' ,; . FUUE irorics. ; W will be glad to rccaira cczpaxmgatlca frcai ocx trtends ca any aad aU tatjjecta ffecerallEtCTestbt- " 1 ' The aaae ot the writer nttst always U fa "aoatotJieEJaoT. ; I '-l- i' 1 JOSH T. JAMES, H PAID: U .1 r Mr months. fXOt. Tfcre Coajaunlcauonaxaiut bf wrUtea ea ea) - .w one tide of tba paper. - rcrsonAimcs muBt bo avoided. ... .tnTd bT carriers Ctm .T wli - " aT Prt of tbe dry. at tk abort 13 ctiu per week. -aaHla especUCy and partscnlarfr wad VOL; VIII. . WILMINGTON. N. C., TUESDAY. MARCH 4. 1884. tood that the Editor doc act altraya cadot NO. 54 wiTcapcnaeaia cafes to state "rr The fri1 Rcvicto has the largest New York -rT--mrnt house 10 JZC ic"" v ..,.,yO families. n ctn Victoria, it is said, has to pay Mc3 tcr mail matter just tho TtreJiTui. a joaoz violinist, who has tce b bcrvpcrformanco in GmiaJ. ii tiic daughter of a cobbler to Ued ianorenccL Ac'Us3a Iluwian dramatic au .vor crsed (Krofcky has just reccirrd i.JjoObe Emperor of Russia Mr. MacUs new Worth dress U to U craincatcd by two or three hundred w-crs of red breasts, and the tips oi her liors are to be finished with tiny robins. James Flood is estimated to bo worth ce hundred million "dollars. John W. Mickaj sixty millions, and James Ftir about forty millions. Less than tiirtj jcars aro not one of thcra was worth titty dol'ars. - TteTeapIeof Jerusalem, writes & sjecUl i'aris correspondent, is to be rtbuil. bj the combined effort and costribuUoss of twelve American nuiiosiiJ.twoof whom have already gone to Palestine to study on the pot U; ccj. efficient means or putting mto executioa their gigantic and costly pro . j- .... Tbs I'upe has jiren orders for the re moral of tie bolj oi Innocent III from rent to florae, where a splendid aoccaicS. will be erected to him. The rcratiajof Gregory VII will also be bnwjb: from Salermo and buried next to Alexander III, tho author of the taabinl league. So the three Popes wbohara fought most for the Church wL'I be all buried together in the grand Basilica. LOCAL NEWS. IIOa TO ICW AOVFSTIStMEITS. nnxsBKsorR Plxnofl andOrgtn . Jxo R. TUKaETIB-Crxo Fruit C W TATSS-Chrap J'tinctard Work a UU3rzSBS3si A DxQOMET DrnsflsU There was no City Court this morn ing ; Wood has advanced in price since the cold snap began. this The receipts of 'cotton to-tlay foot up 97 bales. at port One white tramp applied for lodging at the police headquarters li st night. This Is real. good, cold, healthy weather but it is quito a tax on the woodpile and coal bin. weunuerstanu mar trains are now run solid between this city and Charles ton. with the fame conductor, engineer i and engine. The Fires Yesterday. It was a subject of much comment this morning that with the freqent alarms ot fire yesterday the damage was oot cr eater. In fact it seems mar vellous that there was not an extensive and disastrous conflagration. The high wiqd which was blowing, the dry and combustible nature of the buildings aod every other condition were favorable to a most destructive conflagration Fortunately, however, only one build ing was destroyed. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS i i The Pavements. The work of paving North Water street has come to a standstill for the present owing to the the non arrival of. paving blocks. This is to be much regretted as it puts teams and dray as well as pedestrians on that important and much used street to considerable inconvenience. It is to be hoped that the delay will be of short duration. In The first strawberries of the season the meantime, however, the pavers are passed through hero this morning. at work on Dock, between Water and They were from Jacksonville for New Front streets, and are making favora A . 