.:. j ; v; ; FLEASJ5 KOTICX." , Tf win be glad to recdv oowmTTBTrtrina this rU'SH ereniag. uw troza ocz friends on any and all collects general Interest but j The name of the writer nnst always fee fa 1 Pll 6T 0 josh albed to tne Editor. ; ; , Cos9mtinlcatIoasnxnst.be written en en! POSTAGE PAID: - ( - iL sC&rliyj: " 00. Tares onesldeof tne paper. Personalities must be aTolded." month. stt ' a4 !in b cfcarered by carriers free And It Is especially and particularly end stood that the Editor does not always endot the Ylers of correspondents unless so state In the editorial oolamns. i VOL. VIII. W ELMINGTON. N. C, MON DAY; MARCH 3. 1884 rfu Kt week. NO. 53 Tbe receipts of cottoa at this port V 114 'ZiAn. of any nacspaper to-day foot op 141 bales. Tri7hi Dublin audience day for Hamburg with 102 casks spirits OKif""" nrAiries are Unrrntina And 4.4-25 barrels rosin, val- ..iiilt Peat .Wnralion. nA t es 417.20. shiDDed by Messrs E. v-. - - - .r G. Barker & Co. fv-tf devoid of artiitic decoration. . .mnccd his with (liuuv- Some Corrections. There were one or two errors, made by the printer, in publishing on Satur day last the list of contributors in thi3 ADVERTISEMENTS NEW lAJVERTTSEMENTlS Mr. I,. t7 ontcmnt or the city to the cyclone sufferers. Messrs Worth & Worth gave $50. Messrs Wood 7 & Carrie 20. Mr. T. F. Bagley $5 and Mr. E.Lilly $5. Our excuse i3 that the report was received very late iew- , v rescnt season. am TK r.Mnrv'tnrr nMitinnnl StlbscriDtionS o'clock and was necessarily Behrends & Munroe. 8; D. A. Smith set up in a very great hurry. 8: cash 5 The subscription ot IS t . nnrirTtpr's KeDOrt. . i .. . rf counties in following is the number and iWdcnti eiec"-.- fears all. t of vesseU which arriyed at this J.-t eftbea have noce owu 6 We invito the attention of our citizens port durjDg tho month ended l?eb. r.ad wia te herd frooi Wis year. .foctihat first quality shirts are 29th: ; r" TZTTi.rJnil this week being macle to order at one dollar at the American 7 steamers. 5.385 tons ; 1 EJ.ta lwo.a I v Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. i,Pir ill tnnst 19 schooners. 5.543 tons, . a a m lien iv - - hjtfaagaw-'- - .. . f Q7 1L262 long There was onlv ono case lor i&e "wuakUH" " . ' . . nr.tnr', mnM-rRtion this moraine Foreign-17 barques. t .s tons MISCELLANEOUS. Wr aw tbon resume acting until i- . . :ti t ;rft for the aea A;nl5. wfcea ce S3. priU.lIly about ia worth rftoMT. or er IWOO Furniture. 1 ; 1 ' CEAFT3 U tho place your FUHKlTUftG to get, A nice fcecreUry and a nohuy Chamber FU CRAITls the leader of the rnmltnre trade. Ills goods arc tho best, yon know, that are made. . I - - I j i . Sovr for a list of goo& kept In store j i it mat mention a rew, don't as xor more: i There are Bedsteads and Bureaus, and all Kinna or cnairs, Some on the flret floor, others cp stairs.' Then come Washsi&nds, Tables and Mattress cs. an grades, i i With Sideboards. Wrltlss Desks and nice CLOTHING IS GOING AT HALF PRICE ! Ub,?2SaSS2rw eoJ Rocking Chairs and What Nots, wllh nro and six sneivcs; f Centre Tables marble toi others with wood. Spring Beds, medium, with others Tery good. Just think of his Cornices, the finest extension. Wllh so many other things too numerous to menntion. 1 ! Now glv CRAFT a call, he will treat you all ngnt; ! , His stock Is a marvel, In fact, It's a tight, i ' .men 3 . i In order to make room for the immense Spring Stock now on the road. ! CALL AT which was for disorderly conduct and upon which judgment was suspended. Knicrhts of llonor. Carolina Lodge No. 431. Regular early all consumed meeting this evening at i o'clock. Full I A. hnverer. I Attendance desired. it. besides 5.000 poaods oi wax wu4fc- . ,.-.ftii It is n I llli WW - f is the Ka?ife Tfl Amrrirn and foreiCTl. 