congress I rem the Ash aaJ district-that of Ilenry Clay sooa to Ihj left vacant by the promotion dSitor-tlec: fl.'ackburn. Ttc Cocrt bas granted Ixrd Gar- coj.'tf two weeks' additional lime in which to prepare his defence in the case fcrdisiszei lor breach ot promise of cirriue brought against him by Miss rurtiicue. 3uss tortcscne is anxious L: aa early trial, in order to enable her l) explain hen position. L'riLiih Colombia Is willing to receive tie Chinese "for revenno only." Tho Dominion Government has just passed Uo bUs. ono ol which imposes an in) cr.duty ol $50 a head on each new c-er. while the other imposes a tax of $U oa every Chinese resident for tbo rhTi'.e;o of living there. liiior.ca saia mat .ngiana is a coastrT without a proper appreciation cf liberty. To this a contemporary r tl.es that as a drunken club man has jQit thrown a glass of boer in the face 01 one cl Uaeen ictoria a sons it ciul be apparent that freedom is gct t:ng aloe as well as could be expected. Soue liaje 30 classes in carpen tcusz were started in a Cleveland lablx school. A recent report made bj the principal says that they have cct interfered with the regular studies, liJthi: the boys have not only devel tccdaustc for hard work, but by their xizd.cz how that training tho hands is aa actual help in other school work. An tcur-S'ate drill encampment H t be held ia Houston. Texas, in May cext.wua S'J.000 will be awarded in presto the cst drilled companies. Ttc prizes lor the infantry are. ono of ti tvo, acother ol $ 1.000, and the third c: $ico. The artiller? will contest lor trlics ot $7i0 nd $i!0. and $1,C00 will be awarded to the best drilled zouavQ ccapany. icvxai icuer irom Fionas says lia: co doubts can be entertained as to e rapldily and permanence of new ttlcacats In Florida. Thej are rr-giD- up as if by magic all over th -kiacd breadth of the land, and are ottamedfor town lots which wwld ppcar almost fabulous In many ,lt cities of tho East. It is wted.icj perhaps not very errone--J,tha: the population of tho State since the census of rI7Lc, of Edinburgh recently L. i ll acoacrt at Gibraltar lor-the fc,lV,Cflwwand children of a "-rwhobd belonged to the li- n executed Gounod's -At ca the violin, being accom 17,7 03 ae pbno b Mrs.Cadwalad- Toct5' M-41 Mnoers los e J0 Part. Kor an encore the Duke Bra -Serenau." The receipU L; s-bniiai benefit to the poor tlVcS 0015? KXosz is to receive ftri I?r xatin twenty nighU In bjaC60??.! No-wonder the Si 2If WlliljPr- "alPs Cough Syrup. j flH V do wthout it, if he UU U cked suddenly by hoarse- tVhIULe& Paiats, and u""1 Window Glass and to Jacobs Hard war Depot, t Ill I I I E t-i II II fit . II . II V, ... I I I II I - 1 f PI II 1 "-11 Al l 1 VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. G.l FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 29. 1S84 The trustees 'of Columbia College have permitted a young woman to enter one of its highest classes in astronomy, notwithstanding the policy of the insti tulion against coeducation. The student is a graduato of Welleslcy College and is able to assist in the work of the observatory and to study in text-books ot a high grade. In the midst, of loud discussion this young woman has quietly and successfully entered the citadel. "Governor" Samuel Donaughey, a West Virginia character, has gone over to the majority. lie wa3 a Pensylva- nlan, from Harrisburg, and in the for tics was one ot the best orators on the stump. His youth was full ot promise, but at a political meeting Wst he was assailed and so badly hurt that his mind became unhinged. For many years he bas beea in tho asylum at Weston, West Virginia. Of late ho regained his reason, but no rciuscu to leave tno stone mansion to whlcn he had become great ly attached. I Ex-Governor Oden Bowie, of Mary land, praises St. Jacobs Oil for pains. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IlEIXSBEROEH XCW MUhlC S VaxAmkisge, C S C Legal ad Mctxds Bros. A DeRosset Eureka C W Yates Cheap Standard Worke Joshua B Hill, Marsh&l Libel Stmr Mln china ' There were no tramps, house last night. in the guard Tho receipts of cotton at this port to day toot up 72 bules. Schooner Wmll Jones. Falkenburg cleared at Philadelphia, Feb. 27th, for this port. Col. II. B. Shoft was registered at the Yarboro House, in Raleigh, on Wednesday. Schoner Alfaretla S. Snare. Smith, 1 - c ',k o-.u iv,,. this rvort and sailed on the same day. m I There was one case before tho Mayor this morning, which was continued from yesterday. Judgment suspended Eggs are selling at 15 cents per dozen oy ine quaniuyiu some Oiiuo5tori.--0. . .1 1 aay. Aney reum at iui ccais pur r .li-9 . . I dozen. There were nine interments in Oak Grove Cemetery during the month endinr Feb. 20ih. eight ot which were adults and ono child: Venus and tho moon "occulted5' this forenoon but only those who were on ho lookout for it with a strong telescope witnessed the interesting event. The Sunday School of the First Baptist Church was never in a more flourishing condition than at present, Iast Sunday there were more than 300 pupils in attendance. We invite tHo attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts arc bcin- made to order at one dollar at tho Wilmington Shirt Factory. . - I f I I If tho weather this morning was the retrn.ar Ecnoduio lor mo .'JIQ 01 MT - - - . I f I February we shall have tho glorious con solation of knowing that it will be four years before we shall be frozen up again on a like day. The measles are prevailing quito ex tensively in Stump Sound township. Onslow county,' the children in several families beinz now ! prostrated with that disease. As near as we can learn the sickness bas been of a mild form, and no serious cases have been reported The Minnehaha. This little steam yacht, whose career in the waters of tho Cape Fear has beea financially unfortunate, is now in the hands of United States Marshal Hill, she having been libelled in tho U. S. Court by Messrs. Conkling & Pardee who hold the first mortgage upon her. She will be sold to satisfy the mor:gage. j Supreme Court. Tnthls Court, on Wednesday, tho on consideration ot appeals from this dis trict was resumed! and the following were among thoc disposed ot: j Florence V. Lawton ct als vs. Nor wood Giles tl als., firom New Hanover; argued by Russell & Ricaud for plain tiffs, and George Da via for the defen dants. E.G. McDaniel. administrator, vs. W. J. n. Bellamy cl ali..1 from Sew Hanover; continued under the rules. F. J. S wann cl off. vs. I. A. Hart el als from New Hanover: continued! anderthe rules. ! Now Is the time to give Smith1! Worm Oil. i ly a w a mm m w m mm mm m mm ' am i i 1 ' . , -t ! " " ' " ! ' : ' Mere Humors. The Weldon News gives currency to a rumor, which"has also been circulated on the streets of this city, that when Col. B ridge rs takes charge ot the Pe tersburg R. R. trains will be run through from Wilmington to Richmond, and that a stop for meals will be made at Rocky Mount ; also, that the Atlantic Coast Line syndicate will build another bridge at Weldon, across the Roanoke, provided they cannot continue the exr isting arrangements with the Seaboard Road for the use of their bridge. A Cold Bath. Mr. Oscar Batton, who lives between here and Myrtle Grove Sound, came to market this morning with a horse and cart, and just after he had stopped at the New Market, the horse.' which was a marsh pony, became frightened and ran away. He soon managed to get clear of all the cart except the shafts, and with these hanging at his heels he ran down and jumped into the dock near tho fish market. It is presumed that the beast was so deeply mortified because he could not get clear of all the cart and harness that he determined