1 ork and Boston. hie rjrosrrcs3. and are nattine the street w wry i a. t r Tv . 1 Tho bagpipe and hautboy are again m nne conaiuon. ineporuonw heard unon our trwt. mnoh tn t h sirecc we nave aesiguaieu is now aoom r 9 I . - w delectation of the small hov nftlta rni. nail compieiea, ana - - j - - CLOTHING IS GOING AT HALF PRICE ! ' In order to make room for the immense Spring' Stock now on the road. ! illSCELLANEOUS. CALL AT MEM Furniture. V 13 1)18 rlaceroxrrjruitXITUnE to lc? TcrVsV aBd aflT Chamber Ft. VATi3 ,hole4ier of tbo rurnlturi tilde. IlUgocdaaxo tbo bt, you kaow, that are r.,oraU3torFOokplnetore- I II hut rceutlon a few, dot aak for more; There arp; Bedsteads and! Burt aua, aod all kinds of chair, i i SArac a tho flrt floor others sp statrs. Then como u ashsiand. Tablet and Mattretf oS. all pnradca, i wfioS brfoutSfve9sand CYlT' Centre Tablcs-niarbU top-otbcr with wood. j!!I?.c4iumwlra vi?y rood! Just ihlnk of his Urnicc,the flncat BTWn.lTn, With so many ether things too numerous tot mennilAn. frh.VIlArra ca". h0 at jon all nis stock is a marvel, in fact, lfi a tight. Executor's Nol ored persuasion. The City qf Nassau has ju3t arrived here with a fine cargo of West India fruit which is being sold rapidly by the consignee, Mr. John K. Turrentine. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts arc being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. it. the entire section will probably be finished before the ead of the week. THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. 1 J Superior Court. Historical. In Holly township. Fender county. near the banks of the Northeast River, stands Lillington Hall, formerly the property and residence of General John Alexander Lillington, of Revolutionary fame. Near the house there stands the" mch3 Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regus lar session last night. 1 In one vear from to-dav a Democratic Drobabl v it is the largest in the State. president will be inangu rated. We It is more than a century old and the know who it will b3. but will not tell trunk now measures fourteen feet in for fear that tho other aspirants will circumference, while some of its not bo happy. i branches are lorty feet long. An en- Exports Forelffn. ra2 of ftbis fre? a"? he "Hal1 ca .,nffiu nom icQi rM from a drawmg made in 1851 by the &to Air. unanes a. uun. au Thft ITinanrto f!nmmitio mrrrt at in largest magnolia tree in this section and matter of the lost bond3 of M m Mary E. Smith, recommending that Wilmington. "I once " says tho London Irtith, "came across an aged physician at New cotton 890 bales, $41,400; rosin 35.934 barrels, $54,450; tar 7.903 barrels, $12,975; pitce 277 barrels, $825; lum ber 9C3.000 feet. 16. 185: shinele3 209. Lcadon. in tho United States. 1 asked miscellaneous mas tla why he lived there. He said that a toiai oi gi.esa. Ittid visited graveyards in all parts Exports Forelffn. ct tie world and noted tno averago age Dan. barque Louise. Ilansen, cleared ct death. Having found that tho aver- to-day' for Ixjndon with 1.526 casks are was hlgbcst in New London, and spirits turpentine and 727 barrels rosin. be;cj desirous oi innaDtling tms planet valued at $25 978.87. shipped by aPnnr I n.Phif The Lillington Hall land was patents conjition the bonds and interest be paid, as sug gested by the City Attorney. Adopted. An ordinance, reported by the Com mittee on Streets and Wharves, was adopted", ooncernine the tearing up of street pavements for the purpose of lay ing gas and water pipe. ' The Committee on Lights reported that the