44 vessels, aggregating 18.158 tons. The Phosphates. Xews and Observer: Gen. W. Gaston Lewis, of Edeccombe, is here. Chat ting with a reporter yesterday, he said that his investigations or tne deposits m DnDlin. Sampson. Pender and New w . . . . Hanover had shown that they were oi great Talue. Duplin county naa Deep . . . L 1 T,l. dit Iron U rcsun oi a W4 I o "r tho most thorougniy luvesugakeu. i V. Luu Tea his California ranch. a ud a grand timo generally. examinations are to continue, and it is "TV.. u t. The storm signal was up Saturday expected that beds even richer than any ... t r t rmnoi. w uu l 4v-i ... I ...... j ttii -w-w, - - night day yesterday and this morn yet discovered will De iounu. n is wjit- ported Lccccltbe most- " ! and it was not a vain warning. Linlv a bonanza for North Carolina, r i . .irtf tirrnaeu icauui "a - . . ia i:e xsj. 1 .. . I .. fc. hi trwlav some of tho Unri tha discoveries attract tne attention have ever known here. board. HBIKR' i Questions of; Economy MoJ;eska'i husband, the Count Those of our fellow citizens who went .1 her a nresent of a pair to New Orleans to attend the "Mardi (Sdlasond earrings the other Gras" returned yesterday morning. ? fL the result of a salo of tome having had a delightful trip, lots of fun THE OLD: RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. mch3 ... . t "r-0'?11.: moil disagreeable March winds wc 0f capitalists in all the; Atlantic sea Kii dra rfjrtj ujr his twemyiursii ? . L.-t tirtiisy. Fires in February . The fire department was called out .v i i n inn 1111 iiiiviiii ucuist biiiu is wa e-sv Jecunsgia that city, has pnbhclT cx-1 - of rk ia ti ic:ety. in the morning at St. and at night at St. f: is reported that Arabi will soon be i John's. Feb. 18th. 6.30 a. m. warehouse and stable at Noithrop& Cumming's mill was burned with contents, consisting of - f.nt;tv nf rice straw and some A Big Eagle. We were shown tosday the claws of a bald eagle which was killed a few days since on Messrs Larklns & Bowden's place, on the Sound. It must have been a very large bird from the appear ance of thelaws, which looked as if they wefe capable of sustaining a small child in the air. Lights o liondon IOPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY. MARCH 6,7,8, AND SATURDAY MATINEE. . . . l.ij I iTnn Tnatav. Tnmor'a no w ninrr T7i r. I H . . i &nrtt XTt CnnntrflolH Afnas. nanfir saVS: fcici szaia in txypt. as tno view uum - , - - machinery, carnage auuuu -w. a.w. - ir.7. X In speaking ol the above named PUT. I Wfrtjnj Ega by tim for tae improvement o ii,WUiw Tr insured, uause untt . . . .! t n flan, i nmt issno. ia a rcrv naDoaomu uuo. . r occsiri are lueauc! i - i reo. iiu. h.ju i'- unknown. :tn Gcnion. The latter believe in Araoi. uinbscrlbedtothofund for his de- Tie editor of the Vctr anJ Courier Ujnphcd to his paper." alter the mcet- fcl of the Democratic National Com- BlUee. that the Ilepublicans would bo left to ihspe tht fijht m the Presidcntia1 unpawn and that the Democratic platform would be constructed nega tirclj by the Republican National Convention. -- ... - Vollcc Coamisjioner Colton indorses SJscobs Oii, Lbo . wonderful pain-core. This is the blustering, windy month of March, and it has begunjas if it was determined to keep up its reputation. It has blowed hard ever since the month come in snd to day it has come from nearly every quarter of the compass. At 8 o'clock this morning it was South west and two hours later it was North- LOCAL NEWS. IISU TO IfW ADVtlTlStMUTS. tRxitx'sOoiMsc TiTLOR'S DlZXJUC UlU . Tios C.CaAiT, agt roraltura Jks WtR!i-Practical Barber Oxnusxaau PUnos and Organs Ctyxa llot ss ZJjcbti 0 London C w Tans Cheap Standard Works Kv.'-.ht r UuMoa Uffular MmUbx Mom Baos. A DEOoasrr DrufUU Kx&cii!