upon suicide. He was extricated with considerable difficulty by Mr. Batton and others who went to his assistance. Tho Government House. There was a fair audience at the Op era House last night to witness the performance of the above named play, by Messrs. Baker & Farron and their company, and those who were present had a delightful entertainment one of the most laughable presented here this season. It was such as to cause a con tinuous roar 61 laughter from the begin- ning to tho fall of th3 curtain at the close of the last act. Messrs. Baker, in the Dutch character, and Farron, in the Irish, were inimitable and irresist I iblo in their drollery. Tho support was generally good, although the negro character was considerably overdon v itu mis excepuon tne piay was pre; I , . m 11 n . seniea in ursi-raie siyie. ine songs n w 11 t were good ana weii renaerea ana ine orchestra music was exceptionally fine. Look out for Him. A man giving his name as John FTonrHarn. ... . fc . - t , " and represented himself as one of the sufferers by the recent cyclone at Rock ingham. He exposed his arm, which was badly bruised, as he said, from the effects of the storm. I Tho merchant took pity upon him and gave him some money besides giving him a list of per sons from whom tho sufferer would probably obtain further assistance. He called upon another to whom he gave the name of J, H.Harris. It has since been ascertained that, whatever his risht name maybe, he is a fraud and that the wounds and bruises on his arm Wcro not cause by the Icyclono, but by having been beaten by a man from whom ho bad stolen a pistol and after wards pawned it. The same fellow has n een W lDiao xiouow repeat- 1 i i utr n n tUIJ m J JJVi uub 1UI U1UJ - I mm T -X" Allf r9 Vl m Destructive- Fire at Laurln burg. The thriving but unfortunate town of Laurinburg has again fallen the vie- .. . . . 1 a i! ii tim to a disastrous conflagration. At about 4 o'clock this morning the alarm was sounded. It came from the bar room of Messrs. Black & Shaffer, which in a lew minutes was a mass 01 names, m t f ,nd wag soon tiy destroyed, with all of its contents. The fiame3 spread rapidly, and soon the stores of Messrs. II. F. Northroo & Co.. liauors: D. A. lfr.AllitPr conora! mf.rr.hanfiap W. . - - 1 W. Foy, general merchandise; L.tA. Monroe; general merchandise ; Crouch & 13 ro., liquors ; w. U. Jordan, Harness eliAn and f. A Tarltr trrrwr?Aa with' I their contents, wero a mass of flames, Besides these, three small stores and I three dwcllinsrs. the names of the own ers and occupants ot which we could not learn, were also destroyed. The railroad property was injured. So rapidly did tho flames sperad that j Mr. Samuel Shaffer, whowas asleep in his store, was forced to escape through a window, tailing twenty feet to the ground. He was also painfully but not seriously burned. No other casualties 1 . 1 are reported. The fire caught from a defective store flue in Black & Shaffer's barroom. The loss is roughly estimated at $15, 000, mostly covered by insurance. It has been three years this Winter, we think, since Laurinburg had its lastdisastroas fire and it really seems that the citizens of that town should be looking op some effective means of de fence. One third of the cost of this lire would equip the town handsomely with nro steamer and cmerns. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Embroidery, I. White Lawns, Curtain Lace, 1 -Lace Curtains, &c., &c. v -SPLENDID VALUE , In White Flannel, Emb'd Flannel and Flannel Sacquing. BLACK CRAPE for Trimming and Veils; these goods have been pronounced very cheap. CARPETS AND MATTINGS. Can suit you in this line to almost' anything desired: , . 