street lamps were now in good itice. the last will an1 testament of Bachael A. Lazarus. noUca la hrth 7n JrJ- havlnK data. ag-inii hereuio to ;t thS same 1 3 me on or before the 19th Februarv. isas. feb 10 law6w tues Executor State of North Carolina, New Hanover Connty. W. B. Kenan and oihers, rialnlllTj, J 'I'-' ' W. B. McKoy, Aaslgnee of t U. McKoy, and others, Defendants. j Notice to Creditordfto fllo claims. i j k ') ' Pursuant to an order of tho Superior Court of New Kanovcr County, made in the abova entitled action, which L a creditor's bill br Plaintiff in behalf of themselves and all other creditors of Thomas II. McKoy, who shall come in and contribute to the expenses of the action, tho undersigned, Referee appointed for the purpose, hereby notifies all creditors of Thnn,H IT. MaKTiv j Yfyf fibril IT1 hlsofhcein the City of W liming on and file o wi ii eviuences oi ineir respective culms om or be- I JUST ABRIVED. EXSCHR CITY OF NAS- llgSS cSpo? A. U. 1MCAUD, DIED. FOLEY In Baltimore, yesterday, March 3d, at 2.30 o'clock, p. m., or dropsy of the heart, Capt. RICHARD F. FOLEY, aged.52 years. Interment at Baltimore. ed May 6th, 173 0 ; the grant reserving J the rents, duties and one-half of all! gold and silver mines. The grant was headed. "Georee the Second, By the Grace of God. of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith &c and was signed, "Gabriel Johnston, Captain General and Goy- The "Hall" mansion of as iodj aa protoic, uo uu H Messrs. raierson, owning ds vo.. ana was built in n65, some of the bricks abode there." 1 500 casks SDirits turDentine. valued at I i : u, I USCU ili lia bUUDtlUbUUU uaitufe UbVU S8.5H. shipped by j Messrs. D. R. brought from England and carried up aiurcnison cs maimg an aggregate he Northeast River, a distance of fifty po"j loreisu aaiuunwos milo3 from Wilmington, to a place 4W.07. A Hartford. Coun.. lad is making He has boujhl icTeril boxes of safety malehes with two foiling, strips on each box. He Uars off on strip and pfsj it upon hij trousers, and the sub- oiaea: proccciitojs he tells tUU way: Sundry petitions for tho erection wooden buildings were granted. Petition of the Bicycle Club for the use of the City Hall was not granted. Petition ofJ G. Craig was referred to the Finance committee to investigate. Petition of Spots wood Allen and others in relation to market privileges was referred to committee on Markets ; as was, also, a petition from Rhoda Carttr. Communication from E. A. Orrell, Clerk of the Market, was referred to SAU, consisting of Call early. ORANGE!. BANANAS. SAPPADILOES and PU1 PUMPKaNS. mch4 It JNO. R. TURRENTINE. feb 19-Cw tucs Referee. OPERA HOUSE. THUBSDAY. BIAKCII O, 7, 8, AND SATURDAY MATINEE. Munds Bros. & DeRoset, Drugglats, Market and Second Streets, QFFER A LIMITED LINE OF VERY flno Sponges, suitablo for Nursery uo atS5 cents each. I. 13 Li indelible Ink. guaranteed rood. 13 cent a T TnTTmn "V T XTTaxt wc. bt prevent otmg known as "Brick Chimney," without ADDlications for the use of the Cifcy mis Aiioriioonsiire. ureanwK. WBO Hall on the niehtsoi the 17th and 18th ine alarm oi lire tuts aiternoon quite aa imponaat poim at mat ume jnats wcre cranted M. f . ST 9 t mm. ,M a I mm tnAl 1 A f K1A flfl fnw I T Came irom mo reSlUenCO OI Xir. J. uu vwuia uscvi W .o I ThA mrnf nVAmAnf r.n Vrnnt PMonn nnd nthpr nrodncts tor nclanJ. as I . . . . . mcui ma oojj mej can i ;ut "'"tB'"! vnwu vusuui, - ' I between rJun ana uaarca streets, was tie matches except on the box, and l and Mulberry streets. The fire caught there was notning men to oosiruet nav- referred to the committee on Streets In a room on tho aacand