(i.a A Calocx Baos Groceries Jacxao a BtLU-PrlnUBf. Blading. Ae ESramcM A Co Sportsman's Goods rAXixt ATatlok Ws are afaxehlnf On XcDorcALL A CowpEi-Cov Bides. Ac P L BxiDoxxs A Co Questions of Economy Bzilcess was rather dull on Water fcxee: tfcU morning. Scfcr. iw4ioy, hence, was below Baltimore Feb. 20th. Good congregations In all of the city Arches yeslerdiy. So far, the fruit in this section does aotseerato have been injured by the Birce Zinfjrclla, Deveraux, clear Mat New York. March 1st. for this port. Sous tood beef cattle have beea Jnvaiav oar market within the last daji Warch his coae la like unto the old ProTcrb-aj Uoa and we hope he will go wtass Iiab. Sed. baraua TtriLinnui. Larsen. k-0. lor Uaaburg. arrived at Plym .eg., Feb. 2Sth. ua are very scarce yet. witn no Pfofpects of a supply until warmer ww-ercoraes along. o tranps applied for lodgings at Vollce headquarters last night, but there 7 a plenty of them ia the city not- wiiisunding. Mr. John Mallard, corrtspondest itat of the G reeniboro rairioi.is ia the d;y and gave us the pleasure of a au Uu coon. aae urftat and beat stock of ractory price liatN. Jacobin . Hard- is a 32 column paper and nas in it an excellent miscellany of matter. Wo wish it much success. Published monthly at Durham N. C. east. Since then it every quarter. has ! blowed from If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the Ex celsior Penn., Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others, i They are to be found at factory prices at Jacobi s, who Is the manufacturers1 agent, t Slierht Fire. At about 11.45 o'clock this forenoon fire was discovered upon the roof of an old frame dwelling on the West side of Sixth street, near the bridge, by colored people. The alarm was given imme diately and the fire department was on hand with its usual promptitude, ine Phoenix, No. 1., of Brooklyn, was the first to arrive, as it was mucn tne nearest to the scene, and did excellent work. The flames were soon extinguish ed and the damage would not amount to more than $50 Tho Second Fire. At about 3:30 o'clock .his p. m.. the one-story Irame dwelling on Fourth, between Queen and Wooster streets. owned and occupied by, Mrs. Sarah Watson, was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was promptly civen, and the fire department turned but, but the building waa burned down, it being impossible to save it. The furniture was saved. No insurance. . Tho Third Fire. A few minutes after 4 o'clock p. m.. and before the second fire had fairly ceased burning, the alarm was again sounded, this time the fire being on Mulberry, between Front and Second streets, owned and occupied by Mr, Thomas Sykes, and caused by the ig nition of a spark upon the roof. Hand hoso in the yard was put in use to keep the fire la" check until a large hose from the water hydrant was brought into play, when the flames were soon extinguished . Damage slight and fully covered by insurance The Fourth Alarm Jnxt at our close the alarm sounded again, the fourth time to-day. j It was located at the Gas House, in the boutn era portion ot the city, but we could not leara tho particulars in time for this LIGHTS O' LONDON TTtirla. nimlr.Aa nf Shook & ColllOr. Proprietors Union Square Theatre, New YerK, .aia arum ceii i scenery ouu ai.Kju.aMai Effects. Enquire for Shook and Collier's Company appear ,afrM in ed at the Opera House last night, pre m. Fire caught in the t New York and London the naval f tore yard of Mr. A. Martin. BUCces3, entitled "The Lights o' Lon- on tho West sido of the river. Steam don." To enable his company to prp- Fire Eneino Little Giant was towed dace .tins fJ across tho river and did good work. Manager Collier carries with him the 500. the play. He has two cars of his own. i n-.nwmrn or nmir psnpi'iai i v mr Shocklos: Death. transporting the scenery and the wagons x u a.- i, Hrfid near used in hauling it to and from the Opera Joseph Atkinson, who Uvea near fnP tha acnom- Wilson's Mill, a small village 27 miles modation cf his company. Yesterday nMcKrwrr. rn the North Carolina cto o-a hands were kent at work plac IIUUl viuwu" " i .e - J 1 . Railroad was at that place yesterday, ing the scenery on the stage, and last uauroaa, was at .ht. tha audience was shown some of where ho drank quite freely, nesiariea tfaj bandsomest 5Cenery and stage to walk home upon the track, and when settings ever witnessed in this city. To he had gone a short distance, ho either properly produce'Lights o' London;" fell or laid dowa at a cattle gaaru .M gSSEuS " JS5T thrombi was olaced across the track at a road f f. , The niece is intended to crossing. Tho mail train from Raleigh mrnish a picture of life in the city of soon came along but neuner mo enji- tonaon. , ,.7sa noer nor fireman saw Atkinson untu ff'STlT they were close upon him. The latter acte(j Lights o' Lrondon," with its was caught by the cowcatcner anu scenery, stage mountings, ana interest carried some distance wnen ne uroppea mg pip "TnT and the train ran over him. mangling "S"- nim ieanuuy aauiuaiBfc iujwu. Hfar-Vi R at 11 a m Roco-ir'Ar! Rpatji 1. Admission (5. 