1 A FEW WRAPS, very cheap, for Ladies and Children. "1 R. RaJ MclfJTIRE. ico i5, i&yk j- . . . The sketch of Hon. A, M. Waddell. from the Raleigh Register,7 referred to by us yesterday, will be found on tho third page of this issue. Personal. ( We were glad to receive a visit this morning from our staunch friend. Mr. R. E. Lee, of Laurinburg, who has been on a short visit to this section. He returns to-night and we are glad that his place of business escaped this morn ing's terrible fire. He was just two doors below, the scene. Church Association. Connected with the Society of the Front Street M. E. Church is the "Organ Fund Association," which was created for the three-fold purpose of ofr- taining funds with which to defray the expense of purchasing the new ofgan. for musical recreation and for . the development of social and intellectual faculties among the members. Meetings of the Association are held weekly, and are numerously attended ; vocal and in- strumental music is rehearsed, essays 1 upon various topics are reau anu iae f" 1 T 1 uours maao 10 pass promaDiy and pieasanuy aiong. it is an I ti-' association which cannot be too highly commended and we wish that every religious de nominatibn in the city had the same or a similar organization among ineir members. Some of them have, but we believe there are some which have notn Death of Mr. Clowe. We were very much grieved this forenoon to learn of the death last even inar. after a lingering illness, of Mr. C. R. Clowe, a highly esteemed resident of this city, and for many years past Mas ter Car Builder at the railroad shops in this city.. Mr. Clowe was born in Trince William county. West Virginia, and was very nearly 52 years ot age. He came to Wilmington in the year 1807 and in a very short time had ats tached to himself many sincere and earnest friends. He has been in failing health since early in last September and for two months past has been confined to his bed. The. funeral services will take place to-morrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from the residence. ! Wilmington District. j Meetings. ' FIKST KOUND. , Cokesbury Circuit, at Beth any..... .'. Mar. 1 s2 Newton Grove, Mission Mar. 5 Point Caswell Mission at Bry ant's Mar, 8- 9 Dunlin Circuit, at Kenans- ville. Mar. is-it Waccamaw Mission, .Mar. 20 Onslow, at Leban on....: .....Mar. 22 23 -. . . -.. . UieminglOn irCUlt. ai -Uiem- ington.. . . : .... ... .Mar.29 30 W. H Bobbitt, P. E. DIED. I mmt-.w T mm m u U4 u m W m W KJ W m, im T mtmm nrrm. mm. ats 30 o'clock, Mr. c. u. clowis, aged 51 Tdcncc. on Red Cro3 street. between Front and Second, at 3 o'clock, to- morrow (Saturday) afternoon. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. State of North Carolina, i ! .1 i New Hanover County N. Lewis, Administratrix ofljCouncil Sim mons, vs. AUen Simmons and wife Catharine, Bufu Simmons and wife SalHe, Henry Simmons and wife Casslc, George Simmons. Arthur MurrlU and wire, et als., heirs at law cf Council Simmons, deceased. i It beinjr made to mvoexx to me. that the de fendants Rufns Simmons and wife Sallle are necessary parties to this action, have property in uu state, and are non residents, wu can not after due dlntence be found in this state, and that this action Is begun to subject ccr tal a real estate described la the complaint ia this cause to sale to oar the debts of the estate of said Council Simmons, These, therefore, are to netlfy the iald En fas simmons and wife Sallte. f be and appear at my oX0.ce. la the city of Wilmington. o Monday, the lith April. 