floor, in tho lzation. in iecemoer,' 1001, mis une rear, and when first discovered tho back property was purchased by Daniel part of the house was all in flames. I onaw, isq., wno is its present propria Tho fire departmcni was ouickly on tor and -occupant. wist. Tbea I bets tbem I can, and I reaches down where that is pinned and I strikes it on my clothes and lights IUW and Wharves. The board then adjourned. County Commissioners. Girinj up seats to women has almost rctirtlj coce out or fashion !q tbe tinted cars in New York. Old vcaea are an execution in this new rule of railroading, and when .the cars an crowded with mechanics and work iszwoaea mixed in with shoppers in hand and managed to save the shell of the bouse, but the interior of tho beau tiful residence was badly burnt. I Much of tho furniture was also destroy ed. Tho origin of tho fire is unknown but it is supposed to have caught from On the opposite side of the river, and The Board met in regular session lower down, is "Moseley Hall." The yesterday afternoon. A pfwtlrn f!ii Thn hnuan !a lntnrfl lieir finery tho laborers will relinquish probably to the'extent of the loss, in the -r seats readily to tuose whoso dress sarlj betokens toil, but never to next plantation was known as Groen-j fields; Moorefields came next and then the plantation now known as Excelsior," owned by Messrs. French Bros. , but then known as "Vats." ln- The Treasurer submitted his reoort for the month of February, as follows. General fund, balance on hand 23, 219.26 Education lund, balance on hand $18,806.64. Twenty coupons of the denomination ttose who are arrayed for leisure. dieo was the principal crop grown for r:i.: u i t,..m I market on this ntantation and where Of S3 .each were exUiblted and aes m ituiiUKMu iiiubudi iuutauvg wuui- I - o . I . . I . i ii f i l r i rf-v f the old Lane mansion formerly stood, Ltroyea in mo presence 01 me xoaru kji Ded3 of phosphate rock are now quarried the general fund $6 500 is in the shape nd manufactured into carbon ot a certincate or aeposic wun me j? irsi pany. Death of Capt. Foley. We regret to hear of the death in Bal timore yesterday, of dropsy of the heart, of Capt. Richard F. Foley. In years well known in Colonel NT. F. Vilas, the "clarion red exponent of Wisconsin's Daocracy, joins Henry Waltcrson in - wiia thiuhoseDemocrats who don't I past Cpt. Foley was tis to train under the standard of free Wilmington where ho has now many fcJe would leaTe the party. He likes warm friends who will grieve to hear &t Morriioa tarifl bill, and sees, in his of his departure. He married .a sister fcistfi-tje more than "one" ilepnbli- of Mrs. E. Warren, ot this city, who atikinjup arms for it. Tho country a daughter of Mrs. Steward, of 4wiit to know who that onenIle- Smithville, and for years resided in FCXicaa is who wants to ahonlder -"a I that town He was in command of a Jailet ia faror of horizontal tariff re-1 blockade runner during tho war and Uoa. made a number, of successful trips. Since tho close of the war he has been In command of the steamer Talbot, running between Baltimore and Saavn nab, but about a year ago was com pelled to relinquish the position because ot failing of health. About. twolmonths ago, in consequence of the advice of his physician he a change of . air and C- Ccahtnr's tvnAml hah!t i pws Allhoah a m0st charm- , aa agreeable conyersa' jj-aaaioadof the Uble, where u tlmyg dtllghtful, he waa a T-arycia. His wife, a bright and axiahJa r l . -j Z:., d Jatcmts in a way some- goorht taw, . dicd yon. -d he United Wilmington and SmithviUe, but ej u V and nJ returned to Baltimore to die. His