50. Zoc. Sale of Seats begins Tuesday, March 4, at Dyers. I J Eainit. Kainits ENUISE GERMAN KAINIT. Imported JT direct. For sale by a mch3 ! KEBCH1SEK & CALDER BROS. Groceries. Groceries, GITATE T11E MIND Or OOBlAVKR asre citizen, and arc pcrplexlnr the I brains of ye ffreat statesman. Without going Into much discussion, we wish to quote a few points" below tho markct,and keep our friends from being cornerei." , j ' I .j.i i The gentlemen on the othei side seem tfls posed to answer, these questions of economy I i by soliciting your patronage on small things ' i 1 .1 - . thcrhby enabling you to save a few cenit each I 'I week or month. ; I I . t Now we propose to do as we have always done, ' . j , ; STUDYJHE INTERESTS OF OUR CUSTOMERS, and save them A FEW DOLLARS EACH WEEK, providing them, at the same time, with tho BEST ARTICLES OF FOOD'Obtahv able. P. L. BRID&ERS & 00. HO North Front St. mch 3 . i ' '. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Druggists, Market and Second Streets, OF VERT The deceased was a poor man ana leaves a wife and large family. This is a free county! sure, but you can't get Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup free oi charge; it costs you a quarter every time. DIED. MTVfTKT.HOEF Mrs. ANNA S.. wife of Mr. I M J. Dingelaoef, died of pneumonia, at her n wwldence on Fifth, near Chestnut street, on Accident to a AYliminfftonaia. Many ot our citizens were shocked to hear this morning of an accident to our former townsman, Mr. Fred C. Pois- I 1 V A V X7 HITITH III I 1 ftOD. WDO leifc utsru ouuio i miaeucv uu . . , ti Krnthpr. Mr. Dn. 1 Sunday, Marcn ma. a o coca. . xu. COmpaujr uu w.w i z Brutz Poisson. to maKe tneir luture NEy AI VEltTISJtlttlliN X. residence in Caliiornia. Through the 7T7777Z:nZZl courtesy lol their brother. Mr. Louis TODaCCO oClllllf U Ubl. J. Poisson, who received a letter con- AA B0XK5 and caddies sold with- three weekf. i oni ratm and Caddies to close consignment. Various Brands from 20 cents upwards. SAil'L BKaU, SB, mCh 3 JS Market Street taining the particulars, we learn that d .i f T;fi Hail I In they were on tao jiuii j.v.tUW Road, a few miles beyond Fort Worth, T..i when in (VJUHCU UCUW Jk U X CIU T, uuu, - broken rail, the sleeping car in whicn they were riding was pitched down an embankment and landed bottom np. The accident occurred at about z We Are Marching On, A ND keep the best, and best as- SOKTMENT.OF COOK STOVES ever offered. o'clock on Monday morning. Feb. 25th. pumps. Toilet Sets, Tin Ware, Sheet Lead, o cloct on Monaay m t. DcorVats. and other goods .in end variety. prjRE WHITE OIL. mch.Z a berth in the other end. The lormer not injured, and hastened Cow Hides, was to find bis brother as fast as TlDINO, BUGGY, WAf UV - . rin m., . . v --. sill HftT. JLt YT Alps. AXIfl UlXMCt w, possible, and when tne iaue pu sve was reached he was lound unconsaou. K'fSi; 'c. Repairing with a savage gash across his .forehead, promptly bowdkn. Strong and willing hands and arms Next to D A smith's Furniture store. assisted in cnUing a way out ot the car. . meh which was now on fire from the stoye Sportsman's UOOaS. wnicn naa ia " .rE have the finest assortment wounded man was soon placed beyond Y o f English and Belgium Breech Loaders a A nTiv1r.ian was SOOIX ever brought to this laarket. Also a flrst- laruiw xi . r- - cJjlM Btckof Shells. Wadding. rnmer.v . rtr which lac we can show a stock of Hardware, uopa resiorea 10 wuaiv"9 " -goods and guarantee prices. .Vpn hark to Fort V onn w. . ojrttuu. be was taKea oaca; mj x va tA John Dawson A Cc, where he is now receiving every