1884. and answer or demur to the eomplalnt this day filed, or judg ment will be granted according to the prayer thereof. s. Vaxailringe, i Clerk Superior Court, feb 3 law6wf " New Haimcx County. , NO. 51 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS United States of America, I Eastern District of North Carolina. Whereas, a libel has boen filed in the Dis trict Court of the United States for the East ern District of North Carolina, at Wilmington, In said District, the 18th day of February,1884, by John B. Conkllnjr and James B . Pardee. owners of the Steamer Minnehaha, libellants against the said j Steamer Minnehaha, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and against James M. McGowan and wife Sarah J. Mc- Gowan. and against Frank Wilkinson, Master or sua steamer, ana against an otner persons claiming an Interest therein, alleging In sub stanccthat heretofore one Joseph Blsbee and James M. McGowan being Indebted to one Oscar F. Earle.of Mllford.Ncw Haven county, Connecticut, the said Bisbec In order to secm e the said indebtedness did execute and deliver to the said Erie a mortgage of the said steamer together with her i appurtenances, and there fore, for value, the said Earle had sold and as signed the said indebtedness to the said libel lants and had assigned also to them the said mortgage security, whereby they had become the legal , owners of the said steamer, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and that the .condition of the said mortgage hadbeen bro ken by the said mortgager whereby the libel lint had become entitled to the possession of the said steamer with the power to sell the same by the terms of the said mortgage, and also that the said Sarah J. -McGowan claimed to have a second mortgage upon the said steamer from the said Bisbee to her to secure certain indebtedness due from him to her, and that she together with the said Wilkinson, were claiming to be entitled to the possession, held the said steamer and refused on demand to de liver her to said libellants. And praying pro cess against said steamer, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the same might be sold and the proceeds thereof be first appropria ted to the payment of the said secured debt, go as above assigned to, and belonging to libel lants, together with costs, charges and ex penses. ' - : j Now. in pursuance of the monition under the seal of the said Court to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming tne said steamer, ber tackle, apparel and furniture, or in any manner in terested therein, that they be and appear be fore the said Lis trict Court, to be held for Eastern District of North Carolina, at Wil mington, on the fourth Monday after the first xaonaay m April next, men and tnore to inter pose their claims and to make their allega tions in that behalf. ! Dated 29th day of February, 18S4. JOSHUA B. IIIIxL, Marshal. Per DANIEL KLEIN, Deputy Marshal. McEae & Strange, Proctors for Libellants. feb 29 lit i CLOSING OUT. W1 E ARE CLOSING OUT CERTAIN lines Of MEN'S BOOTS AT COST AND LESS THAN COST. It will pay to look at them before purchas ing elsewhere. WE OFFER BARGAINS ON THEM. Iaa Tf T?tTii A finna IXtJU Xl ULUULLill OQ OUUSj 108 NORTH FRONT ST. feb 2S New rJlusic. CUPERB SONGS." j THE LATEST Song k Folio published. Contains over 200 pages Choicest Songs. Fancy paper cover, 60c; nanasomeiy oouna ciotn, ?i. The "SONG WORLD." No. 1 and No. 2. the best 25c Book public hed; entirely new; Illus trated paper covers; each number, price zac i i ; SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY. New and beautiful pieces received every day. "When the Robins west Again. sweet violets." Scanlan'a Songs and all the popular pieces al ways on tana. M j As a special Inducement I will offer to my customers the following three SQz pieces of Music for 50c : "Little Rosebud Lip bo Fair," "Only a Rose Bud,,1 and "Sweet Face Waltz." Entire lot only Fifty Cents.- Just think of It. Every one pleasing and attractive. can early ana oxten at HEINSBERGER'S, fob 25 Live Book and Music Sure. Wanted. 