re- "4Wla a. wit..;.. i:r r .i . . . - iwi, - mains were lnterroa m mat city lo-aay. U hid a home ia Newburjport, , -- wc:B.n.fe.j. .. Ulirtrlnir Dastv Diamonds. Coibeeulnd, Md. The Daily Xctcs published this : Among miners and tbe people generally, the greatest faith exists as to the wonderful pain-caring crve power of St. Jacobs OU. of r,6 wa are of finding him there -oe able to aartaln hra K mm w f 1J. and do you ili good through trxl Y' "oia.oa.V irtne. it Is beyond iioontCtr tl mea ana places, windows. Doors. Blinds &o. and at j. w a baj mar imii k. . - w - - tr.U l. iTf I Factory prices is at N. Jacobfs The largest and best stock warn Depot. Hard, t phosphate," for fertilizing purposes, -National wans. and shipped by railroad and steamboat The Register of Deeds submitted his to all sections of tho State. report of fees received from marriage Tho next old settlement was 'Hyrne licenses during the month ot February, ham," which was built in 1750. The 1 amounting to i .'j, ana exnibited me Wilmingfbn and Weldon Railroad now j Treasurers receipt for same. Ordered runs past this place. Near the railroad received and place on file. is "The Oaks," once the happy home Stacey VanAmnnge, Uerk of the of Col. Samuel Swan. The proprietors Superior Court, reported the collection of these plantations, consistinz of the I of SiJo Irom tne Ulaaen bteamboat Ashes Mosless. LiUIngtons, Moore's Company and exhibited the Treasurer's Swans and Hyrnes were all in affluent receipt for the same, circumstances and .their hospitality The application of J. S. Bordeaux, was proverbial The society was res for license to retail j spirituous liquors, fined and elegant, and the some of the was granted. toilets worn by the ladies at weddings The petition of Hosea Shepard and and balls were of most exquisite others to the Board to the levy a spe and expensive furies. They lived ia g-Uxtor purposes white luxury, and when assembled at one of local assessment act, was granted, their grand dinners, which were fre- The Board proceeded to draw tho quently given, 'the largest punch-bowl regular venire of jurors for the April was put in requisition, and the toast: f the Cnminal Ctourt. which con- w Jim m iuwmuu, uu wo renas on Iho first Monday in said Be ours to-night who knows what m0nth, as follows: I comes to-morrow," T S Tolar. James Smith, John C was the universal sentiment. Heyer, James G Walton, Richard w 1 v. mm -m. m . . m V f 111 AtthatUme the portion of Tender ij w iunews, a o mil. Crair. Jamca H Line. W H Nash. glorious resort for the hunter ana George Haniss. Gilbert AVilliams, Under tho auspices of Shook & Collier. Proprietors Union Square Theatre, New York, Magnificent Scenery and Mechanical , Effects.! Wanted ICO Snpcrnumeries. Enquire for oiage mapager, at upera Mouse, Thursday, March 6, at 11 a.m. Reserved Seats el. Admission 75, 60, 23c Sale of Seats begins Tuesday, March 4, at Dyers. mch 3 A nice box of Face Powder. Pink or Whit a. 10 cents. Complete Line Fancy Goods. P. S. Fine cakes. of Drags, Chemicals and . i Soaps as usual, 25 cents dozen mch 1 Pianos and Organs, Kainit. Kainit. fENUINE GERMAN KAINIT. Imported mch 3 KEBCHNEB & C ALDER BROS. plANOS AND ORGANS SOLD AT THE MOST MODERATE PRICES Groceries. Groceries, FLOUR, BACON, 8ALT, HAY, RAP. SODA, MATCHES. TWINE, NA1L8, SUGAR, LARD, MEAL, CORN, LYE. STARCH, JTAfJSK, COFFEE, MOLASSES, RICK, OATS, POTA8H, CANDLES, FOR CASH, AXLEGBE1SE, BUCKETS, SHOT, CAPS, 4c. OR ON THE POPULAR MONTHLY IN 8TALMENT PLAN. At HEINSBERGERISj mch 3 Lire Book and Mnsld 8 tor. For sale by City Drug Store. ii Jiercnner & uaiuer isros. a pkrect rush for the new Drug -Tk i - VttlUCA -"A U3 A StAre. BttlDCssgood because Koods aro " i i ni'w h in l nnrva n m innr a saftw We Are Marching On, ND KEEP THE BEST, AND BEST AS SOKTMENT.OF COOK STOVES ever offered. Pnmnj Trtllaf Unlet rTtn U7..A WKaa T ,1 uoqt juais, ana ocner gooas in ena less variety. PURE WHITE OIL. mch 3 Cow Hides. Rimau, JBUUtfY, WAGON AND DRAY "our"'u rofsma. iwi uems or ffetry, Whips. Axle Grease. Neatsfoot Oil, Har- Green's History of the English Pejople, 2 yo&. In tiLf t noth. i . i . i . 