possl bio attention and care. His brother is with him. The wounds, although se vere, are not considered dangerous, and It is thought that be will be able to re ... z - vV- n trrt niVS. tumo niS journey ia ntw. - mch! 19. Jl and a Market Stxeet FLOUR, BACOJS, SAL.T, HAY, 8tAP, SODA, MATUUJSS. TWINE, NAILS, RTIOAR. COFFEE. LARD. MOLASSES, MEAL, RIUB. CORN, OATS, LYE. i POTASH. STAECH, I CANDLES, PAPER, ! BAGS, AXLEGBEASE, BUCKETS, SHOT, CAPS, &C YFFEB A LIMITED LI MS fine Sponges, suitable for Nursery use at 23 cents each. bottle. Mark your clothtt and prevtnt being Indelible Ink. guaranteed good, 15 cent a lost ! ! A nico box of Face Powder, Pink or White, 10 cents. For sile by i Kerchner & Calder Bros. mch 3 . Complete Line of Drvgt Chemicals i ancy uooas. t snd P. S. Fine Soaps as usual, 25 cents dozen cakes. mcn ITJf-l ALMOST GIVEN AWAY ! S4.88. voiTT? nni.r.ARS AND EIGHT EIGHT cents for a LADY'S FINE IMPORTED HAT, worth Ten Dollars. S2.63. 9 Pianos and Organs. PIANOS AND ORGANS 8ULU AJ. : AlUS MOST MODERATE PRICE3 FOR CASH, OR ON THE POPULaJ MONTHLY jjr. I . STALMENT PLAN. At TWO DOLLARS AND ;8LXTY THREE cents for a LADY'S HAT, nicely trimmed, wonh Fire Dollars. HEINSBERGER'S, mch 3 Live Book and Mnste Store. S1.83. r TvnTT . n a xrn tTTflTt TV-TTT'R'R'R cents for a TRIMMED HAT, worth Two Dol- A 1 Llta rons I. a ouu axij vwhi UNTRIMMED HATS of every style &n( quaJity at equaUy low prices. The entire stock of Flewers, Feathers.Birds, Wings, 8atins and Velvets in all colors, will be sold at Remarkably Low prices. We have to mke room for our 8pring Stock, and nave consequently reduced the price of every arti cle In every department. Polo I ! Polo I Polo ! FORTY-THREE CENTS FOR A FINE, ALL Wool. Cashmere Polo Cap In aU colors, snlta ble for boys and girls, actual value One Dollar. Call and convince yourself at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR) 118 Market St. mch 3 WILMINGTON, N. C o 2. o 2 o K o The Excursion and Pic Nicj QTii .s is OVER AND THE THE ATRI St. avt ball Season has opened again. and JOHN WERNER, the practical German t r.V. V'Z? TUt m attend Now is the time to give Smith1 Worm KStweca iWaaniVroat. vntotog . M n g 3 a o S r ft CD R -J t o 8 m m P I I , C - a m at S -f e o o H 5 3 " O P p p 03 w I g 5 CP? o H K s C SI 3 B 5C City Drug Store. PERFECT RUSH FOR THE NEW Drug 8fre. Business good because goods are new and prices as low as any. In fact, noth ing old about the store except I J. W. CONOLET, Mansger. N B. Prescriptions compounded at all hours day and night. . mch 1 Cheap Standard Works. CO CENTS EACH; JJANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH : ohakespeare. Byron, Scott, Burns, Tenny son, owen Meredith, Macauley, Jean Ingelow, Household Poems. 1001 Gems of Jroetry, Green's History of the English People, 1 vols, Aire of Napoleon, Battles of the Republic. Strickland's History of England. Dlcken's Child' History of England, Grime's House hold 8tories, Robinson Crusoe, Swiss Family Robinson, Tom Brovrn at Rugby. Scottish Chiefs, Tbaddeus of Warsaw, cnudren of the Abbey, Arabian Nights, 20.OC0 Leagues Under tbe Sea, Tour of the Workl in 80 Days. Myste rious Island. Paul and Virginia, Fox'a Book of Martyrs. Banyan's Pllgrba Progress, Ac, . Any of the above sent post paid open tbe receipt of the price. c. W. YATES, j feb l 119 Market St. Wilmington; ' C. 1 Home s uaraen uysters ARK CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST. They are to be had only at the Old North btate Saloon, No. 6, South Iront St. ' Ice coel Lager Beer a peclal tT'Tht Whiskey ana purest Wines sold lu the city. Clzsrs as rood as the best. . Call and be eon ' vlnced. . - 1 febS2 5 and 10 cents Cigars,! HAVANA ITLLKRS. i Best in the city, are on sale. Drugs and Medicinal preparations of the highest grade at m .mnlItv.rn, Jan 11 Drug and Precrlption Store VJanted. Iflfl GOOD QUARRT HANDS, FOR Got erament work at Keystone Ojuarrlea, en .Cape Fear THrer. fourteen nllei below WOmlnrtoo. I- febStttCO-l K0S3ftJUtUA.

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