1 - i 100 QUARRY HAND3,FORG0V- ernment work at Keystone Quarrfcti, on Cape i - . I Fear River, fourteen miles below Wilmington. fcb25-6teod ROSS 4 LARA. w. & E. S. LATIMER, Attorneys-at-Law. OCica S. E. Cor. Piinceas aad Water SU. jaa -7 i r Sale. T HAVE TWELVE COLONIES OF ITAL 1 AN BEES, la patent hives, which I will sell I cheap for cash. ." E. MclJOUGALL. "feb 25. - UiChestaatfitreet PLKAS5 JiOTICS. We will be glad to receive 7"nTTE,'m from our frlcnda on any aad all subject General Interest but H name of the writer mast always be fa alsbed to the Editor. ' f Communications mast fee wrttto oa! one aide cf the paper. Personalities must bo Avoided." And it Is especially and p&rt-ctLt&rly and stood that the Editor doc not always andot the views of correspondents iiti so atatt' In the editorial columns. : I MISCELLANEOUS JUST OPENED ! AT dLmIq i 1 UUoUUUn lW3. 316 Tw.arket St. FRENCH SOOES, Victoria and Persian Lawns, Pique, Marseilles, Chec 20,000 Yards' EMBROIDERIES! Hjj O 3E3 SJ. A FULL ASSORTMENT IN ALL NEW STYLE3 AND DESK NS. j BALANCE sOF ' I WINTER GOODS ! i i SELLING OUT VERY CHEAP, 1 TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. M. R?l. KATZ', 116 Market St. jan 21 I ! ! 25 CENTS A BOX I NOTHEE INVOICE OF OUR SPLENDID TOILET SOAP, 25 cents for box of 12 citei. this day received. This is a perfumed Toilet Soap which Is really good and cheap supply lng a want which has always existed. Wd are i ! i ' ' exhibiting a magnlGccBt line of Toilet' and Castile Soaps, all grades, and equally as cleap II i . '.. as our big drive. Please call If only to Inspect. li Respectfully, fob 13 MUNDS BROS. A DsROSSET, Cheap standard Vyorks, 59 GENTS EACH. HANDSOMELY BOUND JN CLOTH : ! - - ! I "I l W :.. onakespearc. Byron, Scott,1 Burns, Tenny. son, Owen Meredith, Macau ley, Jean Ingelow, Household Poems. 1001 Gems of Poetry, Green's History of the English People, S voU, LIfo of xsapoieon, jiattics or tno jtepuDue, Strickland's History of England, Dicken'a Chlld'd History of England, Grime's House. hold Stories, Robinson Crusoe. Swiss Family Robinson, Tom Brown at Rugby, Scottish Chiefs, Tbaddeus of Warsaw, Children of the Abbey, Arabian NighU, 20.0C0 Leagues Under the Sea. Tour of the World in 80 Days, Myste rioos Island, Paul and Virginia, Fox's Book of Martvrs, Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress, Ao., Ac Any of the above sent post paid apon thp receipt of the price. . O, W. YATES, i feb 251 119 Market St., Wilmington, N- C. TERRIBLE TNDEED IT IS TO HAVE TO EAT FOOD J. COOKED IN AN OLD (DILAPIDATED &TOVE. Indigestion, deadllver. bad temper. bad blood, an ugly face, all from that old Stove. Goto our House and get the CURE, for all these ills by buying one of our "Barley Sheafs," "Golden Harvest,' "Farmer" or "Southern Oaks" all good, and will smooth ' out that face at the head of the table. Only by PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. jfebtt Home's Garden Oysters ABE CONCEDED TO iJE THE BEST. They are to be had only at the Old North otaic oaioon, o. o, soutn xrnt be Jce col Laser Beer m eoecLaltr. The bct .v msxcy ana purest w Cisrars as Brood as the . . v - . . . . - purest Wines sokl lu the city. bezt. uaiisnu oe con- vinced. feb Shirt r.ade rilO ORDER OF B EST , WAMSUTT A Shirt X lng and No. 2100 Linen for the loir price of perfect fit and good substantial work ! antccd. Our patrons and customers are guar- fnvtt ed to call and leave their measure at the above remrkably low price at the Wilmington. Shirt factory. j. jSBAUff, rrop feb 20 if 27 Market t. We TJeglected rjlO PUBLISH OUR USUAL ADVERTISr- ment on Monday evening, but we did not i- . . ..: . - . I . : ; ! ' i sec lect our f xicttU. This wee k we offer our tuual assortment at prices equally at low a I heretofore and la some articles . perhaps a htr tie lower. WE DO NOT; SELL ADULTERATED ' - k: ' " SUGARS, . : bat the purest goods that can be obtained. ; 0 All bar goods will be sold s t the very lowest living: pTltJCS. J J. U. IIUUGINS A CO j feb ft . - " Slarcopyl 4 i t . u NAIN - s I ....

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