9 iuy uiu nuuuv uic Bioro except J. w.COiNoLEY, Manager. N B Prescriptions -compounded at all hours day and night. I mch I j ! j ' Cheap Standard WoHcs. I ' -GO CENTS EACuJI : JJANDSOMELri BOUND JN CLOTH i ; ' cnakeepeare Brron, Scott. Barns. Tennr. son, twen Meredith, Macauley, Jean f ngelow. ness Oil. BlacklDsr. Harness Soan. orel and Dandy Bru&hes. Currv Combs, baddlerv Goods of all kinds. Buggies, Drays, Ac. Repairing promptly done ! I MCLHJUHALL Si BOWDEN, I Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store, mch 3 Sportsman's Goods. XTB HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT iff of English and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also a flrst- cass stock of Shells, wadding, Primers,Cart ridge Bags, Gun Caps, Game Bags. c. In fact we can show a stock1 of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. W. E. SPRINGER A CO., Successors to John Davson & Co., mch 3 1 19.21 and 23 Market Ptieet 5S t-S i 2 o m K O P o o o m o o fisher. Tbe forests abounded with deer I and wild turkeys, while the streams furnished sturgeon, shad, trout and perch ia almost limitless supply. Mike Carroll. James N lacomber, J Cr Wright, H L Horn. J H Strausr, S W Holdea. Robert C Orrell. F C Sin fletary, Charles Capps. Wm Hurst. w u jonnson. Joan tirDgn, 11 uniau, S J Jones, John S Gibson, J W Taj- u ; O i 5 T o o P 3 3 ST p s mmt O 9 m 3 -t S3 t 3? O 3 n o P SJ & E So fcd 3" Llie of .Napoleon. Battles of tho lnnhiir. Strickland's History of England, Oiclen's ChlM'd History of England, Grime's House hold Ptortes, ftoblnson Crusoe, 8wis Kvmllr Hoblnson, Tom Brorrn at Rngbr. hcoftsb Chiefs, Thad'leas of Warsaw,' Children of the ' Abbey, Arabian Nights, 20,0 0 Leagues Under the Sea, Tour of the World in 80 Days, Myste rious island, Paul and Virginia, Fox's Book of Martvrs, Hunyan's Pilgrim Progress. Ac. Ac. Any of the above sent post paid upon the receipt of tbe price i'.. W., i YATES, feb 51 119 Market St . Wilmington. X C. Home's Garden , Oysters ARE CONOEDED TO BE TIIK! ! BE8T. They are to be had only at tae Old North btato Saloon, No. C, South root lit. Ice cool Lager Beer a specialty. The best Whiskey and purest Wines sold la the city. Tlnced. febW g 5 and 10 cents Cigars, s p. o p. 1 93 3 55 i X 'P' A o -i x Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Mr. Oil. lyd w I Tfce Beard th?a adjourned. Interestine to.Fishermen: The cele brated "Fish" Brand Gillinj: thread is old only at Jaooei's. He is the Im porter's cent. f HAVANA FILLERS, , Best in the dry, aro on sale. Drugs and Medicinal trenara.tlans tit th highest grade at JNO. T. 8CHONW AID'S, ; Jan 11 ! Drug and Precrlption 8tora The Excursion and Pic iNIc gEASJN IS OVER AND THE THeItRI- CAL AND BALL Beason has opened igara, and JOHN WERNER, the practical German Barber and Perfumer, Is personally la attend anoa at his Hair Dressing tfaloon. 29 Market Street, between .Water and JYoat, WUmbig ton. N . C I i men Tobacco Selling Fast; 300 BOXES AND CADDIES SOLD with In (Iitm w V m . m ' 20J Boxes and Caddies to close consignment, i Vaxlouf Urand from 20 cents opwanls, . SAll'L BEAR, Bay mens rs Market fi&wt